Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah - USPS 996-700 Vol. 58 No. 5 - New York State Rifle and Pistol Association

Page created by Kathleen Pena
Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah - USPS 996-700 Vol. 58 No. 5 - New York State Rifle and Pistol Association
Donation: $2.50

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                           Official journal of the New York State Rifle and Pistol Association,
                                              the state’s official NRA affiliate
      Vol. 58 No. 5                                  USPS 996-700                          October 2019

          Merry Christmas and
           Happy Hanukkah
Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah - USPS 996-700 Vol. 58 No. 5 - New York State Rifle and Pistol Association
Your Board of Directors
President                      Junior Chairperson                   Maria Mann
                                                                    Port Jervis
                                                                                                                  Chairman of Cowboy Action
Tom King                       Jennifer Schmitt                                   Shooting Committee
713 Columbia Turnpike          713 Columbia Turnpike                                                              Dave Meyer
PO Box 278                     PO Box 278
                                                                    Brian Olesen                                  70 Rosemont Drive
East Greenbush, NY 12061       East Greenbush, NY 12061
                                                                    1702 Central Ave.                             Amherst, NY 14226
Phone: (518) 272-2654          Phone: (716) 397-4378
                                                                    Albany, NY 12205                              Phone: (716) 838-4286
Fax: (518) 274-4972  
                                                                    Phone: (518) 817-2223

                               Women in the                         Brian Pemberton                               Advertising Sales Manager
Treasurer                      Shooting Sports                      24 Circle Drive                               Carl Gottstein
                                                                    Glen Cove, NY 11542                           713 Columbia Turnpike
Brenda Leder
PO Box 278
                               Chairperson                          Phone: (516) 330-3281                         PO Box 278
                                                                                     East Greenbush, NY 12061
East Greenbush, NY 12061       Jackie Emslie
                                                                                                                  Phone: (518) 470-7874
Phone: (518) 272-2654          17 Corlies Ave.
                                                                    J. Scott Sommavilla                           Fax: (518) 274-4972        Poughkeepsie, NY 12601
                                                                    Westchester, NY                     
                               Phone: (914) 475-4901
                                       (914) 747-5001
                                                                                                                  General Information
Stephen D. Kraynak
                               Directors                                                                          (518) 272-2654
1120 7th Ave.
                               Charlie Beers III
                                                                    Past Presidents                     
Watervliet NY 12189
                                                                    Robert Kamholtz                              Glenville, NY
                               Phone: (518) 469-5312                4123 Osage Lane
                                      Ormond Beach, FL 32174
Industry Relations
                               John Butcher                         Tory Brainard
George K. Kollitides II
                               Lockport, NY                         3105 Schindler Drive
Aegis Capital Advisors LLC
                               Phone: (518) 272-2654                Pearl River, NY 10965
299 Park Ave., 2nd Floor
New York, NY 10171
Phone: work (212) 284-7825     James Collins                        Dr. Robert Cornute
         cell (917) 747-2751   177 Violet Ave.                      33 Locust Grove Road           Floral Park, NY 11001                Saratoga Springs, NY 12866
                               Phone: (516) 775-6597
                                                                    Charles J. Meyer
Smallbore                      John Cushman                         158 Willow Lane
Charles J. Meyer               107 Truberg Ave.                     Scotia, NY 12302
158 Willow Lane                Patchogue, NY 11772
Scotia, NY 12302               Phone: (631) 475-8125                Willard E. Doughty
Phone: (518) 265-3555                    9221 Leatherstone Lane                                                Fuquay-Varina, NC 27526
                               Marie D’Amico
                               Phone: (518) 272-2654
Stephen D. Kraynak
1120 7th Ave.                  John Greene
Watervliet NY 12189            PO Box 278         East Greenbush, NY 12061
                               (914) 804-0158
High Power Chairperson
George W. Kline                Glenn Hancock
6 Carrie Lane                  57 Wardell St.
Nanuet, NY 10954               Adams, NY 13605
Phone: (917) 709-3691          Phone: (315) 408-7340
                                                                                            Tel: (518) 272-2654

2                                                          Bullet magazine
Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah - USPS 996-700 Vol. 58 No. 5 - New York State Rifle and Pistol Association
Contents                                                                                                                 December 2019   Vol. 58 No. 6
Your Board of Directors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      2
President’s Message. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
Collectors Corner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
The Madness Continues. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         7
Can We Get Practical?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       8
Five Senators Threaten the High Court . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                9
7th Annual NRA Women on target Clinic Held at Marbletown . . . . . . . . .                                          10
Pistol Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   12
Can Ammunition Go Bad?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .               14
Stolen Rifle Returned after 20 Years in Washington Town’s
Police Evidence Storage, Long Waits Typical Nationwide. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                               15
The Divine Source of American Freedom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                       16
The Truth About Good Guys with Guns. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                        18
Be Mindful of Serial Numbers when Posting Your Gun Photos Online. . . . .                                           20
Long Island Director. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       21
Gun Shows. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    21
Notes from Brenda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       22
Member Clubs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     28
NYSRPA Individual Application. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                  30
Deadline for submissions for the February issue of
Bullet magazine is: December 21, 2019
T he Bullet (USPS # 996-700) is published 6 times a year (February, April, June, August, October, December)
by the New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, 713 Columbia Turnpike, East Greenbush, NY 12061.
Periodicals Postage Paid at East Greenbush, NY and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send
address changes to: The Bullet, 713 Columbia Turnpike, East Greenbush, NY 12061.

NYSRPA is a nonprofit organization affiliated with the National Rifle Association—for the purpose of
promoting safety and education in the sport of shooting and hunting. The Bullet is sent to members of the New
York State Rifle & Pistol Association (fair market value: $5 per year or $1 per copy.) Published in the U.S. by
PIA Management Services Inc., 25 Chamberlain St., Glenmont, NY 12077-0977. Postmaster send change of
address forms to: 713 Columbia Turnpike, PO Box 278, East Greenbush, NY 12061.

                              The official journal of the New York State Rifle and Pistol Association                                               3
Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah - USPS 996-700 Vol. 58 No. 5 - New York State Rifle and Pistol Association
President’s Message                                                                                                by Tom King
Open your eyes!                             murder rates soaring, gang violence
I hope you’re watching and I hope           escalating, municipalities on the
you’re getting just as mad as I am.         verge of bankruptcy, schools teaching
Impeachment of a president of the           socialism and a lack of respect for
United States for negotiating with          authority and the final nail in the
another country’s leader, are you           coffin, legalization of drugs. Who’s
kidding me? Why wasn’t Franklin             responsible for these travesties? You
Roosevelt impeached for negotiating         and I. We the people have let this
with Russia at Malta? I’ll tell you         happen on our watch! Our laisse-faire
why, the politicians, at that time          apathetic attitude toward politics and
believed in America more than they          voting has put us in this dire situation.
did in their parties. The survival of       Dit ... dit ... dit... dit dit ...
America depended on a united fight          BREAKING NEWS! The socialist                to confuse you and influence you to
against the Axis and the coming             Democrats are coming for your               support their socialist agenda. Don’t
Communist threat. What’s the word           shotguns, hand guns and hunting             allow it!
I’m looking for (oh, yeah) they were        rifles. They do not care about your         Bloomberg promised to spend
Patriots not politicians. That is not the   safety, social mores or traditions that     whatever it took to destroy the NRA
case today. Most of our politicians put     have been with us since the birth of        and he’s attempting to follow through
themselves, special interests, and their    the nation. Actually, those are the         on that threat by attacking Wayne,
party ahead of the best interests of the    values they most want to destroy.           the institution and board members
U.S. Look what has happened since           Destroy those values and you destroy        through myriad sources—some of
the Democrats took control of the           the nation. WE MUST NOT                     whom are supposedly our friends.
New York State Senate—12 anti-gun           LET THIS HAPPEN ON OUR                      Don’t believe these lies! If you have
bills were passed and signed into law.      WATCH!!                                     a question, call your local board
Watch what’s going on in the House of       2020 is going to be the most important      of directors. Our names are in the
Representatives since the Democrats         election in your lifetime. If we don’t      magazine.
have taken over … Nothing to make           retake the House, hold the Senate and       People, we are the NRA and
our country better; only an endless         re-elect President Trump, America           NYSRPA; we’ve been around since
investigation of the best president         as we know it will cease to exist.          1871, educating and protecting the
I have supported in my entire life,         That’s right will cease to exist. Don’t     Second Amendment. Be proud of that
President Donald Trump. Now                 let that happen on your watch. The          heritage! Wear a hat, shirt or patch;
impeachment, this must be stopped.          Democrats started their re-election         let them know who you are and how
The swamp is deep, getting deeper,          push the day President Trump was            proud we are of our traditions.
and we the people are the only              sworn into office. Since that day there     Most importantly, let them know we
force able to stop this country from        has been an effort to embarrass and         are here to protect our country and our
drowning in the political morass we         remove the president from office. And       president. Get out and vote.
allowed to be created. Look what is         now we have the impeachment scam.
transpiring: Mayhem in our major            Don’t let this happen!
cities, cops being murdered, homeless                                                   TRUMP 2020
                                            During the coming years there will be
living and crapping in the streets, the     trolls, bots and other seditious agents
complete loss of respect for human life,    on all of social media attempting

4                                                       Bullet magazine
Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah - USPS 996-700 Vol. 58 No. 5 - New York State Rifle and Pistol Association
Collectors Corner                                                                                                        by David Bock

For nearly 2,000 years, the Basque           manufacturer would
region of Spain has been known for           do—it subcontracted
its metalworking. Once firearms came         the order.
about, this region also became known         After some negotiations,
as the center of a cottage industry for      Gabilondo contracted
small-firearm manufacturers.                 with four of the
Shortly after the turn of the century,       other manufacturers in
the predecessor of Llama, a company          Eibar. Specifically: Armeria
then called Gabilondo y Urresti,             Elgobaressa; Echealasa y Vincinai;
utilized an aspect of Spanish patent         Hijos de Angel Echeverria; and
law to manufacture a simplified copy         Iraola Salaverria.
of the Colt 1903, designed by John           By August of 1915, the French
Browning. Its version was named              government had upped its order to                  initially the French tested every pistol,
the Ruby.                                    30,000 pistols a month. At that time,              this was time consuming, and batch
At that time, Spanish law only allowed       the agreement between the Spanish                  testing—when a few samples out of a
for patent enforcement on products           companies was that each of the                     production batch are randomly selected
made in Spain within three years of          subcontractors would produce 5,000                 for testing—was used instead.
a patent being granted. None of the          pistols per month with Gabilondo
                                                                                                The other major issue was the lack
major-firearms manufacturers had             making up the difference, as well as
                                                                                                of interchangeable parts between
factories in Spain, so their patents were    overseeing quality control and delivery
                                                                                                the guns produced by the different
not protected under Spanish law and          of the orders to France.
                                                                                                companies. This extended to
could be copied without legal concern.       Later, France, once again, increased its           magazines. Magazines made by some
Chambered in .32 ACP (or 7.65 mm             order, this time to 50,000 pistols per             manufacturers would not fit in pistols
Browning, as it’s known in Europe)           month. This was a potential gold mine              made by other manufactures. Or they
the Ruby lacked the original design’s        for the Spanish manufacturers. But                 would be so loose that they would drop
grip safety and the magazine held            to extend the analogy, there also was              out when the pistol was fired.
nine rounds.                                 great risk of cave-ins.
                                                                                                As a short-term solution to this
At this point, as Othias of C&Rsenal         As all this was going on, French                   problem, the French insisted that
would say, “War were declared,”              purchasing agents were combing the                 manufacturers mark their magazines,
and France, with the world’s largest         Eibar area for any other handgun                   so they could more easily be matched
military, was facing a severe shortage       manufacturers to help with production.             to the pistols.
of sidearms. Seeing an opportunity,          When all was said and done, it had
                                                                                                Even with these manufacturing issues,
Gabilondo submitted an example of            signed contracts with around 50
                                                                                                the Ruby served the French military
the Ruby to the French government            companies.
                                                                                                well and also was adopted after World
for consideration. The French liked the      As you might expect, one of the first              War I by other European nations.
design, and in May of 1915, placed an        things to slip was quality control—
order for 10,000 per month.                                                                     Close to three quarters of a million
                                             some pistols were high quality, others
                                                                                                Ruby pistols were accepted into French
There was one small problem. At that         less so, and some were unsafe to fire.
                                                                                                service during World War I, and by
time, Gabilondo only had about 10            The quality issue got so bad that
                                                                                                1920, over half a million were still
employees and there was no way it            some documents reported fewer than
                                                                                                in use by French forces. The Ruby
could produce anything close to the          500 rounds to failure in pistols from
                                                                                                remained in French service until it
order amount. So, it did what any            some of the manufacturers. While

                                 The official journal of the New York State Rifle and Pistol Association                               5
Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah - USPS 996-700 Vol. 58 No. 5 - New York State Rifle and Pistol Association
was decommissioned in 1958 after the       modification made by the French after
adoption of the MAS Modele 1950            it was found that the safety could be
service pistol.                            disengaged when the gun was removed
For the collector, there are a good        from a tight-fitting holster. It was
variety of makers, variants and            added after manufacture and often
markings. While many were adopted          will obscure some of the markings. As
into French (or other) military service,   usual, watch out for fakes.
there were also a large number made        The company that started all of this,
for the civilian market.                   Gabilondo, ended production of the
If a Ruby was a French contract pistol,    Ruby pistol in 1919 and moved on
it usually will have a one or two letter   to other, more modern products.
mark in an oval on the rear of the         However, other Spanish manufacturers
frame on the left side. This was to        continued production of their own
identify the manufacturer and has no       versions of the Ruby into the late
connection to any trademark name.          1920s.
After formal acceptance, pistols were      The only reference book I was able to
supposed to be marked with one or          find for these pistols is contained in
two stars on the bottom of the frame       Spanish Handguns: The History of
to either or both sides of the magazine    Spanish Pistols & Revolvers by Gene
well. Needless to say, even if they        Gangarosa Jr., and it seems to be out
did go through formal adoption into        of print.
French service, not all Ruby pistols       As usual, if you have an idea for future
received these markings.                   articles, please send an email to info@
If your Ruby pistol has a lug or rivet with “Collectors Corner”
on the left side of the slide above the    in the subject line and make sure to
safety, that’s a good sign it was in       include your name for proper credit.
French military service. This was a

          Valad Electric Heating Corp.
                      Arthur Cecchini
          65 Leonards Dr., Montgomery, NY 12549
                                (914) 631-4927

        Deadline for submissions for the February
        issue of Bullet magazine is: Dec. 21, 2019

6                                                      Bullet magazine
Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah - USPS 996-700 Vol. 58 No. 5 - New York State Rifle and Pistol Association
The Madness Continues                                                                                                                                                                                                   by Jim Collins
The madness continues on Long                missed a chance to prevent the chief                                                                    I cannot help but believe that they will
Island, in the belly of the beast. Four      executive from doing his job. They                                                                      reject the outrageous conduct of the
members of Congress represent us:            have encouraged harassment of cabinet                                                                   left wing Trump haters and return this
Two are for inquiry for impeachment          members and demonstrating at their                                                                      president to office.
of the president of the United States        homes! Apparently, they think this                                                                      As always, may God watch over and
and two say the inquiry is rubbish!          low-class conduct is acceptable. I think                                                                protect the brave men and women
Need I say that the two Democrats are        they are sadly mistaken.                                                                                serving us, at war, in our patriot armed
for inquiry and the two Republicans          The American people will have their                                                                     forces and may God bless America!
are opposed? Funny how things change         say in the matter in just over one year.
over time and whose ox is being gored!
Back on Dec. 18, 1998, Rep. Nancy
Pelosi said the following:
   Today the Republican majority
   is not judging the president
   with fairness but impeaching                                                             NEW YORK STATE ARMS COLLECTORS ASSOCIATION, INC.

   him with a vengeance. In the
   investigation of the president,
                                                                               SYRACUSE GUN SHOW ™
   fundamental principles which                                                                      APRIL 18-19, 2020
   Americans hold dear-privacy,                                                      CENTER OF PROGRESS BUILDING
                                                                           NEW YORK STATE FAIRGROUNDS – EMPIRE EXPO CENTER
   fairness, checks and balances-                                                             Syracuse, N.Y.
   have been seriously violated.
   And why? … We are here today
                                                                                                        1,000 TABLES
                                                                                                               OPEN TO THE PUBLIC
   because the Republicans in the                                           National Association
                                                                             of Arms Shows. Inc.                  SATURDAY 9:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M.                                         AFFILIATED CLUB
                                                                                                                   SUNDAY 9:00 A.M. – 3:00 P.M.
   House are paralyzed with hatred                                                               DAILY ADMISSION $7.00 PER PERSON
   of President Clinton. And until                                                 Children under 12 free - Must be accompanied by Adult • Senior Citizens $5.00

   the Republicans free themselves                                     Show Manager:                                                                                         PLEASE NOTE:
                                                                                                                                                              UPCOMING SHOW DATES
                                                                    Sandy Ackerman Klinger
   of this hatred, our country will                                   The Onondaga County Sheriffs
                                                                                                                                                                       State Fairgrounds
                                                                                                                                                                         Syracuse, NY
   suffer.                                                             Pistol License Unit will be in
                                                                          attendance both days.
                                                                                                                                                                   SEPTEMBER 19–20, 2020

   I rise to oppose these unfair                                                  Eight Foot Tables – $65.00 Each (members) $75.00 Each (non-members)
                                                                              Exhibitors only may set up 4:00 – 8:00 P.M. Friday Night; 8:00 – 9:00 A.M. Saturday

   motions, which call for removal                                     DEALERS MUST HAVE VALID N.Y.S. SALES TAX NUMBER
                                                                                GUARDS ON DUTY 24 HOURS DAILY
   of the president of the United                                      FOOD AVAILABLE AT SHOW – PLENTY OF FREE PARKING
   States from office.                                                                                 All Firearm Laws WILL Be Observed
                                                                             All cartridge guns entering, within, or leaving the show must be tied in such a way
                                                                                                            that they cannot be loaded!
I suppose Pelosi sees things                                                  ALL FIREARMS SALES or transactions require, by law, a NICS background check
                                                                                    and must be conducted through available dealers only, INSIDE the hall.
differently now. She and her gang                                            No PRIVATE sales, trades or barters of any firearms are permitted on State property.
                                                                                   Sellers of all modern firearms must provide a gun locking device suitable for
are doing exactly what she accused                                                              said firearm, with written instructions, at time of sale.

the Republicans of doing back in                                   PAYMENT AND SIGNED CONTRACT MUST ACCOMPANY RESERVATION                                                                PHONE: (607) 748-1010
                                                                   PAYABLE TO: New York State Arms Collectors Association, Inc.                                                            1:00 PM - 6:00 PM
1998! From the day President Trump                                 SEND TO: Sandy Ackerman Klinger, 346 Paul St., Endicott, N.Y. 13760                                                        WEEKDAYS

was elected, the Democrats have                                   MUST SIGN – Contract/Agreement/Waiver of Liability:
                                                          I, (mandatory signature) _______________________________________________, agree to abide by all federal, state and local laws pertaining to the transfer

become the resistance. They haven’t
                                                          of firearms and the operation of a retail business on these premises. I further agree to abide by the rules and policies of NYSACA, Inc. pertaining to allowed
                                                          merchandise for sale or display, and safe conduct and security. I do hereby hold harmless and will not hold NYSACA, their officers, directors, staff or affiliates
                                                          liable for any and all claims and causes of action for injury, loss or damage to myself, my guests or my property incurred during participation in this show. I further
                                                          agree to open and staff my tables from 9-5 on Saturday and from 9-3 on Sunday.
                                                                  Please Print:
                                                                  Name: ________________________________________________
                                                                  Address:_______________________________________________                            Tel. No. (          ) _________________________________
                                                     APRIL 2020

                                                                                                                                                     Email Address ________________________________________
                                                                  City: ______________________State: _________ Zip: __________
                                                                                                                                                     N.Y. Sales Tax No. _____________________________________
                                                                  No. of Tables: _______ Amt. Paid: ________FFL Dealer:             Yes     No       Actual Tax Certificate Shows Following
                                                                  Type of Merchandise _____________________________________                          Name: ______________________________________________
                                                                  ______________________________________________________       Address:_____________________________________________

                                                                  TWO BADGES FIRST TABLE, ONE ADDITIONAL BADGE FOR             City: _______________________ State:_______ Zip: _________

                                The official journal of the New York State Rifle and Pistol Association
                                                                  EACH ADDITIONAL TABLE ORDERED.
                                                                  Extra Badge Names: ______________________________________________________________________________________________
                                                                  Desired Location:_________________________________________________________________________________________________
                                                                                                               DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE
                                                                             THIS SHOW                   LAST SHOW                    MEMBER                   DATE/AMOUNT PAID
                                                                       ( _______________ )                    ( _______________ )                   ( _______________ )                        ( _______________ )
Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah - USPS 996-700 Vol. 58 No. 5 - New York State Rifle and Pistol Association
Can We Get Practical?                                                                                          by Charlie Beers
Over the four decades I have walked         went as expected; the shotgun scores       shootists to leave the bench and hone
the ranges of shooting clubs near and       were higher than I expected. The 100-      some faded skill sets. Gather up some
far, I have seen an amazing increase in     yard rifle scores from a prone rest were   friends and pool $5 for an afternoon
the number of shooting benches. My          delivered with gusto. The score sheets     skills test, winner takes all.
home club has minimal space to fire         began to fall apart when people shot       Wouldn’t it be great to even dust off
from position or shoot in any sort of       the sitting and offhand portions of        a few iron sight rifles and spend some
practical fashion. At different times in    the course. Looking around, many of        time without optics? It is great fun
my life, I have enjoyed some benchrest      these folks were hunters with decades      to shoot an old sporterized Krag or
shooting. Lately, I strive to use a bench   of experience. What can we change to       Springfield well, right next to a 6.5
only for getting a zero and working up      increase a club’s level of skill?          mm wonder rifle with a moonscope.
loads. My goal for the next year is to      Even two-day high-power shoots             Some of the best field shots I have
break more rifle shooters away from         have provided data points between          ever hunted or shot with are men and
the bench and get them looped up in a       a Saturday NRA course of fire and          women who never shot groups from
sling or other practical position.          Sunday’s CMP course of fire. The           the bench or cared how small of a
The NRA was founded in 1871                 CMP shoots start from a standing           three-shot group they could deliver.
for the purpose of advancing rifle          position and require fast and clean        I have a friend who, after leaving the
marksmanship. There were significant        acquisition of a prone position looped     Marine Corps in the 1960s, carried
writings and film development               up and settled in. I always can tell       a Winchester Model 71 and seldom
dedicated to sling and position             who has spent time practicing in the       missed. He could pivot and shoot
shooting up through the mid-20th            kitchen or dry firing in the basement.     running game with ease just as easily
century. Personal favorite writings         Many good shooters struggle to get         as looping up for a precise seated shot
by Richard Mann and Col. Jeff               their rifles into a sling and start the    at 200 yards. Well into his 80s now,
Cooper also have educated the               relay behind the proverbial 8 ball.        this friend recently burned a few boxes
younger generations. The information        If you have no idea what to do with a      of shells with me as he rolled from
is available for folks who have a desire    sling, I would first read The Art of The   seated to prone and back again. I hope
to learn.                                   Rifle; next, find a Marine. My first       to be half as capable and still burning
As a casual sporting clay shooter, I find   Marlin 336 became a platform for my        powder in my eighth decade.
great pleasure in applying a shotgun        father to teach me proper use of a loop    Two years before his passing, Col.
to solve simulated field problems.          sling. As a Marine who cut his teeth       Cooper challenged his devotees to:
Different target presentations have         on the M14, the loop sling techniques      A 1,000 yard 20/20/20 contest for an
frequently mimicked real-life birds         were nearly part of my father’s DNA.       individual rifle shooter to fire 20 shots
later in the season. The world of “Run      Prior to my first African hunt, I spent    into a 20” circle in 20 seconds (no
and Gun,” Three Gun and IPSC seem           months practicing getting on and off       benchrest). My best internet sleuthing
in my opinion to have wavered from          of shooting sticks set at all different    says that the 1,000 yard 20/20/20 was
their roots of teaching practical skills.   heights. My most memorable shots           broken in 2007.
This is why I will spend the next 12        from Africa involved no shooting
                                                                                       I will start with the bar much lower
months trying to get folks off the          sticks, just a sling or a tree.
                                                                                       on a local level this year. What will it
bench and back to shooting rifles in        It is a learned skill to quickly see or    take to get 10 or 20 friends to build
field conditions.                           invent a field rest using a backpack,      skill and put five shots into six inches
I competed in a three-gun shoot             tree, window sill, rock or brush pile.     from a field position at 100 yards in
that saw friends and club members           Many days on my personal range are         30 seconds? If you have a different
expending lead from rifles, pistols and     spent working from position and with       challenge, please share it with me.
shotguns in July. The pistol portion        my nondominate side. I encourage all

8                                                       Bullet magazine
Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah - USPS 996-700 Vol. 58 No. 5 - New York State Rifle and Pistol Association
Five Senators Threaten the High Court
Never before has a group of U.S.              even though they could still re-enact              politically expedient, even if he clearly
Senators so lost their minds that they        similar or worse regulations if left to            contradicts his previous positions.
openly threatened the U.S. Supreme            their own devices.                                 These Democratic senators also
Court with being “restructured”               These senators obviously fear the                  wrote: “The lead petitioner’s parent
if they dared to rule in favor of             Supreme Court will faithfully                      organization, the National Rifle
the individual’s right to keep and            apply its Heller precedent, thereby                Association (NRA), promoted the
bear arms.                                    condemning the contested regulation                confirmation (and perhaps selection)
In a “friend-of-the-court” brief The          and perhaps establishing a standard                of nominees to this Court who, it
Wall Street Journal called an “enemy-         of review that would threaten                      is believed, would ‘break the tie’ in
of-the-court brief,” five U.S. senators,      other egregious regulations now                    Second Amendment cases.”
all Democrats, wrote: “The Supreme            preventing millions of law-abiding                 The First Amendment, as the
Court is not well. And the people             Americans from utilizing their Second              Democratic senators must be aware,
know it. Perhaps the Court can heal           Amendment-protected right to keep                  protects the “freedom of speech” and
itself before the public demands it           and bear (as in carry) arms.                       the right to “petition the government.”
be ‘restructured in order to reduce           The threat was so outrageous that                  This latter part, of course, protects a
the influence of politics.’ Particularly      all 53 Republican Senators signed a                right to lobby.
on the urgent issue of gun control, a         letter encouraging the U.S. Supreme                It is hardly uncommon—today and
nation desperately needs it to heal.”         Court to ignore the threat. After                  throughout American history—
The senators are Sheldon Whitehouse           quoting Alexander Hamilton, from                   for American citizens and their
(D-R.I.), Mazie Hirono (D-Hawaii),            Federalist No. 78, that “[t]he complete            associations of all ideological
Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.),                 independence of the courts of justice              persuasions to point out that justices of
Richard Durbin (D-Ill.) and Kirsten           is peculiarly essential in a limited               the U.S. Supreme Court have judicial
Gillibrand (D-N.Y.). They demanded            Constitution,” the Republican senators             philosophies that affect how they vote.
that the high court drop the NRA-             write: “And history has proven the                 Doing so is an important check on
supported case New York State Rifle           wisdom of this design. Time and                    democratically elected representatives
and Pistol Association v. City of New         again, our independent federal courts              in government—men and women who
York, a case that, at press time, was         have protected the constitutional                  nominate, vet and vote on Supreme
challenging a New York City gun-              rights of Americans from government                Court justices.
control law.                                  overreach even when that overreach
                                                                                                 The brief from these senators is further
This case involves a challenge to a           was politically popular.”
                                                                                                 evidence of an increasingly radicalized
New York City law that prevented              These five Democratic senators are                 and confrontational left-wing fringe
gun owners—residents who have                 even out of step with what Senate                  that refuses to recognize the legitimacy
“premises” permits—from taking their          Minority Leader Charles Schumer                    of any opposition to its agenda.
firearms outside the city even if the         (D-N.Y.) said in 2017. Schumer had
                                                                                                 This article was first published by Frank
guns were unloaded and in a locked            accused President Donald J. Trump of
                                                                                                 Miniter on Monday, November 4,
container separate from ammunition.           having “a disdain for an independent
                                                                                                 2019 and is re-published here with
After the court accepted the case last        judiciary that doesn’t always bend to
                                                                                                 the permission of NRA’s America’s 1st
January, New York City tweaked the            his wishes” after Trump criticized a
restrictions in an attempt to squash the      federal judge who ruled against his
Supreme Court case. New York City             administration. But then, Schumer has
then argued that because they altered         a habit of saying whatever he thinks is
the law, the case is moot. They say this

                                  The official journal of the New York State Rifle and Pistol Association                                    9
Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah - USPS 996-700 Vol. 58 No. 5 - New York State Rifle and Pistol Association
7Th Annual NRA Women on Target Clinic Held
At Marbletown Sportsmen’s Club                                                                      By Carol Wills Laurito

The Marbletown Sportsmen’s Club           safety, NY Article 35 Defense of          “goodie” tote bag with an NRA WOT
hosted its 7th Annual NRA Women on        Justification, rules of range safety      keychain flashlight, a copy of gun
Target Instructional Shooting Clinic      and more, plus a manual of relevant       safety rules from the NRA, as well as
Oct. 5, at its club grounds on Scarawan   information for them to keep. After       donated items from Topricin Natural
Road in Stone Ridge. This all-day         lunch, each participant received one-     Pain Relief Creams and the Henry
event is specifically geared for ladies   on-one instruction on how to handle       Repeating Arms Co.
with no or limited firearm experience.    a firearm and how to shoot safely,        For more information on the next
 Under the direction of Ken               conducted on the club’s firing range.     NRA WOT Clinic event, and
Cooper, head instructor; his assistant,    At the conclusion of this event, each    other upcoming events, contact
John Jenerose; along with assistance      of the women received a NRA Women         the MSC Clinic Director at (845)
of the MSC NRA certified safety           on Target Certificate of Recognition      687-7735, email, or
range officers and instructors who        for completing the firearm education      visit the MSC website at www.
volunteered to help with this event,      class and marksmanship orientation
these women received extensive            required during this clinic, along with
classroom instruction on firearm          a red canvas NRA Women on Target

10                                                    Bullet magazine
Vote Cushman NRA Board

 John Cushman
While others run away from NRA controversy, I am running to support them.

Nominated by Member Petition

John Cushman is a former NRA board member, hunter, target shooter and
founder, creator of Sportsmen’s Association for Firearms Education.

A strong advocate for firearms rights, he defeated a recent legislative proposal that
would have allowed authorities to enter a home without a warrant to see if the
homeowners were storing their firearms safely.

John is a member of the Military & Veterans Affairs; Vice Chair Grassroots
Development, Public Affairs; and NRA Whittington Center. He is an active fighter
for the Second Amendment and NRA benefactor member.

He is a life member and board member of the New York State Rifle & Pistol

John is a veteran of the U.S. Marines. He created Legal Defense Fund to fight
handgun licensing abuses. He organizes and runs largest yearly Second Amendment
Firearms Civil Rights Conference in the Northeast, which defends individual firearms
civil rights against anti-gunners. He also has defended individual firearms rights on
radio, television and print.

                 The official journal of the New York State Rifle and Pistol Association   11
Pistol Director                                                                                             by Steve Kraynak

The results of the 2019 New York           The “1st Sharpshooter” was Thomas           Congratulations to all these winners!
State Outdoor Precision Pistol             Martindale who posted 2354-40x.             As always, thanks go out to the match
Championship are now in the                Arthur Terwilliger, Kerhonkson, N.Y.,       directors along with their kitchen and
books. The match was held in three         won his first “Marksman” title putting      range personnel who worked so hard
locations this year, which included        a 2272-31x on the scoreboard.               to make this match a success. The
Castleton, DCPA and Niagara County                                                     composite Match results were sent out
                                           The “High Grand Senior” honors went
Sportsman’s Association. And, the                                                      electronically (via email) to each of
                                           to Gary P. Peterson, Levittown, N.Y.,
winners are:                                                                           match directors or their (designated
                                           firing 2559-70x.
The “Open Winner” was Shane                                                            staff member), at each of the locations
                                           The “High Senior” was Jim Hitt,
Murphy, New Hartford, Conn., firing                                                    that held the championship match.
                                           Stamford, N.Y., posting 2519-71x.
a 2604-98x to take top honors.                                                         They were directed to forward those
                                           The “High Junior” title went to             results to each of the competitors who
The “New York State Champion”
                                           Giancarlo Scolaro, Fishkill, N.Y.,          attended the match at their locations.
winning the “Wukovits award” was
                                           firing 1813-19x also for his first win as
Paul Agneta, Troy, N.Y., who fired                                                     All competitors were asked to submit
                                           “High Junior.”
2573-80x to win his first New York                                                     their email addresses when signing up
State Championship title.                  The “High Service/Police” winner was        for the match on their Competitor Fact
                                           Reginald Thomas of Brooklyn, N.Y.,          Sheets.
“1st Master” honors went to Clifford
                                           firing a 2273-36x.
White, Pittsfield, Mass., firing a score                                               As always I encourage each and all
of 2598-98x.                               Winning the “Martinez Award”                to get others involved in the shooting
                                           (High NYS Hard Ball shooter) for the        sports, which will hopefully translate
Top “Expert” honors were earned by
                                           first time was Bruce Martindale, of         to greater match participation.
Konstantin Pitsoulis, Brooklyn, N.Y.,
                                           Charlton, N.Y., posting a 274-10x.
who fired a 2506-61x.                                                                  Good shootin’!

              Tom King, the Board of Directors and the staff at NYSRPA would like to wish everyone

                    Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah
                    and a Happy and Healthy New Year.
12                                                     Bullet magazine
NYSRPA needs you!
                                                                 YORK STA
                                                          EW             TE


                                               R I FLE

                                                                              , IN

                                                         PI S                IO
                                                                TOL A SOCIAT

            There is no doubt that Cuomo, Bloomberg, DeBlasio and liberal Anti-Second Amendment
            people are trying to destroy the NRA and NYSRPA. We are certain that you’re aware of what
            legal costs are in today’s economy. We are fighting hard against their cause.

                                       Here is the bottom line: Dig Deep.
            Contribute to keeping the state of New York free. Free from Cuomo’s utopia, free from
            DeBlasio’s utopian New York City mentality; free to protect one’s self, home and family.

                      Freedom is NOT free. It always costs dearly. Remember that.
                                               Make donation to NYSRPA
                                          PO Box 278 East Greenbush, NY 12061
                                                   We need your help today!

Name (Please PRINT)


City                                                                  State                  ZIP

Amount of donation: $_______________________

□ Check/money order (payable to NYSRPA)		                       □Visa		       □MasterCard		             □Discover     □AMEX

Credit Card Number:                                                   CVV No. (required)		                     Exp. date

                              The official journal of the New York State Rifle and Pistol Association                      13
Can Ammunition “Go Bad”?
We know you love to stash ammo,             So why, then, do ammo companies tell       push a conservative message, likely
because no gun owner wants to be            us the shelf life of their ammo is 10      because they don’t want the liability
without a few rounds when they need         years?                                     if it fails to fire (and, hey, they’d like
it most. But does it have a shelf-life?     Fact is, the life of ammo is relative      to sell more ammo...fair enough).
When does it go bad, if ever? In this       and unpredictable. It’s based on the       Still, however, you should practice the
article we’ll examine what causes           quality of the manufacturer’s loading      following tips to make sure your ammo
ammo to peter-out, and what you can         techniques and its components,             is in tip-top shape when it’s finally
do to prolong its life.                     including powder and primer type           loaded into the breech.
I remember the day I asked my father        and their proper sealing. But after        Store your ammo in a climate-
if we could shoot “the old .303.” To my     manufacturing, a round’s life comes        controlled place that seldom to never
delight, he said yes. (I guess he’d had     down to the conditions under which         fluctuates higher or lower than a
a good day at work, because I’d been        it lives.                                  20-degree temperature change.
asking him for years!) He’d bought the      Ammo, like good wine, should be            “Around 70 degrees with 50%
Lee Enfield WWI-era bolt-action at          stored in a cool, dry place without        humidity is ideal,” said Wicklund.
a pawn shop for $5 when he was 18,          sunlight. It should have no drastic        This rules out attics and non-climate-
and he used it to take his first buck.      temperature changes and shouldn’t be       controlled garages.
He’d bought several boxes of military       jostled a bunch. You should never store    If the area where you must store
surplus .303 British ball ammo to go        it with or near oils or solvents. That’s   ammo is humid, store it in an
with it.                                    because both can eventually infiltrate     air-tight canister or o-ring sealed
Thirty-some-odd years later--with his       the cartridge and void the powder.         plastic container. Throw a silicon
gun cabinet now flush with modern           Ammo should never be stored in             anti-humidity pack in there as
.308s, .243s and .30-06s--we dusted         super-high temperatures, like in a car     well. Consider purchasing a dedicated
off the old rifle off and marched out       trunk in the summertime where temps        dehumidifier that’s powerful enough
of the house with two stripper clips        can exceed 135. Over time, doing so        for the size of the area where the
full of greenish-colored .303 ammo to       can break down the chemical structure      ammo is stored. Depending on the size
shoot. I raised the rifle to my shoulder,   of the powder and lead to degraded         of the area, one can be purchased for
aimed through the peep sights and           performance, if not outright failure       around $150.
Blam! The rifle fired as if the year were   to fire.                                   Practice the milk-at-the-supermarket
1925 and the ammo was shiny-new.            Will it fire if it’s been stored in a      technique wherein the first ammo you
Twenty-five years later, I was asked to     dank basement? Probably, but maybe         place in storage is the first to be fired.
write this story. I trekked back to my      not. Will it fire after 50 years if it’s   This way you’ll keep all of your ammo
now-departed father’s gun cabinet,          been stored in a cool, dark, airtight      as fresh as possible.
grabbed the .303 and a few cartridges       container? Again, probably, but            If you must get rid of ammo that just
and marched down to the pond-dam            maybe not. The point is, you should        looks too corroded to use, call your
range. Blam! The gun fired! The ammo        do what you can to make sure the           local shooting range to see if they can
is at least 75 years old, if not 100.       odds are in your favor that it fires.      accept it for disposal. If not, you can
“I’ve shot factory loads from the 1870s,    And if it’s ammo that you may trust        call the non-emergency police line
and they went bang and hit the target       your life upon--such as rounds for         to inquire if you can bring it in for
accurately,” said NRA Museums               your concealed carry gun--shoot it for     disposal.
Senior Curator Doug Wicklund,               practice after three to five years and
                                                                                       This article was first published by Jeff
affirming that ammo can indeed last a       buy more. It’s just smart policy.
                                                                                       Johnston on Monday, October 28, 2019
long, long time, and the .303 wasn’t a      Fact is, all modern ammo will last         and is republished here with permission
fluke.                                      more than 10 years if it’s been stored     from the NRA
                                            reasonably well. Ammo companies
14                                                      Bullet magazine
Stolen Rifle Returned after 20 Years in
Washington Town’s Police Evidence Storage,
Long Waits Typical Nationwide
Twenty years after a Stevens .22             “Federal laws should be put in place               returned, retained, or disposed of, so
caliber rifle was stolen from an area        to require prosecutors and police to               it’s left up to prosecutors and police.
resident, police in Kelso, Wash.,            return private property faster,” Paul              Many prosecutors and police also have
discovered the owner had been                Paradis said in a phone interview with             few guidelines in place.
deceased for three years. They returned      America’s 1st Freedom. Paradis is a 28-            Many police departments prefer to
the rifle to the next of kin, the owner’s    year retired ballistic forensics expert            hold onto evidence for later legal
eldest son who “had no idea” the gun         and criminologist with the Colorado                challenges, particularly now that DNA
even existed.                                State Public Defenders’ Office, which              testing can influence closed cases.
It took 10 years for the prosecuting         has 21 regional offices. He also owns a
                                                                                                Even if the evidence can be returned
attorney to give permission to release       gun shop that was once burglarized, so
                                                                                                for other reasons, low staffing may
the rifle and another 10 years for the       he feels he has experienced the issues
                                                                                                prevent police from following through.
police to do so.                             surrounding evidence retention from
                                             both sides.                                        In a detailed investigation of police’s
“Around 2009, KPD received a                                                                    retention of personal property, several
property release from the [prosecuting       Paradis noted that a judge can order
                                                                                                district attorneys told reporters the
attorney’s] office for this case, meaning    officials to conduct their evidence
                                                                                                system to return property is “chaotic
the property could go back to its            testing and return evidence to its
                                                                                                [and] ‘ridiculous.’” They also said “none
original owner,” the Kelso Police            owner immediately, but few people can
                                                                                                of the parties involved in property
Department said in a Facebook post           afford the attorneys’ fees that method
                                                                                                seizures communicate effectively,
Oct. 2. “For some reason unbeknownst         would require and often don’t know it’s
                                                                                                leaving property owners without a
to our current Property and Evidence         an option.
                                                                                                way to recover their things even when
Clerk … the rifle was still here at KPD      Are firearms returned less often than              prosecutors make it clear they no
[in 2019].”                                  other evidence? “Oh, yes,” Paradis                 longer need the items.”
That the stolen rifle was recovered at       responded. “And in some places, like
                                                                                                The Kelso, Wash., police declined an
all seems to be unusual. A Kelso police      California, if [police] get their hands
                                                                                                interview request for this story; they
captain told a news reporter: “It’s not      on a gun, they look for any reason to
                                                                                                also did not respond to a request for a
very common for stolen property to           destroy it.”
                                                                                                copy of their evidence procedures in
be found and returned to its rightful        According to one source, police                    time for publication.
owner.”                                      departments can hold onto personal
                                                                                                This article was first published by Mel
The 20-year wait for the rifle’s return      property in evidence “anywhere from
                                                                                                Dixon - Friday, October 25, 2019 and is
seems to be less unusual. A long delay       the closing of the case until the end of
                                                                                                reprinted here with permission from NRA
for personal property kept in evidence       time.” That source also notes:
                                                                                                America’s 1st Freedom
to be returned seems common,                 Few state guidelines exist in the U.S.
particularly for firearms.                   to determine when evidence should be

                                 The official journal of the New York State Rifle and Pistol Association                             15
The Divine Source
of American Freedom
                                                                                     by Carl Gottstein

From where do Americans derive our basic                 of survival. Combining understanding of
rights? Simple answer: GOD.                              human nature and God’s law with America’s
 A divine source of American freedom                     traditions and circumstances, America’s
empowers, “We The People …” to this day.                 founders created the most free, most just
                                                         government our world has ever seen. The
Thomas Jefferson did not invent the ideas that
                                                         benefits of this system based on the laws
he used to justify the American Revolution.
                                                         of nature are most felt individually. Our
He, himself, said that he had adopted
                                                         basic individual rights being timeless and
the “harmonizing sentiments of the day.”
                                                         unalienable is among our most important
These ideas were, so to speak, “in the air,”
                                                         and valued American traditions. States can
at the time. The Magna Carta also greatly
                                                         temporarily restrict rights, but our system is
influenced early American colonists and the
                                                         set up to restore federally recognized rights in
formation of the American Constitution in
                                                         court whenever and wherever the case arises.
1787, which then became the supreme law of
                                                         The restoration of these rights is not without
the land in the new republic of the U.S.
                                                         cost or effort, but fight for our rights we must!
Our nation’s founders intended Americans be              Eternal vigilance and a willingness for each
governed for the most part by laws derived of            generation to cherish American freedom
nature and of nature’s God:                              and part of the cost of being an American
   All men are created equal, that they are              is defending and holding these ideals and
   endowed by their Creator with certain                 principles most dear.
   unalienable Rights, that among these                       “Public sentiment is everything. With
   are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of                       public sentiment, nothing can fail;
   Happiness.                                                 without it nothing can succeed.” -
Jefferson penned these immortal words                         Abraham Lincoln
almost 250 years ago and they still resonate                  (
through the ages as some of the truest and                    constitution/natural-rights.html)
most noble words ever written. Our courts
                                                         NYSRPA is fighting every day in the courts,
are charged with upholding our laws and we
                                                         in Albany’s legislative office building and in
place natural rights at the top of our legal
                                                         the streets. By the time you read this, the U.S.
order. America’s founders believed natural,
                                                         Supreme Court will have started taking oral
God-given rights of man are fixed and
                                                         arguments on NYSRPA v. NYC.
universal. I believe that, too. For instance, the
right to keep and bear arms is an extension of           Thank you for all you do to support our
the natural right to defend my life, the right           efforts!

   The official journal of the New York State Rifle and Pistol Association                            17
The Truth about Good Guys with Guns
While the mainstream media                 to 2.96 million. In the same “Statistical   studies that support and advocate for
frequently bends the facts to promote      Abstract” table, under “Assault,” there     restrictive gun laws.)
their propaganda, it’s clear that          is a subcategory covering “Threatened       That informative Pew Research Center
firearms are used many times each day      with Weapon.” These numbers also            report also provides information on
in America to save lives.                  declined significantly; in 1995,            mass shootings. Deaths from mass
So how many times a day do firearms        1.52 million were threatened with           murders are a very small percentage
in the hands of good guys and gals         a weapon, but in 2009 only 510,00           of firearm homicides. According to a
save lives? Though the data suggests       people were, according to this data.        Congressional Research Service report,
this happens a lot more than the media     These crime declines are the opposite       78 public mass murders occurred in
will report, it is a difficult thing to    of another dramatically rising number:      the U.S. from 1983 through 2012,
measure. Part of the reason is crimes      background checks for firearms              claiming 547 lives and injuring 476
that are avoided often go unreported.      transfers. Background-check numbers         people. (This was the most recent year
Also, no law-enforcement agency            held steady in the mid-7-million range      the numbers were tabulated.) This is
tracks the positive uses of firearms or    annually from the late-1990s, but then      far less than numbers reported by most
attempts to calculate the number of        jumped significantly to 9.9 million in      of the media.
lives saved. Part of the reason for this   2008 and on up to 10.76 million in          Another Pew Research Center 2017
is that it’s difficult to calculate what   2009. The National Instant Criminal         report on reasons why people chose
might have happened. Another is that       Background Check System (NICS)              to own a firearm found that 67% of
police departments are tasked with         has raw data with slightly higher           firearms owners say protection is a
solving crimes, not with doing research    numbers. It begins at approximately         major reason for owning a firearm. In a
on what actually prevents crimes.          8.5 million transfer checks in 2000         14-year span, the emphasis for owning
Many law-enforcement agencies do,          and ends with more than 14 million          a firearm in America had shifted from
of course, track the use of firearms       requests in 2009. These numbers signal      hunting to self-protection. The report
in crimes, as these are much more          a sharp rise in the number of firearms      also notes that 75% of gun owners say
measurable statistics. The FBI, for        being purchased.                            having a gun in the home makes them
example, provides numbers on crimes        These rising gun sales, meanwhile,          feel safer. Another PEW report notes
and firearms. Mostly, it has data on       coincide with a sharp decline in            that 42% of U.S. households have
background checks—on those who             crime. To put this plainly, as gun sales    firearms in them.
have purchased or attempted to buy         rose significantly, crimes and attacks
a firearm. The report also covers          declined.                                   How Often Do Good Guys
statistics on homicides and murders.       Another report by the Washington,           Save Lives?
“The gun homicide rate in 2010 was         D.C., based Pew Research Center,            Good guys with guns do save lives.
the lowest it had been since CDC           “Gun Homicide Rate Down 49%                 An often-cited study was done in
began publishing data in 1981.” The        Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware,”           1995 by Gary Kleck and Marc Gertz.
U.S. Census Bureau’s 2012 “Statistical     confirms that as firearms sales have        It was titled, “Armed Resistance to
Abstract” report, however (Section 5,      increased, crime rates have gone down.      Crime: The Prevalence and Nature of
Table 315, “Criminal Victimization         This report notes: “The gun homicide        Self-Defense with a Gun.” It found
Rates: 1995 to 2009”), is an average of    rate in 2010 was the lowest it had been     that guns are used for self-defense in
attempted crimes. In 1995, according       since CDC began publishing data             America about 2.1 to 2.5 million times
to the Bureau of Justice Statistics,       in 1981.” (The CDC is the Center            per year. In contrast, in 1997, David
attempted or threatened crimes             for Disease Control and Prevention,         Hemenway, director of the Harvard
averaged about 7.06 million. By 2009,      a federal agency that has conducted         Injury Control Research Center
the number had dropped significantly                                                   and the Harvard Youth Violence

18                                                     Bullet magazine
Prevention Center, determined that           mainstream media apathy for this
Americans use guns defensively about         topic, you’d think the fact that good
55,000–80,000 times per year.                guys with guns save lives is a new
Those numbers are wildly different,          concept. It’s not. Twenty years ago,
but like many such studies, they             John Lott, author of More Guns, Less
used different methods to measure            Crime, and his research partner wrote:
self-defense gun use. But then, even         “We find that allowing citizens to
if the lowest number here (55,000)           carry concealed weapons deters violent
                                             crimes and it appears to produce no                Stephen Willeford, a former NRA firearms instructor, grabbed
is the most-accurate, this would                                                                his rifle, ran to the scene and confronted the Sutherland
mean that Americans use guns to              increase in accidental deaths. If those
                                                                                                Springs attacker.
defend themselves at more than four          states which did not have right-to-
times the homicide rate (there were          carry concealed gun provisions had                 soon found the attacker had wrecked
13,252 homicides in the U.S. in 1997,        adopted them in 1992, approximately                his vehicle and was dead.
according to FBI data). This begs the        1,570 murders; 4,177 rapes; and over               Numerous outlets reported this attack,
question: How many more murders              60,000 aggravated assaults would have              but unsurprisingly, many of those
would there be if more law-abiding           been avoided yearly.”                              focused on the attack, the firearms
Americans were prevented from                                                                   and the victims, but never—or only
defending themselves?
                                             The Media Ignores So Many                          passingly—mentioned how a good
American gun owners also clearly             Good Guys with Guns                                guy with a gun stopped a bad guy
aren’t shooting first and asking             Even when good guys with guns save                 with a gun. A CNN online report,
questions later, as many in the              lives—many lives—the mainstream                    for example, had 30-plus, highly
mainstream media claim. According            media focuses almost exclusively on                detailed paragraphs about the attack,
to the FBI, there were 299 “justifiable      the criminals. They seem to purposely              the killer and the firearms, but in only
homicides” with a firearm in the U.S.        ignore the good guy or gal who saved               one buried sentence gave some scant
in 2017. Whichever number regarding          lives.                                             details on the action by Willeford
self-defense is the most accurate,                                                              that stopped the attack. This is typical
                                             The mainstream media quickly ignored
justifiable homicides are clearly a very                                                        mainstream-media reporting of guns
                                             parts of the story, for example, after
small portion of self-defense gun uses                                                          used by citizens to save lives.
                                             a murderer killed 26 worshippers
by legal gun owners in America.              in November 2017 at a Sutherland                   Uses of firearms to save lives, however,
Some media members have looked               Springs, Texas, church. A neighbor (a              does garner the attention of law
into this; for example, in an April          good guy with a gun) heard the shots               enforcement.
2019 article, “How Many Lives                and screams. That neighbor, former                 A couple in Sharon, Pa., for example,
Are Saved by Guns—and Why                    NRA firearms instructor Stephen                    received awards from the local
Don’t Gun Controllers Care?” at              Willeford, grabbed a rifle, ran to the             Fraternal Order of Police for stopping, Larry Elder          scene, confronted the attacker and shot            an attack in a public park near their
writes: “Almost all national survey          him several times. The murderer, who               home. The couple was home when they
estimates indicate that defensive gun        was hit in the upper torso, dropped                heard screams, so they retrieved two
uses by victims are at least as common       his rifle and began shooting back                  pistols and went to investigate. They
as offensive uses by criminals, with         at Willeford with a pistol. The now                discovered several young men who
estimates of annual uses ranging             seriously injured attacker then fled the           had been stabbed and were now being
from about 500,000 to more than              church, jumped into his vehicle and                beaten with baseball bats by a group
3 million per year, in the context of        sped away from the scene. Willeford                of attackers. When the attackers saw
about 300,000 violent crimes involving       and another citizen gave chase, but                continued on page 20
firearms in 2008.” But, given the

                                 The official journal of the New York State Rifle and Pistol Association                                               19
Be Mindful of Serial Numbers When Posting
Your Gun Photos Online
Because of data-mining abilities in       The premise was that optical-character    this publicly available data mine is
this digital age, you may want to be      recognition—a process used to allow       unsettling.”
mindful of posting photos of your         pictures showing license plates to be     That said, it is best to not have legible
firearms online with visible serial       read and sorted—could be applied as       serial numbers on any firearms-related
numbers to deter the creation of a        well to photos of guns, provided the      photos you post on the internet or in
firearms database.                        serial number shows on the photo. The     social media images.
Technology advances may enable            Blog writer extended the search to
                                                                                    You may want to take the extra time
your gun photos to be archived and        suppressors and got hits on those and
                                                                                    to make sure that the serial numbers
aggregated online for searching.          firearms.
                                                                                    aren’t readable. This simple step
While it is unknown if anyone is doing    According to the Blog, “It’s clear        could deter having your information
such tracking, it may be wise to ensure   that the firearms community is            compiled in a firearms database that
your serial numbers don’t show up in      not being singled out by this data        could be used by anti-gunners.
your firearms photos.                     mining operation. And no, you as
                                                                                    This article was first published by L.A.
                                          an individual cannot readily lookup
Recently, The Firearm Blog did an                                                   Luebbert - Monday, October 28, 2019
                                          someone’s personal information
experiment on firearm photos after                                                  and is re-printed here with permission
                                          with only firearm serial numbers.
reading an article called “Google and                                               from NRA America’s 1st Freedom
                                          … Regardless…the knowledge of
Facebook Are Reading Your License

continued from page 19
the good guys (well, one lady and one     even save police officers. The pages of   This article was first published by Michael
man) coming to the aid with firearms,     NRA publications report these heroic      D. Faw on Sunday, October 27, 2019
they stopped their assault and fled       deeds monthly in our “The Armed           and is reprinted here with permission
the scene.                                Citizen” column.                          from the NRA
Actually, it’s well-documented            Spread the word: Good guys with guns
that average citizens with firearms       do save lives many times each day.
frequently save lives—sometimes they

20                                                    Bullet magazine
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