Y WAWR THE DAWN - Medi 2020 September 2020 - John Rees celebrates his 97th birthday Llongyfarchiadau

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Y WAWR THE DAWN - Medi 2020 September 2020 - John Rees celebrates his 97th birthday Llongyfarchiadau
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                                     THE DAWN
                  The Magazine of the Melbourne Welsh Church

                                    John Rees celebrates
                                     his 97th birthday

                                    Medi 2020
                               September 2020
Y WAWR THE DAWN - Medi 2020 September 2020 - John Rees celebrates his 97th birthday Llongyfarchiadau


               SUNDAY SERVICES                               Fellowship
Currently all services from the Melbourne Welsh Church
will be on Facebook live and also posted on our website
                                                            Each Wednesday at
and on Youtube.
Pleasecheck in on our Facebook page and on our                    10:00am
website for regular updates.                                Via Facebook or our
Please contact either Rev. Siôn or Rev. Sara if you’re             website
experiencing difficulty logging in to our services.
                                                             Prayer list
11:00am       English      Rev. Siôn Gough Hughes
                           Communion - please join
us online with your own version of the elements ready.
11:00am       English       Rev. Sara Villarreal Bishop      Please remember the
                                                           following in your prayers:
2:30pm        Welsh         Rev. Siôn Gough Hughes
                            Communion                       Sian Harrison, Dorothy
                                                             Thomson, John Rees,
SEPTEMBER 20        ANNUAL QUEEN VICTORIA                   Bronwen Holding, John
                   HOSPITAL MEMORIAL SERVICE                Lewis, Alan Morris, Val
                                                           Rendell, Mac Harris, Loris
11:00am       English       Guest Preacher                   Williams, and Wilma
SEPTEMBER 27                                                        Lomax
                                                             Remember all the sick,
11:00am       English       Rev. Sara Villarreal Bishop       sad, scared, hungry,
2:30pm        Welsh         Rev. Siôn Gough Hughes          lonely and vulnerable in
                                                              our community and
5:00pm        Lutheran Eucharist Service                         beyond at this
                           Rev. Sara Villarreal Bishop     particularly anxious time.
                           Communion - please join
us online with your own version of the elements ready.
     BIBLE FELLOWSHIP, JUNIOR CHURCH,                      "A fo ben, bid bont" -
                                                           If you want to be a
                                                           leader, be a bridge
are all available to anyone who is interested and          "Dywed yn dda am dy
streamed via zoom, with information on how to access       gyfaill, am dy elyn
these sent out prior to each. If you would like to be on   dywed ddim" - Speak
our email list to obtain access information, please ring   well of your friend; of
Fred on 9758 6997                                          your enemy say nothing
Y WAWR THE DAWN - Medi 2020 September 2020 - John Rees celebrates his 97th birthday Llongyfarchiadau

                   CHURCH announcements

                         SEPTEMBER birthdays
                   Best wishes and congratulations to :
6th    Vivian Ow         10th      Mandy Morrison            23rd      Medi Jones-Roberts
9th    Irene O’Brien     18th      Ana Valleau-Gardiner      29th      Bronwen Holding
10th   Wendy Couch       22nd      Willie Ow

                       SEPTEMBER anniversaries
Congratulations to all couples celebrating their wedding anniversary in September,
                Doreen & John Lewis celebrating their 64th on the 10th
                Colleen & Lloyd Berry celebrating their 43rd on the 29th
              Arianwen and Tom Scally celebrating their 53rd on the 30th

                                      COVID 23
                            The Lord is my Chief Health Officer,
                                I am content to stay at home.
                            He lets me walk outside for an hour,
                                 He tells me to wear a mask,
                                   He wants to save my life.
                      He assures us daily so that we can remain safe.
              Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death
                                  I will fear no social event,
                          For you are 1 1/2 metres away from me,
                       Your curfew and your mask they comfort me.
           I shall prepare a feast with what is available from the supermarket
              And you anoint my hands with sanitiser, my sink overfloweth.
           Surely goodness and mercy shall not be socially distanced from me
                                    All the days of my life,
            For I will virtually dwell in the house of the Lord during isolation.

 A child asked his father, "How were people born?" So his father said, "Adam and
 Eve made babies, then their babies became adults and made babies, and so on."
 The child then went to his mother, asked her the same question and she told him,
 "We were monkeys then we evolved to become like we are now." The child ran
 back to his father and said, "You lied to me!" His father replied, "No, your mum was
 talking about her side of the family."
Y WAWR THE DAWN - Medi 2020 September 2020 - John Rees celebrates his 97th birthday Llongyfarchiadau

                                        sion’s MEssAGE
                        Dear Friends,
                      I don’t like September and I never have. September is the
                      saddest month of the year. I not sure why but it seems to herald
                      the end of the year. It might be because when I was growing up
                      September was the month we’d go back to school and the days
would start to get shorter and the weather even colder than over the summer (we are
talking about the UK here after all). Anyway, September is the saddest month of the
year for me and it begins the run up to the end of the year.
I know that it should feel different in Australia, winter is ending with the promise of
warmer, longer days on the way; I don’t have to go to school anymore and the end of
the year is still 4 months away but somehow it doesn’t. Reading September on the
calendar takes me straight back to Marks and Spencer where I’m getting new school
shirts and Clarks for new school shoes and for the older me it’s time to start thinking
about the busy next few months and what that means.
So when I began to think about writing this article for this SEPTEMBER Dawn my head
took me back to M&S and that new school shirt smell and sore feet from new Clarks
shoes and I began to ask myself where is all this dwelling on the past was coming
from? Well I think I found out, I was searching for a quote I read last week and was
re-reading some Bible notes, in case the quote I was looking for was in there, and this
Bible verse struck me again. It was what had started my mind spiral into past times.
It is from Isaiah 46 and verse 9 - “remember the former things of old; for I am God”.
The quote is stuck in the middle of an angry rant from the prophet about how Israel is
turning to other gods in Babylon but reading it made me think of childhood days in
Sitting with it and remembering ‘the former things of old’ my mind turned to a Sunday
evening in another September, a few years later. I was sitting in the back of the
Presbyterian church in Llandudno at the 6:30pm service. Unusually I was alone (Mother
usually came to church with me in the evenings) and the Rev. W.O. Jones was
preaching. I don’t remember what he was saying or what text he used but I remember
vividly watching him and thinking, “I should do that”. I was at a crossroads in my life
and searching for a direction to go and that’s when God tapped me on the shoulder and
said, “You should do that.” To cut a long story short the next September I found myself
in the United Theological College in Aberystwyth studying to become a minister. A few
Septembers later I found myself getting ready for ordination and starting work in a new
A lot of good former things of old seem to happen in September for me, and yet, given
all that, I still don’t like September - it still feels like the year is starting to die and it
feels like the saddest month of the year.
So I have to find other things to focus on, so I look to happier things and this Septem-
ber is a busy one for us - with all the usual zooms and services. The bookclub will be
reading Huckleberry Finn, the Bible Study group is looking at Proverbs and the quiz will
Y WAWR THE DAWN - Medi 2020 September 2020 - John Rees celebrates his 97th birthday Llongyfarchiadau
have a special guest host (I hope). The services this month include a Fathers’ Day
service and the annual Queen Victoria Hospital Service so there is plenty to look forward
to. If we can (and it’s a big IF at this point) but if we can we’ll have a drive in service at
the end of the month.
So I still don’t like September and my mind is still dwelling on the former things of old
but at least there is plenty of good things happening this one. So stay safe, keep warm,
keep wearing those masks and I’ll see you on Zoom sometime soon.
Yours, in His locked down service,

                     sArA’s MEssAGE

I am going to speak to the elephant in the room.
On September 18th, we will have had the doors for the church
closed for six months. 180 days. And there is no end in sight for
when we will open them again.
On top of that, we’re all beginning to experience ‘alert fatigue’. In the military we called
it “Mission Creep”, when the normal level of anxiety and alert and hypervigilance become
normalized and you stop paying attention to the details quite so well, they’ve become
normal. And slowly what is considered normal changes. I’ve noticed this with abused
spouses, who look back eventually and realize just how much they’ve adapted. We do it
to survive, we’ll go nuts trying to pay attention to all the details. But I’ve noticed these
details slipping in our house. We used to do a daily wash of our reusable masks, my
husband and son walk to the now-take-away coffee shop by Tooronga Station, masked,
of course. But I don’t see them in the wash every day anymore, we’ve started re-using
them, which is not what we are supposed to do.
DHHS calls it Quarantine Fatigue. Our brains are not designed to be on high-alert for
SUCH an extended period of time. This feeling you have, this is what people with debili-
tating anxiety live with. It’s real. You’re not imagining it. This is why pilots have de-
tailed check lists that they go through EVERY time. It’s not a bad idea, and we’ve start-
ed a small list for our house (okay, it has one thing on it now, daily wash of reusable
We’re going to be living with a lot of new details. And we’re going to be learning how to
communicate clearly and carefully about how we get ‘down time’ and how we ‘socialise’
and a whole bunch of other challenges (parents and folks who aren’t retired, there’s a
BUNCH). Routines are important. Socialising is important, but so is stepping back and
spending an hour on Candy Crush (which I admit, I have no idea what that is other than
a game on phones) or Solitaire. STICK to your schedules, as ridiculous as that sounds,
and listen to your body. If your body does not need to be doing things between 9am and
5pm, regular old work hours, or doesn’t want to sleep between 10pm and 6am, adjust
them. You might not adjust them to MY ideal sleep hours of 2am to 10am, but your
body will thank you for working WITH it, rather than fighting it.
Y WAWR THE DAWN - Medi 2020 September 2020 - John Rees celebrates his 97th birthday Llongyfarchiadau
Watch the bad habits and try out a few good ones. Some might fail (daily yoga was an
epic failure in this house), but some might stick. And you have plenty of good friends
and family, members and ministers, who are in this SNAFU with you. And we WILL be
back in the building together … just not sure when.

                                       pEtEr’s MEssAGE
                     Do you ever wonder about those ‘Bible Heroes’ we heard about in
                     Sunday School; I do? We hear about what they did or didn’t do.
                     How often do we look into their humanity? Take Noah for
                       We all think we know Noah; you know one who built the big boat,
of course we do, we all do because we heard it at Sunday School, over and over.
We have heard the debates about whether it’s a true story, where the boat landed and
any other detail, we deem important, and perhaps in doing so lose sight of the other
details of the person.
We will even go as far to build a replica of the Ark and continue to look for remains of
it, we seem to be obsessed with ensuring people believe in every last detail of the
story, bit what do we know of the man?
We may also recall Noah was considered ‘righteous’ man, who just happened to build
boats/ships. Righteous is an interesting concept, as is being accused of being ‘self-
righteous’!! It may be described as everything you are not but God wants you to be.
In Finding Nemo, when the surfing turtle Crash catches a ride on the Eastern Australian
Current, he ecstatifies, “Righteous! Righteous!”, or spot on which sums it up, to be
righteous is to be spot on.
That pretty much means we are all doomed, or perhaps I only speak for myself, you
may be ‘self-righteous’, something I’d never be!!
Apparently, Noah was righteous, which suggests he displayed righteousness, he is also
considered the first to till the soil and grow grapes and make wine. Why were we never
told that at Sunday School, rather, what was taken from the story was that we would
die like all the naughty people in the story if we weren’t good!! Sunday School was all
doom and gloom, which is why I now drink wine, preferably red if you’re thinking of
sending me a bottle or two!! But I digress.
Noah was a good bloke, not sinless (oh dear), another fact we didn’t learn in Sunday
School. Noah, to be fair, lived in a time very different to ours; no FB or NF and no
INSTA, but more than that they were very violent and crazy times. I mean getting
drunk (so much for the wine not being alcoholic as taught in Sunday School) and naked
in your tent would never happen today as it did with Noah, again part of the Noah story
we were never told in Sunday School!!
Noah apparently live for 950 years, WOW really? I wonder if he needed a walking
Noah as a person raises so many questions, usually they are all related to the flood
Y WAWR THE DAWN - Medi 2020 September 2020 - John Rees celebrates his 97th birthday Llongyfarchiadau

But Noah obviously was a hit with God, out of all the inhabitants on earth at the time, he
was seen as being counter-cultural, that is he was a person whose values and norms of
behaviour differed substantially from those of mainstream society, often in opposition to
mainstream cultural ‘norms’.
We often look at characters in the bible and turn them into heroes, rather than see what
we have in common with them, we often idolise them, and then get disappointed with
them when get drunk and get naked.
The question this raises for me is am I self-righteous or righteous in Gods eyes?
What question does it raise for you?

                       Book club
During September, the Church Book Club are reading The
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, a novel by Mark Twain, first
published in the United Kingdom in December 1884 and in the
United States in February 1885. Commonly named among the
Great American Novels, the work is among the first in major
American literature to be written throughout in vernacular English,
characterized by local colour regionalism. It is told in the first
person by Huckleberry "Huck" Finn, the narrator of two other
Twain novels (Tom Sawyer Abroad and Tom Sawyer, Detective)
and a friend of Tom Sawyer. It is a direct sequel to The
Adventures of Tom Sawyer. The book is noted for its colourful description of people and
places along the Mississippi River. Set in a Southern antebellum society that had ceased
to exist over 20 years before the work was published, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is
an often scathing satire on entrenched attitudes, particularly racism.

                                    melbourne in lockdown
                                                                    Royal Arcade
                                                                    Bourke Street Mall
                                                                    Hosier Lane
                                                                    Victoria Market
Y WAWR THE DAWN - Medi 2020 September 2020 - John Rees celebrates his 97th birthday Llongyfarchiadau
                                                                   Your intrepid reporter:
                        NEWS FROM THE PEWS                         Medi Jones-Roberts
                    We continue to enjoy the weekly Church services on YouTube and
                    the coffees and chats which follow - and also the two Quiz, and
                    coffee occasions on Tuesday's. What a wonderful job our ministry
                    team of the Revs. Sion and Sara, also Peter (Bubba) and of course
                    organist John are carrying out during the present 'lockdown'.
'Phoned a long time friend in Florida ,USA, to acknowledge her August 12 birthday.
Interested to discover that they are back in Church at Tequesta. But my cousin at
Rhiwbeina, Cardiff, Wales, is not back playing the organ at his chapel - still closed. And a
Swiss friend we also 'phoned for her birthday probably will not be able to fly to the UK
and Cornwall for a pre booked vacation because of the closed British borders.
I’m sometimes asked on introduction if my Christian name is short for anything. I have
only known of one other person who shares my name - a girl - and that was many years
ago. I have to retort that my name does not precede - bank, - care, -cine,- evil,- tate,-
terranean. It is in fact the Welsh for September - as Welsh speakers will know, and the
month in which I was born in the Calvinistic Methodist Manse of my father’s (a
minister) first parish - Trefeglwys, Montgomeryshire, Cymru, 87 years ago. It had been
established by the doctor that my mother was to endure a difficult birth because I had /
have a large head, and there could be dire consequences. So he was invited to have
input into choosing my name. 'Just in case'!
Now- here is an interesting acronym aired on Ch7's Bargain Hunt on July 23. Gnome.
Did not know that in fact it is an acronym and in full it stands for - Guarding Naturally
over Mother Earth. Explains why the little critters look so cute looking at you from any
garden - doesn't it.
A little more on my 'slants' on days of the week. Shunday, Moanday, Chewsday, and
date queries brings - Whensday?, followed by stormy weather day- Thorsday, Fryday
and Shatterday.
And now more 'one liners' to add to that collection of yours . No single act is taken with-
out a reason; (Murdoch July 30); Facts - they are the cobbles which make up the road
on which we must travel; (wonderful! ! .) You are the author of your own story ; I'll be
back when I want it- not when I need it. (Mash Aug. 9.); Knowledge is only valuable if
it is shared; and lastly from a fishing mag. - If you snooze you lose.
Have to acknowledge here the fact that we have now passed the 75th Anniversary of the
end of World War Two. Some of us are old enough to remember those dark days from
1939 to 1945 where we lived a sometimes scary existence in various countries on this
terrestrial ball on which we are fortunate to spend our days.
Missed your mail arriving?. Remember the adage - The mail must go through ??. We
recently received two letters on successive days posted in Cardiff, Wales, a month apart
on May 24 and July 8 - arriving here on July 29 and 30. And more recently from an old
school friend in Bangor, Gogledd Cymru, and posted there approx. July 10 a card which
was postmarked Glasgow July 23 ( wold you believe) arriving here on       August 19, a
month after my lady's birthday.
Don't get scammed will you !!. Heed the warning on - scamwatch.gov.au. As was said at
the Cemetery - Fall for it - and it could be a grave situation !!.
Y WAWR THE DAWN - Medi 2020 September 2020 - John Rees celebrates his 97th birthday Llongyfarchiadau

                          ChristinE’s CulinAry CornEr
                 I was asked recently to be the inaugural demonstrator on a new
                 regular Church zoom broadcast.
                 I decided to use my recipe that I modified from one given to me by
                 Fred’s aunt whilst visiting in Holland.
                 The ingredients, apart from the egg, flour, milk and cheese, can be
                 varied according to personal preference. I use spinach, bacon, onion
                 and red capsicum, but you may wish to use pumpkin, asparagus,
                 salmon, etc
                 Have a go...it’s really quite easy. This recipe makes one large quiche
                 but you could divide the mixture into 2 or 3 smaller quiche dishes.
                 A video of the demonstration is available for viewing on Youtube
under the Melbourne Welsh Church, or on the church website.
250g frozen spinach –thawed                      1½ cups full cream milk or cream
1 small red capsicum - chopped                   ¾ cup plain flour
1 medium onion – chopped                         250g grated tasty cheese
3 full rashers of bacon – chopped                4 large eggs ( or 5 small )
2 cloves garlic – chopped                        1 tsp salt

1.   Pre-heat your oven to 180°C
2.   Sauté the onion, bacon, garlic and
     capsicum with a slurp of oil in a fry pan
     on a low heat for around 7-8 minutes.
3.   Add the spinach to just warm through.
4.   In a bowl, crack all the eggs and add
     the milk (cream) and flour. Hand mix
     together well.
5.   Add the cheese to the egg mixture and
     any desired seasoning.
6.   Add the sautéed mixture to the egg mixture, and stir well
7.   Pour into the desired quiche dish ( I use a 25cm round dish ) and bake in the
     oven for around 45 - 60 minutes. It should be golden brown.
8.   This quiche can be served either hot or cold.
9.   If you are coeliac, use gluten free flour and ensure that your bacon is gluten free.
10. Enjoy!
                                                                   Hwyl fawr,

A teacher wanted to teach her students about self-esteem, so she asked anyone who
thought they were stupid to stand up. One kid stood up and the teacher was surprised.
She didn’t think anyone would stand up so she asked him, “Why did you stand up?”
He answered, “I didn’t want to leave you standing up by yourself.”
Y WAWR THE DAWN - Medi 2020 September 2020 - John Rees celebrates his 97th birthday Llongyfarchiadau
               History of the welsh language
Welsh is one of the oldest languages in Europe. It evolved from Brythonic, the
main language spoken in Wales, England and Southern Scotland when the Romans
invaded in 43AD. Welsh began to emerge as a distinctive language sometime between
400 and 700 AD – early Welsh poetry survives from this period.

          In Henry VIII’s Act of Union in 1536, Wales was legally incorporated into
1536      England, with English as its sole official language

           The Bible was translated into Welsh by Bishop William Morgan in 1588.
 1588      The travelling Sunday Schools of preacher Griffith Jones in the 18th
           century ensured Wales was one of the few European countries to have a
           literate majority – writing and reading in Welsh.

 1760     The Industrial Revolution brought massive changes, both in terms of
          population movement and communications

          The 1911 census recorded the highest number of Welsh speakers –
          977,366, 43.5% of the population. However, for the first time in 2,000
1911      years Welsh was now a minority language. The First World War
          accelerated a decline of Welsh. It has been estimated some 20,000 Welsh
          speakers died in the conflict

          The 1921 census showed a further decline, as the number of Welsh
 1921     speakers fell to 37.1% of the population.

          The 1962 BBC radio lecture Tynged Yr Iaith (The Fate of the Language),
          given by playwright Saunders Lewis, foresaw the demise of the language.
 1962     The lecture had a major impact and led directly to the formation of
          pressure group Cymdeithas Yr Iaith Gymraeg (Welsh Language Society)
          which campaigned for reforms

          The Welsh Language Act of 1967 gave people the right to present evidence in
1967      Welsh in Wales’ Courts and to have official forms in Welsh

1977      Welsh language radio station BBC Radio Cymru was established in 1977

          Welsh language TV channel S4C followed in 1982 - Welsh had become a
1982      language of mass media news and entertainment.

          Alongside the growth in Welsh-medium education and legal reforms, including
 1993     the 1993 Welsh language Act and Welsh Government’s 2003 Iaith Pawb – A
          National Action Plan for a Bilingual Wales, there has been a stabilisation in the
          numbers speaking Welsh

                  MElbournE’s birthdAy - part 1
Melbourne Day is an annual celebration to mark the founding of Melbourne in Victoria
Australia, on 30 August 1835.
Melbourne was settled on 30 August 1835 by a party of free settlers from Van Diemen's
Land. The party was led by John Lancey aboard the schooner Enterprize, and was fund-
ed by the businessman John Pascoe Fawkner. The settlement followed a treaty with the
indigenous Aboriginal group, the Wurundjeri of the Kulin nation alliance, which was ne-
gotiated by John Batman on behalf of the Port Phillip Association.
Melbourne differs from Australia's other early colonial cities, in that it was founded
by businessmen and free settlers - without the permission of The Crown. However, it
was later transferred as a settlement of The Crown on 4 March 1837.
In April 1835, John Batman, a prominent grazier and a member of the Geelong and
Dutigalla Association (later Port Phillip Association), sailed from Launceston on the island
of Van Diemen's Land (now the State of Tasmania),
aboard the schooner Rebecca, in search of
fresh grazing land in the south-east of the Colony
of New South Wales (the mainland Australian
continent). He sailed across Bass Strait, into the bay
of Port Phillip, and arrived at the mouth of the Yarra
River in May. After exploring the surrounding area,
he met with the elders of the indigenous Aboriginal
group, the Wurundjeri of the Kulin nation alliance,             An artist’s impression of the signing
                                                                       of ‘Batman’s Treaty”
and negotiated a transaction for 600,000 acres which
later became known as Batman's Treaty. The transaction - which is believed to have
taken place on the bank of Merri Creek (near the modern day suburb of Northcote),
consisted of an offering of: blankets, knives, mirrors, sugar, and other such items; to be
also tributed annually to the Wurundjeri. The last sentence of Batman's journal entry on
this day became famous as the founding charter of the settlement.
"So the boat went up the large river. And, I am glad to state about six miles up found
the river all good water and very deep. This will be the place for a village."
— Journal of John Batman (8 June 1835).
Upon returning to Van Diemen's Land, Batman's treaty was deemed invalid by
the Governor of New South Wales, Richard Bourke, under the Proclamation of Governor
Bourke in August. It was the belief of Governor Bourke, as well as the Governor of Van
Diemen's Land, George Arthur, that the Aboriginal people did not have any official claims
to the lands of the Australian continent. The proclamation formally declared, under the
doctrine of terra nullius, that The Crown owned the whole of the Australian continent
and that only it alone could sell and distribute land. It therefore voided any contracts or
treaties made without the consent of the government, and declared any person
attempting to rely on such a treaty to be trespassing. However, at the time the
proclamation was being drawn up, a prominent businessman from Van Diemen's
Land, John Pascoe Fawkner, had also funded an expedition to the area; which sailed
from George Town aboard the schooner Enterprize. At the same time, the Port Phillip
Association had also funded a second expedition; which sailed from Launceston aboard
the Rebecca.

              Church trivia quiz re victoria
1.   Where in Melbourne would you find ‘Father Time’ ? ___________________
2.   What was invented by George Nicholas? ______________________
3.   What is Victoria’s fauna emblem?
4.   Which Polish Count explored and
     named Gippsland?
5.   What building houses the Coop Shot
     Tower? ___________________
6.   What is the name of the cave where
     bones of a wombat the size of a horse
     were found?
7.   What is the name of Bendigo’s last deep reef mine? ______________________
8.   What was proposed as the original name for Melbourne? __________________
9.   What is the name given to the special Red Gum at the
     entrance to the Botanic Gardens? ____________________
10. Who was the founder of Olympic Tyres? _________________
                   11. What was the only deep water port between Geelong and
                   Adelaide? __________
                   12. What is the ‘Welcome Stranger’? _____________________
                   13. What is Victoria’s largest private house?     _______________
                   14. Who killed 7 people in what was named the Hoddle Street
                   Massacre? __________________
                   15. What is Victoria’s floral emblem? _________________
                   16. What was the Murray River originally called?
                   17. In what decade was Melbourne’s first telephone exchange
                   opened? ___________
18. What was Melbourne’s tallest building in 1994? ____________
19. In which country Victorian town was Sir Robert Menzies born? _____________
20. Australia’s first what was opened in Burwood Victoria in 1954? _______________

       Drive-in   20.    19. Jeparit      18. Rialto     17. 1880      16. Hume River
 15. Pink Heath     Julius Knight   14.        13. Werribee Park    largest gold nugget
9. Separation Tree   10. Francis Beaurepaire 11. Portland   12. The world’s
5. Melbourne Central 6. Fairy Cave, Buchan 7. Central Deborah . 8. Batmania
 3. Leadbeater’s Possum 4. Strzeleki      2. Aspro      1. Royal Arcade   ANSWERS:

                                      Covid - 19
Is it too early to put up the Christmas tree yet? I have        So let me get this straight;
run out of things to do.                                        there’s no cure for a virus
                                                                that can be killed by
                                                                sanitiser and hand soap?
                               If these last months have
When this virus thing
                               taught us anything, it’s
is over, I still want
                               that stupidity travels
some of you to stay                                                 Just wait a second - so
                               faster than any virus on
away from me.                                                       what you’re telling me is
                               the planet.
                                                                    that my chance of
                                                                    surviving all this is
If you believe all this will end and we will get back to nor-       directly linked to the
mal just because we reopen everything, raise your hand.             common sense of
Now slap yourself with it.                                          others?
                                                                    You’re kidding, right?
Another Saturday        Remember when you were
night in the            little and all your under-
house. I just           wear had he days of the          Whoever decided that a bottle
realised the bins       week on them. Those              shop is more essential than a
go out more than        would be very helpful right      hair salon is obviously a
me.                     now.                             bald-headed alcoholic.

                    The spread of Covid-19 is based on 2 factors:
Did a big           1. How dense the population is……..and                 Remember all
load of             2. How dense the population is                        those times when
pyjamas so I                                                              you wished the
would have                                                                weekend would
enough clean                                                              last forever? Well,
                    It may take a village to raise a child. But I
work clothes                                                              wish granted.
                    swear it’s going to take a whole vineyard to
for this week.                                                            Happy now?
                    home school one.

       Yeah, I have plans tonight. I’ll probably hit the living room around 8 or 9.

If I get quarantined for          I swear we’re fighting 2 pandemics:
two weeks with my wife            1. Covid-19                                    My cat is
and I die, I can assure           2. Stupidity                                   still
you it was not the virus                                                         wondering
that killed me.                                                                  why I’m in
                                Feeling guilt because the kids are               his house
                                watching too much television at the              after
Now I know why dogs             moment?                                          8:00am.
get so excited to go            Easy….mute it and put the sub-titles on.
out for walks.                  BOOM….now they’re reading!

WIFE: Did I get fat dur ing quarantine?
HUSBAND: You weren’t really skinny to
start with.


         LEARN TO SIT
           AND STAY
                            Time for a laugh

                                     “But when I do
                                     remember your
“Good evening. You’re probably all   birthday you say
wondering why you just walked        I’m rubbing
into this room.”                     it in.”

                                                        “This isn’t what I had in
                                                        mind when I said I
                                                        wanted to be an iron

Bible crossword puzzle

fill the words puzzle

 Z      J   L    A      R   O   L   F     H   T   W   O   R   G   O
 N      X   Y    R      E   B   I   R     T   H   A   P   W   N   C
 S      O   I    B      J   G   C   H     E   E   R   Y   E   I   T
 Q      G   S    N      U   I   F   S     C   X   M   S   N   N   O
 P      C   U    A      V   D   Z   I     O   Y   T   J   A   E   B
 A      L   M    B      E   I   S   R     L   P   H   R   R   K   E
 D      E   A    R     N    S   G   U     O   P   G   T   E   A   R
 G      A   P    N      A   G   A   O     U   A   F   N   B   W   E
 N      N   F    X      T   N   R   L     R   H   E   A   M   A   N
 I      B   L    F      I   O   D   F     F   A   R   R   E   L   I
 P      E   O    T     O    S   E   E     U   B   T   B   V   I   H
 R      A   W    H     N    D   N   F     L   L   I   I   O   V   S
 I      U   E    G     Q    R   I   I     A   U   L   V   N   E   N
 H      T   R    I      B   I   Z   L     M   B   E   E   S   G   U
 C      Y   S    L      J   B   R   E     B   M   E   T   P   E   S
BEES            FLOWERS
BIRTH           GROWTH
BUDS            HAPPY           OCTOBER
BULB            GARDEN          PLANT
CHEERY          LAMB         REBIRTH
CHIRPING        LIFE            SEASON
CLEAN           LIGHT           SEPTEMBER
DAFFODIL        NEW             VIBRANT
DIG             NOVEMBER        WARMTH

          Ministry team                                 Social media
Rev. Siôn Gough Hughes        0405 146 544
Rev. Sara Villarreal Bishop 0424 880 694                      melbwelshchurch@
Mr. Peter Whitefield          0402 030 360                      bigpond.com

      Board of elders                                   melbournewelshchurch.com.au

Church Secretary                                        Twitter:
Mrs. Christine Boomsma         9758 6997                http:/twitter.com/
Mr. Wayne Gardiner             9558 2149
                                                        ‘Melbourne Welsh Church’ on
Assistant Treasurer                                     Facebook search bar.
Mr. Darren Gardiner         041 297 0509
Elders:                     Deacons:
Mrs. Bronwen Holding        Mr. Geraint                     blogspot.com.au
9762 3830                   Griffiths
                            9877 7282
Mr. David Rees
9416 1484                   Mr. Michael
                            Min Fa
                                                      DIVINE WORSHIP
                            0411 027 478                        11:00am

                                                      WELSH SERVICES
          CHURCH office                            Second and last Sunday of each
                                                         month at 2:30pm.
Administrative Assistant:

Mr. Fred Boomsma          9329 5139                  HOLY COMMUNION
                              or                  First Sunday of each month and as
                          9758 6997                           advertised.
 The Welsh Church office hours will be
adjusted in respect of the Corona Virus               JUNIOR CHURCH
Church caretakers:                                          Vi Minecraft
Maureen and Willie Ow        9329 6961
                                                       GYMANFA GANU
Church Organist:                                         March and August
Ms. Wendy Couch             9813 2675
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