Mental Health and Its Relationship with Job Burnout and Life Satisfaction in Staff at a Military University

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Iranian Journal of Military Medicine Vol. 14, No. 4, Winter 2013; 289- 294

                                                                          Mental Health and Its Relationship with Job Burnout and Life Satisfaction in
                                                                                                 Staff at a Military University

                                                                                                   Salimi SH.1PhD, Azad Marzaabadi E.2*PhD, Abedi M.3MSc
                                                                                    Physiological and Sport Science Research Center, Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
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                                                                                          Behavioral Sciences Research Center, Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
                                                                                                             Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

                                                                          Aims: The importance of attention to military forces’ mental health is an obvious case which is as
                                                                          important as supplying weapons, equipment, and military tactics in the battle field. Accordingly the present
                                                                          study was an attempt to investigate mental health status and its relationship with job burnout and life
                                                                          satisfaction in military personnel.
                                                                          Methods: It was a cross-sectional study carried out in 2010 on 250 personnel of a military university. Data
                                                                          was collected using Symptom Checklist-90-Revised, Moslesh Job Exhaustion Questionnaire, and Life
                                                                          Satisfaction Questionnaire (SWLS).
                                                                          Results: Significant relationships were observed between marriage status and psychosis, phobia,
                                                                          aggression, anxiety, depression, obsessive or compulsive and physical problems, and extra questions, but
                                                                          the relationship was not found significant for paranoid thoughts, interpersonal relationship sensitivity, and
                                                                          marital status. There was a significant relationship between personnel’s military rank and psychosis, phobia,
                                                                          aggression, anxiety, paranoid thoughts, interpersonal relationship sensitivity, depression, obsessive-
                                                                          compulsive, physical problems, and extra question category. On the basis of findings, there was a
                                                                          meaningful relationship between life satisfaction and mental health.
                                                                          Conclusion: There is a meaningful relationship between personnel’s mental health and their job burnout
                                                                          as well as life satisfaction. As such, taking care of these factors is of utmost importance.

                                                                          Keywords: Mental Health, Job Burnout, Life Satisfaction, Military Forces, SCL90

                                                                              Corresponding author: Azad Marzaabadi E. Please, direct all correspondence to
Salimi SH. et al.

                                                                                                                               effective lifestyle, experience more positive
                                                                          Introduction                                         feelings, and enjoy a better general health [8].
                                                                          Mental Health, which has a critical role in          Adler and Fagley [9] concluded that life
                                                                          having sustainable development, is one of the        satisfaction results from people’s self-
                                                                          most vital human needs. The concept of               awareness, optimism, and their tendency
                                                                          mental health includes an inner feeling of           toward religious beliefs. In other words,
                                                                          comfort, self-efficiency, self-dependence,           those who are more optimistic, self-aware,
                                                                          competitiveness, inter-generation reliance,          and religious have a higher level of life
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                                                                          and self-development of potential thinking           satisfaction. Parslow et al. [10], having
                                                                          abilities. Due to cultural differences, it seems     examined the effect of job stress and
                                                                          impossible to present an inclusive definition        organizational position on 806 social
                                                                          of mental health, but there is a consensus           servants’ mental health, observed that job
                                                                          about the fact that metal health is much             stress and position can affect employees’
                                                                          beyond the lack of any mental disorders [2].         mental health and sense of well-being.
                                                                          While having life satisfaction, a mentally           Another study [11] carried out on 253 nurses
                                                                          healthy individual can face with problems in         showed that there was a significant negative
                                                                          a logical manner. In other words, they can           relationship (r = -0.63) between job burnout
                                                                          sustain their individualism and adapt                and emotional quotient (EQ) for nurses with
                                                                          themselves to their environment at the same          low experience (6 to 18 months). Moslesh’s
                                                                          time [3]. The most important goal for military       job exhaustion questionnaire and Baron’s EQ
                                                                          mental health is to control stress and mental        questionnaire were used in that study.
                                                                          crisis in the battle fields. Moreover, it is         Fooladvand [12] found a significant
                                                                          possible to have a program to improve                relationship between an organizations’s
                                                                          individuals’ organizational and family               working atmosphere and the personnel’s
                                                                          relations during peace time in order to              mental health. Out of the 9 dimensions
                                                                          maintain and improve the personnel’s mental          present in mental health, five were found to
                                                                          health [4].                                          have a significant relationship: obsessive-
                                                                                                                               compulsive, depression, anxiety, phobic
                                                                          There is a significant relationship between          anxiety, and psychosis. There was also a
                                                                          job burnout and the symptoms of                      significant positive correlation between
                                                                          psychological disorders [5]. Therefore,              income and organizational atmosphere [12].
                                                                          identifying and preventing job burnout can           Abdi et al. [13], studying the relationship
                                                                          improve personnel’s mental hygiene and               between job burnout and mental health on
                                                                          their offered services. Happiness, life              200 nurses, found a significant relationship
                                                                          satisfaction, and an inner feeling of well-          between the two and observed that emotional
                                                                          being are words used to describe mental              exhaustion       and     personality     change
                                                                          healthiness in modern psychology. One of the         dimensions were low while individual
                                                                          indices showing mental healthiness is an             inefficacy was very high for most of the
                                                                          individual’s level of life satisfaction which is     participants. Bakhshipoor et al [14] found
                                                                          defined as his or her attitude toward his life       that life satisfaction and social welfare can be
                                                                          in general or a particular aspect of it such as      good predictors for an individual’s mental
                                                                          his/her family life, occupational, or                health. Ahmadi and Fathi, studying the
                                                                          educational life [6]. Life satisfaction is           mental health in military personnel’s
                                                                          distinctive from other related constructs such       families, observed that 8.9% of them showed
                                                                          as positive or negative affect, self-esteem,         symptoms of at least one psychological
                                                                          and optimism [7]. Those with higher levels of        disorder. Depression and anxiety were
                                                                          life satisfaction have a better and more

                                                                          Ir J Military Medicine Vol. 14, No. 4, Winter 2013
Mental Health and Its Relationship with Job Burnout and Life Satisfaction in Staff at a Military University

                                                                          among the most common disorders whose                          checklist. SCL90R included 90 items in 9
                                                                          level varied according to the participants’                    subscales: anxiety, aggression, depression,
                                                                          age, gender, military rank, position, and war                  interpersonal sensitivity, physical problems,
                                                                          field experience. These statistics ranged from                 obsessive-compulsive,        phobic    anxiety,
                                                                          3% to 15% in the case of families with a                       psychosis, and paranoid ideationism. There
                                                                          member killed in war. Gharabaghi studied                       were also 7 extra items which did not fall into
                                                                          the mental health of the military forces in                    any of the above-mentioned categories but
                                                                          Tabriz. The results showed that obsessive-                     were very important and did help the overall
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                                                                          compulsive was the most common mental                          indices of the questionnaire. For each item,
                                                                          disorder among participants [16]. Another                      the participants were required to choose
                                                                          study checking the mental health in a group                    ‘never,’ ‘rarely,’ ‘sometimes,’ ‘usually,’ or
                                                                          of the revolutionary guards found that the                     ‘always’, with ‘never’ receiving zero point
                                                                          most common problems were suspicion,                           and ‘always’ receiving 4 points. Getting a
                                                                          obsessive and compulsive states of mind, and                   mean score of 3 or above for each subscale
                                                                          interpersonal sensitivity. A high percentage                   showed his or her serious problem with that
                                                                          (81.9%) of the participants were diagnosed as                  mental disorder. This questionnaire has
                                                                          healthy, and 18.1% were diagnosed as                           repeatedly been used in Iran and other
                                                                          suffering from mental disorders [17]. Since                    countries. Its reliability has been reported as
                                                                          job burnout can negatively affect employees’                   ranging from 0.72 to 0.90 in studies outside
                                                                          mental health, the present study was an                        Iran with a validity range of 0.36 to 0.73. In
                                                                          attempt to check the relationship between                      Iran, its validity has been reported to range
                                                                          individuals’ mental health on the one hand                     from 0.27 to 0.66 [18].
                                                                          and their job burnout and life satisfaction on
                                                                          the other hand.                                                Satisfaction with Life Scale: Satisfaction
                                                                                                                                         with Life Scale (SWLS) was developed by
                                                                          Methods                                                        Diener et al. [19] in 1985. It is a five item
                                                                          The present study was a cross-sectional                        questionnaire using Likert scale, which
                                                                          analytic study. The population of the study                    ranges from ‘completely disagree’ (1 point)
                                                                          encompassed all the official employees in a                    to ‘completely agree’ (7 points). As such, the
                                                                          military university including individuals with                 score one can gain ranges from 5 to 35 with a
                                                                          a variety of educational degrees and military                  higher score indicating a higher level of life
                                                                          ranks. Using Kergesi and Morgan’s sample                       satisfaction.     The      reliability   index
                                                                          size estimation table, 250 employees were                      (Cronbach’s alpha) has been reported as 0.87
                                                                          selected based on stratified random sampling                   with a test-retest index of 0.82 [20]. Using
                                                                          technique. It was tried to include a                           factor analysis, only one factor was identified
                                                                          proportional number of employees in each                       which could explain 66% of the variance
                                                                          department. In order to observe the ethics in                  [21]. In Iran too, the reliability index was
                                                                          research, participants’ consent was checked,                   found to be 0.85, with a 6-week-interval test-
                                                                          and they were ensured that the obtained                        retest index of 0.84 [22]. Moreover, the
                                                                          information will be used only for research                     criterion validity index between life
                                                                          purposes.                                                      satisfaction and positive and negative affect
                                                                                                                                         scale was found to be 0.27 [23].
                                                                          Tools: A number of questionnaires and
                                                                          checklist were used in this study: Symptom                     Moslesh’s job burnout questionnaire is one of
                                                                          Checklist-90-Revised (SCL90R), Moslesh’s                       the most frequently-used questionnaires for
                                                                          Job Burnout Questionnaire, Satisfaction with                   this purpose. It has 22 items in 3 subscales. 9
                                                                          Life Scale, and a demographical information                    items evaluates ‘emotional exhaustion’

                                                                          Ir J Military Medicine Vol. 14, No. 4, Winter 2013
Salimi SH. et al.

                                                                          which lets respondents express their excess                                                Table 1. Prioritization of Mental Health Subscales
                                                                          emotional exhaustion at workplace and in                                                   Subscale          Frequency       Mean         SD
                                                                          treating with their clients. Another 5 items                                               Physical                     250                 7.50              7.17
                                                                          check respondents’ ‘personality change’                                                    Problem
                                                                                                                                                                     Obsessive-                   250                 6.43              6.41
                                                                          which let them express their attitudes toward                                              Compulsive
                                                                          their clients in the form of indifference and                                              Sensivity                    250                 4.90              5.28
                                                                          disinterest. The remaining 8 questions                                                     Depression                   250                 7.78              7.63
                                                                          examine respondents’ ‘personal efficacy’
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                                                                                                                                                                     Anxiety                      250                 4.17              5.45
                                                                          which let respondents express their feeling of                                             Aggression                   250                 3.37              3.47
                                                                          usefulness and success in taking care of their                                             Phobic                       250                 2.37              3.85
                                                                          clients. For each item, the respondents are                                                anxiety
                                                                          required to choose from among options that                                                 Paranoid                     250                 5.55              4.65
                                                                          range from ‘never’ (zero point) to ‘every day’                                             Psychosis                    250                 3.71              4.99
                                                                          (6 points). The total score obtained for each
                                                                          subscale falls into ‘high,’ ‘moderate,’ or
                                                                          ‘low.’ The original reported internal
                                                                                                                                                                    The mean age of the sample was 33.65 with
                                                                          consistency index (Cronbach’s alpha) for this
                                                                                                                                                                    a range of 25-55 and a standard deviation of
                                                                          questionnaire ranges from 0.71 to 0.90 with a
                                                                                                                                                                    5.46. The highest frequency was observed in
                                                                          test-retest index of 0.60 to .80 for the whole
                                                                                                                                                                    the 25-34 age group and the lowest frequency
                                                                          questionnaire. The internal consistency index
                                                                                                                                                                    in 45-55 age group. The majority of the
                                                                          for the three subscales were 0.90, 0.71, and
                                                                                                                                                                    respondents had BA/BSc degree (35.2%),
                                                                          0.79 respectively.
                                                                                                                                                                    and a few had an under diploma degree
                                                                                                                                                                    (4.4%). The majority of the respondents were
                                                                                                                                                                    officers (54.4%). 91.2% of the respondents
                                                                                                                                                                    were married and the rest single.
                                                                                              Table 2. Pearson Correlation Coefficient between Life & Mental Health Subscale









                                                                                            -0.518       -0.507            -0.506       0.431      0.461                0.565      -0.533           -0.496            -0.527           -0.525

Mental Health and Its Relationship with Job Burnout and Life Satisfaction in Staff at a Military University

                                                                          There was no significant relationship                          personality problems, and inappropriate
                                                                          between participants’ age and the mental                       hygienic behaviors. The observed patterns of
                                                                          health dimensions (see Table 2). The                           results in the present study were in line with
                                                                          relationship between participants’ salary and                  those of Azad [23] and Bakhshipoor [14]
                                                                          their     phobic     anxiety,    interpersonal                 according to which life satisfaction and social
                                                                          sensitivity, and physical problem complaints                   welfare can predict one’s mental health
                                                                          was not significant, but for other dimensions,                 condition. Having at least some levels of life
                                                                          this relationship was found to be statistically                satisfaction is the necessary condition for
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                                                                          significant (see Table 3).                                     being mentally healthy. Lack of life
                                                                                                                                         satisfaction will result in disappointment and
                                                                          There was also a significant relationship                      pessimism which can pave the way for
                                                                          between mental health and emotional                            mental disorders. The independent samples t
                                                                          exhaustion (frequency), personal efficacy                      tests run between participants’ marital status
                                                                          (frequency),       emotional        exhaustion                 and their mental health showed a significant
                                                                          (intensity), personal efficacy (intensity), and                difference between the two groups in their
                                                                          personality change (frequency). However,                       mental health conditions including
                                                                          there was no significant relationship between                  anxiety,       aggression,        depression,
                                                                          mental health and personality change                           physical         problems,         obsessive-
                                                                          (intensity).                                                   compulsive, phobic anxiety, psychosis,
                                                                                                                                         and extra questions, but there was no
                                                                          Discussion                                                     significant difference between the
                                                                          Mental health has become a common concern                      married and single participants in
                                                                          for most organizations and scientific centers.                 interpersonal sensitivity, and paranoid
                                                                          Understanding the mental health principles                     ideationism.        There        were     also
                                                                          has gained a critical status in most modern                    significant differences among different
                                                                          societies because their great effect on human                  subscales in the mental health checklist
                                                                          life is now self-evident. By doing continuous                  with depression having the greatest
                                                                          research on this phenomenon, it is possible to                 effect on participants’ mental health.
                                                                          amend or eliminate mental disorders in the
                                                                          society. One of the variables examined in this                 Conclusion
                                                                          study was life satisfaction. A significant                     The most important conclusion of this study
                                                                          relationship was observed between life                         is that life satisfaction can be a good predictor
                                                                          satisfaction and anxiety, aggression,                          of individuals’ mental health conditions.
                                                                          depression,       interpersonal     sensitivity,               There was also a significant relationship
                                                                          physical problems, obsessive-compulsive,                       between the personnel’s job burnout and their
                                                                          phobic anxiety, psychosis, paranoid                            mental health, which means that job burnout
                                                                          ideationism, and extra questions. The                          like life satisfaction is one of the most
                                                                          obtained correlation coefficients show a                       influential factors in employees’ mental
                                                                          negative      relationship     between      life               health. As such, considering employees’
                                                                          satisfaction and the mental disorders. In other                mental healthiness needs increasing their life
                                                                          words, people with higher levels of life                       satisfaction and lowering their job burnout.
                                                                          satisfaction are less likely to be diagnosed
                                                                          with such mental disorders [7, 8]. According                   The most important limitation of the present
                                                                          to Maltaby et al. [8], those with higher life                  study is its generalizability. The findings are
                                                                          satisfaction have a better general health. Lack                limited to the studied university only and
                                                                          of life satisfaction is correlated with low                    generalizing them to other universities should
                                                                          general health, depression symptoms,                           be done with great care.

                                                                          Ir J Military Medicine Vol. 14, No. 4, Winter 2013
Salimi SH. et al.

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                                                                          improve their personnel’s mental health                  shahrivar, p:65-75.
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                                                                          efficacy. Moreover, lowering job burnout and             Ahmad Abediuan, social suppot with mental health of
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                                                                          Ir J Military Medicine Vol. 14, No. 4, Winter 2013
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