March 2021 A publication of the Grand Prix Region of the Porsche Club of America

March 2021 A publication of the Grand Prix Region of the Porsche Club of America
March 2021

A publication of the Grand Prix Region of the Porsche Club of America
March 2021 A publication of the Grand Prix Region of the Porsche Club of America
The Circuit March 2021

 GRAND PRIX REGION & If you have suggestions about other events that CONTENTS
 Advertising Chair - OPEN POSITION
 you think our members would be interested in President
 ZONE 8 CLUB CALENDAR seeing on our calendar, please let me know Suesan Way Carter Autocross Timing - Ian Anderson 2 Grand Prix Region & Zone 8 Calendar
 (619) 992-4287 (760) 382-3412 3 Masthead page: Table of Contents
March Chief Driving Instructor/Safety Nick Perdikaris
 18-20 F-Sun PCA Club Race, VIR Board of Directors & Chairs
 5 Fri Werks Reunion Amelia Island (310) 901-8154
 13 Sat GPX Monthly Breakfast (to be determined) 19 Sat GPX Tour - Hemet to Idyllwild to Palm Springs Vice President 4 President's Column
 13 Sat GPX Monthly Board Meeting 27-27 F-Sun Weathertech Six Hours of the Glen Eric Peterson Circuit Editor- Skip Carter
 5 Editorial License
22-24 F-Sun Weathertech Twelve Hours of Sebring 27 Sun F1 France (562) 533-0573 (619) 992-9927
 thepetersons_crib@ Social Media Links
 19 WEC 1000 Miles of Sebring, Circuit Co-Editor - Charlie Carchedi
 20 Sat GPX Santa Monica Mountains Run July (626) 869-7471
 6 GPX Virtual Car Show flyer
 Malibu to Paradise Cove 2-4 F-Sun Weathertech Mosport Sportscar Grand Prix 7 Day Away from Work flyer
 21 Sun F1 Australia 3-4 S-Sun PCA Club Race, Sonoma Secretary Children's Dental Cliinic Liason - Patty Reilly
 27 Sat Passover begins 4 Sun F1 Austria Alan Johnson (714) 402-2405
 8 PCA Tech Tactics flyer
 28 Sun F1 Bahrain 5 Mon Independence Day (562) 305-8002 9 GPX Mar 20 Santa Monica Run Flyer
 29 Mon GPX Day Away from Work 10 Sat GPX Monthly Breakfast (to be determined) Concours - OPEN POSITION
 10 GPX Apr 17 Tour to Wrightwood
 10 Sat GPX Monthly Board Meeting (the wrong way)
 Consiglieri - Marty Goldsmith
April 11-17 Porsche Parade, French Lick, Indiana (562) 494-6350
 3-4 S-Sun PCA Club Race, Thunderhill 16-17 S-Sun Weathertech Northeast Grand Prix at Lime Rock Treasurer 11 GPX Tour: Ventura to Solvang
 3-4 S-Sun SDR Time Trial, Chuckwalla 18 Sun 356 Club Concours at Lakeview Park, Silverado Hank Landsberg Drivers Education/Autocross - Skip Carter to Jalama Beach
 9-11 F-Sun PCA Club Race, Road Atlanta 18 Sun WEC 6 Hours of Monza, (562) 493-3589 (619) 992-9927 12 Tour of the Canyons Report
 10 Sat GPX Monthly Breakfast (to be determined) 18 Sun F1 Silverstone (UK)
 GPX Store Chair - OPEN POSITION 14 What is it About Being Derivative?
 10 Sat GPX Monthly Board Meeting 24-25 S-Sun PCA Club Race, Brainerd
 11 Sun F1 China 30-1 F-Sun PCA Club Race, Canadian Tire Motorpark 16 Book Reviews for Porschephiles:
 Insurance - Ron Shanon
 12 Mon Ramadan begins Director at Large The Complete Book of Corvette. (310) 375-9840
 17 Sat GPX Tour. Wrightwood the Wrong Way from August Skip Carter Every Model Since 1953
 Redlands around Big Bear Lake 1 Sun F1 Hungary (619) 992-9927 Membership - Patty Reilly 18 GPX Kids
 Registration open: 6-8 F-Sun Weathertech Sportscar Weekend Road America (714) 402-2405
 GPX Name Badge Order Form
17-18 S-Sun PCA Club Race, Heartland 7 Sat Monterey Pre-Reunion
 Registration - Suesan Way Carter GPX Open Chair Positions
23-24 F-Sat PCA Club Race, Lime Rock 12-15 Monterey Motorsports Reunion, Laguna Seca
 Director at Large (619) 992-4287 20 March Membership Report
 25 Sun F1 TBC 13 Fri Werks Reunion, Monterey
 13-15 F-Sun PCA Club Race, New Jersey Motorsport Park Jimmie Mitchell Social Events- 22 Classified Ads
May 13-15 F-Sun PCA Club Race, Mid-Ohio (310) 539-2568 Susan Moard & Arturo Chaparro 24 Cone Zone Calendar
 1 WEC 6 Hours of Spa-Francorchamps 14 Sat GPX Monthly Breakfast (to be determined) (626) 705-8686
 14 Sat GPX Monthly Board Meeting (323) 633-7915 On the Cover
 4 Sun Easter
 5-9 PCA Treffen, Scottsdale 15 Sun Pebble Beach Concours 25 Index of Advertiser
 20-22 F-Sun Weathertech GT Challenge at VIR Director at Large Social Media - Preeth Kumar Commercial Advertising Rates
 8 Sat GPX Monthly Breakfast (to be determined)
 Vinita Khilnani (201) 925-4876
 8 Sat GPX Monthly Board Meeting 28-29 S-Sun PCA Club Race, Sonoma Breakfast Club Meeting Notice
 9 Sun F1 Spain 29 Sun F1 A=Belgium (626) 222-5228
 Sponsorship - Suesan Carter & Jim Worsham WE ARE PLANNING FOR OUR FIRST
 12 Wed Eid al-Fitr begins (619) 992-4287 COVID BREAKFAST ON APRIL 10
13-16 Th-Sun 356 Club North-South Meet, Cambria September (562) 433-3662
14-16 F-Sun PCA Club Race, NOLA 4-6 F-Sun PCA Club Race, Road America
14-16 F-Sun Weathertech Sports Car Challenge at Mid-Ohio 5 Sun F1 Netherlands Past President Tech Sessions/Advisor - Michael Dolphin
 15 Sat GPX Tour Ventura to Solvang ends Jalama Beach 6 Mon Labor Day Skip Carter (213) 248-4743
 (619) 992-9927 INFORMATION
 16 Sun Shavuot begins 10-12 F-Sun Weathertech Raceway Laguna Seca Tech Inspection - Rick Mortimer GPX
22-23 S-Sun PCA Club Race, Buttonwillow 11 Sat GPX Monthly Breakfast (to be determined) (714) 267-2845 Zone 8
 23 Sun F1 Monaco 11 Sat GPX Monthly Board Meeting
 30 Sun GPX/LAR Joint DE at Streets of Willow 12 Sun F1 Italy PCA National
 Tours - Alan Johnson
29-30 S-Sun PCA Club Race, Hastings 17-19 F-Sun PCA Club Race, Summit Point
 31 Mon Memorial Day 18-19 S-Sun PCA Club Race, High Plains Porsche AG
 18-19 S-Sun SDR Time Trial, Willow Springs Jeff Peck Webmaster - Jimmie Mitchell GPX Landing Page on MotorsportReg:
 (310) 345-8081 (310) 539-2568
June 24-26 Weathertech Long Beach Grand Prix
 4-5 S-Sun Weathertech Detroit Grand Prix 25-26 S-Sun PCA Club Race, Thunderhill
 4-6 F-Sun PCA Club Race, Watkins Glen 26 Sun SoCal All Porsche Swap & Car Show
 5-6 S-Sun SDR Time Trial, Willow Springs Phoenix Club, Anaheim EDITORIAL POLICY: THE CIRCUIT is the official publication of the GRAND PRIX REGION of the
 6 Sun F1 Azerbaijan 26 Sun F1 Russia PORSCHE CLUB OF AMERICA. Statements appearing in THE CIRCUIT are those of the author and
 12 Sat GPX Monthly Breakfast (to be determined) 26 WEC 6 Hours of Fuji are not necessarily the opinions of the CLUB or its editorial staff. The Editor reserves the right to edit
 12 Sat GPX Monthly Board Meeting all material submitted for publication. Permission to reprint any material herein is granted providing full
12-13 S-Sun WEC 24 Hours of Le Mans, credit is given to the authors and THE CIRCUIT, with the exception of copyrighted material.
 GPX Tour Information and registration
12-13 S-Sun PCA Club Race, Utah Motorsport Campus
 13 Sun F1 Canada ADDRESS CHANGE: Please notify GPX Membership Chair and PCA (PO Box 6400, Columbia, MD
 21045 or or 410.381.0911 ) of any address, email, phone or membership status changes.

2 3
March 2021 A publication of the Grand Prix Region of the Porsche Club of America
The Circuit March 2021

 Write of Way, by Suesan Way Carter Skip Carter

 Canadian Geese

 foodie expert daughter, Kim, turned me onto The Colon-
 Pasadena and Encino. Please support the and show the how
 naide probably 20 years ago.

Hello Everyone, much we appreciate their support.
 s we put together this March Circuit, our board After Road Atlanta I'll fly to New Jersey and spend most of
 Here we are at the 3-month mark of 2021 and slowly
 continues to discuss the possibility of restarting our a week visiting Kim in her (relatively) new home in the New
but shirley (Skip do not edit!!) I find myself amusing!!, we 17554 Ventura Blvd.
 monthly Breakfast Meetings. The way things have Jersey countryside.
are getting back to the old and strange. There is more rush Encino, CA 91316
 been going we are pretty confident that we will be able to A two week trip away from home. Seems like a long time
hour traffic, which is a sure sign that people are starting to (818) 849-5060
 have one in either April or May. since that's been possible.
go to work and do social things again... Like frequenting
 I can tell you that, as a board member, it has not been easy This is the first time in a year that the possibility of life
restaurants and movie theatres. Others are getting haircuts
 trying to keep track of the ups and downs of this thing. We normalizing has seemed possible. Of course, we never know
and colour over gray roots!! Covid 19 vaccines seems to be 1567 E Walnut St
 were delighted when we were able to restart the Tours and what new problem might show up with this virus, but the
picking up and many are to be now getting theirs, which is Pasadena, CA 91106
 Day Away programs. Breakfasts, which includes large group rapid pace that vaccinations are going on in this country, and
the greatest news we have all had in over a year… And it was (626) 765-9111
 events in general, are the next (and probably the last) large the drop in numbers as we slowly open up... Are all encour-
quite a year for the Porsche Club of America.
 hurdle. It's nice to see that we are getting close. aging signs.
 We have really been doing exceptionally well with our
 We have not been idle while all this is going on. In March
Tours program throughout the pandemic. We cancelled a If you have something to say about the club or have an idea
couple of tours in 2020 but, overall, we managed to run for an event, please send me an email or call me or any of the
 we will have completed the Virtual Car Show in lieu of our Email Blasts
 annual Concours d'Elegance. It doesn't look like we will be While our region membership hovers around 420 primar-
many as conditions changed. Our 2021 Tour schedule is our administrative staff all listed in this magazine. Take care
 able to schedule a Concours this year either. With the calen- ily members (plus family/associate members), which makes
robust with Tour Chair Alan Johnson planning and pre run- and hope to see you soon.
 dar being juggled, Festival of Speed added at the last minute us a medium small region by PCA standards, over the yers
ning each tour to make sure all details are in place before the
 in late October instead of our typical Spring event and the we have managed to develope a contact list of over 2500
actual run. Suesan Way Carter
 Zone 8 Concours Series schedule being completely blown Porschephiles. We use the Mailchimp program to send out
 Along with Alan, Past GPX President and current Zone Prez and Camp Counsellor
 up, it looks like we'll have to wait until early 2022 for our 2-4 email blasts each month. If you are not receiving those
8 Representative, Jeff Peck, continues to put on a couple of Directly from Lake Simcoe, Ontario, Canada
 next GPX Concours. emails and would like to, let me know.
events each year and Rod Simmons has now joined the Tour
team to support the effort. Sleazy Dog Construction
 Our Virtual Car Show had a great turnout of absolutely Travel and COVID
beautiful photographs of cars submitted by our members. The Suesan and I just received our second COVID shot, which
judges are starting to look at the photos and will be voting on made us feel a lot better about everything. As soon as I knew
their favorites in the various classes with some criteria soon. that was coming I was actually able to schedule a trip that
All entrants will be included in an upcoming Circuit and on involved flying. In early April I'll be covering the PCA Club
our website, so please watch out for that issue. Race at Road Atlanta. This is my first trip to that track. I've
 been wanting to get there every since I became Club Racing
Performance Driving Program News editor about five years ago, By the way, can see Club
 Our Day Away from Work DE and Zone 8 Autocross is a Racing News on the Club Racing website (www.PCA-
little slower with registrations. Not being able to include nov-
ice drivers and in-car instruction certainly makes a difference. Flying into Atlanta, I plan to take advantage of the best
 We are very excited to say that we will be doing a joint Fried Chicken place I've ever been to: The Colonnaide. My
Driver's Ed event with Los Angeles Region on Sunday May
30th and, for that event, we are planning to include novic-
es and hopefully in-car instruction. We continue to modify
plans as the virus continues to come under control. So, dust Facebook:
off your helmets, save the date and be with GPX and LAR and YouTube:
 House has been our Day Away sponsor since the beginning GooglePlus:
of the pandemic. They have been very supportive to GPX and Twitter:
& LAR. House has two Porsche repair and service shops in

4 5
March 2021 A publication of the Grand Prix Region of the Porsche Club of America
Po r
 Announcing the Grand Prix Region
 sche a
 Gran Club of Aion
 d Prix Reg Virtual Car Show
 Submit photos of your Porsche and Win!
 Mar 29, 2021 Monday — On-Line Registration —
 *Note: This is a photo contest, not a Concours d’Elegance
 Streets of Willow Create an account OR sign in
 classes of entry: 356 Locate March 29 Day Away event
Contents of Entry Form (example)
1. Owner Name: Bob or Alice Spoofman Front-Engine
 Grand Prix Region Complete registration
 Pay online with VISA / MC
 Drivers ED
2. Class: 74-89 G Body Transaxle
3. Year: 1980
 1. Boxster, 2. Cayman, Late fees apply after March 21
4. Model: 911SC 3. 914: All Years
5. Type: Targa Running Clockwise
6. Color : Silver Metallic SUV GPX Specialty
7. Engine: Matching Factory S/N (Yes/No)
 AllYears 1. Race Cars, 2. Outlaws,
8. Transmission: Matching Factory S/N (Yes/No)
 3. Modi ied & 4. Other Register at:
9. Special Features (List):
 Proper Porsche suspension upgrades – (1989 sway 4-Door 911
 bars, turbo tie rods, bump-steer kit, new Bilstein Non-SUV
 shocks HD front, Sport rear); Recent Engine rebuild; 1. 1964-73, 2. 1974-79: G Body,
 Recent E1.Special order car; Paint to sample (recent AllYears 912 3. 1989-94: 964, 4. 1994-98: 993, For info OR HELP — contact:
 high quality respray, copper metallic); Interior to 5. 1998-2005: 996 6. 2005-12: 997, Suesan Carter, Registrar
 Sample (all leather, cork, restored); Limited Slip 1. 1965-69: 912
 Differential; Transmission rebuild. 2 1976: 912 E
 7. 2012-19:991, 8. 2020-on: 992 (619) 992-4287
4 photos only: Side, Front, Rear & Interior or
Ÿ Sorry but more than 4 will disqualify you Awards: Skip Carter, Event Chair
Photo Tips: It’s about cars, not photography st (619) 992-9927
Ÿ All photos shot in landscape format
 1 Place in Each Class
 Gates open at 7am
Ÿ Avoid your shadow or reection + One People’s Choice Overall Award Mandatory drivers meeting at 8:15 am
Ÿ Avoid Flash HOTEL INFO – Best Western Desert Poppy First run group 9am
Ÿ Verify Color in photo matches car’s color
Ÿ Shoot photos at Sunrise / Sunset
 t o r eg ister 2038 W. Avenue I, Lancaster 93536 (661) 418-0550
Ÿ Avoid Noon - 2:00pm
 p o rt r eg logo $105.00 (mention Porsche Club - special rate ends March 27)
Ÿ Hide your license Plate
 G P X- m otors h e G P X B oard Comes with IMPROVED breakfast, on-site tech & registration

 lic king on the n o n y m o u sly by t Registration fees: $175.00 per driver
 start by
 w i l l b e j udged a $200.00 if register/paid after March 21, 2021 Day of event — $250.00
 ow n e r ’s photos 1 5
 Porsch e
 c a r Class
 s by e Mar.
 o k pag Format — 20 minute continuous lap DE sessions throughout the day
 WHO o S h o w o f o u r
 G P X ’s F a c e b o
 Ph o t w ill be o n ds Mar. 3 1
 Run groups determined by experience and performance
 WHAT l b u m & e n
 A 5 Instructors MAY NOT BE available due to COVID restrictions
 os & Specs r ts Mar. 1
 P h o t t i n g s t a No special equipment (except helmets) needed for stock classes
 14 Vo
 WHERE a t i o n e n d s M a r.
 c a r s w e l ove Non synthetic long sleeve shirts and pants required. No open toe shoes or sandals

 H E N Regis t r
 t t h e b e a utiful & E n t r y Form Open cars without built-in rollover protection need rollbar
 a r n m o r e abou
 n e m a i l P hotos Registration and Tech Inspection available at hotel Sunday afternoon 5-6 pm

 o r S p o r t Reg the how
 iew Car S ere Helmet required (available for rent) Snell 2010 and newer (M or SA)
 s t e r a t M ot email
 3 . V
 Album H Breakfast & Lunch: coffee, donuts, breakfast & lunch available at concession stand
 W Regi 2. Ca r Sh ow
 & 4 P ho
 tos P ho to
 H O 1. Click Up
 h er e to
 for En tr y Fo r m
 INSURANCE NOTE: Liability insurance is provided by PCA’s traditional insurer. A copy of the Certificate of Insurance is available at registra-
 Sign tion. PCA insurance does NOT cover damage to your car or damage that YOU cause to the facility or other cars. You are responsible for this.
 G P X em a
 Please see the PCA website ( and go to the insurance page for more information.
 Please review your personal car insurance to verify what coverage it provides, if any.
March 2021 A publication of the Grand Prix Region of the Porsche Club of America
The Circuit March 2021

 6th Annual
 Porsche Club of America
 Breakfast at the Paradise Cove Beach Café
 March 9th 2019

 Please join the Porsche Club of America – Grand Prix Region
 for a driving tour through the beautiful Santa Monica Mountains
 ending at the Paradise Cove Beach Café.
 We will have our own Porsche Corral and then have breakfast
 or lunch on the restaurant’s outdoor patio with an ocean view.
 You will pay for your own food order. YOU MUST RSVP on to guarantee a seat at the restaurant. We
 will need to let them know how many to seat.

 Time to meet: 8:00 A.M.
 Depart promptly at 8:45 A.M
 Delivering Porsche technical content directly to your screens Map to meeting place provided upon registration.
 Optional $10.00 Donation for Children’s Dental Health
 PCA’s Tech Tactics Live is an online extension of our biannual in-person Tech Tactics events. Hosted on Clinic
 YouTube, we cover various topics, including Porsche's newest models, DIY projects, and engaging technical Registration Opens: February 15, 2021
 discussions. Viewers have the opportunity to interact with the host and guests. Episodes are geared for experts RSVP / register:
 and casual enthusiasts alike.

 For info, contact:
 Jeff Peck
 (310) 345-8081

8 9
March 2021 A publication of the Grand Prix Region of the Porsche Club of America
GPX Tour to Wrightwood (the wrong way)
Saturday, April 17, 2021
 The Circuit March 2021

Redlands to Wrightwood via Big Bear & Arrowhead
Drive the Twisties — Lunch in Wrightwood
 May 15, 2021 SATURDAY
 Where in the world is Jalama Beach? Why are we going there? You may find
 Each year the Grand Prix the answers to your questions when GPX will tour north to Santa Barbara County.
 Region drives the Angeles
 We are familiar and comfortable with the beaches of our metropolitan area, but the
 Crest Highway, but this is
 coast of California is dotted with interesting, but not always accessible, beaches
 a different route to get to
 South of Pt. Conception (the great weather divide). The beaches are protected,
 benign and very popular.
 “Wrightwood the Wrong North of Pt. Conception, the ocean is wild and windy. The first accessible point on
 Way” is its country the coast is Jalama Beach, reached by a narrow, winding county road. There is
 cousin. It is Redlands to the Jalama Beach Store, reputed to make the finest hamburgers in the land. Bring
 Wrightwood around Big your camera, wind-
 Bear Lake and along the breaker, and appetite.
 Rim of the World High- Join us on another of
 way. GPX's tours to out of
 the way places.
 Start in Redlands and
 climb Highway 38 over We will start our drive
 Onyx Summit and past Big Bear Lake. Continue along the Rim in Ventura, at our usual
 of the World Highway past Lake Arrowhead to Wrightwood rendezvous point,
 and lunch at the Grizzly Café. Denny's restaurant.
 From there it is over
 the mountains through the Santa Ynez Val-
 ley to the junction of State Hwy 1. Then State
 1 to Jalama Road. Then 13 more miles to the
 beach. Driving time, about 3 1/2 hours.
 Registration & Information: More information and registration:

 Alan Johnson Alan Johnson 562.305.8002
 (562) 305-8002
 10 11
March 2021 A publication of the Grand Prix Region of the Porsche Club of America
The Circuit March 2021

 Tour of the Canyons
 Story: Alan Johnson Saturday Feb 20, 2021
 Photos: Paul de Jonckheere, Eric W Holzapfel,
 Alan Johnson, Erol Kalafat

 aving driven Angeles Crest with multiple variations
 (including January’s drive with the detour around
 the fires) a different route with the same enjoyable
feelings was needed. A few miles west of the Angeles Crest
Highway is Big Tujunga Canyon Road. This was a perfect
companion, the same twisty roads but with a different vibe.
 The parking lot at the Starbucks in Tujunga should have
been a great starting point. It had all of the qualifications - cof-
fee, pastries, bathrooms and a store manager that was a car guy
who was glad to have us. Its big drawback was it was too popu-
lar. The line for the drive through was often so long, blocking
our parked cars when we wanted to get on the road. 24 cars
were split into 2 groups. There was a great mix of cars and
horse powers from a 1959 1600 Super (90 hp) to a GT3RS
(460 hp).
 Roderick Simmons volunteered to lead Group 1, and we
had reconned the route a few days before. When each group
had cleared the parking lot and turned off of Foothill Blvd,
they regrouped for the drive into the mountains. Big Tujunga
Canyon Road led to Angeles Forest and Mt. Emma Roads
then to the outskirts of Lancaster and Palmdale. It was enjoy-
able as there were far fewer bicycles and motorcycles that are
so common on Angeles Crest. There was a pit stop at Pelona
Park at mile 45. A soccer game was just finishing, and the boys
enjoyed seeing all of our cars while they waited for the mom’s
in their boring vans and SUVs.
 Shortly after the pit stop it was back to the less crowded
Lake Elizabeth Road for 20 miles through the Leona Valley.
We passed the intersections of several other canyon roads like
Bouquet and San Francisquito which will be part of the More
Canyons Tour in April. Then we headed onto Lake Hughes
Road for another 23 fun miles. Parts of this road go through
a very narrow canyon where rocks and dirt often fall on the
road. Walkie-Talkie radio call outs from the Lead Car were
made when coming around a corner to find them scattered
across the road. A pleasant part of this tour was that only twice
was Group 2 caught behind a slower vehicle. The first time he
pulled over quickly to let us all pass. The other time it was af-
ter leaving the canyon and that truck went a reasonable speed
before pulling over.
 Who could ask for a more perfect day of sunny skies,
“Porsche” roads and little traffic?

12 13
March 2021 A publication of the Grand Prix Region of the Porsche Club of America
The Circuit March 2021

 Motor Trend? Sorry, I’ve never read it. Decades ago I who’s a Hollywood writer/actor with four Emmys to his cred-
 thought of it as some sort of commercial Consumer Reports it. He found fame on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. I
 for cars, that they’d cover events like the Mobil Economy Run. couldn’t find anything about his experience with cars, and it
 Remember? Neither do I. shows. He’s the slowest.
 And the thing is, the UK is the size of New York State. And Am I reaching when I say the three are… derivative? Of the
 in that land mass they cram some 68 million people. How big three who spawned a movement worldwide?
 many are in New York? I’ll save you the time to look it up: 20 And the segments. Ahh, it hurts. A winter shoot in the Col-
 million souls. So, with three times the population, they have orado Rockies featuring a Lamborghini Urus, a Porsche Cay-
 to drive from London to Wales to find empty enthusiast roads. enne Turbo SE Hybrid and a Bentley Bentayga. They all try to
 That would be like driving from NYC to Mt. Marcy. maneuver through a snow-covered track… And all get stuck. I
 And yet, they invented Top Gear. I did some research. Turns mean, that’s it. Then they drive the vehicles on two-lanes and
 out it’s a money machine for the BBC. At the launch of the have fun. Then, the next thing you know, The Stig – yes, they
 2015 season, some 500+ million gearheads (or should I say have one too – is lapping the Lambo on their exclusive test
 petrolheads) tuned in, the same night, worldwide… to the track, which is Willow Springs.
 UK version! There’s a German variant, a French variant, an That’s it. I mean, that’s it. No real evaluation of the vehicles
 Aussie variant, a Russian variant, a Korean variant and, appar- themselves. How about whether they’d prefer one over, say, a
 ently, a Chinese variant. There may be more. Gallardo, or a Turbo S or a Continental GT? Is that too com-
 Why? Well, I’m really loving the first few seasons of the plicated? We’ll never know.
 Clarkson/Hammond/May iteration. And the reason is very And that’s the show. Sort of a ‘merican, scaled back, risk-
 simple. They know what they’re talking about. And they drive adverse, dumbed-down… derivative… version of the mother
 cars I’d like to drive. In ways I’d like to. ship, of the franchise. What did I expect?
 Seeing who can go from London to the Hotel de Paris on
 Casino Square in Monaco – Jeremy in a Jag, while Richard
 and James must take public transport – the Channel Train and
 the TGV. Who wins? Sorry, go watch the episode.
 I did search on the backgrounds of the hosts. Turns out they

 were all working journalists of some sort before the iteration
 was launched in 2002. And you can tell. In a heartbeat. In
 those years they had a segment called The News, where they

 actually chronicled current and future models, discussed traf-
 fic laws, styling trends. They had a wall where they would put
 photos of cars rated by how “cool” they are – from left to right,
 seriously uncool, un cool, cool, and sub-zero. Was it crazy?
 So, what do we get? I have a confession to make. I got
 through most of the first season of the first iteration of Top
 Gear USA. Then I gave up. It was clear from the outset that
 Tanner Faust was the only one who knew what he was talking

 ood question, isn’t it. I keep thinking about what’s go-rounds can you recommend, if you were asked to pick just about. Turns out, it lasted six seasons. I had no idea.
 derivative, having watched the first batch of episodes one film for a desert island? I rest my case. Iteration two entirely passed me by. For the record, it lasted
 of the third reboot of Top Gear USA. Which is com- Now, let’s look at magazines about Porsches. In the UK one season, eight episodes.
pounded by the fact that I’m now wading through season there’s 911& Porsche World, GT Porsche, Total 911 (because What do we make of iteration three? Well. I’ll give them one
three of the original British version of Top Gear UK as we nothing else matters, they say, love that) and Classic Porsche thing. They’ve had to produce the series under the cloud of
know it, circa 2003/4. (my favorite, because I own one.) What have we got, other the Pandemic. Which has clearly meant no studio audience…
 I’m inclined to believe it is laziness. Or maybe risk avoid- than Pano, which really doesn’t count? Excellence. Actually, no studio. And no audience at all. Locations are, uni-
ance. And it appears to be a very American thing. At least in The same goes for general interest buff books. Evo, Car, Top formly, without another soul in sight. It can’t be easy.
the entertainment field. Let’s start with feature films. Remem- Gear, Octane, magazines about motorsport, magazines about Dax Shepard is the big name. And he’s obviously a car guy.
ber them, pre-COVID? Remember sitting in theaters, watch- collector cars in general. Meanwhile, I’ve watched Automobile He’s big, loud and boisterous. He’s from Detroit. How do
ing prequels, sequels, sequels to sequels? The storylines and go away, Autoweek go to every two weeks and then go away, I know? In every episode, he’s wearing a tee-shirt from his
characters become “franchises,” or so we are led to believe. I Car & Driver shrink to a featherweight shadow of its former hometown. Then there’s Jethro Bovingdon who, according to
try to avoid them like … COVID. self and Road and Track morph into…(I’m not sure what its Motor1, has been writing about cars, and racing them, for 20
 Why? Excluding The Godfather Pt. 2, how many second- latest iteration hopes to be … a lifestyle brand of some sort?). years. He’s a Brit. Somewhat diminutive. And Rob Corddry,

14 15
March 2021 A publication of the Grand Prix Region of the Porsche Club of America
The Circuit

 Book Reviews for Porschephiles
 by Bruce Herrington, Orange Coast Region
 The Complete Book of Corvette. Every Model Since 1953
 by Mike Mueller, published September 8, 2020 by Quarto Publishing, Beverly, MA

 here is no Porsche content in this book, but under ers of the past couple years are
 the aegis of Know Thine Enemy it is quite interest- mentioned but not covered to
 ing. To one degree or another, Corvettes have been the same degree as the street machines.
a competitor of Porsche (in the marketplace or on the track) There is a great deal of detail presented to distinguish each
since their very begin- year's car from that of the pre-
ning. Like Porsche, Cor- ceding year, but the presenta-
vettes started as a niche tion is clearly derived more
product and grew to be from the marketing department
very big business. Like sources than from engineering.
Porsche, Corvettes have None the less, the information
one individual (Zora is interesting, readable and well
Arkus Duntov) credited illustrated. Virtually every Cor-
with their nature and fo- vette model has some clearly
cus. Like Porsche, Cor- described one-year-only interior
vettes dabbled with mid- or exterior feature. Show cars,
engine configuration for concept cars and special editions
decades but, as explained are included and there are lots

 “What happens to a dream unfulfilled?”
in this book, initially for of publicity photos and some
different reasons before engine cutaways. A nice touch
finally producing it after is printing the chapter heading
a period with transaxles.
And, like Porsche, Cor-
 on the upper corner of the right-
 hand page, to give context to the
 asked no Porsche owner ever.
vette's evolution was af- discussion on the page.
fected by a skirmish with Context is provided by the
bankruptcy (by parent many quotes from contempo- With the first turn of its left-handed ignition, fantasy becomes reality.
General Motors). rary sports car magazines, start- The driver’s seat previously reserved for dreams will now be beneath you.
 The subject volume, ing with Motor Life Magazine, And the unmistakable engine note so often played in your head will now be
complete through 2020, Motor Trend and Road & Track courtesy of your right foot. Ahhhh, the sweet sound of fulfillment. Porsche.
is actually a fourth edi- comments about the 1953 mod- There is no substitute.
tion, the first being com- el. dealer 2019
plete through 2006. De- In addition to detailed model
scriptions and pictures year descriptions, there are some The 911. Only A Sports Car Takes You There. Porsche Riverside
 8423 Indiana Ave
are given year by year and are grouped chronologically into very interesting narratives of design/development issues in the Riverside, CA 92504
nine chapters somewhat reflecting eight identified generations. various generations, especially the complexities of bringing the 951-441-6235
Specification tables and a highlight's block accompany the year ZR-1 to production in 1990. There is also considerable com-
by year narratives (which include RPO numbers for significant mentary about the executives involved at various stages in the
options). The Appendix provides a complete listing of all the development and their involvement as abettors or detractors. ©2019 Porsche Cars North America, Inc. Porsche recommends seat belt usage and observance of traffic laws at all times.
options available, year by year. Not a book many will read from cover to cover, but if you are
 Interestingly, it is clear that, as always alleged, from the interested in a better understanding of Corvettes, this is the
very beginning Corvette design was focused on straight-line book to have.
speed (and luxury) more than cornering power. The early suc- Hardcover, with 320, 9-1/2 x 12 inch heavyweight matte
cesses of the factory racers at the 1956 Sebring 12 hour and pages containing 425 color and b/w images. An extensive ap-
an SCCA Championship in 1958 are barely mentioned, and pendix lists all options for each model/year. There is a com-
indeed were not followed up on for decades. The IMSA rac- prehensive index.

March 2021 A publication of the Grand Prix Region of the Porsche Club of America
The Circuit March 2021

 "P C A J U N I O R S"
 Grand Prix Region is officially starting GPX KIDS, in keeping with the Porsche Club of America’s
 (PCA) overall priority to make our kids a part of the club by starting them young.

 Children up to 18 can be registered to become PCA JUNIOR MEMBERS and will receive an age appropriate gift from

 The PCA Juniors program has been created so kids can enjoy club events, learn about Porsches and build the enthusiasm
 that runs through all of PCA. We look forward to developing the program and its features over time.

 The program is FREE! Kids must be registered by an active PCA member. Parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc. can
 sign up younger family members for PCA Juniors. We will reach out to families to bring their kids to our Saturday morning
 breakfast meetings the second Saturday of each month, and have younger kids and parents do crafts projects and fun activi-
 ties and get a GPX Goodie Bag.

 For more information or questions please contact Dick Douglass at

 We are looking for help with two chair positions Grand Prix Region
 We need someone to do followup with our current
 advertisers & to speak with potential new advertisers.
 Name Badges
 This does not require a lot of time or effort. Our
 treasurer invoices advertisers quarterly, but we'd like
 someone to touch base with them occasionally.
 Order yours today!
 At our two Day Away from Work events we have a Tech
 Inspection team who help on Sunday afternoon at our Magnetic attachment - no pin
 host hotel and Monday morning at the track. We
 always have plenty of volunteers to help out, but we
 need someone to oversee the process. If you are
 Light weight $15.00
 mechanically inclined and would like to help, this could
 be a good way for you to help the club.
 SUESAN@POBOX.COM OR 619-992.4287
 Order at the GPX Store or
 mail the order form from the
 GPX Website at

 Questions? Contact Jeff Peck
 (310) 345-8081

18 19
Membership Report March 2021

 March Anniversaries
 30 years Gerald & Esther Zaminski
 27 years Jeff & Leslie Erickson
 23 years Dale Dobson & Jeffery Williams
 Alan Johnson
 22 years Stephen & Yvonne Brazell Vince Parker
 Melodi & Alvin Jones
 Russ Dickerson & Rachel Knopoff
 20 years Gail Brown & Andrew Boston
 17 years Ron & Vicki Mazzella
 16 years Michael & Phyllis McGihon
 14 years Jeremy & Mengwei Campbell
 Trung & Tien Ho
 Stephen Glas
 Joe & Georgette Jankowski
 13 years Derek & Polly Lee Jim Wolcott
 Tim & Jennifer Trovato
Gerald & Esther Zaminski and family 12 years David & Diane Demaria
 Alvin & Melodi Jones
 11 years Vince Parker
 10 years Steven Rhodes
 William & Carol Smith
 9 years Francis & Tina Lewis
 Greg Bozzani
 Scott & Beverly Littleworth
 8 years Alan & Gretchen Johnson Jeff Erickson
 7 years Jim & Ryan Wolcott
Tim & Jennifer Trovato Dale Dobson
 Mandhir Singh & Navdeep Kaur
 6 years Ramon & Marlene Tapanes
 5 years Wayne Yong
 David & Katie Nyhoff
 David Cummings & Salvatore Plano
 4 years Greg & Lori Bozzani
 Hank & Bonnie Landsberg
 3 years David Voorhis & Kristin Walle Jeremy, Joey &
Stephen Brazell Gail Brown Steve Nguyen Mengwei Campbell
 Pete & Dana Whitehead
 Mark Christovale
 2 years Eddie Aldoph
 Glenn Franke
 1 year Douglas Petty & Connie Olson
 Dino Balgemino William & Carol Smith
 Scott Littleworth Donna Hibbert
Georgette & Joe Jankowski Ron Korb & Moses Keeling
 Eddie Aldoph

 March New Members & Transfer's In—
 Amaury Ruiz 1986 Red 944 Turbo
 Joseph Dugan 2001 911 Carrera Artic Silver
 Nick Kham & Debbie Buahom 2005 911 Carrera
 David Rodriguez 2016 B;acl 911 Carrera 4S
 Vicki & Ron Mazella Steve Glas
 Stuart & Patricia Chalfin 2020 Macan S
Devon & David Demaria

 Michael & Phyllis McGihon Derek Lee
Rachel Knopoff & Russ Dickerson Bonnie & Hank Landsberg Ramon Tapanes
The Circuit March 2021

 FREE for PCA Members Cayenne Wheel set: P955-044-600-32 19 x 9 with 60mm offset
 Send info including a photo Colored Star Wheel Center Set P955-044-600-11
 Skip Carter at
 Driven approximately 8,000 miles on 2009 Cayenne S with winter tires for skiing. Stored during summer. 2008 retail was
 $3733.53 and $231.06 for centers.
1989 Tiger Star Model 610100A Truck (lower price) $5,000 obo The wheels were manufactured in November, 2008. The TPMS sensors are probably at the end of their useful life. One wheel
Tiger Trucks are imported unassembled from China to an assembly plant in Oklahoma. has some curb damage, the other three have some tiny imperfections. Wheel repair is $100-$125 local Long Beach area.
Purchased in 2012 in fairly poor condition, this truck was completely gone through. Work Asking $175 each ($700 set) or Best Offer.
included: new shocks and struts, re-engineered front suspension, new brake shoes and master
cylinder, new interior, new wheels and tires, lifted for better off road clearance, extensive body Contact:
work and paint. Designed origianlly as a factory vehicle, the top speed is about 50 mph. En- Marty Noonan
gine is a 4 cylinder, 4 stroke overhead cam design of about 1000cc and 40hp. Built as a track 562-832-8255
support vehicle, it is street legal, licensed in California. Excellent condition Contact Skip Carter
619.992.9927 Skip

2015 KTM Super Adventure 1290 $9,950
Purchased new and meticulously maintained 21K miles. $3000 service last August including
sprockets, chain, radiator. KTM Touring Case & Adventure Tank Bag. Tires have about 2-3K
miles on them, No fluid leaks, never dropped, new battery.
Cruise control, electronic immobilizer, electronic ride height adjustment,
adjustable seat height, driver/passenger separate seat heating, side &
center stand, TMPS tire pressure system, Street/sport/comfort & off road
suspension damping, Heated hand grips, adjustable handle bar
position, Upgraded Cyclops headlams and more...
You won't find a better maintained KTM anywhere.
Located in San Diego Contact Skip Carter or 619.992.9927

1985 944 SP1 Club Racer (trailer optional) $8,000
Very strong, dependable track car. Fresh engine and tranny, Guard LSD,
short 5th, AMB, Longacre convex mirror, hood pins, Sparco steering wheel, Circuit Advertising
 Manager Needed
Odyessy battery, Nomex shifter boot, fire system, Weltmeister frt sway bar,
Tarett rear bar, steel front control arms, 400# front springs, coil over, 30mm
rear torsion bar, cool suit, roll cage, race seats and harnesses, spare fuel jugs,
stock muffler, 2 sets wheels/tires & other parts. PCA log book. Open trailer
(with winch) available for $2,000. San Diego
Skip Carter 619.992.9927

1996 993 Carrera Cabriolet $70,000
 Please contact Suesan
Tiptronic, 36K miles, no accidents, owned since 2017, I am an 80 year old
retired surgeon who loves sports cars. The car had been stored in Arizona
for over 10 years. I transported it to my home in Long Beach where I took
it to Circle Porsche for restoration and to make into a safe, reliable, and an
 for more information
up to date daily driver. Circle Porsche confirmed the car was a “barn find”
Less than 50% of orig brake pads worn off.
Contact Merrill Knopf at Suesan
22 23
The Circuit March 2021

 JOIN US Index of Advertisers
 Accutrack 19
 PCA has something for everybody!
 Children's Dental Health Clinic 5 / 16
 Social Events Porsche Parade
 Tours & Rallies Treffen N. America Fairway Mortgage Capital 19
 On-Track Driving Member Discounts
 GPX Name Badge Order Form 18
 Each month at Breakfast Club we will reserve a line of prime parking Concours d'elegance Club Racing
 Panorama (National Magazine) Autocross Dr. Tony Mork 21
 spaces for selected Porsche models The Circuit (GPX Magazine) 3000+ Events Annually
 For January anyone driving a Cayman All for only $46/yr ! Pacific Porsche Back Cover

 is invited to park in the Cone Zone. PCA Tech Tactics 8
 Apply Online at
 (Specify Membership in GPX Region) Pelican Parts 16
• Cancelled until we get back to being able to Sierra Madre Collection 25
 Fill out a Membership Application available at our
 have our monthly Breakfast Meetings Breakfast Meeting, or print from Walter's Porsche of Riverside 17

 Questions? Contact Patty Reilly, GPX Membership Chair (714) 402-2405

 Erol Kalafat's 1986 928 Euro is on the
 March 2021
 Come to our Monthly GPX Breakfast Club Meeting - Everyone Welcome!
 SECOND Saturday each month — 9:00 AM
 cover of this Circuit. The photo was taken on
 A publication of the Grand Prix Region of the Porsche Club of America
 $15.00 breakfast incl tax, tip & beverages NEW MEMBERS
 our recent Tour of the Canyons.
 receive a free
 This Garnet Red example is #1239 of 1911 Glory Days Beachside Grill
 produced in Stuttgart and was originally GPX Coffee Mug
 620 Pacific Coast Highway
 purchased by a buyer in Saudi Arabia, who Seal Beach (562) 756-8520
 insisted on the custom white leather interior.
 "grey market" and passed USDOT inspection IT'S NOT JUST THE CARS - IT'S THE PEOPLE!
 in February 1988. After nearly a decade on
 the East coast and over two decades on the
 West coast with the same family, the Erol
 acquired the vehicle and a binder full of Size Invoiced Quarterly Size
 service history in February 2020 with 82,183 Business card 40.00/mo 3 5/8" x 2"
 miles on the odometer. Quarter page 75.00/mo 3 5/8" x 4 1/2"
 Since then, $18k, 300hrs, and 1500 miles Half page 125.00/mo 7 1/2" x 4 1/2"
 Full page 200.00/mo 7 1/2" x 9 1/2"
 have been invested in restoring to as close
 Full key position 250.00/mo 4 Color pricing +40%
 to original perfection as possible. It was a
 Full bleed available on half & full page only
 great pandemic project and is so much fun
 to drive! Classified Ads
 This car is also one of the participants in Free to PCA members, including photo
 the Virtual Car Show this month. For advertising information, contact:
 Skip Carter 619.992.9927

24 25
Porsche Club of America
 Grand Prix Region
 P.O. Box 2119
 Huntington Beach, CA 92647


 2 beautiful customer lounges
 Full time concierge
 L.A.’s only Porsche Classic Partner
 30 Porsche Service loaners available
 24 Service Bays
 Dog Park
 Free Hybrid Charging Stations
 Conveniently located off the 405 freeway
20 minutes from the all-new Porsche Experience Center

 14610 Hindry Avenue Hawthorne CA 90250 855-484-5896
 For more information on our new location visit us at:
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