Lettings Agreement 2020-2021 - Raglan Primary School and Nursery Connect Schools Academy Trust

Page created by Connie Vasquez
Lettings Agreement 2020-2021 - Raglan Primary School and Nursery Connect Schools Academy Trust
Raglan Primary School and Nursery
      Connect Schools Academy Trust

Lettings Agreement

Raglan Primary School and Nursery
                                 Connect Schools Academy Trust

        Proposed Club/Letting Name:

       I confirm that I have read, understood
        and will adhere to the Agreement Terms and Conditions
        of the Letting 2020-2021

       Appendix 1 - Application for use of Premises
        Out of Normal Hours (if applicable)

       Appendix 2 – Read information relating to Clubs / Activities
        For Students 4-16 (if applicable)

       Appendix 3 – Signed the Safeguarding Declaration reference
        Clubs 4- 16 (if applicable)

       Provide the School with a Risk Assessment

       Provide a copy of Public Liability Insurance

Contact Name:


Email Address:

Contact Number:


                                 Raglan Primary School and Nursery
                                            Raglan Road
                                              BR2 9NL
                                          020 8460 6558
                     Letting Manager Rae Liddell RLiddell@raglan.bromley.sch.uk

        Please save the Site Manager’s contact details in case of an out of hours emergency

                               Mark Bestwick 07456041064
                               Rae Liddell 07905097074
                               Kath Margetts 079413596035

Raglan Primary School and Nursery
                              Connect Schools Academy Trust

                            TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF LETTINGS

   Enquiries for the hire of the School Premises should made with the Office Manager at Raglan
    Primary School. Applicants are advised to visit the School to ascertain the suitability of the
    premises for the purpose of hire. All applications must be made using the Lettings Agreement.
    The School reserves the right to refuse an application.

   The cost of hiring the premises will be reviewed annually by the Governing Body.

   All commercial users (a commercial user is regarded as a person/organisation which hires the
    premises and may make a personal financial gain or business profit from the letting or an
    organisation which has a separate legal status) MUST have their own insurance cover including
    public liability. The hirer must have insurance and a copy given to Raglan. It is the
    responsibility of the hirer to send renewed insurance policy documents to School.

   A Risk Assessment must be completed and a copy given to the school.

   The hirer takes all responsibility for the safety of all persons related to the club whilst on the
    school premises including the playground.

   The hirer must be over 18 years of age.

   The School reserves the right to cancel the hiring of premises, should the School require the
    premises for educational or local government purposes or in order that maintenance tasks can
    be undertaken. Every effort will be made to give at least one week’s notice of such a
    cancellation. If the notice is less than a week, hire charges will be refunded. The School shall not
    however, be under any liability for any loss incurred by the hirer.

   The School reserves the right of entry to the premises hired at all times as the School may deem
    necessary for the proper supervision of the premises.

   Permission to use the premises is personal to the hirer who may NOT therefore assign it or sub-
    let the use of the premises in any way.

   The School grounds will not be available to hirers who wish to stage any event using
    pyrotechnics and the construction of any object with the purpose to ignite such an object.

   The hirers shall undertake to see that the premises are used in an orderly way and for the
    purpose for which they are expressly hired.

   If the booking is for a weekend or after school hours, the hirer agrees that the accommodation
    rented (Studio, Hall etc) will be left secure (ie windows closed and doors locked).

   The School does not accept any responsibility for the loss or damage to any goods, cars or
    personal effects belonging to the hirer or members of their organisation, association, clubs or to
    any other person present at the time of hiring.

   Health & Safety precautions must be observed at all times when using the premises.

Raglan Primary School and Nursery
                              Connect Schools Academy Trust

   The person or persons hiring the premises for the use of entertainment for children or any
    entertainment, to which children will be admitted, shall accept full responsibility for all the
    arrangements made.

   The School cannot guarantee the presence of a qualified first aider. The group organiser using
    the School accommodation should ensure they risk assess their particular activity and determine
    their first aid needs, taking into account their client group. The Hirer is responsible for having
    their own first aid equipment.

   The hirer should ensure that a member of the group has been designated as First Aider and is
    competent enough for such a role and its requirements.

   All hiring is subject to the hirer or his/her authorised representative occupying and using the
    premises at the stated times.

   If the person responsible intends to have children in their club/activity, they must read and
    agree to uphold the conditions in Appendix 2 (Clubs/ Activities involving student 4-16 years).

   The School does not allow any form of gambling to take place on its premises and all fund
    raising events must be approved before the letting has been confirmed by the School.

   There will be NO SMOKING within School premises at all times.

   No intoxicants or alcoholic beverages are allowed on the premises without the authority of the
    Headteacher and appropriate licences being obtained.

   All hirers are to ensure that the premises are kept in a clean and tidy state while hiring is in
    progress, and also to ensure that the premises are left in a similar condition after hiring has
    taken place including the toilet facilities. An admin fee for time spent clearing will be leveed if
    the premises are not left in the condition in which it was found.

   The School does not permit overnight letting at any time.

   In case of long-term lettings, invoices will be issued monthly in advance. Payment is required
    within thirty days of the date of the invoice.

   On no account shall hirers offer a gratuity payment to the caretaker on duty for the School.
    Donations to the School will be accepted through the normal channels, i.e. the School Office.

   Dates of hire to be agreed termly in advance. Once agreed, refunds will only be paid out or
    credits given if a session is cancelled by the hirer with at least one month’s notice in writing.
    Otherwise, the hiring charges will have to be paid in full.

   If the School needs to cancel or terminate the letting a minimum of half terms notice will be
    given. However, if the school is forced to close because of circumstances beyond our control or
    a force majeure, letting fees will be credited or refunded.

   All accommodation will have the use of toilet facilities. Please note that the facility may not be
    suitable for certain activities and age groups.

Raglan Primary School and Nursery
                             Connect Schools Academy Trust

   The school will refuse to let the premise to an organisation which has unlawful/extremist or
    racist background or shows any form of discrimination.

   The School will not be responsible for the promotion and administration of any hirer’s events or
    regular meetings.

   The School has the right to check and monitor that the terms and conditions are being adhered

   Hirer must ensure that no unauthorised persons have access to the building.

   The person responsible for each club/activity must phone the Site Manager if they are
    concerned that an intruder has entered the building.

   The police must also be called if an intruder has entered or is suspected of entering the

   The hirer should ensure that the Site Manager will not encounter verbal or physical abuse from
    the hirer or his/her staff and or a member of the public involved in the activity.

   Any damage to the property or contents arising out of the letting must be made good at the
    expense of the hirer to the satisfaction of the School. All damage and breakages to be
    reported as soon as possible.

   Please note: If there is a breach in the terms and conditions it could lead to the immediate
    termination of the hiring of the premises.

   Ad hoc lettings must be paid in advance of booking.

Raglan Primary School and Nursery
                                 Connect Schools Academy Trust
                                                                      APPENDIX 1
Applicants for the use of education premises are requested to submit this form to the Office Manager
of Raglan Primary School. If the request is granted, an authority for use of the premises will be issued
together with an invoice for payment as appropriate.

Name of Body making application:

If Youth Organisation, are you registered with the Borough? YES/NO

Nature of Letting (Meeting, Concert etc.):

Number of persons to use the accommodation:__________________
(Please state whether adults or children under 16)

Accommodation required: ____________________________________
(Please be specific – Gym, Studio, Hall)

No. of chairs required:______________        Is use of the piano required?    YES/NO

No. of tables required: _____________        Is use of the servery required   YES/NO

Will intoxicating liquor be served? YES/NO           Will there be music and dancing? YES/NO
(In no case to be sold on the premises)

Accommodation required on: (Attach separate schedule if necessary)
                    DAY                       DATE                    FROM (TIME) TO

Name and Address of person responsible: Mr/Mrs/Miss
Daytime telephone no:______________________________________

Does the hirer have public liability insurance? YES/NO (If yes please attach a copy of the schedule). It
is the responsibility of the hirer to send renewed insurance policy documents to School along with Risk

I hereby make an application for the use of the accommodation and facilities stated above and upon
application being granted, I undertake to pay in advance the charges in respect thereof and to accept
and comply with the Terms & Conditions of Lettings, a copy of which I have received. I declare that I
am over the age of 18. Signature of Applicant:_____________________________Date:_________
Raglan Primary School and Nursery
                                  Connect Schools Academy Trust

                                                                                                APPENDIX 2

Once the club / activity is up and running it is essential that the club leaders should have:

      Weekly register of attendance and the necessary contact numbers of parents.
      Written health forms should be obtained pertaining to any illness/allergy.
      If the club takes place directly after school, provide the office with a list of pupils attending the
       club with the child’s registration class to enable easy distribution of the list. This list must be sent
       to the school office weekly if there are any additions or changes to pupils.
      In the case of clubs that take place directly after school, club registration should take place
       straight away and the office alerted if a pupil fails to turn up for the club.
      Report and complete the appropriate forms in the event of an accident or any serious incidents.
      Understand that the person responsible for running the club cannot rely on the School staff for
       help or First Aid.
      Children are not allowed to walk home on their own, unless you have a written arrangement
       with the parent (Years 6 only).
      The care and supervision of the children in their care is paramount and their safety must come
      The persons responsible for running the club MUST not leave any children in his/her care
       unattended at any time.
      In the event that a child is not collected they need to have a procedure for alerting the parent
       using their contact list and not expect the School to intervene to provide numbers.
      There should be sufficient ratio of staff to handle an emergency eg. a child is lost or is poorly
       during a session.

      The person responsible for the club/activity must take the children from or to the access point at
       the beginning and end of the session and hand the children over to the ‘named’ person who has
       authorisation to collect them. If children attend the After School Club (Safari Club) they must be
       escorted to the Studio where the club is held and handed to a member of the After School Club.

      Parents will be asked to wait outside the designated exit point just outside the doors in the KS2
       playground at the end of the session. Parents / carers need to understand that they will not be
       allowed to enter the building at the end of the session.

      The hirer has reviewed its responsibilities under the Data Protection Act 2018 (incorporating
       GDPR) and has taken appropriate technical and organisational measures to secure data
       subjects' rights.

Raglan Primary School and Nursery
                                  Connect Schools Academy Trust

       The club leader must sign in and out using the Inventry sign in system.
                                                                                            APPENDIX 3
        Safeguarding Declaration to be signed by the applicant (Clubs 4-16)

       I have carried out all relevant checks (see below) of helpers/staff before they are permitted to
        be involved in the provision of our activity/service at the School;
       I will keep and maintain records of such checks;
       I will allow a person authorised by the School to inspect such records at any reasonable time;
       I will provide the School with any DBS disclosable information (or the company has received
        information in accordance with the Police Act 1997) for consideration by the School.

       Relevant checks

       The following checks are required to have been completed before any individual can be
       involved in activities at the School:
        verification of identity against an official document containing a photograph of the individual,
         such as a passport or photo card driving licence;
        verification of address against a utility bill from within the last three months;
        an Enhanced Disclosure from the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS)
        a check of the Children's Barred List*
        receipt of two satisfactory written references and confirmation that there are no concerns about
         the individual working with children;
        verification of their right to work in the United Kingdom;
        where a person has lived outside the United Kingdom, an overseas criminal records check or
         other appropriate check is required.

Signature of Applicant:______________________________________


I________________________________________________________(name of individual)

Of______________________________________________________(name of company) confirm that
the staff I employ to work in the above School for our club(s) have been subject to the checks outlined


Raglan Primary School and Nursery
                                 Connect Schools Academy Trust

                                  RAGLAN PRIMARY SCHOOL
                                     LETTING CHARGES

ROOM                              SESSION                                    CHARGE
Lunch time- Garden           Weekday Per Hour                                £20 per hour
Room/Class Room/
Studio/Gym/ Hall
Gym, Studio                  Clubs 3.30 to 6.00 Weekdays                     £20 per hour
Lower Hall
Middle Hall
Gym, Studio                  Weekday evening from                            £25 per hour
Lower/Middle Hall            6.00 pm onwards                                 (minimum 2 hours)
Gym, Studio                  Half Term - Weekday Per Hour from               £25 per hour
Lower/Middle Hall            Morning until 4pm                               (minimum 2 hours)
Gym, Studio                  Saturday Morning up to 6.00p.m.                 £30 per hour
Lower/Middle Hall                                                            (minimum 2 hours)
Gym, Studio                  Sunday Morning to 1.00p.m.                      £30 per hour
Lower/Middle Hall                                                            (minimum 2 hours)
Gym, Studio                  Sunday Afternoon 1.00 – 6.00p.m                 £45 per hour
Lower/Middle Hall                                                            (minimum 2 hours)
Gym, Studio                  Saturday evening from 6.00p.m.                  £55 per hour
Lower/Middle Hall                                                            (minimum 2 hours)
Gym, Studio                  Sunday evening from 6.00p.m                     £60 per hour
Lower/Middle Hall                                                            (minimum 2 hours)
Halls/Rooms for                                                              Discretion of the
Charitable clubs                                                             Headteacher

Note: Sessions have to be booked in hourly or half hourly slots.
The school retains the right to waive/reduce charges in exceptional cases.

Raglan Primary School and Nursery
                              Connect Schools Academy Trust

                                                                               APPENDIX 1

Date issued………………………

Persons in charge:         Hirer: ...............................
                           Raglan : Caretaker : Mark Bestwick, Headteacher Kath
                           Margetts, Office Manager: Rae Liddell

Emergency contact numbers: Hirer ……………………………

                                  Raglan: Mark 07456041064
                                          Kath 07413596035
                                          Rae 07905097074

The GYM capacity is 520 standing, 173 seated, Middle Hall- 315 standing, 105
seated, Lower hall -340 standing, 113 seated. The Studio dimensions are 10.2m Long
and 6.7m Wide

The hall capacity or maximum permitted persons in a class must not be exceeded.

The school cannot guarantee the presence of a qualified first aider. The group organiser
using the school accommodation should ensure they risk assess their particular activity
and determine their first aid needs, taking into account their client group.

The instructors of physical exercise activities should be qualified first aiders. They should
ensure they have the means to communicate with the emergency services to obtain help
if required.

Most emergencies can be resolved on the spot, however, in the event of a serious
incident, which could range from an injury or illness requiring medical treatment to a
fatality, the following formal procedures must be followed:


Minor Injury e.g. small cut, graze, bumps, bruises

 Take appropriate first aid action if trained.
 Make provision for the injured person to rest or continue as appropriate

Major injury

 DO NOT move them unless to leave them could result in further injury
 Ring for an ambulance.
Raglan Primary School and Nursery
                             Connect Schools Academy Trust

 Telephone the next of kin

In the case of children, the parent must be informed of any incident as soon as possible.

Record any accidents or injuries and ensure they are reported promptly to the school.
The school will then follow the council’s incident reporting procedures. In general, most
legally reportable accidents will need to be reported to the HSE by the hirer. They will,
however, have to be reported by the school if they result from a school work activity, or
are due to the state of the premises.


When calling the emergency services it is important that they are given the full
information. Remember, when calling 999 for the police, ambulance or fire brigade, the
“control room” for these services may not be local, do not expect the operator to know
where the school is.


 Keep calm, speak clearly
 Give your name – state the service(s) that you require
 Give full name, address (including postcode) and telephone number of the school

Raglan Primary School,
Raglan Rd,
BR2 9NL 0208 460 6558

Nearest main road or other landmark – access via Jaffray Rd, off Southlands Rd

 Location, details and time of the accident/incident
 Number of casualties and their condition together with the details of any treatment
  which is being administered or has been given
 Access point for the ambulance
 Someone should be instructed to meet the ambulance which will aid the medics to
  reach the casualty as quickly as possible


The fire alarm is a loud continual sound, which is easily recognised.

Raglan Primary School and Nursery
                              Connect Schools Academy Trust

On discovering a fire the fire alarm must be activated. Do not attempt to tackle the fire
unless safe to do so (i.e. the fire can be quickly extinguished with the minimum of risk to

It is the responsibility of the hirer to ensure that all staff (both paid and voluntary)
involved understand the basic fire precaution arrangements and procedures:

   The location of fire alarm call points and how to use them
   The location of fire exits
   The location of fire assembly points
   The location of fire extinguishers and firefighting equipment
   The location of map
   The location of folder with all necessary details, which is located near the office
   The Fire Evacuation Plan

A fire assembly point should be allocated. If evacuation is necessary it is important to
remember the following golden rules:

   Don’t panic – keep a clear head
   Raise the alarm and call the fire services
   Do not stop to collect personal belongings or allow others to do so
   No heroics – people before property
   Assist visitors and people with disabilities on your way out if needed and if safe to
    do so
   Close doors behind you
   Where possible use the nearest fire exit
   Take all registers and once at the assembly point make sure that all participants and
    staff have been accounted for.
   Report any persons unaccounted for to the Fire Brigade
   Do not use any lifts
   Do not re-enter the building or allow others to do so until instructed by the Fire
    Officer in charge.
   Record any incident or injury and ensure it is reported promptly to the school (and
    RIDDOR if legally reportable).

Remember it is better to make 100 calls to the emergency services, than everyone
assumes that someone else has, and eventually make none!

Any sounding of an alarm (including false alarms) should be reported to the school.

Raglan Primary School and Nursery
                             Connect Schools Academy Trust


All thefts should be recorded, whether from the school or an individual. In the case of an
individual, take a record of the name, address and telephone number of the person
whom the theft has occurred against. Thefts from the school should be reported to the
school at the earliest opportunity. The school or person concerned should be asked if
they wish the theft to be reported to the police. While reporting it to the police you
should ask for a CAD (incident) number and make a note of the number for future

If there are reasonable grounds to suspect that a particular person may have been
involved in the theft then the police must be contacted and the person informed of the
course of action being taken.

If the person is still on the premises then they cannot be physically restrained or held
against their will; the same is applicable to the person’s property or clothing as this
constitutes assault. Every effort should be made to detain the person until the police


Should an actual or alleged assault take place, the most senior person available on site
should be informed or summoned.

The incident should be investigated in an attempt to find the background factors that led
to the assault and seek witnesses (names and addresses to be taken).

Where injury was sustained, first aid should be provided and if necessary the
ambulance and police services should be called. Report promptly to the school.


All persons found to be under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol should be asked to
leave the premises and if necessary escorted off the site by the most senior person
available. It is important that no one places themselves at risk when dealing with
disruptive or threatening behaviour relating from drug or alcohol abuse: in all such cases
the police should be summoned.

In serious cases (i.e. unconscious casualty) the ambulance service must be called. During
the interim period the casualty should be treated by a qualified first aider.


It is not the responsibility of teachers or any members of the school staff
Raglan Primary School and Nursery
                            Connect Schools Academy Trust

In the event of a child (4 -16 years) being lost the following procedure should be
     The person who has responsibility for the club must make contact with the parent
       of the child
     The person responsible must alert the caretaker.
     The person responsible can calmly seek the assistance of other parents.
     If the child is not found after 10 minutes, and the adults who were asked to help
       have returned to inform you that the child cannot be found, the police need to be
     In an emergency call 999. PCSO – 0208 284 8847.

You can also read