Lobster Fishery and aquaculture development in the North coast of Gulf of Oman: with emphasis on spiny lobster - Survey in ...

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Journal of Survey in Fisheries Sciences             8(2) 81-90                      2022

                                                              Lobster Fishery and aquaculture development in the North
                                                                coast of Gulf of Oman: with emphasis on spiny lobster
                                                                                  Panulirus homarus

                                                                                            Ajdari A.1; Mirzaei M.R.1*

                                                                          Received: July 2021                 Accepted: December 2021

                                                            Spiny lobsters are one of the most important commercial and highly priced crustaceans
                                                            along the Southern coast of Iran (Sistan and Baluchistan Province). In the last three
                                                            decades, the economy of a large part of the fishermen population has been directly
                                                            dependent on it. The lobster fishing rate decreased from 42 t in 1989 to 1 t in 2004.
                                                            This has been attributed to the effects of improper fishing methods and overfishing.
                                                            Meanwhile, Oman, as a leading country in the fishing industry in the Gulf of Oman,
                                                            produced 450 t of lobster in 2016, compared to 416 t in 2015. Little attention has been
                                                            paid to lobsters by related organizations. This neglect in framing and enforcing fishing
                                                            regulations has led to heavy fishing pressure on this vulnerable resource along the
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                                                            southern coast of Iran. For this reason, some efforts have been made by researchers at
                                                            the Iranian fisheries science research institute, such as the Preliminary study of lobster
                                                            biology, feeding biology and ecology, designing the appropriate lobster trap, designing
                                                            an artificial reef as a shelter for lobster; and some experimental research is currently
                                                            underway to assess population dynamics and maximum sustainable yield (MSY).
                                                            Furthermore, the release of artificially raised lobster juveniles contributes to the re-
                                                            establishment or enhancement of lobster stocks. However, one of the main problems for
                                                            successful restock programs has been the lack of inexpensive methods for juvenile

                                                            Keywords: Scalloped spiny lobster, Stock enhancement, Gulf of Oman,
[ DOI: 10.18331/SFS2022.8.1.7 ]

                                                            1-Offshore Fisheries Research Center, Iranian Fisheries Science Research Institute,
                                                             Agricultural Research Education, and Extension Organization (AREEO), Chabahar, Iran
                                                            *Corresponding e-mail: mirzaei.mr@gmail.com
82 Ajdari and Mirzaei, Lobster Fishery and aquaculture development in the North coast of Gulf of …

                                                            Introduction                                           Iranian fisheries science research
                                                            The family Palinurtdae (Phylum                         institute in Sistan and Baluchestan
                                                            Arthropoda:        Class     Crustacea),               province over the past two decades. The
                                                            commonly known as spiny or rock                        ultimate goal of these studies has been
                                                            lobster is a commercially important                    to provide a broader vision of the
                                                            marine and brackish water group with a                 fisheries       system,       sustainable
                                                            large number of genera (Jayakody,                      exploitation and improved stock
                                                            1991). The scalloped spiny lobster                     enhancement. During these studies, the
                                                            Panulirus homarus is widespread in the                 amount of catch, fishing gear, time of
                                                            tropical and subtropical waters of the                 exploitation, annual catch rate, size at
                                                            Indo-West Pacific, from eastern South                  first maturity, minimum catch size of
                                                            Africa to Somalia, along the Arabian                   lobster for fishing and some biological
                                                            Peninsula, and from India and                          aspects     such      as    reproductive
                                                            Indonesia to Japan and Australia                       characteristics and growth parameters
                                                            (Yellapu et al., 2017). It extends into                have been identified and introduced. In
                                                            the Arabian Sea along the coasts of                    this    regard,    many     management
                                                            Yemen and Oman, continues to the                       strategies are presented in the form of
                                                            southeastern coast of Iran in Gulf of                  instructions and regulations. Up to now
                                                            Oman. Their habitat varies greatly                     stock enhancement methods are useful
                                                            among species and typically grows to a                 fishery management tool to declines in
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                                                            length of 20–25 cm and lives in shallow                lobster populations and given the
                                                            water, usually 1–5 meters deep,                        current situation, the main focus should
                                                            including among rocks in the surf zone,                be on lobster stock enhancement.
                                                            but occasionally up to 90 m (Suryandari
                                                            et al., 2018).                                         Economic value of lobster
                                                                Little attention has been paid to                  Lobsters are sold fresh, live, frozen,
                                                            lobsters by related organizations. This                cooked frozen, smoked, salted and
                                                            neglect in framing and enforcing                       dried depending on the taste and needs
                                                            fishing regulations has led to heavy                   of different countries (Venugopal,
                                                            fishing pressure on this vulnerable                    2005). Lobster export trade is profitable
                                                            resource along the south coast of Iran.                in the world. The main exporting
                                                            The most important reasons for                         countries are; Canada, the United
                                                            declining lobster stocks are illegal                   States, Australia, New Zealand, India
                                                            fishing and the use of non-standard                    and Vietnam. The average global price
                                                            caching methods in catching this                       of lobster is $ 42.59 per kg on July
                                                            valuable aquatic species, destruction of               2020. Its price in Europe was between $
[ DOI: 10.18331/SFS2022.8.1.7 ]

                                                            lobster habitats, lack of culture                      40 and $ 70 (at New Year's Eve) during
                                                            technology, lack of knowledge in the                   the last year (Tridge, 2020). The main
                                                            field of ecology and low survival rate of              factors for the growth of the global
                                                            puerulus. For this reason, some efforts                lobster market are: seafood is superior
                                                            have been made by researchers at the                   to other types of animal meat, rich
Journal of Survey in Fisheries Sciences 8(2) 2022                 83

                                                            sources of nutrition, and ultimately the         orientalis and Scyllarides squammosus
                                                            development of the aquaculture growth            are two other species of lobsters in the
                                                            process will further develop the market.         Gulf of Oman, belonging to the family
                                                            With the increase in the use of                  of Scyllaridae. Scyllarides squammosus
                                                            packaged foods, restaurants have found           or blunt slipper lobster lives on soft
                                                            a variety of lobster dishes, and                 substrate of sand or mud and is usually
                                                            changing consumer tastes will continue           found at depths of 20 - 90 m. Thenus
                                                            to drive the market. Currently, more             orientalis or flathead lobster prefers a
                                                            than half of lobsters are produced in the        mixture of sand or mud substrate in
                                                            United States. In addition, due to strong        depth range of 8-100 m (Ezhdehakosh
                                                            domestic consumer demand, the United             pour, 2016).
                                                            States also imports lobster from other
                                                            countries. As a result, by the end of            Statue of lobster in Gulf of Oman
                                                            2025, the global lobster market is               Lobster is one of Iran's most valuable
                                                            expected to exceed 400,000 tons                  and expensive crustaceans and an
                                                            (Research and Markets, 2020).                    important export product. Although it is
                                                                                                             distributed throughout the Iranian coast,
                                                            Lobster species in southern waters of            the main fisheries are on the east
                                                            Iran                                             (Ramin and Bris) and west (part and
                                                            At present three species of spiny lobster        Pozm) coast of Sistan and Baluchestan
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                                                            and two species of slipper lobster have          province. Because of its economic
                                                            been documented from the Gulf of                 value and its importance as a valuable
                                                            Oman (Ajdari et al., 2016). The                  export market, the economy of a part of
                                                            scalloped spiny lobster, Panulirus               the fishing community in this region
                                                            homarus is the most widely distributed           was directly dependent on it in last
                                                            in this region and it is also the most           three decades. Overexploitation and
                                                            important commercial species of spiny            illegal fishing led to lobster stock
                                                            lobster in the North coast of Gulf of            depletion so that the lobster fishing rate
                                                            Oman. Panulirus polyphagus, a mud                decreased from 42 t in 1989 to 7 t and
                                                            spiny lobster, is another species of             then 1 t in 2003 and 2004, respectively
                                                            spiny lobster on the North coast of the          (Fig. 1).
                                                            Gulf of Oman. It is a species of                     Overall, due to destructive fishing
                                                            crustacean that lives on shallow rocky           practices, overfishing and illegal
                                                            reefs and muddy substrates and usually           actions by some fishermen, lobster
                                                            found from 3 to 90 m depth. Panulirus            catches in Oman’s coastal waters have
                                                            versicolor, painted spiny lobster is one         declined in recent decades. Reported
[ DOI: 10.18331/SFS2022.8.1.7 ]

                                                            of the three most common varieties of            lobster catch from Oman coastal waters
                                                            spiny lobster in Iran. This species is           have declined from about 2000 tons in
                                                            found in shallow tropical waters, coral          1988 to only about 158 tons in 2011. In
                                                            reef ecosystems and coral reef plateaus          Pakistan, lobster fishing along the coast
                                                            at depths of up to 15 m. Thenus                  of Balochistan Province (Sindh region)
84 Ajdari and Mirzaei, Lobster Fishery and aquaculture development in the North coast of Gulf of …

                                                            has practically stopped because the                    the marine fisheries department of
                                                            catch of these expensive marine                        Pakistan, has declined from 300 to 400
                                                            crustaceans has been greatly reduced.                  to three to four specimens over three
                                                            Although lobster catches have been                     decades, while the price has jumped
                                                            greatly reduced over the years, the                    from (minimum) Rs 30 to Rs 2,000 now
                                                            species is still caught indiscriminately.              for a single lobster (Pereira and
                                                            The lobster catch per boat, according to               Josupeit, 2017).
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                                                            Figure 1: Historical catch of lobster over the years in North coast of Gulf of Oman (Sistan and
                                                                      Baluchestan Province).

                                                            While Oman has conducted extensive                     Southeast of Sistan and Baluchistan
                                                            studies such as changing the fishing                   province. In recent years, the biological
                                                            season to improve stocks. Fishing                      and economic aspects of P. homarus
                                                            season of Oman along the Arabian Sea                   lobster fishing in the waters of the Gulf
                                                            coast was shifted from 15 October-15                   of Oman in Iran have been studied.
                                                            December (2003-2008) to March-April                    These include; biosystematics and
                                                            (2010-2014) by the decision of the                     biological characteristics (Sari, 1991),
                                                            Ministry of Fisheries. As a result, with a             size and age composition of populations
                                                            production of 430 tons in 2016 and 416                 as dynamical systems (Fatemi, 1998),
                                                            tons in 2015, compared to 302 tons in                  and fishing management (Mashaii and
                                                            2014, production has increased by 32 to                Rajabipour, 2003).
                                                            40 percent.
                                                               Due to the limited supply of other                  Ecological Characteristics of lobster
[ DOI: 10.18331/SFS2022.8.1.7 ]

                                                            species in Iran, the scallop lobster                   habitat
                                                            Panulirus homarus is the only lobster                  Stock enhancement activities based on
                                                            species used in this area. All lobsters                ecological characteristics of the lobster
                                                            caught are exported and therefore play                 habitats must be considered due to the
                                                            an important role in the fisheries of                  decreased lobster stocks. Water and
Journal of Survey in Fisheries Sciences 8(2) 2022                  85

                                                            sediment samples of the lobster habitats         the biggest and smallest lobster was 34
                                                            in Ramin as a main important lobster             and 112 mm, respectively.
                                                            habitat in southeastern Iran (Sistan and            Differences in reproductive size
                                                            baluchestan Province) were studied by            were observed of the entire study area,
                                                            Mashaii et al. (2013). The annual                with a range of 55 mm CL for the
                                                            average values of water temperature,             smallest berried females and a range of
                                                            water salinity, dissolved oxygen; pH             64-69 mm CL in the 50% maturity size.
                                                            and turbidity were 25.56±2.8°C,                     The maximum spawning rate was
                                                            38.77±1.71     g/lit,   6.07±1.12mg/lit,         observed in spring (March and April)
                                                            8.22±0.17 and 3.03±2.98, respectively.           and individuals in this season were
                                                            The annual frequency of macrobenthos             bigger than autumn, but a lot of
                                                            was 133 individuals/m2. The maximum              autumnal catch were undersized
                                                            and     minimum       abundances      of         individuals (59% undersize) and this
                                                            macrobenthos were observed in May                shows seasonal migration in different
                                                            and November, respectively. The                  length groups. Therefore, seasonal
                                                            highest      average      number      of         behavior such as the time of maximum
                                                            macrobenthos          belonged        to         spawning rate is important in order to
                                                            cephalochordata, polychaeta, nematoda,           catch season determination.              A
                                                            ostracoda, gastropoda, bivalves and              Comparison of the total catch in the sea
                                                            amphipoda.                                       and landing site shows that illegal catch
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                                                                                                             in spring is larger than autumn.
                                                            Growth studies                                   Furthermore,        they       suggested
                                                            Fishery resource assessment is the key           management        measures        include
                                                            to development and improvement of                prohibition on possession of eggbearing
                                                            management methods for exploited                 females, shift of the fishing season,
                                                            stocks. Analysis of specific parameters          minimum legal size of carapace (70
                                                            provides information regarding the state         mm).
                                                            of the stock and indicators of                      The carapace length (Lm50%) is
                                                            exploitation levels. Some biological             used to determine the minimum legal
                                                            characteristics   such     as     length         size for commercial fishing; in fact, it is
                                                            frequency, peak of spawning time and             the length of the carapace that at least
                                                            carapace length at first maturity were           50% of the lobsters are mature during
                                                            investigated by Rastiannassab et al.             the spawning season. In 2009, Azhir et
                                                            (2002) during spring and autumn in the           al. (2009) reported that the minimum
                                                            North coast of Gulf of Oman. These               legal size in North coast of Sistan and
                                                            qualitative parameters along with                Baluchestan province is 69-71 mm of
[ DOI: 10.18331/SFS2022.8.1.7 ]

                                                            quantitative    features    in     catch         carapace length. Detailed examination
                                                            composition (such egged and unegged              on some biological parameters in catch
                                                            females and undersized individuals) in           composition of lobster by Rastiannasab
                                                            autumn and spring were compared.                 and Hossaini (2015) showed that
                                                            Based on the results, carapace length of
86 Ajdari and Mirzaei, Lobster Fishery and aquaculture development in the North coast of Gulf of …

                                                            minimum legal size was 70 cm                           advantage of using this type of trap in
                                                            carapace length.                                       the North coast of Gulf of Oman.
                                                                                                                   Furthermore, Azhdehakosh pour et al.
                                                            Spiny lobster fishing methods and gear                 (2013) modified the lobster trap by
                                                            Due to the increase in demand, lobster                 designing appropriate escape vents in
                                                            fishing activities have been extensively               terms of shape, position, and size to
                                                            developed in the world and have led to                 improve size selectivity by reducing the
                                                            high exploitation. But it is well known                catch of immature and juvenile lobster
                                                            that the use of illegal fishing methods                in the North coast of Gulf of Oman.
                                                            such as catch of berried females and
                                                            undersized lobsters has caused serious                 Spiny lobster aquaculture
                                                            problems in developing countries                       Both      raising    of      wild-caught
                                                            including Iran. Different countries use                pueruli/juveniles and the propagation of
                                                            different methods and equipment such                   larvae from egg to the puerulus stage
                                                            as traps, pots, and a type of anchor                   were investigated by researchers in the
                                                            shaped hooks and gill nets to catch                    North coast of the Gulf of Oman.
                                                            lobsters (Jayakody, 1991). In India
                                                            lobsters caught in shallow waters using                Hatchery
                                                            drop nets, whereas in deeper waters                    The culture of spiny lobsters from egg
                                                            (>100m), they are caught by traps                      to the puerulus stage has now been
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                                                            (pots), operated by powered vessels                    achieved for spiny lobster species.
                                                            (Radhakrishnan et al., 2019). Several                  Studies to bring these to the full
                                                            methods were used to catch lobsters in                 commercial aquaculture level are
                                                            Iran. Fishing activity with gillnets to                currently under way in several
                                                            capture the spiny lobster was a common                 countries. The early stages of the
                                                            method along the Iranian coastal water.                Panulirus homarus were hatched and
                                                            Furthermore,           the        analysis             reared in the laboratory by Balouch
                                                            of bycatch species       from     artisanal            (2009). In this study, a new culture tank
                                                            fishermen's      gillnet    recorded some              was designed for illustrating the early
                                                            lobster species. Some slipper lobsters                 stages and instars of each stage in P.
                                                            that prefer soft substrates were recorded              homarus in the laboratory. The females
                                                            in trawl nets along the North coast of                 with eggs were captured from their
                                                            the Gulf of Oman. Lobster trap is                      habitat and carefully brought into the
                                                            another gear that used in lobster fishing              laboratory. The larvae were transferred
                                                            in this area. The efficiency of traps and              to a tank of circulating water with a
                                                            gillnet was studied by Zarshenas (1993)                density of 10 larvae per litter. The first
[ DOI: 10.18331/SFS2022.8.1.7 ]

                                                            on the North coast of the Gulf of Oman.                complete phyllosoma culture of P.
                                                            The results of this study showed that                  homarus was accomplished in the
                                                            traps are much more efficient than                     laboratory. About 60 stages I
                                                            gillnets. The existence of small escape                phyllosoma were cultured at 27-30◦C,
                                                            vent for juvenile lobsters was another                 being fed with nauplii of Artemia at the
Journal of Survey in Fisheries Sciences 8(2) 2022                  87

                                                            initial stages. The phyllosoma did not             to 10-30 g. Results of this study showed
                                                            grow beyond stage III, even though it              that    post-pueruli     survival    was
                                                            survived up to 10 days. The survival of            significantly higher and the growth rate
                                                            pueruli in this study was much higher at           in post puerulus was much faster than
                                                            83% in stage II and 100% in stage III.             the growth rate of puerulus.
                                                            The larvae molted three times, once at
                                                            stages I to II, two times at stage III. It is      Fattening
                                                            believed that the mortality rate is due to         There is no recorded literature on the
                                                            insufficient supply of nutrients at the            initiation of the lobster culture on a
                                                            phyllosoma stage to support energy                 commercial basis in Iran. The study of
                                                            consumption and development during                 lobster culture in concrete ponds was
                                                            the non-feeding puerulus stage.                    carried out by (Haghpanah et al., 2016)
                                                            Anyway, the larvae (phyllosoma) phase              during four months with the goal of
                                                            involves several distinct morphological            economic and sustainable development
                                                            and molt stages. Although the the small            of the lobster culture system. The
                                                            number of phyllosoma have grown                    lobsters were fed by trash fish at the
                                                            successfully to pueruli stage in Japan             rate of 5% body weight per day. The
                                                            and New Zealand, but the development               average weight growth of lobsters and
                                                            of hatcheries is far from commercial               the average length growth of carapace
                                                            success.                                           were equal to 81±8.76 g and 7.2±2.6
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                                                                                                               mm, respectively. Results of this study
                                                            Nursery phase                                      showed the average weight growth
                                                            However, free-swimming larvae can be               (±SE) of male P. homarus reared at
                                                            found and collected in the wild. In order          different stocking densities of the
                                                            to collect these post larvae, technology           existing body.
                                                            has been developed that enables post
                                                            larvae to reach a commercial size and              Conclusion
                                                            have a much higher survival rate than in           In summary, lobster seems to have been
                                                            the wild. When some artificially grown,            extensively exploited, and current
                                                            mature lobsters are returned to the sea,           regulations are not sufficient to recover
                                                            the population can grow and recover. In            from years of overfishing of lobster and
                                                            a study by Aminrad et al. (2013)                   protect the population from the collapse
                                                            puerulus and post puerulus lobsters                in Gulf of Oman. The sharp decline of
                                                            with an average weight of 0.77 and 11.8            lobster fisheries along the coast of
                                                            g were collected by collectors at North            Sistan and Balochistan is still a major
                                                            coast of Gulf of Oman. The amount of               problem, and other management
[ DOI: 10.18331/SFS2022.8.1.7 ]

                                                            larval requirement food was calculated             measures are urgently needed, such as
                                                            based on 15% of their body weight and              reducing the pressure on the fishery,
                                                            feeding by trash fish, bivalve and squid.          especially the illegal fishery of spawner
                                                            The nursery phase lasted for 3-6                   females     and      juvenile     lobsters,
                                                            months, during which the lobsters grow             conservation of critical habitat such as
88 Ajdari and Mirzaei, Lobster Fishery and aquaculture development in the North coast of Gulf of …

                                                            spawning and nursery areas, a reliable                   vent of the pot for spiny rock lobster
                                                            fishery statistics database needs to be                  (Panulirushomarous) in terms of
                                                            established in order to make more                        position            and           size,
                                                            accurate estimates of stocks, improve                    (SistanandBalouchestanProvince _
                                                            fishing gear and control illegal,                        IRAN). Marine Biology, 4(4), 1-10.
                                                            unreported and unregulated catches,                      (in Persian).
                                                            establish and enforce strict rules for                 Azhir, M.T., Hosseini, A., Darbani,
                                                            offending fishermen, banning the use of                  A.R., Mahdavi, M., Azini, M. and
                                                            gillnets on the entire Northern coast of                 Sari, A.R., 2009. A survey on some
                                                            the Gulf of Oman and replacing them                      biological aspects of spiny lobster
                                                            with traps may prevent the exploitation                  Panulirus homarus for optimizing
                                                            of juvenile lobster, which account for a                 fishing season in Sistan - o –
                                                            large part of the catch. Finally, it is                  Baluchestan provnce, Final Report.
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                                                            cooperation among fishers, scientists,                   Research Center, Iranian Fisheries
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