Lloyds Bank in the History of English Banking

Page created by Fred Shaw
Lloyds Bank in the History of
                 English Banking
By R. S. SAYERS              Ready in November                        3SJ. net

 Lloyds Bank has its main root in a substantial private bank founded in
 Birmingham nearly two centuries ago; one hundred years ago this Bank
still had only the one office in Birmingham, with a related private banking
house in Lombard Street. But by amalgamation it has absorbed scores
of other eighteenth and nineteenth century banks, both private and
joint-stock, and at least two of the former reach back into Restoration
 London, perhaps Cromwellian London. Although the records of these
historic businesses have been gravely impaired, especially by bombing in
 1940-41, the Bank still possesses rich material for the economic and
social historian. This material has been at the disposal of Professor R. S.
Sayers and, though the gaps in the records have prevented him from
presenting a full and systematic history of the Bank, he presents in this book
a picture of English banking development as illustrated in the records
of Lloyds Bank.
      The author's first interest has been to portray the people who have
been concerned as the bankers, the staff and the customers of the con-
stituent banks. For students already well versed in the history of
English banking more novel material will be found in chapters on
relations with the Bank of England and the development of organiza-
tion; other chapters fill out less unfamiliar aspects: competition and
co-operation with other banks, the relation between country banker and
London agent, the oddities of London's West End banking, and the
process of amalgamation. The book ranges from the seventeenth century
to about 1920, but most of the detail is drawn from the eighty years
between the beginning of country joint-stock banking and the emergence
of Lloyds Bank as one of the largest of the London Clearing Banks.

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ECONOMIE                       APPLIQUEE
An:hivCl de I'lnstitut de Science Economique Appliqu~
          (The Fretu:hJo"na/ of Economic Science)
                                                                                   PUBLISHED QUARTERLY
The Journal of                                                 THE ECONOMIC JOURNAL
                                                                       TIl. Quar""'y Journal 01 tM Royal EconomIc Sockty
     Political Economy                                               No. 267          September, 1957               Vol. LXVll
Edited by Albert E. Reea in Co-operaUon with other
memben of the D.partm.nt 01 Bconomics 01 th« Un'v.,,'ty              The    Balance-of-Payments Problems of a European
                    olChicazo                                              Free- Trade Area                  J. E. M.ad.

             The June, 1957, issue contains :                        Monetary Policy and the Capital Market, 1955-56
                                                                                                              H. B. Rose
Structure and Policy in Postal Rates        Jan. K.nMdy
The Influence of Expectation and Liquidity on Dividend               The Impact of the Credit Squeeze on Small and Medium-
  Payments                                Paul G. Darling                Sized Manufacturing Firms              H. F. Lydall
Municipal Fiscal Structure in a Metropolitan Region
                                       . JuJiw Margolis              Capital Exports and Growth                       J. Knapp
The British Truck System in the 19th Century
                                        G.org. W. Hilton             An Investigation into some Alleged Contradictions in
A Note on the Cost of Children's Mortality                              Welfare Economics                    E. J. Mishan
                                           W. u. Hansen
Patinkin on Money, Interest and Prices      Carl F. Christ           The Micro-Foundations of Aggregate Demand and
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Book Reviews and Books Received
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                       Publish.d by                                    MACMILLAN 4 CO., LID., LONDON, W.C.2
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      THE REVIEW OF                                                                            THE

  ECONOMICS AND STATISTICS                                           American Economic Review
Vol. XXXIX           AUGUST, 1957                      No.3          Vol. XLVII       September, 1957                     No.5
The Appraisal of Road Construction: Two Calculation                  Articles
    Schemes                                     J. Tinb.rgM          Income Taxes and Incentives to Work: An Empirical
                                                                          Study                            G. F. Break
The Growth of Debt and Money in the United States
    1800-1950: A Suggested Interpretation                            Investment Policies and   II   Dualism" in Underdeveloped
                            John G. Gurl.y and E. S. Shaw                Countries                             A. O. Hirschman
Speculation, Profitability, and Stability      W. J. Baumol          Inflation in Underdeveloped Areas:          A Theoretical
The Control of Inflation                    Arthur Smithi.s               Analysis                                 S. P. Schatz
Secondary Benefits, External Economies, and the Justi-               Factor Proportions in Japanese Economic Development
    fication of Public Investment            JuJillS Margolis                                                 Gustav Rents
Leaders' Preferences, Credit Rationing, and the Effec-               The Multiplier and the Marginal Propensity to Import
    tiveness of Monetary Policy            John H. Kareken                                              Miyoh.i Shlnohara
Consumption and the Consumption Function in the
    U.S. 1948-1949 Recession                  Arnold Z.lIn.r         Factor Substitution, Consumer Wealth, and Growth
                                                                         Stability                         Franz G.hrels
Technical Change and the Aarepte Production Function
                                           Rob.rt M. Solow           CEO's Stabilizing Budget Policy after Ten Years
Inventors Past and Present                Jacob Schmookler                                                    W. W. Heller
Report of the Commission on Intergovernmental Rela-
    tions                                   Selma MlIShkin           The AMERICAN ECONOMIC REVIEW, a quarterly,
                                                                     is the official publication of the American Economic
Not.s and Book R.vl.ws                                               Association and is sent to all members. The annual
                                                                     dues are lix dollars. Address editorial communications
                                                                     to Dr. Bernard F. Haley, Editor, AMERICAN ECONO-
  TM R• .,I• .,., 01 &onomia and Statisttc« is published             MIC REVIEW, Stanford University, Room 220,
  quanorly by the Department of Economics, Harvard                   Stanford, california; for information concerning other
  UDiversity.        Annual lubscription price $6.00.                publications and activities of the Association, communi-
                                                                     cate with the Secretary-Treasurer, Dr. James Washington
                                                                     Bell, American Economic Association, Northwestern
          HARVARD UNIVERSITY PRESS                                   University, Evanston, Illinois. Send for information
            Cambridp 38, MUI., U.S.A.                                booklet.

                  Fondee en 1887
                  EDMOND VILLEY
      Ridactewen Chef 1932·1955, Charles RUt
      Ridaeteur en Che/1934-1946, Oatean Pirou
                   RidacteUTs en Chef
Ren6 Courtin, Professeur Ii la Faculte de droit de Pari
Henri Guitton, Pro/esseur Ii la Faculte de droit de Paris
Georges Lutfal1a, Admlnistrateur giniral de I' Ecole
    natlo1lQ1e d'Organisation iconomique et soctal«.
67eme annee             No.3              MaI-Juin, 1957
Marchi Imparfait et Relations Internationales
    I.-L'autofinancement de la vande unit6 inter-
          territoriale et les dimensions tempore11es do
          son plan, par                      Mawlce Bye
   H.-L'effet de la concurrence imparfaite dans les
          relations 6conomiQues intemationales sur Ie
          plan monetaire, par               D.-J. Delvanis
  HI.-L'6COnomie fran~aise vue a travers Ie tableau
          6conomiQue. Essai d'analyse et de mesure des
          interdependances, par             Pierre Maillet
Notes et Memoranda:
  I.-Sur la th60rie des choix aleatoires.
      Critique des id6es de Maurice Allais, par
                                           Georges Morlat
      R6ponse a la critique de Georges Morlat, par
                                            Maurice Allots
Revue des Livres
   Abonnement-Annee 1957 (6 numsros) 3,300 Francs
   Vente au numero, 500 Francs (Frais d'envoi Iy sus)
 (Prix special pour Ie No., 4/5 .. France Bconomique ")
           22 Rue Soufloot, PARIS V

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