LinkThe Golden Adventure Park opens! - Girl Scouts of San Jacinto Council

Page created by Cathy Bates
LinkThe Golden Adventure Park opens! - Girl Scouts of San Jacinto Council
                                                            The Golden

  The official publication of Girl Scouts of San Jacinto Council. | Volume 47 Issue 5| Fall 2021

Park opens!

                                               Now is the time to
                                          renew and get ready for
                                             an adventurous year
LinkThe Golden Adventure Park opens! - Girl Scouts of San Jacinto Council
Raising Awesome Girls
Kindness is her superpower
Kids have heard that bullying isn’t OK, but what about
flipping that message and making sure they’re specifically
being kind?

“Young people sometimes think they have to be popular–at
any cost–to have power, but it’s important that we teach
our kids about the power of kindness,” says Girl Scouts’
developmental psychologist Dr. Andrea Bastiani Archibald.
“When you’re kind, not only do you get a boost of the brain
chemical serotonin, which makes you feel happy and calm,
but so does the person you’re being kind do and all the people
who witnessed that act of kindness get that same rush of feel-
good hormones. So by taking the effort to do the thoughtful or
                                                                  2. Set the bar
compassionate thing, your girl can influence the mindset of a
                                                                  Practice random acts of kindness, especially in front of your
whole group of people.”
                                                                  girl! Whether that’s getting a drive-through meal for a homeless
                                                                  person in your community, regularly checking in with a friend
But it’s not enough to simply encourage our kids to be kind–
                                                                  who’s going through a tough time, or offering to drive an elderly
we need to show them how. According to kids aged 9-11, the
                                                                  neighbor to the library, tell your girl about it and let her know
top reason they gave for not extending kindness to a kid who’s
                                                                  why you’re taking action. Brightening someone else’s day isn’t
being picked on or left out is that they didn’t know what to do
                                                                  just nice–it’s the right thing to do.
or say.
                                                                  3. Call out kindness
So how can you be a kindness role model? Follow these
                                                                  When someone does something nice for you or your family in
three steps!
                                                                  front of your girl, identify it as an act of kindness by saying
                                                                  something like, “That was so kind. Thank you!” By pointing out
1. Give her the words
                                                                  kindness when it happens, you’ll let people know how much you
There’s no doubt that your girl wants to be kind to others, but
                                                                  appreciate their caring ways and show your girl a wide variety of
her mind might be at a loss when kind words are needed most.
                                                                  ways she could be kind in the future.
Talk her through some scenarios that might happen at school
or in her social groups, and ask what she might say. If she’s
                                                                  Above all else, remember that kindness–using compassionate
having trouble coming up with something to say to someone
                                                                  words, being inclusive, and showing care through action–can and
who’s being bullied or who might feel lonely, practice these
                                                                  should start at home. Kids who are unkind at school are often
ice breakers that can be used in many different situations:
                                                                  treated unkindly by siblings at home, or are taught that some
• What they said wasn’t right. Are you OK?
                                                                  forms of unkindness are simply “teasing” which they should
• Calling out bullying and checking in with people is a
                                                                  never be. By creating a loving, supportive, and kind home base
     great way to show you care.
                                                                  for her, you’re already giving her a head start in being a super
• Come sit with us!
                                                                  kind kid!
• A simple invitation can do a world of good.

                                                                  {                                                        {
• Hey, I really liked your [drawing/poem/science project–
     something specific to that kid].                                   We want every girl to succeed. That’s why
• Showing people that you pay attention and value their                  GSSJC is happy to bring you Girl Scouts
     talents or something different or special about them will          of the U.S.A.’s Raising Awesome Girls, an
     make them (and you) feel good.                                    online publication to help you and your Girl
                                                                        Scout answer questions, face challenges
                                                                         and find solutions to daily life. For more
                                                                                  articles like this, visit
                                                                 and find Raising
                                                                       Awesome Girls under the “For Adults” tab.
LinkThe Golden Adventure Park opens! - Girl Scouts of San Jacinto Council
                     new tools designed
                     with your feedback!
Earning new badges is now more streamlined than ever.
You spoke, and we listened. This year, volunteers,
girls, and families shared their thoughts on the
process for earning Girl Scout badges—and we made                                     rs
                                                                                                                                                        Volunteer’s Guide to
                                                                                                                                                        My Cookie Customers
                                                                    My Cookie Custome
                                                                                                                           Find tips and ideas
                                                                                                                                                              to help guide your
                                                                                                                                                                                                 troop through this

a few important changes that you’ll see in the new            Part of your cookie
                                                                                  business is
                                                                                                                      Step 1: Learn about
                                                                                                                      30–40 minutes
                                                                                                                      Ask: What do you
                                                                                                                                          Girl Scout Cookies®

                                                                                                                                          already know about
                                                                                                                      Share: It’s much easier
                                                                                                                                                               Girl Scout Cookies?
                                                                                                                                                to sell when you know
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Step 2: Decide how

                                                                                                                                                                                                          Ask: How would you
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Share: Let’s brainstorm
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                to use
                                                                                                                                                                                                             money • 30–40 minutes your cookie
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 like to use your earned
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            cookie money?
                                                                                   Find out how to
                                                                                                                      well! First, do some                              your product
                                                                                                                                           research on the different                                                                 ideas for ways to use
                                                              meeting customers.                                     cookies, how much                                kinds of                           cookie money and                                    the troop’s

badges rolling out this summer.
                                                                                                                                           they cost, and what                                                                then vote on your
                                                                                                                                                                rewards you can                                                                    favorite choice. Next,
                                                                                  and keep them
                                                                                                                     earn. Look at Digital                                                               you’ll set a troop goal
                                                              get new customers
                                                                                                                                            Cookie®/Smart Cookies®                                                               so that you can stay
                                                                                                                     to learn about online                             with an adult                                                                     on track!
                                                                                                                                            selling.                                                     Choices—do one:
                                                                                                                     Choices—do one:
                                                              coming back!                                           ● Make flash cards.
                                                                                                                                                                                                         ● Draw a target.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Model how to draw
                                                                                                                                                                                                           protractor (or cups,                    a target using a
                                                                                                                                           Instruct Brownies                                                                     plates, and pot lids).
                                                                                                                       packages or Digital                    to use cookie                                goal is the biggest?                          Ask, “Which
                                                                                                                                           Cookie/Smart Cookies                                                                 That one goes in the
                                                              Steps                                                    flash cards. Brownies
                                                                                                                                             then pair up, read
                                                                                                                                                                   to make their
                                                                                                                                                                 the description
                                                                                                                                                                                                           goals can go in the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                outer rings.” Decide
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        middle. Smaller
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      how many cookie
                                                                                                                      card, and ask their                                                                  packages Brownies
                                                                1. Learn about Girl
                                                                                                                                          partner to guess the                                                                  will sell to help reach
                                                                                                                      take turns going through                  cookie. Brownies                          outer ring should                              each goal. The
                                                                                                                                                the cards. For a challenge,                                                  require fewer packages,
                                                                                                                      them show the cookie                                                                ring will need the                             and the center
                                                                   Cookies®                                                                  name and ask their             have                                              most. Encourage Brownies
                                                                                                                      describe it!                                partner to                              their target at their                              to display
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                cookie booth or have
                                                                2. Decide how to use
                                                                                                                                                                                                         online.                                        an adult share it

  ● New badge booklets include a volunteer guide to
                                                                                                                     Materials: order cards,
                                                                                                                                             index cards, pencils,
                                                                                                                                                                   cookie packages                        Materials: protractors,
                                                                    cookie money
                                                                                                                  ● Be a detective.                                                                                                plain paper or poster
                                                                                                                                    Break Brownies into                                                   and coloring supplies                          paper, writing
                                                                                                                    each group draw questions              small teams. Have

                                                                 3. Find customers
                                                                                                                                                 out of a hat to investigate.                         ● Come up with a
                                                                                                                    How many kinds of                                                                                      cheer. Create two
                                                                                                                                        Girl Scout Cookies                                                                                     Brownie teams and
                                                                                                                    are the most popular?                    are there? Which                            give each the task
                                                                                  and make                                                                                                                                  of creating a cheer.
                                                                 4. Handle money
                                                                                                                                           How does Digital Cookie/Sma                                                                           One team can
                                                                                                                   Cookies work? What                                       rt                           create a “Sales Update”
                                                                                                                                         are some of the cookie                                                                   cheer. The other can
                                                                                                                   How can customers                               rewards?                             Reached!” cheer. Have                           create a “Goal
                                                                                                                                        donate cookies? Have                                                                     the teams share their
                                                                     change                                        share what they uncovered.                   each group                              teach the other group.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Try this: Encourage
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        cheer and
                                                                                       ers                                                       Try this: Play classic

    help troop leaders plan and share badges with
                                                                 5. Connect with custom
                                                                                                                   detective music!                                                                     record a video and                            Brownies to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            share online with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               help from an adult!
                                                                                                                   Materials: order cards,                                                              Materials: paper,
                                                                                                                                              prepared questions,                                                          pencils
                                                                                                                   packages; computers,                            cookie                            ● Make a personal
                                                                                                                                           smartphones, or tablets                                                         goals stick. Brownies
                                                                                                                ● Make a notebook.                                                                     pictures of their goals                      can draw
                                                                                                                                         Create a sample notebook                                                               on one side of wooden
                                                                                  this badge, I will              paper, a binder clip,                                using plain                     stirrers, while the                               paint
                                                                When I’ve earned                                                          and the front and                                                                other side indicates
                                                                                                                  empty cookie box                            back side of an                         packages needed to                         the number of
                                                                                  new customers
                                                                                                                                       (or any cardboard).                                                                   reach that goal. A
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                rubber band or
                                                                know how to find
                                                                                                                  how you put it together.                   Show Brownies                            thin ribbon tied into
                                                                                                                                              Provide materials                                                              a tight bow can be
                                                                                                                                                                  for them to                         their goals.                                used to track

    the troop.
                                                                                                                 make their own. Next,
                                                                                        my cookie
                                                                and talk to them about
                                                                                                                                            Brownies write the
                                                                                                                 and descriptions on                              cookie  names                       Materials: wooden
                                                                                                                                         the pages.                                                                       paint stirrers, black
                                                                                                                 Materials: order cards,                                                              bands or thin ribbons                     marker, rubber
                                                                business.                                        paper, binder clips,
                                                                                                                                            cookie boxes or any
                                                                                                                                      scissors, writing and
                                                                                                                                                                 cardboard, plain
                                                                                                                                                             coloring supplies                     Step 3: Find custome
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           rs • 20–30 minutes
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Ask: Who are your
                                                                                                           Brownie                                                                                                      customers? Share:
                                                                                                                                                                                                   they didn’t buy Girl                   People often say
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Scout Cookies because
                                                                                                              *Detailed choice activities,                                                                                                    they were never
                                                                                                                                             meeting tools, and
                                                                                                                                                                  additional resources
                                                                                                                                                                                         and materials can
                                                                                                                                                                                                             be found within the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Volunteer Toolkit

  ● Badge booklets include pages for Girl Scouts to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          BROWNIE • My Cookie
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Customers | 1

    print and use during activities.                          Get to know each new badge in a five-
                                                            minute gsLearn introduction. Simply log in
  ● The enhanced Volunteer Toolkit now includes
                                                               to myGS, click the gsLearn button,
    full badge overviews, new communication tools,                    and search for “badge.”
    and activities that are easier to follow and lead.

What are the new badges and awards?

  Cookie Business            Math in Nature           Digital Leadership                                           2022 Global Action
badges for each year of     badges for Daisies,       badges for each level                                       and World Thinking
    Girl Scouting         Brownies, and Juniors                                                                       Day Awards

                                                                                                       Test drive the new badges at
LinkThe Golden Adventure Park opens! - Girl Scouts of San Jacinto Council
President of the Council
          and Chair of the Board
        Marguerite Woung-Chapman

          Chief Executive Officer
                Mary Vitek

      Chief External Affairs Officer
              Connie Chavez

           Visual Brand Manager
             Joanne Pastalaniec

             Mission Statement
GSSJC: Girl Scouts builds girls of courage,               Troop #134144 placing flags for Memorial Day. See more Scrapbook
confidence and character, who make the                    photos on page 32.
world a better place.

               DEIB Statement
Girl Scouts of San Jacinto Council fosters
belonging and respect for all girls. We
empower all girls, volunteers and staff to                                               Fall 2021
fulfill their potential and make the world a
better place. Our Girl Scout Promise drives
us to provide diverse, equitable and inclusive        3     From the Top
experiences where all girls, volunteers and staff
are confident they belong. We stand firm in           3     Shop News
these commitments and united by these ideals.

                  Circulation                         Special Feature
The Golden Link is published four times a year. It
                                                      4     Get Back to Girl Scouts!
has a circulation of more than 25,000. The Golden
Link is also available online at The
Golden Link reaches 26 Texas counties: Angelina,
Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston,             Features
Hardin, Harris, Houston, Jasper, Jefferson,           9  A conversation with Girl Scout great
Liberty, Matagorda, Montgomery, Nacogdoches,             Stacy Methvin
Newton, Orange, Polk, Sabine, San Augustine,          10 Success to Significance
San Jacinto, Shelby, Trinity, Tyler, Walker, Waller
and Wharton. To report address changes or if          10 Thank you for standing with our girls!                    Fall Product Program
you have problems receiving The Golden Link call      11 Fall Product Program                                      page 11
Customer Service at 713-292-0300.                     12 Gold Award Girl Scouts
Deadline for submitting items is the first of the     Activities
month two months prior to publication. GSSJC
                                                      13    General Activities
does not accept responsibility for unsolicited                                                                        New!
materials. Send news and photographs and              16    Backpacking
Scrapbook photos to          17    Fine Arts
                                                      20    Health                                                    fall for quick
Advertising rates are available by calling            20    Highest Awards                                            links to register
713-292-0314. Advertisements are accepted in          21    Sailing                                                   for any activity
good faith that all the information is correct.       22    Sports
Acceptance of advertising does not reflect                                                                            featured in this
                                                      22    STEM
endorsement of services or goods by the Council.
                                                      27    Target Sports
                                                                                                                      issue of The
The Golden Link is published by Girl Scouts           27    Travel                                                    Golden Link.
  of San Jacinto Council, 3110 Southwest
       Freeway, Houston, TX 77098
 The Golden Link is also available to read            28    Adult Trainings
  online at
  Copyright ©2021. All rights reserved.
                                                      30    Philanthropy
                                                      32    Scrapbook
                                                      33    Girls Earn Highest Awards

                                                                                                                    Fall 2021 l The Golden Link 3
LinkThe Golden Adventure Park opens! - Girl Scouts of San Jacinto Council
Girl Scouts and summer
                                        camping – has there been a better                      Fall Shop Hours
                                        pairing since mint and chocolate
                                        came together for Thin Mints??!         Program Place for Girls           Stafford
                                                                                3000 Southwest Freeway,           12300 Parc Crest, Ste 170, Stafford
                                        This summer looked a little different                                     281-670-5982
                                        at camp, but we were thrilled to see    713-292-0247                      Sun. & Mon. Close
                                        you back at Camp Agnes Arnold,          Sun. & Mon. Close                 Tue.         10 a.m. – 6 p.m.
                                        Casa Mare and Misty Meadows             Tue. 		    10 a.m. – 6 p.m.       Wed.         10 a.m. – 5 p.m.
                                                                                Wed.       10 a.m. – 6 p.m.       TH.          10 a.m. – 6 p.m.
                                        Ranch. Girls enjoyed all the            TH. 		     10 a.m. – 6 p.m.       Fri.         10 a.m. – 4 p.m.
                                        traditional summer camp activities,     Fri. 		    10 a.m. – 4 p.m.       Sat.         10 a.m. – 3 p.m.
                                        like swimming, archery, canoeing,       Sat.		     10 a.m. – 3 p.m.
      Marguerite Woung-                                                                                           Bay Area
                                        horseback riding and sailing.                                             1300 A Bay Area Blvd., Ste. 106,
      Chapman                                                                   Imperial Valley
                                        Others joined us in-person at day       15800 Imperial Valley Dr.,        Houston
      Chair of the Board and            camps in the greater Houston area,      Houston                           281-282-6077
      President of the Council          and still more attended our virtual     281- 447-8870                     Sun. & Mon. Close
                                                                                Sat., Sun., Mon. Close            Tue.         10 a.m. – 6 p.m.
                                        camp sessions. No matter how you

                                                                                                                  Wed.         10 a.m. – 5 p.m.

                                                                                Tue.		        10 a.m. – 6 p.m.
                                        camped this summer, we hope you         Wed.          10 a.m. – 6 p.m.    TH.          10 a.m. – 6 p.m.
                                        had a blast with us!                    TH. 		        10 a.m. – 6 p.m.    Fri.         10 a.m. – 4 p.m.
                                            As we go into August, our minds     Fri. 		       10 a.m. – 4 p.m.    Sat.         10 a.m. – 3 p.m.

                                        are on back-to-school season and                                          Cypress/Jersey Village
                                        on a new Girl Scout membership          1202 College Drive, Lufkin        19708 Northwest Freeway, Suite
                                        year. We are excited to see all of      936-634-4688                      100, Jersey Village
                                        you get back to the Girl Scout          Sat., Sun., Mon. Close            346-818-3227
                                                                                Tue. & Th. 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.       Sun. & Mon. Close
                                        activities you love, like camping,                                        Tue.          10 a.m. – 6 p.m.
                                        badge workshops and more. The           Beaumont                          Wed.          10 a.m. – 6 p.m.
    Girl Scout experience wouldn’t be possible without our volunteers           700 North Street, Suite F,        TH.           10 a.m. – 6 p.m.
                                                                                Beaumont                          Fri.          10 a.m. – 4 p.m.
    and Girl Scout donors who will kick off the year by making Girl                                               Sat.          10 a.m. – 3 p.m.
                                                                                409-832-0556 Ext. 1500
    Scouting a reality for all girls in our community. Your investment of       Sat., Sun., Mon. Close
    time, talent and treasure will change the lives of girls and help them      Tue. Wed., Th. 11 a.m. – 5 p.m.
                                                                                                                           Shop online at
    succeed at home, at school and in our communities.
          Much like this time last year, girls’ need for a sense of                                                        Hours may alter
                                                                                (curbside pickup only)
    community is profound. And we know that Girl Scouts is uniquely             531 FM 359 South,                        due to weather. Call
    positioned to offer that sense of community. We will be shifting            Brookshire                               before traveling long
    safely back to more in-person opportunities while continuing to             281- 822-4250                                 distances.
                                                                                Wed.         10 a.m. – 4 p.m.
    offer virtual ones to make activities accessible to everyone. And we
    can quickly pivot to local blended opportunities where members are
    ready to get outdoors, travel and more.                                      New Leader Must-Knows!
          We also know that our volunteers, most importantly our                 Are you a new Girl Scout leader? Here are some things you
    Community and troop volunteers, continue to need additional                  need to know for the next few months.

    resources to be successful. And those resources need to be tailored              Join the GSSJC Online Community! Looking for an easy
    to the wide spectrum of volunteers we serve, from the first year                 place to connect with other new troop leaders across the
    leader to the experienced/comfortable leader to the experienced/                 council, get resources and find the latest news? Visit gssjc.
    overwhelmed leader. I can tell you that we are continuing to work                org and click on Online Community. Use your MyGS login
    on building and perfecting the resources you need.                               to access groups. As a troop leader, you will automatically be
          Right now as we welcome members back, the most important                   added to the group relevant to your troop’s program level.
    thing our volunteers can be for their girls is an anchor to community
    – to friendships, to a caring adult and to a place where their girls are

                                                                                     Our Fall Product Program is a great way for troops and
    always welcome when everything else in the world may be changing.                groups to earn start-up funds for their year! This money can
          As a reminder, the start of the membership year is also a good             help pay for workshops, camping trips and more. The Fall
    time to draw your parents in. Ask parents to assist with meetings                Product Program starts Sept. 18 - join us! For more details, visit
    or activities. We will provide the resources to help them and their    
    invaluable assistance will help leaders focus on other things equally
    important to the Girl Scout experience. Girl Scouting will always be

                                                                                     Celebrate Founder’s Day! October 31 is Juliette Gordon
    here for you and them.                                                           Low’s birthday. Many troops choose to celebrate with a
          Finally, we are excited about the Fall Product Program that will           birthday party. Some also complete service projects related
    start on Sept. 18. This program helps troops earn money that they can            to breast cancer awareness, the disease that ultimately took
    use all year. Plus, it helps girls earn entrepreneurship skills. Have you        Juliette's life.
    seen the new tin for this year?! Learn more at

          I hope you are looking forward to a year full of fun and                   See you at the Fall Volunteer Conference. This annual event
    achievements for our girl members as much as I am. None of it                    is a great way for new and seasoned leaders to get ideas for
    could happen without dedicated and knowledgeable volunteers.                     troop meetings. This year’s event takes place Nov. 12 -14 – see
    Thank you for all you do to make it happen!                                      more information in this issue and register to attend by visiting
                                                                            and searching Fall Volunteer Conference.
4     Fall 2021 l The Golden Link
LinkThe Golden Adventure Park opens! - Girl Scouts of San Jacinto Council
Back to
                                                                 Girl Scouting
                                                     A new membership year is just around the corner, and we couldn’t be more excited
                                                     to get back to Girl Scouting with you. In this issue of The Golden Link, we’ll share
                                                     some of the things that make Girl Scouts…Girl Scouts! From traditions we’ve
                                                     practiced for more than a century and ceremonies your Girl Scout might take part to
                                                     a quick look at how to use the Volunteer Toolkit to manage troop meetings, you’ll
                                                     find everything you need to get to know Girl Scouts.

Our History:
The Vision of Juliette Gordon Low
      Juliette Gordon Low
envisioned an organization
that would prepare girls                                                  Girl Scout Days
to meet their world with
courage, confidence, and                                                  Special Days in
character.                                                                Girl Scouting— All Year Long!
      In 1912, in the midst of
the Progressive Era—and                                                   Throughout the year, girls and adults celebrate some very
at a time when women in                                                   special days in Girl Scouting.
the United States couldn’t
yet vote—this nearly
                                                                          •    October 31: Juliette Gordon Low's birthday, or Founder's
deaf 51-year-old sparked
a worldwide movement                                                           Day, marks the birth in 1860 of Girl Scouts of the USA
inspiring girls to discover                                                    founder in Savannah, Georgia.
their individuality, strength                                             •    February 22: World Thinking Day celebrates the
and intellect together with other girls.                                       birthdays of Girl Guide/Girl Scout founder Robert, Lord
      Juliette, affectionately known as “Daisy” by her family and
close friends, gathered 18 girls in her hometown of Savannah,                  Baden-Powell (1857–1941) and World Chief Guide Olave,
Georgia, to share what she had learned abroad about a new                      Lady Baden-Powell (1889–1977). On this day, Girl Scouts
outdoor and educational program for youth, and with this, the                  and Girl Guides all over the world celebrate the diversity
Girl Scout Movement was born. Along with Juliette, these first                 of our movement and learn about various countries and
Girl Scouts blazed trails and redefined what was possible for
                                                                               cultures as we remember our Girl Scout and Girl Guide
themselves and for girls everywhere.
      They played basketball. They hiked, swam, and camped.                    sisters worldwide.
They learned to read the world around them—for instance,                  •    March 12: Girl Scouts’ birthday commemorates the day
by studying a foreign language and telling time by the stars.                  in 1912 when Juliette Gordon Low officially registered the
They shared a sense of curiosity and a belief that they could do               organization's first 18 girl members in Savannah, Georgia.
      But most importantly, just like Girl Scouts across the country           The week that contains March 12 is called Girl Scout
and around the globe today, they offered a helping hand to those               Week. During this week, members also celebrate their faith
in need and worked together to improve their corner of the world.              on Girl Scout Sunday, Girl Scout Jummah, and Girl Scout
      That small gathering of girls Juliette Gordon Low hosted                 Sabbath.
over a century ago has grown into a global movement in which
                                                                          •    April 22: Girl Scout Leader's Day honors all the
all girls can see themselves reflected—and that today includes 2.5
million Girl Scouts (1.7 million girls and 750,000 adults) and 50              volunteers who work as leaders and mentors in partnership
million alums in the United States and 10 million girls and adults             with girls. On this day, girls, their families, and
in 152 countries united across distance and decades by lifelong                communities find special ways to thank their adult Girl
friendships, shared adventures, and the desire to do big things to
                                                                               Scout volunteers.
make the world a better place.
      Want to know more? Head to

                                                                                                                 Fall 2021 l The Golden Link 5
LinkThe Golden Adventure Park opens! - Girl Scouts of San Jacinto Council
Special Feature
    Girl Scout Ceremonies                                               Tips for Holding Ceremonies
         Ceremonies help Girl Scouts mark special events                •    Devote sufficient time for planning the ceremony. Good
    throughout the year, such as bridging to another level, earning a        ceremonies have a clear purpose and enrich the meaning
    National Leadership Journey award, or getting a Girl Scout pin.          and mood of the event.
         Ceremonies can commemorate accomplishments or add              •    Use Journey adult guides and The Girl’s Guide to Girl
    something special to the beginning or end of a group's meeting.          Scouting to help girls plan their ceremonies.
    Girls can plan a ceremony around a theme, such as friendship        •    Take safety precautions when using candles or fire, or
    or nature, and express themselves in words or song. Whatever             when the girls construct bridges or platforms. Refer to
    its purpose, every Girl Scout ceremony helps girls share in              Volunteer Essentials and the Safety Activity Checkpoints
    Girl Scout history and traditions—and create their own special           (available at for specific advice.
    memories.                                                           •    Add personal elements to traditional ceremonies. Use
                                                                             favorite poems, songs, stories, and sayings, or have the
    Important Ceremonies in Girl Scouting                                    girls write something new.
    •  Bridging ceremonies mark a girl's move from one level of         •    Consider the role of colors and symbols that the girls
       Girl Scouting to another.                                             might use in their ceremony.
    •  Flag ceremonies can be part of any activity that honors the      •    Observe flag etiquette during flag ceremonies.
       American flag.
    •  A Fly-Up is a bridging ceremony for Girl Scout Brownies
       bridging to Girl Scout Juniors. Girls receive the Girl Scout
       pin along with their Brownie wings.
                                                                        Girl Scout Traditions:
    •  Founder's Day or Juliette Gordon Low's Birthday, October         Bridging Ceremonies
       31, is a time to remember the important role Juliette Low
                                                                             Bridging is an important transition in a Girl Scout's life. In
       played in the growth of the Girl Scout Movement in the
                                                                        simple terms, bridging is when a Girl Scout moves up a level,
       United States.
                                                                        from Daisies to Brownies or from Brownies to Juniors, for
    •  Girl Scout Birthday ceremonies can be held on or near
                                                                        example. Bridging occurs at every level of Girl Scouting and,
       March 12, the date Juliette Gordon Low started Girl
                                                                        something you may not know, there isn’t a level where a girl
       Scouting in the United States.
                                                                        officially becomes a Girl Scout – she is always one.
    •  A Girl Scout Bronze, Silver, or Gold Award ceremony
                                                                             But bridging is about more than just moving up a level
       honors Girl Scouts who have earned these special awards
                                                                        in our program. It's a defining moment when a girl becomes
       and is usually held at the troop/group level or combined
                                                                        aware of her achievements and is ready for new adventures
       with council recognition.
                                                                        and responsibilities. Many troops or even Communities host
    •  Girl Scouts' Own is a girl-planned program that lets girls
                                                                        bridging ceremonies for their troops moving up a level.
       explore their feelings around a topic, such as friendship
                                                                             Celebrating this change should be fun, personalized
       or the Girl Scout Promise and Law, using spoken word,
                                                                        and memorable for everyone involved. To signify the act of
       favorite songs, poetry, or other forms of expression. It is
                                                                        bridging, some troops or Communities have or find an actual
       never a religious ceremony.
                                                                        bridge for girls to walk across. No matter what the ceremony
    •  Investiture welcomes new members—girls and adults—
                                                                        looks like, it should be designed by the girls in true partnership
       into the Girl Scout family for the first time. Girls receive
                                                                        with adults.
       their Girl Scout, Girl Scout Brownie, or Girl Scout Daisy
       pin at this time.
                                                                            Bridging ceremonies usually take place at the beginning or
    •  Journey ceremonies honor Girl Scouts who have earned the
                                                                        end of the Girl Scout year and can have three parts:
       final award along a Journey. The ceremonies are usually
                                                                        •   Opening: Guests are welcomed and the tone is set.
       held at the troop/group level and invite girls to develop a
                                                                        •   Main section: The ceremony is explained and the girls
       themed celebration of their Journey, often including friends
                                                                            celebrate moving from one level to the next.
       and family.
                                                                        •   Closing: Girls can participate in friendship circles and
    •  Court of Awards is a special ceremony recognizing girls’
                                                                            thank their guests.
       accomplishments. Girls are presented with their badges,
                                                                        •   Each of the ceremony's parts offers plenty of room for the
       year pins, and other recognitions earned during the year.
                                                                            girls' creativity and individuality. The ceremony should
       Volunteers may also be recognized during the ceremony.
                                                                            always focus on paying tribute to Girl Scouts as they move
       The Court of Awards can be held anytime during the year,
       at any location, and as often as the troop wants.
    •  Opening ceremonies start the Girl Scout meeting.
                                                                             Is your Girl Scout moving up a level this fall? Talk to your
    •  Pinning ceremonies help celebrate when girls receive
                                                                        troop leader about the troop’s bridging ceremony, including
       grade-level Girl Scout pins.
                                                                        how you might be able to help!
    •  Rededication ceremonies are an opportunity for girls
       and adults to renew their commitment to the Girl Scout
       Promise and Law.

6    Fall 2021 l The Golden Link
LinkThe Golden Adventure Park opens! - Girl Scouts of San Jacinto Council
Girl Scout Traditions: Flag Ceremonies
     A flag ceremony honors the American flag as the symbol of our country and all the
hopes, dreams, and people it represents. If your group includes girls from other countries,
invite them to honor their flags too, and together conduct an international flag ceremony.

Flag ceremonies may be used for:
•   Opening or closing meetings
•   Opening or closing special events
•   Beginning or closing a day
•   Honoring a special occasion or special person
•   Retiring a worn flag

     Flag ceremonies may take place in meeting rooms, outdoor settings, large
auditoriums, onstage, or even on horseback. The American flag is carried by a color
guard for protection during a flag ceremony. All flag ceremonies share one thing—
respect for the flag.

Flag Ceremony Guidelines
Keep it simple. Emphasis needs to be
on respect for the flag rather than on
the commands or techniques. Adults
can ask girls these questions when
•    Who will carry the flag?
•    Who will the color guards be?
•    Who will give the directions for
     the ceremony?
•    What song will you sing? Who
     will sound the pitch and start the
•    Will a poem or quotation be
     included? Who will say or read it?
•    After the Pledge of Allegiance,
     will the Girl Scout Promise and        Possible Commands for a Flag Ceremony
     Law be said?
                                            •    "Girl Scouts, attention." Used to announce that the flag ceremony is to begin.
•    What order will the ceremony
     follow?                                •    "Color guard, advance." Signals the color guard to advance with the flags or advance to
•    When will the group practice?               pick up the flags.
•    Where will the flags be placed at      •    "Color guard, post the colors." Directs the color guard to place the flag in flag standards or
     the end of the ceremony?                    to attach the grommets to a flag pole rope.
                                            •    "Color guard, honor your flag." Signals the color guard to salute the American flag.
                                            •    "Please join us in saying the Pledge of Allegiance." After saying the pledge, include an
                                                 appropriate song, quotation, or poem, if so desired.
                                            •    "Color guard, retire the colors." Prompts the color guard to remove the flag from standards
                                                 or to lower the flag, detach it from the rope, and fold it prior to being dismissed.
                                            •    "Color guard, dismissed." Prompts the color guard to leave in formation, with or without
                                                 the flag.
                                            •    "Girl Scouts, dismissed." Indicates girls may leave in formation or be at ease where they
                                                 have been standing.

                                            Terms Used in a Flag Ceremony
                                            •    The color bearer (or flag bearer) is the person who carries the flag. There is one color bearer
                                                 for each flag used in the ceremony.
                                            •    The color guard is a team that guards the flags. Any even number of guards may be used,
                                                 but usually four or six girls are sufficient.
                                            •    The Girl Scout in charge (or caller) is a designated Girl Scout who announces or calls each
                                                 part of the ceremony.

                                                                                                                    Fall 2021 l The Golden Link 7
LinkThe Golden Adventure Park opens! - Girl Scouts of San Jacinto Council
Girl Scout Traditions We Love:                                       Troop Leaders: Get to know the
    Spotlight on Service                                                 Volunteer Toolkit
         Service is a cornerstone of Girl Scouting. Around                     The Volunteer Toolkit is your official source for delivering
    Thanksgiving and into December, troops often opt to do an            easy, fun troop meetings year-round! This fully customizable
    activity that allows them to better their community. It ranges       digital planning tool is accessible on any computer, tablet, or
    from collecting food for local food banks leading up to              mobile device and provides you with Girl Scout program con-
    Thanksgiving to visiting retirement homes and singing holiday        tent, award requirements, and other resources.
    songs for residents.                                                       Girls have more fun when they can shape their own
         Girl Scouting’s commitment to service is part of our roots      experience, do hands-on activities, and work together as teams.
    and goes much deeper than a one-time activity though. It’s           With the Volunteer Toolkit, take the guess work out of planning
    something built into our mission: we teach girls how to make         and spend more time exploring topics with girls! To access the
    the world a better place. Here are a few key ways that happens       Volunteer Toolkit, visit and click on MyGS to log into
    in Girl Scouting.                                                    your Girl Scout account.
    Service Projects                                                     Through the Volunteer Toolkit, troop leaders can:
    Service projects are one-time acts that allow a girl to better her   •  Plan the troop’s calendar year.
    community. They’re often planned by the troop, independent           •  Email parents with one click.
    of any badgework, as a way to teach girls how to give back           •  View the troop roster, renew girls’ membership, and update
    from a young age. In addition, Girl Scout Communities (a local          girls' contact information.
    network of troops within your geographical area) might plan          •  View Daisy through Ambassador Journeys and badges
    larger service projects for all troops to join at the holidays.         (to plan for troop meetings), including prepopulated tracks
    They might also collect donations at weekend campouts. Girl             for younger and older Multi-Level troop groups (K–5 and
    Scouts are always looking for ways to give back!                        6–12).
                                                                         •  Customize meetings by troop year with other badge and
    Take Action Projects                                                    Journey options.
    Take Action projects take the idea of service one step further.      •  Explore individual meeting plans that show a breakdown
    They are a chance for girls to partner with others in their             of every meeting, including a list of materials needed and
    community to solve a problem. Girls learn about getting to              editable time allotments for each activity within a meeting.
    the root causes of issues, mobilizing and engaging community         •  Record girls’ attendance at meetings and their badge and
    members and volunteers and striving toward creating lasting             Journey achievements.
    change in their world. An important component is to understand       •  Add council or custom troop events to the troop’s calendar.
    and address the cause of a problem. Girls must also make sure        •  Enter the troop’s finances.
    each project is sustainable and that the impact is measurable.       •  Easily locate both national and local council resources,
    These are often tied to Journey Awards girls earn as part of            such as Safety Activity Checkpoints.
    demonstrating the new skills they have learned.
                                                                         What about Parents?
    Highest Awards                                                       •  Parents can now access the Volunteer Toolkit to see what
    Girls who enjoy finding sustainable solutions to problems               their girl’s troop or group is doing (e.g, meeting information
    in their community are primed to earn Girl Scouting’s three             and which badges and Journeys she is working on).
    highest honors: the Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards. Juniors          •  Parents can also view the troop’s finances.
    are eligible to earn the Bronze Award, Cadettes the Silver
    Award and Seniors and Ambassadors the Gold Award.
    Earning this honor is a type of Take Action project, but rather
    than working with her entire troop a girl works with a smaller
    team (Bronze and Silver) or independently (Gold) to solve a
    problem in her community. Less than five percent of girls who
    join Girl Scouts will earn the Gold Award, making it the most
    prestigious honor in our organization.

    Through each of these service opportunities, today’s girls
    keep alive Juliette’s dream of girls working together to make
    the world a better place – and that’s a tradition well worth

                See page 33 for pictures
                of girls' service projects.

8    Fall 2021 l The Golden Link
A conversation with Girl Scout great Stacy Methvin
      A positive experience as a Girl Scout in elementary school            Methvin, who admits
paired with a strong commitment to girl leadership led to many        she doesn’t give her
rewarding volunteer experiences and meaningful giving for             volunteer hours easily
former Girl Scouts of San Jacinto Council (GSSJC) president           and is picky about the
and chair of the board Stacy Methvin.                                 organizations and projects
      “Volunteering has been more rewarding for me than my            she chooses, sees Girl Scouts
impact on the Girl Scouts,” says Methvin. “Besides just feeling       as a great opportunity to
good to see girls excel and have so much fun, smiling from ear to     develop girls in ways they
ear, it’s a great way to fulfill your life.”                          aren’t always developed in
      When asked what she believes to be the most important           school. “Special qualities
skill that Girl Scouting teaches girls Methvin, who is retired from   and intellect are distributed
a successful career at Shell, says, “Hands down, confidence.          equally, but opportunities to       Stacy and Dee Methvin
Girls - and women - often struggle with it but in Girl Scouts they    develop them are not,” says Methvin. “Girl Scouts reaches out
get to build that confidence as they’re earning badges, going         across the socioeconomic spectrum and offers that opportunity to
to camp, talking in front of a big group or standing in front of      girls who are ready for it, regardless of a families’ ability to pay.”
strangers as they sell cookies, as well as learning to deal with            The ability to make a difference and pay it forward is also
disappointment.”                                                      what motivated Methvin to remain involved in Girl Scouting
      Another benefit, according to Methvin, is that while they       beyond her years as council president and board chair. Methvin
build confidence girls are encouraged to explore career paths         has been involved with various projects and initiatives since she
where females are traditionally under represented like STEM           finished her term as council president. Her most recent role was
(science, technology, engineering and math). “Life took me into       as chair of the Ten Year Property Strategy Committee, which
the energy industry where there weren’t many women. To get            is responsible for developing the council’s investment plan for
more women into the industry we must reach them when they’re          the camps. This strategy led to Methvin Chairing the Master
younger, in elementary or middle school. Girl Scouting is a great     Plan development for the council’s integrated camp property in
way to do that and learn more about what’s going on with today’s      Conroe, Texas, often referred to as Treelake. It was this work that
girls so we can support them.”                                        led to recent developments at Camp Agnes Arnold, including the
                                                                      new Hamill Welcome Center, and a recently unveiled Adventure
                                                                      Park which was made possible thanks to the generosity of
                                                                      Methvin and her husband Dee.
                                                                            The Adventure Park features two 300-foot ziplines with
                                                                      a challenge course comprised of 29 adventurous elements
                                                                      including a swinging bridge, horse ride, catwalk, loop crossing,
                                                                      barrel bridge, DNA bridge, skyak, tube crawl, taco net and
                                                                      more. Complete with two thrilling levels, the challenge course
                                                                      welcomed girls back to in-person resident camp this summer and
                                                                      has already provided girls with lifelong memories and feelings
                                                                      of accomplishment as they overcame fears, reached new heights
                                                                      and cheered on team members to help them finish the course.
                                                                            Methvin is excited about being able to offer girls in San
                                                                      Jacinto Council the opportunity to experience a challenge course
                                                                      of this caliber because it will help get girls outdoors.
                                                                            “When I look back on when I grew most in my life, it was
                                                                      always through outdoor experiences. When I think about where
                                                                      I was shaping my personality and gaining confidence but really
                                                                      just having a great time, it was in the great outdoors. These
                                                                      adventures were so important to my success and my life, that I
                                                                      want to entice girls to get outdoors as well,” says Methvin.
Stacy and Dee take the inaugural zip line from the new Adventure            "I want to make sure troop leaders and families know about
Park at Camp Agnes Arnold.                                            it! A lot of times, people don’t think they can come to Girl Scout
                                                                      camp and get something unique, but they can- sailing, horseback
                                                                      riding, and now this Adventure Park! I want people to see Girl
                                                                      Scouts as relevant and something special, not a thing of the past.”

                                                                                                                Fall 2021 l The Golden Link 9
Thank you for standing
                                                                  with our girls!
                                                                        As summer turns to fall, and we reflect on the changes we’ve
                                                                  all been through this past year and a half, we are grateful to you,
                                                                  our friends and supporters, for ensuring our girls have what they
                                                                  need to thrive during tough times.
                                                                        In this extraordinary chapter in history, Girl Scouting is
                                                                  more important than ever. Being a Girl Scout provides girls with
                                                                  a sense of belonging and a safe place to make friends, have fun,
                                                                  and gain critical life skills. In addition to being a touch point with
                                                                  other girls during an uncertain time, our one-of-a-kind leadership
                                                                  development program for girls has proven results. Every activity
                                                                  we offer is based on time-tested methods and research-backed
                                                                  programming that help girls take the lead – in their own lives
                                                                  and in the world. The experiences girls have in Girl Scouting
                                                                  are proven to cultivate values, social conscience, self-esteem,
                                                                  resiliency and much more. Your support makes this possible!
                                                                        We know there are families who continue to face financial
                                                                  uncertainty and that financial aid is needed by many. We believe
                                                                  that every girl deserves the opportunity to be a Girl Scout, and we
                                                                  hope you do too. As you start to consider your year-end giving, we
                                                                  hope you will make a gift to Girl Scouts of San Jacinto Council.
                                                                  Your investment supports our girls as they develop resilience,
                                                                  perseverance and strength, while living out their commitment to
                                                                  a vow they made when they first put on their Girl Scout Uniform:
                                                                  “…to make the world a better place.” Visit or
                                                                  contact Nancy Hall at or 713-292-0282.

    For ticket and sponsorship information go to

10 Fall 2021 l The Golden Link
It’s time for the Fall Product Program!
September 18 – November 14
     Our Fall Product Program is about to start! Don’t miss out on your daughter’s chance to participate in the Fall
Product Program. Beginning September 18, go to or click on the link from the council
website. Follow the instructions in the 2021 Fall Product Family Guide to get your Girl Scout set up on the system.
     Please make sure to get online and help your Girl Scout create her Me2™ (an avatar customized to
resemble herself). Send emails through the site to friends and family inviting them to shop online and bask in
our delicious treats. Help your Girl Scout be successful at reaching her personal and troop goals. It’s a fantastic Sell 55+ items to earn me!
way to earn funds for the troop. Troops typically earn an average of about $800.
     Each troop will be selling nuts and candy from Ashdon Farms and magazine subscriptions from M2 Media.
To get started, contact the troop’s fall product manager to get an order card. If your Girl Scout cannot begin on
September 18, she may participate in the program anytime before November 14.
     Your Girl Scout’s Me2™ avatar will be part of her troop’s online photo. By sending 18+ emails and selling 3+ magazines and 35+
Nut/chocolate items during the fall program, she will earn a personalized patch with her name and Me2™ on it. She can choose a harbor
view or research expedition for the background of her patch. She can also choose to be in a pink or green snowsuit. Plus, when she sells
250+ packages in the 2022 Cookie Program she will qualify for the special Cookie Crossover patch.
     Don’t miss out on all the fun! This program is easy, fun and a wonderful way to earn startup funds for your troop!
Questions?                                                               Why the Fall Product Program is Important
•  First contact your troop leadership team to find out how              •  Girls learn important business and life skills like money
   your troop is participating.                                             management and goal setting.
•  Your Community also has a volunteer Community fall                    •  It’s a great way to earn money for the troop! The average
   product manager than can help you throughout the                         proceeds a troop can earn are between $300 - $800.
   program, or you can contact GSSJC at            •  If girls can’t begin the sale on Sept. 18, they can continue to
•  For more information on how your Girl Scout can                          join the program at anytime before Nov. 14.
   participate, go to Then
   select the Fall Product – Troop group.                                What is new this year?
                                                                         •  New flavor! Sweet and Salty Mix – Honey roasted peanuts,
Look at what our girls accomplished last year!                              XL Virginia peanuts, pretzels, honey sesame sticks, honey
•  Fall Product Program 2020                                                roasted cashews, cashews and almonds. Yum!
•  189,256 total items sold                                              •  New Girl Scout collectible tin showcases a Girl Scout
•  5,938 girls participated                                                 uniform from Daisy to Brownie to Junior to Cadette with
•  $381,854 earned by troops                                                each turn of the tin filled with tasty Mint Treasures.
•  25.04 average items sold per girl                                     See more information on the back cover of this issue!

                                                                                                                 Fall 2021 l The Golden Link 11
Gold Award Girl Scouts
  The Girl Scout Gold Award represents the highest achievement in Girl Scouting; it recognizes girls in grades 9-12 who demonstrate
  extraordinary leadership through sustainable and measurable Take Action projects. Since 1916, girls have successfully pursued the
  highest award, an act that indelibly marks them as accomplished members of their communities and the world.

                                 Jana Albustami worked with her                                   Ruthanne Martin observed how
                                 troop and the Iman Academy Southeast                             poverty in the Dominican Republic
                                 Elementary School to install recycling                           was related to lack of trade schools and
                                 bins around the Iman Academy school in                           skills. She approached this problem at
                                 Webster. Jana also hosted three recycling                        the school level by teaching children
                                 workshops for elementary students that                           in the villages how to make bracelets
                                 helped share resources and information                           from T shirts. This is a skill that could
                                 about the importance of recycling, and                           provide jobs for them in the future.
                                 the overall impact it has on global water                        Dominican Republic is a tourist country,
                                 and air pollution.                                               so the students could sell the bracelets
                                                                                                  to tourists to make money.

                                 Nerissa Alvarez started The E-Mavs                               Madelyn Szynal noted that there would
                                 News Club at YES Prep Southwest to                               be a significant shortage of pilots in
                                 create a digital newsletter for YES Prep                         the upcoming years worldwide due
                                 Southwest staff and families. Nerissa                            to the pandemic and decided to teach
                                 noted that paper newsletters were always                         others about aviation. Together with
                                 discarded and thrown away, wasting                               her volunteers and the Lonestar Flight
                                 both resources and production time. To                           Museum, Madelyn was able to host
                                 streamline the process, Nerissa began                            three separate aviation workshops.
                                 a digital newsletter that includes real                          Additionally, she hosted an Aviation
                                 life issues, news, and even entertaining                         Education Day to help others explore
                                 activities for readers.                                          and learn more about aviation.

                                  Emma Hamilton noted the lack of                                 Madeline Vanlandingham worked
                                  resources and information on mental                             with several organizations to address
                                  health her school supplied to both                              air pollution and quality through a
                                  teachers and students. Emma remodeled                           community workshop with expert
                                  and installed new furniture in the                              speakers. Additionally, Madeline led
                                  teacher’s lounge of her local school and                        volunteers to plant trees near benches
                                  included posters and hand-written notes                         and play areas in the Willow Waterhole
                                  for teachers to help remind them how                            community area. Madeline was
                                  much they are appreciated. Additionally,                        motivated to take on this project by
                                  Emma held a guided meditation with                              her own passion for reducing carbon
                                  almost 100 students to help teach them                          footprints and teaching others about
                                  how to deal with stress and anxiety.                            the importance of greener living.

                                  Anjali Kadur addressed the root
                                  cause of the decline of reading and
                                  cultural awareness by starting a book
                                  club with children from ages 11-13 to
                                  promote 20 min of reading a day. Anjali
                                  created passports for nine countries
                                  on a website with information on their
                                  food, holidays, and flag. In each of
                                  the books as well, there was a cultural
                                  resemblance to the country of the
                                  month. Meetings were held every week
                                  during the school year.

12 Fall 2021 l The Golden Link
Girl and Troop Activities
Register for events under the My Events tab in my Account. Go to and select MyGS, log in at the top right corner, next click My Events in the left-hand menu. If
 you have a question about your activity, contact 713-292-0370 or 1-800-392-4340. If you have a problem with your login, contact Customer Service at 713-292-0300 or Bring: For all events, bring Permission Slip F-204 and Medical Form F-185 for each girl and the Adult Emergency Form F-22 for each adult.
       Attention Daisy Leaders! Look for the Daisy in                                                                          Look for this symbol in indicate
       this section for activities that Daisies can attend.                                                                        a virtual program offering.

                                               Visit                           Junior Savvy Shopper Badge
                                               fall for quick                             Workshop
                                               links to register                          Food and water, clean clothes, a place to live are things
                                                                                          everyone needs. A closet full of shoes, a new desk, tickets to a
                                               for any activity                           movie are things people want. Girls will investigate why they
                                               featured in this                           want what they want, learn to decide what to buy and find out
                                               issue of The                               what makes people happy with what they buy.
                                               Golden Link.
                                                                                          Who:            ⓙ
                                                                                          When:           Sept. 18, 10 a.m. – noon
                                                                                          Where:          Program Place, Houston
                                                                                          Cost:           $18/girls, free for adults
                                                                                          Contact:        Lola Akapo,

                                                                                          Cadette Budgeting Badge
                                                                                          Cadettes would you like to make your first big purchase?

     General Activities                                                                   Would you like to plan a trip with your friends but have no idea
                                                                                          where to start? Learn how to budget and save to make your
                                                                                          wants a reality.

Older Girls R Expressive                                                                  Who:            ⓒ
Learn all the extraordinary things offered beyond the troop for                           When:           Oct. 16, 10 a.m. – noon
older Girl Scouts! This annual event is being taken virtual so we                         Where:          Girl Scout Center, Houston
can reach girls from across our 26 counties! Sign up and log on                           Cost:           $18/girl, free for adults
to learn about unique older-girl programming and more. Hear                               Contact:        Lola Akapo,
a sneak peek about our Special Interest Groups (astronomy,
robotics, horseback riding, sailing, archery, dance, riflery, and                         Adventure Park
backpacking). Later, enter breakout rooms and be led in activities                        Have you explored the new Adventure Park at Camp Agnes
or see awesome demos for specific topics, like an interest group,                         Arnold? We can’t wait for you to join us for some high-
how to take leadership of your Girl Scout experience, Highest                             adventure fun! Registration for the Adventure Park will open
Awards, or other engaging topics and activities.                                          soon, with spots with spots available for troops who are
                                                                                          camping at Camp Agnes Arnold or Misty Meadows Ranch.
Who:           ⓒⓢⓐ
When:          Sept. 18, 9:30 a.m. – noon                                                 Who:            ⓙⓒⓢⓐ (must be 9 years old)
Where:         Virtual                                                                    Where:          Camp Agnes Arnold
Cost:          Free; Plus free swag bags!                                                 When:           Dates TBD, 9 – 11 a.m.; noon – 2 p.m.;
Contact:       Kelli Cavenah,, 713-292-0300                             		              2:30 – 4:30 p.m.
                                                                                          Cost:           $25/girl
                                                                                          Contact:        Dejah Covick,, 713-292-0312
Community Service                                                                         Note:           Limited space for adult “watchers” will be
Are you and your troop eager to find ways to better your
                                                                                          		              available each session. Climbers must be 9 years
community? Whether you are looking to earn your Community
                                                                                          		              old to participate.
Service Bar or just looking to give back, there are numerous ways to
contribute meaningful efforts to your community. While you are at
it, community service can also help sharpen your problem-solving
skills and expand your definition of philanthropy. If you would like
a list of community service opportunities and organizations, please

ⓓ-Daisy ⓑ-Brownie ⓙ-Juniors ⓒ-Cadettes ⓢ-Seniors ⓐ-Ambassadors                                                                             Fall 2021 l The Golden Link 13
Weekend Camp Activities                                                Spark Events
                                                                              Is your troop new to camping? Let us Spark your troop’s
       Is your troop camping at one of our GSSJC properties this
                                                                         joy for the outdoors! Bring your troop for a day or overnight
  fall? Are you interested in doing some fun camp activities (or
                                                                         at camp and let us plan some of your Saturday activities and
  “Camptivities”) while you’re there? Registration for activities
                                                                         meals. Trained staff will facilitate up to three troop-choice
  at camp through February 2022 will be available only to
                                                                         events and provide two meals so you can focus on creating a
  troops camping at that location. Starting in September, troop/
                                                                         great first troop camping experience for your girls. Price is per
  groups with camp reservations booked will receive an email
                                                                         person. Lunch and Dinner Saturday are included. Groups must
  with guidance on activity availability and activity registration
                                                                         register at least 8 participants.
                                                                         How to get started:
       Activity costs are listed below. Please note that not all
                                                                         •    Have one or two troop volunteers complete Camping and
  activities will be available every weekend at every camp.
                                                                              Overnight Basics (COB) online training
                                                                         •    Register online for your troop’s preferred Spark date and
  Letterboxing / Geocaching - Free! (Clues are on the Camping
  Central Online Community:
                                                                         •    Decide with your girls if you want to do day-only or
                                                                              overnight camping
                                                                         •    Book your camping with Customer Service (steps
  Service Projects - Free! (Ask the ranger to pull a project from
                                                                              provided in COB training)
  the “Job Jar” at check in! Or, contact the Outdoor Experience
  Department if you’d like to plan a specific service project.)
                                                                         Who:     Troops who have little or no camping experience
                                                                         Where: Camp Agnes Arnold, Camp Robinwood
  Archery - $10 / person ($3 / person if your group provides its
                                                                         Cost:    $55/girl, $25/adult
  own archery instructor)
                                                                         Note: Overnight accommodations (campsite) not included
                                                                         with your event registration. At least one Camping and
  Swimming (Pool) - $10 / person ($3 / person if your group
                                                                         Overnight Basics (COB) trained adult and one First Aider must
  provides its own lifeguard)
                                                                         accompany your troop at this event.
  Canoeing / Kayaking / Corcling - $10 / person ($3 / person if
                                                                         Camp Agnes Arnold
  your group provides its own small craft instructor)
                                                                         Dec. 18: Holiday Lights
                                                                         Jan. 15: Wacky Winter Wizards
  Riflery - $10 / person ($3 / person if your group provides its
                                                                         Feb. 19: World Thinking Day
  own riflery instructor)
                                                                         Camp Robinwood
  Nature Center Workshops - $10 / person
                                                                         Dec. 11: Holiday Lights
                                                                         Jan. 22: Wacky Winter Wizards
  Adventure Course - $25 / person
                                                                         Feb. 26: World Thinking Day
  Love, Hug, & Groom - $6 / person

  Troop Horseback Riding - $25 / person                                  Make an Ornament for the GSSJC
                                                                         Christmas Tree
  Songs and Games in the Online                                          Get in the holiday spirit by participating in GSSJC’s Christmas
  Community!                                                             tree at the Houston Museum of Natural Science! It is free to                                 view the trees, so girls can visit the tree and try to spot their
  home?tid=30&pid=296                                                    ornament. Ornaments should fit this year’s theme (“Spirit
                                                                         of Girl Scouts”) and full details will be available online by
        Songs and games have been a part of Girl Scouting for            October 1 with more theme information and instructions
  over a century. Did you know you can find a collection of              on submitting.
  some favorite songs and games in the Online Community,
  including the GSSJC camp songs! Thi ssite includes more than           Who:         All levels
  just the lyrics; be sure to click on the song titles to hear the       When:        Submit Oc.t 1 – Nov. 22, tree display dates TBA
  song being sung - or, in some cases, to watch a video with the         Contact:     Kelli Cavenah,, 713-292-0271
  hand motions!
        Any Requests? Trying to remember the words to that
  song you learned at camp a few years ago? Or that game you
  played at Adult Weekend? If you would like us to add any
  particular songs or games to this page, or if you (or your troop)
  are interested in recording songs, drop a note on the discussion
  page, or email!

14 Fall 2021 l The Golden Link                                        ⓓ-Daisy ⓑ-Brownie ⓙ-Juniors ⓒ-Cadettes ⓢ-Seniors ⓐ-Ambassadors
Financial Literacy Workshops
Are you interested in learning how money works? Do you enjoy learning about what money can be used for, what budgets
are and how to make more money? You’re invited to dive into the world of Financial Literacy through completion of these
workshops. Create your own budget and earn badges!

Contact: Lola Akapo,
Workshop		                                                 Date and Time			                       GS Level            Price      Location
Daisy Money Counts Leaf Workshop                           Sept. 10 – 12, 9 a.m. – 11:59 p.m.     ⓓ		                 $5         Virtual
Brownie Philanthropist Badge Workshop                      Sept. 10 – 12, 9 a.m. – 11:59 p.m.     ⓑ		                 $10        Virtual
Cadette Comparison Shopping Badge Workshop                 Sept. 10 – 12, 9 a.m. – 11:59 p.m.     ⓒ		                 $10        Virtual
Daisy Making Choices Leaf Workshop                         Sept. 17 – 19, 9 a.m. – 11:59 p.m.     ⓓ		                 $5         Virtual
Brownie Money Manager Badge Workshop                       Sept. 17 – 19, 9 a.m. – 11:59 p.m.     ⓑ		                 $10        Virtual
Junior Business Owner Badge Workshop                       Sept. 17 – 19, 9 a.m. – 11:59 p.m.     ⓙ		                 $10        Virtual
Senior Buying Power Badge Workshop                         Sept. 17 – 19, 9 a.m. – 11:59 p.m.     ⓢ		                 $10        Virtual
Ambassador On My own Badge Workshop                        July 23 – 25, 9 a.m. – 11:59 p.m.      ⓐ		                 $10        Virtual
Daisy Making Choices: There are things we need and there are                Cadette Comparison Shopping Badge Workshop: From
things we want. Both cost money! Lets find out the difference.              cardigans to cars, you can buy just about everything online these
Daisy Money Counts: Daisies, did you know that you can use                  days. Although online shopping is convenient, there are certain
money to buy things such as a new toy or new books? Did you                 things to know so you can make sure that you’re paying a fair
also know that you can use money to help people too? Find out all           price and don’t fall victim to fraud.
about money. Earn your Daisy "Money Count's" leaf.
                                                                            Senior Buying Power: It might be tomorrow, it might be a year
Brownie Philanthropist Badge Workshop: Girl Scouts make                     from now, someday you will want to make a big purchase that
the works a better place. One way to do that is to make sure                you’ll need up paying for over time. By earning this badge, you'll
everyone's basic needs are met. In this badge, girls will explore           understand the long-term impact of making a big purchase and
basic human needs and how they can be philanthropists.                      how you need to be prepared to keep paying for it long after you’ve
                                                                            started to use it.
Brownie Money Manager: Money helps us buy things we need,
like food and clothes. Money also helps us buy things that we               Ambassador On My Own: Knowing how to create and stick
want like video games and movie tickers! Learn the difference               to a budget is a skill that will help you throughout every stage of
between wants and needs in this badge.                                      your life, from graduating high school all the way through your
                                                                            retirement years. Far too many people don’t start thinking about
Junior Business Owner: Do you have a passion for fashion?                   creating a budget until they find themselves deep in debt. This badge
Are you kooky about cooking? Or maybe you’re just wild about                will teach you how to avoid future financial pitfalls.
animals. With this badge, you'll find out that it’s possible to turn
something you love into a successful business!

GSSJC Gay Straight Alliance                                                 Senior Car Care Badge Workshop:
Interest Group                                                              Girls are invited to participate in this fun and educational
     GSSJC's Gay-Straight Alliance serves to empower and                    workshop. By attending this event, girls will be introduced to
educate scouts surrounding LGBTQ+ issues. We will lead                      current car care tips by engaging in discussions and completing
inclusive, engaging, and educational programming in order to                activities with the Christian Brothers Automotive staff as they
create Queer and allied leaders within Girl Scouts. This could              help them become knowledgeable about automotive care.
include a History of Pride patch, troop leader training and
teaching scouts how to confront homophobia.                                 Who:         ⓢ
     If this group interests you, we would love to have                     When:        Nov 18, 6 – 8 p.m.
you! Creator, Gold Award Girl Scout Liv Rubenstein, has a                   Where:       Christian Brothers Automotive, Cypress
wonderful vision for this new interest group and we would                   Cost:        $10 /girl
love for you to join. If you are interested please contact GSLE             Contact:     Lola Akapo,
Manager Heather Vandivort at We hope
to see you at our next meeting.                                             Girl Scouts Got Talent
                                                                            Girl Scouts Got Talent is back! Show off your skills in a fun
                                                                            competition for a chance to win an all inclusive trip to Universal
                                                                            Studios! Last year over 100 girls submitted videos and three
                                                                            lucky winners received unforgettable prizes. Girl Scouts Got
                                                                            Talent will kick off this fall, so keep an eye out for more details.
                                                                            This virtual event is open to all current Girl Scout members.

ⓓ-Daisy ⓑ-Brownie ⓙ-Juniors ⓒ-Cadettes ⓢ-Seniors ⓐ-Ambassadors                                                       Fall 2021 l The Golden Link 15
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