M3101 Approfondissement de l'anglais professionnel - DUT GLT Semestre 3 2020-2021 - eCampus

Page created by Holly Baldwin
M3101 Approfondissement de l'anglais professionnel - DUT GLT Semestre 3 2020-2021 - eCampus
    Approfondissement de l’anglais professionnel
                                      DUT GLT
                                     Semestre 3

                             Séquence 1 : Road transport

Anne-Lucie Kargul
Bureau 106
01 69 47 72 62
M3101 Approfondissement de l'anglais professionnel - DUT GLT Semestre 3 2020-2021 - eCampus
Pronoms relatifs

Le relatif est :               Sujet                Complément           Complément           Complément du
                                                    direct               indirect             nom
On parle d’une personne        who                  who, whom*           who… to              whose
                                                                         to whom
                               that (style plus     that                 that… to
                                                    Ø (plus familier) Ø… to
On ne parle pas d’une          Which                which             to which                whose
personne                                                              which … to              (of which)
                             That                 that                that … to
                                                  Ø                   Ø… to
    * whom est utilisé seulement dans un registre formel, et donc rarement à l’oral

    Exemples :
    Le relatif est sujet
    The ministers who met yesterday in Rome have come to an agreement.
    The child who spoke to you in the garden is my youngest daughter.
    The kids that play in the park on Sundays all live in the same building.
    The buildings that / which surround the square were built decades ago.

    Le relatif est complément direct
    The candidate whom I preferred has been elected.
    The first person that / Ø he saw when he got back was his brother.
    The buildings which / that/ Ø they liked best had all been pulled down.

    Le relatif est complément indirect
    The people to whom they applied were unable to help them.

    The candidate for whom I voted has been elected.

    The people who they applied to were unable to help them.

    The secretary that / Ø I talked to told me you’d be here.

    The next town (that) Barbara drove to wasn’t bigger than the village she lived in.

    Le relatif est complément du nom
    The neighbour whose house was burglared last week is a friend of mine.

    Source : certains exemples, ainsi que le tableau récapitulatif, sont extraits ou adaptés de la
    Grammaire explicative de l’anglais, 3è édition, Larreya, P. et C. Rivière. Pearson Education, 2005.

M3101 Approfondissement de l'anglais professionnel - DUT GLT Semestre 3 2020-2021 - eCampus
M3101 Approfondissement de l'anglais professionnel - DUT GLT Semestre 3 2020-2021 - eCampus
M3101 Approfondissement de l'anglais professionnel - DUT GLT Semestre 3 2020-2021 - eCampus
M3101 Approfondissement de l'anglais professionnel - DUT GLT Semestre 3 2020-2021 - eCampus
M3101 Approfondissement de l'anglais professionnel - DUT GLT Semestre 3 2020-2021 - eCampus
Exercise : relative pronouns
Fill in the blanks using a relative pronoun (sometimes there is more than one
possible answer). You may need to add a preposition.

 1. This is the boy ______________ had an accident.
 2. The man over there ______________ face is dirty saved the child.
 3. Yesterday I saw a car ______________ was really old.
 4. Mandy is the girl ______________ I met on Friday.
 5. The robber stole the car ______________ the lady had parked in front of the
 6. The book ______________ you gave me is great.
 7. The waiter ______________ we gave the tip was very pleased.
 8. That’s the man ______________ house was destroyed by a tornado.
 9. The chair ______________ I was sitting broke down.
 10. The pupils ______________ he was speaking to were very noisy.
 11. ______________ are you talking to?
 12. The man ______________ you saw yesterday is my uncle.
 13. The cupboard ______________ we bought last Saturday was expensive.
 14. This is the bike ______________ I told you about last Sunday.
 15. Thank you for the present ______________ you sent me.

M3101 Approfondissement de l'anglais professionnel - DUT GLT Semestre 3 2020-2021 - eCampus
Merchandise and shipping – revision

M3101 Approfondissement de l'anglais professionnel - DUT GLT Semestre 3 2020-2021 - eCampus
M3101 Approfondissement de l'anglais professionnel - DUT GLT Semestre 3 2020-2021 - eCampus
Audio Comprehension: highways

Part 1 : Introduction
1. Find in this passage the word for : une voie: __________________________

2. Numbers: (Il ne s’agit pas toujours de nombres précis, mais parfois d’estimations)
        a. How wide can a super-highway be sometimes? __________________________________

        b. How many vehicles use them each day? ________________________________________

        c. How many vehicles can travel on the same spot every day? ________________________

3. What is the adjective for a highway that connects different States? ________________________

4. How many bridges on that highway network? _____________________

    How many tunnels? ___________ Total length? _______________________________________

5. What State does the video focus on? ____________________________

    What does it say about this State? ___________________________________________________

6. What is being done on Interstate 10? ________________________________________________

    When was the process started? _______________ What is the cost? _______________________

Part 2: The highway network
1. According to Dan McNichol, what is the role of highways for the US?


2. What is the visual code for highways in the US?


3. The highways with an odd number (impair) run from: a) North to South b) East to West

4. The highways with an even number (pair) have larger numbers: a) in the North b) in the South

5. In total, there are _______ transcontinental highways, and ________ interstate highways.

Part 3: Gap-filling
There are 14,750 interchanges along the US interstate super-highway. This one in Riverside,
________________________, has developed into a traffic choke-point, and engineers are in the
process of ________________________ it.

Terese    Lagana:       “Currently    we’re      standing        on       top     of     a      South-West      connector

________________________ which is elevated approximately 80 feet above the main line of

________________________ below. This particular interchanger has 3 ________________________

that encompass it. They’ll take people to ________________________ (letters), it’ll take people to

Orange county, it’ll take people to ________________________, it’ll also take people to Palm Springs

and to ________________________ (name in 2 words).”

________________________ commuters pass through this clover-leaf interchange each day. The

dense volume of traffic has exposed a key design ________________________ common to this


Michael Bergevin: “On a clover leaf, you have two ________________________ the driver can merge
in, in the same space: one flow of traffic is trying to merge onto the freeway, and in the same section
of roadway, another stream of traffic is trying to merge off the freeway.”

Since the initial construction of ________________________ first major highways decades

________________________,            increased        traffic   volume      has        forced    the     hand   of    state

________________________ to design more elaborate interchangers.

Dan McNichol: There are 3 generations of interchangers: the first was the rotary, this large
________________________             that      allowed          traffic     from         different       directions     to
________________________. The next generation was the clover leaf. From the air, it looks like four
different rotaries in one intersection. The ________________________ generation of interchange is
filled with flyovers.
Flyover interchangers allow motorists to change direction along their own dedicated ramp, eliminating
the    need      to     merge    with       traffic      ________________________                  the     highway.      In
_____________________________________ (2 words) areas like Riverside, interchange designers are
building up to maximize real estate. And in Texas, they’re going to breathtaking new heights.

Audio comprehension – Long-Haul trucking

Introduction (from the beginning to 0:52)

   1. What is the common misconception regarding road transport ?
   2. Is the share of road transport significant in the US? In what proportion?

   3. What examples of road freight trucking are mentioned?

   4. Which one is the most complex of all?

The economics of trucking (from 4:48 to 7:20)

   1. What systems are necessary to truckers when they are resting in their trucks?

       ___________________________ ______________________ ________________________

   2. What do they do to keep those systems on?


   3. What are the consequences? (on several levels; include figures)




   4. What equipment is being provided as a solution? (several possible answers)



   5. What are the regulations on driving hours in the US?

       You can drive for a maximum of _________________ over a period of _________________

       and then you must rest for __________________.

6. What calculation is made regarding an LA-NYC truck journey? (use the figures)




   7. Why is speed important to drivers?


From 6:28 to 7:20

Listen to the extract 3 times, make notes and then sum up what you understood (in French).
















Conversation starters

   Is there one important thing I should know about you ?
   Have you been working on anything exciting lately ?
   What’s your story ?
   What personal project are you working on right now ?
   What was the highlight of your week ?
   How was the last party you went to ?
   Has this been a good day for you so far ?
   Has this been a busy time for you ?
   Did you do anything fun this past week-end ?
   What are your plans for the week-end ?
   What’s your favourite thing to do at week-ends ?
   What are your favourite restaurants ?
   Have you been keeping up with (choose a sport) lately ?
   What series have you been watching recently ?
   Have you seen the news today ?
   What’s your favourite food ?
   Did you see that Youtube video about (pick one viral video) ?
   If you had to pick any character in a book, movie or TV show who is most similar to you, who
   would you choose?
   When you were growing up what was your dream job?

What’s your biggest fear?
Is there anything you regret ?
Who is your role model ?
Is there a charitable cause you support? Do you work with any organizations ?
What is the craziest thing you’ve ever done ?
What’s the most important thing to know about you ?
Which of your family members is most like you ?
If you were an animal what animal would you be?
What would your dream house / apartment look like ?
What’s the most embarrassing thing that happened to you as a kid or teen ?
What’s your favourite song or piece of music ?
If you went to a costume party, how would you dress ?
What was the best birthday gift you received ?
What was the worst birthday gift you received ?
How do you usually celebrate your birthday ?

Infrastructures and traffic
A beltway / a bypass / a ringroad            Un périphérique, une rocade
A motorway (GB), a highway, a freeway (US)   Une autoroute
A driveway                                   Une allée privée
A lane                                       Une voie
A path                                       Un chemin
A shortcut                                   Un raccourci
A road                                       Une route
A junction, an intersection, a crossroads    Un carrefour, une intersection
A road sign                                  Un panneau
A roundabout                                 Un rond-point
A U-turn                                     Un demi-tour
A pedestrian crossing                        Un passage piétons
A speed limit                                Une limitation de vitesse
A car park (GB), a parking lot (US)          Un parking
To park                                      Se garer
A traffic light                              Un feu tricolore
A traffic jam; congestion (sans article)     Un embouteillage ; les embouteillages
Traffic (sans article)                       La circulation
Rush-hour, peak-hours                        Les heures de pointe
A car crash                                  Un accident de la route
To commute                                   Faire les trajets domicile-travail
To overtake                                  dépasser
To give someone a lift                       Emmener quelqu’un en voiture
A toll                                       Un péage
Commercial transport
A freight forwarder                          Un commissionaire de transport, un transitaire
A transporter, a carrier                     Un transporteur
A haulier (GB)                               Un transporteur routier
Haulage (GB)                                 Le transport routier
A CMR (Convention Merchandise Road)          Une letter de voiture
Freight, merchandise, cargo (sans article)   le fret, la marchandise
A commodity (pluriel : commodities)          Une marchandise
A load                                       Un chargement, une cargaison
payload                                      La charge utile
To load / unload                             Charger / décharger
Tare weight                                  Le poids du contenant
Net weight                                   Le poids de la merchandise
Gross weight                                 le poids total (marchandise + contenant)
A fare                                       Le prix d’un ticket de transport
To schedule (a delivery)                     Programmer (une livraison)
To dispatch                                  Envoyer
Public transport(ation)                      Les transports en commun
a passenger                                  un passager
Vehicles and characteristics
A vehicle                                    Un véhicule
A lorry (GB), a truck (US)                   Un camion
An LGV (Large Goods Vehicle)                 Un poids-lourd
A trailer                                    Une remorque
A semi-trailer                               Un semi-remorque

A tarpaulin, a tarp               Une bâche
A bus                             Un bus
A van                             Une camionnette
A coach                           Un car
A motorbike, a motorcycle         Une moto
A shuttle                         Une navette
The (steering) wheel              Le volant
wheels                            Les roues
The windshield                    Le pare-brise
The trunk (US) / the boot (GB)    Le coffre
The horn                          Le klaxon
A tire (US) / tyre (GB)           Un pneu
A seat belt                       Une ceinture de sécurité
The brakes                        Les freins
The clutch                        L’embrayage
The gears                         Les vitesses
axles                             Les essieux
The dashboard                     Le tableau de bord (en informatique aussi)
The tachograph                    Le tachygraphe
A licence plate                   Une plaque d’immatriculation
Gas, gasoline (US), petrol (GB)   L’essence
The tank                          Le réservoir
To break down                     Tomber en panne
A fine                            Une amende
A car rental                      Une location de voitures
To rent                           louer
A car dealer                      Un concessionnaire
Car pooling, car sharing          L’auto-partage, le co-voiturage
pedestrians                       Les piétons
A taxi, a cab                     Un taxi

Irregular verbs
Les franchement irréguliers
be                       was                    been             être
do                       did                    done             faire
eat                      ate                    eaten            manger
go                       went                   gone             aller
have                     had                    had              avoir
make                     made                   made             faire, fabriquer
Les « faciles »
cost                     cost                   cost             coûter
cut                      cut                    cut              couper
hit                      hit                    hit              frapper
let                      let                    let              laisser
put                      put                    put              mettre
read [i :]               read [e]               read [e]         lire
set                      set                    set              placer, poser
shut                     shut                   shut             fermer
spread                   spread                 spread           (s’)étendre
Ceux dont la voyelle change
            Infinitif et participe identiques
become                   became                 become           devenir
come                     came                   come             venir
run                      ran                    run              courir
             Participe en –en
break                    broke                  broken           casser
drive                    drove                  driven           conduire
fall                     fell                   fallen           tomber
forbid                   forbade                forbidden        interdire
forget                   forgot                 forgotten        oublier
freeze                   froze                  frozen           geler
give                     gave                   given            donner
ride                     rode                   ridden           aller à cheval, à
                                                                 vélo, en bus, etc.
see                    saw                   seen                voir
shake                  shook                 shaken              secouer
speak                  spoke                 spoken              parler
steal                  stole                 stolen              voler, dérober
take                   took                  taken               prendre
write                  wrote                 written             écrire
            Modèle i a u
begin                  began                 begun               commencer
drink                  drank                 drunk               boire
shrink                 shrank                shrunk              diminuer
swim                   swam                  swum                nager
            Prétérit et participe identiques
dig                    dug                   dug                 creuser
get                    got                   got / gotten (US)   obtenir
sit                    sat                   sat                 être assis

stick              stuck                 stuck          coller
strike             struck                struck         frapper
understand         understood            understood     comprendre
win                won                   won            gagner
         Modèle en o + d
bind               bound                 bound          lier
find               found                 found          trouver
sell               sold                  sold           vendre
stand              stood                 stood          se tenir (debout)
tell               told                  told           dire (à quelqu’un)
         Modèle en « ew » / « own »
draw               drew                  drawn          dessiner
fly                flew                  flown          voler
grow               grew                  grown          grandir, croître
know               knew                  known          connaître, savoir
throw              threw                 thrown         jeter
        Modèle en « ght »
bring              brought               brought        apporter
buy                bought                bought         acheter
catch              caught                caught         attraper
fight              fought                fought         se battre
teach              taught                taught         enseigner
think              thought               thought        penser

Ceux qui prennent un t ou un d
build               built               built           bâtir
burn                burnt               burnt           brûler
keep                kept                kept            garder
learn               learnt              learnt          apprendre
leave               left                left            quitter, laisser
light               lit                 lit             allumer
lose                lost                lost            perdre
meet                met                 met             rencontrer
send                sent                sent            envoyer
sleep               slept               slept           dormir
spend               spent               spent           dépenser
spill               spilt               spilt           renverser
shoot               shot                shot            tirer
hear                heard               heard           entendre
lead                led                 led             conduire
pay                 paid                paid            payer
say                 said                said            dire
Ceux qui changent peu et prennent « en » au participe
beat                beat                beaten          battre
bite                bit                 bitten          mordre
choose              chose               chosen          choisir
hide                hid                 hidden          (se) cacher

Works cited

 Documents used in the booklet
All the full-page worksheets come from

Logistics and transportation exercises:

Grussendorf, Marion. English for Logistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009.

The conversation starters and the small talk activity were inspired by:

See also: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=310&v=6K9LhzyLUfY&feature=emb_logo

“How Long-Haul Trucking Works,” from Wendover productions:

 Additional resources

To practice English or train for the TOEIC:
Duo lingo: https://fr.duolingo.com/

Global exam: an individual access to work on the TOEIC: https://global-exam.com/fr

BBC Learning English: http://www.bbc.co.uk/learningenglish/english/

On Youtube:     “Learn English with…”: https://www.engvid.com/
                 for example: https://www.youtube.com/user/EnglishByJade
           TOEICATOR: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZ9I1cOOmKnlCD585VzBiLg
           ISpeakSpokeSpoken: https://www.youtube.com/c/Ispeakspokespoken/featured

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