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Page created by Stephen Coleman
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                              St. Mark’s Lutheran Church
                                 454 Fieldstone Road, Mooresville, NC
                             704-664-5474 ~
Volume 38, Issue 8                           February 2021                             Pastor Dave Keck

                                       “Re-creating Community”
There have been so many changes brought about in our lives in connection with the ongoing Covid-19
pandemic. From wearing masks, to seeing tape and stickers in stores and restaurants advising a 6ft. social
distancing precaution, to transitioning school, work, (and worship) from in-person to digital platforms, the
ways in which we gather as community have been greatly altered for a year.
Looking forward to and dreaming about being in community is something that sits heavy in my mind and on
my heart in these beginning weeks of ministry here at St. Mark’s. I have heard many wonderful stories of the
people here already, and of the awesome ways in which St. Mark’s is present in the Mooresville community. I
yearn, as I’m sure many of you do, the day when we can all gather in a space together again without the
lingering concern of Covid-19 hanging in the air (literally). We look forward to vaccines that continue to be
distributed and hearing that it’s our turn to get a shot in the arm.
We also begin to imagine what will it look like to re-create a sense of community among
each other again? It’s interesting that we enter the season of Lent as we enter this season
of reflecting on how we are and can be in community with each other. To be honest, that
is part of the metanarrative of Lent. Jesus so loves us that Jesus dies (and rises in the
wonder of Easter) for us, so that we all know “that nothing: death, nor life, nor things
present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation
(including Covid, cancer, and all the other vile medical forms of evil that exist in the
world) will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 8:38-39). Through
the cross and through our resurrection hope, we are forever incorporated into the community of those whom
Jesus loves.
                            At some point this Lent, as we begin to imagine and explore re-creating
                            community with each other we are hopeful to explore the possibility of
                            regathering. As we continue to closely monitor trends, have important
                            conversations, and make decisions more definitive plans will be shared. In the
                            coming weeks you may be specifically called or emailed with opportunity to
                            participate in a limited, distanced, in-person worship opportunity during Lent. This
potential worship service will be centered around the theme of “Created for Community.” Some weeks I may
lead the service, some weeks Pastor Dave, some weeks you might get the double trouble of PD and PV! In any
effort our goal would be to make this experience as safe as possible. Temperature checks, ventilation, proper
sanitizing, distancing (of more than 6 feet), and complimentary masks will all be exercised precautionary
I look forward to growing deeper in community together, and building more relationships. The words of the
first hymn I learned come to mind, “Jesus loves me this I know…” And so, it is in the love of Jesus that unites
us together in community that we continue living and adapting together as extensions of Jesus’ love in the
The Peace of Christ be with you always,
Pastor Vern
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St. Mark’s Lutheran Church                                                     The February Marker - Page 2

Annual Report & Directory                                              St. Mark’s
                                                                Lutheran Men in Mission
            It’s time to begin working
            on the 2021 Annual            Since March 2020 we have not been able to meet, however, the men of
            Report and Directory. If      St. Mark’s have been sowing seeds with Gods Work our Hands, Serving Our
            you have ANY changes to       Seniors work days, Feed NC, men’s Bible study and helping with the virtual
your address, telephone or email,         live services.
please submit them to the office as
soon as possible. If anything printed                       The 98th Gathering of the North Carolina Lutheran Men in
in the directory is incorrect or out of                     Mission      (NCLMIM)        will   be    held      virtually
date, please let Carol know before                          on Saturday, March 6th. First, Lexington, will host this
February 12th.                                              virtual gathering by Zoom. The theme this year is
                                                            "Anchored in Christ." No matter the storm we are grounded
Call the office, 704-664-5474 or                            in the Gospel. We invite all men around the state to join us.
email:                                                      To register go to
                                          In the December 2020 issue of Living Lutheran on pages 26
                                          & 27 is an article, Symbols of the Season, on how the LMM
                                          from Mount Tabor Lutheran Church in West Columbia S.C.
                                          made lighted Christograms, a spin off of Chrismons. These
                                          were large yard decorations they made and sold. If we are
      Beer & Bible Study                  interested we could make this a Thrivent Action Team
                                          Project this summer and sell them to raise funds for Feed NC,
       Thursday,    February     4th,     Christian Mission or any other charity. We would need someone to draw the
       7:00 p.m. via Zoom. Join           patterns, then several men to cut them out of plywood or particle board,
       Pastor Vern for a Bible Study      several to paint them and wire them with lights.
       with your favorite beverage
from the comfort of your home!                        Hopefully now that vaccines are being made and distributed we
Meeting ID: 939 4831 5158;                            will be meeting again soon, hopefully before October when we
Passcode: 770953. Contact Pastor                      usually have our Meat & Greet which we could not have in 2020.
Vern for additional information,                      I do not know about any one else, but I miss our monthly                          breakfast meetings! There is no where else where we can get such
                                                      a country breakfast!
                                          We also need to think of how we can get our younger men involved in
                                          St. Mark’s LMM. Lets start planting a few seeds around our younger men in
   Shepherd of the Week                   the church and in the community. Think about the great gift Jesus gave us
                                          when he Sacrificed Himself for us, now let us give back for his gift.
Each week, the Shepherd of the            Peace in Christ
Week contacts individuals on our          Don Mease
prayer list, through a phone call or
card. Express your thoughts,
sympathy, etc. as appropriate, and
include them in your daily prayers. If
you would like to participate as a
Shepherd during 2021, please contact
Kathy        Jo      McLean         at            A
schedule will be sent to you before                             Painting at Rental House
March 1st.
                                                      After cleaning the siding, the paint on the wood shutters started
                                                      peeling off quickly. We are in need of someone to do a little bit
                                                      of scraping on them and repaint them. The garage door is the
                                                      same color as the shutters, so it will need to be repainted to match
                                                      the shutters and give us better curb appeal at the entrance of our
                                                      church driveway. If you can help with this project, please contact
                                                      Lisa Harwell at
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                            Stewardship                                              Communication &
                 It’s February, the month we celebrate Valentine’s                     Help Wanted
                 Day. Although Valentine’s Day is considered to
                 have several origins, one legend is that Valentine           The C & T Committee hopes you are
                 was a bishop who defied the emperor by marrying              viewing and enjoying the current
                 young couples to spare their husbands from going to          streaming broadcasts of our services.
                 war. Although written valentines date back to the            These come to you because of the
                                                                              dedicated efforts of just a few church
1500’s, commercial printing of valentine’s started in the mid-1800’s.         members and staff. We anticipate
                                                                              continuing this ministry even after we
Although Valentine’s Day is celebrated widely, there                          resume in-person services. There will
are several other special days we celebrate in February.                      be times when one or more of our
Ground Hog Day is February 2. February 5 is National                          volunteers will not be able to provide
Wear Red Day. February is Heart Month, a month to                             their services on a given date. We
celebrate and promote good heart health, and is also                          invite other members to volunteer to
Black History Month. President’s Day is Feb 12. One                           work on this ministry so that we can
very special day we recognize as Lutherans is Ash                             have some backup and confidence
Wednesday, the first day of Lent. Other days to celebrate seem like           that we won’t have to miss a service.
good fun, including National Homemade Soup Day (Feb 4), National              If you have an interest in this, please
                                                                              contact Stan Suther at 704-877-2375
Bubble Gum Day (Feb 5), Chocolate Day (Feb 9), National Drink                 or
Wine Day (Feb 18) and Strawberry Day is Feb 27. All these days are   Thanks!
noted to raise awareness to promote a cause and support a “ministry”.
They represent a message worth sharing on a special day.

                        As Christians, we have a message that is worth                Why we Lament
                        celebrating daily, the love of Jesus Christ, our      In 2020, the coronavirus pandemic
                        Savior. This gift comes with blessings for all of     struck America during the middle of
                        us who believe. May we always be ready to             Lent, a season associated with
celebrate this love and to share HIS love with others. In this way, we        deprivation. Some people made light
will be good stewards of this most precious gift from God.                    of the shutdowns, joking, “I didn’t
                                                                              mean to give up this much for Lent!”
Stewardship is the ministry of messaging. May we all be blessed in            Others asked why the suffering was
February and every day. May we all share God’s love with others on            occurring in the first place.
Valentine’s Day and every single day this month.
                                                                              Professor N.T. Wright, in an essay
                                                                              for Time, explains that asking
Blessings to all,                                                             “why?” but receiving no answer is
Stewardship team                                                              key to biblical lamenting. Adding to
                                                                              the mystery, he says, is that God also
                                                                              laments — grieving at the
                                                                              wickedness of humans, despairing
                                                                              over Israel’s unfaithfulness. Jesus
                                                                              cries at a friend’s tomb; the Holy
                                                                              Spirit groans in anguish.

                                                                              “Part of the Christian vocation,”
                                                                              Wright concludes, is not being able
                                                                              to explain why but lamenting instead.
                                                                              “As the Spirit laments within us,” he
                                                                              says, “so we become, even in our self
                                                                              -isolation, small shrines where the
                                                                              presence and healing love of God can
                                                                              dwell. And out of that there can
                                                                              emerge new possibilities … new
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  Memorial & Honor Gifts                                               Sympathy
       In Memory of                            We extend our Christian compassion and prayers to:
Mr. & Mrs. H.W. “Bub” Sloop
          Organ Fund                    Mark Ridenhour and his family at the death of his mother, Evelyn Wise
    Richard & Susan Sturkie             Ridenhour.
         In Honor of                    The family of Charleston Knox who passed away Tuesday, January 12th.
      Rev. Vern Kinard                  Charleston is the daughter of Jason & Jennifer Knox and the granddaughter of
     For his Birthday and               Kurt & Cathy Quade.
         Property Fund                  The family of Pastor John and Cindy Duncan at the death of their daughter
     Charlie & Dawn Barone              Megan Duncan Clark. (Pastor Duncan is a seminary classmate of Pastor
         World Hunger                   Dave.)
     Charlie & Dawn Barone
      David & Diana Keck                The family of Pat Morrison who passed away January 20th.
                                        The family of Dr. Sam Bowen, (former member of St. Mark’s), who passed
                                        away from Covid January 19th.
                                        We extend our prayers for Christian sympathy, comfort and strength to the
                                        family of John Helms in his death from Covid. John is a longtime friend of
                                        Bill Elkin.

Lenten Bible Study with                                               Confirmation
     Bishop Smith
                                                                      Congratulations and God's blessings to
Bible study Zoom with NC Synod                                        Audra Nottestad. Audr a was confir med on
Bishop Tim Smith, Thursdays in                                        Sunday, January 3rd during a mask-wearing
Lent (but beginning a week early -                                    Affirmation of Baptism and Holy Communion
February 11)! The study is on the                                     worship service. Audra was accompanied in the
Book of Isaiah. Go to                                  service by her parents, Justin and Julie, her
to register.                                                          brother Sam, her 4 grandparents, 1 aunt, and 3
Back by popular demand! Bishop
Tim Smith will lead a synod-wide        The three Bible readings for confirmation were Ephesians 1:3-14
Bible Study on the book of Isaiah       (overflowing grace poured over us), Proverbs 31:25 "strength and dignity are
on Thursdays from February 11 to        her clothing" (Audra's name means strength and dignity or noble strength),
March 25 at 7 p.m. The class will be    and Matthew 5:14-16 "let your light so shine before others that they may see
virtual via Zoom. If you miss a         your good works and glorify your Father in heaven."
session, recordings will be available
for watching at your convenience. All
are welcome; spread the word!
Registration form is at
A Zoom link will be sent once you
have registered. The link will be the
same each week.
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                           Prayer Concerns                                                  Altar Flowers
                     We change the prayer list each month with updates and
                     changes from Pastor Dave and office staff. To be              7
                     faithful, prayers should be fresh and active, and so we       14
                     remind you to keep us informed of health situation            21
                     changes at least every 30 days. Please notify the office      28
of any changes or updates to the prayer list;
or 704-664-5474.                                                                   Even though we are gathering
                                                                                   virtually, we will continue to have
Please remember all our homebound and nursing home residents; caregivers           flowers on the Altar. You may pick
of those who are ill; those searching for employment; and all who serve in the     up your flowers to have at home
military: Wyatt Leik (Barksdale, LA) & Dalton Leik (Kuwait) grandsons of           during the following week.
Janet & Mike Smeltz; Aaron Whitlow, Drew Jones, Erik Crowder, Matthew
Barone.                                                                            Providing flowers on the Altar is a
                                                                                   great way to remember or honor a
        Members: Bennie & Tyler Stevens (Covid); J on Hor ton (knee                loved one or special occasion. The
surgery 1-27); Sandie Lown (nerve pain); Martha Scruggs (fluid around              2021 flower calendar is now posted
heart); Liam Tulbert (ear surgery 1-21); Brent Nelson (back surgery 1-27);         Please call the office to check
Fay Nell Ratledge (Summit Place); Linda Clark (recovering from Covid); Dan         availability and select a date.
Markley (chemo); Gail Walther (biopsy 1-12); Judy Sachs (treatment); Sarah
Breinich.                                                                          Remember you can share the same
                                                                                   week with someone or share flowers
        Friends & Family: All Covid-19 victims; Claude Berry (ICU, Covid,          two weeks in a row. Sign-up on the
cousin of Barbara Erskine); Faye Wright (aortic aneurysm, friend of Steve &        flower calendar or call the church
Brenda Joyce); Jerry Grace (pancreatic cancer, father of Chris Grace); John        office, 704-664-5474.
Payne (Covid – ICU, Davis Medical, friend of Reddens); Malinda Benfield
(infection, friend of Alice Lee); Cheryl Palmer (shoulder surgery 1-29); Susan
Moore (chemo, sister of Liz Maurice); Jeannie Terrell (hospitalized with
Covid & pneumonia, friend of the Reddens); Margaret Kiemeyer (stroke,
sister of Marilyn Boardman); Marie Marks (surgery, daughter-in-law of Herb
Marks); Hubert Johnston (Covid, rehab, father of Susan Bostian); Charles
Crocker (kidney cancer, friend of Steve and Brenda Joyce); Tabitha Overcash
(breast cancer, friend of Malinda Little); Will Grooms (treatment, friend of
Chris Gilligan); Ann Cunningham (sister of Nina Keck); Katie Abrams
(pancreatic cancer, maintenance chemo, friend of the Elkin’s & Gill’s); Scott
Abrams (ALS, friend of the Elkin’s & Gill’s); Kealy (depression, friend of
Amy Elkin); Savannah Wright (brain tumor, friend of Katie Elkin); Palmer
Goforth (cancer, friend of Carissa Abraham); Laurie M. (brain tumor
neighbor the Abraham’s); Janey Layton (cancer, neighbor of the Abraham’s);
Dylan Tilles (stage 4 pancreatic cancer, friend of the Van Horn family).

  Finance Report Update                       Dec/Jan Attendance
                                                                                        Shepherd of the Week
                                          Date                        Online                 February
                                          12-27                        424         7    Sabrina Fesperman
Thru Dec 31       Dec.       YTD                                                   14   Judith Fletcher
                                            1-3                        490         21   Susan Haire
Budgeted        $56,880    $682,562                                                28   Jenny Horton
Giving          $79,461    $590,138        1-10                        580
Expenses        $73,833    $536,016        1-17                        402
Net (Giving    $ 5,628     $ 54,122
less Expenses)                             1-24                        430
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                                         Virtual Valentine’s Breakfast
               We’re so excited to announce that St. Mark’s Women of the ELCA will be hosting a Virtual Valentine’s
               Event on Saturday, February 13th @ 9:30 a.m. via Zoom. WELCA is embracing the Virtual World since
               COVID is still keeping us at home!

Now this is the first time we’ve ever had to work around a global pandemic, so let me explain how the Valentine’s
Event is going to work in today’s Virtual World. Did any of you know that Pastor Vern is quite an accomplished cook?
Well he is, and Pastor Vern is going to contribute to the event by demonstrating how to make his Breakfast Casserole
Recipe. And what would Valentine’s Day be without chocolate? Lorri Monterose has chosen a quick and easy recipe
for Hot Fudge Sauce that’s perfect for a Virtual Valentine’s Event.

You will register for the Valentine’s Event. When you register, you will receive an email response with the two videos
– one of Pastor Vern demonstrating how to make his Breakfast Casserole, and a second video of Lorri demonstrating her
chocolate recipe. You will receive a 2nd email closer to the date of the event with a link to the Zoom Meeting that will
be hosted by Lorri Monterose and Patty Schmid.

During the Zoom Meeting, Lorri will demonstrate live how to turn four ingredients into Hot Fudge Sauce in five
minutes. Since the Breakfast Casserole will take longer to prepare, you can use Pastor Vern’s video to make the
casserole before the meeting. You can even have it in the oven baking while we Zoom together! After Lorri
demonstrates how to make Hot Fudge Sauce, we will hold a drawing for Door Prizes for those women who attend the
Zoom Meeting. Your names will be put into a hat and if your name is chosen, you will pick a prize. We’ll continue to
choose names until all the Door Prizes are given away. Lorri & Patty will deliver the Door Prizes to the lucky recipients
directly after the Zoom Meeting ends.

Patty has also prepared a simple craft for the Valentine’s Event, but supplies are limited. The first
(50) women who register will receive an envelope with the craft supplies and instructions. The
envelopes are at church for you to pick up. If you’re unable to pick up the craft at church before the
event, arrangements can be made to drop off the craft to you. Please let us know when you register.

You can also participate in the Valentine’s Event even if you won’t be available on February 13th, or if you don’t have
the ability to get online using Zoom. You can still register for the event and receive the first email with the videos
demonstrating how to make both recipes – Breakfast Casserole & Hot Fudge Sauce. Then make them whenever you’d
like. If you don’t email or have a way to receive the videos electronically, you can still register for the event and we
will mail you a copy of both recipes with instructions. Since this is the first event St. Mark’s WELCA has been able to
host since last year’s Valentine’s Breakfast, we want our Valentine’s Event to be as inclusive as possible, working
within the boundaries made necessary due to COVID safety guidelines.

To register for the event, send an email with VALENTINE in the subject line to Lorri Monterose at: Please provide your name and the names of anyone else you are registering in order to
determine who will be receiving Patty’s Valentine Craft. Please also confirm if you’ll be attending the Zoom Meeting
for the 2nd email with the Zoom invitation link. If you don’t have email, you can call Carol at church to register, but
please try to email Lorri if possible.

Looking forward to seeing you all on Zoom!

Lorri Monterose & Patty Schmid
St. Mark’s WELCA Co-Chairs
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                                        Congregation Council 2021
             On Sunday, January 10th we installed St. Mark's Congregation Council for 2021. Thank you
             good and faithful servants! David Wagoner, President; Bill West, Vice-President; Susan
             Bostian, Secretary; Bill Elkin, Treasurer; John Kline, Kathy Jo McLean, Jimmy Meadows, Mark
             Relyea, Mark Ridenhour, and Susan Uzarski. A lmighty God, by the power of your Holy Spirit
             you have knit these servants together in this place and time to serve in this way. Look upon them
             with favor in their commitment to serve in Christ's name. Give them courage, patience, and
vision; and strengthen us all in our Christian vocation of witness to the world and of service to others;
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

                                    Congregation / Council Officers
                           David Wagoner           President
                           Bill West               Vice-President
                           Susan Bostian           Secretary
                           Bill Elkin              Treasurer
                                        Committee / Team Leaders
                           Mark Ridenhour          Governance
                           Mark Relyea             Finance/Audit
                           Bill West               Personnel/Administration
                           Kathy Jo McLean         Volunteer Services/Nominating
                           Jimmy Meadows           Property
                           Susan Uzarski           Christian Education
                           TBD                     Evangelism
                           John Kline              Social Ministry
                           Marilyn Boardman
                           Jan Wagoner             Stewardship
                           Susan Bostian
                           Allison Kraft           Worship, Music & Arts
                           Stan Suther             Communication & Technology
                           Dawn Barone             Hospitality & Events
                           Sandie Lown             Mutual Ministry
                           Donna Enroth            Financial Secretaries
                           Leslie Leonard
                           Betsy Roseman           Preschool Board

                                            Let your light shine!
                                   Join in service as the spirit guides you!
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St. Mark’s Lutheran Church                                                        The February Marker - Page 8

                                  God Bless February - from Pastor Dave
                + From the Latin word februa, “to cleanse.” The Roman Februalia was a month of purification and
                atonement. Maybe that is why it is the shor test month? 28 days of atoning for our sins - better than
                30 or 31? How about 40 days?
+ The 40 days of Lent begin on the 17th - Ash Wednesday's atonement with the Psalmist's prayer "Create in me a clean
heart, O God, and renew in me a right spirit."
+ February marks death and life. God bless you who will be or were born this month including my oldest sister
Charlotte, marking her date again on Ash Wednesday. With the threat of her death, her pastor father baptized her while
she was still in the hospital. With the help of blood transfusions, she lived and lives and is a medical doctor bringing life,
hope and healing to others. And God bless those who will die this month, and those we remember who died this month
in years past including Dr. Martin Luther (died February 18, 1546).
+ Some bulbs will be springing to new life. Blooming signs of hope. Last year in February, Ava Sophia Hans was
baptized here into new life in Christ. Larry Beaver, Boger Long, and Jeanette Osborne died and inherited eternal life.
+ How will you atone and cleanse and mark this month in your home and heart, in your life and faith?
+ There will be a Super Bowl played and we are reminded that life is not a game and there are people going hungry.
There will be a St. Valentine's Day and we remember those who feel unloved.
Have mercy on me, O God, according to your unfailing love; according to your great compassion blot out my
transgressions. Wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin. Psalm 51:1-2

                                  Newfound Faith, Passion, & Engagement
                                            Kathy Jo McLean
                      The season of Lent is one of my favorite times of the year. A time to journey inward to reflect,
                      question, and grow my relationship with Christ. I imagine this year will be different than many
                      others. Different as in deeper. The social isolation and solitude of the past year has given us time
                      to dig under the surface of our lives. As we enter Lent, let’s dig deeper to strengthen our faith and
                      discover our passion.

Driving alone to Tennessee a few weeks ago, there was plenty of time to reminisce about family and trips made thru the
years. Newfound Road at Exit #33 on I-40 West in North Carolina is one of my landmarks. It reminds me I’ll be
heading into the gorge in a few minutes. A beautiful ride for the passenger, not so much for the driver. This stretch
requires laser focus on a steep, downhill, and curvy highway, a tunnel passage, accompanied by 18-wheelers and often
that Smoky Mountain haze.

I found myself wondering if Newfound was something new or something old that was lost and found. I discovered it is
both and a place. Newfound Gap near Cherokee is the lowest mountain pass over the Great Smoky Mountains.
Straddling the North Carolina/Tennessee border, it’s a mile high, and lower than the previous lowest pass. The more I
read, the more I realized my earliest trips to Tennessee were through Newfound Gap. Many stops were made on this
beautiful, winding, curvy, two lane mountain road because of motion sickness. As years passed, the route changed
because of detours as I-40 grew west.

Mountain passage was easier in the late 1800’s because of Newfound Gap and in 1975 because of I-40. Both of these
routes exist because someone had faith in a better way to travel. Their faith turned into passion to plan and design the
passage. Their passion turned into engagement to create the roads to make life easier and better for people they would
never meet. An eight hour trip when I was a kid is now a five hour drive with no stops for motion sickness.

As we complete our Lenten journey in a few months, let’s turn our Newfound Passion into Newfound Engagement…
what an exciting journey to continue!
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                                               HANDS On
                                  Hands Are Needed for Devoted Service
The HANDS On group continues to work from home. There is always something to do. We could use help, no
experience needed, if you are interested just let us know. Supplies can be delivered to your house or you can pick them
up from Shelby.

We have been busy with several projects. Pastor Vern and youth will be hanging fleece scarves on the lampposts in
downtown Mooresville. Pastor Vern shared that masks were needed in a elementary school in SC. We were able to send
68 masks!

The Martin Truex Jr. Cancer Foundation are in need of beanies. They can be knitted or crocheted. The beanies will go in
their SuperHero Bags and Chemo Boxes! We have delivered 55 beanies to them. A special donation of beanies came
from Sabrina Barnes. She called at the beginning of Covid & wanted to donate items she makes. She has followed our
Facebook page and wanted to help. Sabrina brought 26 beanies to HANDS On! (numbers subject to change as we
continue to work on projects!)

We are waiting to hear from Pink Pig Out Food Truck to deliver scarves to those families. Currently we are making
fleece hats, knitted and crocheted hats, fleece blankets, scarves, plastic sleeping mats and bandages! Our goal is to
deliver items to those in need during these cold winter months.

If anyone knows of a need in our community please let HANDS On know!
Love One Another!
Shelby Westmoreland

                                                                 Created by Marsha Rhyne for an elementary
                                                                 school in SC.

  Beanies created by Sabrina Barnes for the
  Martin Truex Cancer Foundation.

  Fleece hats created by Sharon                              Crocheted beanies & hats created by Judy Rains
  Gombotz & Cindy LeBaron
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                                                          Park View Valentines
                                  The Social Ministry Committee was able to provide boxes of Valentines to 29
                                  in need children at Park View Elementary School.

                                  Park View decided the children needed that normalcy but in order to make
                                  this happen each box was placed in a zip lock bag. The bagged Valentines
                                  will stay in quarantine for 7 days. At the end of 7 days they will be handed
                                  out to the children and when they return them to school they will return to
                                  quarantine for 7 additional days. Social Ministry delivered Valentines on
                                  January 21st.

                                  Thanks to Social Ministry Committee.


  January: Chewy Granola Bars
  February: Pudding Cups
  March: Juice Boxes/Pouches
  April: Beans & Franks-8 oz                                      Preschool
  May: Ravioli (flip top cans)
  June: Oatmeal, variety pack                 Love is in the air and at the preschool too! We are collecting
  July: Crackers (variety pack)               Gifts of Love to donate to Christian Mission. Students and Staff
  August: Ramen Noodles                       will bring in canned goods and items for families in need. Our
  September: Pop Tarts                        goal is to donate at least 400 canned good items to their food
  October: Completes Meals                    pantry.
  Nov: Fruit & Applesauce Cups
  December: Vienna Sausages       We are currently enrolling for next school year. If you know anyone looking
                                  for a preschool please have them call the preschool office at 704-664-2009.
                                  We take children ages 2-5.

                                  Please keep one of our beloved preschool families in your prayers. They lost
                                  their beautiful daughter, Charlie Knox, on January 12th.

                                  We appreciate continued prayers for good health for our students and staff at
                                  the preschool.

                                  Love in Christ ~
                                  Stephanie Mattingly
                                  Preschool Director
St. Mark’s Lutheran Church                                            The February Marker - Page 11

                   Worship Music and Arts
          Whatever wilderness the Spirit has brought you to:
          walk in boldness, as a beloved child of God
          walk in peace, under the shelter of the Most High
          walk in faith, knowing Christ walks with you.

              FEBRUARY WORSHIP                             LENT/EASTER VIRTUAL CHOIR PROJECT
          10am Livestream Each Sunday                        We’re planning another Virtual Choir for all
                                                         adult singers, and our goal is to make two videos,
                                                         one for Lent and one for Easter. The anthems will
           LENTEN JOURNEY                                be easy to learn, and you’ll receive practice tracks
                                                         so you can learn it on your, as well as through
Wednesday, February 17 marks the beginning of            zoom rehearsals. Making your video can be
our forty-day Lenten journey toward Easter. While        tricky, but you’ll have specific instruction on how
we begin our journey of repentance marked with a         to make and upload your video, and we’re always
reminder that we came from dust and will return to       here to help if you need it.
dust when we die, we also receive that reminder in          There will be a deadline for learning the music
the shape of a cross on our foreheads, just as we        and uploading your individual video so our Audio
received when we were baptized.                          Tech and Videographer will have ample time to
   During this penitential time of Lent we pray,         edit and produce the final video.
“Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a             To determine if we have enough singers to do
right spirit within me.” I hear many people say each     this please follow the link to sign up:
year that they don’t like Lent, but for me I find hope
and comfort in the silence, the prayers, the readings,
the music, and in walking the journey that led Jesus     And please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have
to the cross. One thing I’m not looking forward to       questions:
this Lent is making the journey without my St.           704-560-9978
Mark’s family beside me. I know you’re there in
spirit, but I think we probably all feel the need to                HYMN PRAYER FOR LENT
walk and pray together. Each of you will be in my            “Lord, Who Throughout These Forty Days”
prayers as we make this journey.                                  by Claudia Hernaman, 1838-1898
                                                            Claudia Hernaman was, as many women of her
              ASH WEDNESDAY February 17                  day, devoted to the religious education of children
                Drive-by Imposition of Ashes             and wrote 150 hymns to that purpose. This hymn
                      at Front Doors:                    appeared first in her “Child’s Book of Praise; A
                  9 to 11am and 4 to 6pm                 Manual for Devotion in Simple Verse (1873), but it
 If neither pastor is outside when you arrive please     didn’t appear in hymnals until mid-twentieth century.
                 text Here for Ashes                     The text is based on the temptation of Jesus found in
           828-291-3007 or 803-271-9640                  the gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke, and is a
                                                         hymn we generally use at the beginning of Lent. I
    Ash Wednesday Livestream Worship—7pm                 hope you find this hymn text meaningful in your
                                                         Lenten prayers.
             SUNDAYS IN LENT
       February 21, 28 and March 7, 14, 21                  O Lord, throughout these forty days you prayed
                10am Livestream                          and kept the fast; inspire repentance for our sin,
                                                         and free us from our past. You strove with Satan,
        MID-WEEK LENTEN WORSHIP                          and you won; your faithfulness endured; lend us
             Dramatic Monologues                         your nerve, your skill and trust in God’s eternal
       February 24 and March 3, 10, 17, 24               word. Though parched and hungry, yet you prayed
               Livestream—7pm                            and fixed your mind above; so teach us to deny
                                                         ourselves that we may know God’s love. Be with us
        All the ends of the earth shall                  through this season, Lord, and all our earthly days,
      remember and turn to the LORD.                     that when the final Easter dawns, we join in
                                                         heaven’s praise. Amen.
St. Mark’s Lutheran Church                                     The February Marker - Page 12

1    Winn Haire                                              3    Jason & Dana Meadows, 20 yrs.
2    Sylvia Johnson                                          4    Dennis & Mary York, 49 yrs.
2    Brittany Richardson                                     4    Woody & Tammy Parker, 37 yrs.
4    Jim Chelgren                                            7    Mike & Patty Schmid, 45 yrs.
4    Donna Enroth                                            11   Roger & Jackie Moore, 54 yrs.
5    Kathy Davidson                                          11   Marc & Natalie Wulf, 4 yrs.
5    Allison Gray                                            12   Ben & Lisa Leal-Ontiveros, 22 yrs.
6    Vera Humphrey                                           15   Bart & Tonya Mays, 29 yrs.
6    Tyler Stevens                                           16   Craig & Mitsi Upshaw, 41 yrs.
7    Barbara Williams                                        19   Kauko & Judy Aro, 28 yrs.
9    Brantley Horton                                         19   Bill & Cindy West, 38 yrs.
12   Kayla Lacci                                             28   Floyd & Phyllis Witherspoon, 62 yrs.
13   Lynn Carlson
14   Madison Joy
14   Brian McCoy
15   Roger Castoral
18   Zeb Corbett
18   Jim Lown
18   Aaron Meadows
20   Brooks Dubay
21   Landon Webb
22   Ryan Wilke
23   Charlie Barone            We invite you to study, pray, reflect and give with us during ELCA World
                                 Hunger’s 40 Days of Giving — for our families, our neighbors and
23   Frances Gamewell
                                                    communities around the world.
23   Reston Goethals
23   Craig Upshaw            As the world has reeled from the effects of a deadly pandemic, we have seen
24   John Kline              the number of hungry people around the world rise, watched as food pantries
                             and soup kitchens expanded to serve an ever-growing number of guests, and
24   Don Mease               longed together for the time when we “will hunger no more, and thirst no
24   Patty Schmid            more ... and God will wipe away every tear from [our] eyes” (Revelation
25   Katelyn Dorn            7:16-17). This very yearning is at the heart of who we are as church together.
25   Chris Isetts            Yet our longing has never led to inertia or despair, despite the discouraging
                             forecasts. We are an Easter people, ever journeying toward the cross but
26   Dee Little              trusting in faith that God’s story does not end on that hill. For more
26   Ryan Truesdell          information enter into your search bar "ELCA World Hunger 40Days Lent."
27   Stephen Hays            or copy and paste:
27   Ethan Kraft   
28   Haley Gill              1412472471.1567716391
28   Sharon Gombotz
28   Chanda McCoy
Page 13
St. Mark’s Lutheran Church
    454 Fieldstone Road
   Mooresville, NC 28117
     Pastor Dave Keck

     Sun             Mon                    Tue                 Wed                    Thu                    Fri         Sat

                1                     2                    3                     4                       5          6
                6:30 Zoom Executive   6:30 Zoom Worship,   10:00 Zoom Bible      7:00 Zoom Beer &
                Committee             Music & Arts Comm.   Study-Pastor Dave     Bible Study-Pastor
                                                           7:00 Zoom Council
                                                           Count Training

7               8                     9                    10                    11                      12         13
10 Livestream   6:30 Zoom Council                          10:00 Zoom Bible      7:00 Zoom Bible Study              9:30 Zoom WELCA
Worship                                                    Study-Pastor Dave     Bishop Smith                       Valentine’s Event

14              15                    16                   17                    18                      19         20
10 Livestream                                              9-11 Drive Thru Ash   7:00 Zoom Bible Study
Worship                                                    Distribution          Bishop Smith
                                                           10:00 Zoom Bible
                                                           Study-Pastor Dave
                                                           4-6 Drive Thru Ash
                                                           7:00 Livestream

21              22                    23                   24                    25                      26         27
10 Livestream                                              10:00 Zoom Bible      7:00 Zoom Bible Study
Worship                                                    Study-Pastor Dave     Bishop Smith

                                                           7:00 Livestream
                                                           Lenten Worship

28              1                     2                    3                     4                       5          6
10 Livestream                                              10:00 Zoom Bible      7:00 Zoom Bible Study
Worship                                                    Study-Pastor Dave     Bishop Smith

                                                           7:00 Livestream
                                                           Lenten Worship
                                                                                  POSTAGE PAID
                                                                                  PERMIT NO. 78
                                                                               MOORESVILLE, NC 28115

                                                                            ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED

          St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church
                    454 Fieldstone Road
                  Mooresville, NC 28115
                        Pastor: Dave Keck
                   Associate Pastor: Vern Kinard
                          Sunday Schedule
                        10:00 a.m. Livestream

 Office Phone, ext. 203 ……….     704-664-5474
 Office FAX …………………..            704-660-7737

 Preschool, ext. 205 …………..      704-664-2009
 Stephanie Mattingly   

 Church E-Mail……………….. 

 Pastor Dave Keck, ext. 201 ….
 Pastor Vern Kinard, ext. 202 . . .
 Director of Music, ext. 213
 Robbie Pearson ………….…….
          Office Hours 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. ~ Monday - Thursday
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