MARCH 2022 - St. Matthews Messenger St. Matthews Lutheran Church - St. Matthews Lutheran Church | Princeton, IL

MARCH 2022 - St. Matthews Messenger St. Matthews Lutheran Church - St. Matthews Lutheran Church | Princeton, IL
March, 2022                             St. Matthews Messenger
St. Matthews Lutheran Church                Non-Profit Org.
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416 E. Dover Road                            Princeton, IL
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                           MARCH 2022
MARCH 2022 - St. Matthews Messenger St. Matthews Lutheran Church - St. Matthews Lutheran Church | Princeton, IL
If it is possible,                    A Lenten Note from Pastor Scott Schmidt:
     so far as it
depends on you,   R facing
                          omans 12 speaks to living our people at St. Matthews with many various thoughts
                          new life in Christ while also on all of this. Then, we also have some changes in
                           all of the various challenges how we usher and handle offering counting. Finally,
  live peaceably
                    and turbulence in daily life. As we with the Season of Lent we are returning to in-person
       with all.
                    at St. Matthews have a lot on our Wednesday Lenten services (which also will be
   Romans 12:18
                    plate at this brief current time with recorded) and again now are offering Soup Suppers.
several changes taking place, it would do us all well       So, it is vital we keep our focus on the Gospel and
to read of Romans 12 and spend time in prayer.            to persevere in prayer. It would be wise for each of us
   First, our renovations of adding new restrooms to read and re-read Romans 12 over the next few
upstairs and widening the Narthex near the coat racks weeks. In closing: If it is possible, so far as it depends
are finally underway. Things are a little bit of a mess on you, live peaceably with all.
right now. Second, we are in the midst of changing                                In Jesus’ name,
COVID protocol as noted on this page. We have                                    Pastor Scott Schmidt
                                 Work begins on Phase 1 of our                           Installation of
                                    construction projects.                            congregation officers
                                                                                        February 6, 2022

                                                                  For more pictures go to

                              Baptism of Declan Lee Gapinski
                                     February 12, 2022
                              Son of Brad & Danielle Gapinski
                               Jonathon & Lindsey Gapinski

St. Matthews Messenger                                  2                                              March, 2022
MARCH 2022 - St. Matthews Messenger St. Matthews Lutheran Church - St. Matthews Lutheran Church | Princeton, IL
CONGREGATION                          [From the family of Debra Dahl:]
         GIVING                             St. Matthews Church Family;
       FINANCIAL REPORT                       My family and I would like to extend our many thanks to
      Through January 2022                  each and everyone for the many prayers and concern said
YTD Giving Budget:     $22,485              for her and also the care and concern extended to us.
YTD Giving Actual:     $32,070                                                   God’s many blessings,
YTD Expenses Budget: $23,188                                                               Shirley May
YTD Expenses Actual: $22,269                                                           Bob & Alex Dahl
YTD Expenses Actual
under Budget             $(919)
YTD Giving Actual
  over Expenses Actual $10,496                Thank you for sharing your congregation’s generosity-
                                            your treasure-with LSSI this past year. As a result, your
                                            heart has been with the 38,000 children, adults, seniors,
                                            and families LSSI served in Fiscal Year 2021.
                                                                                    Peace and prayers,
                                                                    Lutheran Social Services of Illinois
                                                                              (see full letter in Narthex)

                                                                                                                              St Matthews 2022
                                                                                                                            Congregation Council
                                                                                                                                  & Leaders
                                                                                                                            Andy Dye, President &
                                                                                                                            Term: 2022 - Jan 2023
                                                                                                                            Dick Volker, Vice President
                                                                                                                            Term: 2022 - Jan 2023
                                                                                                                            Diana Dye, Finance
                                                                                                                            Term: 2021-Jan 2023
                                                                                                                            Katie Dye, Worship & Music &
                                                                                                                            Term: 2021 - Jan 2023
                                                                                                                            Terry Rapp, Education &
                                                                                                                            Term: 2022-Jan 2023
                                                                                                                            Nate Edlefson, Stewardship
                        CONGREGATION COUNCIL                                                                                Term: 2020 - Jan 2023
                                                                                                                            Kathy Waca, Fellowship &
Tuesday, February 8, 2022                                 Education & Youth/Family: Kids’ Night Out is                                Social Ministry
                                                                                                                            Term: 2020 - Jan 2023
Update on Hoover Farm: we now have the survey map         schedule for January 25, 2022.
                                                                                                                            Brian Huffstodt, Property
hoping to have the transfer-in-kind done in February      Social Ministry: no report                                        Term: 2022– Jan 2025
then move on splitting the farm with Princeton Park       Fellowship: Taking a break until January 30                       Leanne Martin, Memorial
District.                                                 Executive Committee Meetings:                                     Term: 2022-Jan 2024
Worship & Music: Bells taking a break until February.     Tuesday, March 1, 2022 @ 4:30 pm                                  Jill Snethen,
Stewardship: No report                                    Council Meeting:                                                      Financial Secretary
Evangelism: no report                                     Tuesday, March 8, 2022 at 6:00 pm                                 Mike Herro, Treasurer
Finance: Good position at Year End with positive          This is a summary of the council meeting. If you would like the   Barb Miller,
                                                                                                                                Secretary (Office & Council)
balance of $10,756.                                       approved copy of the Minutes contact the office.
                                                                                                                            Megan Olson, Director of Music
Memorial:                                                 Minutes are pending approval at next Congregation
                                                          Council meeting.                                                  Kathryn Freiberg Nesbitt,
Property:                                                                                                                      Director of Youth & Family
     St Matthews 2022     Brad Snethen 2022-Jan 2025    Andy Dye 2021-Jan 2024           Wendell Nelson 2020-Jan 2023       Pastor Scott Schmidt
        Foundation        Steve Nelson 2022-Jan 2025    Charlie Waca 2020-Jan 2023

    St. Matthews Messenger                                                3                                                            March, 2022
MARCH 2022 - St. Matthews Messenger St. Matthews Lutheran Church - St. Matthews Lutheran Church | Princeton, IL
416 E. Dover Road
                                                                                                                Princeton, IL 61356        Webpage:
                          St. Matthews Lutheran Church                                                              815.879.6491           Email:

                         Sun                                 Mon                     Tue                  Wed                     Thu                        Fri       Sat
                                                                                     Mar 1                2                       3                          4         5
                                                                                                                                  10 am Pastor’s Bible
                                                                                     4:30 pm Executive    5:30 pm Bell Practice     Study
                                                                                     Committee            7 pm Ash Wednesday      6:30 pm Explorer’s Bible
                                                                                                          Worship                   Study
                                                                                                                                  8 pm Finance Committee

St. Matthews Messenger
                         6                                   7                       8                    9                       10                         11        12
                         9 am Worship Service                PASTOR’S DAY OFF                                                     10 am Pastor’s Bible                 8:30am-2:15 pm
                                                                                     1 pm Quilters        5:30 pm Bell Practice
                         10:15 am Sunday School In-Person                                                                           Study                              CRE via ZOOM
                                                                                     1 pm South           6 pm Soup Supper
                         Confirmation via Google Classroom   5:15 pm Via de Cristo   Conference Pastors                           12 pm Princeton
                                                                                                          7 pm Lenten Worship       Ministerial Assoc
                                                             Meeting                                                                                                   Time Change
                         10:45 am Drive Thru Communion                               6 pm Congregation
                                                                                                                                  6:30 pm Explorer’s Bible             Set Clocks
                         with car radio transmission                                 Council
                                                                                                                                                                       Ahead 1 Hour

                         13                                  14                      15                   16                      17                         18        19
                         9 am Worship Service                PASTOR’S DAY OFF        11 am-1 pm                                   10 am Pastor’s Bible
                                                                                                          5:30 pm Bell Practice
                         10:15 am Sunday School In-Person    5:15 pm Via de Cristo   C-5 Rural Meeting                               Study
                                                                                                          6 pm Soup Supper
                                                             Meeting                 @ Marshall Putnam
                         10:20 am Confirmation In-Person                                                  7 pm Lenten Worship

                                                             6:30 pm Workcamp        Co. Farm Bureau
                         Confirmation via Google Classroom
                                                             Committee Meetings                                                   6:30 pm Explorer’s Bible
                                                             7 pm Workcamp Regular

                         20                                  21                      22                   23                      24                         25        26
                         9 am Worship Service                PASTOR’S DAY OFF        1 pm Quilters                                10 am Pastor’s Bible
                                                                                                          4:30 pm Worship &
                         10:15 am Sunday School              5:15 pm Via de Cristo                        Music                     Study
                         In Person                           Meeting                                                              2 pm Greenfield Worship
                                                                                                          5:30 pm Bell Practice
                         11:30 am Pre-arranged Home                                                                               6:30 pm Explorer’s Bible
                         Communion                                                                        6 pm Soup Supper
                         Confirmation via Google Classroom                                                7 pm Lenten Worship

                         27                                  28                      29                   30                      31                         April 1   2
                         9 am Worship Service                PASTOR’S DAY OFF                             5:30 pm Bell Practice   10 am Pastor’s Bible
                         10:15 am Sunday School In-Person                                                 6 pm Soup Supper
                                                                                                                                  1 pm Pastor’s Text Study
                         10:20 am Confirmation In-Person     5:15 pm Via de Cristo                        7 pm Lenten Worship
                                                             Meeting                                                              6:30 pm Explorer’s Bible
                         Confirmation via Google Classroom
                         5 pm Via de Cristo Closura

                         Applications for Workcamp free home
                         repair are in the Narthex. If you know of
                         someone who qualifies the applications
                         are due March 1. Applicants can be from

March, 2022
                         Senior Citizens, Low Income, and
                         Handicap Households.
MARCH 2022 - St. Matthews Messenger St. Matthews Lutheran Church - St. Matthews Lutheran Church | Princeton, IL
                                              MAR 6                   MAR 13                 MAR 20                 MAR 27
              ACOLYTE                      Grace Nesbitt             Emma Dye          Natalie Edlefson          Grace Nesbitt
            ALTAR GUILD                                                   Pam & Wendell Nelson
               USHERS                       Gary Bruce               Jim Miller         Gail Peterson             Dan Druley
                                            Mike Herro              Steve Martin        Charlie Waca              Jeff Martin
             COMMUNION                       Betty &                Mike Herro           Marilyn &               Barb Miller
             ASSISTANT                     Gail Peterson            Sandy Rose          Steve Lange            Teri Schlindwein
                                          Betty Peterson             Dan Druley         Marilyn Lange           Pam Clementz
                                          Pam Clementz              Charlie Waca         Dan Druley             Marilyn Lange
                                            Sandy Rose              Kathy Waca              Sandy Rose            Kathy Waca
                                          Jackie Woolley               Don &                  Gary &               Pam &
                                         Carolyn Butterfield      Linda Hildebrand          Diane Bruce         Wendell Nelson
                                         Paul Schlindwein            Jeff Martin        Tommy Rose                 Mike Herro
            SOUND SYSTEM                     Jeff Martin            Tommy Rose          Charlie Waca             Brad Snethen
               READER                     Worship Team             Leota Carlson        Marilyn Lange             Sue Garvin
        VIDEO PROCESSING                       OPEN                    OPEN                   OPEN                   OPEN
               CANTOR                     Worship Team              Megan Olson             Barb Miller            Katie Dye
                                                                                              Gary &            Tom & Jennifer
              FLOWERS                       Bea Coates                 OPEN
                                                                                            Diane Bruce           Schaeffer
              MUSICIANS                   Worship Team             Leota Carlson        Leota Carlson            Megan Olson
        BUILDING OPENERS                                                     Nate Edlefson
        BUILDING CLOSERS                                                     Nate Edlefson

VOLUNTEERS FOR LENTEN WORSHIP                 MAR 9                   MAR 16                 MAR 23                 MAR 30

              READERS                          OPEN                    OPEN                   OPEN                   OPEN
            SOUND SYSTEM                       OPEN                    OPEN                   OPEN                   OPEN
        CAMERA OPERATOR                        OPEN                    OPEN                   OPEN                   OPEN
              MUSICIANS                    Leota Carlson           Leota Carlson        Leota Carlson            Leota Carlson
                                          Betty Peterson             Dan Druley         Marilyn Lange           Pam Clementz
                                          Pam Clementz               Katie Dye           Dan Druley             Marilyn Lange
                  Worship Leaders Ash Wednesday, March 2, 2022                           St Matthews needs people to help
                1. OPEN    Communion        1. OPEN             Teller      Pam Clementz     with midweek, Wednesday
   Ushers                   Assistants                         Counters                      Lenten Worship Services.
                2. OPEN                     2. OPEN                         Charlie Waca
                                                                                               If you can help in one of these areas,
Ash Assistant Sandy Rose     Reader      Teri Schlindwein Musicians         Leota Carlson            please call 815-879-6491
Sound Board      OPEN        Camera          OPEN              Soup Suppers begin March 9               or email the office at
  St. Matthews Messenger                                   5                                                     March, 2022
MARCH 2022 - St. Matthews Messenger St. Matthews Lutheran Church - St. Matthews Lutheran Church | Princeton, IL
Council was granted authority by the Congregation at                                                            THOSE WHO REQUESTED PRAYER:
      the January 30, Annual Meeting to elect Synod                                            From St. Matthews: Jim Dye, Steve Lange, Peter Lange, Shirley
                                                                                               Schmidt, Judy Dyke, Doris King, Shirley Carter, Alyce Dall, Jane
     Assembly Voting Members for the open seats                                                Gronwald, George Dall, Paul Segerstrom, Fran Orloff, Terry
   which are one Lay Female and one Lay Female or                                              Ferrari, Kathy Waca, Dick Volker, Judy Nelson, Josie Edlefson,
  Lay Male, in addition to those elected at the January                                        Lynda Fenwick, Jennifer Bacorn, Irma Streit, Jim Eble, Valerie
  30 Annual Meeting: Mike Herro, as a Lay Male Voting                                          Frese & family, Porter Seidel.
  Member, and Hannah Herro as a voting member who                                              Friends and Family* Dustin Seidel, Dana Freese (daughter of
  is a Confirmed Teenage Youth or Young Adult under                                            Jackie Woolley), Nancy Lorang (friend of Pam Clementz), Mona
    the age of 30. (The expectation these all would be                                         Cook (daughter of Libby Dyer & sister of Rita Byrd), Trisha Hiebing
                                                                                               (niece of Lois Pinter), Deb Rabe (friend of Joelle Crockett), Scott
      from different households.) April 15, 2022 is the                                        Pazdro (friend of Gary & Joelle Crockett), Brayden Bennett (great-
         registration deadline for Synod Assembly.                                             grandson of Nancy Henning), Kendall Barfield (cousin of Steve
                                                                                               [Marilyn] Lange), Ruth (Clayton) Porter, (mother of Quinta [Bill]
                                                                                               Naffziger), Gary Schiall (nephew of Lois Pinter), Lisa Nyman
                                                                                               (cousin of Jackie Woolley & Lynda Fenwick), Loretta Volker,
                                                                                               Jamie Pennington, Gail Edlefson, (father of Nate [Sara] Edlefson),
                                                                                               Elizabeth Johnson (friend of Andy Rapp), Sara Redner (friend of
                                                                                               the Quilters), Anne Buelvas (daughter of Steve & Marilyn Lange),
                                                                                               Linda Wallace (friend of the Quilters), Art Stephenson (friend of
                                                                                               Peter Lange), Rheta Shallhorn (friend of Nancy Henning), Beth
                                                                                               Woolley (cousin of Lynda Fenwick & Jackie Woolley), Patrick
                                                                                               Thorpe, Jr. (friend of Peter Lange), Debbie Kirk (friend of Peter
                                                                                               Lange), Tim Cass (friend of Gail & Betty Peterson), Savanna Bell,
                                                                                               (friend of Ryan & Katelyn Lootens), Darwyn Guier (friend of Linda
                                                                                               Hildebrand), victims of disasters & violence, and those
                                                                                               impacted by our pandemic in anyway.
                                                                                                                          SPECIAL JOYS:
                                                                                               Baptism of Declan Lee Gapinski, son of Brad & Danielle (Saltezki) Gapinski.
                                                                                                                       THOSE IN MOURNING:
                                                                                               Family & friends of Debra Dahl (daughter of Shirley May).

                                                                                                  PRAYER CHAIN: If you would like to share a prayer request , call the
                                                                                                     church or email a request to:
                         2022 Confirmation
                        The Small Catechism                                                       Part-Time Position Media Outreach Technician
 All lessons are 30 to 40 minutes by Google Classroom and should be done by each              We have a part-time position of 10 hours per week for a Media
  student on their own or with parents.                                                        Outreach Technician as approved at our Annual Meeting to work
 Complete the Quiz, save a copy, and send to            with audio/video recordings, processing, and equipment along with
 We will meet in person usually twice a month as indicated below in red, and the Google       our website, social media, and to also oversee and work with our
  Classroom lesson for that day should be done prior to meeting in person.                     volunteers in this growing area of outreach ministry.
                                 MARCH 2022                                                                     Part-Time Employment Opportunity:
                                                                                                                   Media Outreach Technician
   Mar 2               Ash Wednesday Worship 7:00 pm                                                  Job description posted at
   Mar 6           Theology of the Cross and Theology of Glory                                         Send resumes to or
                                                                                                                   St. Matthews Lutheran Church,
  Mar 9         Lenten Soup Supper 6:00 pm & Worship 7:00 pm                                                              416 E Dover Road,
  Mar 13              Connection with God through Prayer                                                               Princeton Il 61356-9551
                  Also Meet In-Person 10:20 am to 11:11 am
  Mar 16        Lenten Soup Supper 6:00 pm & Worship 7:00 pm
  Mar 20                         Forgiveness
  Mar 23        Lenten Soup Supper 6:00 pm & Worship 7:00 pm
  Mar 27                  The Sacrament of Baptism
                  Also Meet In-Person 10:20 am to 11:11 am
  Mar 30        Lenten Soup Supper 6:00 pm & Worship 7:00 pm
 St. Matthews Messenger                                                                    6                                                         March, 2022
MARCH 2022 - St. Matthews Messenger St. Matthews Lutheran Church - St. Matthews Lutheran Church | Princeton, IL MARCH 2022 - St. Matthews Messenger St. Matthews Lutheran Church - St. Matthews Lutheran Church | Princeton, IL MARCH 2022 - St. Matthews Messenger St. Matthews Lutheran Church - St. Matthews Lutheran Church | Princeton, IL MARCH 2022 - St. Matthews Messenger St. Matthews Lutheran Church - St. Matthews Lutheran Church | Princeton, IL
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