Market Review 2019 ENERGISING - THE FUTURE - Petrol Retailers Association

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Market Review 2019 ENERGISING - THE FUTURE - Petrol Retailers Association
Market Review
Market Review 2019 ENERGISING - THE FUTURE - Petrol Retailers Association
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Market Review 2019 ENERGISING - THE FUTURE - Petrol Retailers Association
Market Review
  HELP US TO HELP YOU, THE INDEPENDENT                         CONTENTS                                                            2019
   FORECOURT RETAILER, BY SUPPORTING                            REVIEW OF 2018                                                                        4

          “Together we                                          HOW DOES THE PRA DO IT?
                                                                A FRICTIONLESS BORDER, BY TANK STORAGE ASSOCIATION
          are stronger”                                          EVENTS
                                                                KEEPING IN TOUCH WITH THE PRA                                                        18
                                                                EDGE PETROL ON HELPING YOU MAKE BETTER DECISIONS                                     20
                                                                RAY BLAKE ON THE ROLE OF THE PELG                                                    22
                                                                E10 AND FUEL LABELLING                                                               24
                                                                CAR WASH
                                                                CLEANING UP CAR WASHES, BY THE CWA                                                   27
                          BRIAN MADDERSON
                                                                UNDERSTANDING EFFLUENT                                                               28
                                                                OIL MARKET OVERVIEW

           arket Review 2019 is the fifth issue
                                                                S&G PLATTS DISCUSSES OIL SUPPLY                                                      30
           of PRA’s annual publication and I am
                                                                MARKET BY NUMBERS FROM EXPERIAN CATALIST                                             32
           delighted that it continues to be well
                                                                ENERGY TRANSITION
received by so many across our industry and
                                                                THE ROAD TO POWER, BY BP                                                             36
beyond. Readers include members, product
                                                                SERVING UP DIGITAL, BY ACCENTURE                                                     38
and service suppliers, media (both national and
                                                                FUELLING CONVENIENCE RETAIL, BY SHELL                                                42
regional), governments and devolved national
assemblies. This year we have also had positive
                                                                BUSINESS RATES UPDATE, BY MUA                                                        46
feedback from overseas trade associations such as
                                                                PROPERTY NEWS FROM CHRISTIE & CO                                                     48
the International Car Wash Association (ICWA) and
                                                                LEGAL UPDATE, BY MILS                                                                50
the Belgian Car Wash Association (BBVR).
                                                                APG CASH DRAWER ON REDUCING CASH LOSSES                                              52
    In September, we hosted a visit of 16 fuel
                                                                AI CORP ON FRICTIONLESS PAYMENTS                                                     53
distributors and independent forecourt retailers
from South Korea who had downloaded Market
                                                                KEEPING CUSTOMERS COMING, BY IGD                                                     54
Review 2018 from the PRA website. This involved
                                                                FORECOURT TRADER OF THE YEAR                                                         56
an interactive Forum in London followed by visits to
the impressive Rontec site on the A20 near Sidcup
                                                                FORECOURTS THROUGH THE YEARS                                                         60
and to David Charman’s award-winning site at
                                                                ASSOCIATE MEMBERS                                                                    62
Parkfoot, West Malling. The visitors were amazed by
the scope and quality of the seven-day/week in-store
butchery which he operates.
                                                                Who’s who at the PRA
                                                                PRA MANAGEMENT TEAM                            Andrew Lawrence, Lawrence Garages
    In 2019, PRA has a great programme of
                                                                Brian Madderson, Chairman                      (London) Ltd
Business Breakouts, Roadshows (with Thames                      07768 608332        John Ryeland, George Hammond plc
Communications) detailed on our website. These                  Gordon Balmer, Commercial Manager              Hemant Tandon, Park Garage Group
cover all four home countries plus national events              07771 834073          PRA TECHNICAL COMMITTEE
                                                                Phil Monger, Technical Director                Mike Garner, Chairman, The Garner Group
with the Forecourt Show at the NEC Birmingham                   07831 327990               Nick Brocklehurst, Westbridge Motors
from 8 to 10 April and the joint Forecourt                      Ray Blake, Technical Manager                   (Northampton) Ltd
Conference with ACS in early July.                              07496 967269              Jon Brownsey, Fordingbridge Garage
                                                                Steve Coombe, Membership Manager               Jill Howkins, F. Howkins & Son
    With thanks to all the contributors for their
                                                                07831 373205           Graham Lambert, St Michaels Garage Ltd
extremely valuable insights and to all advertisers for
                                                                PRA EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE                        Andrew Lawrence and Ben Lawrence, Lawrence
supporting the publication so generously.                       Brian Madderson, Chairman                      Garages (London) Ltd
                                                                Ashley Kay, The Kay Group                      Emma McVie, Southern Co-operative
Cover photos: main photo courtesy of Circle                     Sue Kembrey, Stanshawe Services                Matthew Bellamy, Certas Energy
                                                                Mike Garner, The Garner Group                  Paul Suchodolski, Rontec
Brands, other photos courtesy of PRA members                    Graham Lambert, St Michaels Garage Ltd         Margaret Erwin, Moto
(see page 60 for more details)                                  Aziz Patel, The Brookfield Group

                                                                                           The Retail Motor Industry
                                                                                           Federation (RMI) is a leading
                                                                                           automotive trade body in the
                                       Publisher: Simon Lewis                              UK, representing franchised car
PRA MARKET REVIEW is published by      Editor: Tracy West                                  and commercial vehicle dealers;
Lewis Business Media Ltd,              Art Editor: Sarah Crowhurst                         independent garages; bodyshops; motorcycle dealers; petrol
Suite A, Arun House, Office Village,   Sales: Rachel Hallett                               retailers; auction houses and cherished number plate dealers;
River Way, Uckfield, TN22 1SL          Printed by: Stephens & George Print Group,          who provide sales and services to motorists and businesses
Tel: 01825 983105                      Goat Mill Road, Dowlais, Merthyr Tydfil, CF48 3TD   across the UK.
Fax: 01825 983108                      ©Lewis Business Media Ltd 2019                      201 Great Portland Street, London W1W 5AB
Email:    All rights reserved.                                Tel: 020 7307 3598 • Fax: 020 7307 3406 •

Market Review 2019 ENERGISING - THE FUTURE - Petrol Retailers Association
Market Review 2019

                                                                                                                   Salim and Mumtaz Patel’s
                                                                                                                     forecourt at Shell Crown
                                                                                                                 Services in Brighouse, West
                                                                                                               Yorkshire, is one example of a
                                                                                                                  rebuild undertaken in 2018

PRA and CWA chairman Brian Madderson looks at the ‘churn’                                             static grocery market, their successes
                                                                                                      have been at the direct expense of the
affecting our industry through 2018 and beyond
                                                                                                      ‘Big 4’, whose combined share has
                                                                                                      collapsed from 76.3% to 69.3% while

                        his year has undoubtedly been      backdrop for our lobbying challenges,      margins have been hammered.
                        dominated by the strident          but reinforced by Pepper Public               Tesco responded by trialling a new
                        voices of industry (especially     Affairs’ professional advice and           discount format ‘Jack’s’ in East Anglia
                the automotive manufacturers and           communications, significant progress       last summer but previous attempts by
                their component suppliers), media          has still been achieved (see pages 10      the ‘Big 4’ to move into the discount
                moguls and politicians all wishing to      to 14).                                    space, such as Sainsbury’s with Danish
                record their differing but well-meaning       The German discounters, Aldi and        brand Netto, were not financially
                views on Brexit as our Prime Minister      Lidl, continue to snap at the heels of     successful.
                conducted negotiations with the EU.        the UK’s established grocery retailers        One of the principle commercial
                   The extraordinary feature has been      with their combined growth of over         ‘churns’ resulting from the Aldi/Lidl
                the ‘churn’ in political appointees,       80% in the last five years. Aldi emerged   attack has been the agreed £15bn
                whether by sacking for their contrary      onto our shores in 1992 and today          merger of Sainsbury’s with Walmart’s
                views, resignation for actual or alleged   operates 762 stores with a target of       Asda, which is currently being
                misdemeanours and resignation as a         reaching 1,000 by 2022. Their lean         closely examined by the Competition
                matter of personal conscience. In this     model comprising the same size             & Markets Authority (CMA). This
                term of office, the Conservatives have     building layout, limited car parking and   proposed retailing behemoth would
                presided over a change of Cabinet          reduced product range enables them         not only surpass Tesco to become the
                Minister every six weeks, with even        to offer above industry-average wages      UK’s number one grocery seller with
                more frequent changes to Junior            and very low prices. They now have a       over 31% market share, it would also
                Ministers and Parliamentary Private        market share of 7.3%, easing ahead         become the largest fuel retailer with
                Secretaries. Likewise, the Labour Party    of the Co-op. Lidl has 700 stores and      18% share, overtaking BP, Shell and
                has witnessed no fewer than 106            aims to open between 40 to 50 new          Tesco – hence the criticality to our
                changes to its front bench team in just    stores every year, growing sales by 9.1%   sector.
                the last three years.                      and taking its market share to 5.4%           The merger has alarmed the CMA
                   This has provided a most difficult      – ahead of Waitrose. In a relatively       and Government with concerns that       ▹

Market Review 2019 ENERGISING - THE FUTURE - Petrol Retailers Association
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Market Review 2019 ENERGISING - THE FUTURE - Petrol Retailers Association
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Market Review 2019 ENERGISING - THE FUTURE - Petrol Retailers Association
                                                                                                                            Market Review 2019

▹ consumers may have to pay more,
  have less local choice and experience
  a poorer shopping experience. Already
  Westminster’s self-styled Mr Petrol, the
  Rt Hon Robert Halfon MP, has written
  to the CMA and grabbed headlines
  in the red top papers claiming that
  Asda’s low fuel pricing policy could be
  threatened to the detriment of many
  motorists. The CMA has responded by
  asserting that fuel prices would form a
  special part of their investigation.
     Sainsbury’s CEO Mike Coupe has
  promised 10% price cuts by leveraging       forecourt ownership. The largest
  cheaper prices from suppliers….will         consolidation arose from MFG’s
  this include fuel? As volume market         surprise £1.3bn bid through US private
  leader, will it attract even lower prices   equity stakeholder CD&R for MRH
  from refineries desperate to sell fuel in   in January 2018. The management of
  a declining market.                         MRH had been well briefed to launch
     Rumours abound, including one            a £1.5bn IPO (Initial Placement Offer)
  that the CMA has identified nearly 130      in the London markets but stakeholder,
  locations where existing Sainsbury’s        US private equity fund Lone Star, must
  and Asda stores are in close proximity      have been advised that markets were
  and one store should be subject to          difficult and a ‘bird in the hand’… One
  disposal. Asda has already mentioned        has only to look at the plight of Aston
  a possible 2,500 job losses. The            Martin’s IPO to appreciate this may
  Government has apparently intervened        have been sound advice.
  to ensure that there are no actual             However, the acquisition was also
  store closures as the local impact          investigated by the CMA under a             Top: EG Group’s       witnessing the forecourt wheel being
                                                                                          multi-million pound
  on employment and service/product           Phase 1 Inquiry. This resulted in MFG       new-to-industry       turned full circle with oil companies
  providers would be untenable as we          having to dispose of the freehold (or       Frontier Services     and national distributors returning
                                                                                          Above: The Kay
  face our Brexit outcome. One former         leasehold) of 38 forecourts unless          Group’s new-to-       to the UK retail market. Could these
  Asda senior executive is said to be         it wanted to succumb to a Phase 2           industry Castlewood   oil companies with reputedly deep
  inviting European grocery retailers         Inquiry. It was expected that bids would                          pockets become the next big spenders
  and private equity fund managers to         have been scrutinised and settled                                 and keep forecourt asset values high
  establish a vehicle for purchasing any      ahead of Christmas, but no firm news                              after the private equity funds have
  such disposals. More to be revealed by      had emerged at the time of writing.                               moved onto their next fashionable
  the CMA this year.                             Further key ownership changes                                  sector?
     A commercial ‘churn’ impacting           included Harvest Retail’s acquisition of                             In terms of brand ‘churn’, BP has
  dealers has been the recent back-           63 sites from HKS, the emergence of                               lost 74 sites whereas Esso/Greenergy
  to-back announcements from oil              Australian equity fund Stratford Retail                           has added over 100 with Shell also
  companies regarding loyalty cards.          as a stakeholder with Essar in MPK                                positive at plus 24. At Jet there was no
     Firstly, BP wrote to advise that they                                                                      change and Texaco was down by five.
  were dropping Nectar and replacing                                                                               We have also seen brand ‘churn’
  it with a bespoke loyalty scheme            “Perhaps the forecourt                                            with the new owner of Topaz Energy,
  sometime this year. Then Esso advised                                                                         Circle K, taking firm steps to roll-out its
  dealers that they were relinquishing        wheel is now being                                                own brand across the Irish land mass.
  Tesco’s Clubcard and replacing it with
  the Nectar programme but, again,            turned full circle”                                                  Will Applegreen’s ‘low prices
                                                                                                                always’ policy soon be featured on
  no specific dates. One wonders what                                                                           GB motorways in addition to those
  customers will be offered at Esso-                                                                            in Northern Ireland or does the
  branded Tesco Express sites? Nectar         Garages, the bold move by Applegreen                              incumbent Shell brand with added
  or Clubcard, or both, or neither? As        to buy a majority holding in 38-site                              V-Power still sway the consumer?
  Esso owns the majority of freeholds, it     Welcome Break, the surprise return of                                During the year, the Co-op has
  could sell these to Tesco to continue       Phillips 66 to the retail scene by buying                         removed remaining oil company
  but with Tesco brand fuel? Terminate        NJB Services, and Certas Energy buying                            brands from 50% of its national and
  with Tesco and bring in Sainsbury’s         small dealer groups in Lancashire and                             regional estates and replaced them
  Local with Nectar? Many more ‘churns’       South Wales – all indicate that healthy                           with an updated version of its original
  possible….?                                 returns from our sector will continue                             in-house brand. This change has
     More ‘churn’ is taking place in          for some time. Perhaps we are now                                 been reflected in the market analyses       ▹

Market Review 2019 ENERGISING - THE FUTURE - Petrol Retailers Association
  Market Review 2019

▹ produced by Experian Catalist (see                        being discussed for replacing these tax     of Asda adding automated facilities
  pages 32-34) with a reduction in dealer                   revenues when Government has forced         onto existing store car parks, such that
  numbers and a consequent increase                         all fossil fuel vehicles off the road.      they now have 65% share but with only
  in supermarkets. Any other brand                             Convenience shopping growth may          two opening this year the attraction
  changes imminent? Probably a major                        have peaked but continues at a useful       to motorists may be dwindling. Gulf,
  refresh of Jet and perhaps the relaunch                   3% compound and food-to-go (FTG)            Costco, Sainsbury’s and Tesco make up
  of an international brand may be under                    is now a better growth opportunity          the 35% balance.
  consideration                                             at over 6%. One only has to visit the          Despite all the Governmental
     Fortunately, the UK petrol retailing                   multi-million pound new-to-industry         pressure to forge a new, cleaner era
  industry has been immune so far to the                    development, Frontier Services,             for road transport there has been no
  surges of Brexit negativity sweeping                      recently opened by EG Group on the          great interest in buying pure electric
  across the country, with both daily                       outskirts of Blackburn, to appreciate       vehicles in 2018 than the previous
  fuel and shop demands continuing                          the FTG sector. The UK’s first dual lane    year. Purchases are up by only a few
  at a high level. Latest Government                        drive-thru KFC facility cost in excess      hundred vehicles to 13,894, giving
  retail fuel data for the year to 1H/18,                   of £1.25m and employs 35, across the        a new registrations market share of
  compared to the previous 12-month                         car park is a drive-thru Starbucks open     0.6% which did not even register on
  period, confirmed a very small overall                    all hours and with 27 staff, while the      the motoring Richter scale! Consumers
  increase of around 0.5%. With demand                      large Spar brand store also houses a        cite concerns over high initial vehicle
  for diesel slowing to a 2.6% increase                     separate 24-hour Greggs and a 16-hour       costs, range anxiety over the current
  and petrol building back with the trend                   Subway with a sit-down area for eating      battery technology, lack of charging
  decrease now just 1.4%. Volumes                           and drinking.                               points and unknown trade-in prices.
  have been maintained at 18bn litres
  of retail diesel plus 10bn litres for
  commercial use and 17bn litres of
  petrol. Overall the 45bn litres/year
                                            “The Government can certainly point to
  provides the Treasury with some £34bn     success on the ‘demonisation’ of diesel”
  annual tax receipts from fuel duty and
  VAT. Yet there are still no firm plans
                                                               Overall forecourt numbers show that      Until the consumer wholeheartedly
    Philips 66 made a return to the                         the freefall decline, especially dealers,   adopts the concept and performance/
    retail scene with the purchase
    of NJB Services                                         has been arrested with just 82 closures     price envelope of electric vehicles,
                                                            plus six from oil companies and             Governments will struggle to force the
                                                            supermarkets. This has been largely         change. It does not help
                                                            offset by 45 new-to-industry and 25         when one Department (Transport)
                                                            return-to-industry openings (see box),      presses for zero emissions by 2032
                                                            so a net reduction of 12 sites in 2018.     in the very same week that another
                                                               There has certainly been a large         Department (Treasury) cuts the
                                                            number of complete knock down and           funding for new EVs.
                                                            re-builds undertaken by both dealers           Changes to personal taxation policy
                                                            and oil companies but there are no          have driven UK motorists to opt for
   A year of churn: at a glance                             statistics available to quantify these      hybrid vehicles, given such a window
                                                            investments. So far as dealers are          by their employers to the extent that
   New-to-industry sites: +45
                                                            concerned, it is heartening to note that    the UK is now the largest EU market
   Company: +7 (BP 3; Applegreen 2; Certas 2)
                                                            even singleton operators like Salim and     for such models. How long will this
   Hypermarket: +22 (Asda 12; Costco 3; Sainsbury’s 3;      Mumtaz Patel at Shell Crown Services        persist until the Treasury strikes again
   Tesco 3; Morrisons 1)                                    in Brighouse, West Yorkshire have the       and makes an about turn in tax policy?
   Dealer: +16 (EG 7; Kay 3; Others 6)                      confidence to borrow money to create           The Government can certainly
   Return-to-industry sites: +25                            a superb new forecourt and Nisa shop        point to success when it comes to
                                                            after many years serving their local        the ‘demonisation’ of diesel as new
   Company: +6 (BP 3; Go 2)
                                                            community. Mid-size group dealers           registrations confirm a near 30%
   Hypermarket: +1 (Morrisons)                              including Penny Petroleum, George           collapse year-on-year, which has proved
   Dealer: +18 (EG 2; Others 16 inc 1 MRH; HKS, Valli,      Hammond, Fraser’s Retail, Kay Group,        difficult for manufacturers to cope with
   Penny)                                                   Refuel & Go, Creightons of Belfast and      in the short-term. There has been an
   Closures: -88                                            many others are re-investing heavily in     increase in petrol engine sales but only
   Company: -5 (Shell 4)
                                                            their businesses, so confirming future      by 9%, so the market is clearly fragile,
                                                            prospects.                                  even before adding any Brexit fears.
   Hypermarket: -1 (Co-op)
                                                               The UK is seeing steady but slow            The future looks EV, with maybe a
   Dealer: - 82 (Unbranded 37; Texaco 9; Certas 15; Murco   growth in unmanned sites with 17 new        hint of hydrogen on the horizon, but
   3; Essar 2; others 16)
                                                            forecourts in 2018 making the total         the tsunami-style change to our vehicle
   Source: Experian Catalist
                                                            240. This had largely been the preserve     park still feels a very long way off.

Market Review 2019 ENERGISING - THE FUTURE - Petrol Retailers Association

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Market Review 2019 ENERGISING - THE FUTURE - Petrol Retailers Association
Market Review 2019

HOW DOES THE                                                   voice heard. Consequently, there have
                                                               been significant changes in public policy,
                                                               which will benefit petrol retail outlets.

The PRA gets a lot done for its members. Here we outline the
                                                               FUEL DUTY FREEZE
                                                               For the ninth year in a row, fuel duty was
                                                               frozen for a further 12 months from April
                                                               2019. This follows lobbying of Treasury
work the Association has been involved in recently             ministers and officials by the PRA. Total
                                                               annual savings for the average car driver
                                                               as a consequence of the nine-year freeze

         orporate success in the fuel and                      are estimated to be over £1,000 and the
         retail sectors can be affected,                       average van driver will save over £2,500.
         for better or worse, by the                              PRA pointed out the potentially
decisions made over taxation and                               damaging effects on the economy and
regulation. PRA’s mission is to represent                      household budgets of even an inflation-
the interests of its members to people                         linked rise. We continue to press for fuel
in positions of power who make key                             duty to be cut to boost our economy
decisions. By putting a powerful case to                       and move the UK towards a level playing
ministers, PRA ensures its members can                         field with fuel duty levels in EU countries
continue to grow their businesses.                             as we head towards Brexit.
   PRA chairman Brian Madderson
takes the lead on all lobbying activity,                       BUSINESS RATES RELIEF
advised and assisted by Adrian                                 PRA was swift to obtain confirmation
Pepper and Damien Phillips, expert                             from the Treasury that petrol filling
political consultants at Pepper Public                         stations (PFS) will be included as one
Affairs. Their experience of working in                        of the eligible business categories for
the corridors of power in Holyrood,                            business rate relief for all companies
                                            PRA has voiced
Stormont, Whitehall and Westminster         concerns over      with a rateable value of £51,000 or less.
gives PRA an inside track into how to       the introduction   Rates for these businesses will be cut
                                            of E10 fuel in
influence Government policy.                the UK             by a third. PFS shops compete with
   In 2018 we continued to make our                            numerous smaller businesses in the        ▹

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  Market Review 2019

▹ high streets such as convenience stores,   ATM business rates     both organisations. Alongside CWA            in persuading the Environmental
  pubs and cafés.                            and electric vehicle   consultant Alexander Russell, Brian has      Audit Committee (EAC) to conduct an
                                             charge points are
                                             just two areas that    been working closely to coordinate the       inquiry into the hand car wash sector
  ATMS SAVED                                 PRA has lobbied        activities of numerous public bodies         and in submitting oral and written
                                             on extensively and,
  Since 2010, PRA has been telling           below, has joined      to bring rogue hand car washes into          evidence. The Government will be
  Treasury ministers that the Valuation      forces with the Car    compliance with the law. The police          responding to the EAC’s report in
                                             Wash Association
  Office has overstepped the mark by                                estimate that there are up to 20,000         January 2019 and CWA is meeting with
  attempting to make PFS liable for a                               rogue hand car washes across the             officials to persuade them to accept its
  second set of business rates in respect                           country.                                     recommendations to take strong action
  of ATM machines installed on their                                    A pilot Responsible Car Wash             on rogue operators.
  premises. Charging business rates on                              Scheme has been developed by the
  ATMs makes them unviable in some                                  Downstream Fuel Association along-           FUEL RESILIENCE
  areas, particularly rural areas.                                  side the Gangmasters and Labour              PRA works closely with the Energy
     A recent ruling by the Appeal                                  Abuse Authority (GLAA), police, the          Resilience Unit at the Department for
  Court backed up the PRA’s view that                               Health and Safety Executive, HMRC, the       Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy
  convenience stores and PFS should not                             Environment Agency and the CWA. This         to ensure that in times of crisis, there
  have to pay business rates on ATMs.                               is just a first step. The hope is that the   will be enough fuel to enable key public
     If the case is not subject to further                          licensing of compliant hand car washes       services and sectors of the economy
  appeal, the £300 million that has been                            will lead to the resources of public         to continue to operate. The list of
  paid in business rates will now have to                           bodies being freed up to tackle the real     Designated Filling Stations (DFS) for
  be refunded. The judgement applies to                             problem of rogue hand car washes.            times of national emergency – be that a
  England and Wales only.                                                                                        blockade of the ports, industrial action,
                                                                    EAC REPORT ON COMPLIANCE                     terrorism or a major weather incident
  HAND CAR WASH SCHEME                                              CWA continues to highlight to                – includes many hundreds of PFS
  LAUNCHED                                                          politicians and the media the problems       operated by PRA members. PRA’s voice
  In 2018 we saw the incorporation                                  of modern slavery and a lack of              at the table ensures that all independent
  of the Car Wash Association (CWA)                                 regulatory compliance within the hand        petrol filling stations are treated fairly in
  into the PRA, with Brian chairing                                 car wash industry. We were instrumental      all circumstances.

                                                                                                                 THE ROAD TO ZERO
                                                                                                                 The PRA made representations
                                                                                                                 throughout the passage of the
                                                                                                                 Automated and Electric Vehicles
                                                                                                                 (A&EV) Act through Parliament. While
                                                                                                                 the Act gives the Government the
                                                                                                                 power to mandate the installation of
                                                                                                                 electric vehicle charge points in large
                                                                                                                 fuel retailers and motorway service
                                                                                                                 areas (MSAs) – which the PRA has
                                                                                                                 consistently argued as unreasonable
                                                                                                                 and unnecessary – ministers have given
                                                                                                                 assurances to the PRA that there are, at
                                                                                                                 present, no plans to use these powers.
                                                                                                                    Following Brian’s oral evidence to the ▹

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                                                                            eir services regu
                                                                  arrange new ener              larly since then to
   contract rates                                                                     gy deals for our
                                                       During the time
   Ensure you are not ‘locked in’ to long term high                      we have worked
                                                           progressively ac                   together, we have
   price contracts                                                           quired many ne
                                                        team at PRA Utili                        w sites, and the
                                                                          ties has been ex
                                                              us in arranging ne              tre mely helpful to
   Align multiple supplies to one renewal date to                                  w energy deals
                                                                                                      for the sites
   ease your future administration                                                       as we took them
                                                           They offer a full
                                                                              all round service
   Advise on Change of Tenancy, new meter              contracts throug                            that manages
                                                                         h to implementa
                                                             and new supplie                 tio n  with existing
   installations, and supplier objections                                         rs. We would be
                                                                  recommend thei                        happy to
                                                                                      r service to othe
   Provide access to energy efficiency products                                                           r firms.
   and services                                                              Peter O’Conno
                                                                                                 r @ Petrogas
                                                                                         Head Of Finance

If you would like to discuss your own energy
situation with PRA Utilities then please call us on:
01204 282062
  Market Review 2019

                                        PRA wants a Brexit
                                        deal that ensures
                                        free flow of goods
                                        and services between
                                        Britain and the EU

▹ A&EV Bill Committee, he met senior                                                                                    checks, so that the orderly conduct of
  officials at the Office for Low Emission                                                                              business continues. PRA’s preference is
  Vehicles (OLEV). PRA is asking that                                                                                   for a deal to be agreed which ensures
  its members be entitled to grants for                                                                                 the free flow of goods and services
  the installation of fast charging electric     “The success of PRA’s                                                  between the UK and EU and which does
  infrastructure on the same basis as the
  existing Homecharge and Workplace              lobbying in 2018                                                       not compromise the UK’s ability to make
                                                                                                                        trade agreements with third countries
  schemes. With demand for electric
  charging points currently so low, PFS
                                                 demonstrates the value                                                 after Brexit.

  need to be given significant incentives
  to invest.
                                                 of having a dedicated                                                  SUSTAINING OUR SUCCESS
                                                                                                                        The success of PRA’s lobbying in 2018

                                                 trade association”                                                     demonstrates the value to the retail
                                                                                                                        fuels sector of having a dedicated trade
   PRA has been sitting on the                                             FORECOURT CRIME                              association which can represent its
   Government’s consultative committee                                     As the police claim they do not have the     members’ interests robustly.
   considering the introduction of E10 to                                  resources to prioritise fuel theft drive-       The PRA consistently delivers
   the UK. There are significant concerns                                  offs, PRA has stepped up its lobbying of     powerful, well-researched arguments
   about introducing E10 in the near term,                                 the Home Office to force action.             to Government and devolved
   not least that there are an estimated                                      A publicity campaign is now being         administrations.
   800,000 vehicles that could not run on                                  undertaken, with major newspapers               Consequently, we have established
   E10, that a tank of E10 has a lower range                               running stories about the way DVLA           strong working relationships with
   than a tank of E5 and that PFS do not                                   and the police are shirking their            ministers, officials in Whitehall, MPs
                                                 PRA’s voice at
   have the available infrastructure to run      Westminster ensures       responsibilities in the fight against this   and statutory bodies whose actions
   E5 and E10 alongside each other.              all independent           form of theft, known as bilking.             affect the sector.
                                                 petrol filling stations
                                                 are treated fairly           The PRA has rejected the suggestion          As a result of our successful lobbying
                                                                           that our members install pay-at-the-         programme in 2018, our members are
                                                                           pump technology, as this undermines          able to pay less in tax and provide more
                                                                           their ability to sell goods in shops. One    services to customers, from cashpoints
                                                                           solution would be to give petrol retailers   to food and beverages, to the installation
                                                                           electronic access to the DVLA’s Vehicle      of new automated car washes.
                                                                           Keeper database, so they can pursue             We do not underestimate the many
                                                                           drive-offs through the civil courts and      challenges we face this year – from the
                                                                           ease pressure on the police.                 roll-out of the Licensed Responsible
                                                                                                                        Hand Car Wash Scheme, to the need
                                                                           BREXIT                                       for an orderly Brexit, the fight against
                                                                           Our members need to be able to               forecourt crime and the continuing
                                                                           continue to import fuel and food             importance of keeping fuel duty and
                                                                           supplies from the EU without border          business rates down.

Advertisement feature                                                       2019

Valli Forecourts:
Cash Handling to Improve the Forecourt Experience

           s one of the fastest growing          convenience offering including Morrisons          three steps to one and reconciling our till
           forecourt companies in the UK,        PFS, The Kay Group, ASDA, M&L                     points from 1 hour to around 20 minutes.
           Valli Forecourts has 13 operational   Richardson, NJB Services and many more            With Volumatic, we feel we are moving into
           sites across North Yorkshire and      independent petrol retailers.                     a new era of the way in which we handle our
the Midlands with two more sites under              After spending time understanding the          cash!” , Area Manager, Waqas Aslam
construction. Valli Forecourts impress           goals and specific requirements of Valli
through exceeding customer demands,              Forecourts, Volumatic offered the CCi
providing 24/7 access and making available       solution as it is efficient, cost-effective,
a diverse product and service offering.          and simple to use. This was combined
   In a constant bid to improve the customer     with CashView Enterprise software which
experience in their forecourts, Waqas            provides complete visibility of all of the CCis
Aslam, the area manager responsible for the      from one central location, reducing three
sites, began researching how cash handling       steps of reconciliation to just one.
could be improved to benefit both the team          Following a successful trial, Waqas Aslam
members and customers. Valli Forecourts          decided to roll out the solution across every
were experiencing issues with counterfeit        single site of Valli Forecourts. Volumatic
notes and an inability to accept certain         were there to ensure implementation went
currencies e.g. Scottish and Irish notes,        smoothly, providing all of the necessary
leading to a drop in revenue and missed          training to maximise the benefits of the
sales opportunities.                             solution.
   Furthermore, inefficient processes,              Staff at Valli Forecourts reported that
numerous safe drops and reconciliation           the CCi is user-friendly and requires
of tills taking up significant time, Valli       minimal effort to operate. Furthermore, the
Forecourts required a quicker, more              CashView Enterprise software now allows
reliable and more convenient solution.           management to oversee the activity, in real
A cash-handling solution that would not          time, of each CCi unit at any location. This
only benefit internal processes but ensure       provides access to convenient, scheduled
forecourt staff could provide customers          reporting with accurate information that
with the time and attention required for         further streamlines their cash handling
exemplary customer service.                      process.
   After researching, Valli Forecourts came         With further expansion of sites in the
across Volumatic. They read the the success      pipeline; Waqas has made it clear that the
stories about their impressive track record.     CCi will be an integral part of making all
For example, Volumatic has supplied              future sites a success.
CounterCache intelligent (CCi) solutions            “CCi, combined with CashView Enterprise,       CCi (CounterCache intelligent)
to a number of petrol fi lling stations with a   has taken our cash handling process from          in action - Volumatic.

Market Review 2019

Tank Storage Association executive                                   Many businesses and industry
director Peter Davidson talks Brexit                              groups have stressed the need for a                 Peter Davidson, TSA executive director
                                                                  frictionless border between the UK
and the need for a frictionless border                            and the EU to ensure that trade can           as it is likely to struggle with the
                                                                  continue unhindered and without any           increased volume of transactions

                                t the time of writing (November   additional financial burden. Failure          carried out by the existing Excise
                                2018) European Union (EU)         to do so may have a dramatic impact           Movement and Control System
                                leaders had just approved the     on logistical supply chains, which            (EMCS).
                        agreement on the UK’s withdrawal          are essential to ensuring a thriving             Move the payment of customs
                        and future relations with it. The Tank    economy and may also affect future            duty and VAT from the border to
                        Storage Association (TSA) recognises      investment decisions.                         when goods move to home use (as
                        that the agreement still needs to go         The TSA reiterates its call for            with excise duty).
                        through the UK Parliamentary process      Government to engage more fully with             Use commercial documents/self-
                        before it is approved, but cautiously     industry. We again urge Government to         assessment for transaction tracking
                        welcomes this positive progress. It is    ensure that an end-to-end declaration         and duty payments and audits for
                        essential for TSA members to ensure       processing service is put in place            compliance.
                        access to as frictionless a border with   allowing the efficient passage of                Remove restrictions placed on
                        the EU and the rest of the world as       legitimate imports and exports to             how goods are held in a customs/
                        possible following March 29, 2019. We     and from countries outside the                tax warehouse. Primarily, this would
                        do not believe this is possible without   UK. Consideration should be given to          mean allowing common storage and
                        a deal in place.                          the following suggestions as part of the      co-storage of UK and non-UK goods
                           On the basis that a deal is agreed,    development of such a system:                 in the same tanks.
                        the transition period will provide a            Limit the use of the existing              Simplify the process of gaining
                        limited window of opportunity to             Customs Handling of Import and             customs warehouse approval
                        discuss and implement detailed               Export Freight (CHIEF) system              and limit the need for warehouse
                        arrangements for how we import               (and its successor the Customs             guarantees (make extension to the
                        goods from, and export goods to, the         Declaration Service [CDS]) to the          tax warehouse approval).
                        EU and the rest of the world.                declaration of goods to customs,        New customs arrangements will take
                                                                                                             time to fully implement. Therefore,
 Failure to ensure a                                                                                         these options need to be explored
 frictionless border                                                                                         today – regardless of whether or not
 may have a dramatic
 impact on logistical                                                                                        a final solution has been reached and
 supply chains                                                                                               regardless of any existing limitations
                                                                                                             in legislation under the existing
                                                                                                             Customs Union. Failure to be prepared
                                                                                                             and failure to take advantage of the
                                                                                                             opportunity to simplify and streamline
                                                                                                             processes will result in a significant
                                                                                                             impact on UK business.
                                                                                                                We look forward to continuing to
                                                                                                             work with Government to further
                                                                                                             develop its plans for future customs

                                                                                                             The TSA represents the interests of 50 member
                                                                                                             companies engaged in the storage of bulk liquids
                                                                                                             and the provision of products and services to the
                                                                                                             sector. Collectively members operate over 300
                                                                                                             terminals and distribution hubs in the UK and
                                                                                                             have over 8.5 million cubic
                                                                                                             metres of storage capacity
                                                                                                             in the United Kingdom (UK)
                                                                                                             and Republic of Ireland
                                                                                                             (ROI). Members provide and
                                                                                                             support an essential interface
                                                                                                             between sea, road, rail and
                                                                                                             pipeline logistics for many
                                                                                                             different substances including

“turnkey solutions for your business”
       • Services              • POS/BOS
       • Tokheim Dispensers    • CCTV
       • FM                    • EV Charging Solutions
       • Tank Maintenance      • Karcher Vehicle Valeting
       • Construction          • Tank Gauges
       • Small Works           • Media
       • Payment Solutions     • Payment

                     +44 (0) 1162 437 476
Market Review 2019

The PRA works best when we all stay in touch – and there are plenty of ways to do that

                   n the fast-changing world of retail,       Breakouts and five Roadshows,              stories of interest in our well-
                   it’s vital to keep abreast of the latest   in conjunction with Thames                 established fortnightly members’
                   developments.                              Communications.                            e-magazine Petrol Heads-Up, which
                   The PRA works closely with the                At these events, you will be updated    recently celebrated its 100th edition.
                Government and key decision-makers            on the latest developments on subjects     This has proven to be very popular with
                and is frequently asked to appear on          ranging from The Road to Zero to our       members, one remarking: “It’s the best
                TV and radio to speak on your behalf.         activity to bring the car wash industry    thing the PRA has done recently.”
                   In fact, the PRA took a delegation of      back to a level playing field. You will       If you have any stories or news you
                members to meet the Department of             also have the opportunity to speak with    would like to share then please email
                Transport to present views on the E10         either Phil or Ray, our technical team,    our editor Anne Bruce at annebruce@
                proposals. This is why it’s vital that we     on any technical issues you may have.
                stay in touch with you.                          Members who are within 40 miles            We also continue to produce the
                   The PRA has a number of ways in            of the Business Breakout venue can         Market Review, which is now seen as
                which we can engage in dialogue. The          expect to receive an emailed invitation,   the industry handbook encapsulating
                first, and best, is face-to-face at our       so please don’t forget to check your       all the aspects of roadside retailing.
                events. Each year, the PRA team travels       spam folder! In addition to this we           Our website has been well received
                across the UK for its 10 Business             publicise these events in Forecourt        and has a link to our Twitter account
                                                              Trader, Petrol Heads-Up and on our         which lets members know immediately
                                                              website.                                   what is going on. We also have the
                                                                 In 2018 we had support from             members’ website, which can be
                                                              innovators in our industry, including      accessed by using the postcode of
                                                              CBE, Chargemaster, EdgePetrol,             your head office as your username
                                                              Forecourt Eye, GripHero and Instavolt.     and your membership number as your
                                                                 Members also heard interesting          password.
                                                              presentations from well-known                 From time to time we also ask for
                                                              companies in our industry, including       members’ feedback via our email
                                                              Christie and Co, Global MSI, Jackaman      address
                                                              Insurance, LCM, S&P Global and             which can also be used for members
                                                              Winckworth Sherwood. We have also          to email us with any questions
                                                              been well supported by fuel suppliers      or assistance. You also have the
                                                              BP, Certas Energy, Maxol and Topaz.        members’ hotline 0845 305 4230 if you
                                                                 We hope to see you at one of our        require to speak to someone.
                                                              events in 2019, please keep an eye on         With all this, your PRA has never
                                                              our website to see when we will be         been more accessible – please contact
                                                              near you.                                  us or speak to one of the team at our
                                                                 In addition to all this, we publish     shows, we are here to help you.

                                                                 2019 SPRING PROGRAMME
                                                                 The PRA will be putting on the following events this spring:
                                                                 BUSINESS BREAKOUTS
                                                                 • Wednesday 27th Feb             Sandy Park, Exeter
                                                                                                  (in conjunction with CTC Tradeshow)
                                                                 • Thursday 7th March             The Historic Dockyard, Chatham
                                                                 • Thursday 28th March            Crowne Plaza Hotel, Shaws Bridge, Belfast

                                                                 • Thursday 14th March            Knutsford
                                                                 • Wednesday 1st May              Scotland

                                                                 We would be delighted to see you at one of these events.
                                                                 For further details please refer to

Revolutionising Forecourt Hand‐Protection

World’s 1st ATEX-Certified, Anti-Static hand-protection
Offer Eco-friendly materials
Reduce waste by dispensing one piece at a time
Reduce your refill-run routine
Transform customer care and convenience
Robust, reinforced, impact-resistant dispenser   01837 811035                                     .COM
2019                                                         Advertisement feature

Gaining an Edge-ucation
EdgePetrol entered the petrol market as the new kids on the block, but with the help of
retailers they have learned their trade.

      n September 2017, EdgePetrol launched
      their web app to help UK retailers
      make better and quicker pricing and
      procurement decisions every day. After
working with forecourt owners for over a
year to understand the challenges they face,
launching the product was still just the
beginning of learning the petrol retail market.
    “We learned early on that retailers
are always focused on maximising their
profitability, whilst staying fair to the customer
to maintain their volume and dry stock sales.
By taking the time to understand what daily
actions they took to achieve this we were able
to make the data driving these actions more
visible, more timely and more accurate.” Says
Gideon Carroll, CEO.
    This learning curve delivered results
quickly. As of December 2018 - just over one
year after launch - EdgePetrol had over 350
signed sites and was growing at an average
of two clients and five sites a week. Despite
this success, ambitions are high and Edge
continues to work hard to stay ahead of the
curve.                                               Manage your forecourt from anywhere. EdgePetrol gives you instant access, to live volumes, margins, and profit
     “We had meetings with over 150 retailers        across your entire portfolio.
spanning over more than 3500 sites and
learned something from every single one of           new information to their pricing strategies to               Toby Butterworth, Edge’s VP of Product,
them. The first version of the product offered       make sure they are hitting the numbers they              commented “We decided to open our roadmap
retailers the opportunity to see a live gross        need before it’s too late to make a change.”             to the market in order to make sure the petrol
margin across their portfolio with no manual             Furthermore, Edge’s in-house data science            industry community continues to shape the
entry. By working closely with site owners we        team are is now accurately forecasting site              future of Edge. We are relying on retailers
have been able to develop this much further          volumes. Edge looks at your sites’ sales
                                                     volumes                                                  to keep presenting us with challenges and
than we could have imagined.”                        behaviour over the past weeks, whilst also               opportunities.”
                                                     adapting to changes in the current environment               Features that Edge have already committed
Lessons learned and the launch of new features       to provide a forward view of tank levels for each        to building include setting your pole sign from
New 2018 features included the incorporation         grade at each site. This means that a retailer           head office and live gross profit indicators.
of bunkering and fuel cards, paving the way for      is able to see what their tank volumes will be           Development of a dry stock module is also in
a live ‘net margin’ to be displayed that applies     up to a week in advance, so they know exactly            the works, which tells retailers what average
the relevant fuel card fees to each transaction.     when to take the next tanker of fuel. This drives        basket spends and conversion rates are for each
Users are now able to see the real impact that       down purchasing costs and eliminates the risk            grade so they can better set an optimum fuel
fuel cards have on their margins and respond         of stock-outs.                                           price. Smart notifications will present users
accordingly in their pricing strategies.                                                                      with opportunities to maximise profitability on
    “We were discussing margin during our            Opening the roadmap                                      their site.
meetings and fuel cards kept coming up. The          This success has led to Edge opening their
problem was that retailers were only finding         product roadmap to the market. This means                Integrated with key industry services
out their impact at the end of the week or           that everyone can see what is being considered,          It’s not only the edge features that are
month and “This was giving them a bill               what is currently under development and                  benefiting from this process. On the advice of
shock” when fuel card levels were higher than        what has been completed. Those viewing the               retailers, Edge has also teamed up with other
expected. By showing them the live impact of         roadmap are able to submit their own ideas to            forward-thinking industry players. For example,
fuel cards, retailers are now introducing this       drive product development to suit their needs.           connections to wet-stock managers like Suresite
                                                                                                              provide more frequent dips and therefore give a
                                                                                                              more accurate and up to date margin.
                                                                                                                  Retailers can also view their Catalist
                                                                                                              competitor pricing data directly in the app,
                                                                                                              as this is part of the daily pricing decision.
                                                                                                              The possibilities of third-party connection is
                                                                                                              endless, as Edge is totally agnostic and will
                                                                                                              connect with any data source.
                                                                                                                  Toby summed up: “The product is never
                                                                                                              finished; therefore, we are never finished
                                                                                                              learning. We are excited to continue to bring
                                                                                                              market-driven features to the Edge platform in
                                                                                                              2019 and beyond.”

                                                                                                              +44 203 865 8689

The team behind EdgePetrol

Not having EDGE,
can leave gaps in your
     KNOWL _ _ _ _

  EdgePetrol gives you real-time
  visibility of your portfolio from
      anywhere in the world.

Market Review 2019

THOUGHTS OF                                                                                      months, if not years, which covers:
                                                                                                      The filling of customer-owned LPG
                                                                                                    cylinders from autogas dispensers.

                                                                                                      Paying for fuel using mobile
                                                                                                      New categories for the unmanned
                                                                                                    operation of petrol filling stations
The PRA’s Ray Blake talks us through the role of the PELG                                           and appropriate control measures.
                                                                                                    The obvious hot topic that we are

        y the time you are reading this I   that in the main, the enforcers are                  addressing at PELG and other forums,
        will be at least halfway through    not satisfied that the new regs ensure               including the Energy Institute Service
        my two-year tenure as the first     the same level of control and safety.                Station Panel, is the question of how to
‘industry’ chairman of the Petroleum        However, when challenged, they were                  safely combine the charging of electric
Enforcement Liaison Group (PELG).           unable to substantiate their beliefs. My             vehicles (EVs) with the dispensing of
   In brief, PELG, supported by             view is that the change in legislation               traditional hydrocarbon fuels. Some
the Health and Safety Executive,            coincided with the huge cuts in local                guidance on the installation of EV
issues guidance to both Petroleum           authority resources. This resulted in a              charging on petrol forecourts has
Enforcement Authorities (PEAs)              significant majority of the experienced              already been published. However,
and the operators of petrol filling         enforcers taking early retirement                    there is more being drafted covering
stations on ‘managing the risks of          (myself included).                                   different aspects depending on the
fire and explosion’. The guidance is           I inherited the PELG chairmanship                 remits of the forums involved. As I
in the form of the Red Guide and            at a time when it seemed to be losing                write, PELG is compiling guidance on
supplementary documents known as            impetus, at least partly due to the loss             the responsibilities of petrol forecourt
PETELs, free to download via https://       of these experienced participants. I                 operators when they install and            am trying to raise the profile within                operate EV charging and the legislation
record?id=110259                            both the enforcement and forecourt                   that they must comply with.
   I have been participating in PELG        operators’ communities, as with there                   A further innovation to the supply
for the past 12 years. The first nine of    being less expertise available at a local            of petrol that may or may not fall
those as an enforcer, while head of         level, PELG becomes the obvious                      within the remit of PELG (dependent
petroleum at the London Fire Brigade.       forum for issues relating to the safe                upon a legal definition currently
During that time I, along with a core       operation of petrol forecourts.                      being sought), is the intention by a
group from PELG and the HSE, was               The main aim of PELG is to
involved in formulating the rationale       identify changes in the operation of
for the new petroleum regulations
introduced from October 2014. I was
                                            petrol stations and issue appropriate
                                            guidance. The changes can be brought
                                                                                        “The main aim of PELG
also sponsored by the Better Regulatory
Delivery Office (now BEIS) to give
                                            about by a range or combination of
                                            factors such as innovation, viability of
                                                                                        is to identify changes in
training seminars on the transition from
the old licensing regime to the current
                                            petrol stations due to market forces
                                            and availability of new technology.
                                                                                        the operation of petrol
certification scheme.                       As chairman, I have already pushed          stations and issue
   As I write, the HSE are undertaking      through the publishing of guidance
a ‘Post Implementation Review’ of the       (within Section 8.5 of the Red Guide)       appropriate guidance”
new Petroleum Regulations. It seems         that had been pending for many

                                                                                                 couple of companies to offer to fill
                                                                                                 your vehicle with petrol at your home
                                                                                                 or workplace from a van containing
                                                                                                 a large container/tank and a typical
                                                                                                 metered fuel dispenser. Customers
    PELG has become                                                                              can already use an ‘app’ to request
    the obvious forum for                                                                        and pay for diesel to be delivered in
    issues relating to the
    safe operation of petrol                                                                     this manner, but the legal position and
    forecourts                                                                                   appropriate standards/guidance for
                                                                                                 petrol are yet to be decided. The HSE
                                                                                                 has approached PELG for their views.
                                                                                                    Remember, the PRA’s influence on
                                                                                                 PELG and in other forums enables us
                                                                                                 to be at the forefront of changes within
                                                                                                 the industry and to help our members
                                                                                                 deal with any issues that
                                                                                                 they encounter.

Six ways to maximise volume without lowering price.
Too many retailers today rely on lowering prices to grow volumes. Intelligent, data
driven capital and operational investment decisions can result in a significant
volume uplift without having to sacrifice margin. Before changing your prices,
focus on these six volume magnets to unlock hidden value:

   1    Brand.                                          2    Location.
There’s a general opinion that certain brands
                                                     A location’s potential can be
will always outperform others regardless of
                                                     realised by analysing local demand
the situation. Don’t rely on assumptions. Make
                                                     and traffic data. When acquiring,
sure you gain a deeper understanding of the
                                                     consider the size of the market, local
effect each brand has on both fuel and non-
                                                     market characteristics, and your potential
fuel performance.

   3    Market.                                         4    Facility.
Spend time learning about your competitive
                                                     Deciding how to spend a limited budget can be
landscape. Once you know this, you can tailor
                                                     incredibly difficult. Pay-at-pump technology? A
your marketing strategy to best fit with your
                                                     franchised restaurant? Achieve the best ROI
customers’ needs.
                                                     by identifying how each option would affect
                                                     both your fuel and non-fuel revenues.

   5    Merchandising.
It is important to understand the
                                                        6    Operations.
sociodemographic profiles of the customers
who visit your site. This information will help      Service quality is a key factor of repeat
    you tailor your promotions and offerings to      business. Acknowledging and responding to
       entice people into the convenience store      customer perceptions can help improve this,
          and optimise sales.                        and lead to increased customer loyalty.

               When examined in unison alongside price, these 7 Elements will help you make
                optimal decisions and lead you to sustainable and incremental improvement.
                   But how do you begin to understand how the 7 Elements are affecting your
                     business performance?

                             Kalibrate collects market data and uses complex data modelling to
                               simulate how individual site and market characteristics influence
                                   performance. This helps retailers around the globe accurately
                                     predict retail fuel, convenience store, car wash, and quick
                                         service restaurant sales at any site.

                                                  Email to learn more
                                                    or visit
Market Review 2019

E10 AND FUEL                                                                                               describe the fuel that should be placed
                                                                                                           on the fuel dispenser at petrol filling

                                                                                                               The standard sets out the format
                                                                                                           and scale of graphical identifiers for the
                                                                                                           three grades of transport fuel:
                                                                                                                  Circle, for petrol-based fuels
Technical director Phil Monger talks us through where we are                                                      Square, for diesel-based fuels
                                                                                                                  Diamond, for gaseous fuels.
with the introduction of E10 and new fuel pump labelling                                                       Within the identifier, a standard
                                                                                                           text format differentiates the various

                   had hoped to provide definitive            Transport for a frank discussion on the      fuels. For petrol and diesel fuels, this
                   advice on the new fuel labelling           DfT proposals, with evidence of how          is generally a letter that refers to the
                   requirements and the Government            the move would impact the industry.          biofuel blended into that fuel and
                proposals on the introduction of E10             DfT gave assurances that they would       a number specifying the maximum
                petrol but, at the time of preparing this     not be introducing anything that would       percentage volume of that biofuel
                update, the draft legislation for either is   mean digging up forecourts and that as       according to the relevant fuel standard.
                still not in the public domain and with       the consultation was a call for evidence     For gaseous fuels this is an abbreviated
                the focus squarely on Brexit, it seems        the meeting proved very helpful. The         text to refer to the fuel. AFID makes
                unlikely to be with us in the near future.    PRA is supportive of E10 but only if         similar requirements for vehicle
                However, it might be helpful to explain       its introduction is formally mandated        manufacturers that will apply to all
                the current situation.                        by Government. It would need to be a         new cars from the date that the new
                                                              replacement for 95 Octane E5, leaving        regulations come into force.
                E10 PETROL                                    Super Grade as the protection grade at           The aim of the new labels is to
                At the end of July 2018, the Government       E5 to satisfy the few remaining cars not     ensure that consumers can select the
                published its consultation calling            compatible with E10, many of which           correct grade of fuel for their vehicle
                for evidence on their proposals for           are not compatible with E5 either. There     regardless of where they refuel. The
                introducing E10 petrol to satisfy the         would even be some benefits in raising       fuel identifiers must be placed near the
                on-going need to decarbonise the              the amount of ethanol in petrol as the       filler cap of new vehicles and on the
                traditional road fuels used by the vast       risk of phase separation reduces with        dispensers of all filling stations selling
                majority of existing vehicles. The most       the increase in ethanol content.             to the public.
                controversial of the proposals was to            The introduction of E10 as a                  Where petrol filling stations
                require two grades of 95 octane petrol,       replacement for E5 would be as               are found to be non-compliant an
                E5 and E10, from forecourts with an           simple for retailers as changing the         enforcement notice will be issued with
                annual turnover of three million litres       dispenser labels. BS EN228 allows            a likely 28-day period to rectify. If that
                of fuel, if they had four storage tanks       for up to 10% ethanol but does not           is not met a fine of up to £500 will be
                or more. Not only did we respond              specify a minimum. Selling E10 does          levied. In the case of vehicle non-
                explaining the impracticality of such         require an additional label stating ‘Not     compliance a fine of up to £100 may be
                a proposal, we also took a delegation         suitable for all vehicles, consult vehicle   levied against the dealer.
                of six members to the Department for          manufacturer before use’. There is a             Under the Directive, member
                                                              proposal to change that from negative        states were obliged to introduce
                                                              to positive, stating ‘Suitable for most      the requirements by October 12,
                                                              vehicles, consult vehicle manufacturer’.     2018, but upon hearing that other
                                                                                                           EU countries were also not going to
                                                              FUEL LABELLING                               make that date, the UK decided to
                                                              Following the introduction of the            risk infraction proceedings and delay
                                                              Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Directive    until spring 2019. The Low Carbon
                                                              (AFID) and the subsequent publication        Vehicle Partnership LowCVP, working
                                                              of the EU Standard EN16942 Fuels-            with industry, has prepared a publicity
                                                              Identification of vehicle compatibility,     campaign with posters, information
                                                              the British Standards Institute (BSI)        brochures and a dedicated website
                                                              subsequently published the UK specific       in advance of the compliance date.
                                                              standard, BS EN 16942. This sets out         Several members have asked whether
                                                              harmonised labelling requirements for        they should change the labels now
                                                              marketed liquid and gaseous fuels. It        when new equipment is being installed.
                                                              requires fuel identifiers to be placed on    My advice has been not to precede
                                                              fuel nozzles at filling stations, on new     the publicity campaign, as delays on
                                                              vehicles and in their manuals as well        the forecourt would be inevitable as
                                                              as in vehicle dealerships. The standard      motorists try to interpret the labels.
                                                              also includes larger labels incorporating    More information will be provided in
                                                              the identifier and extra information to      Petrol Heads-Up as details emerge.

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