Massachusetts Institute of Technology - MIT Enhances Architectural Learning and Research Using a Z Corp. 3D Printer

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Massachusetts Institute of Technology - MIT Enhances Architectural Learning and Research Using a Z Corp. 3D Printer

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
MIT Enhances Architectural Learning and Research
Using a Z Corp. 3D Printer
                                            Massachusetts Institute of Technology         manual skills and a level of craftsmanship
                                            School of Architecture and Planning,          not directly related to architectural ability;
                                            Department of Architecture                    and cannot adequately represent complex
                                            The Massachusetts Institute of Technology     buildings or ornate architectural features.”
                                            (MIT) is an independent, privately endowed
                                            educational institution committed to          Sass speaks from personal experience. As
                                            teaching and research. MIT is world-          a Ph.D. student at MIT in the late 1990s,
                                            renowned, with eight Nobel Prize winners      he undertook as a research project the
                                            on its faculty, and comprises five schools     completion of Palladio’s Italian Villas.
                                            and one college encompassing 34 academic      Andrea Palladio, who is revered today
                                            departments, divisions, and degree-           as the greatest architect who ever lived,
                                            granting programs, as well as numerous        revolutionized Western architecture in the
                                            interdisciplinary centers, laboratories,      16th century by authoring definitive texts
■   MIT – World-renowned educational        and programs whose work cuts across           that remain valid today. The principles
    institution                             traditional departmental boundaries. The      Palladio set forth are evidenced in the 40
                                            Department of Architecture, within the        villas he designed for rich, powerful nobles
■   Challenge – Produce architectural
                                            School of Architecture and Planning, was      in the Veneto area of Italy, which surrounds
    models quickly for teaching and
    research                                established in 1865 and is the oldest         the island city of Venice. While Palladio
                                            architecture department in the United         designed floor plans for all 40 villas, only
■   Solution – Purchasing a 3D Printer      States. The department offers degree          19 were actually built.
    from Z Corp.                            programs in Architectural Design, Building
■   Results – Completed research on         Technology, Computation, History, Theory      When Sass set out to construct models of
    Palladio’s unfinished villas and         and Criticism, and Visual Arts.               Palladio’s unfinished villas, he discovered
    developed a graduate course on                                                        that the ornate columns, cornices, and
    digital fabrication in architecture                                                   moldings were difficult to model by hand,
                                            Challenge                                     especially within the time allotted for his
                                            Accelerating Architectural                    project. Sass suggested that MIT purchase
“From the time of Michelangelo              Model Development                             a rapid prototyping system that could
                                                                                          produce the model components needed to
 up through the current day,                The Department of Architecture at MIT is
                                                                                          complete his research on Palladio’s villas,
                                            the oldest and one of the most highly
 architects have always used                                                              support future architectural researchers,
                                            respected architectural programs in the
 models to represent important              United States. For years, faculty and
                                                                                          and enhance the school’s educational
                                                                                          experience by accelerating the development
 buildings. The Z Corp. 3D                  students employed manual modeling
                                                                                          of architectural models.
                                            techniques, using a variety of materials
 Printer enables us to create               ranging from paper and cardboard to
 clean models and components                foam board and plastic, to create scaled,     Solution
                                            architectural models. However, manual
 quickly and easily and allows                                                            Z Corp. 3D Printer Produces Fast,
                                            modeling carries drawbacks that from a
 us to expose the architects                practical standpoint limit its actual use     Clean Architectural Components
 of tomorrow to cutting-edge                in architectural courses and MIT-related      The requirements for a rapid fabrication
                                            research projects, according to Lawrence      system devoted solely to the production
 modeling and fabricating                   Sass, assistant professor in MIT’s            of components for architectural models
 technology.”                               Department of Architecture.                   are similar to the criteria for machines
                                                                                          used to prototype consumer and
        – Lawrence Sass
                                            “Models are important for visualizing,        industrial products. The system had
          Assistant Professor               imprinting, and sharing architectural ideas   to be fast, so that many students and
          Department of Architecture, MIT   and concepts,” Sass says. “But manual         educators could access it; had to produce
                                            modeling takes too much time; requires        complex geometries, to represent ornate
Massachusetts Institute of Technology - MIT Enhances Architectural Learning and Research Using a Z Corp. 3D Printer
architectural features; had to produce clean    Results
                                           models, without internal support systems
                                           or breakaway parts; and had to operate in       Cutting-edge Course in
                                           a classroom setting, without the need for       Architectural Design,                               ™

                                           specialized laboratories and/or operators.      Ties with Top Firms
                                           These selection criteria narrowed the choice    By installing the Z Corp. 3D Printer, MIT’s
                                           down to a 3D Printer, and MIT did not have      Department of Architecture not only
                                           to look far to find the system best suited       helped Sass to complete his research by
                                           to its needs.                                   constructing accurate, scaled models of
                                                                                           Palladio’s unfinished villas but also to
                                           Sass and his department advisors at MIT         implement a cutting-edge architectural
                                           chose a Z Corporation 3D Printer to meet        course in digital fabrication that has
                                           its architectural modeling needs because        garnered the notice of leading architectural
                                           it was the fastest 3D printer available,        firms. “The class has been a huge
                                           produced clean models with no internal          success,” Sass stresses. “The students
                                           support structures, produced models with        enjoy the collaboration process, learn a lot,
                                           complex shapes, could be operated in the        and establish contacts that can help them
                                           classroom, and utilized technology first         build professional careers.”
“As a Ph.D. student, I saw the             developed at MIT. “As a Ph.D. student, I
                                           saw the benefits of using a 3D printer to
 benefits of using a 3D printer                                                             Students in the heavily over-subscribed
                                           produce architectural models to complete        course had the opportunity to present
 to produce architectural                  my Palladio project,” Sass recalls. “As a       their tower models to representatives of
                                           future member of the faculty, I saw even
 models to complete my                                                                     the Computer Modeling Group at Norman
                                           greater benefits for using the Z Corp.           Foster and Partners, a leading architectural
 Palladio project,” Sass recalls.          3D printer to improve the educational           firm based in the United Kingdom, during
                                           experience of students.”
“As a future member of the                                                                 a class trip to London. Another top firm
                                                                                           — New York-based Kohn Pederson Fox
 faculty, I saw even greater               After successfully completing his Ph.D.         Associates — is already working to apply
                                           dissertation with the help of the Z Corp.
 benefits for using the Z Corp.                                                             some of the concepts developed in the
                                           models of Palladio’s unfinished villas, Sass     class by incorporating aspects of building
 3D printer to improve the                 later joined the faculty of the Department      prototyping into their professional practice.
                                           of Architecture and began thinking about
 educational experience
                                           ways for students to use the 3D printer in      “From the time of Michelangelo up through
 of students.”                             an actual course. Because the 3D printer        the current day, architects have always
                                           handled the complex geometries involved         used models to represent important
       – Lawrence Sass                     with the Palladio’s work well, Sass realized    buildings. The Z Corp. 3D Printer enables
         Assistant Professor               it was more than sufficient for producing        us to create clean models and components
         Department of Architecture, MIT   more modern architectural concepts. The         quickly and easily and allows us to expose
                                           graduate-level “Advanced Course in Digital      the architects of tomorrow to cutting-edge
                                           Fabrication” that Sass developed in 2002        modeling and fabricating technology,” Sass
                                           was the first architectural course of its        says.
                                           kind. Its purpose is to teach students about
                                           how to apply rapid prototyping techniques
                                           to architectural design. During the course,
■   Introduced cutting-edge modeling       students collaborate within design teams
    technology into the Architecture       to produce a skyscraper or tower design as
    program                                both a digital model, using solid modeling
                                           software, and an actual physical model,
■   Successfully produced complex          using the Z Corp. 3D printer.
    models of Palladio’s unfinished
    villas                                 “We want our architectural students to
                                           stretch the limits of their creativity, which
■   Applied rapid prototyping
                                           usually results in complex geometrical          Massachusetts Institute of Technology
    technology to building design
                                           shapes that you simply cannot build with        Cambridge, MA
■   Fostered collaborative work            your bare hands,” Sass explains.      
    environment among students

■   Attracted the notice and regard                            Worldwide Headquarters      All company and product names are trademarks or
                                                               Z Corporation               registered trademarks of their respective owners.
    of leading architectural firms
                                                               32 Second Avenue            ©2005 Z Corporation. All rights reserved.
                                                               Burlington, MA 01803 USA
Massachusetts Institute of Technology - MIT Enhances Architectural Learning and Research Using a Z Corp. 3D Printer

Ontario High School
‘3D Printing’ brings design full circle for
Ohio high school students
 ■   Ontario High School – A 500-student
     high school in Mansfield, Ohio, USA,
     50 miles north of Columbus
 ■   Challenge – Giving students all
     possible advantages for success in
     higher education and career
 ■   Solution - Using the Z Corp. Spectrum
     ZTM510 color 3D printer to enhance
     students’ design education
 ■   Results

 • Priceless real-world training
 • ‘Closing the loop’ by letting students
    hold in their hands the objects
   they’ve designed on their computers.
 • Giving students distinct advantages
   in higher education admissions and
 • Inspiring students to go further
   in fields like mechanical design,
   architecture and computer graphics
 • Quick, one-build production of 3D
   physical models for an entire class          Little is more important for college-bound high
 • Better community understanding of            school seniors than getting into the university
   public projects like the school district     of their choice. Technically minded students         Access to High Tech Equipment
   bus garage                                   attending Ontario High School in Mansfield, Ohio,     Essential to Design Training
 • Valuable business experience for             USA, have a distinct advantage in this quest.
                                                                                                     Ontario High is no different than other cash-
   students who are producing                                                                        strapped school districts – except for the fact
                                                Like most public schools, Ontario High strives to
   prototypes for auto industry suppliers                                                            that computer drafting instructor Bruce Weirich
                                                give students access to the highest technologies,
                                                but funding is always a challenge. Many schools      and the business community found a creative
                                                in this position just make do with what they         way to overcome the financing obstacle for
“Students get an idea, sketch                   have. They rely on teachers to tell students         advanced technology.

 it out, develop it in Rhino,                   about emerging technologies that are changing        In 2006, Weirich, a former high school football
                                                business and industry rather than let them           coach, attended a workshop in Columbus, OH,
 animate it, print it, and then                 experience it.                                       and discovered his former starting quarterback
 hold it in their hands. Until                  This just isn’t good enough for Ontario High
                                                                                                     rapt by a “3D printer” in action. After a hearty
                                                                                                     reunion, Weirich immediately recognized 3D
 then it’s all conceptual,                      computer drafting students. For a proper
                                                                                                     printing’s power to close that long-incomplete
                                                education, the school believes it’s essential
 virtual and 2D. Completing                     to recreate an educational environment that
                                                                                                     design-to-production circle, calling 3D CAD

 the circle is important ―
                                                                                                     software and 3D printing a “match made in
                                                faithfully simulates the real-world workplace,
                                                where designs undergo numerous iterations,
 it turns kids on”                              become prototypes, and are further refined            A 3D printer is an output device for 3D CAD
                                                before ultimately becoming products you can          data in the same way that a 2D printer is an
               – Bruce Weirich                  hold in your hand. After overcoming some             output device for the words and pictures on your
                 Computer Drafting Instructor   financial obstacles, that’s exactly what the school   computer screen. The primary difference is that a
                 Ontario High School
                                                has created, giving students priceless experience    3D printer outputs three-dimensional models and
                 Mansfield, Ohio, USA
                                                for the workforce and higher education.              prototypes in composite material. 3D printing is
Massachusetts Institute of Technology - MIT Enhances Architectural Learning and Research Using a Z Corp. 3D Printer
gaining ground as equipment follows the pattern of            build. The two-hour turnaround would make many
                                          2D printers: capabilities are increasing as prices fall.      manufacturing companies envious.

                                                                                                        Weirich’s design students are just one user group.
                                          Solution                                                      Ontario High School’s art department is using the    ™
                                                                                                        printer to produce computer-designed sculptures,
                                          Public-Private Partnership                                    and industrial arts classes are using the printer
                                          Lacking a stockpile of cash for new technology,               to prototype furniture in miniature. Middle school
                                          Weirich creatively sewed some budget money                    students are just beginning to learn design with
                                          together with financing help from Jay Plastics,                Rhino software, and the 3D printer will close the
                                          a nearby auto industry parts supplier. In return              loop for those students as well, says Weirich.
                                          for the financial support, Weirich’s students print            Students’ 3D printing work has gained widespread
                                          out prototypes for Jay Plastics in support of its             notice. Once the plans for the Ontario district’s
                                          headlight parts contract for the Ford F150. In                bus garage renovations and additions were
                                          addition to bringing state-of-the-art prototyping             approved, Weirich’s classes took the design, made
                                          technology to Weirich’s students, 3D printing has             an architectural color 3D model of the site plans,
                                          given them invaluable experience dealing with                 added color 3D models of buses, parked them
“Colleges and universities                business and industry.                                        in garage bays, and transported these models to
                                                                                                        public meetings. This enabled the public to better
 who visit us are learning a                                                                            visualize and understand the plan. “Our models
                                          Results                                                       are answering questions that a lot of people in
 little about the possibilities
                                          Dynamic Learning Across Multiple                              the community may have, and they are easer to
 of college prep in public                Departments                                                   see compared to trying to read a blueprint,” says
 education ... And when                   Ontario High students can now take the 3D designs
                                                                                                        The 3D printer is part of a well-equipped,
                                          they’ve developed in their RhinoTM CAD software
 students show up at                      and hold the 3D physical prototypes in their hands
                                                                                                        comprehensive technology curriculum that Weirich
                                                                                                        says gives his students a leg up when they apply
                                          a couple of short hours later. Both the students
 interviews with colorful                 and Jay Plastics are maximizing the unique color
                                                                                                        for admission and scholarships, and when they
                                                                                                        begin their college classes.
 models to pass around the                potential of Spectrum ZTM510 color 3D printer from
                                          Z Corporation, still the only company to produce              “Ontario High School design students are
 table, that makes a big                  multicolor 3D printers. Jay’s engineers are using             well-versed in areas of study that colleges and
                                          ZEditTM software to mark up physical models with              universities are just beginning to explore,” Weirich
 impact on whether they’re                color and notes – for instance, to flag a part for             says. “Students are going to college and finding it
                                          structural analysis or show where the fastener
 admitted or hired.”                      attaches.
                                                                                                        very very easy to develop their skills at that level
                                                                                                        because of the advanced foundation they received
                                                                                                        here. Likewise, I think colleges and universities who
                                          Access to 3D printing is giving Ontario students
         – Bruce Weirich                                                                                visit us are learning a little about the possibilities
                                          experience in the entire product design cycle,
           Computer Drafting Instructor                                                                 of college prep in public education,” Weirich says.
                                          from concept to production, without leaving the
           Ontario High School                                                                          “And when students show up at interviews with
                                          classroom. “Students get an idea, sketch it out,
           Mansfield, Ohio, USA                                                                         colorful models to pass around the table, that
                                          develop it in Rhino, animate it, print it, and then
                                                                                                        makes a big impact on whether they’re admitted or
                                          hold it in their hands,” says Weirich. “When they
                                          hold it in their hands, they’re closing the loop,
                                          which really brings the value of the exercise home.           Weirich expects 3D printing to expand throughout
                                          Until then, it’s all conceptual, virtual and 2D.              the district, and he’s looking forward to expanding
                                          Completing the circle is important. It turns kids on.”        students’ technology horizons with 3D scanning.
                                                                                                        Then students could learn to scan objects, capture
                                          The 3D printer in Weirich’s classroom is pumping
                                                                                                        the design on their PCs, develop them in Rhino and
                                          out models “twenty-four seven” he says. Students
                                                                                                        print the reverse-engineered models. Says Weirich,
                                          print mechanical designs, architectural models
                                                                                                        “That would be yet another way to close the
                                          and art objects, including ducks, masks, cars, Big
                                                                                                        loop and provide the educational advantages our
                                          Ben, Mount Rushmore, the Lincoln Memorial and
                                                                                                        students – and all students – deserve.”
                                          a sleek spaceship straight out of Star Wars. All of
                                          these are in bold color, which closes the loop on
                                          another level: students don’t have to imagine their
                                          monochrome parts as colored, or repaint them
                                          offline. They come straight out of the printer in
                                          high-fidelity 24-bit colors

                                          No 3D printer is faster than the Spectrum Z510, a
                                          critical capability for schools, especially when it’s
                                          time to print class projects en masse. A class of 25                                      Ontario High School
                                          students can print models, all unique, in a single                                            Mansfield, Ohio

                                                                Worldwide Headquarters               All company and product names are trademarks or
                                                                Z Corporation                        registered trademarks of their respective owners.
                                                                32 Second Avenue
                                                                Burlington, MA 01803 USA             ©2007 Z Corporation. All rights reserved.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology - MIT Enhances Architectural Learning and Research Using a Z Corp. 3D Printer

University of Huddersfield
3D Printing Opens Educational Doors
for the School of Art & Design
 ■   The University of Huddersfield – The
     UK’s top “new” university for student
     satisfaction. The University currently
     welcomes 22,000 students.
 ■   Challenge – Giving students an
     advantage in education, career
     advancement and job performance
 ■   Solution – Incorporating 3D printing
     into all disciplines in the university’s
     School of Design
 ■   Results

 • Producing parts and prototypes for
   entire classes in a single day, or in
   some cases, a single build
   (impossible with most technologies)
 • Creating final projects in hours
   instead of weeks
 • Gaining exposure to technologies that
   students will use in their careers
 • Acquiring professional-class
   prototypes that improve prospects for        University of Huddersfield student designs incorporating 3D printed parts, and features
   employment and advanced education            developed using 3D printed prototypes

 • Improving university recruitment with        At the University of Huddersfield, the UK’s top        Conceiving and refining designs are the key
    high technologies on display                “new” university for student satisfaction1, the       competencies of design education, not the
 • Leveraging the fastest and most              pinnacle of a design student’s career is the          crafting required to present ideas. Handcrafting
                                                final project. Alongside the thesis, it reflects        also exposed students to dangerous machinery
   affordable way to create 3D physical
                                                everything students have learned over the course      like power saws, and it resulted in finished
   models from CAD data                         of their education. The final project can thus be      objects that weren’t true to the designs.
                                                a key factor in winning a job or admission for
                                                                                                      The university needed a way to use time more
                                                post-graduate learning.
“Students are learning to                       For a transportation design student, the final
                                                                                                      wisely, to ensure student safety, to produce
                                                                                                      accurate models, and, perhaps most importantly,
 use the very latest                            project could be creating a next-generation car,      to expose students to the same technologies
                                                boat, bike or train. For a product design student,    they will use in their design careers.
 [3D printing] technology                       it could be developing any sort of innovative
                                                machine or merchandise. For an architecture
 even before some of their                      student, it could be planning a futuristic building   Solution
                                                or a city. For an interior designer, it could be
 future employers have it ...                   creating a dazzling room. These are the most          Printing their CAD Designs in 3D
 And they’re emerging from                      important statements that students will make
                                                before moving on to careers or further education.     The institution began meeting these goals three
                                                                                                      years ago when it began “printing” 3D physical
 the process inspired, and                                                                            models directly from the electronic designs
 with artifacts that can                        Challenge                                             students created in their computer-aided design
 make a profound impact                         Time Invested in Handcrafting
                                                                                                      This automated process employs a 3D printer,
                                                Design Project Models
 on admissions and hiring                                                                             which is an output device for 3D CAD data in the
                                                Presenting the final project at Huddersfield has        same way that a 2D printer is an output device
 decisions.”                                    traditionally required students to invest weeks       for the words and pictures on your computer
                                                of painstaking hand construction into their 3D        screen. The primary difference is that a 3D printer
               – Chris Charlesworth
                                                models. In the eyes of educators, it was time         produces three-dimensional physical models in
                 Mgr. of 3D Design Workshop
                                                that could be better spent on core learning.          solid composite material.
                 University of Huddersfield
Massachusetts Institute of Technology - MIT Enhances Architectural Learning and Research Using a Z Corp. 3D Printer
3D printing is the fastest way to make a highly              area of 254 mm x 356 mm x 203 mm (10 inches X
                                       accurate prototype of a 3D design. It’s becoming             14 inches X 8 inches).
                                       more common in universities as 3D printers follow
                                                                                                    “Multiple colors will give students a whole new
                                       the pattern set by 2D printers: capabilities are
                                                                                                    perspective on their creations, both viscerally
                                       increasing, prices are falling, and machines are                                                                   ™
                                                                                                    and objectively,” says Charlesworth. “They will be
                                       becoming more classroom-friendly.
                                                                                                    able to label, annotate or apply texture maps to
                                       Students at the University of Huddersfield first               their creations. They will also be able to highlight
                                       create their designs in SolidWorks®, AutoCAD®,               regions of their parts that are subject to high stress
                                       Alias®, 3ds Max® or RhinoTM software. The printer            or heat.”
                                       accepts that data and produces a 3D physical
                                                                                                    3D printing has addressed some university health
                                       model students can hold in their hands.
                                                                                                    and safety concerns. With students making more
                                       “Students love watching it work, and they                    use of 3D print technology they are less exposed
                                       love watching their parts come to life,” says                to band saws and other heavy machinery, resulting
                                       Chris Charlesworth, Technical Team Leader at                 in a safer working environment. Producing final
                                       the University of Huddersfield School of Art                  projects is now easy, clean and green – one just
                                       & Design and manager of the university’s 3D                  presses the print button. Z Corp. continues to refine
                                       Design Workshop. “They’re very intrigued by the              the technology to improve automation and reduce
“Students love watching                technology, which allows them to produce parts
                                       they wouldn’t have the time or skills to craft by
                                                                                                    materials handling.
                                                                                                    Experience with 3D printing is helping students
 it work, and they love                hand.”
                                                                                                    win prized jobs at companies like Dyson, Lego
 watching their parts                  The University of Huddersfield purchased its first 3D
                                       printer in 2004, a ZPrinter® 310 monochrome printer
                                                                                                    and Black & Decker, as well as admission to
                                                                                                    exclusive higher education institutions like the
 come to life ... They’re              from Z Corporation of Burlington, Mass., USA. After          Royal College of Art, says Charlesworth. Once there,
                                       a comprehensive months-long evaluation process,              former students distinguish themselves with their
 very intrigued by the                 the university chose the ZPrinter 310 because of             experience.
                                       its superior speed, cost-effectiveness and ease of
 technology, which allows              use compared with a fused deposition modeling
                                                                                                    In fact, the university’s 3D Design Workshop has
                                                                                                    been hired to create product prototypes for ex-
                                       system from Stratasys Inc. Says Charlesworth, “We
 them to produce parts they            hit the ground running. We didn’t want a machine
                                                                                                    students now working as highly paid professionals
                                                                                                    and receives frequent enquiries from other external
 wouldn’t have the time                so complex, slow and costly it would gather dust.
                                       As it turns out, we obtained one that’s easy, fast

 or skills to craft by hand.”          and affordable to operate without making any                 In addition to capturing the imagination of current
                                       trade-offs.”                                                 and former students, the 3D printing program
                                                                                                    makes a powerful recruitment tool for prospective
                                       One design student, Marcus Hartley, used the
        – Chris Charlesworth                                                                        design students. When they tour the campus,
                                       ZPrinter 310 to print the pattern for a revolutionary
          Mgr. of 3D Design Workshop                                                                they stop by to see the 3D printer churning out
                                       hammer design that won him a James Dyson
          University of Huddersfield                                                                prototypes, including some of great complexity.
                                       Foundation Award for Product Design 2004. The
                                       James Dyson Award is an annual design competition            “3D printing has opened some important new
                                       which recognizes young designers and engineers               doors for our educational community,” Charlesworth
                                       who demonstrate acclaimed vacuum cleaner maker               says. “Students are learning to use the very
                                       Dyson’s design philosophy – the ability to think             latest technology even before some of their
                                       differently, persist in the face of setbacks and create      future employers have it. They’re saving weeks of
                                       functional, innovative products that improve the             potentially dangerous labor that isn’t at the core
                                       way we live.                                                 of their design work. And they’re emerging from
                                                                                                    the process inspired, and with artifacts that can
                                                                                                    make a profound impact on admissions and hiring
                                       Results                                                      decisions.”
                                       High-Performance 3D Printing,                                1
                                                                                                     According to the United Kingdom’s National Student
                                       Career Advantage                                             Satisfaction Survey

                                       Z Corp. printers produce high-definition parts five
                                       to 10 times faster than other technologies at the
                                       lowest cost per part, with the unique ability of
                                       printing multiple prototypes in a single job. Printing
                                       costs only $2 - $3 USD per cubic inch, or $10 USD
                                       for a typical handheld part.
                                                                                                                           University of Huddersfield
                                       The ZPrinter 310 has worked so successfully that
                                       the university in 2007 invested in a high-definition
                                       color 3D printer, the Spectrum ZTM510 from Z Corp.,                                               Huddersfield
                                       still the only company that produces multicolor 3D                                                   HD1 3DH
                                       printers. The Spectrum Z510 prints in 24-bit color at                                         United Kingdom
                                       a 600 x 540 dpi resolution with an impressive build                                  

                                                             Worldwide Headquarters              All company and product names are trademarks or
                                                             Z Corporation                       registered trademarks of their respective owners.
                                                             32 Second Avenue
                                                             Burlington, MA 01803 USA            ©2007 Z Corporation. All rights reserved.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology - MIT Enhances Architectural Learning and Research Using a Z Corp. 3D Printer

3 Secrets to Building Model Students
Model Students are easy to recognize, but difficult to mold. When it comes to teaching design, engineering,
or computer-aided design (CAD), Z Corporation has three great ways to help teachers build Model Students.

                                         Model Students Engage
                                         Keeping students engaged in learning is the ultimate challenge.
                                         Everywhere students look, they are distracted by visual and audio media
                                         on TVs, computers, or cell phones. ZPrinters – 3D printers that turn a
                                         student’s 3D CAD or design data into a physical model that they can
                                         hold in their hands – are new and engaging enough to compete. They
                                         create a level of enthusiasm and excitement that is hard to contain, and a
                                         motivation to learn that reinforces all classroom activities.

                                         Model Students Learn
                                         Using a ZPrinter to enhance design and engineering education allows students to develop
                                         a deeper understanding of the material. Using 3D printed models to collect feedback is a
                                         critical part of the iterative design process that reinforces classroom learning and results
                                         in better designs.

“Students are learning                   “As a Ph.D. student, I saw the benefits of using a 3D printer to produce architectural
                                         models to complete my Palladio project. As a future member of the faculty, I saw even
 to use the very latest                  greater benefits for using the Z Corporation 3D printer to improve the educational
 technology, even before                 experience of students.”
                                                                           – Lawrence Sass, Asst. Professor, Department of Architecture
 some of their future                                                        Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA
 employers have it... and
 they are emerging from                  Model Students Advance
                                         Whether students seek competitive jobs or higher levels of education, being able
 the process inspired.”                  to present recruiters with physical examples of their design work makes a powerful
                                         impression. Students can explain their learning and passion in a tangible and
       – Chris Charlesworth, Manager,    differentiating way, enabling their success at many levels.
         3D Design Workshop
         University of Huddersfield, UK   “When students show up at interviews with colorful models to pass around the table, it
                                         makes a big impact on whether they are admitted or hired.”
                                                                           – Bruce Weirich, CAD Instructor
Helping engineering and design                                               Ontario High School, Mansfield, Ohio, USA
students engage, learn, and
advance is easy with a Z Corporation
3D printer. ZPrinters are the only
devices capable of building
parts fast enough to meet the
needs of an entire classroom
(5 to 10 times faster than
others) – at a cost that any
school can afford.

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