MARKET INSIGHT - Redmayne Bentley

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                                                     – New Year
                                                     & New Dawn
                                                       READ THE ARTICLE

             Making its mark - China’s          Corporate
             market dominance cannot            Governance in China
             be ignored                          READ THE ARTICLE

               READ THE ARTICLE


                                                 While the rest of the globe             has been tentatively opening its
                                                 is already two months into              markets to the world. At the same
            STOCK FOCUS                          its calendar new year, those            time, policymakers have been keen
            China – New Year &                   observing this month’s Chinese          to increase the attractiveness to
            New Dawn                             Lunar New Year will be hoping           foreign investors, relinquishing
                                                 the famed new year greeting             state control and aligning Chinese
               READ THE ARTICLE                  – “wishing you to make lots of          business to internationally
                                                 money or a fortune” - will hold         recognised standards of corporate
                                                 true to its translation. Rather         governance (See: Corporate
           INSIGHT                               fittingly, this year’s zodiac -         Governance in China). There is
           Making its mark                       the Ox – gives an appropriate           still a long way to go, and now,
           - China’s market                      depiction of the bull run ensuing       more than ever, the spotlight is
           dominance cannot be                   in the region’s investment              being shone on the country’s record
           ignored                               markets. The Chinese                    in corporate interference. After
                                                 Government all but quashed              criticising the government’s finance
              READ THE ARTICLE
                                                 the Coronavirus in short order,         policies earlier in the year, Jack Ma
                                                 allowing its economy to open            (founder of Alibaba) disappeared
                                                 back up sharply, while the rest of      from public for two months, raising
            TOPIC OF THE MONTH                   the world still reels in its fallout.   concerns over the influence of the
            Corporate Governance                                                         State. It is a sign that investors
            in China                             As UK investors, we have                still need to be comfortable with
                                                 watched in awe over the years at        state-control and oversight, which
               READ THE ARTICLE
                                                 the meteoric rise of the Chinese        ultimately has the potential to limit
                                                 economy. Throughout the                 innovation and growth prospects.
                                                 20th century, the country has
                                                 transformed from the “sick man          Innovation will continue to be key
                                                 of Asia” into the second largest        if China is to affirm its dominance
                                                 economy in the world, eradicating       in technology companies. Posting
Monday–Friday, 08:00–17:00
                                                 much of the poverty that plagued        a record month for Initial Public
GIVE FEEDBACK                                    the nation’s poorest regions. Today,    Offering (IPO) raisings in January,                      an affluent middle-class live within    the markets are full of new
                                                 China’s abundant metropolises           ideas across the sector, pushing
0113 243 6941
                                                 that burst with innovation. Though      for subscription-based online
                                                 investment in China has been met        services to rival their behemoth
FOR MORE DETAILS                                 with a little more hesitance, fears     counterparts in the US (See: New                                   of a volatile political landscape       Year & New Dawn). Though, like
FOLLOW US                                        and its emerging economy status         the US, the region is not immune
                                                 have held it back from being a          to stock market mania and potential
                                                 standalone allocation in portfolios.    eye-watering share price rises… and
                                                 We think this is changing, and if       falls.
                                                 the last year has taught investors
RISK WARNING                                     anything, it is to diversify the risk   We now watch closely as the
Investments and income arising from              and return drivers in a portfolio       world emerges bruised from the
them can fall as well as rise in value.          (See: Making its Mark). As a near       pandemic, and China provides
Past performance and forecasts are not           self-sustainable and domestically       some certainty to its outlook. The
reliable indicators of future results and        focused economy, we are seeing          Chinese version of communism
performance. There is an extra risk of           more than ever the benefits of          remains prevalent, meaning
losing money when shares are bought              investment exposure, when global        some investors will struggle to
in some smaller companies. Redmayne              markets are otherwise interlinked       get comfortable with the political
Bentley has taken steps to ensure the            to the pitfalls of its key economies.   system, but it offers a true
accuracy of the information provided.            To facilitate the wave of investment    opportunity for the next decade and
                                                 capital, the Chinese Government         beyond that is worth considering.



This column would not have been written a decade                 there is a Tencent, and for every Just-Eat there is a Meituan.
ago. In fact, it was unlikely to have been written five
years ago. The tenacious and precipitous rise of China           But forgetting about these big names, the focus of this article is
as a global superpower has kickstarted the wealth                on Kuaishou, the Chinese video-streaming app which rose to
management world into action. Investment managers are            prominence mid-February after it raised US$5.4bn overnight
slowly dipping their toes into what has previously been          in the largest technology listing since Uber raised US$8bn
characterised as dangerous waters, out of bounds for             in 2019. ‘Asia’s-decade’ is certainly living up to its billing: a
most investors.                                                  record US$13bn was raised through Asia IPOs in January.

In truth, while corporate governance in China remains flimsier   Founded in 2011, the company allows users to share animated
than in the West, and despite the questionable political and     images (gifs) and is the world’s second most popular short-
ethical policies and standards employed by the Government,       video platform with 769m monthly active users. The millions
the Chinese market has an array of supercharged companies.       of users check the Kuaishou app an average of ten times a day,
For every Amazon there is an Alibaba, for every Facebook         spending an average of 86 minutes watching videos. If that


sounds impressive, that its shares were more than 1,200 times       What makes Kuaishou’s first-day performance even more
oversubscribed in its IPO and nearly tripled on their first day     frightening was that it failed to raise eyebrows; shares jumping
of trading in Hong Kong, trumps the lot.                            on their first day of trading has become the rule, rather than
                                                                    the exception – the visa-versa should certainly hold true in an
You may think that sharing short videos is a niche market,          efficient and stable market. Bubble, the dating-app, saw its
but it is turning out to be quite the battleground; ByteDance,      shares swell 64% on day one, while Dr Martens was valued
TikTok’s parent company, is considering a market-listing,           at over ten times what its past owners had paid on its market
with Douyin, its Chinese arm, already boasting over double          debut.
the number of users as Kuaishou. Furthermore, Kuaishou’s
US$6.3bn of sales in the first nine months of last year may
seem impressive, yet are dwarfed by ByteDance’s US$30bn,
albeit over the full year, while the latter generates more than
three times the advertising revenue per user hour of Kuaishou.                         “You may think that
As we have learnt from the developed US tech market,
advertising often lies at the crux of businesses revenue streams.
                                                                                       sharing short videos
Yet, according to a local source, Kuaishou’s strength lies in its
                                                                                        is a niche market,
ability to attract ‘ordinary’ Chinese users, who seem to remain                          but it is turning
extremely loyal to the platform. Moreover, Kuaishou has an
advantage in developing online game-related business thanks                             out to be quite the
to its ties with Tencent, while Kuaishou leads the race in online

                                                                    Kuaishou shares now trade at an enterprise value-to-sales
                                                                    ratio of 15x which, even by tech standards, is looking frothy.
                                                                    Additionally, it is not as if the corporate governance stands
                                                                    up for much; Chief Executive Su and Cheng Yixiao, the

    32%                    REVENUE                   62%            company’s founder, effectively control the company through
                         BREAKDOWN                                  a special class of stock with ten times the voting power
                                                                    of ordinary shares. Moreover, regulators are scrutinising
                                                                    livestreaming e-commerce, while recent legislation has
                                                                    tightened controls on tipping on platforms such as Kuaishou.
                                                                    In China, tipping your favourite livestreaming host has
                                                                    become as common as tipping a waiter in a restaurant. With
                                                                    this accounting for 62% of Kuaishou’s revenues over the past
                                                                    nine months, this is a sign of potential danger.

                                                                    All-in-all, investors should be wary. Not only did the company
                                                                    fail to turn an operating profit in its latest trading update,
                                                                    Kuaishou is also operating in a highly competitive, politically
     LIVE STREAMING                                                 charged and tightly regulated market; with pricing-caps now in
                                                                    place on users sending tips, there is effectively a limiter on the
     ADS AND ONLINE MARKETING                                       company’s potential cash streams.
                                                                    The likes of Tencent, which holds a c.22% stake in Kuaishou,
                                                                    alongside the investment banks which led the IPO, Bank of
shopping - between December 2019 and May 2020, Kuaishou             America and Morgan Stanley, will be pleased with their work.
sold products worth 104.4bn yuan compared to just 11.9bn            Retail investors should tread with caution.
yuan on Douyin.
                                                                    Please note that this communication is for information only and
Nevertheless, retail investors were clearly intent on continuing    does not constitute a recommendation to buy or sell the shares of the
the global theme of ignoring a business’s intrinsic value,          investments mentioned.
pumping more air into the ever-growing bubble.


If the COVID-19 pandemic has                            returns and lower levels of volatility,      the brink of ‘developed’ status, namely a
taught us one investment lesson,                        given the state of financial markets         population rapidly increasing its wealth,
it’s that diversification remains                       across such countries.                       significant investment into infrastructure
key to helping guide investors                                                                       and globally emerging businesses
through a variety of market cycles                      While many in the UK investor                with healthy finances. In fact, rather
and significant financial shocks.                       community have been hesitant to invest       astonishingly, China’s share of global
Portfolio geography was particularly                    into China, the economic, demographic        GDP has risen from approximately 2%
important last year as investors                        and corporate changes that have taken        during the 1970’s to around 13% as of
focused domestically, as is traditional                 place in the past decade and continue        2020, mostly at the expense of Europe,
amongst many in the UK, suffered                        to do so, are likely to provide a plethora   the US and Japan. This translates into
poor returns and little in the way of                   of investment ideas to both diversify        significant consumer growth, with the
downside protection. However, those                     risk and improve overall portfolio           Asia Pacific region forecast to help lift
investors, with exposure to a range                     performance. Taking a purely top-down        nearly 1.5 billion people into the middle
of geographies such as Asia, North                      view on China, the country possesses         class between 2020-2030, with China
America and indeed Europe, were                         many of the key characteristics we would     responsible for over a third of this
more likely to experience greater                       hope to find from a developing nation on     transition.







                                      FTSE 100           S&P 500 Value Index         MSCI China           MSCI Europe excl. UK

    01/01/20 01/02/20 01/03/20 01/04/20 01/05/20 01/06/20 01/07/20 01/08/20 01/09/20 01/10/20 01/11/20 01/12/20

                                                                                                                          Source: Redmayne Bentley

                                                    Figure 1 – FTSE 100, S&P 500, MSCI China & MSCI Europe EX UK during 2020


                                                    REVENUE GROWTH RATES %




                                                                                                                                MSCI CHINA
                                                                                                                                MSCI USA
                                                                                                                                MSCI UK
Source: Factset Data Systems

This not only further cements China’s               market has soared in comparison to the        Vietnam and Thailand, which are often
position as a global superpower, it also            UK. While the UK market often possess         extremely difficult for UK investors to
means that over 500 million people will             a value stock bias, leading to greater than   tap into. With a now significant and
turn from subsistence to consumers as               average rebounds after economic shocks,       rapidly growing financial services sector,
their incomes increase and discretionary            the long-term growth trajectory is far less   China has been able to reduce its reliance
spending increases with it, fuelling                fruitful than across Asia, and China in       on Dollar denominated debt, as well
demand for products and services.                   particular.                                   as attracting other Asian economies to
                                                                                                  utilise the Yuan, helping to create not just
This, then, feeds into the bottom-                  Currency exposure has also been a             a self-sustaining financial system but also
up view for China, with companies                   key talking point in recent years with        one that is attractive internationally.
both domestically and internationally               the British Pound severely impacted
capitalising on the structural changes              by Brexit and the US Dollar affected          Given the macroeconomic picture for
within China and the general Asia Pacific           by global events such as the US-China         China over the next decade and beyond,
region. In fact, Chinese companies have             trade war and the COVID-19 crisis.            coupled with the ever-increasing plethora
been able to sustain a high rate of growth          With this in mind, the appetite within        of exciting and fast-growing companies
consistently, with forecasts suggesting             the investor community to diversify           emerging from the region, a direct,
that this will likely continue at much              currency exposure within portfolios           or at the very least, indirect allocation
higher levels than many of its global               has become an issue at the front and          to China is likely a sensible decision
peers. One of the reasons that large UK             centre of portfolio construction. While       from a performance and diversification
companies have tended to underperform               investing internationally may help, the       standpoint. However, as a developing
compared to their US and Chinese                    extent to which investors are actually        nation, China does possess a far less
counterparts has been down to their lack            diversifying their currency exposure          rigorous corporate governance structure,
of growth and attribution towards cyclical          with investments into Europe, North           leading many to not overweight their
sectors such as banking, and traditional            America and Asia, may be limited. In          portfolios towards Chinese assets. The
energy such as oil, gas and mining. This            fact, the FTSE 100 accounts the US            Asia Pacific region and, in particular
has meant that many such companies                  Dollar for approximately 23.35% of its        China, is likely to play a much bigger
have limited long-term upside potential,            revenues, and with emerging market            role in portfolio construction going
given their maturity, as well as significant        assets increasingly linked to the Dollar      forward as such issues are addressed by
downside risk given their cyclicality. The          through USD denominated debt and              the government and corporate bodies.
COVID-19 crisis has both illustrated                financial reporting, UK investors may         The diversification benefit of not only
and exacerbated this point, with UK                 be more exposed to a smaller handful of       accessing previously untapped markets,
companies at far greater risk of significant        currencies than they believe.                 but also dispersing one’s currency
revenue declines and poorer long-term                                                             exposure to countries that look set
forecast growth afterwards.                         Unlike traditional emerging markets,          to increase their share of the global
                                                    Chinese assets tend to provide investors      economic environment, will likely create
This greater level of consistency and               with much less exposure to the US Dollar      a smoothing effect, reducing volatility
growth compared to UK companies’                    and greater exposure to the domestic          in the longer term and building a
often inconsistent growth over a longer             Chinese Yuan, as well as other emerging       portfolio that is able to create value across
period of time has meant that the Chinese           Asian economies and currencies such as        constantly evolving market conditions.



The economic reforms introduced in the post-Mao era opened
China to a wave of foreign investment and entrepreneurship,
catalysing China’s rise as an economic superpower and
attracting global attention to the Chinese stock market. Until
recently, the systems in place by which listed companies were
governed and controlled remained a significant barrier to entry
for most foreign investors seeking to take advantage of the ever-
growing economy.


                                               Prior to the 1990’s, almost all Chinese        necessary, the state will provide financial
                                               companies were state-owned and                 support and act as a safety net for
                                               with no established stock exchange or          underperforming businesses. It also
                                               regulatory body to monitor the market,         allows ease of access to a continuously
                                               it was difficult for individual investors to   growing and stable customer base.
                                               get their foot in the door. It was not until   According to a report in 2019, around
                                               the government created the Shanghai            40% of Chinese companies are state-
                                               and Shenzhen stock exchange, along             owned, with the rest partially owned or
                                               with the China Securities Regulatory           not at all. The implications highlighted
                                               Commission (CSRC), that the first              will therefore have decreasing levels of
                                               steps were taken to create an oversight        impact as the portion of state-ownership
                                               mechanism that would work towards              decreases.
                                               international standards of corporate
                                               governance. In the past, individual            Corporate governance issues also
                                               minority shareholders have been                persist in companies that are not owned
                                               discouraged from investing as their            by the state. One example is Luckin
                                               interests were not fairly represented;         Coffee, which pledged to overtake
                                               this was due to majority shareholders          Starbucks as China’s biggest coffee
                                               utilising their position to accumulate         chain when it went public in 2019 but
                                               shares through in-party transactions.          was soon investigated by the State
                                               Since then, the introduction of several        Administration for Market Regulation,
                                               policies aiming to address the power           uncovering £250m in fake transactions.
                                               imbalance between state and individual         The falsification of financial earnings
                                               shareholders have improved the levels          remains an issue, however, it is clear the
                                               of corporate governance among listed           Chinese government is taking steps to
                                               companies. Nonetheless, Chinese                solve complex issues with most listed
                                               enterprises are still heavily concentrated     companies subject to information
                                               with state-ownership compared to               disclosure rules, internal controls, and a
                                               other developed economies, which is            vast improvement of investor relations.
                                               an important factor to assess before           Many Chinese companies have also
                                               investing in the region.                       begun to participate in corporate
                                                                                              social responsibility to combat the
                                               As a direct result of ownership                environmental impact they have as a
                                               concentration, boards of directors             country.
                                               can be subject to government controls
                                               surrounding general operations
                                               and decision-making. The lack of
                                               independence among directors trickles
                                               down the business hierarchy, with
                                               supervisors unlikely to implement their
                                               own management styles and employees
                                               having little to no input on business            “...state-ownership
                                               decisions. Innovation within state-
                                               owned companies can therefore be                 is not necessarily a
                                               limited as the state holds an influence
                                               over management while employees are               disadvantage, as
                                               encouraged to focus on their direct roles.
                                               It could be argued that this improves          companies are backed
                                               efficiency, although such influence
                                               presents the opportunity for corruption.
                                                                                               by the government it
                                               It is possible that political objectives        is unlikely they will
                                               replace the maximisation of shareholder
                                               value as the indirect principles of                be left to fail... ”
                                               management, with a self-interest culture
                                               also giving rise to insider trading.

                                               On the contrary, state-ownership is not
                                               necessarily a disadvantage, as companies
                                               are backed by the government it is
                                               unlikely they will be left to fail. If

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