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(JPMNT) Journal of Process Management – New Technologies, International
Vol. 8, No 1, 2020.


                  Serkalem Dandena1, Mekuanint Abera Timbula 2,Tadele Mengesha3
                    Department of Banking and Finance , Jimma university, Ethiopia
               serkaledan@yahoo.com, meki2031@gmail.com, tdlmngsh@gmail.com

                                                                        Original Scientific Paper

Abstract: Tele Communication Technology now a           Background of the Study
day has an important impact on a day to day
activity of human being in all over the world. One      Today’s globalized and dynamic business
of the bequests drawn from Tele communication           environment forces many businesses to
technology is Mobile Banking system. The aim of         face increased intensive competition. The
this study was to examine factors that affecting the    competitive business environment and
adoption of mobile banking in Ethiopian Banking
                                                        rapid technological change is the key to
industry. The collected data was analyzed using
descriptive statistics, correlation and regression      sustainable competitive advantage in
analysis. Results are presented using tables,           delivering high quality services that will in
figures, graphs and charts to show the extent of        turn result in satisfied customers. High
influence of identified factors on the adoption of      quality service as indicated by rapid
mobile banking. The data analysis includes a
                                                        technological development is a major
correlation matrix to test the direction and strength
of the study variables against m-banking adoption       differentiation variable and source of
and regression analysis to examine the extent to        competitive       advantage        (Boshoff,
which they bring to adoption of m-banking. The          2009)Among the various service sectors,
major finding of the study reveals, Technological       the rapid growth and changes in
and Organizational factors from the institutional
                                                        information technology have transformed
perspective and customers’ experience and
voluntariness of use from customers’ perspective        the world of financial institutions like
had strong and positive relation with adoption of       banks. Financial institutions plays an
m-banking. However, gender and age from the             important role in providing different
customers view and Environmental factor from the        financial services such as mobilizing
institutions view had a negative relationship with
                                                        financial resources from the surplus units
mobile banking adoption. The study indicated that
Technology and customer’s voluntariness of use          to those who need financial resources to
had an impact on the adoption of m-banking in           undertake different economic activities.
greater extent. Therefore, the result recommended       Traditionally banks are the major players
that to enhance the m-banking adoption to the           in the financial sectors in mobilizing
required level, United Bank and other banks should
                                                        public money in terms of saving and lend
invest and deploy on new and “state of the art”
technologies with the required human capital and        it to those who need it. This is the reality
develop a clear strategy to work exhaustively           in developing countries even today where
towards the belief of customers to use m-banking        alternative financial institutions are at
system.                                                 lower level of development relative to the
Key words: M-Banking, Adoption, United Bank, TOE        banks.

(JPMNT) Journal of Process Management – New Technologies, International
                                                                                 Vol. 8, No 1, 2020.

“These days, the function of commercial             Therefore this study is intended to fill the
banks is confined not only to advancing             literature gap in the local context as well
loans to the public and accepting their             as knowledge gap by providing better
deposits, their contribution in accelerating        understanding on the crucial demographic
the rate of economic development in                 factors and major institutional factors
under- developed and developing countries           contributing in the adoption of m-banking
is very important” V. K. Gangal(2013)               among decision makers of the banking
                                                    industry so that effective management of
Access to banking service will improve the
                                                    those factors hindering the success of m-
qualities of lives of a society; however,
                                                    banking service can take place.
access to banking service in developing
countries is at lower level. Among the              Research Design
various factors which contribute to this            The study design of this research is
poor      development     are:    deficient         descriptive and explanatory. Descriptive
infrastructure,   physical     geographical         research design is applied to describe the
isolation or inaccessibility, financial             key factors that affect the adoption of m-
illiteracy, all of which culminate into             banking in United Bank and explanatory
exceedingly high cost of providing                  research aims to provide explanation
banking services.                                   regarding the casual relationship between
The challenges we have seen previously in           Adoption of m-banking which is
providing access to banking services in             dependent variable of the research and
Sub-Saharan Africa in general and                   different factors stated on the conceptual
Ethiopia in particular can be addressed by          framework as an independent variables.
using mobile phone and mobile banking               Quantitative research approach also be
technology as witnessed empirically in the          applied in this research work so as to
neighboring country Kenya. Hence,                   address the research objective and to test
mobile banking is an opportunity for the            the research hypothesis.
banks in Ethiopia to address the potential          DATA    ANALYIS            RESULTS        AND
market in the country where access to               DISCUSSIONS
banking services is very low.
                                                    In order to find out environmental factors
Though several studies have contributed             affects adoption of M-Banking, the
substantially to the literature on m-banking        following summary of respondents is
adoption by various scholars in countries           discussed as follows. Regarding their
such as Brazil (Laukkanen et al 2010),              agreement on Strong legal and regulatory
China (Wang et al. 2010) and Taiwan                 framework by the government enforce
(Luarn and Lin 2005), the finding may not           banking      industries,     majority    of
be applicable to countries like Ethiopia            respondents 44.8% agreed that, there is
due to cultural, economic and legal                 Strong legal and regulatory framework by
environments. Moreover the existing                 the    government        enforce    banking
research did not analyze the contribution           industries. The researcher also directly
of demographic factors such as gender,              posed     a    question     regarding   the
age, experience and voluntariness of use            Government support enables smoother m-
towards the adoption of m-banking.                  banking adoption.

(JPMNT) Journal of Process Management – New Technologies, International
Vol. 8, No 1, 2020.

Based on this the Majority 44.8 % of                   With regard to “M-banking lowers
respondents agreed that there exists                   operating cost by increasing productivity
Government support enables smoother m-                 and profitability of the bank, “ majority of
banking adoption. With regard to the Strong            respondents 51.7% were agreed the
vision of the future M-banking, indicated that         statement. As seen from the above table,
the majority of respondents 34.7% were                 majority 41.3% also agreed that their bank
disagreed to the statement, that means “it is          has Strong organizational culture of new
so difficult to predict Strong vision of the           technological innovation and staff training.
future M-banking. This indicates that, there           Most of respondents 51.7% also agreed that
exists a challenge in terms of awareness               their bank has a strong belief in better
about the strategic plan of the bank in                branding and better responsiveness to the
regarding to these issues. Thus the concerned          market. Moreover, most of respondents,
stakeholders are recommended to devise a               48.2% responded that M-banking Improves
strategic plan and awareness that is clear and         customer service and hence increase
understood vision of the future M-banking.             customer satisfaction. From the above
                                                       technological factors also, most of
48.2 % agreed that there is Competitive
                                                       respondents 37.9% disagree that M-banking
pressure drives m-banking investment.
                                                       increases efficiency by reducing error. That
Moreover, most of(42.1% ) respondents
                                                       means majority of respondents still uses
responded that there is Improvement of ICT
                                                       manual operation apart from digital banking
infrastructure that links different banks.
                                                       system so as to reduce error With regard to
From the other environmental factors also,
                                                       M-banking Lowers security issues and
that is there is tight foreign currency
                                                       boosts user’s confidence. Majority (41.3 %)
regulation, majority (55.2 %) agreed that
                                                       agreed that M-banking Lowers security
there is Tight foreign currency regulation.
                                                       issues and boost user’s confidence.
Moreover, majority (37.9 %) agreed that,
                                                       Moreover, majority (68.9%) agreed that,
there is Prediction of more customer
                                                       Provides up to date and sufficient
acceptance of m-banking With regard to the
Availability of hardware in country (POS,              information. Majority (62%) of respondents
                                                       disagreed that, “M-banking Provides easy
ATM, server), indicated that the majority of
                                                       and user friendly system. This shows that,
respondents 58.4 % were disagreed to the
                                                       though 31.1% agreed that M-banking
statement, that means it is so difficult to
                                                       Provides easy and user friendly system but
have          nearby        and        easily
                                                       still because of poor network infrastructure
accessibility/availability of hardware in
                                                       and internet access M-banking is not
country (POS, ATM, server) . This indicates
                                                       providing user friendly system to the
that, there exists a challenge in terms of
                                                       expected level, thus the concerned
having         nearby        and       easily
                                                       stakeholders are advised to address the gap
accessibility/availability of hardware in
                                                       and solve the poor network infrastructure
country (POS, ATM, and server). Thus the
                                                       and internet access problem so that M-
concerned bank managers/ stakeholders are
                                                       banking will be providing user friendly
recommended to devise a strategic direction
in allocating resources for nearby and easily
accessibility/availability of hardware in
country (POS, ATM, and server).

(JPMNT) Journal of Process Management – New Technologies, International
                                                                                   Vol. 8, No 1, 2020.

 With regard to the statement that,                   agreed that it is very simple for them to handle
 Minimizes inconvenience by providing 24/7            or operate m-banking. Regarding, they are
 banking services, majority 44.8% don’t               ready to face any financial risk while they are
 have clear opinion or neutral about the              using m-banking service, majority (51.7
 statement. Regarding their opinion about M-          %)agreed they are ready to face any financial
 banking delivers greater output with the             risk while they are using m-banking service
 help of advanced technology34.5% don’t               .With regard they have a good skill in using
 have clear opinion or neutral about the              computer, 48.6 % respondents, disagreed they
 statement.                                           have a good skill in using computer.
 Majority (51.7%) of respondents agreed               In order to find out demographic factors
 that, there should be improved access to             (experience) affects adoption of M-Banking,
 computer/internet/cell phone to perform              the following summary of respondents is
 m-banking.                                           discussed as follows. As can been seen in the
                                                      table regarding their agreement on their use
Regarding to Demographic factors (gender),
                                                      computer at their work, majority of
that they have enough information about
Mobile-Banking service, “the majority of              respondents 41.3% agreed that, they use
                                                      computer at their work. The researcher also
respondents 41.3% were disagreed the
                                                      directly posed a question regarding their use e-
statement. Which means majority of
                                                      mail communication with employees at their
respondents do not have enough information
                                                      work. Based on this the Majority 62 % of
about Mobile-Banking service. Thus the
                                                      respondents disagreed that they use e-mail
bank is advised to arrange an intensive
                                                      communication with employees at their work.
awareness program in delivering enough
                                                      With regard to a question they were asked
information about Mobile-Banking service.
                                                      whether they are using smart phone for their
Majority of respondent 41.4 %, also agreed
                                                      telephone communication, the majority of
that they have a good skill in using smart
                                                      respondents 68.9 % were agreed to the
phone .Most of respondents 44.8% also
                                                      statement, As seen from the above table,
agreed that they have positive beliefs
                                                      majority 34.1 % are neutral on the statement
towards adopting m-banking. Moreover,
                                                      that they use smart phone applications to
most of respondents, 44.8% responded that
                                                      contact with family and friends outside the
they have positive attitude towards adopting
                                                      country Moreover, most of (51.7% )
m-banking. From the above demographic
(gender) factors also, most of respondents            respondents responded that they use online
                                                      (WWW) resource to find any information
31% are neutral about the statement that
                                                      relevant to them.
they have greater interest in using IT related
application.                                          In order to find out demographic factors
                                                      (voluntariness of use) affects adoption of M-
 Regarding to Demographic factors (age) that
                                                      Banking, the following summary of
 they can adopt new technological innovations
                                                      respondents is discussed as follows with
 very fast, majority (41.4%), agreed that they
                                                      regard to “M-banking adoption increase social
 can adopt new technological innovations very
                                                      status of the user.,“ majority of respondents
 fast. Moreover, on the statement “It is very
                                                      44.8% were disagreed the statement.
 simple for them to handle or operate m-
 banking“, majority of respondents 62.1%

(JPMNT) Journal of Process Management – New Technologies, International
Vol. 8, No 1, 2020.

As seen from the above table, majority                 the previous elaborated discussion of
37.9% also agreed that M-banking service               results. The descriptive statistics results of
users will be perceived well by others in the          the survey indicated that participants’ of
group. Most of respondents 41.4% also                  demographic characteristics in gender
agreed that using M-banking service                    distribution revealed that the majority of
maintains their privacy and comfort.                   the respondents from customer and
Moreover, most of respondents, 48.2%                   employees perspective respectively were
responded that using M-banking service                 male 234(64%), 131(65.5%). In addition,
save their time. From the above also, most             the age of the respondents about
of respondents 41.3% disagree that M-                  (292)78.5% from customer and (139)
banking provides 24/7 banking service.                 69.5% from employee in this survey were
                                                       between 20 years and 30 years. The
In order to find out respondents opinions
                                                       findings also revealed that the majority of
about M-banking Adoption, the following
                                                       the respondent around 254 (67.9%) from
summary of respondents is discussed as
                                                       customer and 143(71.5%) from employee
follows. As can been seen in the above
                                                       are degree and above degree holders’, This
table regarding their agreement on M-
                                                       result supports the findings of a lot of
banking adoption enhanced financial
                                                       studies     on    e-banking       technology
performance of the bank., majority of
                                                       acceptance, where users tended to be
respondents 48.6% agreed to the statement.
                                                       young and had at least secondary school
The researcher also directly posed a
                                                       level of education (Amel, 1986; El-
question regarding the Adoption of m-
                                                       Haddan&Almahmeed, 1992; Marshal
banking System enables customers to accept
                                                       &Heslop, 1988; Swinyard& Ghee, 1987;
their accounts information timely. Based on
                                                       Taube,     1988).In     addition,     income
the question, the majority (48.6%) of
                                                       distribution of the respondents revealed
respondents agreed that Adoption of m-
                                                       that about (162) 43.5% from customer and
banking System enables customers to accept
                                                       (111) 55.5% employee participants had
accounts information. With regard to
question raised on whether the adoption of             monthly income ≥ 5,251Birr, which is
                                                       considered average income in government
m-banking System improves the quality of
                                                       organizations in Ethiopia. The profession
banking service or not, the majority of
                                                       composition of the respondent also
respondents 62.1% were agreed with the
                                                       revealed that about 276 (74.2%) of the
statement. With regard to the question
                                                       respondents are employed either in
raised on adoption of m-banking System
                                                       government or private institutions. From
enables to continue accessing accounts 24/7,
                                                       the aforementioned result it can be
the majority of respondents 44.8% were
                                                       concluded that Unites Bank can use the
agreed to the statement.
                                                       young and educated customers as well as
Conclusions of the findings                            employees to its advantage of M-Banking
                                                       adoptions by creating awareness about the
This section elaborates the major findings             technology.
of the research in line with the research
objectives. In conclusion, the researcher
presents how the current research
objectives have been realized in light of

(JPMNT) Journal of Process Management – New Technologies, International
                                                                                 Vol. 8, No 1, 2020.

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