Lose Weight at Any Age - Northwell Health

Page created by Karen Lewis
Lose Weight at Any Age - Northwell Health

                                                               Any Age
                                                                     Maintaining a healthy weight can help you
                                                             sleep better, optimize energy, support joints, and
                                                                  lower your risk of chronic conditions. Try these
                                                               expert-backed strategies to lighten up, no
                                                                       matter how many candles are on your cake.
                                                                              B Y T I F FA N Y E Z I N W A O N Y E J I A K A
                                                                                        PHOTOGRAPHS BY PETER CR OWTHER

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Lose Weight at Any Age - Northwell Health

             re your pants tighter even                         The major reason weight gets stickier
             though you haven’t changed                      in our 30s? Metabolism becomes less
             your eating habits? Does it                     efficient with every revolution of the
             feel as if walks and virtual                    earth around the sun. “As we get older,
             Zumba workouts are doing                        our muscle mass decreases, which works
             great things for your health                    to slow down our metabolism,” says
             but not necessarily for the                     Karen E. Gibbs, M.D., a bariatric surgeon
 appearance of your thighs? It’s probably                    at Staten Island University Hospital in
 not all in your head.                                       New York City. “If you have less muscle,
    Let’s not sugarcoat it: Each decade                      you’re burning fewer calories.”
 brings new obstacles to losing weight.                         New moms have it especially hard:
 Our bodies become more resistant to                         Beyond getting less sleep or having
 change, while busy lives make it easy to                    their sleep interrupted, they’re dealing
 put our well-being on the back burner.                      with a metabolism that holds on to
 Carrying a few extra pounds isn’t a big                     baby weight long after their babies have
 deal (it may even help you live longer!),                   made their debut. During pregnancy,
 but being really overweight is linked                       the body requires more calories, and
 to serious problems including heart                         as a result metabolism increases, says
 disease and cancer, so it’s smart to keep                   Nicholas Azinge, M.D., an assistant
 your weight within a normal range.                          professor of medicine at Howard
    Here’s what you need to know                             Medicine in Washington, DC. It goes
 about how the body changes—plus,                            back to normal after delivery and            Vermont Academy of Nutrition and              eating psychology and nutrition expert.
 the best strategies for healthy weight                      breastfeeding, which can make it hard        Dietetics. As tempting as big-promise         That way you won’t have to make
 loss no matter what your age.                               for moms to lose pounds (as if they          diets are, “eliminating whole food groups     separate child-friendly meals, and if
                                                             don’t have enough to worry about!).          makes it more difficult to have a balanced    you model healthy-eating behaviors,
                                                                Getting back into the jeans you wore      diet and get in all the nutrients vital for   that can inspire your kiddos to eat
                  IN YOUR

                                                             in college shouldn’t be your goal—you’ve     good health as we age,” Wing says. The        better. DIY tacos or baked potatoes
                                                             got enough on your plate. But making         only eating changes that can lead to          with toppings are always a hit with
                                                             an effort to live more healthily can boost   sustainable weight loss are ones you can      kids. To make breakfast more fun, Wing
                                                             your overall well-being and give you         live with over time, she adds, so crash       suggests baking scrambled eggs in a
          THE BIG                                            more energy to power through each day.       diets are useless for healthy long-term
                                                                                                          weight management.
                                                                                                                                                        muffin tin packed with veggies and
                                                                                                                                                        herbs and adding a sprinkle of Cheddar.
        SLOWDOWN                                                                                                                                        On really crazy workdays, plan time
 From unexplainable aches to random
                                                             YOUR ACTION PLAN
                                                                                                          USE YOUR TIME WISELY                          for eating nutritious meals just as you
 gray hairs, your 30s can make you feel as                   BALANCE YOUR PLATE                           Super-busy people juggling kids and           would schedule an important meeting,
 if your body is turning into your mom’s.                    “Focus on eating a variety of foods from     work need their whole family on               Museles recommends. While you’re at
 Add to that the puffiness that doesn’t                      all the food groups, including dairy and     board. Figure out healthy meals that          it, set aside time at the beginning of the
 seem to go away like it used to even if you                 whole grains,” says Sara Wing, R.D., of      work for everyone to eat together,            week to organize ingredients so you can
 go easy on the wine and cheese for a bit.                   Waitsfield, VT, a past president of the      suggests Elise Museles, a certified           toss together healthy meals in a jiffy.

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Lose Weight at Any Age - Northwell Health

                                                             childhood such that they now remind you      you at risk for conditions such as type 2   a few weeks, so don’t make drastic
 CONSIDER A                                                  of happy times? Is bingeing the way you      diabetes and heart disease.                 changes in an attempt to lose it all
 WELLNESS PRACTITIONER                                       de-stress? Or do you need to learn to cook      Your thyroid might also throw a          that quickly. “One of the first things
 If eating well is hard to pull off alone,                   veggies that taste good? The answers will    wrench into your weight-loss plans right    I did was commit to exercising for
 that’s OK—some things require guidance.                     help you get on the best track.              about now. Thyroxine (T4) is a hormone      30 minutes at least three days a week,”
 Check in with an expert to figure out                                                                    governing the thyroid gland, and low        Young says. She also increased her
 which healthy habits you’ve got down pat                                 IN YOUR                         levels of it can indicate hypothyroidism,   daily water intake. Even if you don’t

 and which could use some improvement.                                                                    often diagnosed in women in their 40s,      see the number on the scale move
 Call your health insurance company to                                                                    says Dr. Azinge, adding that T4 and         right away, remind yourself that
 find an in-network wellness provider,                                                                    triiodothyronine (T3) help regulate         you’re doing this for better health
 or look for a member of the Academy of                                                                   metabolism and energy use. Diagnoses of     in the long run. Once you hit a goal,
 Nutrition and Dietetics at eatright.org.
 An expert can assess your relationship
                                                              A HORMONAL                                  several other health problems in addition
                                                                                                          to existing hypo­thyroidism prompted
                                                                                                                                                      you can set your sights higher.

 with food and pinpoint why you eat the                      ROLLER COASTER                               Najaa Young, 47, a professor and film-      SLOW DOWN AT MEALS
 way you do so you can address issues and                    Though you’re an adult, your 40s can         maker in Atlanta, to make changes three     Many of us eat too fast and barely taste
 kick bad habits, says Museles. Were lots                    hand you haywire hormones reminiscent        years ago. “I was at a place where I felt   our food. “A slower approach allows
 of sweets or big portions a part of your                    of your teenage years. “Women experi-        very unhealthy, and I was told by my        one to listen to internal cues of feeling
                                                                                ence fluctuations and     doctor that I was prediabetic,” she says.   satisfied and may result in consuming
                                                                                a decrease in estro-      She started with a low-carb diet, then      fewer calories,” says Wing. Research
                                                                                gen, which encour-        transitioned to ketogenic and intermit-     also shows that eating without distrac-
                                                                                ages extra pounds to      tent fasting. She lost approximately        tions can help you eat less.
                                                                                be deposited around       85 lbs over the following two years.           Whether you’re having a feast or a
                                                                                the belly,” Dr. Gibbs                                                 small snack, set your phone on “Do not
                                                                                says. This starts         YOUR ACTION PLAN                            disturb,” stow it out of view, and sit,
                                                                                earlier than you might                                                don’t stand. Wing also suggests putting
                                                                                think: Estrogen levels    HAVE YOUR HORMONES CHECKED                  your fork down and taking sips of water
                                                                                start to go up and        Ask your physician to test your hormone     between bites. Pay attention to the
                                                                                down rapidly during       levels to make sure imbalances are not      smells, tastes, and textures of every bite
                                                                                perimenopause—            sabotaging your weight-loss efforts.        too. Not only will this focus your atten-
                                                                                the time before meno-     Because Young had prediabetes and           tion and build some natural pauses
                                                                                pause, usually when a     hypothyroidism, she had blood work          into your meal, but it also might help
                                                                                woman is in her 40s.      done every six weeks to monitor her         combat stress. “When you’re stressed,
                                                                                A study in Exercise       blood sugar and thyroid hormone             you’re not going to digest your food as
                                                                                and Sport Sciences        levels. Your doctor may also suggest        well and absorb all the nutrients,” says
                                                                                Review found that         other tactics, like managing stress and     Museles. “Your stress response takes
                                                                                low estrogen was          limiting processed and high-sugar           your metabolism off-line.” She adds that
                                                                                associated with           foods, to help rebalance hormones.          taking a few deep breaths before a meal
                                                                                weight gain and                                                       can calm nerves and relax your body,
                                                                                metabolic dysfunc-        AVOID EXTREMES                              putting you in an ideal state to digest
                                                                                tion, which can put       You likely didn’t gain the weight in        and take in nutrients from your food.

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                  IN YOUR                                    weight-loss efforts, directly or indirectly,               IN YOUR                         DON’T SHRUG OFF SHUT-EYE

                  50s                                                                                                  60s
                                                             and find out what you can do to counter­                                                   Between night sweats and intermittent
                                                             act potential problems, perhaps through                                                    random awakenings, postmenopausal
                                                             switching meds or modifying behaviors.                                                     women are at a disadvantage. If you
                                                             At your annual physical, ask if any of your               (and beyond)                     experience sleep disruptions, reach
      CHRONIC                                                supplements or meds might be holding                                                       out to a specialist for suggestions.
    CONDITIONS VS.                                           your weight loss back and what you can
                                                             do to be sure your health stays on track.
                                                                                                               EVERY THING                              And try to keep to a regular sleep
                                                                                                                                                        schedule in which you avoid large
     WEIGHT LOSS                                                                                                 ADDS UP                                meals and electronics for two to three
 This is when long-term physical issues                      FIND A NEW TYPE OF EXERCISE                    By now you’ve learned a lot about           hours before going to bed.
 pop up seemingly out of nowhere—                            Hike a nearby trail, or take a stand-up        taking care of yourself, but lifelong
 78% of adults age 55 and older have at                      paddleboarding class. “When we finally         habits can catch up with you. For           THANK YOUR BODY
 least one, according to the Centers for                     find a fitness routine that works for us,      instance, decades of yo-yo dieting can      It doesn’t look and work the way it
 Disease Control and Prevention. Many                        it can be difficult to switch things up,       culminate in metabolic damage that          did in your 20s, but it’s not supposed
 chronic conditions, such as diabetes,                       but there are many proven benefits             makes it hard to drop pounds. And           to. Over the years, your body let you do
 can interfere with weight loss directly.                    to trying new routines,” says Kevin            exercise can become downright               many things you loved, perhaps danc-
 Others, like high blood pressure, are                       Robinson, D.P.T., D.Sc., a physical            painful as arthritis (diagnosed in          ing at weddings, playing with your pets,
 often treated with medications that can                     therapist at the Nashville-based               50% of people 65 and older) kicks in.       or hugging your grandkids. Use that as
 lead to weight gain.                                        Performance Therapy Institute. “Along             In addition, it takes longer to fall     motivation to stay active and nourish
    Adopting healthier habits can lower                      with fighting exercise boredom, you            asleep as people reach 60, according to     yourself with healthy foods. Look up
 your risk of developing a chronic condi-                    can build new muscle, prevent overuse          a 2017 study in Sleep Medicine Clinics.     some affirmations to tell yourself every
 tion, help you manage an existing one,                      injuries, and increase your chances            A vicious cycle tends to ensue here:        morning, or jot down your feelings in
 and promote weight loss. “I knew the                        of weight loss.” Gold added swimming           A lack of sleep can undermine weight-       a journal, suggests Mimi Secor, D.N.P.,
 excess pounds I’d accumulated in my                         to her routine, and she has participated       loss efforts, and being overweight          a Massachusetts-based family nurse
 40s, in combination with a sedentary                        in running races as well.                      can keep you from sleeping well.            practitioner who successfully lost
 lifestyle and the stress of separation                                                                                                                 30 lbs at the age of 60. Even if you
 and divorce, could lead to a heart attack                   GET A GROUP BEHIND YOU                         YOUR ACTION PLAN                            don’t see the number on the scale
 or a stroke,” says Jamie Gold, 60, of                       Dise Dye, 59, a Tyson Foods employee                                                       you used to see, you can be proud of
 San Diego, who is a Mayo Clinic–                            in Oneonta, AL, recently had an                DO JOINT-FRIENDLY EXERCISES                 what you’re doing for your body.
 certified wellness coach and the author                     epiphany about her health. “I weighed          “I recommend low-impact strength-
 of Wellness by Design. The end of her                       the most I ever had,” she recalls. “The        training exercises to maintain and build
 marriage propelled her to eat better                        muffin top and everything started, and         muscle mass and improve joint stability,”    YOUR WEIGHT-LOSS
 and exercise more. Over three years,                        I was getting really depressed about it.”      says Robinson. Strength exercises also       QUESTIONS, ANSWERED
                                                                                                                                                         Hear directly from experts during
 Gold was able to drop about 100 lbs.                        Dye joined 99 Walks ($16 per month),           help with bone density so you can “avoid
                                                                                                                                                         Weight, Metabolism, and Aging, a free
                                                             an online community revolving around           the scourge of osteoporosis,” he says.       webinar from Prevention and the Ameri-
  YOUR ACTION PLAN                                           walking programs for women to help             Water aerobics is “ideal for those living    can Federation for Aging Research. We’ll
                                                             with weight loss. She has dropped              with arthritis and other forms of joint      talk about the science behind popular
 SEE YOUR DOCTOR                                             21 lbs so far and credits her success          pain,” says DeBlair Tate, an Atlanta-        diets and take your questions. Join us
                                                                                                                                                         on Tuesday, January 26, at 4 p.m. ET;
 If you have a chronic condition, ask your                   to having a support system of others           based certified fitness trainer and owner    you can sign up at afar.org/events.
 physician whether it might hinder your                      working toward a similar goal.                 of fitness-apparel brand 8Figured.

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