MAY 2021 - Break O'Day Council

Page created by Micheal Cannon
MAY 2021 - Break O'Day Council
MAY 2021
                                                   Next Council Meetings:
                               28 June and 19 July at 10am at the Council Chambers, St Helens
From Acting General
Manager - Bob Hoogland
It is great to see that events are starting
to happen again in our area after a
COVID enorced break.
The June long weekend promises to be
a fantastic weekend of activity and will
see two signature events return to the
municipality, the Bay of Fires Winter
Arts Festival and the St Marys Car, Boat
and Pedal Car Show.
The St Marys Car Show is held in the
main street of the town which comes
alive with a range of vehicles - old, new,
and a little bit different. The event also
features live music, food vans, prizes
and a market. It is certainly worth
checking out as there seems to be
something for everyone
                                              Mayor Mick Tucker with one of the new signs you will be able to spot along the Great Eastern Drive
The Bay of Fires Winter Arts Festival will
also be in full swing and features a range
of events. The Bay of Fires Youth Art         Council decides to Watch out for Wildlife
Prize will be exhibited in the Portland       Break O’Day Council has partnered                       There are more than 20 signs in total
Hall from Friday 11th from 10am –             with neighbouring Council, Glamorgan                    with varying designs which aim to
4pm. The Major Art Prize exhibition           Spring Bay, East Coast Tourism,
also starts Friday, commencing with                                                                   ensure that drivers don’t get fatigued
                                              Bonorong Wildlife Sanctuary and                         by seeing the same sign every time.
a smoking ceremony. Held on the               Hobart Airport in an effort to reduce
foreshore near the cosmic egg from                                                                    Each sign has been designed in the
                                              road kill on the Great Eastern Drive.
4:30pm, the smoking ceremony will             Several months ago Break O’Day                          original campaign’s style of bright
be conducted by local Aboriginal Elder                                                                blue and greens and features various
                                              Council was approached by Hobart
Jeanymaree and students from St                                                                       wildlife from spotted quolls, devils,
                                              Airport to see if they would be
Helens District High School. This is new
                                              interested in supporting a Watch Out                    wallabies and wombats.
to the event and has been facilitated by
                                              for Wildlife campaign. Inspired by                      East Coast Tourism CEO Rhonda Taylor
the Destination Action Plan committee.
                                              the colourful branding of the Hobart                    said when she first heard the idea she
Following this, attendees can head
                                              Airport and Bonorong’s work in this                     thought it was a great idea and really
over to the official Bay of Fires Art
                                              space, the east coast Council started
Prize Exhibition, this is a ticketed event                                                            fits with the values of the east coast as
                                              conversations with East Coast Tourism
(at Panorama) so make sure you have                                                                   well as the Great Eastern Drive.
                                              around implementing Watch Out
booked.                                                                                               “We know that people come to our
                                              for Wildlife signage along the Great
Saturday also promises a day of fun                                                                   area to see not just the beautiful
                                              Eastern Drive.
starting with a Dawn Dash and Splash
                                              “We are really proud of our role in the                 landscapes but the fauna as well,” she
(clothes optional) swim at Binalong
                                              development and installation of this                    said.
Bay. Throughout the day you will also
                                              signage,” Break O’Day Mayor Mick                        “We understand that it can be
find the Terrapin Puppet Theatre
                                              Tucker said.                                            distressing to our visitors in particular
performing or you can go for a drive and
                                              “All the township signs in our
explore some local artists in residence                                                               to see road kill and we are appreciative
                                              municipality as well as Glamorgan,
with the Secret People, Secret Places                                                                 of any opportunity to protect them, like
                                              will now feature these colourful signs
self-drive experience.                                                                                reinforcing slowing down from dusk to
                                              which we hope will encourage visitors
You can find more information at www.
                                              and locals alike to Watch Out for                       dawn and looking out for wildlife.
MAY 2021 - Break O'Day Council
North East Bioregional Network Award Win                                                                     IN BRIEF
Council would like to congratulate on                  The Skyline Tier project involved
behalf of the community, the North
East Bioregional Network (NEBN) and
                                                       the restoration of around 2000 ha            BPAY – make sure
                                                       of logged radiata pine forest behind
Todd Dudley on their international
                                                       Beaumaris. The project included the
                                                                                                    you use the right one
award win.
The Society for Ecological Restoration                 planting of thousands of trees and          If you like to use BPAY to pay your
Australasia (SERA) held its annual forum               native plants to encourage natural          Council fees like rates and dog
from 10 – 13 May in Darwin where the                   habitat regeneration.                       registration, please make sure that you
work of ecological restoration projects                If you want to see the value of this        check the reference number before you
was formally recognised.                                                                           submit your payment. We use different
                                                       work, all you have to do is take a drive
NEBN were nominated in the Ecological                                                              numbers for each of your invoices so for
                                                       out Skyline Drive to appreciate this        example, your dog registration reference
restoration excellence award in the
over 50 ha category where they won                     huge undertaking.                           is not the same as your rates one.
for their work on the Skyline Tier                     You can read more about the project at      Also, if you are using BPAY, just a
restoration project.                                                      reminder that it can take up to three
                                                                                                   working days to land in our account so
                                                                                                   it is important you make your payment
                                                                                                   at least three days prior to the due date.
                                                                                                   Thank you.

                                                                                                    Top Tassie Tourist
                                                                                                    town update
                                                                                                    Break O’Day Council and the Break
                                                                                                    O’Day Chamber of Commerce have
                                                                                                    once again entered St Helens in the
                                                                                                    Tourism Industry Council Tasmania,
                                                                                                    Tassie Top Tourism Town competition
                                                                                                    which we won in 2020.
                                                                                                    If we win again this year not only will
President of the NEBN, Todd Dudley pictured on Skyline Tier with community conservation workers     we be back to back winners but we will
                                                                                                    also have the opportunity to compete
Responsible Dog ownership and you                                                                   against the top tourism towns of the
                                                                                                    other states in a national competition.
We want you and your furry friend to get                  poo and as the owner, it is expected
out and about together for exercise and                   that you will clean up after your dog.    The winner will be announced on
to enjoy each other’s company but it is                2. Obey the dog restrictions at various      4 June. We would like to take this
important that you do the right thing as                  locations – Because of the native         opportunity to thank our community
a responsible dog owner.                                  animals and threatened birds in our       for voting and for being the inspiration
Break O’Day Council and Parks and                         area we have tried to ensure that         behind our entry.
Wildlife have tried to find a balance                     there is a balance between where          If you haven’t seen our video entry, you
between dog ownership and our native                      people can walk their dogs both on        can find it on Council’s website on the
wildlife by declaring certain areas                       and off lead as well as protecting        Employment page.
suitable for dogs on and off leash while                  threatened and vulnerable species.
trying to protect our threatened shore                                                             Dog Registration
birds – These areas are called the Dog                 Scan the QR Code below for a map of We have now sent out Dog registrations
Management Zones (scan the QR Code                     the Break O'Day Dog Zones.          renewals so if you have not received
below to see these areas).                                                                 yours yet, please contact the office on
While you are out and about in our                                                         63767900.
beautiful environment with your dog                                                        Pay your dog registration prior to 30
we ask you remember these two things:                                                      June 2021, to be eligible for the early
1. Clean Up after your Dog. – You will                                                     bird discount.
     find that some areas where dogs
     are allowed will provide doggy doo
     bags but it is always recommended
                                                                                                   You can find our newsletters online at
     that you have some with you at all                                                   
     times. No one likes stepping in dog                                                                       news-events/
MAY 2021 - Break O'Day Council
Old Scamander Bridge Removal                                                                                WHATS ON
State Growth has now started work                          of our assets
on the removal of the Old Scamander                    3. To keep the bridge was going to cost   Restoring Nature and Communities
Bridge.                                                    more than $2.1million to refurbish    5 June
If you have driven across the new bridge                   – State Growth said they would        Held at Panorama, speakers from University
lately you will notice that the pedestrian                 contribute $1million to this.         of Tasmana ands Highways and Byways,
guardrail is now completed which                       4. The ongoing cost of the bridge if      NEBN. Morning tea provided. Call 63761049
                                                                                                 to RSVP.
means it is finally time to move on the                    kept was approximately $30,000 a
removal of the Old Bridge.                                 year                                  Breast Screen Tasmania
While Council understands that there                   5. Even if the bridge was refurbished,    7 June - 2 July
are residents in the area that have an                     it would not be able to be used to    The Breast Screen Bus witll be at the
attachment to the bridge, we would                         build anything on it.                 St Helens District Hospital. To make an
like to take this opportunity to remind                6. The bridge was denied Heritage         appointment call 132050
the community of the facts around this                     Listing by the Tasmanian Heritage
                                                                                                 Free IT help for older Tasmanians
bridge:                                                    Council.
                                                                                                 8 June
1. The bridge is State Growth property,                You can find more information on          Held at the St Marys Hall from 12noon to
     not Council                                       the bridge on our website under My        4pm. Appointments required. Please call
2. State Growth asked Council if we                    Community, News, Old and New              62313265
     would like to have the bridge as one              Scamander Bridge Works – FAQ.
                                                                                                 YCNECT Mad Hatter Tea Party
Winter warming wood heater ettiquette                                                            8 June
                                                                                                 Held at the Portland Hall includes; free
Now that winter is here many of us will                (EPA), Tasmania has a Burn Brighter       snacks, games, crazy dress and more. For
be cranking our wood heaters in an                     this Winter program which aims to         more info call 0457362320. BYO mug or cup.
attempt to battle the chill.                           reduce exposure to wood smoke. They
                                                                                                 Bay of Fires Winter Arts Festival
While wood heaters are great for                       give four main tips.
                                                                                                 11 to 13 June
warming ourselves and our homes,                       1. Always burn with a flame – don’t       A range of events make up this annual
they can also become an environmental                      let your fire smoulder                festival including the $20,000 Arts Prize. Visit
hazard, not just to the environment,                   2. After reloading, open the air          their website for more information: www.
but our neighbours as well. If fires                       control and burn your fire on high
are not lit and burning correctly they                     for 20 minutes, especially before
can produce a lot of smoke which can                       going to bed                          St Marys Car, Bike and Pedal Car
cause problems for people who suffer                   3. Only burn dry, seasonal wood           13 June
from illnesses like asthma and heart                   4. Ensure your flue is clean              Held in the main street from 9am - 2pm.
disease.                                               You can find more information on the      Great prizes, live music, food stalls and
The Environment Protection Authority                   EPA website,           market. Free Entry.

                                                                                                 St Helens Markets
                                                                                                 Every Saturday from 9am - 1pm
                                                                                                 Drop by the St Helens Markets in the
     “My partner constantly                                                                      Portland Hall and bag yourself a locally
     screams at me and always                                                                    crafted gift or some fresh produce.
     puts me down, telling me
     I’m useless.”

     AND IT IS FAMILY VIOLENCE.                                                                          MULCH
     Help and support is available.

                    Contact a specialist service or visit
                    for more information.
                                                                                                      Double mulched green waste
                                                                                                    suitable for garden use available
                                                                                                   from the St Helens Waste Transfer
                                                                                                  Bring your ute or trailer and we will
Support services include:                                                                                    load it for you.
•   Safe at Home Family Violence Response – 1800 633 937
•   1800RESPECT (1800 737 732)                                                                       AVAILABLE BETWEEN
•   Men’s Referral service to counsel men who use family violence 1300                                  10AM AND 2PM
    766 491                                                                                         WEDNESDAY AND SUNDAY
•   LifeLine: 131114
•   Kids Help Line: 1800 551 800
MAY 2021 - Break O'Day Council
Council Works                               Weed of the month- Boneseed
          Updates                                                                               50,000 seeds a year. In the state Weed
                                                                                                Management Act, landowners have a
Mortys Carpark near Raida:                                                                      responsibility to remove and eradicate
Council crew will be putting up light                                                           boneseed from their property. Due
poles, planting the gardens and                                                                 to their shallow root system, they are
generally tidying up this area so it                                                            easily hand pulled or carefully spot
is ready for the June long weekend,                                                             sprayed with a registered herbicide.
weather dependent.                                                                              Plants can be piled ensuring the roots
Town Maintenence                                                                                are not in contact with the ground. If
Crews are busy shifting their attention                                                         seeds are present, they can be cut off,
from grass mowing to clearing Autumn                                                            bagged and burnt. This time of year
leaves around our town areas on a                                                               boneseed is actively growing and has
regular basis.                                                                                  not set seed, this is the perfect time to
Road Works                                                                                      treat and remove, remembering follow
The Road crews have been busy the last              Boneseed is a declared weed in
                                                                                                up in the next year or two is essential.
few weeks including:                                Tasmania and considered one of the
                                                                                                For more information please visit:
• Grading the southern road network                 worst and most invasive weeds in
     in and around the Seymour area                 Australia. It is able to establish itself
• Started grading works on North                    anywhere and it can produce up to
     Anson’s Bay road
• Addressing maintenance grading
     including; Terryvale Rd, Argonaut
                                                    St Marys and Fingal Valley Bank Update
     Road plus other gravel roads around            Earlier this month the Commonwealth         of consultation.
     the Break O’Day area.                          Bank announced that it would be closing     In an effort to ensure St Marys and
• Extensive bitumen road patching                   the St Marys branch in August 2021. This    Fingal have the banking service level
     undertaken in most areas                       leaves the entire Fingal Valley without a   they require, Council engaged with the
MAJOR PROJECT UPDATES:                              physical banking branch.                    St Helens/St Marys Community Bendigo
Gardens Road:                                       Council had no prior warning about this     Bank to hold a drop-in session at the St
Temporary signs will be replaced by                 and found out about the closure through     Marys Sports Complex on Thursday 27
permanent signs this week. Guardrails               the media as well as through concerned      May.
will be installed in July.                          residents who aired their concerns with     The Community Bank team held the
St Helens Point Road:                               Councillors.                                session so that they could get a better
Minor items are being cleaned up now.               Council was disappointed about this         understanding of the banking needs
Temporary signs have been removed.                  decision and the lack of consultation       of the community and to determine if
Skyline Drive:                                      considering Council moved funds to          there is any way that the Community
Minor items are being cleaned up now.               the branch in 2001 to support the           Bank can realistically fill that need.
Temporary signs will remain in place                retention of the branch in the area.        Only 25 people showed up to the
while motorists and pedestrians become              Council has written to the CBA and          session so the Community Bank is now
familiar with the new intersection.                 expressed its dissatisfaction with the      examining its next course of action.
                                                    decision and most importantly the lack

                                                    In Business in Break O'Day? We need your help
                                                    Twice a year, in winter and summer          make decision about our business
                                                    we conduct a business survey so we          community. We also use this
                                                    can better understand our business          information when seeking external
                                                    community and how best we can assist        funding. You can check out the most
                                                    you. The way we do this is by sending       recent as well as previous surveys on
                                                    out a link to our Business Community        our website under My Community,
                                                    database. This database is also             Community Consultation, Business
                                                    used to pass on important business          Survey.
                                                    related information to our Business         If you are a Break O’Day business and
                                                    Community like funding opportunities,       you have not received a survey link,
                                                    upcoming events and more.                   please email jayne.richardson@bodc.
                                                    The Business survey information is or head to our website, My
                                                    collated year on year so we can look        Community, Community Consultation,
Andrew Howard, town maintenance, dealing with the   at trends and are better informed to        Business Survey.
Autumn leaves in St Helens
You can also read