Media Industry Accounting Group Annual conference 2017 -

Page created by Ellen Saunders
Media Industry Accounting Group Annual conference 2017 -

               Media Industry
               Accounting Group
               Annual conference 2017
15 June 2017
Media Industry Accounting Group Annual conference 2017 -
Global entertainment and
      media outlook 2017-2021
            Phil Stokes
            PwC UK

Media Industry Accounting Group Annual conference 2017 -
Never Before

Media Industry Accounting Group Annual conference 2017 -
Disruptive forces are
              rapidly reshaping our world.
              Five inescapable world trends are acting together and driving change.

                                           Right now

Demographic       Shift in global      Accelerating          Resource scarcity        Technological
shifts            economic power       urbanisation          and climate change       advances

  PwC                                                                                                 4
Media Industry Accounting Group Annual conference 2017 -
Disruptive forces are
            rapidly reshaping our businesses.
           Organizations must take actions now to prepare for the disruptive opportunities and
                                evolving platforms of the next few years.

                                               Right now

           Technology forces                  Societal Forces                 Regulatory Forces
      Smart Device Proliferation and         Consumerisation and                      Privacy and
        Ubiquitous Connectivity             Always On expectations          Shifting Regulatory Landscape
PwC                                                                                                         5
Media Industry Accounting Group Annual conference 2017 -
The world is in beta.
                              Technologies, trends, markets and economies
                                     are in a constant state of flux.

                                                   Right now

Competitive advantage is   It is no longer about long-   Organizations must have     This may mean setting up
transient                  term strategies to sustain    the agility, empowerment,   new businesses and
                           a competitive advantage       and the confidence to       allowing outdated versions
  PwC                                                    change                      to die
Media Industry Accounting Group Annual conference 2017 -
The business environment
                      is ripe for the disruptors.
         Disruptors see the future, build scalable platforms, and experiment restlessly and boldly.

                                                  Right now

Disruptors do not           More importantly, they       They have an insatiable     They see the future,
respect incumbent or        are not held back by those   focus on the customer       build scalable
classical organizational    structures                                               platforms, and
   PwC                                                                               experiment relentlessly
Media Industry Accounting Group Annual conference 2017 -
Organisations must innovate today.
                 Leaders who do not listen to their stakeholders and change will be
                  passed by as their markets and customers move without them.

                                                Right now

Customers are   Organisations can          Market dominance can     Siloed decision         Innovation will drive
digital         generate deeper insights   quickly be lost to new   making is a signal of   success
                than ever before           entrants                 impending failure
    PwC                                                                                                      8
Media Industry Accounting Group Annual conference 2017 -
From 2017 a new breed of customer will dominate - the Digital
Enabling total customer centric business models

            Digital now enables businesses to compete on the basis
             of helping customers achieve their desired outcomes.
There is an increasing need to build digital trust
The new trust dynamic: trust + opportunity = growth

A roadmap for the biggest business challenges

   Know              Define          Evolve          Create           Accelerate            Protect

              The new core competencies required to survive and thrive in the digital age

  Know               Define          Evolve           Create         Accelerate            Protect
   your               your         your total      sustainable     time to market     your assets from
customers ,         business      business in       value for      through smart,       the threats of
markets and       strategy for    response to    customers and       sustainable       the digital age
ecosystem          the digital       digital      shareholders         delivery            to build
                      age          disruption        through           models            stakeholder
                                                   innovation                                trust
In a world that’s in Beta…

             …we believe successful companies
             need to focus on three major

                                Speed and Agility
                               Constant Innovation

Global E&M Outlook 2017-2021
For Entertainment & Media companies this translates
               into three specific themes

Develop seamless consumer
relationships across
distribution channels

                                 Put mobile (and increasingly video)
                                 at the centre

                                                               Innovate around the product and
                                                               user experience

             Global E&M Outlook 2017-2021
The future of E&M is… fan-tastic!

 Knowing what drives
‘fandom’ and who your                                       Extending franchises
   most engaged fans                                          into experiences
      really are

                                     Becoming a

                                                               Selling to fans
  Building direct-to-
                                                             (not to “eyeballs”)
consumer destinations
                                                            wherever they may be

                                 Aligning operations to
                                 provide ‘value’ – invest
                                    in what makes a
                                   difference for fans

  Global E&M Outlook 2017-2021
Build businesses and brands around active, higher
  value communities of users

Global E&M Outlook 2017-2021
User experience
takes centre stage      4.2%
in today’s global    Projected industry
multi-speed media    growth 2017–2021

Focusing on the user experience creates growth
  opportunities in a challenging economic environment

  Global E&M Growth
                                         2.54%                                  Global E&M revenue as a
  7.0%                                               2.53%                      share of global GDP
  6.0%                                                                  2.48%
  5.0%                                                                                    2.39%


  3.0%                                                                                                     CAGR



           2013     2014       2015      2016        2017      2018     2019      2020    2021
                               E&M excluding internet access     Total E&M

Global E&M Outlook 2017-2021
Internet video, internet ads, gaming and access are
  the engines powering global E&M growth

   CAGR minus GDP growth by segment
   2016-2021 (% points)

           Internet video                                                               6.0
                                                    four major
     Internet advertising                                                         4.3
            Video games                             drivers                 2.7
          Internet access                                             0.5
                 Cinema                                        -1.2
                   OOH                                     -1.7
                   Music                                -2.0
          TV advertising                            -2.8
                    B2B                            -2.9
                   Radio                         -3.4
   Traditional TV & video                  -4.2
                   Books                  -4.5
              Magazines            -6.0                                     E&M CAGR: 4.2%
             Newspapers     -8.3                                            GDP CAGR: 5.6%

Global E&M Outlook 2017-2021
Top E&M countries
The United States is projected to remain the largest E&M market through
2021, however the % of total E&M spend the US represents is declining

                  France 4%

      United Kingdom 6%

                                         Projected % of   United States 45%
          Germany 6%                    E&M Revenue in
                                         (top markets)

              Japan 10%

                                China 18%

 Global E&M Outlook 2017-2021
Global E&M Markets

                                                                                    • Each bubble represents a country
                                                                                    • Size of bubble represents total E&M revenue
Total Global E&M Revenue Projections 2021
               (USD Millions)

                                                             2017 – 2021 CAGR (%)

                    5% CAGR

          Mature           Next Wave
                                                  Average                 Projected
                                                  Size                    Growth
                                                  2021 revenue ($US bn)   2016-2021 CAGR

                                       US$10 bn             $77.1               3.2%

                                                           $52.1                           8.3%

                                                    $5.9                               7.1%
          Slow                  Up &
          Growing             Comers                $6.6                        3.1%

     Global E&M Outlook 2017-2021
The most rapid growth rates are in newly emerged
  markets, where per capita spending is generally low

Global E&M Outlook 2017-2021
Demographics – youth will be served…

Global E&M Outlook 2017-2021
Technology and digital media have changed the way
  younger generations experience and purchase content

  US household spending by generation

                                        less on
                                        annually than
                                        baby boomers
                                        Generation X.

Global E&M Outlook 2017-2021
  Consumer/end-user &                 5 year historic &
                                                                 54 Countries    17 segments
  advertising spending                5 year forecast data

    Access                Read                     Watch               Listen       Play

  Internet access          Books                    Box office           Music      eSports

       Data                                        Traditional
                            B2B                                          Radio    Video games
   consumption                                     TV & video

                                                    Internet                        Virtual
                                                     video                          reality


Sources of Global revenue growth

  Size                                     Growth
  2021 share of revenue                    2016-2021 CAGR
                               30%                    4.2%
  $677 bn

  Access spend
                               29%                           6.0%
  $647 bn

  Consumer spend                     41%           3.1%
  $912 bn

Global E&M Outlook 2017-2021
Global revenue of $2.2 trillion by segment

                                                                        Internet access 27%

the largest
(27.4%) of
global E&M
followed by
               Video Games 6%
TV and
Home Video              TV Ads 8%                                          Internet ads 13%

                           Business-to-business 9%
                                                     Traditional TV & home video 12%
     Global E&M Outlook 2017-2021
Segment global growth rates

         CAGR 2016-21

        Radio    2.1%                    TV advertising     2.8%              B2B              2.7%

                                                                              OOH               3.8%
 Video games            8.2%             Internet access          6.0%

                                                                         Newspaper   -2.7%
Internet video           11.6%                    Music      3.5%

                                                                         Magazines     -0.5%
                 1.3%                           Cinema        4.4%

                        9.8%                     Books     1.1%

          Global E&M Outlook 2017-2021
Summary by consumer experience and segment

                          Global Revenue & CAGR                                                      Global Growth by Top Revenue
                 $700                                                                                   Contributing Segments
                                                                 Access 6.0%
                                                                                                             (CAGR 2016-21)
                                                                                                  $300                  Internet advertising 9.8%
Revenue US$ bn

                                                                                                          TV and video 1.3%
                 $400                                                                             $250

                                                                                 Revenue US$ bn
                                                               Watch 2.5%
                                                                                                  $200    B2B 2.7%
                                                   Read 0.1%                                                                     TV advertising 2.8%
                                                     Play 10.4%                                   $100
                                                                                                                                      Video games 8.2%
                 $100                                              Listen 3.5%                     $50                  Internet video 11.6%

                  $0                                                                               $0
                         2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021                               2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

                  Note: Above summaries exclude B2B and all advertising.

                    Global E&M Outlook 2017-2021
Internet access - $647 bn
      Global internet access revenue                      Mobile internet subscribers, mn

                                                                  APAC                1,648

                                                                 EMEA          626

                                                          Latin America      244

                                                          North America      299
      2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

                        Mobile     Fixed                              2016     2021

Governments and regulatory bodies in many markets are taking steps to increase competition
as well as coverage through changes in law, regulation or by licensing new operators.

        Global E&M Outlook 2017-2021
Data consumption
       Global data consumption, MB mn                                     Data consumption CAGR 2016-21
        1,200                                                                                                31.7%

         800                                                                                           17.6%
                                                                       Fixed broadband
         400                                                             Other portable
           0                                                                                             21.1%
                2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

                                                                                            Global   India

                                                                    Strong continued growth is expected in both mature
The single biggest driver of growth is the increased                markets such as the US and less developed markets
adoption of smartphones and, in particular, the rise                such as India and Brazil. India overtook the US as
of video viewing on smartphones.                                    the world’s second-largest smartphone market in

          Global E&M Outlook 2017-2021
Internet advertising - $303 bn

                     Global advertising revenue & CAGR
   Revenue US$ bn

                    $250                    CAGR 9.8%                          Internet advertising: $303 bn in 2021
                    $200                                                       TV advertising:      $194 bn in 2021
                    $150                                    CAGR 2.8%

                           2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

                                       Internet       TV

Global internet advertising grew by 19% YOY to surpass TV in 2016. Its 2016-2021 CAGR of
9.8% makes it 40% of total advertising in 2021, versus 26% for TV.

                      Global E&M Outlook 2017-2021
Internet advertising - $303 bn
      Global internet advertising revenue                        Projected growth
                                                                 CAGR 2016-2021

                                                                  Wired       2.5%

                                                                  Mobile                            18.5%

      2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

                        Mobile     Wired

                                                          Innovation including harnessing artificial
Mobile will overtake wired advertising in
                                                          intelligence to track ads across platforms and
2019 growing to account for 56% of internet
                                                          create personalised targeting, will be a
advertising globally by 2021.
                                                          significant long-term opportunity.

        Global E&M Outlook 2017-2021
Internet video - $37 bn
       Global Internet video vs.
                                                              Projected growth
       physical home video revenue                            2016-2021 CAGR

                                                                    Internet                 11.6%

                                                                  -8.8%          Physical

       2012      2014       2016         2018     2020

                          Internet     Physical

With the physical market continuing to                   There are a growing number of routes to the
decline, global Internet video revenue will              audience due to the rise of Internet video,
overtake it for the first time in 2017 and               shifting the emphasis towards content rights,
increase the gap over the forecast period.               licensing deals and original productions.

        Global E&M Outlook 2017-2021
TV advertising - $194 bn
       Projected growth                                       Distribution of revenue
       2016-2021 CAGR                                         2021

                                       12.4%         Online                     6%
                    4.6%                       Multichannel                                 28%
            1.5%                                Terrestrial


Although advertisers in most markets still look to traditional TV for the largest audiences –
often live sporting events – there’s an increasing trend towards a multiplatform approach.
Driving consumers online to discuss TV content and advertising through social media, or
offering enhanced versions of advertising on video platforms like YouTube, ensures campaigns
connect with audiences more effectively.

        Global E&M Outlook 2017-2021
Traditional TV and home video - $277 bn

     TV subscription revenue projected                    TV subscriptions
     growth                                               2016
     2016-2021 CAGR

                                                                 US            98
     Global                            2.3%

                                                               India                        154

                                                                 US                  $101

                                                  US$ bn
                                                               India   $8

Investment in exclusive entertainment programming, original productions and sporting rights
is increasing each year. Companies in mature markets are responding with consolidation for
scale and content rights.

        Global E&M Outlook 2017-2021
Video games - $138 bn
       Projected growth                                   Distribution of consumer revenue
       2016-2021 CAGR                                     2021

                                  11.9%   Social/Casual
              2.7%                             Console              25%
                      5.9%                          PC                               56%

       Consumer spending: $133 bn in 2021                        Console
       Advertising:            $5 bn in 2021

Social/casual gaming shows significant growth due to a huge global audience with increasingly
capable devices, low barriers to entry in terms of game costs and a business model that, if
successful, can propel a developer into the mainstream.

        Global E&M Outlook 2017-2021
Cinema - $50 bn

      Box office revenue                                 Box office projected growth
      US$ bn                                             2016-2021 CAGR

               2016                      $37.1
     Global                                               Global                  4.4%
               2021                              $46.0

       Consumer spending: $46 bn in 2021
       Advertising:           $4 bn in 2021

APAC will experience the highest regional growth in box office revenue to US$20.4bn by 2021, a
CAGR of 7.9%. China and India will add a combined US$5.6 bn over the forecast period, or 63%
of global box office growth.

        Global E&M Outlook 2017-2021
Out-of-home advertising - $44 bn
      Global OOH revenue                                  Projected growth
                                                          2016-2021 CAGR

                                                                   -0.3%               Physical
                                                                                  10.7% Digital

      2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

                       Digital    Physical

Distinct advantages of digital OOH have enabled this format to be the main driver of revenue
growth through 2016, accounting for 82.3% of the increase in global OOH revenue since 2012.

        Global E&M Outlook 2017-2021
Music - $56 bn
      Global digital music revenue                        Recorded music projected growth
                                                          2016-2021 CAGR

                                                                   -11.6%                    Physical
                                                                                     11.8%    Digital

                                                               Recorded music : $27 bn in 2021
      2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
                                                               Live music:      $29 bn in 2021
                   Downloading         Streaming

Global music streaming revenue grew 65% YOY in 2016 to overtake downloading by a $3.2 bn
margin. Exploring alternatives such as strategic partnerships will be necessary for stand-alone
streaming providers in a highly competitive market.

        Global E&M Outlook 2017-2021
Business-to-business - $210 bn
        Total B2B growth                                Business information projected
        2016-2021 CAGR                                  growth
                                                        2016-2021 CAGR

                  2.0%                   Non-Digital
                                       7.1%   Digital

The business information sub-segment is the cornerstone of B2B revenue. The increasing
uncertainty from economic and geopolitical risks will contribute to continued global business
information growth to $118.4 bn by 2021.

        Global E&M Outlook 2017-2021
Radio - $49 bn

      Digital music streaming                       Radio advertising projected growth
      share of total radio                          2016-2021 CAGR

      2016                                           Global                      2.0%

      2021                                                       Advertising:           $37 bn in 2021
                                                                 Licence fees:           $6 bn in 2021
                                                                 Satellite subscriptions: $6 bn in 2021

Traditional radio broadcasters and streaming music service providers are beginning to cross
over in terms of offering spoken word content and streaming on-demand services. This could
pave the way for a new business model for radio broadcasters.

        Global E&M Outlook 2017-2021
Books - $121 bn
       Projected growth
       2016-2021 CAGR

                   0.5%                       Educational    Educational books: $37 bn in 2021
                                       1.6%   Consumer       Consumer books:    $63 bn in 2021
                  0.5%                        Professional   Professional books: $21 bn in 2021

Pricing in consumer books continues to cause challenges. Bricks-and-mortar booksellers simply
cannot compete on price with online booksellers—nor can they offer the range of titles that an
online seller can.

        Global E&M Outlook 2017-2021
Magazines - $91 bn
       Projected growth,                                Distribution of revenue
       CAGR 2016-2021                                   2021

                                                                 Trade Circulation 8%
                     -0.9%        Consumer
                         1.5%     Trade             Trade Advertising 11%

                                                                                        Consumer Advertising 34%
                                                 Consumer Circulation 47%

Consumer magazines: $74 bn in 2021                                          Global

Trade magazines:      $17 bn in 2021

Publishers are under pressure from changes in consumer content-consumption, specifically
video content. Consumer titles are looking for ways to reduce their reliance on Facebook and
YouTube now which now dominate ad revenue spend in most markets. Trade titles have had
success diversifying into events to drive revenue growth.

         Global E&M Outlook 2017-2021
Newspapers - $107 bn
       Global newspaper revenue                              Projected growth
       $US bn                                                CAGR 2016-2021


         2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
                                                                                               Circulation: $58 bn in 2021
                           Digital     Print
                                                                                               Advertising: $49 bn in 2021

The global market is in long-term marginal decline. Consumers in Europe, North America and
Australasia continue to abandon print for digital channels. However, print consumption is still
growing strongly in Asia Pacific, now accounting for 60% of daily print circulation.

        Global E&M Outlook 2017-2021
Virtual reality - $15 bn
       VR revenue                                                 Distribution of revenue
       US$ bn                                                     2021
       $16                                                                        1%


        $8                                                          Video
                                                                    53%                        Gaming
        $4                                                                                      46%

              2016      2017   2018     2019    2020     2021

                     Global    US       China    Japan

The end game for hardware companies will be               Content will evolve into a market for video
attempting to become the standard platform for VR         streaming, microtransactions and potentially a
and hence start to charge royalties or commission         premium for VR video added to monthly pay-TV or
from content sales.                                       OTT bills.

         Global E&M Outlook 2017-2021
Virtual reality
       Global VR units                                            Portable VR units

       240                                                  240

        180                                                 180

        120                                                 120

        60                                                   60

          0                                                   0
              2016   2017   2018   2019   2020   2021              2016   2017   2018   2019   2020   2021

                        Home       Portable                                Dedicated     Mobile

VR headsets based on smartphones are set to             Interestingly, by 2021 we will also see enough
dominate in terms of usage numbers, and currently       headsets in consumer hands to drive an advertising
this means a variety of implementations from            market. VR video in particular will also benefit here
various phone manufacturers.                            given the immersive nature of the experience.

         Global E&M Outlook 2017-2021
Virtual reality
Virtual reality revenue is also poised for growth, with video and gaming
representing the majority of revenue
                                                                                Virtual reality apps

 Virtual reality is one of
   the most interesting         Virtual reality video                                              Virtual reality
                                       (51%)                                                       gaming (47%)
media formats available,
offering highly engaging
      content and an
  immersive consumer
     experience at an
 increasingly affordable
        price point                       Virtual reality revenue (size growth) by year

 Global E&M Outlook 2017-2021
E-sports - $0.9 bn
       E-sports total revenue                                              E-sports projected growth
       US $ mn                                                             2016-2021 CAGR

                                                                     Consumer ticket
                                                                         contribution               17.2%
              2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021          Sponsorship              13.8%

                      Consumer         Advertising

Total e-sports revenue has seen strong growth over
                                                                  New games, a growing audience, and suitable
the historic period as interest rises worldwide,
                                                                  infrastructure development worldwide will
tournaments and leagues become more
                                                                  contribute to consumer ticket sales CAGR of 23.7%
sophisticated, and sponsorship and other
                                                                  through 2021.
development money pours in to the discipline.

         Global E&M Outlook 2017-2021
        E-sports total revenue                                         E-sports ad revenue
        US $ mn                                                        US $ mn
       $1,000                                                           $450

         $250                                                            $90

           $0                                                             $0
                 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021             2016    2017    2018   2019   2020    2021

                Global      US       South Korea        China                    Sponsorship      Streaming advertising

South Korea was the largest market in the early                      Streaming advertising should rise strongly to
years of the historic period, but was overtaken by                   overtake sponsorship in 2018. The two streams
the US in 2015, with the latter due to extend its lead               combined will account for nearly 75% of total
by the end of the forecast period.                                   revenue in 2021.

          Global E&M Outlook 2017-2021
eSports revenue is poised for dramatic growth, with advertising and
sponsorships enabling much of the growth

                                 eSports streaming                           eSports consumer
                                   adverts (38%)                             contribution (17%)

      eSports includes                                                                eSports
       consumer and                                                                 ticket sales
 advertising spending on                                                                (9%)

  organized video game
 competitions online and
   offline across one-off
   events and organized
  leagues. This segment                                                  eSports sponsorships
 introduces a new brand
   of entertainment that         eSports revenue is projected to grow by over 2,000 percent
     appeals largely to
  younger audiences but
  has a growing fan base

 Global E&M Outlook 2017-2021
Deep dive: Publishing
Publishing within the Outlook

Books                          Magazines                      Newspapers

 Comprises revenue generated   Comprises revenue from:        Comprises revenue from:
 from the sale of:
                               •     Consumer-focused         •     Circulation (consumer
 •   Consumer books                  magazines                      spend on newspapers)

 •   Educational books         •     Trade magazines          •     Advertising in newspapers

 •   Professional books

       Consumer only               Consumer and advertising       Consumer and advertising
      Print and digital                Print and digital              Print and digital

Global E&M Outlook 2017-2021
Key global themes and trends

           Overall publishing is in a slow decline. However there are pockets of growth in
1          certain sub segments and markets.

           Magazines and books will gain share of the global publishing market as they
2          transition to digital platforms more successfully.

           Digital consumer magazine advertising will add more revenue over the
3          forecast period than any other sub segment of publishing, a total of $6.1 bn.

           Trade magazine advertising is the only sub segment forecast to generate more
4          revenue from digital formats than print, reaching this tipping point by 2021.

           As advertiser funding diminishes, income from newspapers’ primary customer
5          base, consumers, will become more important in publishers’ total revenue mix.

    Global E&M Outlook 2017-2021
Publishing macro trends

       Publishing revenues, US$B                                  Growth, CAGR 2016-21

        $339                                                      Newspapers -2.7%
                                                                   Magazines             -0.5%
                      2021 $332

                                                                       Books                     1.1%

                                        -0.7%        $320

                                                                  Growth, CAGR 2016-21

                                                                                Print    -2.7%
        2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

                                                                               Digital                  8.4%

Overall publishing is in a slow decline. However there are
pockets of growth in certain sub segments and markets.
Discounted pricing for print versions will help sustain overall
growth in books.

         Global E&M Outlook 2017-2021
Print vs digital
        Publishing revenues, US$B                                 Growth, CAGR 2016-21
                            $283                                                                     7.6%
                                                     $246                Books


                                                      $73                                           6.1%
                             $49                                    Newspapers
         $26                                                                     -4.0%

         2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021                        Digital   Print
                           Digital     Print

                                                         Trade magazine advertising is the only
Increases in digital format revenues will not
                                                         publishing sub segment forecast to generate
be enough to make up for declines in print
                                                         more revenue from digital formats than
formats over the forecast period.
                                                         print, reaching this tipping point by 2021.

        Global E&M Outlook 2017-2021
Publishing mix changes

        Share of publishing revenues                      Distribution of revenues, 2021

                      2016                     35%
                      2021                      38%                          72%
                                                                25%          28%
        Newspapers                                             Books      Magazines        Newspapers
                                                                         Digital   Print

Magazines and books will gain share of the global       Books and magazines will generate about
publishing market as they transition to digital
platforms more successfully. Newspapers are
                                                        one-quarter of revenues from digital
having a harder time monetizing the shift to digital.   platforms by 2021.

         Global E&M Outlook 2017-2021
Growth drivers in publishing
         Revenues by sub segment                                              Revenue added 2016 to 2021
         US$ bn                                                               US$ bn
                      Digital consumer books 6.9% CAGR                              Digital
         $14                                                                       consumer
                                                                                   magazine                   $6.1
         $12                                                                      advertising
         $10                                      Digital consumer magazine
                                                     advertising 11.8% CAGR
          $8                                                                      Digital
                                                                              consumer books           $4.3
                            Digital professional books 7.5% CAGR                   Digital
          $2                                                                     professional   $2.6
               2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

Digital consumer magazine advertising will add
more revenue over the forecast period than any
other sub segment of publishing, a total of $6.1 bn.
Digital consumer books and professional books will
round out the top three growth sub-segments.

         Global E&M Outlook 2017-2021
Country ranking: books

                                                 Color legend
                                                    Top 10 largest books country
China & India rank in the top 10 among both
                                                    Top 10 fastest growing books country
the largest and fastest growing books markets,
making them attractive opportunities.               Countries that sit in both lists

         Global E&M Outlook 2017-2021
Country ranking: magazines

                                                 Color legend
                                                    Top 10 largest magazine country
The US and China are the largest magazine
                                                    Top 10 fastest growing magazine country
markets in terms of revenue. These two
territories will account for 53% of the global      Countries that sit in both lists
market by 2021.

         Global E&M Outlook 2017-2021
Country ranking: newspapers

                                                 Color legend
                                                    Top 10 largest newspaper country
India and Indonesia rank in the top 10 among
                                                    Top 10 fastest growing newspaper country
both the largest and fastest growing newspaper
markets, making them attractive opportunities.      Countries that sit in both lists

         Global E&M Outlook 2017-2021
Deep dive:
Internet video
Internet video within the Outlook


     Revenue from stand-
     alone subscription video                       Revenue from
     on demand (SVOD)                               transactional video on
     services delivered over the                    demand (TVOD) services
     open Internet, such as        Internet Video   (such as iTunes), that
                                                    deliver filmed
                                                    entertainment content via
                                                    the open Internet and
                                                    which do not require a


Global E&M Outlook 2017-2021
Key global themes and trends

           Internet video’s growth has been underpinned by improving broadband
1          coverage and a wide range of OTT launches globally.

           The internet video distribution ecosystem is diversifying, as old and new
2          media are building direct to consumer relationships as well new aggregators.

           With an abundance of content delivery platforms new content will
3          increasingly be the differentiating factor.

           Global expansion was the key trend in 2016 with the big international SVOD
4          players launching in the majority of markets.

           Investment in original content is rising beyond major headline shows and
5          towards deals with local production houses to boost take-up in new markets.

    Global E&M Outlook 2017-2021
Internet video
         Internet video revenues                                                  Growth, CAGR 2016-21
         US$ bn

                                                                                     SVOD                       13.1%

                                                                                     TVOD               7.4%

                  2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

                                                                      Global Internet video revenue reached US$21.2bn in 2016,
The Internet video market is exhibiting strong growth
                                                                      having risen from US$6.3bn in 2012. The segment’s growth
worldwide as home video shifts from the purchase and rental
                                                                      has been underpinned by improving broadband coverage
of physical goods such as DVDs, to the increasingly
                                                                      and a wide range of OTT launches from pay-TV operators
competitive over-the-top (OTT) market.
                                                                      and standalone services alike.

          Global E&M Outlook 2017-2021
Internet video mix changes
          Distribution of revenue                                      Internet video ecosystem

   TVOD                  55%

                                 24%                                                 Direct to
              2012                                 SVOD                             Consumer


                                                                 With many pay-TV providers launching OTT initiatives
Internet video growth has been dominated by SVOD, which
                                                                 around the world, Internet video is becoming increasingly
accounted for 55% of Internet video revenue in 2012. This
                                                                 core to service provider’s product portfolios. Many pay-TV
will rise to nearly three-quarters by 2021, with the remainder
                                                                 OTT services are not primarily about taking on Netflix or
attributable to transactional VOD platforms such as Apple’s
                                                                 Amazon, but monetising viewers who have previously
iTunes and Sky’s Sky Store.
                                                                 avoided paying for content.

           Global E&M Outlook 2017-2021
         SVOD revenues by region                                              Growth, CAGR 2016-21
         US$ mn

         $20,000                                                                       APAC                            19.5%

                                                                                      EMEA                     13.1%

           $5,000                                                                    LatAm                   11.5%

                    2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021        North America                   10.9%
                 North America       EMEA        APAC       LatAm

Global expansion was the key trend in 2016 with the big          APAC exceeded EMEA in SVOD revenues in 2016. The
international SVOD players launching in the majority of          number of domestic services offering local content and
markets. Companies are keen to market their exclusive            original productions is spurring the market across this
content to the widest possible audience.                         region and is projected to reach $6.9 bn by 2021.

           Global E&M Outlook 2017-2021
Country ranking: SVOD

                                                       Color legend
                                                          Top 10 largest SVOD country
The US and China dominate the SVOD market
                                                          Top 10 fastest growing SVOD country
and, combined, will represent nearly two-thirds
of the global market by 2021.                             Countries that sit in both lists

         Global E&M Outlook 2017-2021             69
Country ranking: TVOD

                                                    Color legend
The US, UK, China, Japan, and Canada are               Top 10 largest TVOD country
projected to experience the greatest revenue           Top 10 fastest growing TVOD country
additions through 2021. Combined, these                Countries that sit in both lists
markets will account for 74% of global TVOD

         Global E&M Outlook 2017-2021          70

Maximising the value of content: Blending data
and intuition
      15-second download

      With traditional measures of content performance having          What role do ‘big data’ and
      been thrown into flux by the explosion in digital channels       data analytics play in content
      and consumption data, new ways are emerging to value and         marketing or purchasing
      monetise content – Including measures of engagement such         decisions in your business?
      as ’attention minutes’.
                                                                       What metrics are you using
      While the content majors may appear to have been put at a        today to measure content
      disadvantage to the distribution players by the flood of         performance, and are those
      consumption ‘big data’, in fact their wealth of content          metrics changing?
      intuition and insights represents a huge differentiating asset
      – and one they can blend with analytics-driven insights to
      create a powerful hybrid.
      This can unlock the user experience for the most engaged
Addressable advertising: On the road to ‘nirvana’
– But with more disruption yet to come
      15-second download

      Linear TV is now joining the move towards ‘addressable’       As an advertising inventory
      advertising, targeting consumers though a blend of media      owner, are you offering
      usage data, demographic information and                       addressable advertising as
      purchasing history.                                           part of your portfolio? If not,
      But questions remains for the three main stakeholders of      why not?
      advertisers, networks/publishers and consumers – With         As an advertising agency, are
      profound impacts, some of them unexpected, set to emerge      you discussing the implications
      along the advertising value chain as addressability of        of addressable advertising with
      ads advances.                                                 your clients as part of their
      Two of the biggest hurdles to reaching the ‘nirvana’ of       advertising mix?
      addressable cross-platform ads are around improving the
      precision of targeting, and gaining a deeper understanding
      of individuals’ behavioural response to a given advert in a
      given context.
Audience measurement: Unlocking a treasure
trove of insight
      15-second download

      Online advertising has been winning market share from             How do you currently measure
      traditional broadcast advertising on the strength of its          engagement, as opposed to
      greater accountability and wealth of detailed data on user        reach and frequency?
      behaviour and engagement.
                                                                        Would you be prepared to
      But now TV is fighting back, with innovations in audience         collaborate with others in the
      measurement based around analysing return path data               industry to drive greater
      (where available), social listening, and new aggregated           standardisation in audience
      insights into agency spend. The new data also enhances Pay        measurement?
      TV service providers ability to’ cross-sell and upsell services
      to subscribers.
      Going forward, future innovations in audience measurement
      will depend increasingly on industry collaboration, to
      provide advertisers with credible, comparable data for
      buying decisions.
OTT: Disruption for the industry, choice for
the consumer
      15-second download

      An expanding flow of OTT content services are being rolled        How should incumbent
      out in markets worldwide, both from new ‘pure-play’ OTT           broadcasters and content
      entrants and traditional broadcasters adding an OTT service       providers respond to – And
      to their portfolio. Players that achieve relevancy can join the   reach – The growing ranks
      consumer’s ‘inner circle of trust’. To stay there, they’ll need   of ‘cord-cutters’ and
      to apply innovation and agility                                   ‘cord-nevers’?
      As entrants and incumbents jostle for position, the               How can E&M groups best
      disruptive frenzy of activity is creating a complex,              engage with customers
      fragmented patchwork of often-overlapping content                 through digital channels to
      services, using a diverse array of business, operating and        drive their own innovation and
      pricing models.                                                   adoption by customers?
Reaching the next five billion consumers

      15-second download

      Mobile Internet connections worldwide are growing apace.            What opportunities has your
      They already outnumber fixed connections by three to one,           company identified springing
      and are projected to rise by over 5 billion to 7.6 billion in the   from the next five billion
      next four years.                                                    consumers joining the global
      This is a bigger global disruption than the Industrial              mobile Internet ecosystem?
      Revolution, and presents entertainment and media                    Which emerging markets do
      companies with a massive new audience for content in                you feel you could target most
      emerging markets – albeit at much lower ARPUs than                  effectively and profitably with
      they’re accustomed to in the developed world.                       consumer offerings?
Contextual awareness and data responsibility

      15-second download

      The mobile device is now the digital extension of the          What opportunities has the
      individual, sitting at the heart of their personal proximity   growing ubiquity of mobile
      network and constantly monitoring their activities             devices opened up for your
      and surroundings.                                              business – and how do you
      The wealth of data from the handset opens the way to           anticipate these expanding in
      contextual awareness of the consumer’s behavioural patterns    the future?
      and environment, enabling companies to anticipate their        Before targeting consumers,
      needs and address them with context-relevant choices,          do you consider whether you
      content and messaging.                                         should do this – or just
      But consumers in some contexts find this targeting intrusive   whether you can?
      – And there’s a risk this unease may grow as addressability
      increases. So providers need to behave responsibly with
      data, and put the consumers in control of what data they
      share, and what value they get in return.
Four forces reshaping the digital
advertising landscape
      15-second download

      ‘Digital’ and ‘traditional’ advertising are not mutually        As a marketer, are you
      exclusive or in competition with each other – But all part of   ‘running to where the ball is
      the evolving mix of advertising options and revenue streams     going to be’ with respect to
      being targeted across the industry.                             media planning by having a
      As the division between online and mobile ads blurs, and        clear mobile and video
      consumers’ attitudes to mobile advertising evolve, four         strategy?
      forces are reshaping the ads landscape: mobile, video, and      Are you investing in creating
      native and programmatic advertising.                            experiences that support your
                                                                      users’ video and other needs?
Entertainment and media deals: Beating a path to
the door of the connected consumer
      15-second download

      Entertainment and media megadeals have been a major                Are you seeing different deal
      feature of the M&A landscape in the US and Europe in               rationales at play within – and
      recent years, with several blockbuster transactions, mostly        between – Different segments
      by cable and satellite operators.                                  of E&M? and with other non
      What really links these deals is not their size, but their focus   E&M segments?
      on building scale in infrastructure and customers. These           To what extent is your
      goals play to two strategic aims: one defensive, in fending off    market or markets
      the advance of the over-the-top players; the other offensive,      experiencing a blurring
      in positioning to gain the upper hand in the ‘connected            of traditional boundaries
      home’/connected consumer?                                          between media,
      With the shift to maximising user experience, will the next        communications
      wave of deals be different – connecting innovative customer        and technology?
      focussed technology with existing customer brands?
The shifting industry value chain

      15-second download

      With the debate still ongoing about net neutrality – often        How do you believe differing
      seen as a battle between telcos and content, especially online    net neutrality rulings will
      video, providers – the status of such regulation in markets       affect the provision of internet
      across the world varies widely.                                   infrastructure in the long run?
      Operators globally are undertaking a diverse array of             As the next billion people in
      initiatives in different markets to boost the value and returns   emerging markets become
      on their networks, through additional services and                connected, what are the
      innovations enabled by their networks.                            implications for the
                                                                        distribution and consumption
                                                                        of media content?
The tax agenda: Reputation risk – Or an
opportunity for differentiation?
      15-second download

      Progress towards rewriting the international tax rulebook     Do you feel the changes being
      has continued during the past year, as governments have       made to the international tax
      begun to follow up their rhetoric about ‘tax morality’ with   regime represent the right
      hard legislation.                                             responses to the
      The changes in the tax environment are especially             requirements and realities
      relevant to entertainment and media companies, given          of ‘digital’ business?
      their heavy dependence on their reputation and brand          Has your business carried out
      among consumers.                                              a total tax contribution study
                                                                    across its markets?
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