LSO Academy 2015: Woodwind - 3-7 July - London Symphony Orchestra

Page created by Kevin White
LSO Academy 2015: Woodwind - 3-7 July - London Symphony Orchestra
London Symphony Orchestra
                 LSO Discovery

LSO Academy 2015:
3-7 July
Application form
and information
LSO Academy 2015: Woodwind - 3-7 July - London Symphony Orchestra
Join us

LSO Discovery seeks able and musically gifted orchestral woodwind
players to work with the Principal Woodwind of the London Symphony
Orchestra in an intensive week of tuition and performance.
Over the past 30 years, the LSO has provided        The course will be directed by Gareth Davies, LSO
musical support, tuition and advice to talented     Principal Flute; Kai Frömbgen, Principal Oboe of
young instrumentalists from across the UK through   the Chamber Orchestra of Europe and Professor of
a number of long-standing educational schemes       Oboe at Robert Schumann Hochschule Dusseldorf;
with conservatoires and schools. LSO Discovery,     Christopher Richards, LSO Principal Clarinet
the LSO’s education and community programme,        and Rachel Gough, LSO Principal Bassoon. The
has built upon this legacy with the LSO Academy,    Academy tutors will guide students through an
now in its twelfth year.                            inspirational week of specialist masterclasses and
                                                    intensive orchestral repertoire sessions, as well as
The Academy provides an unparalleled opportunity    workshops to explore ensemble performance in
for up to 30 of the UK’s most promising young       fresh and exciting ways.
performers aged 14–24 to develop their musical
skills alongside musicians from the London          The Academy intends to complement participants’
Symphony Orchestra, who are among the world’s       work with their instrumental teachers and
finest orchestral players.                          contribute to their overall musical development,
                                                    specialising in ensemble and orchestral training.
The Academy works on a four-year cycle covering
in turn Timpani and Percussion, Strings, Woodwind   Exceptional past Academy participants have gone
and Brass. In 2015 the Academy will focus on        on to work regularly with the LSO.
                                                    Hosted at LSO St Luke’s, the UBS and LSO Music
                                                    Education Centre, the Academy will take full
                                                    advantage of the superb facilities at this London

        ‘I was extremely inspired
        by my time spent with
        the LSO Principals.
        I definitely came away
        a better musician.’
        LSO Academy participant
LSO Academy 2015: Woodwind - 3-7 July - London Symphony Orchestra
LSO Woodwind Academy

The Woodwind Academy will take place from Friday 3 July to
Tuesday 7 July 2015 at LSO St Luke’s, 161 Old Street, London,
EC1V 9NG. Attendance and tuition for successful candidates is free
of charge. A grant for accommodation will be available for candidates
who cannot feasibly travel to LSO St Luke’s daily. All candidates will
be expected to purchase meals. The Academy will include the
following elements:

Specialist masterclasses
Each student will have the opportunity to develop
their solo performance in a masterclass led by the
LSO Principal of the appropriate instrument.

Inspirational ensemble performance
Students will receive expert coaching, enabling
them to experience ensemble performance
with a new perspective, through intensive
workshops looking at a variety of performance
practice techniques.

Orchestral repertoire coaching
Understand what it’s really like, and what it
takes, to play as part of a symphony orchestra,
with orchestral repertoire coaching from the
LSO Principals.

                                                     The Academy will culminate in a public evening
                                                     concert at LSO St Luke’s on Tuesday 7 July.
                                                     Academy students and LSO Principals will
                                                     showcase the solo and ensemble highlights from
                                                     the Academy week.

                                                         Front cover: LSO Woodwind Academy 2011 © Michael Pattison
                                                                         Opposite page: Clarinettist © Michael Pattison
                                                                           This page: Gareth Davies © Michael Pattison
                                                         LSO Woodwind Academy 2011 bassoonists © Michael Pattison
LSO Academy 2015: Woodwind - 3-7 July - London Symphony Orchestra
Application form
Closing date                                           Repertoire
The closing date for applications is Monday            Please see the set audition repertoire overleaf.
12 January 2015. Please try to submit forms as
soon as possible (with references to follow later      Age
if necessary) in order that applications can be        Candidates should be aged between 14 and 24
processed quickly.                                     on 7 July 2015.

Audition dates                                         Education
Candidates will be selected for audition by the        All applicants should be in full-time study at a
end of January 2015. Auditions will take place         recognised school, college or university.
in London and Manchester in early March 2015.
Please clearly indicate availability for each of the   Standard
audition dates:                                        The minimum requirement for applications is
                                                       ABRSM Grade 8 on the instrument on which the
		                     available      not available    candidate is applying, or an equivalent standard if
Sun 1 Mar (Manchester)                                 examinations have not been taken.
Tues 3 Mar (London)
Wed 4 Mar (London)                                     Nationality
                                                       Candidates should be of British nationality,
Instrument (please tick)                               studying in the UK, or resident in the UK for
Flute                                                  at least three years.
Clarinet                                               References
Bassoon                                                A reference relating to playing ability is required.
                                                       This should be from a musician, teacher or
Doubling instrument(s) (please tick)                   college head, and preferably on A4 paper (up to
			                            own instrument?         500 words). Please submit your reference with this
Piccolo                                                application form if possible, or by email to
Alto flute                                   
Cor anglais
Eb clarinet                                            Personal statement
Basset horn                                            A personal statement of no more than one side of
Bass clarinet                                          A4 paper (up to 500 words) describing musical
Contra-bassoon                                         achievements and aspirations is required.
                                                       Applications will not be accepted without this
Travel bursary                                         statement.
Candidates are expected to finance their own
journey, but the LSO can offer a contribution          Photograph
towards these costs in cases of extreme hardship       Please enclose one passport-sized photograph
(please supply a supporting statement with your        with this application form.

                                                       This form can also be downloaded at
Application form

Personal Details please use BLOCK CAPITALS and write in black pen

Name					                                              Date of birth

Home address				                                       Address during term time (if different from home)

Home telephone				                                     Term time telephone

Mobile					                                            Nationality


If you are not British, please state how long you have been resident/studying in this country

Signature of parent/guardian (if under 18)   			                          Date

How did you hear about the LSO Academy?

If you wish to apply for a travel bursary to attend the Academy auditions, please provide a supporting
statement explaining hardship

Name of current educational establishment attended

Name of present teacher					                                              Signature

Name of principal/head of department				                                  Signature

Names of previous teachers


Solo experience

Orchestral/ensemble experience

Instrument examination results (eg ABRSM)

Signature							                                                          Date

Please continue on a separate piece of paper if necessary, or expand upon the categories above in your
personal statement.
Audition repertoire
Candidates are required to prepare the set repertoire as specified below, appropriate to the instrument
on which they are applying. Auditions will take 10–15 minutes and candidates are required to present two
set pieces and a list of orchestral excerpts. Copies of the orchestral excerpts will be sent out to applicants
who are invited to audition.

Flute                                                    Oboe
Set pieces:                                              Set pieces:
Mozart concerto of your choice (first movement           Mozart Concerto in C major (first movement with
without cadenza)                                         cadenza)
Contrasting piece of your own choice                     Contrasting piece of your own choice

Clarinet                                                 Bassoon
Set pieces:                                              Set pieces:
Mozart Concerto in A major (first movement               Mozart Concerto in B flat major (first movement
exposition)                                              with cadenza)
Contrasting piece of your own choice                     Contrasting piece of your own choice

Application checklist                                    Contact details
Application form                                         LSO Discovery Academy Administrator
Reference                                                London Symphony Orchestra
Personal statement                                       Barbican Centre
Passport photo                                           Silk Street
                                                         London EC2Y 8DS
Deadline Monday 12 January 2015
                                                         +44 20 7588 1116
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