MEETINGOFTHEBOARDOFTRUSTEES Itemsinredareconfidential - Canal & River Trust

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MEETINGOFTHEBOARDOFTRUSTEES Itemsinredareconfidential - Canal & River Trust
MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES                          Items in red are confidential
    Minutes of a meeting of the Board of Trustees (the Trustees) of Canal & River Trust (the
    Trust) held on Thursday 18 July 2019 – 08.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m at the Loxley Suite Hilton
    Sheffield, Victoria Quays, Sheffield, S4 7YA

    Allan Leighton, Chair
    Dame Jenny Abramsky, Trustee and Deputy Chair
    Nigel Annett CBE, Trustee
    Ben Gordon, Trustee
    Sir Chris Kelly, Trustee
    Jennie Price CBE, Trustee
    Sue Wilkinson, Trustee
    Sarah Whitney, Trustee

    Janet Hogben, Trustee
    Tim Reeve, Trustee

    In attendance
    Richard Parry, Chief Executive
    Julie Sharman, Chief Operating Officer
    Stuart Mills, Chief Investment Officer
    Sandra Kelly, Finance Director
    Heather Clarke, Strategy, Engagement and Impact Director
    Tom Deards, Company Secretary (minute taker)
    Simon Woods, Customer Service Manager (19/049 only)

19/043   APOLOGIES
         Apologies were received as noted above.

         The Chair welcomed all attendees to the meeting.

         The Chair reported that notice of the meeting had been given to all Trustees
         entitled to receive it and that a quorum was present.


         The attendees declared interests and set out in Information Report
         Trust420. No further declarations of interest were made.

MEETINGOFTHEBOARDOFTRUSTEES Itemsinredareconfidential - Canal & River Trust

         The minutes of the Board of Trustees meeting held on 23 May 2019 were
         Summary of actions arising from Board Meetings

         All matters arising were in hand or on the agenda.


         JS talked through the report Trust421 which gave the Board a review of
         Health and Safety for the period May and June 2019.


         The Chair asked for Trustee comments on report Trust 422 which provided
         the Board with an outline of current thinking and options for a review of the
         Trust’s current strategy.


         The Board considered report Trust423.

         Following discussion, the Board

               Reviewed and commented on the Annual Report for the Trust and
                subject to amendments recommended them for signing by the Chair;
               Recommended for signature the letter of representation which is
                substantially unchanged from last year;
               Approved the accounts for the Investment Partnership for the year
                ended 31 March 2019 and delegated authority to the Finance Director
                to sign the accounts on behalf of the Trust as General Partner;
               Proposed the reappointment of BDO LLP as auditors for the Trust and
                its subsidiaries (except for Canal & River Reinsurance DAC) to Council
                and the appointment Mazars as auditors of Canal & River Reinsurance


         Simon Woods (Trust Customer Service Manager) joined the meeting to give a
         presentation to accompany report Trust424 which recommended to Trustees
         the award of a contract to OpenContact for the provision of Customer
         Contact Centre services.

         (Simon Woods left the meeting).

MEETINGOFTHEBOARDOFTRUSTEES Itemsinredareconfidential - Canal & River Trust

         The Board noted report Trust425 which related to the contract for the
         collection and disposal of waste from the Trust’s 300+ bin sites; provision of
         regular and “one-off” skip services; collection and disposal of hazardous
         waste; and removal of fly tipped waste.

         The Board approved the recommendation to apply the option to extend the
         contract to October 2020.


         The Board noted report Trust426 which contained a recommendation to
         award a contract to Land and Water (LAW) and Ebsford for the provision of
         Third Party Funded Dredging Services and furthermore to award the first
         three funded known schemes totalling circa £2m to LAW.

         RP agreed to take away the question of efficiency and effectiveness                  RP
         assurance for Trust dredging operations, for presentation to the Board at a
         future point.

         The Board approved the contract award.


         TD presented the report Trust427 which sets out the governance matters
         which require a decision or noting by the Board.

         TD talked through highlights of the report.

         Following discussion, the Board:
               Agreed the September Council AGM and Meeting draft agenda

               Noted the current Trustee terms and recommended to September
                Council a change to the Trust’s Articles of Association to provide for
                an additional 3-year term for Trustees (i.e. up to a total of 9 years) with
                the Chair term unchanged.

               Ratified the appointments and renewals/extensions for Members of
                the Regional Advisory Boards

               Noted the clarification of the role of Trustees in respect of The
                Waterways Infrastructure Trust.

MEETINGOFTHEBOARDOFTRUSTEES Itemsinredareconfidential - Canal & River Trust
   Noted the update on the CIC review

               Noted the analysis of Key Performance Measures in terms of the
                Trust’s charitable objects

               Noted the Charity Commission response to the Oxfam Safeguarding

               Approved the Flexible Apportionment Agreement for Scottish Canals
                and the Scottish Waterways Trust

               Noted the imminent retirement of the representative of the Chair of
                the Waterways Pension Trustees Limited and the options for
                replacement or alternative Chair arrangements


         The Board noted the Chief Executive’s Information Report Trust429 and the
         appendices which had been prepared by the Executive Directors.

         RP took the Board through Appendix 1 – Key Performance Measures and
         Targets 2019/20 which included the newly agreed measures in a new format.

         RP agreed to take away Trustee comments and refine the Key Performance          RP
         Measures and Targets for the next Board meeting.

         In relation to Appendix 2: Operations Report JS highlighted various items in
         her report including
               Improved rainfall but with restrictions still in place due to recent
                warmer and drier weather. JS confirmed that the Trust was looking
                ahead to improve long-term resilience of its hydrological units (e.g.
                carrying out improvements to leaking lock gates)
         BG/SWh provided some very good feedback from their visit to the Tees
         Barrage, which showed a different side of the Trust’s work and the importance
         of the structure to tidal flood defence in the Tees Valley area.

         The Board noted Appendix 3: Asset Improvement Report

         The Board noted Appendix 4: Investment and Commercial Report

         The Board noted Appendix 5: People Report.

         The Board noted Appendix 6: Strategy, Engagement and Impact Report

         HC highlighted

               Plastic Challenge – substantial media coverage to kick off the 3-year

MEETINGOFTHEBOARDOFTRUSTEES Itemsinredareconfidential - Canal & River Trust
    Trust prospectus on “Unlocking the potential of London’s canals and
                 rivers” which set out how the Trust’s waterways support good growth,
                 prosperity and wellbeing, to support the spatial planning agenda in
                 London – HC had handed round copies to Trustees
                Recruitment of Youth Panel – HC hoped that Trustees would have a
                 chance to meet Panel members at the September Council meeting.
                Six User to Supporter Priorities in Section 3.2 of the paper – HC
                 confirmed her intention to provide an update on progress against
                 these regularly to the Board
                Building affiliation – HC noted a number of potential sign ups
                Brand advertising campaign – regional TV coverage (outside London,
                 on cost grounds) had started, with digital coverage starting next week.
                Air quality discussions with the Department of Transport and Defra –
                 particularly around the use of diesel and wood burning fuel and stove

         The Board noted Appendix 7: Risk Management

         RP noted particularly an update to the Corporate Risk Register around climate
         change – division of underlying asset risk and operational impacts.


         SK presented her Information Report Trust430 which was noted.


         The minutes of the Investment Committee Conference Call Meeting on 22
         May 2019 were noted.
         The minutes of the Appointments Committee Meeting on 20 June 2019 were
         The minutes of the Audit & Risk Committee meeting on 24 June were noted.

19/058   Close

         Date of the next meeting – Friday 20 September 2019 (West Midlands –
         TD agreed to check scheduling, to ensure Board and Board Committee                TD
         meetings were scheduled to at least the end of 2020.
         There being no further business, the Chair closed the meeting.


MEETINGOFTHEBOARDOFTRUSTEES Itemsinredareconfidential - Canal & River Trust
Board Meeting
                                                                                  18 July 2019
                                                                           Information Report
                                                                      Text in Red Confidential

Author: Julie Sharman, Chief Operating Officer

1.1     This paper provides a review of Health and Safety for the period May and June 2019 unless
        stated otherwise. The report covers Visitors, Employees, Volunteers and Contractors.
2.1     The Trust’s overall 12-month RIDDOR accident frequency rate (AFR) at the end of June
        2019 is 0.27, down from 0.29 at the end of April

         TRUST People*                            AFR          Target
         Employees                                0.37
         Volunteers                               0.00
         Contractors                              0.08
         Trust Overall                            0.27           0.15

                                                May June       current        Prior year
                                                  2019          YTD              YTD
         Employees                                  1             3               2
         Volunteers                                 0             0               1
         Contractors                                0             0               1
         Totals                                     1             3               4

                                                May June       current        Prior year
                                                  2019           YTD             YTD
         Canal                                      3             6               8
         River                                      0             1               1
         Dock Marina or Towpath                     0             0               0
         Totals                                     3             7               9

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MEETINGOFTHEBOARDOFTRUSTEES Itemsinredareconfidential - Canal & River Trust
3.1.1    The 2019/20 H&S improvement plan and Communication Programme continues to focus
         on accountability of line managers for the safety of themselves and their colleagues. Our
         ‘back to basics’ campaign launched in April continues with weekly and monthly safety
         communications to all colleagues.
3.2      We appointed Tribe culture change in June to support our safety improvement, they have
         commenced a H&S culture survey of colleagues and volunteers, in parallel they are holding
         a series of focus groups workshops across the Trust this month. An action plan will be
         developed in August with an update to Trustees at the September board meeting.
3.3      We completed our internal listening sessions with 179 colleagues in May who responded to
         the question ‘Why are incidents increasing? Why now?’ all the feedback gathered has been
         collated and shared with Tribe and our operational managers in regions and central teams.
3.4      The online self-audit tool ProEvaluate has been launched to Regional Directors and central
         department heads. The audit supports responsible managers with the questions to ask to
         provide them with assurance that our H&S management system is being followed. The
         output will inform the updating of local safety plans. We have also reignited regular safety
         audits throughout the Trust to a common format by line managers at all levels.
3.5      We are introducing our safety message Work Together work safely to all workwear from
         this month with the introduction of the new workwear provider.

3.6      During June we have started work with the web team to make changes to visibility and
         accessibility of the safety pages which will be more prominent on Gateway our intranet
         over the next month.
4.1.1    During May and June there have been a total of 3 fatalities reported on our waterways, 7 in
         the year to date comparing to a total of 7 in May/June last year and 9 from April to June
          Safety Report        May/June 2019        2019/20 YTD     2018/19 YTD
          Fatalities                  3                  7                9

                                                                                              Page | 2
MEETINGOFTHEBOARDOFTRUSTEES Itemsinredareconfidential - Canal & River Trust
4.1.2   Redacted.
4.1.3   Redacted.
4.1.4   Redacted.
4.2     RIDDOR Graph

4.3.1   There has been 1 RIDDOR
4.3.2   Redacted
4.3.3   There have been 1 Marine Accident Investigation Branch reportable incident: Redacted

4.3.4   Following the Occupational Health RIDDOR (HAVS) reported in February in the Wales and
        South West Region, HSE requested further information. This has been provided and HSE
        require no further action from us.
4.4.1   There has been no reportable injuries and 1 serious incident:
4.4.2   Redacted
4.5.1   There have been no reportable injuries or serious incidents

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MEETINGOFTHEBOARDOFTRUSTEES Itemsinredareconfidential - Canal & River Trust
4.6.1     There were 2 (5 YTD) Member of Public infrastructure related Injuries in the two month
          period (2018/19) and one alleged incident.    Redacted.    Redacted.    Redacted

4.8       During May and June, we recorded 91 Positive Interventions; 124 near misses;, 149 Loss,
          Injury or Death reports; and 9 anti-social behaviour reports. Year to date and comparator
          figures are tabulated below.

           Safety Report                   May/June 2019      2019/20 YTD    2018/19 YTD
           Positive Intervention Reports         91               126              -
           Near Miss Reports                    124               199            170
           Loss, Injury or Death Reports        149               215            135
           Anti-Social Behaviour Reports         9                 16            210
           TOTALS                               373               556            515

5.1       REDACTED
5.1.1     Redacted.
5.1.2     Redacted
5.1.3     Redacted
5.1.4     Redacted
5.1.5     Redacted.
5.2       INQUESTS
5.2.1     The inquest of Orlando Nyero (who died in June 2018) was concluded on 16th April 2019
          with a verdict of accidental death. The Manchester coroner wrote to us and Manchester
          City Council with a letter of concern which have now responded to. He highlighted this
          death and the similarity in circumstances (young male, intoxicated location) with that of
          Charlie Pope. Our response highlights the actions we have implemented in response to
          the Rospa report (fence improvements, engagement, security improvement). The council
          have responded in line with our own letter.

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5.3.1    Our Project Manager has developed a draft brief for the consultants and will be consulting
         with stakeholders on the brief from July. A copy of the brief is attached for information.
5.4.1    All 22 visits of the test sites which are popular public sites have been completed as of the
         end of May. The report format has been proposed and needs to be finalised. Also the
         remaining reports are in the process of being written up.
5.4.2    A draft new public risk assessment standard has been drafted and once agreed, will be
         tested by our regions over the next 6 months, following which it will be finalised and

6.1      Plan Do Check Act (HSE Guidance)
6.1.1    A year-long HAVs audit has commenced that will see 25 different groups and activities
         across the Trust, including volunteers, being tested with regards to line managers
         safeguarding our colleagues against developing HAVs.
6.1.2    A paper-based audit program has commenced in lieu of developing a digital form. This is
         to encourage Line Managers, in conjunction with local H&S Reps. This has been distributed
         to operative and other teams.
6.1.3    Internal guidance on ‘Safety Responsibilities – Line Manager’; ‘Safety Responsibilities –
         Senior Manager’ and ‘Safety Responsibilities – Trustee and Director’ are currently being
         agreed. These guides will clearly explain what actions and behaviours the Trust expects of
         these leaders in Safety. These will complement the new training programme which
         commences in July for all line managers and the executive
6.1.4    Learning from external sources included a meeting on the 8th May with the Scottish
         Canal’s safety team to exchange ideas and best practice; attending the government
         seminar on wellbeing in the workplace and; visiting the Safety and Health Expo in London.
6.1.5    The COO has met with the head of H&S at Arcadis to share best practice.
6.1.6    An MCA audit took place at West India Dock. No non-conformance reports were raised.

                                                                                              Page | 5
H&S Report Appendix
 What Happened                                Intervention   Near Miss   Loss or Injury   Grand Total
 Accidental damage property/asset/equipment        17           27            29              73
 Animal/insect incident                             1            5             3              9
 Boat sink/capsize/hangup                           6            8            11              25
 Electrical contact/discharge                       0            3             0              3
 Exposure to harmful substance                      1            3             1              5
 Fall from height                                   3            6            11              20
 Fire/explosion incident                            2            1             0              3
 Handling, lifting or carrying                      6            4             6              16
 Hit by moving, falling object or vehicle           3           10             7              20
 Hit something fixed or stationary                  0            4            13              17
 Injured by vegetation / plants                     1            7             5              13
 Injury from machinery / equipment                  2            5             6              13
 Personal Protective Equipment                     18            1             2              21
 Road traffic incident                              1            6             7              14
 Slipped, tripped or fell on same level             9           23            26              58
 SSoW (safe systems of work)                       14            3             1              18
 Structural or equipment failure                    3            6             5              14
 Threatening/aggressive behaviour towards
 Colleague(s)                                     0              0             4               4
 Threatening/aggressive behaviour                 0              2             12              14
 Training/Competence                               2             0              0              2
 Injured by vegetation/plants                     1              0             0               1
 Housekeeping Issue                               1              0             0               1
 Grand Total                                      91            124           149             364

Note compared to the table in 4.8 this list excludes Antisocial behaviour reports

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                                        Page | 7

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Board Meeting
                                                                             18 July 2019
                                                              Information/Decision Report
                                                              Confidential Wording in Red

Tom Deards, Head of Legal & Governance Services

1.1   This paper sets out the governance matters which require a decision or noting by
      the Board.
2.1   Trustees are invited to:
      2.1.1   Agree the September Council AGM and Meeting draft agenda (Section 3)
      2.1.2   Note the current Trustee terms redacted (Section 4)
      2.1.3   Ratify the appointments and renewals/extensions for Members of the
              Regional Advisory Boards (Section 5)
      2.1.4   Note the clarification of the role of Trustees in respect of The Waterways
              Infrastructure Trust (Section 6)
      2.1.5   Note the update on the CIC review (Section 7)
      2.1.6   Note the analysis of Key Performance Measures in terms of the Trust’s
              charitable objects (Section 8)
      2.1.7   Note the Charity Commission response to the Oxfam Safeguarding scandal
              redacted (Section 9)
      2.1.8   Approve the Flexible Apportionment Agreement for Scottish Canals and the
              Scottish Waterways Trust (Section 10)
      2.1.9   Note the imminent retirement of the representative of the Chair of the
              Waterways Pension Trustees Limited and the options for replacement or
              alternative Chair arrangements (Section 11).

3.1   The next Council meeting will be held on Thursday 19 September 2019. This will also
      be the 7th Annual General Meeting of the Trust. The draft agenda is set out in
      Appendix 1.

                                                                                    Page | 1
3.2   Following positive feedback from Council members after the March meeting open
      discussion/debate on “sharing the towpath”, it is proposed that a further discussion
      (following a similar format) is held on the topic of “youth engagement”.
3.3   Further changes to the Trust’s Rules are proposed, to amend nominated and
      elected member constituencies in advance of the upcoming Council elections,
      following the Appointments Committee’s meeting on 20 June.
3.4   A copy of the draft Council Election Regulations approved by the Appointments
      Committee and proposed for inclusion in the September Council papers is included
      at Appendix 2.

4.1   A table of current Trustee terms is included in Appendix 3.
4.2   5 Trustees (including the Chair and Deputy Chair) are due to complete first terms in
      September 2019 and proposed to be reappointed for second terms at the
      September Council Annual General Meeting.
4.3   Redacted.
4.4   Redacted.
4.5   Redacted.

5.1   Five of the 6 Boards are now advertising for new members: East Midlands, London &
      South East, South West, West Midlands, Yorkshire & North East.
5.2   A full list of Regional Advisory Board Members and their terms of office is included
      as Appendix 4.
5.3   New Member Appointments and Renewals
      5.3.1   East Midlands
      Andy Oughton, 1st term 3 years to 30 June 2022
      5.3.2   London & South East
      Louis Howell, 1 st term 3 years to 30 June 2022
      5.3.3   David Brough, 1st term 3 years to 31 July 2022
      5.3.4   South West
      David Fearns, 1st term 3 years to 31 May 2022

                                                                                   Page | 2
6.1    The annual review of Trust subsidiaries was reported to the Audit & Risk Committee
       on 24 June.
6.2    At the meeting further clarification was requested in relation to the role of Trustees
       with respect to the Waterways Infrastructure Trust (WIT).
6.3    Redacted.
6.4    Redacted.
6.5    Redacted
6.6    Redacted.
6.7    Redacted.
6.8    Redacted
6.9    Redacted
6.10   Redacted
6.11   Redacted

7.1    A report on the Trust’s relationship with the CIC was also provided to the
       Committee, as part of the subsidiary review, in light of the recently published
       Charity Commission Guidance for Charities with a Connection to Non-Charities.
7.2    Redacted
7.3    Redacted.
7.4    Redacted

8.1    A request was made at the May Board to set out the Key Performance Measures
       agreed in May against the Trust’s charitable objects.
8.2    A table of the Key Performance Measures with relevant Trust charitable objects (for
       both the Trust and the WIT) is set out in Appendix 6.
8.3    Redacted

9.1    The Charity Commission has published its response to the 2018 Oxfam
       Safeguarding scandal. A summary of the response is included at Appendix 7
9.2    The main findings were as follows:

                                                                                     Page | 3
9.2.1   Although the trustees had not ignored safeguarding, Oxfam’s culture and
               response fell short of expectations in terms of resources committed and
               executive implementation,
       9.2.2   Trustee delegation was not accompanied by effective oversight, assurance
               and accountability mechanisms, for example through specialist committees,
               internal audit, meaningful briefing and executive reports
       9.2.3   There was limited evidence of reporting to drive effective management of
               strategic, thematic/tactical and performance matters in respect of
               safeguarding – for example there was no measurement of safeguarding
               against strategic or operational key performance targets and no regular
               structured quality assurance or audit reports presented on safeguarding
               case management or compliance with policies and standard
       9.2.4   The importance of responsible behaviours and conduct was not embedded
               in Oxfam’s daily activities across the organisation and it work and people.
               This led to a workforce that was not empowered or confident enough to
               challenge poor behaviours and a lack of confidence in management and
               systems for reporting concerns
9.3    The Government has noted the Charity Commission’s report and intends to follow-
       up the recommendations with Oxfam.
9.4    Redacted
9.5    Redacted.
9.6    Redacted.

10.1   The Trust is the principal employer of the Waterways Pension Fund (WPF), in which
       both Scottish Canals and Scottish Waterways Trust (SWT) are members. Scottish
       Canals currently acts as a guarantor for SWT liabilities
10.2   SWT is to cease trading this year and consequently will withdraw from the WPF,
       triggering section 75 of the Pensions Act 1995 (known as a section 75 debt),
       whereby payment of outstanding liabilities is calculated on a buyout basis
10.3   SWT has insufficient funds to be able to meet such a debt and consequently this
       debt is to be apportioned to Scottish Canals, though a flexible apportionment
       agreement (“FAA”).
10.4   The Trustees of the Waterways Pension Trustees Limited are satisfied with this
       apportionment, given that Scottish Canals is a statutory body and part of Scottish
       Government and, therefore, it is extremely unlikely that such a debt would not be
10.5   The FAA has already been signed by the WPF trustees, Scottish Canals and SWT.
       Once the FAA is fully executed, WPF trustees will notify the Pension Regulator.

                                                                                   Page | 4
10.6   Under paragraph 18 of the Scheme of Delegation, significant matters relating to the
       Waterways Pension Fund are generally reserved to the Board.
10.7   Approval is, therefore, sought to enter into the FAA and authorise the Finance
       Director to sign on behalf of the Trust.

11.1   Giles Craven, the long-standing individual representative of the current Chair (Best
       Trustees PLC) of Waterways Pension Trustees Limited (WPTL – the Trustee of the
       Waterways Pension Fund) is due to retire next March.
11.2   Rather than find another representative, WPTL are proposing to ask Best Trustees
       PLC to resign with a view to appointing an individual chair, as permitted by the
       Articles of Association of WPTL (on the basis that there will still be at least one-third
       of member-nominated directors).
11.3   Assuming that the Board is content with this approach, the process will be
       commenced to source such an individual replacement for subsequent Board

                                                                                       Page | 5
     To be held on Thursday 19 September 2019, 1330-1630 at IET Austin Court,
                    80 Cambridge Street, Birmingham, B1 2NP

                                     DRAFT AGENDA

The Council meeting is preceded by the Canal & River Trust Annual Public Meeting in the
Kingston Theatre at Austin Court, 1030-1230 (preceded by refreshments in The Waterside Room
from 0945)

From 1230 – Council members are invited to join the APM guests for lunch in The Waterside


1.     Apologies                                                   Allan Leighton - Chair

2.     Minutes of the 6th AGM held on 26 September 2018            Allan Leighton - Chair

       Notes of the 16th Council Meeting held 20 March 2019, for
       agreement, and Matters Arising

3.     Matters arising from the Annual Public Meeting              Allan Leighton - Chair

1340 ITEMS FOR DECISION (on which properly appointed proxies will be allowed to vote)

4.     To receive the Appointments Committee Report                Dame Jenny Abramsky -
                                                                   Chair of Appointments

5.     To receive and consider the Trustees’ Annual Report &       Allan Leighton – Chair
       Accounts for the period ended 31 March 2019, together
       with the Auditors’ report

6.     Rotation of Trustees                                        Allan Leighton – Chair

7.     To reappoint BDO LLP as auditors and to authorise the       Allan Leighton Chair
       Trustees to fix their remuneration


8.     Youth Engagement Debate                                     Lead?
                                                                   Louis Howell, Co-opted
                                                                   Council Member for Youth

9.     [Any other topic for presentation?]

10.   Council Member Contributions                      Allan Leighton - Chair

1630 CLOSE

11.   Date of Next Meeting:

      Thursday 26 March 2020 – Yorkshire & North East
      (Leeds tbc)
Company Number: 7807276

                                  CANAL & RIVER TRUST
                           NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING

NOTICE IS GIVEN that the seventh annual general meeting of Canal & River Trust (“the Trust”)
will be held at the IET Austin Court, 80 Cambridge Street, Birmingham, B1 2NP, on Thursday 19
September 2019 commencing at 1330 (or as soon as convenient thereafter) for the following

1.   To receive the Appointments Committee Report.

2. To receive and consider the Trust’s accounts for the period ended 31 March 2019 together
   with the Trustees’ report and Auditors’ report.

3. To agree Trustees’ rotation: [info be inserted]

4. To reappoint BDO LLP as auditors and to authorise the Trustees to fix their remuneration.


Report & Accounts
Copies may be found online at
accounts [Add/check link]. Hard copies will be available at the meeting or may be requested in
advance by sending a request to or by calling 0303 040

Trustee Biographies
Information about Trustees may be found at page xx of the Report & Accounts.

Appointment of Proxies
Any member of the Trust (a ‘Council member’) is entitled to appoint another person as his or her
proxy to exercise all or any of his or her rights to attend and speak and vote at a meeting of the
Trust. A proxy must vote in accordance with any instructions given by the Council member by
whom the proxy is appointed.

The proxy may be the Chairman of the meeting or any other person the Council member wishes
to appoint and need not be a Council member. A proxy notice must be given in writing and must
contain all the information in the form of the notice attached. It should be sent by post or
electronically to the Assistant Company Secretary to the Trust at the address given in that form
to arrive not less than 48 hours (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays) before the

Tom Deards
Secretary to the Trust
Xx 2019

I, _________________________________, being a member of Canal & River Trust, APPOINT
          (Full name)
(1) the Chairman of the meeting [delete if not applicable];

(2)          NAME:      _________________________________________

             ADDRESS: _________________________________________



to be my proxy in my name and to attend on my behalf upon any matter proposed at the annual general meeting of
Canal & River Trust to be held on 19 September 2019 or at any adjournment of that meeting and to vote

(a) in such manner as my proxy shall think proper [delete if not applicable]

(b) to vote on the business proposed to be submitted as follows (and if expedient demand a poll):

        i.   To receive the Appointments Committee Report

             FOR / AGAINST [delete as applicable]

       ii.   To receive the Report and Accounts for the period ending 31 March 2019

             FOR / AGAINST [delete as applicable]

      iii.   To agree Trustee rotation: [Add info]

             FOR / AGAINST [delete as applicable]

      iv.    To re-appoint BDO LLP as Auditors and to authorise the Trustees to fix their remuneration:

             FOR / AGAINST [delete as applicable]

Notice giving all the above information should be sent

  either electronically to

  or by post to:               Yetunde Salami
                               Assistant Company Secretary
                               Canal & River Trust
                               Station House
                               500 Elder Gate
                               MILTON KEYNES
                               MK9 1BB

in either case to arrive by 11:45 on Tuesday 17 September 2019.

If the notice is sent by post it should be signed by the Council member giving the Notice; if sent electronically it should
be sent from the email address registered with the Trust.
Canal & River Trust
Regional Advisory Board Membership
Appendix to Governance Board Report 18 July 2019

                    Key Name                              Term             Firstname   Keyname         Start Date      End Date
 Regional Advisory Board - East Midlands            1st Term            Anil           Majithia      02-May-2018    30-Jun-2021
                                                                        Andy           Oughton       17-Jun-2019    30-Jun-2022
                                                                        Jane           Stubbs        21-Mar-2019    31-Mar-2022
                                                                        Ahtesham       Mahmood       30-Nov-2018    30-Nov-2021
                                                    2nd Term            Kathryn        Dodington     02-Sep-2017    02-Sep-2020
                                                                        Shirley        Rogers        30-Apr-2019    30-Apr-2022
                                                    1st Term Extended   Tim            Carter        09-Dec-2015    30-Dec-2019
 Regional Advisory Board - London & South East      1st Term            David          Brough         01-Jul-2019    31-Jul-2022
                                                                        Emma           Waslin        15-Mar-2017    15-Mar-2020
                                                                        Jenny          Ballinger     19-Sep-2016    19-Sep-2019
                                                                        William        Atkinson      02-May-2018    30-Jun-2021
                                                                        Louis          Howell         01-Jul-2019    31-Jul-2022
                                                    1st Term Extended   Dermot         O'Brien       21-Jan-2016    30-Jan-2020
                                                                        Dominic        Pinto         18-Nov-2015    30-Nov-2019
                                                                        Matthew        Hunt          13-Jun-2019    30-Jun-2020
                                                    3rd Term            Dick           Pilkinton     30-Apr-2019    30-Apr-2022
                                                                        Jim            Crooks        30-Apr-2019    30-Apr-2022
 Regional Advisory Board - North West               1st Term            Gerry          Proctor       05-May-2017    05-May-2020
                                                                        John           Hatton        04-Jun-2018    29-Mar-2020
                                                                        Nigel          Weatherill    08-Mar-2019    28-Feb-2022
                                                    2nd Term            Nicholas       Mead          14-Nov-2017    14-Nov-2020
                                                                        Peter          Jordan        14-Nov-2017    14-Nov-2020
                                                                                       Rowlinson     04-Jun-2018    14-Nov-2019
                                                    3rd Term            Audrey         Smith         14-Nov-2017    14-Nov-2020
                                                                        Keith          Sexton        30-Apr-2019    30-Apr-2020
                                                                        Tayo           Adebowale     30-Apr-2019    30-Apr-2022
                                                                        Iain           Taylor        04-Jun-2018    30-Apr-2022
 Regional Advisory Board - South West               1st Term            David          Fearns        31-May-2019    31-May-2021
                                                                        Tamsin         Phipps        30-Apr-2019    30-Apr-2022
                                                    2nd Term            David          Hagg          19-Jun-2018    31-Mar-2021
                                                                        Ken            Oliver        24-Jan-2017    24-Jan-2020
                                                    3rd Term            Edward         Helps         30-Apr-2019    30-Apr-2022
                                                                        Lois           Francis       30-Apr-2019    30-Apr-2022
                                                                        Robert         Moreland      30-Apr-2019    30-Apr-2021
 Regional Advisory Board - West Midlands            1st Term            Imran          Mirza         01-Mar-2018    01-Mar-2021
                                                                        John           McNicholas    01-Mar-2018    01-Mar-2021
                                                                                       Hudson        08-Oct-2018    30-Jun-2021
                                                                        Helen          Paterson      30-Apr-2019    30-Apr-2022
                                                                        Waseem         Zaffar        31-Mar-2019    31-Mar-2022
                                                    2nd Term            Adam C         Boyle         30-Apr-2019    30-Apr-2022
                                                                        Ewan           Hamnett       31-Mar-2019    31-Mar-2022
                                                                        John           Yates         30-Apr-2019    30-Apr-2022
                                                                        Philip         Bateman       30-Apr-2019    30-Apr-2022
 Regional Advisory Board - Yorkshire & North East   1st Term            Adrian         Curtis        27-Apr-2017    27-Apr-2020
                                                                        Caroline       Schwaller      13-Jul-2018   30-Jun-2021
                                                    2nd Term            Caroline       Thorogood     31-Oct-2018    31-Oct-2021
                                                                        Richard        Atkinson      14-Nov-2016    14-Nov-2019
                                                    3rd Term            Hilary         Brooke        30-Apr-2019    30-Apr-2020
                                                                        Robin          Stonebridge   30-Apr-2019    30-Apr-2021
                                                                        Trevor         Roberts       30-Apr-2019    30-Apr-2022
Oxfam: case report - GOV.UK                                                               Page 1 of 4

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Oxfam: case report
Published 19 December 2017


1. About the charity
2. Why the Commission got involved
3. The action we took
4. What we found
5. Our conclusions
6. Impact of our involvement
7. Lessons for other charities 11/07/2019
Oxfam: case report - GOV.UK                                                                    Page 2 of 4

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1. About the charity
Oxfam’s objects are to prevent and relieve poverty and to protect the vulnerable anywhere in the
world. Oxfam furthers its objects through interlinked activities of humanitarian relief, development
work and advocacy and campaigning. Oxfam is an affiliate member of Oxfam International.

Further information about the charity can be obtained from the Commission’s register of charities

2. Why the Commission got involved
We engaged with Oxfam over its handling of a number of concerning allegations about recent and
non-recent safeguarding incidents involving senior programme staff, including allegations of sexual
harassment of other staff. Our case focused on establishing how the charity manages safeguarding,
including its response to such individual allegations. This has included considering the steps the
trustees take to ensure all people who come into contact with the charity, including its staff and
volunteers, are protected from harm and distress.

3. The action we took
We conducted a detailed review of relevant records relating to the charity’s strategic and day to day
management of safeguarding, including related HR matters, and its handling of allegations of
incidents involving staff. We also met with the charity’s senior leadership, including its chief
executive, and safeguarding managers to discuss our concerns, and to learn more about the 11/07/2019
Oxfam: case report - GOV.UK                                                               Page 3 of 4

charity’s approach, policies and practices around safeguarding and related HR matters. This
included reviewing and understanding the mechanisms in place to enable effective trustee oversight
over policy, practice and emerging trends in this area.

4. What we found
Oxfam cooperated fully with us. We established that the charity has a strong policy framework
around protecting staff and beneficiaries from sexual exploitation and abuse, which is underpinned
by the activities of a dedicated safeguarding unit. We also saw evidence of several examples of
best practice including the publishing of data and trends about allegations of sexual abuse or
exploitation against Oxfam staff and partners.

Many of the allegations reported against senior country staff relating to sexual abuse and
exploitation were not substantiated, and the Commission has seen no indication to suggest that the
risks to staff at Oxfam are any greater than those facing staff in other similar organisations.
However, there clearly have been incidents of behaviour that did not meet the organisation’s culture
and values and which have brought into question how confident trustees could be in the charity’s
wider people management systems.

We also identified some weaknesses in how trends in safeguarding allegations were picked up,
reported to trustees and management follow up properly agreed.

5. Our conclusions
The public hold charities to high standards and expect them to be safe environments so that all who
come into contact with them, including a charity’s own staff, are protected from harm and distress.

In engaging with Oxfam following allegations of exploitation and abuse, we have found that the
charity does demonstrate elements of good practice in its safeguarding management and how it
responds to allegations. But we concluded there is further work for the charity to do to in respect of
HR culture, and the overall governance and management of safeguarding in the charity. The
Commission considers that the charity needs to be more mindful of the allocation of resources
which enables an appropriate balance between proactive and preventative activity and the
investigation of individual allegations.

6. Impact of our involvement
The charity has taken swift steps to improve its case management systems and reporting to ensure
incidents and trends will now be fully transparent, tracked and reported internally, and externally
wherever appropriate. Additionally, as a result of our engagement, the charity has committed to:

   • an externally led review of its HR culture, to ensure senior programme staff are recruited,
     trained and managed and supported in a way that ensures that they live the organisation’s
     values, as well as complying with all relevant laws
   • extending the terms of reference for an existing independently led governance review to
     ensure that trustees have appropriate information, oversight and accountability on
     safeguarding matters 11/07/2019
Oxfam: case report - GOV.UK                                                                     Page 4 of 4

   • review organisation structures, management reporting lines and resourcing to support the
     effective delivery of the organisation’s safeguarding objectives
   • ensure that an effective safeguarding management framework is developed where the charity
     has shared responsibilities in the Oxfam confederation, in particular with Oxfam International

The Commission expects the charity to report back on its progress by the end of March 2018.

We consider that there will be wider lessons to learn for the sector from this work and intend to
publish a further case report in 2018 on the conclusion of our engagement with Oxfam on this

7. Lessons for other charities
The Charity Commission’s recently updated safeguarding strategy makes clear that safeguarding
should be a key governance priority for all charities, not just those working with groups traditionally
considered at risk. We have published an alert, reminding charities how important it is to provide a
safe and trusted environment and safeguard anyone who comes into contact with it including
beneficiaries, staff and volunteers.

The alert reminds charities of the importance of ensuring that:

   • the charity’s culture prioritises safeguarding so that it is safe for those affected to come
     forward and report incidents and concerns with the assurance they will be handled sensitively
     and properly
   • there are measures in place to protect people and adequate safeguarding procedures and
   • there is clarity about how incidents and allegations will be handled should they arise, such as
     reporting to the relevant authorities, including the Commission.

The Commission is also reminding charities that trustees are ultimately responsible for
safeguarding. That means that they are accountable if something goes wrong in a charity, and are
expected to take responsibility for putting things right.

The full alert and the Commission’s safeguarding strategy
( are
available on 11/07/2019
Board Meeting
                                                                                      18 July 2019
                                                                               Information Report
                                                                          Items in Red Confidential

1.1   This report covers the period to the end of May, with more recent updates where available.

2.1 As the Board is aware, the new Trust’s new Finance Director (Steve Dainty) has been
    appointed and will start with us in September, before the next meeting. The Board is also
    aware that the Director, Wales and South West left the Trust at the beginning of July. An
    interim arrangement is in place with Jon Horsfall covering the role, pending a permanent

2.2 Redacted.

3.1 Redacted

3.2 Redacted

4.1 Appendix 1 sets out our performance against the current set of KPIs for the first two months
    of the year. This is in a new form and reflects the new set of KPIs agreed by the Board. Of
    particular note, the new Engagement Monitoring survey (without the large re-weighting
    applied by the former agency) shows a very marked increase in visitor numbers, and linked
    to that, higher awareness scores also. We don’t propose to adjust historical data and will
    instead be transparent about the change of underlying approach. We have sought advice
    from across the research sector (including from other large survey managers and expert
    bodies like the Royal Statistical Society) and they have all expressed some concern at the
    previous re-weighting, mostly supporting our view that the data should be adjusted as little
    as possible.

4.2 The most significant results to date are the new results for customer (boater) satisfaction
    from our new Monthly tracking survey, and the more frequent colleague engagement

            The Boater survey now sources around 600-800 responses each month to give us a
             more immediate response to their recent customer experience. At 67% for the year
             to date, this shows a rise on last year’s satisfaction measure (61%) but also shows the
             room for improvement if we are to reach the target.

            The Colleague ‘Pulse’ survey – with four waves through the year based on smaller
             sample sizes to give a more regular check on engagement – has also just reported
             its first wave and this shows employee engagement at 64% (based on around 300

                                                                                              Page 1
colleagues), down 1% on last year (perhaps still reflecting the residual impact of the
           recent re-structure), and volunteer engagement at 76%, down slightly on previous
           results – an indication that the restructure has impacted on volunteers as well.

5.1 The Executive’s reports feature as Appendices 2 to 7, with a Risk appendix (8) to update on
    recent changes. Most now include a ‘what’s gone well, what are we most concerned about’
    overview. The Health & Safety Report has been combined with the summary at the top of
    the agenda so no longer features here.

Chief Executive
July 2019

                                                                                           Page 2
Key Performance Measures and Targets – 2019/20
*See Appendix for key

                                                                                                                          Note                    Full year     Prior year
       MEASURES FOR SUCCESS (KPIs) FOR NATIONAL &                                                                                    May
                                                                                                                                                   target         actual
                 REGIONAL REPORTING                                                                                                  YTD

                                                                                                                                   2019/20        2019/20        2018/19
                                                        № of users & visitors to
                                  Visitor                                                                                                                       4.1 million
                                                        our waterways in typical                                                   6.0 million
                                                                                                           2                                      4.3 million    users /
                                  Volume                two-week period within                                                          1
                                                        specified period
    Growing the
    number &                                            Towpath User                                      2                          88.2%           92%           92%
                                  Satisfaction Satisfaction
    satisfaction of
    users & visitors
                                  (user &
                                  visitor      Boater Satisfaction                                        2                    1      67%            73%           61%

                                  Public                № of reported incidents                           2
    Improving our                                                                                                                      2              27            28
                                  Safety                due to infrastructure
    public safety and
    health & safety                                     Combined employee,
                                  Safety of
                                                        volunteer/ contractor                                                  2
    of our                        our                                                                     2                           0.27           0.15          0.29
                                                        RIDDOR accident
    colleagues                    Colleagues            frequency rating
    Good overall                                        A combination of the new
    waterway                                            asset condition score (0
                                  Asset                                                                N/a                     3
    condition                                           to 100) & the                                                                            Establishing
                                  Health                                                                                             50.22                       New KPI
    (assets, water,                                     consequence of failure (1                                                                the Baseline
                                  Index                 to 5)) with 0 being
    environment)                                        excellent

    We changed supplier for the WEM earlier this year and the data has been rebased (final approach has yet to be finalised)

                                                                                                                                                                              Page 1
Full year    Prior year
                                                                               Note   May YTD        target        actual
                                                                                      2019/20       2019/20       2018/19
                                       % of local people (living
                                       within 1km / 10-15 mins walk)
Being inclusive -                      using our waterways                2             29.5%          32%          30%
                       Local Users
Growing the number                     regularly
                       & BAME
of local users &
BAME                                 % of local people specifically
participation***                       from local BAME                   N/a                           Being      Being
                                       communities using our                                        determined determined
                                       waterways regularly
                       Value of        % of people living within 1km
                       Waterways       corridor recognise the value       2             67.8%          67%          64%
                       (1km)           of waterways
Being relevant &
                                       Personal safety/security
valued locally
                       Feel Safe by    rating of our waterways by        N/a                           Being      Being
                       Water           local people living within 1km/                              determined determined
                                       10-15 mins walk)
Growing our brand
awareness,             Brand           % of prompted awareness of
                                                                                      39.4% (all)    45% (all)    38%(all)
particularly those     Awareness       the Trust among total
                                                                                      51.3% (1km)    54% (1km)    50%(1km)
living within 1km of   (All & 1km)     population & local people
our waterways
                                       № of Supporters (active &          2
                                                                                       466,000       480,000
Building a strong                      passive)                                                                   across all
and broad supporter                                                                                               channels
base                                                                                                                28,580
                                       № of active Friends & other        2            29,553        35,000         active
                                       regular individual donors

                                                                                                                       Page 2
Full    Prior year
                                                                                                                                  Note                 May YTD        year      actual
                      REGIONAL REPORTING
                                                                                                                                                        2019/20     2019/20    2018/19
    Improving our                                                  % of recruitment
    colleague                          Diversity                   colleagues from BAME                                                                    6.01%     6.5%       5.9%
    engagement &
                                                                   Colleague engagement
    diversity of those                 Colleague                                                                    2                                       64%      68%         65%
    working &                          Engagement
    volunteering for                   (Employees/                 Volunteers                                       2                                       76%      80%         78%
    the Trust                          Volunteers)
    Expanding our
                                       Active                      № of volunteer hours                             2                                     84,5892   725,000    671,840
    volunteer base /
                                       Volunteers                  & № of active volunteers                                                               3,6083
                                       Towpath                     Towpath condition graded
                                                                                                                                                       Annual KPI   ≥80.0%      80.8%
                                       Condition                   C or better                                    N/a
    Defra Waterway
    Targets –                          Principal                   Principal assets grade C or                          2                                  86.8%    ≥86.5%      86.8%
    improving our                      Assets                      better
    waterways/assets                                               Condition of flood
                                                                   management assets                              N/a                                  Annual KPI   ≥99.0%      99.0%
                                       Management                  graded C or better

    There is no concern currently that the target of 725,000 will not be met, current actuals appear low due to the lag in time recording
    The way of calculating No of active volunteers is to be confirmed, this value is individuals who’ve volunteered as little as 1 hour in the past 12 months.

                                                                                                                                                                                    Page 3
Full     Prior
                                                                                 Note                   year     year
            MEASURES FOR SUCCESS (KPIs) FOR NATIONAL &                                  F2 full year
                                                                                                       target   actual
                      REGIONAL REPORTING                                                 forecast

                                                                                         2019/20       2019/20 2018/19
                                   Property      Forecast annual total
                                   Portfolio     return on our property                    3.4%         3.4%     7.5%
                                 Non-property    Forecast annual net total
                                                 return on non-property      2             6.3%         6.3%     5.9%
                                  Total Return   Five year rolling total
                                                 return on the endowment     2             8.6%         6.8%    11.8%4
    Financial Measures                           portfolio                                             CPI+5%
                                      Non-       Non-investment income to
                                  investment     grow at greater than                      6.7%
                                                                             2                          2.8%    5.7%5
                                    Income       CPI+1% on a five-year
                                                 rolling annualised basis
                                 Support Costs   Forecast support costs                                 8.2%
                                                                             2             8.2%                  8.3%
                                                 share of total cost

    Target was 6.4% - CPI + 5%
    Target was 2.4% - CPI + 1%

                                                                                                                  Page 4

                                     On track to achieve full year target
                               Risk that full year target may not be achieved
                 Unlikely that full year target will be achieved/full year will not be achieved

       1           2
                             Measure stays at red/green/amber (number of months shown in centre)

                                   Measure moves up to green/amber, having been red/amber

                                  Measure moves down to red/amber, having been amber/green.

           N/a                               Measure not due for this reporting period

  1. Boater satisfaction: Recent changes to license fees, concerns about maintenance of the
     network, water resources and the perceived issues relating to the cost of the Trust’s rebranding
     appear to have impacted on boater satisfaction
  2. Health & safety: whilst there is a reduction from the year AFR, this higher than target figure
     means that performance has to be
Trustees Meeting
                                                                                  18 July 2019
                                                                          Information Report
                                                                      Text in red confidential
Julie Sharman - Chief Operating Officer

1.      PURPOSE
1.1     This paper provides an update on waterway operations and customer service team
2.1     Positives;
2.1.1   Rainfall has considerably eased our concerns regarding potential canal closures in the
        south the water supply for the rest of the season should be secured.
2.1.2   Reopening of the Leeds & Liverpool Canal at Burnley and the Peak Forest Canal at Marple
2.1.3   Progress on interim appointments in L&SE.
2.2     Challenges:
2.2.1   Redacted
2.2.2   Unplanned closures on the Rochdale Canal 3.1.2, Llangollen Canal 3.1.3 and closures on
        the K&A canal at Caen Hill Flight due to one of the main pumps failing 3.2.1.
3.1     Operational incidents
3.1.1   L&SE -have successfully passed the docklands MCA oil response audit with no non-
        conformances which is an excellent achievement with all the current challenges.
3.1.2   Rochdale Canal Lock 66 (NW) gate quoin failure, resulting in a 3 week closure whilst the
        gate was lifted out and rebuilt at our workshop. The canal reopened 5th July. An
        investigation into how it failed is ongoing following a post incident report from a
3.1.3   Llangollen Canal Closure (WM) following a period of heavy rainfall a small embankment
        destabilised between Bridge 22 and Marbury lock. Stabilization works are now complete,
        restricted passages started on Monday 24th June with the canal reopened on the 27th
        June, works continued for a further week before restrictions were fully removed.
3.1.4   Aire & Calder (Y&NE) a SCADA alarm at the end of May alerted the team to a sudden
        drop in water level between Fishpond Lock and Woodlesford Lock. The overflow weir just
        above Woodlesford Lock was leaking badly and the canal level was dropping quickly so
        an emergency canal closure was issued. The region and Direct Services worked together
        to repair the weir and the canal reopened.
3.1.5   Woverley Landslip – Following a burst Severn Trent water main causing a large landslip
        into the Staffs & Worcestershire canal back in March and resulting in the canal being
        closed for two weeks, daily two-man visits by the customer ops team to supervise boats
                                                                                           Page | 1
through are still ongoing. The Trust has arranged a meeting with Worcester CC on repair
          proposals and Trusts costs are being recorded and will be claimed back.
3.2       Water Management – Water resources
3.2.1     K&A Water Resources - Limited water resources due to lack of rainfall, combined with a
          pump failure at Caen Hill on Thursday 21st June, mean that it has become necessary to
          restrict navigation over the summit of the Canal. The affected area stretches from the
          bottom of Caen Hill Flight to the bottom of Crofton flight. The pump has gone for repair
          with a lead time on replacement parts meaning that repairs should be complete by 19th
          July. Meanwhile restrictions remain in place. The 2 pumps which supply this lock flight are
          bespoke to order and therefore not readily available to hire.
3.2.2     Restrictions - Leeds & Liverpool Canal –some restrictions have been lifted following the
          rainfall in June, others remain in place. Similarly, on the Oxford & Grand Union (Ox&GU)
          hydrological unit, resources have improved with holdings now at 80% full. Careful water
          management is still required and we are keeping all restrictions under regular review.
4.1.1     Jon Horsfall is interim Regional Director for Wales & South West whilst permanent
          recruitment is underway. He continues to cover his substantive role as head of customer
          service support.
4.1.2     The restructure is largely complete with only a few outstanding colleagues unplaced.
4.1.3     Matthew Symonds has been appointed as the Trusts National Leisure Boating Manager.
4.1.4     L&SE - Extensive recruitment activity has been taking place with interim and permanent
          positions filled. A successful recruitment campaign has secured: General
          Manager/Harbour Master for the Central/Docklands team, H&E manager, Interim
          Community engagement and event support and two Community Roots co-ordinators.
          Recruitment continues for the remaining permanent positions including 3 of the 6 senior
          management positions within the team.
4.1.5     Our external recruitment has been particularly successful in the EM with several new
          excellent appointments. We are in the process of recruiting 12 Area Operations Managers
          across all regions and several other vacancies in the regional structures.
5.1       Beauty on the Doorstep
5.1.1     Green flag Award progress:     We have received embargoed confirmation of Green Flag awards for the Erewash
            Canal, the Leeds & Liverpool Canal, Stonebridge lock, on the Lea Navigation and
            Hanwell Locks on the GU canal. We were unsuccessful in Sheffield but this was
            expected and gives us feedback to respond to and we will submit again next year.
5.1.2     W&SW held study days across the region for four of our (K&A communities, Mon & Brec,
          G&S and B&T water activity) strategic programmes. The events presented the
          opportunity for key stakeholders to engage with us and learn more about our aims and
          aspirations for their local waterway. At each event we presented a briefing on the
          programme, our waterway and wellbeing mission and the upcoming projects we will be
          working on over the next three years. As a result we are currently developing action
                                                                                             Page | 2
plans incorporating feedback from each session, which outline our future aspirations for
        engagement with partners within W&SW
5.1.3   The Hinterlands Phase 2 part of the Beauty on the Doorstep strategic programme
        (W&SW) started in May with Creative Director Melissa Appleton returning to lead phase 2.
        The programme funded via Arts Council Wales will continue until autumn 2020.
5.1.4   Communities on the Western Kennet & Avon Canal (W&SW). Following the Trustees visit
        we have met up with key contacts including the police, councils and local communities on
        several occasions. We have put together a draft leaflet explaining what we plan to do to
        make the space between Bradford on Avon and Bath a beautiful place that all users can
        enjoy. This leaflet includes four areas that we intend to work on; clear towpaths, out of
        hours contacts for anti-social behaviour, and bringing extra staff into the area to increase
        the presence on the towpath.
5.1.5   Leicester National Citizen Service (NCS) - The EM team are currently preparing for the
        upcoming NCS programme in Leicester, engaging with local young people to help deliver
        a series of plastic waste projects on the waterways in the city. The project will involve
        working with the community to tackle and highlight the plastic waste issues in the city,
        promoting the Trust and raising the profile of the charities work to tackle plastics
        pollution. The project will be pitched to 900 young people in 6 project phases. if
        successful this would lead to up to 90 young volunteers delivering the project and
        promoting the Trust’s work in Leicester – delivering over 5,500 volunteer hours.
5.1.6   In WM as part of the strategic programme in
        the city centre for beauty on the doorstep the
        local team have engaged a local lead graffiti
        artist and using his influence we set up a
        working agreement to allow the artists to
        create their murals along a select length of the
        canal. in exchange they have agreed to keep
        other walls and structures clear of graffiti and
        remove any new graffiti which arises. To
        complement this working arrangement the
        lead graffiti artist has painted our community litter boat. We have successful secured a
        number of corporate volunteering days to use the boat and enough volunteer support
        for a different group to operate the workboat on a floating 14 day cycle around the
        target area, the urban litter boat can be seen in the photo.
5.2     Community Safety including crime prevention
5.2.1   Y&NE team had a major fly-tipping of waste at long term moorings at Kiveton,
        Chesterfield Canal which has now been cleared and a fence installed with help from the
        local authority and the EA, a good example of cross agency working.
5.2.2   In L&SE, Chess Basin is the site of recurrent fly-tipping activity, resulting in
        complaints/social media coverage, where litter is thrown over a fence into the bin store.
        Persistent work by our colleague has resulted in involving Three Rivers District Council
        Enforcement Team who will do twice weekly monitoring to increase the chance of
        identifying those responsible.
5.2.3   The Chair of the L&SE RAB has brokered a second meeting between local groups,
        including University College London, and Hackney Council to progress plans for the long-
                                                                                        Page | 3
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