Liberty Justice - Church of St. George - Long ...

Page created by James Wise
© J.S. PALUCH COMPANY, INC.                       mandritoiu /


                               for all
                               &         Justice
2 The Church of St. George ■ Long Lake, Minnesota
                                                                       WELCOME to . . .
                                                                               THE CHURCH OF ST. GEORGE

RETURNING TO MASS                                           Thank you to all our visitors, guests and extended family members for
                                                            joining us this weekend. Call the office at (952) 473-1247 or email us at
4pm Saturdays                                      if you would like more information about the parish or
9:15am Sundays, 5pm Sundays in Spanish                      to register.

8:30am Tuesday and Thursdays
                                                            LIMITED EUCHARISTIC ADORATION
Father Juettner and the parish staff understand that        Wednesday, 12pm-8pm
some parishioners are eager to celebrate our faith by       We are offering parishioners the opportunity to
attending Mass and that others prefer to worship at         spend some time in the church engaged in
home for now. We all want to safely worship God,            Eucharistic Adoration or private prayer. All
practice our faith, serve in ministries, and see one        parishioners are welcome, even those who are
another again. The Archbishop wants us to remind you        not current Adorers. We are providing for
that the obligation to attend Mass continues to be          appropriate social distancing and cleaning
suspended during the pandemic and that the
                                                            protocols that meet CDC guidelines. A head
Archdiocese encourages people over 65 and those with
pre-existing health conditions to stay home and avoid       Adorer will be available to give instructions and
public gatherings, including Mass.                          answer questions.
                                                            We recommend wearing a mask and using your
Stay home if you or household member is sick: Anyone        restroom at home before coming to church to
who feels sick, has an unexplained cough, or has a          limit your points of contact while you are
fever must stay at home. Anyone who has tested              here. Everyone entering the church for prayer is
positive for Covid-19, who has any symptoms of Covid-       asked to sign a one-time waiver that
19 including loss of taste or smell, and anyone living      acknowledges that they accept risks associated
with someone who has tested positive or is                  with potential exposure to Covid-19. The waivers
symptomatic, must quarantine for 14 days. All               are available on the church website and at the
parishioners should continue to follow hygienic
                                                            back of church. Signed waivers can be emailed
practices both at home and church by washing or
sanitizing their hands often, avoiding touching their       to or dropped off in the
faces, and covering coughs and sneezes.                     basket at the back of church. Wait to enter the
                                                            church until the door is propped open for you. Be
Entering the church safely: Wait for the doors to the       sure to maintain a 6 foot distance from others
church to be propped open before entering. Please use       who do not belong to your household. Use the
bathrooms prior to coming to the church, wear a mask,       hand sanitizer provided at the entrance to the
maintain social distancing, and use hand sanitizer as       church. The pews are cordoned off to provide for
you enter.                                                  social distancing. Please ask the head Adorer if
                                                            you need assistance or have any questions.
Please follow ushers’ instructions: Seating will be
assigned by ushers who will fill the pews from front to
                                                            COMMUNION FOR THOSE NOT ATTENDING MASS
back. At the end of Mass, the ushers will dismiss one
pew at a time, starting from the back and moving            If you would like to receive Communion but will
toward the front.                                           not be attending Mass, please visit our website
                                                            or call the parish office to sign up via Sign Up
No choir and no congregational singing: Because             Genius for a 5 minute appointment to receive
singing emits aerosol particles with more force and         Communion at the back of church.
distance, only the one or two music ministry singers will   Appointments begin at approximately 10:10am
sing.                                                       after Mass has ended.
                                                            LITURGICAL MINISTERS
Communion will be distributed after Mass as you             The parish is in great need of volunteers to act as
leave. Once the usher dismisses your row, walk to the       ushers, Eucharistic Ministers and lectors for
communion station near your exit one person at a time,
                                                            upcoming Masses. Please visit the parish
making sure to maintain social distancing with anyone
not from your household. Use hand sanitizer, and put        website to sign up via Sign Up Genius or call the
your hands under the plexiglass barrier so that the         office. We particularly need new volunteers —-
Eucharistic Minister drops the host into your hand.         training is available.
                                                                        For info about the Women’s Council,
                                                                        please contact President Shannon Banks
KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS NEWS                                                at 612-554-3274.
For information about the Knights of Columbus, please                   The Women’s Council wants to remind you to call the elderly
contact Ed Rundle at 952-473-9565.                                      and homebound members of our parish during the pandemic
                                                                        to check on them and to say hello. These elderly church
                                                                        friends may be lonely and in need of some connec on with
                                                                        other parishioners. Please make it a priority to reach out to
                                                                        them to say hello and brighten their day!
Even though we cannot hold Knights of Columbus events at this
time, our students are still learning and will be going to schools of
                                                                                             REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS
higher learning this fall. As we have in the past, the KC's will be
offering scholarships to colleges or trade schools. Due to the
current uncertainties, we will determine the amount and number          Those who recently died: Veronica ‘Verna’ Joanne Blair (sister of Len
of scholarships by August 9th. Go to the St George website,             Dugan), Mary Strand (mother of Jeff Strand), Judy Stangl, Pam
                                                                        Kantner (Ruth Rundle’s sister), Jim Strickland (Ed Rundle’s brother),
download the form and follow the instructions                           Dorothy Masterson (Ed Rundle’s cousin), Butch Dressel, Joanne Wojnar
provided. Good luck and God Bless!                                      (mother of Carole Peter), James Hammes
                                                                        Those who are sick, hospitalized or recuperating: Don Mann, Ricky
                                                                        Whitmore, Bob Jennings, Joan Morss, Lisa Speeter Diessner, Mary
PARKING LOT RECONCILIATION                                              Leighton, Patricia McNeely
                                                                        Those who are homebound or in nursing homes: LaVern Bauer, Clarence
In keeping with directives from the                                     Stangl, Lorraine Kaley, Dolores Weir, Art Theis
Archbishop, Father Juettner will                                        For those who are serving our country: Whitney Eisinger, Justin
continue to hear confessions, though                                    Eisinger, Ben Persian, Eric Wegner, Jack Tucker

he will be making adjustments that                                      All those currently in treatment for their respective addictions, and those
comply with distancing and safety                                       who need to face their addictions.
guidelines put in place by the
                                                                        SPIRITUAL COMMUNION
Archdiocese. During the shut down,                                      What is Spiritual Communion?
the times for the Sacrament of Penance will be Saturdays from           When a Catholic is unable to
noon until 1:00 pm and Wednesday nights from 6:00pm to                  receive the Eucharist for one of
7:00 pm in the parking lot.                                             several reasons —- breaking
                                                                        the one hour fast, being in a
Please stay in your car and maintain a 6 ft distance for safety. If     state of mortal sin, or
there is more than one person in a car, you may walk up to              homebound or unable to leave
Father’s window, keeping a 6 ft distance, to confess privately.         our home to attend Mass as in
Cars that are lined up to wait should leave an appropriate distance     a time of pandemic —- the
                                                                        Church encourages us to make an act of “spiritual
so that all confessions are private.                                    communion,” where we unite ourselves to God through
                                                                        prayer. It is a beautiful way to express to God our desire to
Created to Believe: Called to Motherhood                                be united with him when we are unable to complete that
Join a group Fall 2020                                                  union in the reception of Holy Communion. Pray one of the
                                                                        following prayers as an Act of Spiritual Communion:
Being a mom is hard and knowing you're not alone on the journey
makes a huge difference! Do you sometimes wonder about who
you are as a woman, wife, and mother? Do you desire strong              My Jesus,
friendships with other moms just like you? When you enter into          I believe that You
"Created to Believe: Called to Motherhood" as part of The Cana          are present in the Most Holy Sacrament.
Experience, you will more deeply know who you are in the light          I love You above all things,
                                                                        and I desire to receive You into my soul.
of your Catholic faith and be equipped with practical tools that
                                                                        Since I cannot at this moment
can be applied right away in your marriage and with your                receive You sacramentally,
children. To find a group near you and learn more about joining         come at least spiritually into my heart.
The Cana Experience with other mothers of young children this           I embrace You as if You were already there
Fall 2020, visit or contact Cathy               and unite myself wholly to You.
at                                       Never permit me to be separated from You.
June 28, 2020                                                  Weekly Mass Schedule and Intentions:
Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
                                                     Sat.     06/27   4:00 PM     Special Intention
CHRISTIAN HOSPITALITY                                Sun.     06/28   9:15 AM     †Norma Schuh
   Day in and day out, we are required to make       Tues     06/30   8:30 AM     Special Intention
judgment calls informed by tough, durable,           Wed.     07/01               Special Intention
serviceable Christian love. We do what we can do,
                                                     Thur.    07/02   8:30 AM     Special Intention
and God takes notice. God is in charge of rewards,
and a glass of water will do when that is what we    Fri.     07/03               Special Intention
have to offer with a glad and open heart.            Sat.     07/04   4:00 PM     Special Intention
   Paul gives us a clear theology for the missionary Sun.     07/05   9:15 AM     †Norma Schuh
work we do whenever anybody is close at hand. He
reminds us that our work, our ministry, is carried on   Until further notice, public Masses will be held on
in concert with Christ. We have been baptized into
                                                        Saturday at 4pm, Sunday at 9:15am, and on
his death and life. In any given moment both life
and death are there, a kind of play of shadow and       Tuesdays and Thursdays 8:30am. The Masses
light. Sometimes it’s difficult to tell where shadow    without times are for the parish Masses Father
leaves off and light begins. God will take care of      Juettner is saying privately.
that, too.
                       Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co

                TODAY’S READINGS                        Resources for Mass
                                                        Go to the St George website: http://
First Reading — Elisha promises a baby son to the       adoration/ and click on the links for the online
hospitable woman (2 Kings 4:8-11, 14-16a).              Mass and devotional resources
Psalm — For ever I will sing the goodness of the Lord
(Psalm 89).                                             TV
Second Reading — We shall live in newness of life       •   Diocese of St. Cloud: Sundays, 11 a.m. on KSTC-
as Christ was raised from the dead (Romans 6:3-4,       TV/45 (no cable needed)
8-11).                                                  • St. Olaf, Minneapolis: MCN Cable Channel 6,
Gospel — Whoever gives but a cup of cold water to       Sundays at 8 p.m. and Mondays at 10 a.m.
another will surely be rewarded (Matthew 10:37-         • Our Lady of Grace, Edina: Sunday, Noon on Fox
42).                                                    9+ (Dish/Direct 29, Comcast 10/807; Over Air 9.2)
                                                        • EWTN: Masses at 7am, 11am, 6pm and 11pm;
             READINGS FOR THE WEEK                      Check your cable or satellite service for the correct
                                                        channel number
Monday:        Acts 12:1-11; Ps 34:2-9;
               2 Tm 4:6-8, 17-18; Mt 16:13-19
Tuesday:       Am 3:1-8; 4:11-12; Ps 5:4b-8; Mt         • Relevant Radio 1330am: Sundays, 9 a.m.
               8:23-27                                  • EWTN:
Wednesday:     Am 5:14-15, 21-24; Ps 50:7-13,
                                                        Live Streaming / Online
               16bc-17; Mt 8:28-34
Thursday:      Am 7:10-17; Ps 19:8-11; Mt 9:1-8         • Basilica of Saint Mary, Minneapolis: Mass live
                                                        streamed on Facebook, weekdays at noon and
Friday:        Eph 2:19-22; Ps 117:1bc, 2; Jn           Sunday at 9:30 a.m.; also posted on website
               20:24-29                                 • Cathedral of Saint Paul, St. Paul: Mass live-
Saturday:      Am 9:11-15; Ps 85:9ab, 10-14; Mt         streamed on Facebook, Weekdays at 7:30 a.m. and
               9:14-17 or, for Independence Day,        Saturday at 5:15 p.m.; also posted on Basilica of St.
               any readings from the Mass “For the      Mary’s website and Facebook
               Country,” nos. 882-886, or “For          • Relevant Radio Mass Online at 12pm Daily
               Peace and Justice,” nos. 887-891         • Word on Fire
Sunday:        Zec 9:9-10; Ps 145:1-2, 8-11, 13-14;     • EWTN
               Rom 8:9, 11-13; Mt 11:25-30
FISCAL YEAR 2019/2020: Stewardship Update                  COMMUNITY MEAL AT TRINITY
                                 June 14, 2020
                                                                              Wednesday, July 1, 5:30-6:30pm
                                                                              The Church of St. George volunteers will be providing a free
General Collection                                     $         2,075.00     meal of sirloin steak and sides with curbside pick up at Trinity.
Electronic (week ending 5/30/2020)                     $           822.00
                                                                $2,897.00     They will be providing meals on a first come, first serve
                                                                              basis. The three Long Lake churches are planning future
     Total Budget to date                              $        230,500.00
     Total Collected to date:                          $        215,023.50    meals on Wednesdays during the summer. The meal will be
     Net/(deficit):                                    $       ($15,476.50)   available curbside at Trinity.
                                                                              If you would like to help distribute these meals, please
                                                                              contact Sara Dore at 952-473-1247.
Other Donations
      Special Donation                                 $           100.00
      Music Ministry                                   $           100.00     Need help shopping or with errands?
                                                                              Do you need help getting groceries, picking up prescriptions,
Pass-Through Collections
      Food Shelf                                       $            20.00     ordering groceries online for delivery, or having a meal
                                                                              prepared for you during the coronavirus outbreak? The
                                                                              Knights of Columbus and several volunteers have volunteered
        Note: Our weekly needs are approx. $4,610.00                          to help our homebound and at risk parishioners with such
                  Thank you for your generosity!                              errands. Please call or email the parish office, 952-473-1247
                                                                              or Please leave a message.
CONTINUED FINANCIAL SUPPORT NEEDED                                            Natural Family Planning (NFP) classes beginning soon
Thank you to so much to everyone who has been                                 Classes teach couples the Church approved methods on how
able to support St. George’s operations and ministry                          to achieve or postpone pregnancy while embracing the beauty
during this difficult time. Perhaps this is the right                         of God’s gift of sexuality.
time for those of you who have not as yet signed up
for our very easy, electronic giving, to now start. Not                       The Billings Ovulation Method classes will be on:
only is this method much more reliable and easy for                                   Tuesday, July 7 at St. Michael, St Michael MN
the parish to operate, it helps to keep our money                                     Call 320.248.5892 to register
counters from unnecessary exposure. In order to
make it as easy as possible, here are three simple                            The Creighton Ovulation Method will be taught by the Twin
ways to continue/begin your giving during this period:                        Cities FertilityCare Center on:
                                                                              Thursday, July 9 at Our Lady of Grace, Edina
                                                                              Wednesday, July 15 - Online
1. Give Electronically. You can set up                                        Register online at
automatic electronic payments in 2 easy steps.
First, go to our secure parish website: http://                               The Marquette Model Ovulation-Sympto Hormonal . Second,                                   Method classes will be held on:
select one of two choices ("Pay Now Offline" or                               Thursday, July 9 - Online
“Pay Now Online”). You can elect to make a                                    Sunday, July 19 - Online
regular ongoing donation or a one-at-a-time                                   Register at
donation. It’s as easy as that.                                               The Sympto-Thermal Method will be taught by the Couple to
                                                                              Couple League on:
2. Give by U.S. Mail. Simply mail your                                        Sunday, July 12 - Live and Online
donation to "Church of St George, 133 North                                   Thursday, July 23 – Live and Online
Brown Road, Long Lake, MN 55356.                                              Register at

                                                                              Española Class
3. Contact Lynn Johnston, our parish                                          Tuesday, July 14 at Ascension, Minneapolis
bookkeeper, at:                                                               Register at or call and
leave her a message at 952-473-1247 ext 103.                                  For a complete list of natural family planning classes offered
                                                                              throughout the Archdiocese, visit or
Thank you for your ongoing prayers and support                                call 651-291-4489.
for the parish and for your generosity of
                                                                              The Imprint of Trauma: Understanding how abuse shapes our
donations to the parish. As stewards of our                                   psychology and perception
treasures, we shall meet these present day                                    July 8, 6:30-8:30 p.m., St. Michael’s Parish, St. Michael
challenges together and as a community of faith.                              Join Laura Harder, a compassion fatigue therapist for an event
We are so grateful that we can once again meet                                focused on the topic of abuse specifically from the survivor’s
                                                                              perspective. Participants will gain a basic understanding of how
together to worship and celebrate together.                                   trauma functions and what makes it difficult for survivors to “move
                                                                              past” it.
Consider Remembering                                                                                                                RETTINGER
                 Your Parish                                                                                                                    FUNERAL HOME
                 in Your Will.                Family Owned & Operated Since 1964
                                                                                                                                                          Long Lake
                                                 Wayzata ■ 952-473-5577                                                                                    473-6954
              For further information,                 345 North Brown Road • Long Lake, MN 55356                   Family Owned
            please call the Parish Office.      Compassionately Serving You                                       Since 1906

                WESTSIDE TIRE                                                                                                                1964 W. Wayzata Blvd.
                                                                                                                                                  Long Lake
                     19925 75TH AVE NORTH                                                                                                        952.473.7347
                     CORCORAN, MN 55340
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                                                                                       WELL AND PUMP SERVICE
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                                                                                     Off: (952) 938-2111 or (952) 446-WELL

                                                                                                                                                   Don Kleinschmidt, Parishioner
                                                                                                                                                     and Community Banker.
                                                                                                                                           1415 Wayzata Blvd. E, Wayzata, MN
                                                                                                                                                  Member FDIC/Equal Housing Lender

             Michael Ebertz, MD                                                      Take Out • Dine-In • Delivery
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                          Heidi Foster, MD
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                                               Telephone (612) 339-7566                                                                   Orono, MN 55356             Maple Grove, MN 55369
                                                                   Long Lake
                                                    952-473-5425                         763-420-6834

518023 St George Church                                                                                       For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170
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