LIONS FAMILY LINES - Lions District 201Q3

Page created by Marcus Stanley
LIONS FAMILY LINES - Lions District 201Q3
                                         Issue 23 – May 2021

The Official
Newsletter          “Keeping the Promise” Feature article by
of District 201Q3   Lion Kevin Hedges appears on page 10 of this

LIONS FAMILY LINES - Lions District 201Q3
CONTENTS                                     NEWSLETTER DEADLINE
3    David’s Notes                                      The deadline for the June edition of the
4    Membership and Activity Report                          Newsletter will be 20th May

5    Secretary Richard’s Report                        Copy received after the deadline, unless urgent,
                                                        may be held over to the following month.
6    District Governor Elect Steve’s News

7    Cake and Mint Portfolio                                       Please email your articles to
8    Creek to Country … Convention 2021
     Leos Deliver Easter Eggs
                                                       To ensure a quality print all photographs should
9    Service Goals                                     be at least 1MB in size.
10   Keeping the Promise

11   State Youth of the Year Report

13   Australian Lions Hearing Dogs

14   Lions Club of Toowoomba Wilsonton History

16   Toowoomba Wilsonton Lions – ”Take a Hike”
     for AEIOU
     Worth While Watching

18   iPads for Forest Lake Lodge Residents
     Bracken Ridge Lions 25th Anniversary Train

19   Leadership Matters

20   Australian Lions Foundation
     Lions Camp Duckadang                              Please refer to Page 23 of this edition for the
                                                       article on “Why not use Dropbox?” I believe this
21   Our Newest Lions Family Members
     Why Not Use Drop Box
                                                       will explain why I will not be accepting any
     Answer to Last Months Club Quiz                   items sent to me via this medium.

22   Maleny Blackall Range Youth Projects              Thank you for complying with the lawful
                                                       requirement     to    provide     Photographic
23   Around the World with Lions                       Permission Forms with photos of children
                                                       (those under 18 years of age), and persons with
24   Maleny Blackall Range Youth Photos
                                                       a disability. Articles received without the
     Lake Currimundi Kawana Wishlist Donation
                                                       necessary authority will not be published.
25   Children of Courage
                                                       A copy of these forms was included in the July
26   Camp Duckadang Working Bee Report                 edition of the Newsletter. Should you/your
     Club Officer Forum Information                    Club require an electronic copy please send me
                                                       an email (address above) and I will forward one
27   Pause for a Cause
                                                       to you for your records.
28   Global Cause – Vision – Kids Need Eye Tests
     Too                                               I look forward to working closely with you to
                                                       achieve a positive outcome for your Club and
29   Global Cause – Hunger
                                                       the District for the next twelve months.
30   Global Cause – Understanding Diabetes                                                          Beverley Bates
                                                                                         District Newsletter Editor

                                                       Disclaimer: The views expressed in this publication are not
                                                       necessarily those of the District Governor, Cabinet Members or


LIONS FAMILY LINES - Lions District 201Q3
2021 Lions Youth of the Year State Final.
                                                       On Saturday 17th April, the Lions Club of
                            An email                   Brisbane Bunya hosted the Youth of the Year
                                                       (YOTY) State Final in Brisbane. The four
                                                       students competing on the evening were all
                                                       outstanding, seasoned public speakers. They
                                                       were a credit to themselves, their schools, and
                                                       their families.
                                                       On this evening final we were represented by
                                                       our District Winner, Caitlyn Douglas.
                                                       Although unsuccessful on the evening Caitlyn
                                                       gave a commendable performance. Our State
      MY PENTIMULATE DISTRICT                          Youth of the Year winner for 2021 was Katura
    GOVERNOR’S BULLETIN ARTICLE                        Halladay sponsored by the Lions Club of
                                                       Burleigh Heads. The winner of the Public
This is my second last entry for your District         Speaking award was Barnabas Juhasz
Bulletin as District Governor. I would like to         sponsored by the Lions Club of Townsville
thank all Lions who have contributed to and            Castle Hill.    All the student impromptu
will continue to contribute to this monthly            speeches together with their prepared
publication. My special thanks go to PDG               speeches were of the highest calibre. If you
Beverley Bates for her huge effort in                  have not attended a YOTY District or State
producing our bulletin each month. The task            final, please add it to your bucket list.
of, soliciting information, including, and
formatting articles, and reminding us of               I would like to thank the Lions Club of
submission deadlines is a huge one. Bev, look          Brisbane Bunya for sponsoring and running
on the bright side. You only need to remind            the Friday evening get-together, the judging
me once more!                                          venue and organization on Saturday morning
                                                       and the final on Saturday evening. A special
By now clubs will have elected members to              thanks goes to Lion Claire Grlj from Brisbane
their Club Boards for the 2021/22 Lions Year.          Bunya, Lion Narelle Gluer for her District
I congratulate and thank all Lions who have            YOTY coordination and our State YOTY
stepped up to the plate and taken on an                Coordinator, PDG Rob Craig for running a
important club role for the oncoming year.             successful event.
The health and vitality of your club is
enhanced by a regular changeover of club               This year we had thirty-three clubs
roles or positions. To those Lions who are             participating and several zone and region
stepping up for the first time, congratulations,       finals before our District final in Pittsworth.
you deserve the full support of your fellow            Thank you to all our participating clubs and
club members and you will have the full                the many hours of preparation you have spent
support of our District team. Do not hesitate          in making this year’s events, culminating in
to contact us should you need any assistance           Saturday’s State Final, a huge success.
with your new role.                                    Clubs, start planning now for a larger YOTY
                                                       event involving more clubs in 2022.
Following your Club elections, it is imperative
your Club Secretary fills out and sends to our          2021 Lions National Convention in Canberra
Cabinet Secretary, Richard Williams, the
                                                       This week, Lions head off to the Canberra
Lions PU101 form detailing the names of your
                                                       Convention. This is our chance to meet other
Club’s new management team for 2021/22.
                                                       Lions from across Australia and enjoy their
As at this date we have received fifty-five
                                                       fellowship. Following last year’s cancellation,
PU101s with seventeen yet to be received. If
                                                       it is now a breath of fresh air to meet our
you have not sent them in, please do so
                                                       friends once again, face to face.


LIONS FAMILY LINES - Lions District 201Q3
I wish all our travelling Lions a safe journey         MEMBERSHIP AND ACTIVITY
filled with joyful Convention experiences.
While in Canberra I will attend together with
                                                      These figures are correct as at 11.15 am on
the other District Governors the last Multiple
                                                      28th April 2021
District’s Council meeting for this Lions year.
Our District Governor Elect, Steve will attend        Our total membership numbers this month
additional training and attend his first MD           is one thousand five hundred and eighty a
Shadow Council of Governors meeting later in          loss of nine with eleven new members and
the first week as well as electing the new            twenty people leave.
Council Chair. I wish Steve all the best in his
Lion’s DG year.                                       MyLion reports:

That is all I have for now. I look forward to         268,360 People Served
meeting all our Q3 delegates in Canberra.             170 People Served per Member
Safe travel.                                          2200 Service Activities
Yours in Lionism                                       136 Diabetes,
David Orton District Governor 210Q3                    130 Environment,
                                                       63 Childhood Cancer,
                                                       173 Hunger Relief,
                                                       87 Vision
                                                       1611 Other
                                                      92,556 volunteer hours since 1st July 2020
                                                      US$124,167 funds donated and US$368,949
                                                      These figures include only service activities –
                                                      not meetings and fund-raisers. So far fifty-
                                                      three clubs and one Leo club have reported
                                                      their activities that is two more clubs than
                                                      last month.



LIONS FAMILY LINES - Lions District 201Q3
As I said last month, if your club has thirty-
                                                       five or more members, contact me to
                                                       determine how many votes you may have, if
                                                       you have less than thirty-five, you may have
                                                       one vote. Nominate your delegate on MyLCI.
                                                       Delegates must register for LCICon.
                                                       And, finally, a verse from the song ‘Sunrise
                                                       Sunset’ for Mothers’ Day
                                                                    Is this the little girl I carried?
                                                                     Is this the little boy at play?
As you read this, I hope I have seen the last                     I don't remember growing older
of the Club details spreadsheet Newcastle                                   When did they?
use to populate the Multiple District (MD)
Directory. Thanks to everyone who got your
Club’s details to me.
Please remember to also add your club
officers to MyLCI. To add your Club
Administrator, you will need to change the
Officer Type to Lions Club Admins.
It would save a lot of time if we could populate
the MD Directory from MyLCI. Which we
could if the data in MyLCI was more
complete, consistent and correct. To that
end, I recently resent the MyLCI data cleanse
request from Newcastle – it is a two-stage
process.    Make sure the information is
complete and correct, then get it into the
correct format.       I think it is a great
opportunity      to     engage     your    Club
For some, you are coming to the end of your
term as secretary – time to get your filing in
order and ready for handover, think about
what paperwork and assets you need to
handover, and what advice you will give your
successor. And start engaging them in what
you are doing and how you do it.
Speaking of next year, don’t forget to register
for one of the Club Officer Forums.
    Saturday 5 June       Saturday 12 June
          Chinchilla            Wamuran
     Sunday 6 June         Sunday 13 June
          Pittsworth             Ipswich
For more details, see your Secretary, or
elsewhere in this Bulletin
I still have no information about voting for
the International Convention. It will be on-
line, so all clubs are able to have a vote.

LIONS FAMILY LINES - Lions District 201Q3
First, congratulation to the organisers, for those
                                                        that attended, it went seamlessly and as always,
                                                        the speakers were sensational. A big thank you
                                                        to the Brisbane Bunya Club for hosting the
                                                        event, I particularly enjoyed the BBQ pulled pork
                                                        rolls and relaxed nature at the Friday night meet
                                                        and greet.

                                                        Well done to Caitlyn our Q3 contestant who
                                                        acquitted herself admirably but the young lady
                                                        Kat from Q1 had such a relaxed, confident and
                                                        embracing style took the night. It certainly will
Well, what a busy month it has been.                    not be the last time we hear from her and am
                                                        really looking forward to her presentation at the
 You may recall in the last article I mentioned         National Convention.
the Lions Day with the UN (LDUN). Well, I woke
up at 1:30am and logged in with several other           Earlier today I met up with my international
Australians for the 2:00am start, not sure what         peers via a Zoom link for training. As there are
this 43rd UN Day and the first ever virtual event       so many of us, we have been broken down into
would look like. As it turned out it was a lot of       30+ groups consisting of around twenty-five
pre-recorded videos of Lions and while I must           District Governors Elect in each group. It is one
admit I was initially a little disappointed this        thing to be a part of one of these groups on paper
was very quickly forgotten. The passion and             but when you connect, even virtually it brings
commitment to service from these speakers was           the full impact of Lions to the fore. While the
truly inspirational and I must admit at times           overt passion was not as evident as that of the
humbling, speaking on a variety of Lions                speakers for the LDUN their commitment and
activities and projects. Two that stood out for         determination to serve their communities,
me were the recovery efforts from the Porto             Districts and Lions surely was, and gave me an
Rician hurricane and Camp Sunshine held in              insight and put a face to some of those 1.4
Maine USA.                                              million members that they represent.

Then of course there were the winners of the            The National Convention is just around the
Peace Poster and the Peace Essay which were             corner and I am very much looking forward to
announced. The standard of the artwork from             attending. I will be taking the opportunity to
11 – 13 year old’s is just amazing and it is            take a day or two either side of the Convention
interesting to see the topic visually depicted          to drive down and see a bit of the country. It will
through their eyes. I would strongly encourage          be a tightly packed schedule for me with
you to visit the web site to view not only the          training, the Convention, and the international
winning entry from Yue Zheng from China but             Zoom training sessions I need to attend but I am
the other twenty-three merit award winners,             genuinely excited as new experiences and
and I think you will agree how wonderful their          opportunities open up. We were again however,
art is.                                                 reminded that things can change and quickly.
                                                        Here in Queensland and in Western Australian
Peace Poster Contest Current Winners | Lions            we entered snap lockdowns reminding us that
Clubs International   One pleasant surprise             we cannot take our eye off the ball when it comes
announcement was the winner of the peace                to Covid 19. Please continue with your good
essay competition, thirteen year old Joshua             hygiene practices and use the Covid QR code
Wood from Brisbane. Joshua was sponsored by             apps when entering premises.
the Brisbane Camp Hill Carindale Lions Club in
Q1. Again, I would encourage you to visit the           Take care and be safe.
website      and     view      his      essay.          Steve
                                                        Photos of the Grand Prize Winning entry and a
I was fortunate to attend the Youth of The Year         Merit Award Winning entry appear on pages 4
(YOTY) state final, with the informal gathering         and 5 respectively .
on the Friday night and dinner and final on the
Saturday night.


LIONS FAMILY LINES - Lions District 201Q3
CAKE AND MINT PORTFOLIO                            Something to note -
                                                     Due to the changeover of our Cake manufacturer
                  MAY – 2021                         and the fact that the 1.5kg Cake will be slightly
CAKES –                                              different in shape, either cake can be used for
                                                     this time and this time only.
With our 2021 Convention now only six months
                                                     PLEASE NOTE: there are still some of the
away it is prudent to remind Clubs that now is
                                                     1.5kg Top Taste Cakes left at Newcastle Office
the time for all our Lions and Leo Clubs to
                                                     for purchasing, so if you need stock now, please
commence thinking of entering the Iced Lions
                                                     take up the opportunity to purchase these
Christmas Cake (1.5kg Cake) Competition that
                                                     cakes at a greatly reduced price.
we run at Convention.
                                                     Remember that any new products may not be
There is no entry fee.                               available for purchase at this point, I have not
                                                     heard any information regarding the available
Details of the competition are as follows:           stock, although I do know that there was a
  # Cake to be iced is to be a 1.5kg Lions           slight hold-up with the baking of the 1.5kg
    Christmas Cake. (only one cake to be             Cakes. Traditional Foods whist baking as this
    used per entry) and to be on a board             report goes to print, remember that any rich,
    no larger than 30 x 30 cm. (this is for          fruit laden cakes do need time to settle (as in
    display purposes)                                the past) so if you have any outlet to sell cakes
  # Cakes are to be iced using Christmas             between now and then do consider the deal
    theme or scene. All cakes become the             shown in this article.
    property of the District Cake Competition.       I will let you know further details as comes to
  # It would be preferred if cakes could be          hand, I will be contacting the National Cake
    left at the Cake Display stand by                Chairman shortly and will pass on to you any
    4.00p.m. Friday, if not, no later than           information I can find out about when we can
    9.00a.m. Saturday.                               start to order, although at this point there is no
  # The winner of the competition will be            new Order Form available.
    determined by a voting system. A                 Please watch this space and if it is in between
    container will be placed in front of each        District Newsletters I will send out an email to
    cake, for a gold coin donation for the           all Clubs.
    cake of your choice. You may vote for
    as many cakes as you like. The highest           MINTS –
    amount of money will determine 1st
    prize, 2nd prize and 3rd prize.
                                                     Mints keep on keeping on and if you have any
                                                     questions on anything Mints, please do not
  # 1st Prize is $50, and the Perpetual              hesitate to contact me or Dollar Sweets.
    Trophy that you retain for the year.
  # 2nd Prize is $30.                                Dollar Sweets contact details are below -
  # 3rd prize is $20.                                FREECALL 1800 815 787
(All prize money and the trophy have been
kindly donated).

# All cakes entered in the competition will be       Kaye Smith   (PDG)

auctioned at the District Governor’s Banquet
on Saturday night.
  # All proceeds from this competition will go
towards Lions projects.
  # No entry is to have any identifying means        District Q3 Cake & Mint Chair
on the cake, e.g. iced by Mary Jane or Lions
Club of …….                                          0477 212 242


LIONS FAMILY LINES - Lions District 201Q3
CREEK to COUNTRY                                           Henry Ford once said –
                                                       Nothing is particularly hard if you divide it into
                 MAY 2021
                                                                          small jobs.
                                                       Sounds like your Convention Team, just hope
                                                       we do not overlook any of the small jobs.

                                                       Think about booking your accommodation
                                                       early, whilst there is plenty of accommodation
                                                       within a reasonable distance from the school
                                                       there is not a lot in Eatons Hill itself, so if you
                                                       wish to stay local think of booking early.

                                                       If you wish any further information on
                                                       accommodation etc. please ring me.
Update for our 2021 Q3 Convention.
                                                       We hope you are planning for Eatons Hill in
                                                       October; we look forward to catching up and
                                                       chatting with you then, take care and stay

        166 DAYS TO GO                                 safe.
                                                                  Kaye – Convention ’21 Chairman
The Registration Form is now up on the                  
Convention Website so please consider
contacting Carmel (early) she is waiting to
hear from you. Remember to register via this
address -              LEOS DELIVER EASTER EGGS
A note to all portfolio holders, space                 On Easter Sunday Lion Sandra of the Lions Club
permitting we will have room for eighteen              of Forest Lake and Leo Advisor April from St
booths, the application forms will be sent out         John's Anglican College visited the Inala
come July and of course like always, it will be        Salvation Army delivering easter eggs.
on a first in basis, so I suggest if you plan to
have a booth, please keep an eye out for that          Leo's previously recognised the importance of
information to head your way.                          caring for others and supporting those less
                                                       fortunate than themselves.
All going well we will have our face-to-face
Convention much in the way we have always              This project is achieved annually by St John's
celebrated with a mix of business (this is             Anglican Leo Club where easter eggs are given to
necessary as of course this is our Annual              residents at the Inala Salvation Army, Inala.
General Meeting) interesting forums, great
Key-Note Speakers and of course lots of fun            Danae and Zaiden Jones who live in Inala were
and fellowship.                                        extremely pleased to receive a free breakfast and
Of course, we pray that COVID by then is               easter eggs.
hiding somewhere in the background and it
                                                       On behalf of St John's Anglican College Leo’s,
will allow us to meet and enjoy each other’s
                                                       they would like to thank Forest Lake Centre
                                                       Management for their kindness with the
As much as I pray for this, we are not taking          donation of the eggs which brought many smiles
anything for granted and the fact that COVID           to the children on Easter Sunday.
will still be with us for some time to come, we
are obviously working on our Plan B as well.                                                      Leo Advisor
                                                                                             Lion April Lindel
As mentioned with only 6 months, more or                                  St John’s Anglican College Leo Club
less to go if you have any concerns or any
questions please do not hesitate to contact
me. I will be happy to have a chat and
hopefully abate all concerns, (0477 212 242).


LIONS FAMILY LINES - Lions District 201Q3
                                      Q3 has a number of Service Goals for 2020-21. Q3
                                      did very well last year and whilst COVID will
                                      restrict us, the challenge to at least equal last year
                                      is there.
                                       The goals relate to clubs reporting in MyLion their
                                       Service activities and achievements for our Lions
                                       Global Causes or other related Lions Service. (as
at 20 Apr) here is where the District stands.
        District Goal      2019-20     Oct 20      Feb 21        Apr 21     Jun 21
      To Serve 225,000     270,760     78,881      211,849      263,316

        To Complete          3,408       711        1,745        2,166
        3,000 Service

      To Complete 500         606        190         471          578
      Projects relating
      to Global Causes

        Every Club to         47.9%     28.8%       45.8%        47.2%
        complete 2 or
         more Global
       Causes Projects

      20% of Q3 Clubs        23.3%     30.1%        35.8%        37.5%
       completing a
      Diabetes Project

      85% of Q3 Clubs        87.9%      57.5%       62.5%        87.5%
        reporting in

Lions as you can see there are some great achievements and as a District we have
achieved four of our seven Service goals – Congratulations. As you can see we can report
more and we can achieve more if we work at doing what we Lions do – support our
community and strive to make a difference. Please continue to report your achievements
in My Lion.
I did notice that some clubs who participated in the November Diabetes walk have not
reported a diabetes activity in My Lion – appreciate if you could rectify the missing
Speaking of Walking for Diabetes Awareness, I want to thank the clubs who are providing
me with their monthly walking kms and number of participants. However I must ask,
where are all the others? In 2020 our District had more than 25 clubs participating and
reporting each month and we were active. I think we are still active, just not reporting,
please restart sending me the club walking form diabetes information and then report
the details in My Lion.
Lion Rodd … District Service Team


LIONS FAMILY LINES - Lions District 201Q3
What is Helen Keller’s connection with our Lion’s organisation? Helen spoke on
behalf of The American Foundation for the Blind at the 1925 Lions International
Convention and challenged the delegates in the following terms:
       Will you not help me hasten the day when there shall be no preventable
       blindness; no little deaf, blind child untaught; no blind man or woman
       unaided? I appeal to you Lions, you who have your sight, your hearing, you
       who are strong and brave and kind. Will you not constitute yourselves
       Knights of the Blind in this crusade against darkness?
The challenge was accepted and Lions around the world have since that time
included sight programs aimed at preventable vision loss and blindness in their
community activities.
In 1971, the Board of Directors of Lions Clubs International declared that June
1 would be remembered as Helen Keller Day.
For 96 years the challenge has been accepted by Lions Clubs and individual
members through programs like Lions Eye Health Program (LEHP) Australia and
Recycle for Sight Australia.
Encourage your Club to become involved in our Vision Projects by becoming a ‘LEHP
Participating Club’ and become involved yourself as an individual in the LEHP
Children’s Screening Program. It is all on the web site at .
Take time on 1st June to remember the challenge of Helen Keller and the Lions
throughout the world who since that time have responded by participating in vision
projects.  Also remember the millions of men, women and children whose
undiagnosed vision issues and eye disease have been identified through the work of
Kevin Hedges
Vision & Lions Eye Health Program Chair
District 201Q3


What a Gala event it was … despite the barriers of government restrictions this year ...
the Q3 District delivered for District Governor David, a spectacular event with the Lions
Club of Brisbane Bunya hosting the events for the State Final.
Friday Night – was the Informal function … held at the Enoggera Memorial Hall as the
“ice breaker” for contestants, judges, families, and LIONS to get to know one another in a
very relaxed atmosphere before the formal sections of the State Final the next day. There
were 58 attendees in all - with representatives from all four Q Districts enjoying the
company of others – and the gourmet meat and salad rolls prepared by the Flamin’
Mongrels (at least the name by the award winning company captured my attention).
The interview and speaking draw was held to determine the order in which the contestants
would be presented to the judges in the various sessions. However, the main focus of the
evening was to place everyone at ease before the big day on Saturday … and this was
certainly the case.
Saturday Night – chosen for its location, the Pacific Hotel on Wickham Terrace proved to
be positioned ideally for walking access to the CBD, Roma Street Parklands, and railway
Following the informal interviews held on Saturday morning where 70/100 points were
allocated to the contestants …..
Q1   Katura HALLEDAY – Lions Club of Burleigh Heads
Q2   Barnabas JUHASZ – Lions Club Townsville Castle Hill
Q3   Caitlyn DOUGLAS – Lions Club Brisbane Bramble Bay
Q4   Lachlan HOCKING – Lions Club Bundaberg North

The Judging panel presided over the Impromptu Questions and the Prepared Speeches
which gave the remaining 30/100 points allocation.

We were so fortunate to have such top ranking judges in their professions – they were…
Eleanor CAREY         Kathryn HARRISON              Joanne PATTERSON
Glen RIVERSTONE Cindy VERSACE                       Finn BALL (Reserve)

Our Q3 entrant, from those who attended the District Final would remember Caitlyn’s
speech entitled “Social Media: Unreal Ideals” - which was equally well delivered and well
received by the audience. Caitlyn was supported by her family, College Principal, and
members of the Lions Club Brisbane Bramble Bay.

The Judges announced the winners …
                     Public Speaking – Barnabas from Q2
                       Overall Winner – Katura from Q1

Typical comments to me were many - but included ….

      What a great ambassador was Caitlyn for your District
      Congrats on Saturday Night – well organised and well presented
      Congrats on a successful event last night – pleasure to be part of, and quite inspiring
      to see those rising stars

Accolades must go to Lion Claire Grlj, the Chair of the Host Committee from Lions
Club of Brisbane Bunya, who gave selflessly of her time, labour and means. It was a
real pleasure to work with you and your team in bringing about this truly memorable

If you are able to log into the Brisbane Bunya Facebook, you will find the Live Stream of
Saturday Night which was produced by Claire’s commercial enterprise - at no cost to the
event … but allows those who were unable to be present, to be part of the night.

The Overall Winner, Katura, now proceeds to the Multiple District Convention in Canberra
in a few days to present on stage along with the winners from the other Australian States
to the National Judging Event. Representing Queensland, Katura goes with every good
wish from District Q3 for success at the Convention.

Next year … the Queensland State Final will be hosted in District Q4.

Lion Rob Craig
Queensland State Coordinator
Youth of the Year Program


                        Medical Alert Dogs
                        The Medical Alert Dog program continues development and is
                        focusing on Mawson and Walter who are learning to recognise scents
                        from volunteers and to retrieve testing kits. Walter gave a
                        demonstration at our recent Open Day on the 18th of April, not a bad
                        job for a six-month-old puppy.

Interest remains strong in the program as our list of volunteers grows, applications won’t open
to the public until our new Training Centre is completed, however interest can be forwarded
direct to the Project Coordinator Laura Harris at
New Sponsorship
We recently welcomed Zoetis as a sponsor of the program who will provide preventative
medications throughout the puppy and training program and a starter pack to all recipients.
Medications will cover fleas/ticks, all worming and heartworm.
Breeding Program
During the past couple of months three new mothers have entered the newly established
breeding program, all being labradoodles. The brood mothers have gone into ‘Guardian’ homes
which will look after each of the girls and make them part of their families. Australian Lions
Hearing Dogs (ALHD) will cover all costs during the time they are in the breeding program and
once they turn five or have had three litters, they will be desexed and stay with the family as
a normal pet.
Our Cocker Spaniel ‘Betty’, who will be a demonstration dog at the MD Convention, is expected
to come into whelp November 2021 which means we will have our very first litter for Christmas
this year. All puppies are expected to be exclusively for the Medical Alert Dog program, and
one kept for breeding, however if they don’t make the grade, they will enter the Hearing
Assistance Dog program.
MD Convention
ALHD will have a large presence at this year’s MD Convention in Canberra. The Medical Alert
Dog program will be highlighted with demonstrations from ‘Betty’. Sponsors Specsavers
Audiology will have free hearing tests available each day at the ALHD stand.
Australian Lions Hearing Dogs 2022 Calendars
If you or your club would like to purchase our Calendars please visit or send an email to

                                                              Lion Dell Emery … 201Q3 District Chair



Part One appeared in the April edition of Lions        did not have a Cabinet officer in the Club.
Family Lines.                                          Lions Miss Personality Quest and the Lions
                                                       Medical Research Foundation saw our
Numerous Cabinet Officers over the years
                                                       members rally to raise funds for this very
serving with Distinction for the community
                                                       worthy cause and it seemed to be a right of
benefit with our District. We have been
                                                       passage for our young daughters or nieces to
through Fire, Flood, Famine and Drought
                                                       become entrants and raise large amounts of
and there has always been Wilsonton Lions
                                                       money for the Quest and the Foundation.
there when needed. Past District Governor
Carmel Goldsworthy recently spent many
hours talking to farmers and arranging
payment of accounts to assist the rural
community through these devastating times
as the District Drought Relief Chairman.

                                                       Robyn Perry from our Club was an overall
                                                       winner in the year her father PDG John Perry
                                                       was District Governor (1986-87). He just made
                                                       it back into Australia to see Robyn crowned.
                                                       Charter Member PDG Bill lane was the District
                                                       and Club chairman for Lions Medical Research
People like our Charter Members, Lion Pat
                                                       Foundation at that time.
and Lion PDG Bill and others at the time
formed the Club to do something for their              Following on from that success, we have had
community. We have an enormously proud                 many winners in the Quest, both as outright
Heritage of serving our Community.                     winners and highest fund raisers, often
                                                       winning both categories. Entrant Rachel
At the direction of Presidents throughout the          Hohn, Lion Barry and Faye Apps niece and the
years we have done all manner of catering              last entrant was the highest fund raiser over
from formal weddings to the Queensland Polo            all with a massive $70,000 plus raised in her
Championships.                                         year. Lion Barry was the Club Chairman for
We catered at the Toowoomba Show for many              Rachel and Lions Lady Faye and Rachel
years getting up at 4am to be ready with               worked tirelessly with a fantastic result.
breakfast for the “Showies and Stall holders”          The Club has had two Australia wide winners
and cleaning up at 9 o’clock at night then             in the Youth of The Year Project, Elizabeth Mc
doing it all again the next day, this was also
                                                       Auliffe, Lion Peter Mc Auliffe and Cathy are still
done for the Ag Show and a mighty effort was           active members of our Club and Molly Mc
performed by our members, their partners,
                                                       Inerney becoming Australian winners and we
and our children.                                      are immensely proud of them and all the
The Club has always supported District                 students that have competed in this worthy
Projects, I cannot remember a time when we             youth project over the many years it has run.


We have five members serving on the District
                                                    Cabinet for District Governor, David Orton,
                                                    and Lion Sheryl. Our time at present is spent
                                                    with the Youth of the Year Chairman, Lion
                                                    George Cossart, and his team. There is a
                                                    crew and some single members that do mint
                                                    runs each week, but I suspect, for the four
                                                    Lions in the crew it is also a social event for
                                                    coffee and cake.
                                                    Our large donations have gone to the
                                                    Toowoomba Hospice whom we have
                                                    supported since its inception in 1977 and
                                                    then opening in 2003.

The Club has played our part in keeping our
highway entrances to the city clean and
putting up Lions Signs to let the Public
know we were here in their community.
Wine tasting nights, German festival nights,
Wine bus tours, Shopping bus tours, and all
manner of dinners in all imaginable places
and times.
Enough reminiscing, we currently have               The Club have supported LifeFlight heavily
thirty-three  members     controlled    by          the last few years but having said this
President Natalie Bugden ( she thinks so            though, we are open to any ideas that may
anyway) and are serving our community by            assist individual members of the public and
hiring out the Newtown and Laurel Bank              have done so recently by assisting a young
halls. We do BBQ’s at many events to raise          boy in our community with financial
funds including the proverbial Bunnings.            assistance to go to the USA for treatment.
We recently held a High Tea and Fashion
Parade and a new member joining soon.               Many Clubs in out Zone assisted especially
                                                    the Lions Club of Toowoomba West Inc, our
                                                    founding club also raised funds to help this

                                                                                PDG Bob Goldsworthy


                                        “Take a Hike” for AEIOU
                           AEIOU Foundation for Children with Autism and Take a Hike
                           information sourced from AEIOU website)

It was a cold and foggy morning but not           Take a Hike is AEIOU Foundation's
even   that   could   stop   Toowoomba            signature fundraising event. Participating in
Wilsonton Lions from helping out.                 this event helps to create awareness of
                                                  autism, the importance of AEIOU's early
At AEIOU Foundation for Children with             intervention program and raise vital funds to
Autism, we have a simple yet sincere goal: to     change the lives of children with autism.
provide early intervention that enables
children with autism to live their best lives.    Hundreds of children aged 2 - 6 years attend
It’s how we do it that sets us apart from         AEIOU centres each year. The service
everybody else.                                   provided by AEIOU offers these children the
                                                  opportunity to gain vital independence and
AEIOU is a profit-for-purpose organisation,       achieve their full potential.
established in 2005 to deliver high-quality
therapy     and    care.    Our     family-       Toowoomba Wilsonton Lions Support
centred program meets the Guidelines for
Good Practice and supports children with          The annual 'Take a Hike' fundraiser is one
autism to develop essential life skills,          the Toowoomba Wilsonton Lions Club has
independence and confidence.                      been supporting for many years through the
                                                  provision of BBQ facilities on the morning of
Along with providing early intervention,          the walk with snags/onions on bread
                                                  provided free to their event participants.
AEIOU is committed to research and chairs
the AEIOU Research and Innovation
                                                  This year the fundraiser's venue was
Committee.                                        changed from Queens Park to the
AEIOU provides strong advocacy at state and       Toowoomba Grammar School, with TGS
federal government levels to raise awareness      obviously right behind it.
and increase the financial support for
children with autism and their families.          Despite some very thick fog covering the
                                                  whole school complex and ovals, it was an
                                                  early start to the Sunday morning to be set
What is autism?
                                                  up and commence cooking ready for an
Autism is a lifelong developmental disorder.      8.30am official start. Our Team for the day
Autism affects approximately 1 in 100 people,     was Lions Ray (Team Captain), Norm, Peter,
and is more prevalent in males than females.      John, Janelle and Ken.

Evidence shows early intervention (delivered      Placement for the morning was a site
within a program that meets the 2012              between a coffee van and a face painter.
Australian Guidelines for Good Practice)          Coffees and painted faces were the
makes a difference to a child's development,      recreational highlight of the morning, in
helping them to develop important skills and      between cooking and serving snags. Glad we
encourage independence, the ability to            weren't next to the jumping castle!
communicate and opportunities for inclusion.
                                                  Wilsonton Lions were continually applauded
We don't want to 'fix' autism; we want to help    over the PA System for our longstanding
children overcome the disabling aspects of        support of the “Take a Hike” event through
autism to live their best lives.                  provision of the incredibly popular BBQ.


There may have been people attending the
event who wouldn't have not known about
                                                         Worth                              World
the Wilsonton Lions before this, but they
sure would have afterwards.                              While           on the             Wide
Our Team had a wonderful morning with it
being a touch of service (We Serve) and a
                                                         Watching                           Web
bucket full of socialising (We Also Enjoy                For Mothers’ Day - Sunrise Sunset - Fiddler
                                                         on the roof (with lyrics) - YouTube
Fundraising efforts help us (AEIOU) take                 A Lion non-ad? - Lions and Leos sing "Lean
one step closer to reaching our goal of                  on Me" by Bill Withers | Lean on Lions
providing early intervention to every                    |#LeanOnMe - YouTube
Australian child with autism. Together, we
can create a lifetime of opportunities!                  Wonder if the know this is on Youtube?
AEIOU's target for the Toowoomba                         444/videos/1026501944074612
fundraiser was initially $30,000-, which
they subsequently increased to $40,000-,
finishing the event having raised an
astonishing almost $57,000-.

WOW! Our relatively small involve-
ment helped make their day a resounding

”I can't recall an event where there was just
a never ending stream of those present
coming up and thanking us for being there -
hundreds, literally hundreds of times.”

                                Lion Norm Smith
                                   Catering Admin

                                                         Lions Ray Krause, John Wrench, Peter McAuliffe,
                                                                  Janelle Bray and Norm Smith

      Lions Janelle Bray and John Wrench
      enjoy serving after having their faces
                                                              Face painting brought out the hidden
                                                            personality of Lions John Wrench and Ray

Ipads for Forest Lake                                  Even without the effects of COVID, visits by
                                                         family and friends to nursing home residents
     Lodge Residents                                     are often limited by time and, or, distance.
                                                         The flexibility provided by current technology
Recently, with the wonderful financial                   such as FaceTime or Zoom will enable
assistance of the Heritage Forest Lake                   nursing home residents to have a presence at
Community Branch our Club was able to                    family occasions such as birthday parties,
obtain a grant to purchase a number of iPads             Christmas lunches and the like, which may
to be used by residents of the Forest Lake               not be possible otherwise owing to their
Lodge nursing home.                                      health or mobility issues.
Heritage Forest Lake Community Branch                    The iPads can also be used by residents to
distributes a share of its profits back into the         access online newspapers, puzzles and the
area via grants and is a joint venture                   like, which will improve the residents’
partnership between Heritage Bank and the                connection to the wider community and
local community, represented by Forest Lake              provide mental stimulation.
One Community (FLOC).
                                                         We worked closely with the management
The iPads purchased with the grant will                  team at the Forest Lake Lodge who were very
improve the well-being of nursing home                   excited and grateful for the donation.
residents by enabling them to use modern
                                                                                              Kim Grierson
technology to stay in touch with family and                                       Lions Club of Forest Lake
friends when face-to-face visits are limited by
time, distance or more recently COVID. The                     BRACKEN RIDGE LIONS
effects of the COVID pandemic highlighted the
importance to nursing home residents of                  25TH ANNIVERSARY TRAIN DAY
maintaining connections to family and loved
ones as well as being essential to the peace of
mind of family members who are concerned
about their welfare.

In the photograph above are representatives from,
Forest Lake One Community, Heritage Bank and                 The Bracken Ridge Central Steam/Electric
the Forest Lake Lions Club handing over the                 Railway is proudly run and operated by the
donated iPads and protective covers to the Forest               Bracken Ridge Central Lions Club.
Lake Lodge management team for use by the
Lodge residents.                                           25th Anniversary Sunday 27th June … 9am to


when their verbal communication says
LEADERSHIP MATTERS                       #23              something quite different.
 “The smallest act of kindness is worth more
 than the greatest intention.” – Kahlil Gibran          4. Practice the "93 percent rule". When
                                                        communicating about feelings and attitudes,
                                                        words – the things we say – account for only 7
Harmony within your Club is an obvious                  percent of the total message that people
indicator of success. This doesn’t mean that            receive.
you agree with everyone’s view or try to
please everybody.                                         The other 93 percent of the message that
                                                          we communicate when we speak is
                                                          contained in our tone of voice and body
                                                        5. Use people's names. Also, remember the
                                                        names of people's spouse and children so that
                                                        you can refer to them by name.
                                                        6. Be fully present when you are with people.
⧫ Empathy is the ability to identify and                Don't look away, check your email, look at
  understand another's situation, feelings              your watch or take phone calls.
  and motives.
                                                        7. Smile at people.
It's our capacity to recognize the concerns
other people have. Empathy means: "putting              8. Encourage people, particularly the quiet
yourself in the other person's shoes" or                ones, when they speak up in meetings. A
"seeing things through someone else's eyes."            simple thing like an attentive nod can boost
                                                        people's confidence.
Empathy is an ability that is well worth
cultivating. It's a soft, sometimes abstract            9. Give genuine recognition and praise. Pay
tool in a leader's toolkit that can lead to             attention to what people are doing and catch
hard, tangible results.                                 them doing the right things.

We need to use our reasoning ability to                   When you give praise, spend a little effort to
understand another person's thoughts,                     make your genuine words memorable: "You
feelings, reactions, concerns, motives.                   are an asset to this team because..."; "I
                                                          would have missed this if you hadn't picked
We all know people who are naturally and                  it up."
consistently empathetic – these are the
people who can easily forge positive                    10. Take a personal interest in people. Show
connections with others.                                people that you care and have a genuine
                                                        interest in their lives. Ask them questions
They are people who engender trust and                  about their hobbies, their challenges, their
build bonds; they are catalysts who create              families, their aspirations.
positive interactions for the greater good.
                                                        Empathy is an emotional and thinking muscle
Here are a few tips you might consider:                 that becomes stronger the more we use it.
 1. Listen – truly listen to people. Listen with        Try some of these suggestions and watch the
your ears, eyes and heart. Pay attention to             reactions of those you interact with. I believe
others' body language, to their tone of voice,          you will notice some positive results.
to the hidden emotions behind what they are
saying to you, and to the context.
2. Don't interrupt people. Don't dismiss
their concerns offhand. Don't rush to give
advice. Don't change the subject. Allow
people their moment.
3. Tune in to non-verbal communication.                 ❖      Leadership is everyone’s business!
This is the way that people often                        Alan Brooks – District Leadership Coordinator
communicate what they think or feel, even


AUSTRALIAN LIONS                                  LIONS CAMP DUCKADANG
          FOUNDATION                                   Fellow Lions
Australia in recent times has been beset by
                                                       Annual Letter to Clubs:
disaster of all kinds, many of which provide an
opportunity      for   the  Australian    Lions        The usual annual letter has been delayed as
Foundation to help out.                                PDG David Greenup of Q1 (Operations) is
                                                       amending the annual letter so that it
We are still impacted by the COVID-19                  conforms to new requirements re appeals for
pandemic, but it is the natural disasters to           funds for projects.
which I refer.
                                                       All Lions Clubs in Q1, Q3 and Q4 will receive
In the past year many communities have been            it very soon.
devastated by droughts, then bushfires and
now floods.                                            He will attach a letter which requests that
                                                       each Club applies for membership of Lions
Recently I followed on TV the catastrophic             Camp Duckadang (This is also a new
flooding which affected Queensland and then            government requirement).
moved down the east coast of New South
Wales. I was shocked to see the devastation in         A firm will post both letters in one envelope
some areas, e.g. the Northern Rivers and               to Clubs. I thank the Board as this will save
Kempsey, where a young couple were to be               me a few days of work as Secretary.
married. Before this could happen, their home
                                                       Working Bee; Climbing Tower:
was swept away, floating down the river with
all of the contents they would require as they         Bernie    Hayes     (Director   Assets    and
began their lives together. This destruction of        Maintenance) has provided a report of the
possessions has a great human impact on                recent April working bee. The Board thanks
people who suffer this loss.                           Clubs who have already donated funds this
                                                       year. Your support means that the Board was
My heart went out to all who were impacted by          able to approve construction of the Climbing
the serious floods. Who would not feel for             Tower at the entry to the Zipline. Needless to
them?                                                  say, the Zipline (aka Flying Fox) has proved
ALF Chairman Tony Benbow recently sent a               very popular with groups in the Camp.
Newsletter to all Clubs and an appeal to help          The next working bee will be held 23-25 July.
whose who were severely affected by floods.
                                                       Position of Manager vacant:
Clubs are able to donate to your Foundation,
which is always ‘first cab off the rank’ when          Ms Belinda Bowie, Manager for the past
disaster strikes in Australia.                         seven years has resigned to care for her
                                                       seriously ill sister.
Clubs can also assist by making awards such
as the James D Richardson Award to worthy              The search for a replacement Manager is
members.                                               under way.

For application forms and information on ALF           Annual General Meeting:
Awards, please refer to their website:
                                                       The Annual General Meeting is set down for
Australian Lions Foundation and scroll down
                                                       Saturday 16 October in the Lions Den at
to ‘Awards’.
                                                       Petrie (off Woonara Drive), 9.30 for 10.00am.
Remember that your donations and                       Further information will be available
purchase of awards make it possible for
                                                       in August. Thank you for your interest.
your Club and ALF to support your
community projects and those in need.

                Thanks for your consideration.
                                  Peter J Boge                                               Peter J Boge
                               201Q3 Director                                 Secretary to the LCD Board
                  Australian Lions Foundation

         MEMBERS                                      Dropbox is a service of a USA company
                                                      specialising in cloud storage and file
A big welcome to the following new Lions who          synchronization.
recently joined us. We all hope you enjoy your
Lions experience.                                     Problems  with    Dropbox     have            been
                                                      documented and issues include:
Blackall Range             Adelle Taylor
                                                         1. June 2011 authentication problem
Esk                        Graeme Hill                      that let accounts be accessed for
                           Anthony Hopkins                  several hours without passwords.
                           Susan Jackson
                                                         2. July 2011 Privacy Policy update with
Maleny Blackall Range      Yvonne Barlow                    language suggesting Dropbox had
                           Loraine Fawns                    ownership of users' data, and
                                                            concerns about a Dropbox employee’s
Redcliffe Kippa Ring       Greg Tidmarsh
                                                            access to users' information.
Roma                       Jamie King
                           Paanthida Otto                3. July 2012 email spam with                 re-
                                                            occurrence in February 2013.
Woodford                   Taylor Graham
                           Sheena Kealy                  4. Leaked government documents in
                                                            June 2013 with information that
                                                            Dropbox was being considered for
                                                            inclusion in the National Security
                                                            Agency's surveillance program.

                                                         5. July 2014 comment from NSA,
                                                            whistle-blower, Edward Snowdon,
                                                            criticising Dropbox's encryption.

                                                         6. The leak of sixty-eight million account
                                                            passwords on the Internet in August

                                                         7. January     2017    accidental    data
                                                            restoration incident where years-old
                                                            supposedly deleted files reappeared in
                                                            users' accounts.

                                                      For these reasons, Dropbox will not be used
        Answer to last                                by the Editor of this newsletter and files from
                                                      Dropbox will not be accepted and will be
       months club quiz                               returned. Please use a more secure method
                                                      of transmitting data.
                                                                                          Beverley Bates
                                                                         District 201Q3 Newsletter Editor.



MALENY BLACKALL RANGE                               All but one of the Leo Club members are
                                                     doing the Duke’s journeys and she completed
                                                     her Bridge and decided not to progress but
Maleny Blackall Range’s youth projects have          has retained her Leo participation.
at times, come under question from different
                                                     As the Roger Jackson Memorial Bursary is
sources but this last Easter we saw the
                                                     for self-improvement, and with Mikki also
perfect example of the melding of our three
                                                     winning the $200 public speaking Bursary,
major projects.
                                                     this money has paid for both her Duke’s
Each year we offer a $1,000 self-                    registration and the trip on the South
improvement bursary introduced a few years           Passage, fitting well into the Club
ago in memory of our Charter President               requirements.
Roger Jackson to the winner of our Club
                                                     Mikki’s comments on the trip: “This past
judging of Youth of the Year and a $200
                                                     week I spent my mid semester break
bursary to the Public Speaking winner.
                                                     completing my Duke of Edinburgh Gold
When enough members to Charter a Leo club            award Adventurous journey on the South
became impossible in 2017, we looked for             Passage ship, sailing from Gladstone to
other avenues to involve our local youth, and        Brisbane for 7 days. Along the way, we
with a Lions member’s prior working                  anchored at Pancake Creek, Bundaberg,
knowledge of the Duke of Edinburgh’s                 Lady Musgrave Island, Fraser Island, and
International Award we registered with               Moreton Island.
Queensland Education to become a
                                                     I met and worked alongside some amazing
registered Award Centre offering both the
                                                     people, both young and old, who taught me
Duke’s Award and the local Queensland
                                                     skills and lessons I’ll always remember. Days
Bridge Award to youth aged 11 ½ to 24
                                                     were filled with sailing, snorkelling,
years, with the upper age on both being their
                                                     swimming, seasickness, sunrises and
25th birthday.
When local youth in particular register for
                                                     It was early mornings and late nights, but
the Duke’s Award, they are offered
                                                     every moment was filled with exciting and
membership of the Leo Club as their service
                                                     new experiences; from learning how to sail,
component at every level.
                                                     how to lead a watch, raise an anchor, tie
This Easter, our yet unchartered Leo Club            numerous new knots, and steer a 30ft steel
President Mikki Doonan and Leo VP Service            ship through 2m swell at midnight.
Projects Flynn Scriven, both direct Gold
                                                     On the last day, I was elected Navigator of the
Duke of Edinburgh Award participants,
                                                     ship and worked alongside the Skipper and
sailed on the training ship South Passage
                                                     Sailing master to successfully navigate us
travelling from a very rough Gladstone to
                                                     from Horseshoe Bay, Peel Island to Manly
Manly, completing both their Practice and
                                                     boat harbour - arriving within three minutes
Qualifying Adventurous Journeys (AJs) back
                                                     of the ETA!        Thank you to everyone
to back on the same voyage by virtue of the
number and length of shifts they stood and
the gap between the AJs.                             Abridged comments from Flynn:         “The
                                                     experience was very fulfilling and gave
Their service component for their Gold
                                                     everyone an opportunity to become a better
Award is Leo service and this is proving a
                                                     leader and team member.            I would
great incentive for the group to work the
                                                     recommend this voyage to anyone who loves
required four hours every four weeks for the
                                                     overcoming fears and making new friends
normal fifty-two weeks for Gold but also
                                                     regardless of sailing experience.”
another twenty-six weeks because both
Mikki and Flynn registered direct to Gold            Sometimes, things like this make all our
rather than going through the stages of              hours of service worthwhile.
Bronze and Silver.
                                                     Photos on Page 24               Lion Judy Brodie


                  The Third in a Series of Articles by Lion Lyn Pysden

New Zealanders bring fundraising to a fashionable new level            -Kaikoura , New Zealand

Gwen Scrivner works in a store in Kaikoura, so she had ready access to loads of material for the
Lions’ Trash to Fashion Show in New Zealand. “A lot of the packing tape and plastics were being
thrown away. You can’t go wrong with plastic,” she says. Nor can you go wrong with a Lady Gaga
look. “I saw a picture of her in one of her dresses. I thought, oh, I could try that. … Of course, hers
is not made out of plastic. But it’s basically the same shape as hers.” Plastic from discarded CD
cases provided a nice extra touch. “So that’s what I put on the front. It’s just a matter of a lot of
hot glue,” she says. Scrivner strolled down the catwalk that year as did about fifty other
contestants wearing outlandish costumes, made from trash. Some won and took home prize
money. Some lost and took home memories. Nearly all were greeted with cheers or hollering or
raucous laughter. Even better, Lions raised awareness of the need to recycle and generated
thousands of dollars for local causes.

Since 2000, the all-women Seward Kaikoura Lions Club has staged the wacky fundraiser. In the
small, scenic coastal town of 2,000, the fundraiser has become an iconic event, rivalling in
popularity the agricultural show and wine festival. Raiding their closets and shelves or the local
recycling centre, known, not quite affectionately, as “the dump,” residents spend months creating
their costumes. “The rule is you use recycled materials or materials for which they were not
original intended,” says Lion Julie Syme, who helped create the event. Some of the more
memorable costumes include a coat made from Venetian blinds and a man dressed, not with
actual armour, but with an ironing board on his back. “When he got to the end of the catwalk he
actually took the ironing board off, put it out and started ironing,” says Syme admiringly.

The competition is broken down into eight fanciful categories, which help spur creativity. Entering
the Alien Alive category a few years ago, Doreen Tomlin saved the coffee containers and tea bags
from the restaurant where she worked for the basic materials. But she wasn’t satisfied with it.
Then a light bulb went off, or actually, they went on—the costume. “I’m thinking ‘Alien Alive?’ He’s
got to sort of glow. And then I thought, “well, why can’t I use the solar lights I have around at
Christmas time? That made him be alive,” says Tomlin, a Lion.

The New Zealanders are not above making fun of themselves. One of the categories a few years
ago (the categories change each year) was Kiwi (fill in the blank). Melville Syme dressed himself in
a messy, deranged costume. “I depicted an individual that had too much racing, too much beer
and too much rugby. Here’s a crippled old gentleman, and he still goes to the races. And I hobbled
down the stage,” he recalls.

The all-male Kaikoura Lions Club built the catwalk for the women’s club. The men’s club,
chartered in 1964, has twenty-four members. The women’s club, chartered in 1991, has thirty-
four members. The trash fashion show grew out of the club’s bride show. “We asked ladies to make
a wedding dress out of recycled materials, and there were more entries in that part of the
entertainment than were in the competition of the brides,” says Syme. “So we thought, aha, we
have a winner here.” The show is held every two years. A major earthquake struck Kaikoura in
November 2016 (there was substantial damage and two deaths), and one of the categories for the
competition in June is 80% Greaseproof Paper from the Train. Turns out the quake stranded a
train loaded with greaseproof paper. The show is cosponsored by the recycling centre, Innovative
Waste Kaikoura. Thanks partly to the show, the recycling centre is one of the best in the country,
says Syme.

Alas, the costumes for the show are so creative that they don’t get recycled. “We’ve got this
museum in town. Some costumes are there,” says Tomlin. “Some are in the back of our garage.
So much work and energy was put into them. My husband keeps saying, ‘What are you gonna do
with all those?’ I don’t really feel like just putting them back in the recycling bin.”
                                                                Jay Copp January 15, 2018


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