MAGAZINE - CIT Students' Union

Page created by Lewis Gilbert
MAGAZINE - CIT Students' Union
Munster Technological University Cork
          Students’ Union

     BE KIND

                  IN THIS ISSUE:
    Dates to get exited about in Lockdown 3.0
           The latest Societies News
       WIN One-4-Alls in our Competitions
                       AND LOTS MORE!

            MTU Cork Students’ Union Magazine, Volume Twenty Two, Issue 6
MAGAZINE - CIT Students' Union
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MAGAZINE - CIT Students' Union
   4         SU OFFICERS - WHAT’S THE CRAIC!                                                 13        TARGETconnect
                                                                                                        The new MTU careers platform
             MONTH                                                                               WISTEM SOCIETY - Women in technology

   7	                                                                                        15        LGBT* SOC - Dragging Up The Past documentary launch
                                                                                              16        CHORAL SOC - To host All Ireland Choral Intervarsities
             Ex-Officers tell their story
                                                                                              17        MARKETING SOC - The ‘Student’s Den’
             LOCKDOWN 3.0                                                                        COMPETITIONS
                                                                                                        Enter online...WIN One-4-All vouchers...simple!

                                     Congratulations to last issues winners of One-4-All vouchers:
                                          Maths puzzle: Shauna O’Mahony Quiz: Kaja Sikora

   Munster Technological University Cork
             Students’ Union
                                               Your Union Your Voice
           MTU Cork Students’ Union, 1st Floor Student Centre, Bishopstown, Cork. Tel: 021 433 5274

                       Like us:                   @MTUCorkSU Follow us:                                               @MTU_CorkSU
                                Instagram:                        @MTUCorkSU                          

                           Explicit Production, Design & Advertising                                              Projects Officer
                              Keith Brown,                                             Stephen Foley,
                                        CIT SU President                                                   Communications Officer
                              Aisling O’Mahony,                                     Niamh Cronin,
                                         VP Education                                                         Entertainments Officer
                               Zack Nutchanat,                                          Laura Callaghan,
                                           VP Welfare                                                        Entertainments Manager
                                 Cian O’Driscoll,                                          Mick O’Mahony,

Advertising Opportunities: Why not avail of expliCIT Magazine to promote your business to this large audience? Our copy deadlines, advertising
rates and technical specifications are available to view at:
expliCIT magazine is published monthly by MTU Cork Students’ Union. The views expressed in the magazine are those of their authors and are not necessarily those of MTU Cork Students’
Union. All articles and pictures are the property of their respective owners and should not be reproduced without their permission.

                                                                                                                                                             MAGAZINE 3
MAGAZINE - CIT Students' Union
                                           MTU Cork SU updates
     Academic Calendar                     also like to mandate USI to launch     cord as it was never included in
                                           an investigation into the different    their employment contracts. As a
          Reform                           colleges that this affects and work    result, it was not a level playing field
MTU Cork SU would like to propose          together to reform poorly designed     for all students across the country.
that USI is mandated to reform the         academic calendars that might          The students that were denied ac-
Academic Calendar for IOT’s and/           suit staff but cause a great deal of   cess to recorded lectures are at an
or Universities that are faced with        stress for the student population.     academic disadvantage to those
an academic calendar that is not                                                  who have access. We cannot let
student friendly. For example, on                                                 students fall through the cracks.
Munster Technological University               Recording of                       Who is thinking about the stu-
                                                                                  dents who have or are recovering
Cork Campus, if a student fails an
exam in May and wishes to appeal
                                           Lectures and Tutorials                 from Covid 19? Those who have to
the result, the student will have to       MTU Cork SU would like to pro-         step in as carers? Those who have
wait until lecturing staff are back        pose that the recording of lectures    learning difficulties and simply
from their holidays in September           becomes mandatory for all Uni-         cannot keep up? Those students
for the result of the appeal. Mean-        versities, TU’s and IOT’s. At the      who have poor broadband or lack
ing the student must still sit the re-     moment there is no official policy     of equipment?
peat exam in August just in case           across the board that makes the
their appeal is not successful in          recording of classes manda-            MTU Cork SU mandate USI to
September. This causes a great             tory for lecturers. This issue was     work alongside the Dept of educa-
deal of unnecessary stress for the         further highlighted during the         tion to ensure education is equal
student appealing a result. Appeal         covid 19 pandemic. It allows           for all students across Ireland.
results are sometimes delayed              students to access material before     We propose that a national policy
into October, therefore the student        exams without having to wait for       needs to be put in place to make
is ultimately not progressing un-          an email reply from their lecturer.    the recording of lectures manda-
til he/she knows the result of the         In a time where online learning        tory from now on.
appeal.                                    only permits students to contact
                                           their lecturers via email we need
                                           an alternative and safety net to       Yours Sincerely,
MTU Cork SU are mandating USI
                                           ensure students get access to the
to lobby the government to put a
                                           education that they are paying for.    Aisling, Cian & Zack
policy in place that protects stu-
dents across Ireland from this un-                                                Your SU Executive
necessary hardship. We would               Lecturers were not obliged to re-

    Click here:

4                    MAGAZINE
MAGAZINE - CIT Students' Union
March is...
March is Innovation and Enterprise month across MTU with 37 events including competitions, seminars
and podcasts around the broad theme of innovation and enterprise. The month was designed to cel-
ebrate current innovation and entrepreneurship activity as well as introducing new thinking and opportu-
nities in this space for all stakeholders: students, staff, industry and community.
The establishment of MTU has enabled Innovation Week that ran on the Cork campus for the last 7 years
to be expanded over a month in line with Kerry Month of Enterprise. Events are being led by MTU staff in
both campuses and the majority of the events and competitions are open to all MTU staff & students as
well as external stakeholders in the region.
To view the full list of events and to book a place at any of the events open to all please visit:
There is something for everyone during the month!

                                                                                            MAGAZINE 5
MAGAZINE - CIT Students' Union
Student SPECIAL                                                                NOW OPEN
                                                                                     TIL 3AM

     PIZZA + 3 TOPPINGS                           €10
                4 star till 3
                7 days a week
                         T&C: *UP to 3 toppings. please mention offer
                         when ordering. only valid with student id.
                         not vaild with any other offer. valid for a
                         limited time only and at participating stores.


    Our doors are closed                                                     MTU Cork
    BUT our laptops are open!                                             Students’ Union

                      We continue to remotely support and advise
                            MTU students during the covid crisis

6                  MAGAZINE
MAGAZINE - CIT Students' Union
Officers of the Students’ Union tell their story
In the following two pages, some former Students’ Union Presidents tell their stories about their
experience as an Officer and how this experience has supported them in their careers. Students
can contact our current SU Officers through the Students’ Union (email: The close of
nominations is on the 5th March 2021 and has pivoted online. If you are thinking of running, you
can contact Vicky O’Sullivan at for nomination information and advice and to
get your form. Remember, everyone has something to offer and be confident in your choices – it
will benefit you and MTU in the long run.
                                                                                      MAGAZINE 7
MAGAZINE - CIT Students' Union
     SU President from 2018-2020
                                                    this was one of the best decisions of my life,
Q1 Can you tell us what you studied in CIT,        would be an understatement, my two years
   (now MTU)?                                       as President were easily the best experience
                                                    of my life and it was an absolute privilege to
The first degree I studied in CIT was Recrea-       perform this role. It was made even more en-
tion & Leisure Management which was a three         joyable as I had the chance to work with the          involved in day-to-day college activities and
year level 7. I thoroughly enjoyed this course,     brilliant Students’ Union team. What a great          was apprehensive and nervous about whether
most of all because of the excellent lecturing      group of people.                                      I should apply. To tell you the truth, the dead-
team over in G block led by Dr. Cian O’ Neill                                                             line was during the bad snow in March 2018
and featuring legends such as Con Burns. I                                                                and only for having too much time to think
enjoyed it so much that I even encouraged my        Q3 How did the experience of being overall           as we were snowed in, I mightn’t have went
sister to study it. I proceeded to do the final        leader and chief spokesperson of the               ahead with it. I only put my application form
year level 8 Bachelor of Business after I stud-        SU help you with your career?                      in with fifteen minutes of the deadline. I am
ied Rec & Leisure. I feel very lucky to have had                                                          very thankful I took the leap of faith as what
a great blended learning by getting an insight      It enhanced my skillset and professional pro-         unfolded was the single greatest learning ex-
in to both sport and business.                      gression massively. I sat on over 40 boards           perience of my life. Some of what the role en-
                                                    throughout my time in CIT and represented             tails includes; getting the chance to speak to
                                                    student s on all of these boards. My role in-         local and national reporters on a weekly basis,
Q2 What were your experiences of being a           cluded negotiating and influencing on behalf          stand up in front of thousands of people to de-
   student which made you decide to run             of the wider student cohort in key decision           liver speeches, host ceremonies and events,
   for election as SU President?                    making. To say I benefitted from this unique          organise festivals/nights out and representing
                                                    experience would be an understatement, the            students in the boardrooms. This is just a fla-
                                                    growth I experienced was absolutely massive.          vor of some of the things I got to experience
I loved being a CIT student, it’s a truly iconic    I am currently twenty four but feel like I am         while I was in office. Having the chance to
place. I was very lucky to make great friends       forty four due to the exposure I got while per-       leave real and lasting positive changes to the
for life, who knew that Kerry/Tipperary people      forming this role, I already feel it is benefitting   student experience is something I will always
aren’t that bad after all? No, on a serious note,   me in my career massively.                            be very proud of. If you are doubting yourself,
I really enjoyed my time, it was very memora-                                                             STOP and just go for it! I really can’t do full
ble and that’s before I even start on the nights                                                          justice in four questions, to explain just how
out of which there were many! Although, I was       Q4 If anyone is considering running for              amazing the experience was, so please get in
very fulfilled and happy throughout my under-          election but a little hesitant, what words         touch if you have any questions and I would
grad, I felt I could make positive contributions       of encouragement would you give?                   be delighted to answer them.
to the student experience and enhance stu-
dent life. That is what gave me the desire to                                                             LinkedIn -
                                                    I was hesitant about throwing my hat in the           Instagram – Aaronbuckley_96
run in the Student Union elections. To say that     ring in 2018, I wasn’t really someone who was

     SU President from 2015-2017

Q1 Can you tell us what you studied in CIT,        Q3 How did the experience of being overall
   (now MTU)?                                          leader and chief spokesperson of the
I studied the Business (Honours) Degree from           SU help you with your career?
                                                                                                          any election, you win (great, well done, the
2010-2014                                           Being CITSU President remains one of the              journey is just beginning), or you’re not suc-
                                                    greatest honours of my life. The multi-faceted        cessful (well done for putting yourself forward,
                                                    nature of the position has continued to equip         nothing ventured, nothing gained, it’s far from
Q2 What were your experiences of being a           me in all of the subsequent roles I’ve held           the end of the world, better to have ran than to
    student which made you decide to run            since, including my current job as Disability         always regret not doing so). If you feel that you
                                                    Exam Supports Administrator for the MTU Cork          are the best person to represent your fellow
    for election as SU President?                   Exams Office. Leading the Students’ Union af-         students on both a local and national platform,
                                                    forded me the opportunity to learn and develop        go for it. If you care, then all the rest will work
I was the elected Class Rep throughout the 4        many core skills including organisational, com-       itself out. Write out a list of pros and cons of
years of my course and subsequently elected         munication, interpersonal and teamwork skills         running. What do you want to deliver for stu-
as the SU VP Education in March 2014. I also        which I’ve found are key to working in any en-        dents? What makes you the best candidate?
founded and was Chair of the inaugural CIT          vironment I’ve being lucky enough to work as          What would you like your legacy to the Stu-
Cancer Society in my final year of college. All     a part of since. Working as a part of the wider       dents’ Union and wider MTU Cork Community
of these roles gave me an in-depth insight into     Students’ Union team also allowed me to ap-           to look like? Reach out to your fellow students,
the power of the student voice and a desire to      preciate the ethos that Together Everyone             staff, family and friends for their input and
ensure the students voice was heard, acknowl-       Achieves More, a key theme of my work as a            ideas. Multiple heads are always better than
edged and acted upon. Instrumental to my            student representative was working in partner-        one. I guarantee that putting yourself forward
decision to run for election for the role of SU     ship with students and colleagues.                    for election is a decision that you’ll never look
President was the belief that I had developed                                                             back on. Beir Bua! MTU Cork SU Abú!
the correct skills and knowledge to be well po-                                                           I’m happy for any student who may be consid-
sitioned to act as the chief spokesperson of my      Q4 If anyone is considering running for             ering putting themselves forward for election
fellow students. I also had a great grá for the         election but a little hesitant, what words        to reach out to me.
CIT Community and wished to be a leading part           of encouragement would you give?
of further enhancing that sense of community                                                              Twitter: @ShaneFalv
and pride in being a part of the institute.         There a one of two things that can happen in          LinkedIn: Shane Falvey

8                      MAGAZINE
MAGAZINE - CIT Students' Union
     SU President from 2006-2008
                                                       came to the fore to enhance the student experi-
 Q1 Can you tell us what you studied in CIT,          ence. While I had been a class rep in year 1, it
    (now MTU)?                                         was not until this time that I really engaged with
                                                       CIT SU who were a huge help in improving life
I initially completed a BEng in Marine Engineer-       at the NMCI.                                            world of work and the role itself has come up
ing at the NMCI but then went on to complete           This engagement effectively led me to decide            at practically every job interview since – a great
a BBS in Business by night, beginning while I          to run for SU President in 2006 – I knew then           ice breaker question!
was SU President.                                      that CIT SU was not just about organising class
                                                       parties but had a significant platform to enact
                                                       change across all CIT campuses.                        Q4 If anyone is considering running for
Q2 What were your experiences of being a                                                                        election but a little hesitant, what words
    student which made you decide to run                                                                         of encouragement would you give?
    for election as SU President?                      Q3 How did the experience of being overall
                                                          leader and chief spokesperson of the
                                                                                                               I’d advise every student to consider running
I look back on my time at CIT fondly. The cam-            SU help you with your career?                        for one of the Executive office positions. I pon-
pus benefitted from a well-resourced Sports                                                                    dered at the time whether it would be a waste
and Societies function which gave every stu-           Looking back now, this was a fruitful experi-           of a year when I could be pursuing my career,
dent, regardless of background or interests, the       ence which honed my soft skills like present-           but I feel this was one of the best investments
opportunity to engage in something new and             ing an idea or point of view confidently, listen-       I made in myself. The skills mentioned here
exciting. This provided me with a platform to          ing and negotiating, problem solving, decision          are invaluable and allowed me to successfully
meet new people, some of which remain my               making etc, all invaluable skills I use to this day.    pivot my initial focus of being an engineer at
close friends thirteen years later.                    Furthermore, I benefitted from the knowledge            sea to now working in an Investment Bank in
I also spent two years based in Ringaskiddy            of how large organisations operate and how              London!
at what was then, the brand new NMCI facil-            one needs to adapt in order to move forward
ity. While the initial new facility had teething is-   within them. I would argue these skills gave me         LinkedIn: BrianOSullivan1
sues and the “remote” location caused some             a competitive advantage once I entered the
problems at the time, the CIT support networks

     SU President from 2001-2002
                                                       months later, I was approached by Miriam to
 Q1 Can you tell us what you studied in CIT,          see if I would be interested in running for the
    (now MTU)?                                         non-sabbatical position of Communications
                                                       Officer. I took up that role in 1999 and dur-
I studied Electronic Engineering at CIT. After         ing my term as Communications Officer I set
my time with the Student’s Union I completed                                                                  case against those in senior management
                                                       up the CIT SU monthly publication “expliCIT”           positions who hold many years of experience
several part-time evening courses in Comput-           with another media communications student
ing and a Masters in Digital Marketing Strat-                                                                 over you. My time with the SU thought me
                                                       and I became the first Publications Editor. It’s       that if you have a valid position on an issue,
egy. I’m currently studying for a Diploma in           amazing to see how this publication is still go-
Project Management.                                                                                           it is important to articulate it and fight for it.
                                                       ing strong over twenty years later. I also set         During my time, after many weeks of negotia-
                                                       up the Students’ Union’s first website (at that        tions had failed, we entered into qiute a few
                                                       time ‘’ and ‘’), which was            protest strikes, boycotts and lock-ins. In the
Q2 What were your experiences of being a              also instrumental in changing my studies from          end, I believe that we were able to make a lot
    student which made you decide to run               Electronics to Computing. Following my term            of changes in the college and had the respect
                                                       as Communications Officer, I went on to be
    for election as SU President?                      elected into the full-time sabbatical position
                                                                                                              of both the students we represented and the
                                                                                                              management of the college. The confidence I
                                                       of Vice President Education in 2000-2001 and           gained during my time on the SU has been key
My journey to becoming Student’ Union Presi-           then President in 2001-2002.
dent in 2001-2002 was definitely one of several                                                               to the development of my career path to date.
steps. During my time in secondary school, I
would have been considered one of the qui-
etest lads in my class so becoming Students’           Q3 How did the experience of being overall
Union President was a big change in person-               leader and chief spokesperson of the                Q4 If anyone is considering running for
ality and probably unrecognisable to anyone               SU help you with your career?                          election but a little hesitant, what words
I was in school with. I suppose I saw starting                                                                   of encouragement would you give?
college as being a fresh start for me especially       I really enjoyed my years with the Students’
since everyone else was new in my class.               Union and acting as Students’ Union Presi-
My first step had to be the time I put my name                                                                I would strongly recommend anyone consid-
                                                       dent and chief spokesperson for over 12,000            ering running for a position on the Students’
forward as Class Rep which pushed me to                students had a lot of responsibility. During my
be the spokesperson for my class and attend                                                                   Union to just go for it! It definitely helped to
                                                       time as SU President, I spent a lot of time sit-       reshape my life and gave me a new sense of
meetings with other Class Reps. I became               ting on a wide range of senior management
friends with a guy in my class who asked me                                                                   confidence.
                                                       committees within the college and I gained
to help him hand out flyers and posters for his        a lot of experience in successfully negotiat-
sister, Miriam Burns, who was running for Vice                                                                Twitter: philip_oreilly
                                                       ing for our students. For many young adults,           LinkedIn: philiporeilly
President Welfare and who later became CIT’s           it may be intimidating having to argue your
first female Students’ Union President. A few

                                                                                                                                           MAGAZINE 9
MAGAZINE - CIT Students' Union
          LOCKDOWN 3.0
                                                                                                  By Laura Callaghan,
                                                                                        4th year Toruism Management Student,
                                                                                         MTU Cork SU Entertainments Officer
                                                                                                   and from Wexford.

        t is safe to say that we are all     to 6pm, an hour later than we cur-
        getting more than slightly sick      rently have. A whole extra hour of
        of lockdown life, especially with    brightness, walks, fresh air, and
     longer restrictions and further clo-    headspace away from our screens.
     sures looking possible, so this ar-
     ticle is here to remind you of the
     small but wonderful days we still
                                                                                     World Poetry Day,
     have to look forward to through-
     out this semester. These will not                                               21st March, is a UNESCO        day
     cost money or require you to go                                                 set up with the aim of promoting
     anywhere but may give you the                                                   reading, writing, publishing, and
     chance to get creative, learn some-                                             teaching poetry throughout the
     thing new or get a bit excited, for a                                           world. All of us have gotten more
     change.                                                                         creative during these lockdowns
                                             St. Patricks Day,                       and writing has proven a great out-
                                                                                     let for so many people when faced
                                             17th March, while it will look very     with challenges. So, a whole day to
                                             different this year, we still have to   celebrate and easily access many
                                             make the most of it. The whole          great authors and share your own
                                             world lights up in green and cel-       writing with friends or online will
                                             ebrates the Irish for one day every     prove exciting to so many people!
                                             year. That’s amazing and doesn’t
                                             happen for many other countries,

     International Women’s Day,              so just because we can’t have
                                             parades and celebrate in pubs
     8th March, a worldwide cel-             doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy our
     ebration of women’s rights and a        time at home by having a few
     chance to celebrate the achieve-        drinks, taking a break from college
     ments of women throughout the           work and enjoying all things Irish,
     world. This day is a fantastic op-      from the music to the poems to, of
     portunity to read up on your history,   course, the Guinness.
     celebrate women’s achievements,
                                                                                     International Pet Day,
     raise awareness against bias and
     take action for equality. There are         Heres hoping this list will         11th April, as if we needed an ex-
     endless seminars, guest speakers                                                cuse to show our pets all the love
     and YouTube videos available so
                                                help students in some little         in the world, here’s an extra large
     make the most of this exciting day,     way as we face into another             reason. This is a whole day devot-
                                                                                     ed to the care of our pets and is an
     learn something new and celebrate       semester of restrictions and            opportunity to commemorate eve-
     a triumphant and ongoing journey
     towards equality and visibility for      limited social interactions. It        rything our pets do for us on a daily
     the amazing and intelligent women         is not the big nights out and         basis, especially this year, they
     we surround ourselves with!                                                     were our saving grace a lot of the
                                                vibrant social lives we are          time! It is also an opportunity for
     Also, important to remember at the        used to, but there is always          extra special care like a long walk
                                                                                     or playing in the garden or buying
     beginning of March is the ‘Friend’s     something to look forward to            them a special treat, whatever it is,
     reunion’ and the very simple, but ex-
     citing fact that by the 11th of March   and something positive to be            make the most of it, for them and
     our evenings will stretch all the way          found in each day!               for you.

10                  MAGAZINE
you are reading, take this break
                                       from screens and give your brain a
                                       chance to relax for a little bit.

                                                                               Star Wars Day,
Earth Day, 22nd April,                                                         4th May, is an exciting and be-
is a worldwide event that raises                                               loved tradition, where fans from all
awareness of the environmental                                                 over the world come together to
issues facing the Earth. There are                                             celebrate the pop-culture phenom-
countless online events, including     International Jazz Day,                 enon. Even those of us who have
the Biden Administration approved
global climate summit, as well as      30th April, a musical experi-           never watched the films can ap-
                                       ence that brings together commu-        preciate the huge impact this series
various local guest speakers (all                                              has had on the world and appreci-
                                       nities, schools, and music enthusi-
online) and endless online videos                                              ate all the brilliant jokes and quotes
                                       asts from all over the world. Jazz is
and stories from all around the                                                it has gifted us. Use this occasion
                                       a historic, joyous music type that is
world. Read inspiring stories from                                             for movie marathons, costume
                                       versatile and lively and will bring a
Greta Thunberg and watch some                                                  competitions or character quizzes
                                       smile to anyone’s face. If you’re not
of David Attenborough’s great-                                                 to test you and your friends. Most
est documentaries shining a light      a jazz fan, take this opportunity to
                                       explore new music anyway, look up       of all, enjoy the day that celebrates
on this topic. It is an opportunity                                            something that so many people love
                                       other playlists and give new artists
to learn more about this universal                                             and brings so much joy to our lives,
                                       a try. You will definitely find some-
and important topic in a support-                                              even if your not the biggest fan.
                                       thing you like, and the experience
ive and exciting way, as the whole
                                       might be an well-earned escape
world comes together in the hope
                                       from the Groundhog Day we are
of change.

World Book Night,
23rd of April incorporating Na-                                                National Doughnut Week,
                                       World Laughter Day,
tional Shakespeare Day, is a day                                               8th to 16th May, is a fundraising
with the aim of inspiring people to    3rd May, is a positive manifesta-       event in aid of The Children’s Trust,
                                       tion for World Peace with the aim of
read. It is also the day of Shake-                                             organised by the baking indus-
                                       bringing people together in friend-
speare’s birth and death, and                                                  try and exactly what we will need
                                       ship, through laughter. With the
throughout the UK and in his home-                                             during exams...permission to eat
                                       growth in meditation and yoga this
town of Stratford-Upon-Avon, there                                             doughnuts! This feel good day will
                                       year, this event has grown in popu-
are celebrations to mark the occa-                                             not only have us all feeling happy
                                       larity thanks to the laughter yoga
sion. Take this opportunity to do                                              and full of sugar but will help so
                                       movement, a joyous event that al-
a book swap with friends or read                                               many people who need it. The Chil-
                                       lows people to feel relaxed and get
something a bit different from your                                            dren’s Trust aims to help rebuild the
                                       in touch with their happier side. If
usual genre, to make the most of                                               self esteem and skills of children
                                       you have never tried it, then this
this break from study. Try the clas-                                           through play, exploration, laughter,
                                       is the perfect opportunity to try it.
sics like Jane Austen or the Bronte                                            and fun. There work is so important,
                                       Trust me, you won’t regret it. This
sisters or something more modern                                               so positive and is bringing joy to so
                                       event is celebrated in over seventy
like Florence Given or Ruth Jones.                                             many people. This is most definitely
                                       countries worldwide and will be the
Or, for ultimate comfort and joy re-                                           an event that will be bringing light to
                                       perfect way to raise your spirits if
read your favourites such as Harry                                             your days through lockdown.
                                       we are still in lockdown or if exam
Potter or Roald Dahl. Whatever
                                       pressure is getting to us.

                                                                                                       MAGAZINE 11
            e have probably all seen              5. SHOP SUSTAINABLE CLOTHING                 8. 
                                                                                                   GO PAPERLESS – In the United
            the movie, ‘How to Lose                   – As tempting as the low prices and          States alone, 68 million trees are cut
            a Guy in 10 Days’. While                  on-trend clothing may be, Penny’s            down annually to supply the country
                                                      is no friend of the environment!             with enough paper. Try to save pa-
     Kate Hudson and Matthew Mc-                      Fast-fashion companies such as               per by taking your college notes on
     Conaughey are iconic in the early                Penny’s, SHEIN, Boohoo, Stradi-              laptop or tablet rather than a note-
     2000’s movie, this article dis-                  varius, Topshop, and MANY more,              pad or printing out dozens of pages.
     cusses how to lose those habits                  use particular marketing techniques
                                                                                                9. TRY ALTERING YOUR DIET – Meat
     you may have which are damag-                    to draw in their customers. An easy
                                                                                                    is one of the largest contributors
     ing to the environment and 10                    way to identify if a clothing shop
                                                                                                    to climate change, polluting land-
     alternatives to counteract this in               you’re considering buying from is a
                                                                                                    scapes and waterways globally.
                                                      fast-fashion brand is to ask yourself
     your everyday life instead.                      these 4 questions:
                                                                                                    Consider changing your diet to one
                                                                                                    that cuts out or significantly reduces
     1. REDUCE YOUR FOOD WASTE –                 • Are they quick to release clothes after        the amount of meat you consume.
         We’ve all been there. You’ve pur-          a trend is seen on the catwalk or mod-          By eating less meat, you can help re-
         chased too much food at the super-         elled by a social media influencer?             duce the impact that the animal ag-
         market and didn’t get to go through
                                                  • Are their clothes produced in large            riculture industry has on the planet.
         it all before that spinach bag turns
                                                    factories where workers are paid un-
         into green slime. Save yourself                                                        10. SHOP LOCAL – Purchasing prod-
                                                    fair wages?
         some money and the environment                                                             ucts that are made or grown in
         some additional strain and plan your     • Do you feel pressured to buy their             Ireland decreases the demand for
         meals around foods that need to be         clothes due to limited availability?            imported goods! The next time you
         consumed first. Meal prepping and        • Are the clothes made from cheap,               shop, read the labels to identify
         cutting up all your fruits and veggies     poor quality materials?                         where the product is made. The
         right away are great ways to use up      If the answer is yes to any of these              best way to keep the economy up
         your produce, and for any soft fruits    questions, chances are the brand is               and imported goods down is by
         that turn you away from eating them      categorised as fast fashion. The best             spending your money on local Irish
         – don’t toss them! Use that old ba-      form of sustainable shopping is to                products.
         nana to make a delicious smoothie        purchase second-hand clothing. This           Throughout the course of the pan-
         or banana bread.                         eliminates the need to produce new            demic, the general health of the envi-
     2. RE-THINK         TRANSPORTATION          items which require more materials            ronment has flourished. With transport
         – The transportation industry out-       that can take hundreds of years to            being severely limited and many facto-
         puts an enormous amount of green-        break down. Shop at your nearby thrift        ries and businesses closing their doors
         house gases daily that get trapped       or charity store, on sites such as De-        worldwide, the amount of greenhouse
         in the earth’s atmosphere. In efforts    pop or thredUP, or purchase clothes           gases being released has practically
         to help and do your part, drive less!    from a sustainable, trustworthy brand.        fallen off of a cliff. Make no mistake,
         Carpool with friends as much as you      6. HAVE YOUR OWN GARDEN – With               this will not last.
         can, or even better, walk or cycle to        spring fast approaching, veggies          The day will come where businesses
         your destination if it’s within a rea-       and fruits such as peas, carrots,         will return as normal, but this does not
         sonable distance. Public transport           strawberries, raspberries, blueber-       mean that we will fall victim once again
         around Ireland is super handy and            ries and more, are all great produce      to the inevitable threat of global warm-
         a great alternative to choose from.          options that you can plant in the         ing. If each person makes a change
     3. SAVE WATER – The average person              spring to have ready to eat when          in their daily habits, no matter how
         uses nearly 400 litres of water daily.       a nice summer’s day arrives. This         big or small, positive impacts will fol-
         Lower your water consumption lev-            lowers the demand for imported            low. Even if you pick just one of the 10
         els by taking shorter showers, turn-         goods and allows you to spend less        methods mentioned, you will be doing
         ing off the tap when brushing your           money at the supermarket. You will        your small part and continuing to fight
         teeth or shaving, use the dishwash-          also feel the pride of growing your       for a better, more promising future.
         er only when it is completely full.          own fresh produce!

        AVOID SINGLE-USE PLASTIC –                7. RECYCLE AND REUSE – By now,
        An extremely large portion of single-         I’m sure most citizens recycle, and
        use plastics end up in the ocean              companies are making it slightly
        and are either wrapped around                 easier with labels indicating whether
        various sea animals or digested by            or not the material is recyclable. Con-
        them. Invest in reusable straws and           sider items you may be able to reuse
        water bottles, bring your own shop-           for alternative purposes, such as
        ping bag to the supermarket, or opt           cleaning out an old jam jar and using                    By Ciara Moore,
        for plastic-free produce and food             it for a pen holder, or a plant pot or        4th year Toruism Management Student
        items. The sea turtles will thank you!        even your morning coffee!

12                   MAGAZINE
Did you know that you can
                               now book appointments online
                               to speak to a careers advisor?
TARGETconnect is the new careers platform, where you can log in with your MTU
details and access jobs, internships, graduate programme, view company profiles
and upload your latest CV. Check it out on

        You can Access TARGETconnect directly
        from the MTU Careers Website here:

 Features of TARGETconnect for Students
 1: Use your      myCIT login details to access
 2:   Book appointments with a Careers Advisor
 3: Search     job vacancies, graduate programmes & internships
 4: Access     employer profiles
 5: Explore Careers        resources & E-Learning                          courses

Student Competition!
Be in with a chance to win Just                     Eat Vouchers over the next month!
1: Log into using your myCIT login details.
2: Complete your profile. It only takes 2 minutes!

Each week we will pick a name at random and the winner will receive a €30 Just Eat
Voucher** (Ends 12th March 2021).
**Anyone who has already logged in and updated their profile is automatically entered into the competition.

                                                                                                         MAGAZINE 13
Women in Technology
     By Laura Condon, MTU Cork WiSTEM Society First Year Representative,
      First Year Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Student

        TU Cork WiSTEM Society                    third-year Computer Systems student         While each talk brought a new per-
        hosted a ‘Women in Technol-               and WiSTEM Technology Rep Alison            spective, the talks emphasised the im-
        ogy’ Webinar on Tuesday 16th              Adriaansen who is in first year studying    portance of challenging yourself, con-
 February. The webinar was aimed at               Computer Science. They shared their         tinuous education in the industry and
 MTU’s student population as well as              knowledge, experience and advice to         the endless opportunities available for
 acting as an outreach event to sec-              leaving cert students when choosing a       the future of technology. Veda noted
 ondary school students.                          college course, allowing them a taste       the interesting statistic that 60% of fu-
                                                  of prospective technology-based col-        ture tech jobs haven’t been invented
 The need for more women in tech is               lege courses and the opportunities          yet, highlighting the future growth of
 glaringly obvious. While it is important         available at MTU.                           the industry.
 to support our college-going mem-
 bers, we must begin at the source                The second half of the event was open       As well as academic achievements
 encouraging secondary students to                to everyone, including current MTU          and career journeys, the panel of sev-
 choose Tech courses, demystifying                students and industry, and second-          en chaired by Donna O’Shea, Head of
 the course types and supporting their            ary school students were encouraged         Cybersecurity at MTU, talked about
 interests in tech. According to The Irish        to stay on. We heard from industry          their own personal difficulties and
 Computer Society, although record                speakers and ended with a panel dis-        challenges within the tech industry.
 numbers of students have chosen                  cussion. This part of the event fol-        They mentioned overcoming impost-
 STEM subjects on their CAO appli-                lowed the inspiring career journeys of      er syndrome, the importance of soft
 cations this year, Ireland is still falling      women already established in the tech       skills, finding mentorship and a work-
 behind the European average of 6-7%              industry, discovering the key to their      life balance. The panelists gave their
 of tech careers being filled by women.           successes. We heard from MTU WiS-           advice for students considering tech-
 Living in a tech-driven world, the need          TEM alumni Veda Mandavkar, a secu-          nology courses and those starting out
 for a more balanced representation of            rity analyst at Bank of Ireland, focusing   on their career journey. The discussion
 women is now a critical challenge fac-           on vulnerability management, who has        finished reminding students that tech-
 ing the technology sector.                       a Masters Of Science in Cybersecurity       nology is an in-demand industry and
                                                  from CIT. VMware, McAfee, Dell and          that there are limitless possibilities for
 The first half of the event was aimed            McKesson provided speakers to tell          careers in technology.
 at secondary school students focus-              their stories in Industry and provide an
 ing on MTU technology course infor-              introduction to each of the companies.      MTU Cork WiSTEM Society would like
 mation. It was aimed to encourage                The roles of the speakers included; tal-    to thank all the speakers who spoke
 Senior Cycle students to gain an in-             ent acquisition, chief of staff, software   at the event, as well as everyone who
 sight into the world of technology. At-          engineer, technical support engineer,       helped to organise and advertise
 tendees heard from MTU’s Dr Sean                 product owner, principal engineer and       the event. The future looks bright for
 McSweeney, Head of Department of                 data scientist.                             women in technology!
 Computer Science, Young Mei Chen, a
14                    MAGAZINE
See Documentary
                                                                                                      trailer here...

         TU Cork LGBT* Society cel-      about the importance of drag history        more work into the footage and to re-
         ebrated the virtual launch      and those who came before them. It          cord more interviews. LGBT+ history
         of their drag documentary       also highlights the legacy of legendary     has been something that was hidden
“Dragging Up The Past” on 12th           drag performer from Cork, Danny La          in the shadows or completely erased
February with a sold out event online.   Rue. All in a concise and informative       in the past, so it’s important for pro-
The documentary, directed by Konrad      documentary that is all senses of edu-      jects like this and the fantastic Cork
Im, a former CIT/MTU student & Robin     cational, funny and emotional.              LGBT Archive to be supported. We’re
Guiton a creative digital media gradu-                                               excited to finally release the documen-
ate from CIT, and funded by MTU Arts     The plan to launch the documentary          tary to the public, and proud to be in
Office & Chambers Cork, premiered to     was originally set for last April, howev-   a position to record the history of drag
an audience of nearly 500. The docu-     er due to COVID-19 restrictions it had      in Cork for future generations”.
mentary allows people to see the col-    to be adjusted to an online launch and
ourful history of drag culture in Cork   screening, following the screening          While the event was free, it was al-
using interviews with Cork queens        was a virtual Q&A session which in-         ways planned to raise funds for the
Fabula Di Beaumarchais, Kitty            cluded the stars of the documentary,        Gay Project who inspired this project
Cartier, Twiggy Moondust, Can-           co-director Robin Guiton, Queen of          from the beginning. However, due to
dy Warhol, Letycha Le’Synn, Mia          Ireland Panti Bliss & the legendary         the Covid-19 safe format it now had
Gold, Nettles, Liam Bee, Dakota          Richard Guy Mawbey, West-End &              to take fundraising has been car-
Mode, Will A.Blige, Alternative Miss     Broadway Makeup and Wig design-             ried out online, anyone in a position
Cork Director Eddie Kay, & Irelands      er who was also the makeup artist,          to, are kindly invited to donate a few
youngest drag queen Karma O’Hara,        assistant and close friend to Danny La      euro to the Gay Project by going to
as well as archival footage & photog-    Rue.                               Any support is
raphy of queens past.                                                                appreciated towards helping the Gay
                                         Speaking on the documentary, Project        Project in continuing their fantastic
The stars of the documentary were        Coordinator and Co-director Konrad          work.
interviewed with many questions like     Im stated “We were absolutely gutted
“What made you start drag?” to “What     having to postpone the launch which         Facebook @LGBTCIT
advice would you give to those start-    was planned for April last year, but the    Instagram @CIT_LGBT_SOC
ing drag?” as well asking the queens     lockdown afforded us a chance to put        Twitter @CITLGBT
                                                                                                              MAGAZINE 15
By Seán Heary,
                                                                                                            Public Relations Officer


      Glór Choral Society to host the Inaugural
           All-Ireland Choral Intervarsities

       he impact of the Covid-19 pandemic has been devas-          choir performances and the awards ceremony, this show-
       tating for the arts in Ireland. Among those disciplines     case is not to be missed.
       most impacted by new restrictions is choral singing.
 With in-person rehearsals no longer a viable option, choirs       The MTU Cork Glór Choral Society are looking forward
 have been forced to make the choice between moving on-            to hosting the inaugural competition, with the committee
 line or suspending rehearsals indefinitely.                       working hard to make sure the weekend runs smoothly. The
                                                                   committee feels this event has given the society a new lease
 The MTU Cork Glór Choral Society saw the need for new             of life, and is hopeful that it will encourage new members to
 means of engagement within the industry. Thus began the           join. The society hopes that the All-Ireland Choral Intervarsi-
 planning for the inaugural All-Ireland Choral Intervarsities,     ties will become an annual event, and is hopeful that Irish
 an online event for third-level student choirs across the         choirs will be able to come together again to sing in the not
 country, which will take place from the 19th to the 21st of       so distant future.
 March 2021. The Glór committee hopes to provide student
 choirs with a concrete goal to work towards during these          Follow: @choralinters         on Facebook and Instagram
 uncertain times.                                                  for information and updates regarding this event.

 In the coming weeks, seven choirs from five Irish universi-       Email: for more information

 ties will rehearse, record, and edit videos of a piece of their   on how to get involved.
 choosing. These videos will be adjudicated by a panel of
 judges, with prizes available in a number of categories. The
 Intervarsities weekend will also include a series of master-
 classes from prominent names in the Irish choral industry              It’s such an exciting thing to
 for members of all competing choirs to attend.
                                                                     learn from our fellow choristers
 The weekend will commence with an opening ceremony on
 Friday evening, which will be streamed via YouTube. A vari-
                                                                         around Ireland, to see what
 ety of workshops and masterclasses will be held over Zoom           their strategies of keeping their
 on Saturday and Sunday which will be free for members of
 participating choirs to attend. The weekend will culminate             music alive have culminated
 in a virtual showcase, again streamed via YouTube, on the
 Sunday evening. Featuring the competition videos, guest
                                                                       in. A choral intervarsities has
                                                                        been missing in Ireland, and
                                                                      in a time when people need to
                                                                       feel a sense of unity, it’s a joy
                                                                       for me that it can be created
                                                                         through singing and learn-
                                                                      ing more about something we
                                                                         have loved to do together.”
                                                                      Cecilia Roche, Chairperson of the MTU Cork

                                                                                     Glór Choral Society.

16                MAGAZINE
Marketing Society - Students Den 2021

      very Friday, the Marketing Society   With the high diversity of businesses
      will be releasing a new episode of   and entrepreneurs we have lined up for
      ‘Students Den’ on their Instagram    Students Den, we can guarantee there
account. Students Den is our small spin    will be something to learn for everyone.
off of the hit TV show ‘Dragons Den’,
where any student entrepreneurs can        We are so excited for the next few
join in and share their small businesses   weeks guests, make sure you follow
and advice to anyone up and coming.        so you never miss one!
Talking about all things business from
setting up, competition and picking a      If you have your own business or are
name to the rush of launch day, there      in partnership and want to share your
is a lot a young entrepreneur can learn
                                           experience & advice, you can DM
from these 5–10-minute IGTV’s.
Week one kicked off on the 5th of Feb-     on any social media or Email:
ruary with the creators of Gym Fever
Apparel, with great feedback from          telling your business and that you
all. Leah and Jack were amazing and
                                           would love to feature in an episode.
showed how a small hobby and inter-
est can grow into a very successful
business and their benefits of social
media, selling out 3 times thanks to it.

             Would you like your Society to be
               featured in a future issue?

                                                                                      MAGAZINE 17
       CHOICE Q’S!
                                             Simple Quiz!
             CLICK HERE TO ENTER
           For your chance
        to WIN a €30 One-4-All
             Sponsored by

      For your chance to WIN
          a €50 One-4-All
         Solve this logic puzzle:
        The police were convinced that one of the
     following students ... Aoife Clarke, Jack Walsh,
       Emilia Sherando, or Ben Ryan ... had stolen
                   the School mascot.
      Each of the suspects made a statement, but
           only one of the statements was true.
                 Aoife said, “I didn’t do it.”
                Jack said, “Aoife is lying.”                                             Sponsored by:
                Emilia said, “Jack is lying.”                                 AnSEO - CIT Student Engagement Office
                  Ben said, “Jack did it.”                                     and CIT Department of Mathematics
                Who committed the crime?                                            as part of Maths Positive.

     Email your answer with your name, student number,
      class and postal address to:
                Congratulations to last issues winners of One-4-All vouchers... Maths puzzle: Shauna O’Mahony Quiz: Kaja Sikora

18              MAGAZINE
                            MAGAZINE 19
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