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          / bookcast REFORMERS BOOKCAST - / bookcast
                                                  / sproul

                                                    R. C. SPROUL (1939–2017)
    R. C. Sproul was a pastor, a professor, an author, and the founder and president of Ligonier Ministries. His contributions in the
   areas of biblical studies, theology, worldview and culture, Christian living, and church history continue to be held in high regard.

                     THE PRIEST WITH DIRTY CLOTHES                                                        THE BARBER WHO WANTED TO PRAY
Dr. Sproul weaves a classic tale about a young priest                                                     Master Peter is a barber well known to
who is invited to preach his first sermon before the                                                      all in his village. One day, when Martin
                                   king and his court.                                                    Luther the Reformer walks into his
                                     $24.99 HARDCOVER                                                     shop, the barber musters up the courage
                THE DONKEY WHO CARRIED A KING                                                             to ask the outlawed monk how to pray.
                Offers a unique perspective on the events of Jesus’                                       $21.99 HARDCOVER
                Passion Week and calls all believers, both young
                and old, to follow in the footsteps of the Suffering                                    THE KNIGHT’S MAP
                Servant for the glory of God. $22.99 HARDCOVER                                          The story of a knight who undertakes a
                            THE PRINCE’S POISON CUP                                                     perilous journey full of bad advice and
 Ella’s Grandad tells a story about a King’s son who                                                    wrong turns. In the end, he must decide
  once drank something terrible to save his people.                                                     whether or not he will trust the map
 Through the story, children learn vital truths about                                                   provided by the King.
         our Lord’s atoning death. $24.99 HARDCOVER                                                     $24.99 HARDCOVER

                            THE HOLINESS OF GOD
                            Central to God’s character is the quality of holiness. Yet, even so, most people are hard-pressed to define
                            what God’s holiness precisely is. Many preachers today avoid the topic altogether because people today
                            don’t quite know what to do with words like “awe” or “fear.”
                            R. C. Sproul puts the holiness of God in its proper and central place in the Christian life. He paints an
                            awe-inspiring vision of God that encourages Christians to become holy just as God is holy.
                            $21.99 PAPERBACK

             TRUTHS WE CONFESS                                                               ESSENTIAL TRUTHS OF THE CHRISTIAN FAITH
             A systematic exposition of the Westminster Confession                           Here are theologically sound explanations of the
             of Faith, Sproul shows how the doctrines of the Bible -                         biblical concepts every Christian should know,
             from creation to covenant, sin to salvation - fit together                      written in a way that we can all understand.
             to the glory of God. $49.99 HARDCOVER                                           $21.99 PAPERBACK
                                       CHOSEN BY GOD                                                  NOW THAT’S A GOOD QUESTION
       A contemporary classic on predestination, a                             Divided into 22 sections, addressing more than 300
doctrine that isn’t just for Calvinists, says Sproul. It                       questions. It is a valuable, easy-to-use reference tool
             is a doctrine for all biblical Christians.                                            that belongs in everyone’s library.
                                     $22.99 PAPERBACK                                                              $26.99 PAPERBACK

REFORMERS BOOKSHOP                                                        02                         140 ALBANY ROAD, STANMORE NSW 2048 AU REFORMERS BOOKCAST - / bookcast
                                              / biographies

                                                    An in-depth look at Sproul’s life and ministry
                                                       - his childhood; his formative seminary
                                                      education; his marriage and partnership
                                                    with his beloved wife, Vesta; his influence on
                                                     broader American evangelicalism; and his
                                                    many friendships with key Christian figures.
                                                    This biography details the profound impact
                                                     Sproul had on the lives of many during his
                                                      lifetime, and highlights the various ways
                                                     his legacy continues to influence countless
              R. C. SPROUL: A LIFE                         pastors and students worldwide.

                                                                                                        The book follows the course of Bavinck’s
       HERMAN BAVINCK                                                                                   life in a period of dramatic social change,

         (1854–1921)                                                                                    identifying him as an orthodox Calvinist
                                                                                                          challenged with finding his feet in late
  Dutch Calvinist theologian Herman                                                                        modern culture. Based on extensive
    Bavinck, a significant voice in the                                                                  archival research, this critical biography
  development of Protestant theology,                                                                       presents numerous significant and
  remains relevant many years after his                                                                  previously ignored or unknown aspects
                  death.                                                                                of Bavinck’s person and life story. A black-
                                                BAVINCK: A CRITICAL BIOGRAPHY                               and-white photo insert is included.
                                                $59.99 HARDCOVER // JAMES EGLINTON

                JOHN KNOX // DOUGLAS WILSON                                                          CHEER UP! // MICHAEL GRAHAM
     Douglas Wilson staunchly defends this                                 Through the New Life movement, Jack Miller became
     staunch Reformer, not only lauding his                                   the pioneering captain of an expansive network of
     stalwart courage but also upholding his                                                gospel-centered, Reformed leaders.
 much-neglected gentler virtues - love, mercy,                                                                     $34.99 PAPERBACK
                   tenderness, and humility.                                                COME BACK BARBARA
                              $28.99 PAPERBACK                                              // C. JOHN MILLER & BARBARA JULIANI
                                                                                            When Barbara (18) rejects her parents’ Christianity,
          THROUGH ALL THE CHANGING SCENES                                                   God’s grace pursues all three - through grief and
                            // DAVID W. ELLIS                                               conflict to joyful reconciliation. $19.99 PAPERBACK
    A personal, pastoral, faith building read, it                             10 DEAD GUYS YOU SHOULD KNOW // IAN MADDOCK (ED.)
   offers scriptural reflection not trite answers                               An introduction to ten Christians from a variety of
        – robust biblical wisdom for guidance,                                places and times, who all boldly preached the gospel,
  encouragement and challenge for Christians                                     despite the risk to personal reputations and safety.
      of all ages and stages. $17.99 PAPERBACK
                                                                                                                   $14.99 PAPERBACK

REFORMERS.COM.AU                                                         03                                                         02 9564 3555 REFORMERS BOOKCAST - / bookcast

                                                            THE HEART OF ANGER
 Offers hope for men who are seeking         Explores the Bible’s teaching about anger through This book reminds us how in the gospel
 to live with integrity and faithfulness      biblical examples such as Moses, Saul, David, and  the Lord gives us a remedy for our
  in the face of the sexual temptation      the Ephesian church as well as present-day accounts.           troubled talk.
     around them. $21.99 PAPERBACK                            $21.99 PAPERBACK                            $17.99 PAPERBACK

                    DEVOTED TO GOD’S CHURCH // SINCLAIR FERGUSON                              DEVOTED TO GOD // SINCLAIR FERGUSON
                   This is a book about how we fit into our own church.                       ‘Blueprints for sanctification’ - an orderly
                   This book will serve to help new Christians understand                     exposition of central New Testament
                   what it is to be part of a church, and will also be a                      passages on holiness. Devoted to God
                   refreshing reminder to every Christian of what it                          thus builds a strong and reliable structural
                   should look like to belong to the family of God.                           framework for practical Christian living.
                   $16.99 PAPERBACK                                                           $21.99 PAPERBACK

       REJOICE & TREMBLE // MICHAEL REEVES                                  WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO FEAR THE LORD?
 While God commands his people to fear him,                                                   // MICHAEL REEVES
they are also told to fight fear. Michael Reeves                   What does it mean to rightly fear God while also
  encourages readers to rejoice in the strange                      trusting him? This book calls Christians to see
 paradox that the gospel both frees them from                       God as the object of their fear—a fear marked
       sinful fear and leads them to godly fear.                         not by anxiety, but by enjoyment of God.
                             $23.99 HARDCOVER                                                      $11.99 PAPERBACK

To Schaeffer true spirituality is not like a to- Butler draws from her medical experience       // JOEL BEEKE & MICHAEL BARRETT
do list, but an active experience - informed by to guide believers through the deep        If you’ve ever considered why, if we are saved
 the truth of what God has said in his word. questions of God’s trustworthiness in the     by grace alone, holiness matters, this book is
                $23.99 HARDCOVER                midst of suffering. $21.99 PAPERBACK                  for you. $47.99 HARDCOVER

REFORMERS BOOKSHOP                                                 04                      140 ALBANY ROAD, STANMORE NSW 2048 AU REFORMERS BOOKCAST - / bookcast / life

                                      FAITH FOR LIFE // RICHARD COEKIN                                       BROKEN CISTERNS // SARAH IVILL
                                      Examine the witnesses of                                               Rather than finding satisfaction
                                      Hebrews 11. The refreshing                                             in God, we seek to satisfy
                                      honesty of these stories                                               ourselves with the broken
                                      will help you manage your                                              cisterns of this world, and we
                                      expectations in a world of lies                                        remain discontented.
                                      and spin. $17.99 PAPERBACK                                             $19.99 PAPERBACK

        HEALING CONTENTIOUS                                                      HOW TO EAT YOUR BIBLE
RELATIONSHIPS // THOMAS PARR                                                         // NATE PICKOWICZ
       Are you frustrated by how                                              Find practical guidance for
      easily relationships can fall                                          overcoming the hurdles that
    apart? Treat your war-weary                                               have kept you from making
  soul to answers from the Spirit                                            Bible study a regular part of
       of peace. $19.99 PAPERBACK                                              your life. $16.99 PAPERBACK

 An Adventure for the Curious into Bodies,
   Womanhood, Time, Pain and Purpose —                                                           RACHEL JONES // $16.99 PAPERBACK
and How to Have a Better Time of the Month
                                                                                                    “I’m deeply grateful that Rachel Jones
  This warm, light-hearted, real, honest and                                                       has endeavored to dignify what God has
   at times surprising book gives a biblical                                                     architected and to help us consider what we
  perspective on menstruation, as well as a                                                     might learn from that design. As the prevailing
  whole lot more. Beginning with periods,                                                       culture dismantles the categories of male and
Rachel Jones takes readers on an adventure                                                       female before our eyes, Rachel shows us how
in theology, weaving together wide-ranging                                                      precious the gift of our female biology is, and
 reflections on the nature of our bodies, the                                                     all the more for the theology it illustrates.”
  passing of time, the purpose of pain, and                                                                      -- Jen Wilkin
              the meaning of life.

                    BEST NEWS EVER // CHRIS MORPHEW                                10 QUESTIONS EVERY TEEN SHOULD ASK (AND ANSWER)
                    Written in a pithy and engaging style,                         ABOUT CHRISTIANITY // REBECCA MCLAUGHLIN
                    Best News Ever will help young people                          For Christian teens and for those who think Jesus is just
                    of all backgrounds to read the Bible for                       a fairy tale character - Rebecca invites readers to dig deep
                    themselves, whether they know a little                         into hard questions for themselves and perhaps discover
                    or a lot about Jesus already.                                  that the things that once looked like roadblocks to faith
                    $12.99 PAPERBACK // AGES 9-13                                  might actually be signposts. $16.99 PAPERBACK // AGES 12-15

REFORMERS.COM.AU                                                        05                                                      02 9564 3555 REFORMERS BOOKCAST - / bookcast
                                               / home

AGING WITH GRACE // SHARON BETTERS & SUSAN HUNT                                         TEACH THEM TO WORK // MARY BEEKE
     Encourages women to find hope through both                      Have you found yourself finishing your children’s chores
      real-life and biblical accounts of women who                     because it’s, well, easier than getting them to do them?
        rediscovered gospel-rooted joy later in life.                 If so, this book will give you new energy, and help your
                                    $21.99 PAPERBACK                   children develop a good work ethic. $24.99 PAPERBACK

                                                                                   PARTNERS IN
                                                                                    THE GOSPEL
                                                                                       // MEGAN HILL                 FEMALE PIETY
                                                                                 $19.99 HARDCOVER
   GOD // JOHN ANGELL JAMES                                                                                     // JOHN ANGELL JAMES
  A bruised heart requires the               “50 Meditations for Pastors’ and Elders’ Wives”                  Young women are offered
gentlest handling, and here you          Focusing on the joys and challenges of the elder’s wife’s          biblical and practical advice in
will find timeless advice on how          heart, home, church, and community, these fifty short            order to fulfill the high calling of
to achieve that in your ministry.        devotional meditations will encourage and equip wives               being a Proverbs 31 woman.
       $23.99 PAPERBACK                                    of church leaders.                                      $23.99 PAPERBACK

                                      (FOR ORDINARY PEOPLE)
                                      // CAROLYN LACEY
 MARRIAGE// PAUL DAVID TRIPP          $16.99 PAPERBACK                                                    NO MERE MORTALS // TOBY SUMPTER
  Rebranded edition of What                                                                                  Walks through some of the
                                                    “Seven Ways to Welcome Like Jesus”
  Did You Expect, encourages                                                                                most important Principles for
                                           Carolyn Lacey encourages us to focus on the goal of
  couples to make six biblical                                                                              building a strong foundation
                                          hospitality, which is to reflect God’s welcoming heart,
 commitments to the Lord and                                                                               and walking together with your
                                          and shows us how we can all do that, regardless of our
       to one another.                                                                                           spouse in the Lord.
                                                      bank balance or living situation.
       $28.99 HARDCOVER                                                                                            $26.99 HARDCOVER

              MONEY, DEBT, AND FINANCES // JIM NEWHEISER                              THE END OF ME // LIZ WANN
              A biblical counselor and former financial consultant                    Mothers will find that God will supply what they
              gives guidance from Scripture as he answers major                       need to cope with the daily sacrifices and challenges
              questions on diverse financial topics.                                  of motherhood, and that he will use these struggles
              $24.99 PAPERBACK                                                        to make them more like Christ. $17.99 PAPERBACK

REFORMERS BOOKSHOP                                                   06                       140 ALBANY ROAD, STANMORE NSW 2048 AU REFORMERS BOOKCAST - / bookcast
                                                 / kids

               Teaching God’s Word to Toddlers, this book uses                             SINCLAIR FERGUSON
               the tools of repetition, familiarity and interactive                        A family guide to the Christian Faith, containing a
               activities to build crucial theological foundations.                        wealth of activities, prayers, and Bible references.
               $14.99 PAPERBACK // TODDLERS (EDUCATION)                                    $21.99 HARDCOVER // AGES 6-10 (FAMILY DEVOTIONS)

                     THE FRIEND WHO FORGIVES                                                                    THE GARDEN, THE CURTAIN, &
            // DAN DEWITT & CATALINA ECHEVERRI                                                                  THE CROSS // CARL LAFERTON &
Young children will learn that Jesus is the friend                                                              CATALINA ECHEVERRI
     who forgives—again and again and again.                                                                    Journeying from the Garden
                      $11.99 BOARD BOOK // AGES 1-3                                                             of Eden to God’s future new
                                                                                                                creation, kids will learn why
                      THE CHRISTMAS PROMISE
                                                                                                                Jesus died and rose again—and
                                                                                                                be invited to say, “Thank you,
  “Long, long ago, God promised to send a very
                                                                                                                King Jesus. You’re amazing!”
 special new King. Would you like to know how
           he did it?” $11.99 BOARD BOOK // AGES 1-3                                                            $11.99 BOARD BOOK // AGES 1-3

    With colour illustrations,                 GOD’S TIMELINE                                                    Following the premise of The
pictures, and pull–out timelines,         (& GOD’S BIBLE TIMELINE)                                                 Chequebook of the Bank
 these history books bring the                    // LINDA FINLAYSON
                                                                                                                   of Faith, prolific children’s
  whole Bible and the church                  $22.99 ea HARDCOVER
   throughout the ages to life.                                                                                   author and editor Catherine
                                                                                                                    Mackenzie has adapted
 Find out about how the God of                                                                                   Spurgeon’s devotionals to be
all time spoke to his people, the                                                                               accessible to today’s 9–14 year
people God used and the impact                                              GOD’S PROMISES KEPT                 olds, allowing a new generation
they had on those around them                                               (& MORE OF GOD’S PROMISES KEPT)       to treasure God’s promises.
      – including us today!                                             // CATHERINE MACKENZIE                              // AGES 8-12
          // AGES 8-12 +                                                $13.99 ea PADDED HARDCOVER

                      Corrie ten Boom                                                  Betsey Stockton
                           THE COURAGEOUS WOMAN                                                   THE GIRL WITH A
                           AND THE SECRET ROOM                                                 MISSIONARY DREAM
                      A beautifully illustrated children’s                              Inspiring children’s biography of
                      biography of Corrie ten Boom,                                       Betsey Stockton, who, despite
                      who saved hundreds of Jewish                                      being born enslaved, follows her
                      people during World War 2.                                            dream of being a missionary.

                                                                                                                      // LAURA CAPUTO-WICKHAM
Do Great Things for God                                INSPIRING BIOGRAPHIES FOR YOUNG CHILDREN
                                                                                                              $14.99 ea HARDCOVER // AGES 4-8

REFORMERS.COM.AU                                                       07                                                           02 9564 3555 REFORMERS BOOKCAST - / bookcast
                                            / devotional

  For over one hundred years, Christians have awoken to and
    gone to bed with Charles Spurgeon’s devotional Morning
     and Evening as a companion. His lasting message is even
  more accessible with Alistair Begg’s careful modernising of
   Spurgeon’s English, using the ESV for scripture references.
                                               $26.99 HARDCOVER

                                                                                                 “PRAYERS OF A PARENT” SERIES
                                                                                                     // KATHLEEN NIELSON
 PRAYING THROUGH THE             UNFOLDING GRACE                A WAY TO PRAY             Beautiful poetic prayers by author Kathleen
  BIBLE FOR YOUR KIDS              // CROSSWAY               // MATTHEW HENRY           Nielson address the spiritual well-being, physical
   // NANCY GUTHRIE        Discover the overarching           First published 300         needs, and character growth of a child from
Worry less, pray more, and storyline of God’s Word           years ago, it has been       infancy to adulthood. Designed for parents,
  help yourself to a daily as it is revealed through       revised and updated for       each book has 31 prayers, brief reflections, and
dose of perspective, hope forty Scripture readings.         expression in modern              Scripture selections for meditation.
 and grace as you parent.      $26.99 HARDCOVER                     English.                           $12.99 ea PAPERBACK
     $24.99 PAPERBACK          $9.99 STUDY GUIDE              $38.99 HARDCOVER

     This is not to ‘supply’ prayers but to prompt and                                For the Puritans, prayer was neither casual nor dull.
    encourage Christians treading the path on which                                   Their prayers were passionate affairs, from earnestly
others have gone before. Be spiritually refreshed as you                              pleading for mercy to joyful praise. These rich
 ponder the prayers and devotions of these believers.                                 expressions of deep Christian faith are a shining
$19.99 PAPERBACK // ALSO AVAILABLE IN LEATHER FORMATS                                 example of holy living. $31.99 HARDCOVER

              40 DAYS OF GRACE // FAITH // HOPE // LOVE
      This series of short devotionals encourages Christians to
     experience the life-giving message of the gospel every day.
       Each book contains 40 daily readings curated from the
    best-selling devotional New Morning Mercies and is focused
     on a particular theme essential to the Christian life. Short
      enough to read in 5 minutes or less, each meditation will
      encourage readers to treasure the life-changing truths of            “40 DAYS” SHORT DEVOTIONALS
                        God’s word more fully.                             PAUL DAVID TRIPP // $11.99 ea PAPERBACK

REFORMERS BOOKSHOP                                                    08                      140 ALBANY ROAD, STANMORE NSW 2048 AU REFORMERS BOOKCAST - / bookcast
                                            / spurgeon

                                    Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834–1892)
                    Often referred to as the Prince of Preachers, was a Reformed Baptist pastor and preacher at the
                                      London Metropolitan Tabernacle, who is still renowned today.

                                             A wealth of Biblical meditations             YOURS, TILL HEAVEN // RAY RHODES JR.
                                            from Spurgeon with applications                     Invites you into the untold love
                                           that are relevant for contemporary             story of Charles and Susie Spurgeon
                                            Christians. His characteristically             to discover how the bond between
                                          pithy comments hit home with a wit                 this renowned couple helped fuel
                                           and elegance rarely found in other                 their lifelong service to the Lord.
                                           writing. Christians young and old
                                                                                                               $19.99 PAPERBACK
                                           will find his words challenging and
                                                        stimulating.                                          SPURGEON // ARNOLD DALLIMORE
   MORNING AND EVENING                         SEE ALL AVAILABLE EDITIONS AT                                  This book will meet the need of
            // $24.99 ea SOFTCOVER        REFORMERS.COM.AU / MORNING-EVENING                                  those unacquainted with Spurgeon
                                                                                                              and his vast achievements, but will
      A goldmine of memorable                                                                                 stir also the interest of all who value
    statements of C. H. Spurgeon                                                                              his unique ministry.
     mined out of his books and                                                                               $17.99 PAPERBACK
    3,600 sermons. The Prince of
   Preachers had a gift of concisely                                                         THE CHILD IS FATHER OF THE MAN
   and powerfully communicating                                                                               // TOM NETTLES
  the truths of the gospel. And this                                                      Examines the life of one of the world’s
 book gathers thousands of the most       THROUGH THE EYES                                most famous preachers, isolating key
   meaningful quotes of Spurgeon          OF SPURGEON                                     convictions that appear in Spurgeon’s
     into one accessible volume.          $24.99 PAPERBACK                                life, and traces them through his life.
                                          // STEPHEN MCCASKELL (EDITOR)
                                                                                                               $17.99 PAPERBACK

               ONLY A PRAYER MEETING                                                           THE SOUL WINNER
               This collection is charming, challenging and                                    Here is a collection of his lectures and talks to
               cheering! If you wanted to find out how Spurgeon                                take people away from human-inspired gimmicks
               fuelled his church for everyday Christian living and                            and to depend on God to work in their lives and
               a life of prayer then there is no better starting place.                        ministry.
               $16.99 PAPERBACK                                                                $12.99 PAPERBACK

                               SPURGEON’S PRAYERS                                                 THE COMPLETE JOHN PLOUGHMAN
     These are Spurgeon’s prayers taken down as he                             Two of his publications combined here give answers
 prayed them. You can learn a lot about how to pray                               to the common questions of the day on doctrine
           by studying their structure and content.                              and behaviour as explained by a ploughman to his
                                    $12.99 PAPERBACK                                           wayward audience. $14.99 PAPERBACK

REFORMERS.COM.AU                                                          09                                                         02 9564 3555 REFORMERS BOOKCAST - / bookcast
                                                   / church

                   THE NECESSITY OF REFORMING THE CHURCH                                         THE ESSENTIAL MEANS OF GRACE // PAUL WASHER
                   // JOHN CALVIN                                                                Considers the three prominent gifts God
                   Calvin presents four areas of the church’s life                               provided for growth in godliness: the Scriptures,
                   and doctrine that must be carefully guarded and                               prayer, and participation in the life and ministry
                   guided by Scripture. This timeless call for biblical                          of the local church.
                   faithfulness beckons us today. $22.99 HARDCOVER                               $12.99 PAPERBACK
                PREACH THE GOSPEL // MARTIN RIZLEY                                CORPORATE WORSHIP // MATT MERKER // 9MARKS
Winsomely describes the nature, necessity, and manner                               Corporate worship as an activity in which God
 of gospel preaching so that we will better recognize                          gathers the church by his grace, unto his glory, for his
     it as the high priority Christ established it to be.                        people’s mutual good, and before the world’s gaze.
                                         $5.99 PAPERBACK                                                             $17.99 HARDCOVER
                 DEACONS // MATT SMETHURST // 9MARKS                                         FAITHFUL LEADERS // RICO TICE
                 Clearing away common misconceptions,                                        “Well done good and faithful servant.” Every ministry
                 Smethurst offers practical guidance for deploying                           leader wants to hear these words when they meet their
                 deacons and helping churches to flourish.                                   Lord. But what does successful ministry look like?
                 $17.99 HARDCOVER                                                            $16.99 PAPERBACK

                                                                                                                 Providing practical tools and
                                                                                                                 exercises, biblical counselor
                                                                                                                  Darby Strickland prepares
                                                                                                                potential helpers to pick up on
                                                                                                                cues that could point to abuse
                                                                                                               and investigate them wisely. You
 SURVIVING THE FISHBOWL             LOVE YOUR CHURCH                                                           will learn how to identify a range
 // CATHERINE STEWART (ED.)           // TONY MERIDA                                                            of abusive behavior and better
  Assembles an experienced          Explores what church         IS IT ABUSE?                                 understand the impact of abuse on
group of authors to give advice     is, why being part of it     // DARBY STRICKLAND                             victims—particularly wives.
 for kids feeling the pressure     is exciting, and why it’s     $26.99 PAPERBACK
of life lived in the scrutinised   worthy of our love and
      house of a minister.               commitment.             “It is brave without being incendiary.
                                                                      It is carefully and thoroughly
      $24.99 PAPERBACK                $17.99 PAPERBACK
                                                                  biblical. It is relentlessly practical...
   BUILDING BRIDGES // JULIE LOWE                                this book is for oppressed spouses, the
        Walks counselors, teachers,                               spouses who are harming them, and
parents, and caregivers through the                              those trying to intervene redemptively
  rationale for expressive activities,                              in abusive marriages on behalf of
provides examples, and then shows                                 Christ. If you ever read a book about
counselors how to do it themselves.                                abuse in couples, let it be this one.”
                    $34.99 PAPERBACK                                       -- Alasdair Groves

REFORMERS BOOKSHOP                                                        10                           140 ALBANY ROAD, STANMORE NSW 2048 AU
                            CONTEMPORARY ISSUES
 / apologetics                                                        / issues

            THAT HIDEOUS                                                                                          7 REASONS TO
               STRENGTH                                                                                           (RE)CONSIDER
                // MELVIN TINKER                                                                                  CHRISTIANITY
             $17.99 PAPERBACK                                                                                     BEN SHAW // $16.99 PAPERBACK
                                                                                                                  Ben Shaw invites sceptical
        “... an essential primer for                                                                              readers to think again, outlining
       any Christian in seeking to                                                                                seven reasons why Christianity
   understand what is going on in                                                                                 is worth considering - or
  society today. This book should                                                                                 reconsidering - not least
be on every church bookstall, and                                                                                 because it offers some thought-
     every Christian’s bookshelf.”                                                                                provoking and rational answers
                -- David Robertson                                                                                to our deepest questions.

     // BRETT MCCRACKEN                       // KYLE BESHEARS                         // RYAN DENTON                      // IVAN MESA
McCracken suggests a balanced,          How can you share the gospel              Could it be that mistaken        While it might be tempting to
  healthy diet of information            with someone who doesn’t               beliefs about evangelism lead        leave the church in order to
 from sources ranked in order          care? Kyle urges us to recapture           to a decrease in getting it      find answers, this book argues
of importance—the Bible, the             the joy of our salvation and           done? This book recounts the       that church should be the best
church, nature, books, beauty,         demonstrates how to faithfully           most popular misconceptions        place to deal with doubts. this
   and lastly, the internet and          display the love of Christ to          about evangelism followed by         book shows deconstructing
          social media.                apatheist friends and neighbours.          an easy-to-read response.            need not end in unbelief.
       $21.99 PAPERBACK                       $26.99 PAPERBACK                        $14.99 PAPERBACK                    $21.99 PAPERBACK

                   A WAY WITH WORDS // DANIEL DARLING                                          BOTH-AND // ROSS CUNNINGHAM
                   Many Christians are fueling online incivility.                              Cunningham takes 23 pairs of seemingly
                   Others, exhausted by perpetual outrage and shame                            contradictory truths and concisely and clearly
                   -filled from constant comparison, are leaving                               explains how they can co–exist with attractive
                   social media altogether. So, how should Christians                          graphic representations.
                   behave in this digital age. $28.99 PAPERBACK                                $17.99 HARDCOVER

REFORMERS.COM.AU                                                           11                                                        02 9564 3555
                   THINGS UNSEEN // J. GRESHAM MACHEN                                      SHOW ME YOUR GLORY // STEVEN LAWSON
                   In the vein of C.S. Lewis’s landmark “Mere                              Each chapter delves into the depths of
                   Christianity” talks, Machen’s addresses are a                           God’s awesome attributes, teaching that a
                   crystal-clear articulation of the basics of the                         deeper knowledge of our Creator can lead us
                   Christian faith, unfolding into an exceptional and                      into intimate fellowship with and reverent
                   persuasive explanation of Reformed theology.                            worship of the One who made us for Himself.
                   $89.99 HARDCOVER                                                        $26.99 HARDCOVER

        ORE FROM THE                                                                    With over 3,000 quotations gathered from more

                                                                                         than 250 authors and organized alphabetically
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                            CROSS AND CULTURE                                                       ONE PERFECT LIFE // JOHN MACARTHUR
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       EPISODE 03: MARK POWELL                                           EPISODE 04: STEPHEN MCALPINE
               LEAD // PAUL DAVID TRIPP                                                    BEING THE BAD GUYS
Tripp presents readers with 12 leadership                                How our culture ended up the way it is
 -community principles necessary for a                                   now, and explains key points of tension
     gospel-centered leadership model.                                        between biblical Christianity and
                       $29.99 HARDCOVER                                        secular culture. $19.99 PAPERBACK

                             EPISODE 05: COLIN BUCHANAN                                             EPISODE 06: JAMES EGLINTON
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                            SING-A-LONG                                                             Brings to light a wealth of new insights
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      EPISODE 07: CARL TRUEMAN                                          EPISODE 08: CAMERON CLAUSING
   Analyses the roots and development                                              This little book is a pastoral
 of the sexual revolution as a symptom,                                   masterpiece, in which Boston reflects
     rather than the cause, of the human                                     on the words of Ecclesiastes 7:13.
   search for identity. $43.99 HARDCOVER                                                        $11.99 PAPERBACK

                             EPISODE 09: DR STEPHEN NICHOLS                                      EPISODE 10: DR JOEL BEEKE
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                            Details the profound impact Sproul had                               Each address is a helpful, detailed exposition
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        EPISODE 11: LELAND RYKEN                                                 EPISODE 08: SIMONETTA CARR
 RECOVERING THE LOST ART OF READING                                                        QUESTIONS WOMEN ASKED
Ryken and Glenda Faye Mathes encourage                                        Join your sisters from the church of all
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           Jesus is alive today.                               your life right now.                                 bad things happen.

                          EPISODE 14: MICHAEL KRUGER                                                      EPISODE 15: JONATHAN CRUSE
                          HEBREWS FOR YOU                                                                 WHAT HAPPENS WHEN WE WORSHIP
                          Explains the Old Testament background,                                          Cruse helps us perceive the significance
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    EPISODE 16: GLENN SUNSHINE                                                       EPISODE 17: DANE ORTLUND
                     SLAYING LEVIATHAN                                                             GENTLE AND LOWLY
    Surveys some of the stories and key                                            This book reflects on these words,
elements of Christian political thought                                            opening up a neglected yet central
  from Augustine to the Declaration of                                          truth about who he is for sinners and
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