LIV - Learning Intelligent Vehicle | White paper 2019 - Communication and collaboration between driver and AI control in "moments of truth" will ...

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LIV - Learning Intelligent Vehicle | White paper 2019 - Communication and collaboration between driver and AI control in "moments of truth" will ...
LIV – Learning Intelligent Vehicle | White paper 2019

Communication and collaboration
between driver and AI control in
“moments of truth” will determine
consumer adoption of new
LIV - Learning Intelligent Vehicle | White paper 2019 - Communication and collaboration between driver and AI control in "moments of truth" will ...
Collaboration as the
    Summary                                                                                                      key to safety
    With new automated driving technologies slated        •   Drivers (and passengers) must trust that             As a vast percentage of the world’s 1.4 million            which may take a long time to recover from, as
    to become available to consumers in 2019 — most           automated systems will make the right decisions      vehicular deaths each year are attributed to human         some drivers may not use the automation feature
    notably enabling vehicles to function with limited    •   Said systems must have the capacity to discern       error, it’s taken for granted that removing humans         for a long period (thereby negating the safety bene-
    human involvement in a greater number of speci-           and respond to different driver skill levels and     from the driving equation will reduce that number;         fit of the feature). From a Veoneer Research point
    fic conditions — the need will emerge to be able          emotions, and                                        since people can’t be trusted, the innovation man-         of view, the way to help mitigate this risk is through
    to not just use but trust automated assistance in                                                              date should be to automate driving fully, and the          true collaboration. This does not only involve a give
                                                          •   This human machine interaction must not
    quickly emerging and complex situations. These                                                                 problem will be solved.                                    and take of vehicle control, but also shared con-
                                                              only sometimes perform within seconds, but
    situations, which we call “moments of truth,” will                                                                 We see two problems with this assumption:              trol which allows automation and humans to work
                                                              the give-and-take must result in learning, with
    determine drivers’ understanding of, and trust in,                                                             First, many of the errors made by human drivers            together.
                                                              collaboration getting better over time.
    automation.                                                                                                    are errors of judgement, situation assessment, or
        According to our ongoing research, the solution                                                            recognition, and not outcomes of their humanity.
    will be found in robust and nuanced collaboration     This challenge is particularly relevant to               Put another way, automated functions face the
    between drivers, occupants, vehicles, and the         realizing the core safety benefit promised                                                                              What are moments of truth?
                                                                                                                   same challenges; in fact, only a few of such driving
    external infrastructure, in three key areas:          by the automation revolution.                            errors in more complex driving situations are due              •   High-risk
                                                                                                                   to performance or non-performance errors that                  •   High-emotion
                                                                                                                   automated vehicles are less likely to commit (Adrian
                                                                                                                   Lund, 2018).
                                                                                                                       Secondly, examined from another perspective,
                                                                                                                   human drivers are generally quite accomplished
                                                                                                                   drivers, and experience tends to make us even bet-         Changing tech will
                                                                                                                   ter. That’s not to say that there isn’t vast opportuni-
                                                                                                                   ty and need for improvement in traffic safety — even
                                                                                                                                                                              change drivers, too
                                                                                                                   one traffic death is too many — but it will be some        For the foreseeable future, the experience of
                                                                                                                   time before we can achieve complete traffic safety         driving will remain a dynamic system that presents
                                                                                                                   entirely devoid of human drivers; in the meantime,         an almost infinite combination of externalities, like
                                                                                                                   human drivers will continue to play active roles in        weather, road conditions, and connectivity, thereby
                                                                                                                   driving their vehicles while managing the newest           rendering automation unable to be perfectly reliab-
                                                                                                                   technologies at their disposal.                            le in every circumstance. Simply put, drivers will still
                                                                                                                       That means consumers can expect to encoun-             need to be able to drive, when necessary, making
                                                                                                                   ter more situations when they must consider, or            driver understanding of the system within which
                                                                                                                   have embraced and trusted a priori, a mix between          she or he is embedded, and the system’s understan-
                                                                                                                   human and automated control. These questions —             ding of the driver, essential for achieving safety in
                                                                                                                   often asked almost philosophically, like pondering         those circumstances that matter most, such as:
                                                                                                                   the time when AI will be able to recognize, say, a
                                                                                                                   stop sign in every possible environmental condition        •   “Corner cases” that go beyond a vehicle’s
                                                                                                                   — will become tangibly real for drivers of cars equip-         normal operating parameters
                                                                                                                   ped with advanced systems, who must not just ask           •   Emergency alerts
                                                                                                                   them, but be prepared and comfortable answering
                                                                                                                                                                              •   Notifications and vehicle responses
                                                                                                                   them with literal life-or-death certainty.
                                                                                                                       Consumer adoption of autonomous technology             •   Engagement with real-time traffic assistance
                                                                                                                   will depend in large part on how these ”moments of         •   Presentation of in-vehicle telematics
                                                                                                                   truth” are experienced. If handled badly by automa-
                                                                                                                   tion, they’ll result in a large decline in driver trust,

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LIV - Learning Intelligent Vehicle | White paper 2019 - Communication and collaboration between driver and AI control in "moments of truth" will ...
Veoneer Research sees the leveraging of the skills     the time (with over-the-air updates, for instance),
    and experiences human drivers have gathered, and       it’s not enough: a car needs to teach its drivers and
    its integration with the added autonomous capabi-      passengers what it is newly capable of doing, not
    lities coming to market, as an integral component      simply provide a notification pop-up that “these
    of consumer adoption as well as safety of those        changes have been made.”
    technologies. We need true collaboration between            The scope of the learning challenge is also
    vehicle and driver that evolves over time.             broader than what’s contained inside the vehicle,
         The aviation industry’s experience with adop-     and must extend to understanding of changes in
    ting automation suggests the path forward. Not         the ground traffic system as a whole. New tools for
    only does work on automation focus on leveraging       communicating need to be designed to connect
    human performance and skills, but also on keeping      drivers with other vehicles (V2V), and vehicles and
    those pilot skills up to date; training is mandatory   infrastructure (V2X). It’s not only about the human-
    for pilots throughout their careers. Pilot training    machine interaction inside the vehicle.
    is also focused on handling automation and break-
    downs in automation, and is adapted as systems
    change, so pilots learn to handle various system       The implications of
    states. As in aviation, we need to incorporate some
    measure of continuous learning in road vehicle
                                                           riding vs. driving
                                                                                                                                   Trust means knowing that difficult
    automation driving. Right now, drivers receive a       Recent research indicates that when drivers are fa-
    license and, thereafter, even as laws and vehicle      ced with descriptions of various types of driving au-
    capabilities change, there is no additional focu-
    sed or opportunistic learning to address them.
                                                           tomation, they appear to only be able to distinguish
                                                           between riding and driving (MIT AgeLab white paper
                                                                                                                                situations will be handled successfully.
    Though cars themselves are “taught” new skills all     “Consumer Facing Automation Types Taxonomy,”

                                                                                                                   by Seppelt, Reimer and others, 2018). That is, either    potential errors committed by human or automated
                                                                                                                   they understand themselves as responsible for            drivers. There are no more fully manual vehicles,
                                                                                                                   driving the car and respond accordingly, or they see     and while there is a mix of human and automated
                                                                                                                   that it is the car’s role to drive, so they can spend    control that drivers may misunderstand, we need to
                                                                                                                   their time engaged in non-driving related tasks.         find a way to handle them safely without causing a
                                                                                                                   Consumers do not see automation as consisting of         breakdown in the driver-vehicle relationship.
                                                                                                                   several “levels”, but understand vehicle competence
                                                                                                                   as an indication of either the car or them having the    Put another way, there must be trust,
                                                                                                                   responsibility for object detection and response         which means vehicles must pass the tests
                                                                                                                   tasks. This, of course, is a risk to consumers using     presented by moments of truth.
                                                                                                                   vehicles with automation. In such moments, where
                                                                                                                   risk may be high, the automation may not perform
                                                                                                                   as people expect, as they are not designed to be
                                                                                                                   purely riding or purely driving automation; this, in        Examples of moments of truth:
                                                                                                                   turn, can cause drivers to stop using automation            •   Using automation in an unfamiliar
                                                                                                                   altogether, as they do not understand their role in             environment
                                                                                                                   this relationship.
                                                                                                                                                                               •   First time uses of automation
                                                                                                                       For taxonomies related to consumer information
                                                                                                                   a distinction between riding and driving can be of          •   Driving while distracted
                                                                                                                   use, but for vehicle automation design the implica-         •   Changes in vehicle functionality
                                                                                                                   tions of such results should go even further to define
                                                                                                                   a perimeter of protection, or safeguard, against

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LIV - Learning Intelligent Vehicle | White paper 2019 - Communication and collaboration between driver and AI control in "moments of truth" will ...
Collaboration and                                        This means the vehicle system needs to be capable
                                                                                                                                                                                to cope with all events that might affect driver and
                                                                                                                       differing capabilities                                   occupant safety, as well as driver and occupant
                                                                                                                                                                                trust in the system. Not only does the driver need to
                                                                                                                       Another theme that will factor into adoption of          trust automation to actually use it, but the automa-
                                                                                                                       driving technology this year going forward has to        tion needs to trust the driver to handle situations
                                                                                                                       do with monitoring the vehicle automation when           and communicate if it needs to interfere in normal
                                                                                                                       automation can perform many, but not all, driving        situations. If not, drivers may feel annoyed. As we’ve
                                                                                                                       tasks (again, vs. riding in a fully-automated,           discussed, these circumstances can be complex,
                                                                                                                       autonomous, vehicle).                                    and emerge quickly, and a vehicle’s actions and
                                                                                                                           Currently, driver engagement in automated            responses in such moments of truth will have a
                                                                                                                       driving systems amounts to little more than the          large impact on how the driver will trust the vehicle
                                                                                                                       ability to switch the system on and off, and someti-     in the future.
                                                                                                                       mes set parameters such as cruise control speed,
                                                                                                                       or initiating lane changes. In response, the system      Moments of truth are when drivers’
                                                                                                                       shows an icon if it is active, sees a lead vehicle, or   understanding of, and trust in automation
                                                                                                                       recognizes lane markings. This communication             affects the way(s) they decide to use the
                                                                                                                       between driver and system is basically a visual or       system.
                                                                                                                       haptic monologue during a short time window, not
                                                                                                                       a dialogue within a shared context of collaboration      When driving, this means the vehicle system will
                                                                                                                       and experience.                                          need to keep the driver engaged in the driving task
                                                                                                                                                                                by collaborating. That way, the driver will not be
                                                                                                                                                                                made to suddenly have automation interfere in a
                                                                                                                                                                                potentially surprising situation, but will have learned
                                                                                                                                                                                during normal driving that they and the vehicle need

    The future of trust                                                                                                                                                         to cooperate. Such driver-vehicle collaboration can
                                                                                                                                                                                constitute establishing a safeguard and perimeter
                                                                                                                                                                                of protection where automation, rather than human,
                                                                                                                                                                                does the monitoring. Automation, after all, can mo-
      Lack of trust is already a major roadblock for         control and lane keep alerts. Better communication                                                                 nitor tirelessly for extended periods of time.
      adoption for currently available vehicle tech. Many    about capabilities and understanding of driver and                                                                     Consider a situation in which a child in the back
      drivers disable vehicle automation, such as lane       vehicle roles are tools; trust is the outcome.                                                                     seat drops a toy and erupts in a fit, drawing the
      keep assistance or adaptive cruise control, citing         Trust means continuing to use a system or service                                                              driver’s attention away from the road, or a passenger
      their belief that the functions are unreliable,        even though it may fail sometimes, as failure is a                                                                 begins to feel sick because of the precision by which
      provide feedback at the wrong times, or are simply     learning opportunity for intelligent systems much                                                                  the vehicle can automatically speed up or slow down.
      annoying.                                              as it is for an intelligent creature.                                                                                  Such safeguarding will need to affect vehicle
          There’s no reason to believe that the introduc-        In the future, automated vehicles will adjust to                                                               dynamics by reducing risk and making sure that if
      tion of more sensors or services alone will automa-    driver preferences and learn as they drive, rather                                                                 the driver’s attention is directed to a non-driving
      tically address driver understanding and expecta-      than only providing the binary option of turning on       From the consumer and user perspective, this             related task, the vehicle can still keep its occupants
      tions. The ultimate remit for autonomous driving       or off. Vehicles will even take initiative as an active   makes it very difficult to communicate system            and vulnerable road users safe by reducing speed
      technology is to innovate trust.                       system rather than passively awaiting commands.           capabilities. Drivers use trial-and-error for figuring   and driving more conservatively. This collaboration
          This means innovating not only when but how        Over the next few years, understanding the human          out what the system is able to do, then make their       between driver and vehicle will be a partnership,
      notifications are shared, but going beyond war-        machine interaction in moments of truth will help         assumptions of whether they can perform non-dri-         based on trust, that both parties will have a hand in
      nings to encompass the design of system actions        us develop and deliver those systems and tools.           ving tasks safely. Instead of reducing risk, such        building. And, even though a vehicle might perform
      as well as system availability. If the automated and                                                             behaviors increase it for a period of time as drivers    within operational tolerances, the movement could
      human actors in a vehicle can make reasonable          Trust means acknowledging and sharing                     figure out how and if they are “driving” or “riding”.    well cause car sickness for one or more passengers,
      assumptions of the others’ performance and skill,      risk. Trust is a relationship.                            During the journey of vehicle automation develop-        so it means adjusting vehicle dynamics and pos-
      collaboration could be implemented using existing                                                                ment, the perimeter of protection we noted earlier       sibly driving related visual cues to a point where the
      functions in novel ways, such as adaptive cruise                                                                 will be key.                                             occupants feel well.
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LIV - Learning Intelligent Vehicle | White paper 2019 - Communication and collaboration between driver and AI control in "moments of truth" will ...
The vehicle needs to get to know not only its driver,
    but also its occupants to handle moments of truth
                                                              The learning driver
    successfully. The resulting two-way trust is the          & learning vehicle
    building block of collaboration, and makes good on
    the safety promise of any system.                         People drive differently in different situations,
        For adoption of advanced vehicle automation,          whether determined by internal characteristics
    altering the user experience dynamic to one of            (tired, agitated, distracted), or external circumstan-
    more collaboration will require significant innova-       ces (some people are just uncomfortable driving in
    tion in system functionality, communication, and          rain or snow). It is vital for future human vehicles
    system self-monitoring capabilities. The design of        and systems to learn about individual drivers and
    system logic and interfaces inside and outside the        specific tolerances, if only to avoid false positives
    vehicle will be as important as those functional          and alerts that might cause them to disengage
    improvements, too, since the human-machine                safety or comfort systems.

                                                                                                                       ” Vehicles will need to be more flexible in their
                                                                                                                       functionality depending on external situations,
                                                                                                                       much as humans are.”

    interface (including the driving task) needs to provide   This does not mean that we will need to sacrifice
    a real-time understanding of what the other can           understandability or predictability, but rather
    and cannot do (and perceive); otherwise, a moment         explore ways that drivers can instruct their cars
    of truth situation will cause a breakdown in two-way      on what to do in a more nuanced fashion that suits
    trust between drivers and their vehicles, and make        their personalities and proclivities. This also goes
    subsequent uses of said systems less likely.              for the vehicles themselves, so learning how to be
                                                              clear about things as simple as software or map
    Collaboration requires intelligence and                   updates should key into driver expectations and
    learning, from the driver as well as the                  preparation.
    vehicle. The outcome is user adoption –
    drivers actually using the systems in their               Vehicles will need to be more flexible in
    vehicles.                                                 their functionality depending on external
                                                              situations, much as humans are.

                                                              Further, drivers will need to learn how to trust their
                                                              vehicles as well as understand their own roles.
                                                              Successfully addressing these factors could well
                                                              be the key to determining consumer adoption of
                                                              autonomous driving tools, not to mention delivering
                                                              on the safety benefit promised from their use.
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LIV - Learning Intelligent Vehicle | White paper 2019 - Communication and collaboration between driver and AI control in "moments of truth" will ...
Meet LIV3.0
     LIV3.0 is a research platform intended to enable the    For instance, LIV can recognize when a driver ap-
     study and design of such driver-vehicle collabora-      pears preoccupied or distracted, and automatically
     tion, understanding, and trust.                         increase the vehicle’s following distance – and if the
         LIV — the Learning Intelligent Vehicle — is an      driver appears confused, can explain its decision,
     artificial intelligence equipped car that can under-    helping the driver and passengers learn about tech
     stand and respond to context, using external and        functionality. When traveling with LIV, drivers won’t
     internal sensing combined with complex algorith-        get annoyed by too frequent warnings and shut sys-
     mic AI to create a unified assessment of what is        tems off, but will only perceive the systems when
     going on with the occupants, vehicle, and driving       relevant, increasing both functional and perceived
     situation, and then acting based on this evaluation.    safety benefits.
         At LIV’s core are deep learning algorithms that         LIV’s learning and interaction with human beings
     enable effective communication, including sensing       inside as well as outside the vehicle will impact
     driver gaze, emotion, cognitive load, drowsiness,       state-of-the-art of safety development more bro-
     hand position, and posture, and then using this         adly, ranging from automated emergency braking,
     information with data on the external environment       to precautionary advanced driver assist systems
     to yield driving experiences that are not only safer,   (ADAS) and self-driving vehicles.
     but feel that way, too.                                     In 2019, we expect to learn more about the
                                                             requirements on our systems from a user perspective,
     LIV represents the vision of Veoneer                    being able to communicate the information humans
     Research, and will inform the premium                   need for true collaboration with an automated vehicle.
     level of our future safety products.                    We will also learn about how this collaboration
                                                             should materialize, and what effects it will have on
                                                             the driving task.

                                                             We look forward to you joining us on
                                                             this journey!

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LIV - Learning Intelligent Vehicle | White paper 2019 - Communication and collaboration between driver and AI control in "moments of truth" will ...
LIV - Learning Intelligent Vehicle | White paper 2019 - Communication and collaboration between driver and AI control in "moments of truth" will ... LIV - Learning Intelligent Vehicle | White paper 2019 - Communication and collaboration between driver and AI control in "moments of truth" will ... LIV - Learning Intelligent Vehicle | White paper 2019 - Communication and collaboration between driver and AI control in "moments of truth" will ...
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