Middle Years Questions? - Welcome to CBC - Christian Brothers College

Page created by Brad Larson
Middle Years Questions? - Welcome to CBC - Christian Brothers College
Welcome to CBC

Middle Years
 Email: transition@cbc.sa.edu.au
Middle Years Questions? - Welcome to CBC - Christian Brothers College
Getting to Know Us

2   Key Staff                       11 Student ID Card
2   Our Vision                      11 Student Laptops
2   Our Mission                     11 Textbooks
3   Important Dates                 11 Lockers and Locks
4   Weekly Timetable                12 Mobile Phones
4   Arrival, Lateness and Absence   12 Subject Selections
5   The Senior Campus               12 Camps
6   Your House                      13 Co-curricular Program
8   Student Code of Conduct         13 Canteen
8   Conduct in Public               14 SEQTA App
9   Uniform                         14 Operoo / QKR!
10 Jewellery                        15 Newsletter
11 Haircuts and Grooming            15 Communication

                  Welcome to CBC

                          Middle Years
Middle Years Questions? - Welcome to CBC - Christian Brothers College
The Christian Brothers College Middle Years are

                                                                               Welcome to our Community
                       where life-long learners are fostered, student
                       leadership is developed and learning is dynamic
                       and purposeful.
                       The College’s core values of Faith, Excellence,
                       Community and Compassion are at the forefront
                       of our curriculum and students strive and are
                       supported to achieve academic and personal
                       Christian Brothers College is committed to Middle
Mr Jamie Couch         Schooling philosophy where your son’s academic,
Head of Middle Years   social, emotional and spiritual needs are nurtured
and Transition         and all students are welcomed and safe. The
                       Middle Years are the key link between the Junior
                       and Senior years as young adolescent boys are
                       experiencing changes in their lives from developing
                       relationships, questioning their schooling,
                       challenging the voices of parents, teachers and
                       wanting greater independence. Therefore, the
                       CBC Middle Years Program prides itself in the
                       area of Teaching and Learning in 21st Century
                       boys’ education. We have developed a flexible,
                       exciting curriculum in order to engage, challenge
                       and promote a positive attitude toward the boys
                       learning and school life as a whole. Teachers tailor
                       their curriculum to meet the individual needs and
                       interest of the boys, whilst developing and creating
                       a collaborative approach to their learning.
                       Our commitment to ACARA ensures that the
                       quality and equity of the curriculum reflects 21st
                       Century education. In particular, students will
                       explore Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
                       histories and cultures along with Australia’s
                       engagement and links with Asia.
                       Literacy, Numeracy and differentiation are a priority
                       across all curriculum areas and staff ensure your
                       son’s learning style is addressed and catered for.
                       Please contact me on 8400 4200, for any queries
                       you may have relating to your son’s education in
                       the Middle Years.
                       Mr Jamie Couch
                       Head of Middle Years and Transition

Middle Years Questions? - Welcome to CBC - Christian Brothers College
Key Staff
Dan Lynch                 Principal                              dlynch@cbc.sa.edu.au
Cameron Alexander         Deputy Principal                       calexander@cbc.sa.edu.au
Lee Del Col               Head of Senior Campus                  ldelcol@cbc.sa.edu.au
Anthony Farina            Director of Students                   afarina@cbc.sa.edu.au
Jamie Couch               Head of Middle Years and Transition    jcouch@cbc.sa.edu.au
Stephen Clohesy           Head of Learning Enrichment            sclohesy@cbc.sa.edu.au
Anthony Callisto          Director of Identity and Mission       acallisto@cbc.sa.edu.au
Nick Jackson              Head of Digital Technologies           njackson@cbc.sa.edu.au

Heads of House
Gabriel Portolesi         Head of Avila House                    gportolesi@cbc.sa.edu.au
Debra Withers             Head of Callan House                   dwithers@cbc.sa.edu.au
Richard McLoughlin        Head of Nagle House                    rmcloughlin@cbc.sa.edu.au
David Salamone-Violi      Head of Sion House                     dsalamone-violi@cbc.sa.edu.au
George Bryant             Head of Treacy House                   gbryant@cbc.sa.edu.au
Chris Mellow              Head of Waterford House                cmellow@cbc.sa.edu.au

Student Support
Riley Atkinson            Head of Co-curricular                  ratkinson@cbc.sa.edu.au
Will Mariuz               Co-curricular Assistant                wmariuz@cbc.sa.edu.au
Julie Foord               Uniform Shop Manager                   jfoord@cbc.sa.edu.au
Aaron Burrowes            Counsellor                             aburrowes@cbc.sa.edu.au
                          IT Support                             ithelp@cbc.sa.edu.au

Our Vision                                     Our Mission
As a learning community Christian              We reflect the wisdom and lessons of our
Brothers College inspires excellence. We       College’s rich tradition and history, offering
aim to be energetic and compassionate          a respectful welcome to all. We rise above
contributors to the world. Contemporary        the ordinary by encouraging and celebrating
and dynamic educational programs               educational endeavour, excellence and lifelong
provide the basis for life-long learning in    learning. We nurture spirituality through individual
a community where life, faith and family       and collective expressions of faith in our
are celebrated.                                contemporary society. We encourage an authentic
                                               response to the poor and marginalised thereby
                                               contributing to the creation of a just world.

                     Welcome to CBC
                                Middle Years
Middle Years Questions? - Welcome to CBC - Christian Brothers College
2022 Term Dates
Important Dates      Wednesday 2 February Term 1 Commences
                                          Face-to-face: Rec, Years 1, 7, 8 and 12.
                                          Remote learning for all other years levels
                       Monday 14 February All students return to face-to-face learning
                          Thursday 14 April Term 1 Concludes

                             Monday 2 May Term 2 Commences for all students
                               Friday 1 July Term 2 Concludes for all students (Week 9)
                                              Term 2, Week 10 is a student-free week for
                                              staff professional development.

                            Monday 25 July Term 3 Commences for all students
                       Friday 30 September Term 3 Concludes for all students

                        Monday 17 October Term 4 Commences for all students
                     Thursday 8 December Term 4 Concludes

                  Important Events

                              Friday 8 April Sports Day

                            Thursday 5 May Edmund Rice Feast Day

                        Wednesday 25 May Mother & Son Evening

                         Monday 15 August Feast of the Assumption Mass

                     Wednesday 10 August Father & Son Evening

Middle Years Questions? - Welcome to CBC - Christian Brothers College
Weekly Timetable

                             Mon            Tues          Wed          Thurs         Fri
                            Pastoral      Pastoral      Pastoral      Pastoral    Pastoral
     8.42am – 9.00am
                             Care          Care          Care          Care        Care
                                                          L1 /
    9.00am – 10.00am           L1            L1         Pastoral        L1           L1
    10.05am – 11.05am          L2            L2            L2           L2           L2
                             Long           Long          Long         Long         Long
    11.05am – 11.45am
                            Recess         Recess        Recess       Recess       Recess
    11.45am – 12.45pm          L3            L3            L3           L3           L3

    12.50pm – 1.50pm           L4            L4            L4           L4           L4
                             Short         Short         Short         Short       Short
     1.50pm – 2.10pm
                             Lunch         Lunch         Lunch         Lunch       Lunch
     2.10pm – 3.10pm           L5            L5            L5           L5           L5

Arrival, Lateness and Absence
Students are expected to move          The College attendance         Absentee / Late Line:
to their pastoral care rooms by        system will send an
8.42am. If a student arrives at        automatic SMS message          0428 604 806
school after 8.50am he must            to parents of students          (Send SMS Only)
report to the office before going      who have an unexplained
to class. School concludes at          absence. Parents will
3.10pm every day.                      also be notified by SMS if a
                                       student arrives late.
Students who are late will have
this recorded electronically.
Please send an SMS message to
0428 604 806 (Senior Campus) if
your son is running late or will be
absent from school.

                   Welcome to CBC
                              Middle Years
Middle Years Questions? - Welcome to CBC - Christian Brothers College
Additional Sporting Facilities
                                                                                                                                                                       Ovals in Bartels Road
                                                                                                                                                                       Tennis in Hutt Street
                                                                                                                                                                       Tennis in Wakefield Street
                                                                                                                                                                       Rowing at Memorial Drive
                                                                                                                                                                       Rowing at Dotteral Drive

                                                                                   To Uniform Shop

                                                                                                                     Sportsfield (Level 1)

                       Ifould Street
                                                                                                               Overpass (Ifould
                                                                                                                                Bo        ulevard)
                                                                                           UP                                                                                          Ifould Street
                                                                                                                            O’Brien Building                      UP

                            Lift                                                                                                                     IT Dept
                                       Western                                                                                                                         Walsh Lecture
                                                                                                                UP                                                       Theatre
                       UP                                  Drama     EG Smith Building                                                         UP
                                                                                                    Canteen                    Library
                                                                     Food Tech (Level 1)
                                                                                                                                                                                  Rice Building (Level 1)
    Chapel (Level 1)                                   Hurley Wing
                                                                                                                                                                                  Tech Centre (Ground)

                                                                                   UP                                                                           UP
                                                                                             Lift             Courtyard
                        Brothers’ House

                                                                                         Centre of Innovation
                                                                                            and Learning                                                    Student
                                                       Reception                                                                                          Equity Centre

                                                         214 Wakefield St

                                                                                                                                               The Senior Campus
Your House
The House system is a structure that             The Pastoral Care teacher provides an
develops relational learning at Christian        environment that nurtures each student
Brothers College and is focused on student       to grow into their full potential respecting
wellbeing. Avila, Callan, Nagle, Sion,           individuality while at the same time
Treacy and Waterford Houses are named            providing a sense of belonging. There are
after significant people and places that are     two vertically grouped (Years 7–9) Pastoral
connected with the story of Edmund Rice.         Care groups per House in the Middle Years
Each House has a crest, colour, motto and        and three vertically grouped (Years 10–12)
charity. They have House events, formal          Pastoral Care groups per House in the
and informal functions and are involved in       Senior Years.
intra and inter-house competitions. Healthy
                                                 Each individual’s strengths will be valued
rivalry fuelled by loyalty to House colleagues
                                                 and used to create bonds across peers of
builds traditions and rituals which support
                                                 similar ages. The ability to establish cross
the four College values: Faith, Excellence,
                                                 age support provides opportunities for
Community and Compassion.
                                                 students to develop leadership skills and
Building on an already strong Pastoral           put College policy into action e.g., Anti-
Care program, the House system enables           bullying, Restorative Justice and Personal
students and Pastoral Care teachers to           Responsibility Policies reinforce a collegiate
establish a relationship of trust, support       approach to mutual trust and support
and friendship. Students remain with this        between staff, parents and students by
same House for the duration of their time        forging lasting and authentic professional
at Christian Brothers College, ensuring a        relationships. The House system continues
sense of belonging. A student’s Pastoral         to spread the responsibility of building
Care teacher will be the first and central       community.
link to many College activities, events and

                   Welcome to CBC
                              Middle Years
Avila House                                  Callan House
           Write Your Own Story                          Justice with Courage
Named after St Teresa of Avila who inspired    Named after the township of Callan where
    in Edmund through her writing                     Edmund Rice was born

            Nagle House                                    Sion House
             Shine Your Light                               Faith into Action
Nano Nagle was a role model for Edmund            Mt Sion was the first school built by
and the mission of the Christian Brothers            Edmund in 1802 in Waterford

            Treacy House                               Waterford House
      Through Wisdom and Strength                           Answer the Call
  Br Ambrose Treacy, sent by Edmund to          In honour of the city of Waterford where
establish schools in Australia including CBC    Edmund was a prominent businessman

Student Code of Conduct
Students are expected to uphold these           You have the right to:
principles of CBC:                              ƒ   Reach your full learning potential in a
ƒ   Excellence – in your schoolwork,                safe and supportive environment.
    extracurricular, sporting and other         ƒ   Be safe.
    personal endeavours.
                                                ƒ   Be treated with respect, courtesy and
ƒ   Respect – for your teachers, parents,           kindness.
    peers and members of the community.
                                                ƒ   Be treated fairly and justly.
ƒ   Courtesy – for everyone you interact
                                                ƒ   Have your human rights, and other legal
                                                    rights respected.
ƒ   Pride – in yourself, and the way you
                                                ƒ   Be an active part of, and contribute
    represent the College.
                                                    positively to the community.
ƒ   Personal Responsibility – for your
    actions.                                    You have the responsibility to:
ƒ   Integrity – and honesty in all of your      ƒ   Follow the College’s policies,
    dealings.                                       procedures and the directions of
                                                    teachers at all times.
ƒ   Sensitivity – to avoid causing offence
    or hurt.                                    ƒ   Enable others to learn in a safe and
                                                    supportive environment.
ƒ   Tolerance – for others, regardless of
    their background, age, race, gender,        ƒ   Treat others with respect, courtesy and
    sexuality, religion or race.                    kindness.
ƒ   Inclusion – of all those who decide to      ƒ   Represent the College well in the
    come to Christian Brothers College, and         community.
    of those in the community.                  ƒ   Accept and consider the consequences
These values are to be upheld in the                of your actions.
way you conduct yourself not only in the        ƒ   Respect the human rights and legal
College, but also the community. Students           rights of others.
are expected to observe and uphold this
statement of rights and responsibilities.

Conduct                   Students travelling to and from the College by public transport
                          are expected to behave in a positive, courteous and socially
in Public                 acceptable manner. Students should demonstrate respect by:
                          being appropriately dressed in accordance with the CBC Uniform
                          Policy, being seated, talking quietly and complying with the
                          expectations of transport authorities.
                          Any complaints received from authorities will be communicated to
                          parents as they are managed by the College.

                   Welcome to CBC
                               Middle Years
The college uniform should be worn
correctly at all times both within and outside
the college grounds. Our presentation says
much about our identity and is a statement
of the pride we share as a community. It
is important that as a college community
we work collaboratively to ensure a high
standard of dress and caregivers are
encouraged to support this objective by
ensuring their sons are dressed neatly and
in the correct attire.

Summer Uniform (Terms 1 and 4)
ƒ    Blue over-shirt with logo
ƒ    Navy CBC formal shorts
ƒ    Navy striped short CBC socks
ƒ    Black leather school shoes (business
     style – refer to image)                         Winter Uniform (Terms 2 and 3)
ƒ    CBC broad brim hat (compulsory for all          ƒ   Purple CBC Blazer
     students). In alignment with our school         ƒ   CBC striped shirt and tie
     Sun Smart Policy, this may also include
                                                     ƒ   Grey CBC jumper
     certain days in Terms 2 and 3, weather
     dependent                                       ƒ   Grey trousers purchased from the
                                                         Uniform Shop (Grey shorts are not
ƒ    Grey CBC jumper
                                                     ƒ   Grey or purple CBC socks
                                                     ƒ   Black leather school shoes (business
                                                         style – refer to image)
                                                     ƒ   A navy or purple and white scarves with
                                                         embroidered College emblem may be
                                                         worn with the Winter Uniform only, neck
                                                         warmers are not permitted
                                                     ƒ   The CBC Beanie can be worn to and
                                                         from school and at recess and lunch
                                                     In winter months additional layers for
    Black leather school shoes to be worn with the   warmth may be necessary for some
              Summer or Winter Uniform               students. If non-CBC uniform items are
                                                     worn they must not be visible or replace
                                                     an item that already exists as part of this

Physical Education Uniform                      Jewellery
ƒ    Purple CBC polo top for PE
                                                CBC has a NO jewellery policy for
ƒ    Navy and purple CBC PE shorts and/or       all College activities and off-campus
     tracksuit bottoms                          excursions and camps with the
ƒ    CBC sport socks or plain white             exception of:
ƒ    Tracksuit or rugby top (Not to be worn     ƒ   A medical alert bracelet and/or
     with the winter/summer uniform)                necklace which must be worn at all
ƒ    CBC sports cap                                 times
ƒ    Lace-up sneakers/sports shoes              ƒ   Watch
     appropriate for sport and physical         ƒ   A necklace that sits below the top
     activity (canvas/volley/high top style         button of the shirt with or without an
     shoes are not permitted)                       acceptable religious icon attached
ƒ    All students are required to have a
                                                The necklace and watch must be removed
     House top for school inter-House
                                                for PE, Tech Studies and other contact
     activities such as Sports Day
All students are permitted to wear their PE
                                                Jewellery not permitted to be worn includes
uniform to and from school on the days
                                                rings, earrings, spacers, and any other
they have practical PE lessons only.
                                                piercings (including facial and tongue
The PE uniform is not to be worn to and         piercings). Students who present with an
from school on PE theory days.                  earring will be asked to remove it or replace
                                                with a small clear stud. Band-Aids cannot
House Tops                                      be used to conceal piercings.
All students are required to have a House
                                                The Head of House have the delegated
top for school inter-House activities such as
                                                responsibility for supporting students in
Sports Day.
                                                adherence to this policy and has the right to
School and Laptop Bags                          ask the student to place the
                                                item in an envelope
It is compulsory for all students to use a
                                                for collection at the
CBC School bag to and from school that
                                                end of the day.
must be stored in their student locker
during school time. All Senior Campus                                    Uniform Shop
students with a BYO Device are required
to use a black satchel-style laptop bag                               227 Flinders Street, Adelaide
(no back packs) to carry their laptop to                                  Ph (08) 8400 4249
and from classes. For year levels who
have a College supplied laptop, the only                                Normal Trading Hours
acceptable bag is the laptop bag supplied                                 Monday: 8am – 4pm
by the College.                                                          Wednesday: 8am – 1pm
                                                                          Friday: 12pm – 4pm
                                                                           Holiday trading hours
                                                                                on website

                    Welcome to CBC
                               Middle Years
Haircuts and Grooming                            Student ID Card
At CBC student’s hair must comply with the       Students will be issued with a Student ID
following:                                       card early in Term 1. These cards must be
                                                 used for late arrivals or early departures at
ƒ   Not dyed
                                                 the front office, borrowing books and public
ƒ   Above the collar, and off the face. If the   transport.
    hair is longer than the collar it must be
    tied up at all times to comply with these
    requirements                                 Student Laptops
ƒ   Distinct patterns including long             All students in Year 7, 8 and 9 will
    dreadlocks, and shave patterns are not       be issued with a brand new laptop,
    permitted                                    charger and CBC laptop bag.
ƒ   Student’s hair cut must not be lower
                                                 Students will be responsible for the care of
    than a number 1
                                                 the device and a small fee will be charged
ƒ   There should not be a major                  for any damage to the computer.
    discrepancy between long and short/
    shaved hair                                  Students in Years 1 0 – 12 are required to
                                                 bring their own device. Further information
If a student is in doubt of a particular cut     can be found on the College’s website:
or style they should consult their Heads         https://www.cbc.sa.edu.au/byod
of House, Director of Students or Head of
Middle Years & Transition before they have
a haircut.                                       Textbooks
Students must be clean shaven and                Text books will be distributed to students
sideburns should be no lower than the            at the commencement of classes by their
earlobe. Students will be directed by a CBC      teachers.
staff member (teaching or support staff)
to shave immediately. Refusal to follow
instructions will result in an appropriate
                                                 Lockers and Locks
consequence being applied.                       Each student will be issued a locker and
                                                 lock. Only the school locks provided must
                                                 be used to secure lockers.

Mobile Phones                                  Subject Selections
Mobile phones and other electronic devices     Students in Year 7 are undertake all
may be brought to school but remain at         curriculum areas including The Arts,
all times the responsibility of the student.   Design and Technology and will study one
Phones and devices must remain in a            semester of Italian and one semester of
student’s locker between the first and last    Chinese. (The study of both languages
bell of the day and can only be accessed       allows for an informed decision in Year 8)
within the locker during standard break
times. They are only allowed to be taken
to class with explicit teacher permission
for appropriate educational purpose.           The Year 7, 8 and 9 camps will combine the
Students not adhering to this policy will      Religious Education program traditionally
have their phones or devices confiscated       presented as ‘Retreat’ and the ‘Rites of
and collected at the end of the day from       Passage’ program designed to challenge,
Student Reception.                             strengthen, and develop not only the
Due to our policies, the camera feature on     individual’s inner spiritual beliefs but
mobiles is not permitted to be used at any     begin their journey from ‘boy to man’.
time unless under teacher direction for pre-   The students will complete activities that
approved educational purposes. Students        will develop team skills, challenge their
are reminded that use of mobile phones         own strength and courage to allow for
as a form of cyber-bullying is in breach our   discussion on ‘what it looks like to become
Harassment Policy.                             a man’.

                                                         Phones and devices
                                                          must remain in the
                                                          locker during the
                                                             school day

                   Welcome to CBC
                             Middle Years
Co-curricular Program                              Canteen
CBC places great emphasis on the role              The College Canteen is open each morning
and importance of physical and other               from 8am and has a selection of food
co‑curricular activities in the education of its   and beverage to start the day. Students
students. As well as the Physical Education        may pre-order their recess or lunch prior
program, CBC offers a wide range of                to Pastoral Care each morning at the
competitive sports and activities.                 Canteen and collect their food at the
                                                   commencement of their breaks. The
Much value can be gained by involvement
                                                   canteen is also available each recess
in co‑curricular activities. Exercise, the
                                                   and lunchtime with a designated ‘Middle
learning of skills, friendship, trips away
                                                   School’ line.
and the fun of competing are all positive
benefits of the inter-school program. Also,        The Canteen offers a wide variety of
it is important that senior students find a        delicious items with a rotating selection of
balance between study and recreation,              specials.
the latter being crucial to success in the
former. Over the years many of the best            Orders can also be made in person or
students have involved themselves fully in         online using the QKR! app. For details and
the sporting program.                              current prices, refer to the College website.

It is an expectation that all students from
Years 4–12 will partake in the College’s
co‑curricular program.
Once a commitment to a sport or activity
is made, it must be honoured through
the whole season. Summer season being
Terms 1 and 4, and winter being Terms 2
and 3. Team nominations require mutual
respect for other schools who have
nominated in good faith. Therefore opting
in and out of a co-curricular activity within
a season is not an option. Students who
play a sport at club level which is offered by
the College, are expected to play that sport
for CBC. This may involve more than one
For further information, refer to the
CBC Co‑curricular Policy at
Co‑curricular information and schedules are
provided via dedicated portals in SEQTA
and students and parents are encouraged
to check this regularly.

SEQTA App                                      Operoo / QKR!
All students and parents have their own        Operoo is an online system for registering
secure portal login using SEQTA to access      student emergency contact and medical
parental alerts posted by staff, student       information. This system is an easy way
reports, virtual classrooms, marks and         for parents/caregivers to keep these
assignments and any documentation              details up-to-date. It also puts parents in
provided by the teacher.                       control of this data so you will always know
                                               what emergency contacts and medical
Login details are provided to parents at the
                                               information is shared with CBC. The
commencement of the school year and
                                               college also utilises Operoo for obtaining
parents are encouraged to check the portal
                                               parental consent for various events
regularly to keep up-to-date on your son’s
                                               including excursions.
                                               For canteen orders, uniform shop products
For further information about SEQTA
                                               and other items, the college uses Qkr!
including download instructions, visit:
                                               (pronounced ‘quicker’) and is a convenient
                                               and efficient and secure way to make online
SEQTA Engage website for Parents:              purchases.
                                               Further information about Operoo and Qkr!
SEQTA Learn website for Students:              can be found on the College’s website.

     My SEQTA Login Information



                   Welcome to CBC
                              Middle Years
Newsletter                                   Communication
The CBC online newsletter Insight is         Both parents and students are free to
published electronically each fortnight on   contact teachers via SEQTA message or
Fridays throughout each term, keeping        by ringing the school. Please follow this
parents and students informed of the         sequence:
school’s activities.
To subscribe to Insight or to view the
current or past editions please visit the
College’s website:                               1      Pastoral Care Teacher
                                                        or Subject Teacher

                                                 2      Head of House or
                                                        Head of Learning

                                                 3      Head of Middle Years /
                                                        Director of Students

                                                 4      Head of Senior Campus

                                                 5      Deputy Principal


        Welcome to CBC
             Middle Years
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