Marian College - Marian College Ararat

Page created by Kathy Brown
Marian College - Marian College Ararat
Marian College
                   A Kildare Education Ministries School in the Brigidine tradition

                        304 Barkly Street, ARARAT VIC 3377
                                Phone (03) 5352 3861

Issue 21
5th August, 2019             Principal: Mrs. Carmel Barker

Legacy Speaking Competition
 - page 8

In My Words
 - pages 4 - 5

 - pages 10 - 11

 - pages 14 - 18

Marian College - Marian College Ararat
From the
                                                                                             performing and backstage for their terrific   winner of the day progressing through
                                                                                             dedication and efforts over many weeks.       to State level. While our boys performed
                                                                                             We wish them every success. To book           well in true school spirit, unfortunately

                 Principal’s Office                                                          tickets please see details enclosed in the
                                                                                                                                           they were beaten by a better side on the
                                                                                                                                           day. Well done to the boys in achieving
                                                                                                                                           this very high standard, and to Mr
                                                                                             Biology Excursion - Notes from                Michael Harricks for his support on the
                                                                                             Biology teacher Ben Naus                      day. This is a terrific achievement.
    Dear Parents, Carers, Friends and Students of Marian College,
                                                                                             On Thursday, Years 11 and 12 students         Leadership Program
           We encourage excellence and perseverance in learning,                            attended the Ecolinc excursion in Bacchus
                    We strive for continuous improvement                                    Marsh. According to the last government       Last Friday Marian College hosted the
                                                                                             fact sheet, only three genetically modified   Northern Grampians Shire Leadership
                                                                                             (GM) crops are available to be grown,         Program with four of our Stawell students
                                                                                             including cotton, safflower and canola,       involved - Kade Scott; Jemima Harney;
    “Show me your ways, LORD,                  have arrived! But every day is a learning
                                                                                             with carnations also being approved for       Ebony Harrison and Jenna Schampers.
    teach me your paths. Guide me              opportunity to go beyond your present
                                                                                             later growth.                                 This is a terrific program to help students
                                               barriers and circumstances. We do not
    in your truth and teach me, for                                                                                                        develop their leadership skills in very
                                               stop learning once the courses have
    you are God my Savior, and my              finish, the term ends, and the books are
                                                                                             However many snack foods, along with          positive ways.
    hope is in you all day long.”                                                            imported fruit and vegetables available in
                                               put away.
    Psalm 25:4-5                                                                             Australia, may use some GM ingredients.       Legacy Public Speaking
                                                                                             The purpose of the day was to see
                                               Learning is life long. We do not settle for
    Thank you to the many students and                                                       which snack foods contained some              Well done to our Legacy Public Speaking
                                               just achieving the minimum requirements
    parents who attended our Subject                                                         hidden GM crops. The students needed          entries who presented last Friday in
                                               but in becoming so engaged and
    Selection Expo and Information Sessions                                                  to use biotechnology to identify which,       Ararat. All four students were fantastic
                                               passionate about what we do that we
    on Wednesday evening. This is an                                                         out of corn chips, potato chips, rice         and rated in the top five. Congratulations
                                               want to know more. It is about attitude.
    important process requiring a good                                                       crackers, soy crisps, papaya and polenta,     to Angel Herbert-King (Runner-up) and
                                               If we make up our mind before we begin
    understanding of the broad range of                                                      contained genes for genetic modification.     to Ivana Donnan, Hannah Terry, Jayde
                                               that it is too difficult or boring, we have
    opportunities for all students, and an                                                   Thank you to the many students who            McMurtrie.
                                               given up already.
    appreciation of the diverse pathways to                                                  participated so well in the activities
    achieve success. We encourage parents                                                    throughout the day.
                                               It is about:
    to discuss the possible options with                                                                                                   Have a wonderful week.
    your child, their interests, passions,                                                   Senior Boys Basketball Team
                                               •     not being afraid to challenge the
    and what will challenge their growth. If                                                                                               Carmel
                                                     norms and see things differently;
    you need any further support, please                                                     On Thursday our Senior Basketball Team
                                               •     being willing to take a chance;
    do not hesitate to contact your child’s                                                  played in the next round of Greater
                                               •     asking why;
    Teacher Advisor. For Year 10 students                                                    Western Region in Ballarat with the
                                               •     making your own track not just
    contemplating Senior studies, there              following the well trodden path;
    will be a Teacher Advisor interview on     •     forging your own course and
    Wednesday 14th August. Please see                destiny;
    interview bookings from 3.30 to 4.45 on
    the Parent Access Module (PAM).
                                               •     being all you can be.                    YEAR 10 PARENTS
                                               We wish all students well as they explore                                   WEDNESDAY 14th AUGUST, 2019
    As students contemplate the choices        the possibilities for their future studies.
    they will make over the next few weeks,
    I was reminded of a speech delivered       Production of Chicago                                                       YEAR 10 SUBJECT SELECTION INTERVIEWS - 3.30 to
    at a Toastmasters Conference in recent                                                                                 4.45pm
    years addressing secondary students        Next week our much awaited production
    contemplating their future learning,       of Chicago will open at the Ararat Town                                     INTERVIEWS WILL BE HELD WITH YOUR CHILD
    urging the young listeners to ‘Dare to     Hall on Thursday 15th August and run                                        AND THEIR TA TEACHER TO DISCUSS SUBJECT
    be Different’. The point of the talk was   through to Saturday 17th. The cast                                          SELECTIONS FOR VCE OR VCAL.
    that most of us think that once we have    and crew have been working hard in
    a qualification (perhaps a good mark on    preparation for what should be a fabulous                                   BOOKINGS CAN BE MADE ONLINE VIA PARENT
    a SAC or VCE result, or a good outcome     show. Thank you to Ms Teresa Tonks,                                         ACCESS MODULE
    for a VET or VCAL module) that’s it. We    supporting staff, parents and the students
2                                                                                                                                                                                        3
Marian College - Marian College Ararat
IN MY WORDS with Imogene Tonks     confidence as well as developing determination
                                     and resilience. I discovered my great love for
                                     dance and it continues to be a big part of my
                                                                                         followed by The Wiz, Copacabana, Little
                                                                                         Shop of Horrors, Bonnie and Clyde and this
                                                                                         year I am playing Velma Kelly in Chicago. Get
  My name is Imogene Ruth            life; thank you Karly and Kristy for believing in   your tickets at It is impossible
  Teresa Tonks, yup that’s right     me and my ability.                                  to explain to the uninitiated just how awesome
  Imogene with an ‘e’ on the                                                             being on stage is and being involved in a show
  end. Mum says it’s spelt this      I made some wonderful friends in primary            and it has been the highlight of my year every
  way because of the pethidine       school including Emma Blackie, Caitlin Burger,      year.
  the doctors gave her. Up until     Laura Milne, Genevieve Bush, Jessica Dempsey,
  three days prior to my birth my    Adelle Iezekil, Isabelle Brady and Stephanie        As I write this I am filled with emotions of both
  Mum thought I was going to be      Carter; friendships I have maintained to this       excitement and trepidation as I realize that my
  a boy and she had to hurriedly     day.                                                schooling is nearly complete and I have to enter
  find a girl’s name. She had so                                                         the big bad world and start adulting. I am still
  many names buzzing around          In my late years in primary school my Mum           very uncertain of what areas I would like to
  in her head she finally decided    was diagnosed with breast cancer. This was one      pursue but think I will give Music Theatre a shot
  upon Imogene. My Dad asked         of the hardest and scariest times of my life. I     while I am still young and naive.
  her if she was sure that was       had never seen my Mum cry before. Mum has
  how it was spelt and she           been battling cancer ever since, and despite the    I would like to thank my Mum for being my
  insisted that it was correct;      fact that the majority of her treatments have       best friend and for her considerable generosity
  the rest is history and now        made her incredibly ill she has been strong         and patience with me, and all of the students
  any other spelling just looks      throughout her ordeal as well as looking after      she teaches. I would also like to thank her
  wrong. Mum also tells me I had     her two children and working full time. This is     for giving all her time and energy into the
  a fair set of lungs and I wailed   why I admire her so much and I am so grateful       school productions. They are such a prodigious
  so loud that I was banned          to have someone like her to mentor me through       learning experience that I will value as some
  from the nursery because the       life. I am also very thankful that she has been     of the most important parts of my education.
  other babies couldn’t sleep        here for so long even after her first diagnosis.    Thank you Gabe for always siding with Mum
  (sorry Ryan Weppner). I was                                                            in every argument and giving me endless
  a pretty good baby; I just sat     Although I was a shy kid my confidence grew         entertainment. Thanks to my wonderful family
  and stared which freaked Mum       and by Grade 6 I was elected as Performing          that I am eternally grateful for. Thank you to all
  out. Two and a half years later    Arts Captain and had joined the 200 Club. Just      my friends that have been part of my journey.
  I met my awesome brother           when I was beginning to enjoy St. Mary’s it was     A special thank you to Emma for being the
  and best friend Gabriel Francis    time to leave. I began my schooling at Marian       person I “spend every second of the day with”.
  Jerome Paul Duffy Tonks.           College and was in the best Year 7 class (7A)       Thanks to all my teachers, you do an incredible
  Although like all brothers he      where I made friends with Nikki Slorach and         job mentoring and shaping us into becoming
  can be insanely annoying, he is    Rachel McCready who are some of my closest          adults. Good luck to my fellow Year 12’s - it has
  also one of the funniest people    friends today. In Year 7 I fueled my lifelong       been an absolute privilege to have been a part
  I know. I was also a bit jealous   addiction to Music Theatre and performed in the     of your time at Marian College, and all the best
  because he was such a cute         school production of The Drowsy Chaperone.          for the future.
  little baby and got so much        It was the most fun I have ever had. This was

  In 2005 my parents split
  up and we became a family
  of three. Although it was a
  very difficult time for us as a
  family I could not imagine it
  any other way. Because Mum
  worked full time she removed
  me from my nightmarish
  day care (where the carers
  stole and ate my chocolate
  yoghurt) and enrolled me at St.
  Mary’s Primary School where
  I commenced at the tender
  age of four. School was not
  so great; I remember crying
  everyday when Mum dropped
  me off. In Grade 2 I had a
  major breakthrough where Mrs
  Leslie taught me to read (took
  me long enough). Half way
  through Grade 5 I switched
  dance schools to Ararat Dance
  Centre. This school has been
4 pivotal in helping me establish                                                                                                             5
Marian College - Marian College Ararat
Rehearsal photos
    August 4, 2019

    Tickets to this years
    wonderful production
    "CHICAGO" are now on
    sale via


6                             7
Marian College - Marian College Ararat
    Ivana Donnan, Angel Herbert-
    King, Hannah Terry, and
    Jayde McMurtrie competed
    in the Legacy Speaking
    Competition on Friday. They
    began meeting last term at
    lunch to discuss their topics
    and practice responding to        The Act for Peace Ration
    impromptu topics. They            Challenge raised funds and
    aimed to memorise or              awareness for refugees living
    pretty much memorise their        in camps across the world.
    prepared speeches, as every       This year, the focus was on
    year the judges make the          Syrian refugees living in camps
    comment, "this is a speaking      in Jordan. In taking on the
    competition, not a reading        challenge, we ate the same
    competition". Freedom of          refugee rations as they get.
    speech, the real heroes,          For a week we shared this part
    judgement as a modern             of their experience to stand in
    epidemic, and Galipoli were       solidarity.
    our students' topics. All were
    well-written and practiced,       I didn’t find it hard physically
    2018 veterans Ivana and           because I knew that there was
    Angel had fully memorised         an end, but mentally it was hard
    their speeches and spoke          because for the refugees there is
    beautifully. All were cool and    no end and it would be very very
    calm in their impromptus          hard in their living conditions on
    - the topic was 'my most          top of the rations. I am glad that
    embarrassing moment'. Their       I, and Marian, took part in such
    preparation paid off and all      an amazing cause. Our school
    presented well! Jayde bravely     group of nine students and three
    wore his heart on his sleeve.     staff raised $7,833.87 for food,
                                      medicine and education for the
    The informal comments from        displaced families living in the
    the audience and judges           camps. We learned more about
    were all VERY positive. Angel     the refugee experience through
    nabbed the runner-up spot,        shared personal stories and
    but all scored very highly. All   experiences.
    had fun, learned a lot, and
    should be commended for           This has been an unforgettable
    their courage, hard work, and     and valuable experience.
    skill. Well done!
                                      By Matilda Venn and
    Erica McConachy                   Erica McConachy
8                                                                          9
Marian College - Marian College Ararat
BIOLOGY EXCURSION                                                                       BIOLOGY EXCURSION
     On Thursday, 24 Year 11 & 12 students
     attended the Ecolinc excursion in Bacchus
     Marsh. It was an early wake-up call for
     some but all were enthusiastic to try out    The last biotechnology students used
     some techniques that they are currently      was gel electrophoresis. This technique
     reading about in Unit 4. Arriving at 10:00   is the same used in genetics labs to
     the students and teachers were quickly       identify criminals and show bands of DNA
     ushered into the classroom set up with       based on the length of each strand. They
     an array of gadgets that they would use      were tested against expected results for
     throughout the day.                          both GM foods and non-GM foods. The
                                                  students were able to determine that
     The first hour consisted of consolidating    some corn chips, papaya and polenta
     knowledge of PCR and gel electrophoresis     contain some genetic modification.
     techniques as well as discussing the
     ethics behind genetically modified (GM)      Overall, it was a fantastic day with
     crops in Australia. Currently, according     many new lab skills tested. This gives a
     to the last government fact sheet, only      greater understanding to the techniques
     three GM crops are available to be grown,    discussed in Unit 4.
     including cotton, safflower and canola,
     with carnations also being approved as       Mr. Naus & Ms. Rajesh
     another plant.

     However many snack foods, along with
     imported fruit and vegetables available in
     Australia, may use some GM ingredients.
     The purpose of the day was to see which
     snack foods contained some hidden
     GM crops. The students needed to use
     biotechnology to identify which, out of
     corn chips, potato chips, rice crackers,
     soy crisps, papaya and polenta, contained
     genes for genetic modification.

     The first step was to grind the foods into
     a fine slurry using a mortar and pestle.
     Next, the students used a centrifuge
     to separate the DNA from the fibrous
     tissue. This DNA was extracted and
     mixed with primers, Taq polymerase,
     DNA nucleotides, buffer and cofactors
     to duplicate the DNA in a long process
     called polymerase chain reaction (PCR).
     30 cycles of PCR can create over 1 billion
     copies of a single strand of DNA!

     The students then enjoyed a quick lunch
     on the benches. All of the lab skills
     required for these techniques are hungry

10                                                                                                               11
Marian College - Marian College Ararat
            Welcome to Semester 2.

            We finished Semester one on a high with the annual House
            Day. Kelly House leaders Matilda and Hannah organised a
            tour of Aradale's Mental Institution, a movie with popcorn
            and delicious pizzas for lunch. It was a very relaxing way to
            finish the term and I cannot thank the girls enough for their

            On the 19th/20th of July a group of mostly Year 11 students
            made their Deb. As a parent I was very proud of my sons
            Matthew and Luke but I also had such enjoyment watching;
            the girls I coach at netball, some of my basketball boys,
            kids I have known since birth and the students I have
            taught over the past 5 years. Not only were they stunning
            in appearance but it was the way in which they conducted
            themselves throughout the night that impressed me the
            most. Things like getting their parents or grandparents up
            to dance, looking after their partner and behaving on the
            dance floor. Hopefully all parents were bursting with pride                                                                                                          2nd August 2019
            on the night. Honestly I could not wipe the smile off my

            Congratulations to the following Kelly students for being           Dates for your diary                           La Trobe Young Writers’                            Deakin Explore
            the perfect debutantes/partners; Will Carter, Will Cooper,                                                         Award
                                                                                AUGUST                                                                                            You can search for careers by course,
            Ella Cox, Melanie Dent, Jack Driscoll, Georgina Greene,                                                                                                               occupation, what type of work would be
                                                                                                                               If you are in Year 10 and attend a school in
            Amy Harris, Freya Hart, Oli Kennedy, Alicia Linsley, Aiden             6: Melbourne JD and LSAT Information
                                                                                                                               Victoria or on the NSW border, you are eligible
                                                                                                                                                                                  important to you (e.g., conserving the
                                                                                    Session, University of Melbourne,
            Newson, Mikayla Walker, Kaiden Walton, Blade Wells and our              Carlton,            to enter the La Trobe University Young Writers’
                                                                                                                                                                                  environment), and by broad interest areas
                                                                                                                                                                                  (e.g., business). Once you click on an
            solo Year 10 student Will Lawrie.                                                                                  Awards. This year’s theme is ‘Lost Property’.
                                                                                                                                                                                  occupation that interests you, you will be given
                                                                                   7: Nursing & Midwifery Course              Entries close Friday 23 August. For information
                                                                                                                                                                                  a list of Deakin University courses that could
                                                                                    Information Session, Deakin University,    about the competition and to enter, go to
            Third term is a difficult one because we have very few                  Warrnambool,
                                                                                                                                                                                  lead you to this career. It is a great tool to
                                                                                                                                                                                  explore careers in general,
            breaks. It's extremely important that you keep your health                                                                                                  
            in check to avoid missing school. You can do this by;                  10: Open Day, Moorabbin Flight Training,   Interested in studying
            exercising 30 minutes a day, sleeping between 8-10 hours                                                           medical or health science?                         Pathways to Deakin
            a night, eating a balanced diet and taking time out of your            10: Open Day, Australian Film Television                                                      University
            busy schedule and unwinding. Hopefully this will keep those             and Radio School, Sydney and online live   Gap Medics is a company that offers
                                                                                    stream,             Australian students in Years 11 and 12 fully
            bugs at bay.                                                                                                       supported work experience in Poland and
                                                                                                                                                                                  If you are concerned you might not receive the
                                                                                   13: CASPer Webinar, Deakin University.                                                        ATAR required to gain direct access to your
                                                                                                                               Dominican Republic shadowing senior doctors
                                                                                    Useful for all students applying for                                                          desired course at Deakin, you can apply to
            Good-luck to all the Kelly students in the school production.                                                      in a hospital environment. Students interested
                                                                                                                                                                                  undertake a related diploma program at Deakin
                                                                                    undergraduate teaching courses at          in studying medicine, surgery, nursing,
            I know you have been busy rehearsing and I wish you all                 Deakin,             midwifery, or dentistry in the future are
                                                                                                                                                                                  College. Successful completion of the diploma
            the best.                                                                                                          encouraged to apply. For more information, go
                                                                                                                                                                                  can guarantee you transfer into the second
                                                                                   13 – 29: Inside Monash Seminars:                                                              year of the related Bachelor Degree. For more
                                                                                    Monash University, Music (13),                                                                information, go to
            Students doing Unit 4 are at the busy end of their schooling.           Engineering (28), IT and Computer
            You must put the foot down on the accelerator, full steam               Science (29),       Australian Apprenticeship                          Bullseye posters
            ahead. The next 12 weeks will be the most important of                                                             Pathways
                                                                                   20: Meet Melbourne Uni, Bendigo,
            your schooling. It's time to sacrifice your social life and part-
                                                                                                                                                                                  You can explore occupations related to your
                                                                                                                               This site enables you to undertake                 favourite subjects such as English,
            time job and commit to your studies. It will change your life.
                                                                                                                               apprenticeship aptitude tests, find local          Mathematics, Food Studies and Art.
                                                                                                                               apprenticeship and group training centres, and
            Keep warm.                                                             22: Dookie Day, University of Melbourne,   learn about different trade occupations,               Go to

     NEWS                                                                           Dookie campus. For students interested                                 Create an account
                                                                                    in studying agriculture,                                                                          Click on explore career bullseyes
            Mrs. Spalding                                                                                                                                                             Click on your favourite subjects
                                                                                                                               Defence Jobs                                           Click on any occupations that sound
                                                                                   24 - 26: Fashion Camp,Kangan Institute,                                                            interesting
                                                                                    Richmond,           This site enables youto explore occupations,
                                                                                                                               courses and technical trades in the Army, Navy
                                                                                                                               and Air Force,
12                                                                                                                                                                                                                               13
Marian College - Marian College Ararat
Upcoming Open Days                              Interested in design?                               Interested in Film, Television                      Australian Jobs 2019                             Career quizzes                                     Amazing STEM / IT courses
                                                                                                         and Radio?                                          Each year the Department of Employment,          The following career quizzes have been             The following courses may suit students who
     2 August – 14 August                            An exciting opportunity exists for 2019 Year 11
                                                                                                                                                             Skills, Small and Family Business publishes      taken from the Careers with STEM website           enjoy mathematics, science and IT:
                                                     and 12 VCE students to submit creative work
                                                                                                         Australian Film Television and Radio                the Australian Jobs Report. The Report
                                                     for Deakin University’s Inspired x Design
     La Trobe University                                                       School (AFTRS) Open Day. Located in                 provides an overview of trends in the            Science: Are you more da Vinci, or                 Bachelor of Artificial Intelligence, Deakin
     Shepparton (2)                                                                                      Sydney, AFTRS is hosting an open day on             Australian labour market. Students and           Darwin? Tesla or Newton? Take our quiz and         University, Melbourne: Think driverless cars
     Melbourne (4)                                                                                       Saturday 10 August.                                 families can download the report from            we'll match your personality to one of the most    and smart digital assistants. You‟ll “design,
                                                     Twelve selected VCE design students will have
     Mildura (14)                                                                                                                                                             famous scientists in history,                      develop, and evolve software solutions that
                                                     their work exhibited alongside Deakin Design
                                                                                                         “Open Day is your annual access-all-areas                                                                               take advantage of the latest advances in AI,
                                                     graduate projects at both Melbourne and
     Monash University    Geelong campuses in September and October           pass to Australia’s premier screen and              Future of Work Predictor                                                                  
     Peninsula (3)Clayton                                                                                broadcast school. Meet your future tutors and                                                        Maths: Which number are you? We're going to
                                                     2019, with awards presented by industry
     & Caulfield (4)                                                                                     collaborators, take a behind-the-scenes tour of     Published by My Career Match,                    try and figure out what number best represents     Bachelor of Science majoring in
                                                     professionals at each of the award
     Business Open                                                                                       our state-of-the-art facilities and watch current                           how you think, what you'd love to do, and          Computational Biology, University of
     House, Melbourne                                                                                    students at work, get the lowdown on our 2020                                                        whether you might have any hidden talents or       Melbourne, “analyze and interpret biological
                                                                                                                                                             The University of New England (UNE) is an        interests lurking beneath the surface. Even if
     (11)                                            Applications close Tuesday 18 September. For        courses and how to ace your application, and                                                                                                            phenomena using mathematical and statistical
                                                                                                                                                             innovative regional university. They were the    you're already convinced maths isn't for you,
                                                     information on how to apply, go to                  find out why we’re The Hollywood Reporter’s                                                                                                             models, computational tools and the
                                                                                                                                                             first to introduce bespoke degrees, where you    give it a go! You might just be surprised,
     William Angliss,                              Australian film school of choice”.                                                                                                                      algorithmic design and analysis of such models
     Melbourne (3)                                                                                                           choose the subjects you want to study,                              and tools”,
                                                                                                         Not in Sydney? No problem. Tune into the live
     Academy of                                                                                                                                                                       Computer Science teamed with your personal         Bachelor of Science majoring in
                                                                                                         stream on Facebook on the day -
                                                                                                                                                             Until Bespoke, university education was locked   passion is the ticket to a career you love. Find
     Information                                                                                and pre-register to be in                                                                                                        Computational Science, Monash University:
                                                                                                                                                             up in degrees, with lots of rules that made it   out your CS (science, tech, maths, or maybe
     Technology                                                                                          the running for a $500 short course                                                                                                                     “use computers to construct and apply
                                                                                                                                                             hard to respond quickly to a changing            engineering?) and your X (whatever you‟re
     Melbourne (3)                                                                                       voucher.For more information, go to                                                                                                                     mathematical models, simulation, numerical
                                                                                                                                                             workplace.                                       passionate about) and find the formula to a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 methods and data-analysis techniques to solve
     Australian Institute                                                                                                                                                                    great career!               scientific problems”,
                                                                                                                                                             Now UNE have released „Future of Work
     of Music
                                                                                                                                                             Predictor‟. It‟s FREE to use and based on the
     Melbourne (3)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Bachelor of Computer Science majoring in
                                                     Start your career in aviation                                                                           latest economic data.Future of Work Predictor
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Data Science, Swinburne University: “data
                                                                                                                                                             tells you:
     RMIT University                                                                                                                                                                                                               science spans the use and processing of data
     Bundoora (4)                                    Moorabbin Flying Services Open Day: “For                                                                                                                                                                    across diverse fields, including modeling for
                                                     aspiring students, Moorabbin Flying Services                                                                Overall how much a job will change
     City and Brunswick                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          supercomputing or astrophysics. Or you could
                                                     Open Day is about getting questions                                                                         How tasks in a job will change
     (11)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        work with metadata, a field that will require
                                                     answered, exploring course options and                                                                      How qualifications compare
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 data to be processed in ways we‟ve never
                                                     allowing us to help you achieve your dreams.                                                                Wages and employment change for jobs
     Deakin University:                                                                                                                                                                                                               considered before”,
                                                                                                                                                                 Report available onscreen & sent to your
     Warrnambool (4)
                                                     Visitors can speak with staff and current                                                                    email
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Bachelor of Design (Spatial Systems),
     University of   students and take part in Information Sessions,                                                                                                                                                             University of Melbourne: “spatial systems
                                                                                                                                                             To research occupations you are currently        Will you work in science or health? Your
     Tasmania                                        explore our Campus, our Simulator and have a                                                                                                                                                                is…needed in all walks of life and on many
     Hobart (4)                                      close up look at our fleet of planes.               Explore your dream to study                         interested in, go to      future is up to you! Take our quiz to find out     scales, with applications including land tenure
     Newnham, Inveresk                                                                                   fashion                                                                                              where your future lies… there are so many          systems, environmental modeling, food
     (10)                                            Information sessions will be held during the                                                            Interested in working in                         possibilities beyond becoming a scientist or       production, disaster management, health and
                                                     day and will cover the following areas of                                                                                                                doctor. Will you become a pioneer, a visionary,
     Cradle Coast (11)
                                                                                                         Kangan Institute’s Fashion Camp: If you’re          theatre, film or television?                     an adventurer? Take our quiz and find out!
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 artificial intelligence”,
                                                                                                         aged between 15 and 19 years and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Bachelor of Medical Radiation Science
     Macleay College                                                           considering a career in fashion after secondary
     Melbourne (4)                                       A Career as a Pilot.                                                                               National Institute of Dramatic Art (NIDA)                                                           (Nuclear Medicine& Molecular Imaging),
                                                                                                         school, Kangan Institute’s Fashion Camp is
                                                         Diploma of Aviation (Commercial Pilot                                                              applications are now open. NIDA offers           Which biologist are you?Find your niche in         Charles Sturt University,“details the
                                                                                                         your backstage pass to becoming a fashion
                                                          Licence - Aeroplane).                                                                              undergraduate courses in Acting, Costume         biology… even if you‟re nowhere near being a       administration and imaging of
     Photography                                                                 professional.
                                                         Sharp Airlines Cadetships.                                                                         Design, Design for Performance, Technical        biologist!                  radiopharmaceuticals within the patient to
     Studies College
     Melbourne (4)                                       Skippers Airlines Cadetships.                                                                      Theatre, Properties and Objects, and Staging.                                                       detect physiologicalabnormalities and deliver
                                                                                                         Held between 24 – 26 September at the
                                                         MFS Cabin Crew Course for Prospective                                                              For information, go to           Which forensic scientist are you? There are        appropriate treatment…requires formal training
                                                                                                         Richmond campus, our expert faculty have an
                                                          Flight Attendants.                                                                                                                                  more career possibilities in forensics than you    in clinical, instrumentation and computing
     The Gordon                                                          exciting three-day schedule planned for you
                                                                                                                                                                                                              might think. Take our quiz to see which branch
     Geelong (4)                                                                                         and your friends, that’s jam-packed with all        Interested in studying law in                    of forensics you're in!
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 aspects of SPECT, PET, CT, MRI, ultrasound
                                                     We will also be able to answer questions about                                                                                                                                                              and newer hybrid systems
     Australian Catholic                             becoming a flight instructor, undertaking a
                                                                                                         things fashion.                                     the future?
                                                     Multi Crew Course, or ATPL (Airline Transport                                                                                                            Which coder are you? Are you a robotics            Bachelor of Biomedical Engineering,
     University                                                                                          From designing, styling and beauty to
                                                     Pilot Licence) theory courses”.                                                                         Swinburne University Law School has a            coder, cybersecurity coder or a full-stack         UNSW: “as a biomedical engineer, you may
     Melbourne (11)                                                                                      merchandising, retailing, marketing and public
                                                                                                                                                             partnership with the Leo Cussen Centre for       developer? Take our free coder personalityquiz     be involved in the design, construction and
                                                                                                         relations, Fashion Camp will give you an                                                             and unlock the door to your future coding
                                                     The day will be held on Saturday 10 August,                                                             Law. Bachelor of Laws (LLB) students at                                                             development of diagnostic systems, e.g.,
     Longerenong                                                               insight into both the creative and business
                                                     Starting at 12.00 PM. For information and to                                                            Swinburne will have a direct and integrated      career,                     medical imaging systems and mechanical and
     College                                                                                             sides of the fashion industry.
                                                     register your place, go to                                                       pathway to the Leo Cussen Graduate Diploma                                                          computer models of physiological function,
     Longerenong (11)
                                                                                                                                                             of Legal Practice in the final year of the       Which engineer are you? This quiz will tell        e.g., a virtual heart, aortic valve, biochemical
                                                                                                         There are no study or drawing prerequisites                                                          you exactly where your future lies in
                                                                                                                                                             Bachelor degree.                                                                                    pump”,
     SAE Qantm                                                           required to participate. For information and to                                                      Engineering. Will you be working with
     Melbourne (11)                                                                                      register your place, go to
                                                                                                                                                             Swinburne is the only Victorian law school to    infrastructure, software or health? Take our       Bachelor of Science (Biotechnology), RMIT:
                                                                                                                                                             offer this option. Students will be able to be   quiz and find out!          use gene manipulation of plants, animals and
     Australian College                                                              Eco Lux Melbourne Fashion Show:Check
                                                                                                                                                             admitted to legal practice on the day they                                                          micro-organisms to create new biological
     of Applied                                                                                          out the work of Kangan Fashion students at
                                                                                                                                                             graduate, saving months on further graduate      What’s your creative career in STEM? Take          products for pharmaceutical, agricultural,
     Psychology                                                                                          Melbourne Fashion week at their show Eco
                                                                                                                                                             study. For information, go to                    our quiz to find out whether you‟ll work with      diagnostic and environmental use…develop
     Melbourne (11)                                                                                      Lux on the 2nd of September. For information
                                                                                                                                                                              music, art or design in your STEM career!          diagnostic tools to detect diseases rapidlyand
                                                                                                         on the event and to secure free tickets (code =
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 conduct human stem cell research with the aim
                                                                                                         VIPGUEST1), go to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 of treating or preventing

14                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  15
Marian College - Marian College Ararat
16   17
Marian College - Marian College Ararat
Tuesday		     6th   August   HELP NEEDED
                                                                       Wednesday		   7th   August   HELP NEEDED
                                                                       Thursday		    8th   August   K. Little, M. McGeoch
                                                                       Friday		      9th   August   HELP NEEDED

                                                                       Monday		      12th August    HELP NEEDED
                                                                       Tuesday		     13th August    HELP NEEDED
                                                                       Wednesday		   14th August    HELP NEEDED
                                                                       Thursday		    15th August    K. Little, M. McGeoch
                                                                       Friday		      16th August    HELP NEEDED

     VTAC Information Session
     Monday 19 August @ 6.30pm
     Marian College will be hosting Ararat Community College and
     Stawell Secondary College for a VTAC information session at our
     school. This will take place in the Parish Centre.
                                                                                       The Lonely
     This session, run by a representative from VTAC, is open to all
     Year 12 students and their parents. The session will cover the
                                                                                       Arts Club
     application process, timelines and costs, SEAS applications,
     admission tests, scholarship applications and how students               Attention Students! Do you have an artwork that you
     access their offers in December.                                        completed and left behind in the Art room?? There are a
                                                                            number of artworks on display in the glass cabinets in the
                                                                                    BD corridor that have not been claimed.

                                                                            If you recognise your artwork in the display window- can you
                                                                                please see Ms Conroy or Ms Aitkin to have it returned.
18                                                                                                                                         19
August 2019
 Monday             Tuesday           Wednesday Thursday                Friday
 5                  6                 7                8                9

 12                 13                14               15               16

                    YEAR 7 2020       YEAR 10 TA/                       SUBJECT
                    ORIENTATION DAY   PARENT/STUDENT                    SELECTION WEB
                    #1                MEETINGS                          PREFERENCES

                                                                        MTB EXCURSION

 19                 20                21               22               23

 STATE SENIOR       YEAR 7 2020                                         FRED HYDE DAY
 FOOTBALL           ORIENTATION DAY                                     MARIAN’S GOT
                    #2                                                  TALENT

 26                 27                28               29               30

                    YEAR 7 2020                        YEAR 8 BASKETBALL YEAR 7
                    ORIENTATION DAY                                      BASKETBALL
                    #3                                 YEAR 12 STUDIO
                                                       ART EXCURSION

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