March 2022 - Bowen Island Garden Club

Page created by Gerald Solis
March 2022 - Bowen Island Garden Club
March 2022

    The Mission of the Bowen Island Garden Club is to promote the love of gardening,
encourage sound horticultural practices through education, & enhance civic beautification.

Lynn McArthur
This is a season for Hellebores. There are so
many varieties including many early bloomers.
Although a few daffodils are showing particularly
when they are in optimal spots, they are mostly
in fulsome bud whilst hellebores are coming
forth. I particularly like the ones whose flowers
are facing upwards. This issue features some of
the amazing colours and forms in Bowen gardens

Whilst the Hellebores are a delight, my mature
Choisya (Mexican Orange) have been a concern.
In the protected back yard, there are shrubs on
each side of the stairs. One of them lost most of
its new growth (with the flower buds) due to the
prolonged cold weather. However, its opposite           To purchase seeds that support Bumble Bees
which had three other shrubs nearby for                 and other pollen seekers, look for sunflower
protection, showed very little damage from the          seeds labeled OP (Open Pollinated) or choose F1
cold. I was pleased to read that Choisya benefits       hybrids that produce a lot of nectar to support
by hard pruning. That was undertaken for the            Honey Bees’ high sugar nectar needs.
most damaged one. I remain optimistic!                  Bumble bees are highly communicative and they
                                                        gravitate to high protein pollen in flowers
Many of us recently enjoyed                             including clover and members of the mint
hearing about Andrew Simon's
                                                        family such as thyme and oregano. Their needs
Bumble Bee research on                                  vary at different times of their life cycle,
Galiano Island. Afterwards,                             requiring pollen for larvae and nectar for adults.
there was discussion about
                                                        It is important to provide a diversity of floral
pollen as an important source
                                                        sources for a Bumble Bee balanced diet. To learn
of a protein. We learned that                           more, Holly Cleator recommends the Xerces
hybridized sunflower seeds                              Society Guide “ Attracting Native Pollinators.”
grown for florists contain nectar but not pollen.

March 2022 - Bowen Island Garden Club
Cuttings - March 2022 continued

LINNAEA TOUR                                               BIGC SPEAKER SERIES presents
Pam Miller                                                 Sustainable Soils
Our spring visit to Linnaea Nurseries in Langley is        With Linda Chalker-Scott
Saturday, April 9th rain or shine. This is a unique
                                                           Join us on Zoom Monday, March 21 at 7 pm
opportunity for Bowen Island Garden Club
members only. If you are new to the Garden                 Have you wondered about how to create the
Club, this is a trip that you won’t want to miss.          best possible soil in your garden using research
                                                           based methods to improve quality, promote
Linnaea is a wholesale nursery that does not sell          movement of air and water and prevent
to the general public. We receive a sizeable               compaction and deficiencies in plant nutrients?
discount on all plants-----the larger the plants,
the bigger the savings. If you are landscaping a
new property or redoing an existing garden,
Linnaea is the place to go. Even if you don’t need
plants, you soon discover that you can always
make room for a few more.

Linnaea specializes in indigenous trees, ferns,
shrubs and grasses, and carries a great variety of
other flora. The inventory is always changing so
each visit presents new surprises. Please do not
phone the nursery with questions about plant
availability. John Folkerts will be available on the
9th to assist you.

To register for this tour, please e-mail me at:            “Sustainable Soils” will be the next Bowen Island As the nursery is so large,           Garden Club Guest Speaker presentation. Dr
physical distancing will not be an issue but we            Linda Chalker-Scott, Horticulturist, researcher,
ask that visitors follow the appropriate COVID             Faculty member at Washington State University
safety protocols. I will send out directions and           and horticultural ‘Myth Buster’ will address
information closer to our visit.                           myths associated with creating and maintaining
                                                           sustainable soils. Linda is also the award-winning
                                                           author of five books. Her latest book is an update
                                                           of Art Kruckeberg’s Gardening with Native Plants
                                                           of the Pacific
                                                           Northwest (2019),
                                                           which has won
                                                           several national
                                                           awards since its
                                                           Laura Robertson

March 2022 - Bowen Island Garden Club
Cuttings - March 2022 continued

DATE: Sat. May 28 2022
                                                         Sunday, June 12th the AGM will be held in a
TIME: Set-up 9:00AM Sale 10:00AM – 12:00PM
                                                         meadow garden with opportunity to explore the
LOCATION, the LEGION parking lot.
                                                         gardens and socialize. We encourage you to
All proceeds from this MAJOR FUNDRAISER
                                                         consider joining our creative and dynamic Board.
support Bowen Island Garden Club programs.
                                                         There are some great opportunities to
HOORAY! Spring is here and the daffodils are             contribute your skills by volunteering to serve as
dazzling in their yellow beauty. It’s time once          President, Vice President, or Member at Large.
again - for the fabulous PLANT SALE.                     Contact Lynn McArthur if you are curious.

Start your seedlings, divide overgrown plants
and share any surpluses you may have. Specialty
plants are always welcome. Your donations will
find a happy home in someone’s garden.

Each seller will be responsible to come early to
set-up their plants. They will also manage the
table (space) during the sale. If you are not able
to sell your own plants, please contact Karen and
she will include them with another seller’s table.

• If you are selling your own plants, please
    bring your own table. Plants can also be put
    on the ground or on a tarp.
• Label each plant with the name and price.
                                                          EXECUTIVE BOARD 2021 until June 2022
• Payments for the plants will be processed at
    a separate table.                                    President**        Lynn McArthur (acting)
• The sale will go ahead rain or shine.                  Vice-President*    Vacant
    Umbrellas or canopies are helpful if it rains.       Secretary          Linda Carvajal
                                                         Treasurer          Laura McGregor
• Sellers are responsible for removing
                                                         Membership         Holly Cleator
    unsold plants after the sale.
                                                         Cuttings Editor    Betty Morton
• If you would like to donate plants to the sale,        Social             Dale Harding, Sue Jance
    please email Karen at:               Speakers           Laura Robertson
                                                         Open Gardens       Pam Miller, Doug Elliott
                                                         Technical          John Hazell
                                                         Members at Large   Jackie Bradley, Diane Buchanan,
                                                                            Margaret Huntingford, Karen

                                                         PHOTO CREDITS for this month’s Cuttings
                                                         thanks to Lynn McArthur, Doug Elliott, Betty
                                                         Morton. Your editor is always looking for
                                                         pictures to inspire Cuttings readers. You can
                                                         email your garden photos to me at

March 2022 - Bowen Island Garden Club
Cuttings - March 2022 continued

                                                         and invisibility powder. Who knows if Medieval
                                                         witches ever actually flew, or if they
                                                         only believed they did so because of the herbs’
                                                         reputation for disrupting heartbeats and causing
                                                         hallucinations. The take-away being that
                                                         gardeners should use care when pruning and
                                                         weeding Hellebores, wash hands afterwards and
                                                         protect children and pets from eating them.

                                                         In our region, Hellebores are an easy care plant.
                                                         Planted close to or under small trees gives them
                                                         sun in the spring and partial shade in the summer
                                                         as the trees fill out. They benefit from moist,
                                                         well-draining soil and occasional compost
                                                         amendment. Because Hellebores are a non-
                                                         native, they have no identified pollinators or
                                                         overwintering insects so it is safe to remove
                                                         dead and diseased foliage in early spring when
Betty Morton
                                                         temperatures are above freezing. Deadheading
Beautiful Hellebore photos from members                  is not necessary because the five petal-like
roused my curiosity about this compelling                sepals persist throughout the summer and are
winter/spring perennial. Until now I have                very ornamental. Species cultivars however, will
thought of Hellebores as a deer resistant                produce huge amounts of seed resulting in an
champion and a great addition to my damp                 abundance of seedlings. Without weeding, these
shady mix of Hostas, Ferns and Solomon’s seal            can result in a congested mono-planting.
but it turns out that there is much more to this
garden workhorse. A Buttercup family                     Hellebores tend to be expensive choices at the
(Ranunculaceae) perennial native to Eurasia,             garden centres. Variations include species,
Hellebores grow at woodland edges and in                 primary hybrids and intersectional hybrids
                                                         (seedling crosses of two species) and “mixed up
scrubby, often in mountainous regions. They are
                                                         hybrids” whose lineages are impossible to
enormously adaptable in nature and their
                                                         untangle sometimes referred to as Helleborus
entwined botanical history and folklore is
                                                         hybridus. More recently there has been a trend
equally remarkable.                                      to using tissue culture to produce large
                                                         quantities of identical plants from a chosen
In ancient Greek Helleborous means elein (to             hybrid. In contrast, plants that are developed in
injure) and bora (food), indicating its poisonous        seed strains are similar, but not identical.
nature. The ancient Greeks used the plant to
heal madness and to poison the water of
                                                         Stay in touch with the Bowen Island Garden
opponents in battle. Medieval medical uses
                                                         Club activities through our website:
included deworming children - initially successful
                                                and Bowen
but tragically lethal with repeated dosing. Roots        Island Garden Club on Facebook
were used to lift melancholy and cure illnesses of
the psychology. In the mythical realm, witches
were famous for their Hellebore flying ointment

March 2022 - Bowen Island Garden Club
Cuttings - March 2022 continued

MEMBERSHIP                                                 after a rain and listen to how busy the birds are.
Holly Cleator                                              It’s all very hopeful.

A gentle reminder to                                       A visit to a nursery at this time of year is one of
renew your membership                                      life’s greatest pleasures. The first thing to do, is
for 2022 if you haven’t                                    inhale. The sweet aromas of spring will come
already done so. Membership dues are now $20.              rushing forth. Tables groaning with potted bulbs,
Renewals can be paid by cheque or e-transfer.
                                                           especially Hyacinths; sweetly scented Pansies
For details please visit the club website
                                                           and Primulas. Row upon row of colourful
                                                           Wallflowers, whose delicious scent always
                   The garden club welcomes                reminds me of being a little kid and smelling
                   new members: Carole                     them in gardens I passed as I walked to school.
                   Bawden, Peter Canning and
                                                           Let us venture a little further along and now
                   Lori d’Agincourt-Canning,
                                                           there are pots dripping with flowering Aubretia
                   Lotte Henrichsen, and Sue
                   Ritchie.                                – just waiting to be planted over the edge of a
                                                           rock. Then, huge tables of Hellebores. I want
                                                                       them all. So many new varieties and,
                                                                       hey, it’s not all about the flowers. Be
Su Rickett
                                                                       sure to take a look at some that have
                                                                       extraordinary, marbled foliage. Once
I’m sure I won’t be the
                                                                       the flowers are done, you have that
only one celebrating on
                                                                       to enjoy for the rest of the year.
March 20th – the day
Spring finally arrives. Is
                                                                      Once you’re done drooling over the
it really happening? It
                                                                      Hellebores, time for a quick chin
has felt like a very long
                                                                      wipe and on to more delectable
winter, starting in late
                                                                      spring bloomers – Brunneras,
October for me, with
                                                                      Pulmonarias,              Cyclamen,
mushy days, cold nights
                                                                      Epimediums, all fabulous choices for
and the eternal threat
                                                                      the woodland garden. Always so
of rain. The long and
                                                                      much better planted in groups for
very cold spell over Christmas, bookended at
                                                           maximum enjoyment. Flowering Heathers are in
either side by ‘Atmospheric rivers’, was enough
                                                           abundance. Make a note of how long it blooms
to make the pages of Monty Don’s latest book
                                                           and check for foliage variations.
curl. Enough already.
                                                           I like to make a bee-line for Daphnes, (often in
Those sneaky little signs that spring is on its way
                                                           the greenhouse to protect them from the cold.)
are such a thing of joy. Giving us hope that our
                                                           Early varieties, like Daphne odora are just
poor washed out gardens will get some heat and
                                                           coming into bloom. They are expensive but so
sunshine and start rejuvenating themselves.
                                                           worth it for that incredibly exotic perfume. Other
Many spring bulbs have already pushed through
                                                           scented lovelies include Skimmias, Choisya and
and just a few days of warm sunshine will burst
                                                           Viburnum. It’s also a good opportunity to peek
them open. Branches are sprouting and fat buds
                                                           through other shrubs that maybe are not in
are appearing on the Lilacs. It helps to go out just

March 2022 - Bowen Island Garden Club
Cuttings - March 2022 continued

bloom yet but get snapped up early once they              your research at home once you have seen what
are – Rhododendrons, deciduous Azaleas,                   is available.
shrubby Magnolias and flowering currants.
Camelias are just starting to pop, but don’t wait         A visit to the nursery right now will often be
for it to be fully in bloom, take it home and enjoy       overwhelming if you don’t have a list to refer to,
the process of its unfurling there.                       especially when it comes to the seed racks. Keep
                                                          your hands in your pockets until you have picked
This is a great time of year to look for Clematis         up the West Coast seeds catalogue. This is
and other vines. Get in there before they have            excellent reading for the ferry ride home and will
had a chance to tangle up. The group A clematis           put you in good stead for your next visit. No one
will be in bloom shortly – check out the                  really needs 15 kinds of tomato seeds and how
macropetala, alpina and Montana varieties.                many varieties of lettuce can you eat?
Blooming between late March
and late May, these Clematis need                                                   Now is a good
no pruning unless it’s to re shape                                                  opportunity to pick up
if they get too big.                                                                seedling trays, starter
                                                                                    mix, and labels. By the
If you are considering planting                                                     middle of April these
trees this year, early spring is a                                                  are in short supply.
really good time to find a great                                                    Also, look for a
selection and they will have time                                                   watering can with a
to settle in a little before the                                                    fine rose attachment
summer heat gets going. I’m all                                                     especially           for
for planting a tree to honour a lost                                                seedlings – they don’t
loved one, this includes the four-                                                  like being drowned by
footed kind too. I’m also looking                                                   top heavy watering.
forward to planting a tree for the
Queen’s Jubilee. It’s always worth                                                   While you might look
doing a little research before you                                                   at lawn seed. It is far
purchase. What looks a lovely                                                        too early to use at the
little chappie in its pot at the                                                     moment. Temps need
nursery may turn out to be a hoodlum. No one              to be between 15 & 20 C (usually in mid-April).
wants to chop down a beautiful tree because it’s          By putting grass seed out too early, all you are
now threatening to take the neighbours fence              doing is feeding the birds or watching it rot.
down. Also bear in mind the kind of growth
pattern of the tree you are considering. Willows,         As a final fling at a nursery, it’s tempting to
Cherries, Birch and large Maples have no place            inspect the pots and containers. I only have one
near your septic field, your water lines or your          piece of advice here. Go big or go home.
foundations. Do you have power lines to
consider? Is the tree going to give you too much          With trolley loaded and groaning with spring
shade? How tidy is it when it shrugs off its fall         treasures, a few investment pieces for future
finery? What does it look like in winter? So many         bloom and a gorgeous pot or two, a trip to the
questions. So many trees. So much easier to do            nursery will restore the promise that Spring
                                                          really is just around the corner.

March 2022 - Bowen Island Garden Club
Cuttings - March 2022 continued

                                                         DENMAN ISLAND HOME & GARDEN TOURS
                                                         June 11 & 12, 2022 9:30 - 5:00
                                                         Earlybird Tickets $20 starting March 15:


                                                         Long considered one of BC's top horticultural
                                                         events, this year features the renowned home
                                                         and garden of award-winning broadcaster and
                                                         writer Des Kennedy and a dozen other glorious
                                                         rural properties.

             GARDEN SNIPPETS!                            After a four-year hiatus, Denman gardeners are
                                                         ready to throw open their garden gates, inviting
Our 2021 “Garden Snippets!” were so popular
                                                         the public for a rare up-close look at the
that we’d love to do it again this year. So yes! -
                                                         creativity, skill and passion they pour into their
we want to see something in your garden for a
                                                         properties. The gardens are accomplished,
future video presentation!
                                                         imaginative, and full of variety — lush blooms;
The concept is to take short two-minute videos           tranquil ponds; artisanal stonework; hand-
of something you love about your garden. They            crafted arbours; permaculture practices; and
will be edited into a longer movie that features         stunning ocean views.
you and your favourite plants. You can have a
friend use a smart phone to take a 1-2 minute            The houses offer exquisite craftsmanship,
video or Doug Elliott will pop by your house for a       innovative design, inspired use of local materials,
quick video shoot. There are no rules about what         and unique island touches. This weekend event
you show off: it can be a specific tree, plant,          provides an unforgettable experience for lovers
flower, or vegetable or perhaps a garden pond or         of gardens, homes and rural living. Many people
view that you treasure. It's all about you and           return year after year from all over Canada and
what you love and want to share.                         around the world, and are never disappointed.

Here's what to do.
• Go to the Bowen Island Garden Club
   and click on "Contact" at the top right.
• Fill in your name and email address and
   under subject type "Garden Snippets"
• In the message box just type "send
   instructions" and we will get them to you.
• If you want Doug to come to your house and
   do the video of you then put that in the
   message box along with the approximate
   date that you think will be best along with a
   contact phone #.

March 2022 - Bowen Island Garden Club
Cuttings - March 2022 continued


And your wish could come true!

Club member Liz O’Malley would like to give
away her mother’s potting bench to a good
home. (Her mother is downsizing and no longer
has room for it.) The bench is 6’ in height and 4’
wide with a work surface, shelves, and two large
metal storage bins underneath. If you are
interested, please contact Liz            directly

March 2022 - Bowen Island Garden Club March 2022 - Bowen Island Garden Club
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