The University of Auckland Certificate in Foundation Studies - PROSPECTUS 2019 - Celebrating 20 years - ACG Education

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The University of Auckland Certificate in Foundation Studies - PROSPECTUS 2019 - Celebrating 20 years - ACG Education
                                         20 years
                                      of partnership
                                    The University of Auckland
                                        & ACG Pathways

The University of Auckland
The University
Certificate      of Auckland
            in Foundation Studies
Certificate in Foundation
PROSPECTUS     2019       Studies
The University of Auckland Certificate in Foundation Studies - PROSPECTUS 2019 - Celebrating 20 years - ACG Education
Welcome to
the University of Auckland
Welcome to ACG and your pathway to
the University of Auckland.
By choosing ACG and the University of Auckland
Certificate in Foundation Studies you will be starting an
exciting journey based in Auckland, New Zealand’s largest
and most liveable city.

University is about more than just gaining a qualification.
More than 7,000 international students choose to study
at the University each year, making lifelong friends,
developing valuable life skills and gaining academic
qualifications from world-class teachers and researchers
who are globally respected. The University of Auckland
guarantees entry to all students whose results in the
Certificate in Foundation Studies meet the specified
entry requirements for each of the University’s degree
programmes and who meet other entry requirements for

Since 1999 we have been collaborating with ACG, and the
foundation students who come to us as undergraduates
perform well academically at university level. The
collaboration between the University of Auckland
and ACG offers you access to a comprehensive range
of world-class qualifications in an excellent learning
environment. Whatever your future goals, your study
experience will broaden your horizons and help you
become a free thinker. The University of Auckland offers
an extremely wide variety of subjects – and you’ll learn
from outstanding teachers, many of whom are global
leaders in their field.

The University of Auckland Certificate in Foundation
Studies is accredited by Universities New Zealand and is
recognised for entry to all New Zealand universities.

On behalf of the University of Auckland, I welcome you
to our Certificate in Foundation Studies programme
and look forward to welcoming you to the University on
successful completion of your foundation studies at ACG.

Stuart McCutcheon
The University of Auckland

The University of Auckland Certificate in Foundation Studies - PROSPECTUS 2019 - Celebrating 20 years - ACG Education
Why study with us?
The University of Auckland is an international, research-led university recognised for excellence, its significant
contributions to the advancement of knowledge, and a commitment to serve its local, national and
international communities.
The University of Auckland is New Zealand’s largest and highest-ranked university and is situated right in the
heart of Auckland city.

              In top 20                                                            In top 50
              universities worldwide for
                                                                                   universities worldwide
              Archaeology (#10), Education
                                                                                   in 18 subjects*
              (#17) and Anatomy (#18)*

              #1                                                                   30+
              for graduate employability                                           undergraduate programmes
              in New Zealand*                                                      across 125 subjects

              5 out of 5 QS Stars
              for excellence in research, teaching,                                40,000+
              facilities, internationalisation,                                    students
              innovation and inclusiveness*

               *QS World Universities Rankings 2018

The University of Auckland Certificate in Foundation Studies - PROSPECTUS 2019 - Celebrating 20 years - ACG Education
Study in New Zealand



                                                CHINA                                                      NORTH AMERICA

                                      INDIA                                                                                CENTRAL AMERICA

                                                                                           PACIFIC OCEAN

                                                                                                                       SOUTH AMERICA
                                  SOUTHEAST ASIA


                                                                                         NEW ZEALAND

                                                                                                                      Least Corrupt
                                                                                                                      in the World*

                                                                                Tauranga                              #1
                                                                                                                      in Worldwide
                                                                                                                      Educating for
                                                                                                                      the Future**

                                                                                                                      Most Peaceful
                                                                         Wellington                                   Country
                                                                                                                      in the World***

                                                                                                                      in the World^

                                                                                                                      New Zealand
                                                                                                                      qualifications are
                                                                                                                      globally recognised

     *Corruption Perceptions Index 2017, Transparency International
     **Worldwide Educating for the Future Index, The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU)
     ***Global Peace Index 2018, Institute for Economics & Peace
     ^2018 World Happiness Report

The University of Auckland Certificate in Foundation Studies - PROSPECTUS 2019 - Celebrating 20 years - ACG Education
Britomart, central Auckland                   Ponsonby Central, Auckland

Cycling to the top of North Head, Devonport   View of Auckland city from the north

           NEW ZEALAND'S

Auckland War Memorial Museum                  The University of Auckland clock tower

The University of Auckland Certificate in Foundation Studies - PROSPECTUS 2019 - Celebrating 20 years - ACG Education
Study in Auckland
Auckland, 'the City of Sails', is a modern and dynamic Pacific Rim city and important international centre.

Positioned at the top of New Zealand’s North Island, Auckland stretches across a narrow isthmus separating
west from east and is home to over 1.5 million people.

Why it's a great choice
The more than 50,000 international students who choose to study in Auckland can’t be wrong!

For more information on studying in Auckland, visit:

                                                              ACG Pathways Campus

The University of Auckland Certificate in Foundation Studies - PROSPECTUS 2019 - Celebrating 20 years - ACG Education
3rd                      Top New Zealand city
              most liveable city       for job opportunities, climate,
              in the world*            environment and lifestyle***

              in top 25                13th       ranked city
              student cities           in the world for responding
              worldwide**              to future challenges^

*Mercer Quality of Living Index 2018
**QS World University Rankings 2018
^WSP Global Cities Index 2018

        The University of Auckland

The University of Auckland Certificate in Foundation Studies - PROSPECTUS 2019 - Celebrating 20 years - ACG Education
The University of Auckland
Certificate in Foundation Studies
The University of Auckland Certificate in Foundation               Subjects
Studies* is the perfect transition course for international
students wishing to achieve University Entrance                    Compulsory:
qualifications and enter a New Zealand university to study.        • English for Academic Purposes (EAP)
Students enrol and receive two offers of place:                    Four subjects from the following:
• a Letter of Offer for the Certificate in Foundation              • Accounting
  Studies                                                          • Art History
• a conditional Offer of Place for an undergraduate                • Biology
  degree at the University of Auckland                             • Chemistry
Once a student successfully completes the Certificate              • Economics
in Foundation Studies (and meets other admission                   • Geography
requirements), the University of Auckland sends them
                                                                   • Physics
a confirmed Offer of Place. Note that the certificate
the student receives after successfully completing the             • Design
course is accredited by Universities New Zealand and is            • Photography
recognised for entry into all New Zealand universities.            • Statistics
*The University of Auckland Certificate in Foundation Studies is   • Mathematics
taught by ACG New Zealand International College.
                                                                   (Painting and Music available subject to demand)
Campus location                                                    To successfully complete the Certificate in Foundation
                                                                   Studies, students must pass a minimum of four academic
Classes are delivered at the ACG Pathways Campus,
                                                                   subjects (40% is a pass), and achieve a B grade or higher
345 Queen St, Auckland. The campus is only 10 minutes’
                                                                   in English for Academic Purposes (EAP) or an IELTS level
walk from the University of Auckland where students can
                                                                   of at least 6.0 overall.
access the library, learning centres and sports facilities.
                                                                   Entry to the University of Auckland requires the Certificate
The ACG Pathways Campus has top-quality facilities,
                                                                   of Foundation Studies (with a minimum aggregate of
including well-equipped and air-conditioned classrooms
                                                                   marks – see pages 16–17), and a B grade or higher in EAP
and computer laboratories.
                                                                   or IELTS level of at least 6.0 overall (with no band lower
                                                                   than 5.5).
Academic entry requirements
Students must be at least 16 and show proof of                     Start dates
successful academic experience/qualifications at:
                                                                   The academic year is divided into four terms, with
• New Zealand Year 12 level (NCEA Level 2); or                     short breaks between each term and a longer break
• Grade 12/11 (Asia); or                                           between Term 4 and Term 1. There are four intakes per
                                                                   year. Attendance at Orientation is required for all new
• Senior high school 3rd/2nd year, or equivalent
                                                                   foundation studies students (see page 9 for start dates
                                                                   inclusive of Orientation).
                                                                   Orientation introduces students to the ACG Pathways
The University of Auckland awards one NZ$5,000
                                                                   Foundation Studies programmes, with information on
scholarship per term to the top-performing student in the
                                                                   academic subject selection, banking advice, pastoral care
Foundation Studies programme. This award acknowledges
                                                                   and IT support.
exceptional academic performance and is awarded to the
student who achieves the top mark overall in the cohort.
                                                                    2019 term dates (exclusive of Orientation)
The award is credited towards the first year of tuition fees
at the University of Auckland.                                      Term 1        Mon 4 February–Fri 12 April

                                                                    Term 2        Mon 29 April–Wed 26 June
Digital learning
ACG makes full use of modern technology and digital                 Term 3        Mon 22 July–Fri 20 September
learning to deliver modern and engaging programmes.                 Term 4        Mon 7 October–Wed 11 December
• Each student receives an iPad for full access to course
  materials for the duration of their course
• ACG Pathways was acknowledged as an Apple
  Distinguished School (2017–18), reflecting the school’s
  innovative use of technology in teaching to effectively
  support student learning goals

The University of Auckland Certificate in Foundation Studies - PROSPECTUS 2019 - Celebrating 20 years - ACG Education
Programme options
To enrol in the University of Auckland Certificate in Foundation Studies, students select a programme option that
best suits their academic level and English language proficiency. Students who have not achieved the required level of
English can enrol in an English language course on any Monday* throughout the year at ACG English School.

    8–9 MONTHS (3 TERMS)
    Students must be able to show proof of English language proficiency at the level of:
    •   IELTS 5.5 (minimum of 5.0 in all bands); or
    •   equivalent in ACG English Language Test (ACGELT); or
    •   ACG English School Academic Level 4; or
    •   agreed equivalent

     START DATES (inclusive of Orientation)                            FEES
     2019                                                              2019
     29 April, 7 October                                               NZ$28,000

    12 MONTHS (4 TERMS)
    Students must be able to show proof of English language proficiency at the level of:
    •   IELTS 5.0 (minimum of 4.5 in all bands); or
    •   equivalent in ACG English Language Test (ACGELT); or
    •   ACG English School Academic Level 3; or
    •   agreed equivalent

    START DATES (inclusive of Orientation)                            FEES
    2019                                                              2019
    31 January, 18 July                                               NZ$28,750

    18 MONTHS (6 TERMS)
    Students must be able to show proof of English language proficiency at the level of:
    •   IELTS 4.5 (minimum of 4.0 in all bands); or
    •   equivalent in ACG English Language Test (ACGELT); or
    •   ACG English School Academic Level 2; or
    •   agreed equivalent

    START DATES (inclusive of Orientation)                             FEES
    2019                                                               2019
    31 January, 18 July                                                NZ$42,000

Additional fees
Airport greeting and transfer fee (one way, per person)              			                           NZ$110
Medical and travel insurance^ (12 months)					                                                     NZ$633
Resources and Course Materials Fee (courses up to one year)			                                     NZ$700
Subject examination fees 							                                                                   NZ$350
IELTS examination fees (only for degrees requiring IELTS) 				                                     NZ$385

*Or Tuesday where Monday is a public holiday
^International students are required to have comprehensive medical and travel insurance while in New Zealand. ACG will arrange
cover for students through the Southern Cross International Student travel insurance policy to cover the duration of the student
visa. For full details, visit
The University of Auckland Certificate in Foundation Studies - PROSPECTUS 2019 - Celebrating 20 years - ACG Education
A degree from
the University of Auckland
A degree from the University of Auckland will be an excellent foundation for your future
career whether you stay and work in New Zealand, or elsewhere in the world.

Faculties                                                    Degrees from the University of Auckland
The University of Auckland offers a broad range of degrees   are unique
and programmes for international students.                   A unique feature of degree programmes at the University
• Arts (Humanities, Social Sciences, Cultures,               is the General Education component. Students select one
  Languages, Linguistics)                                    or two courses from a wide variety of subjects beyond
                                                             their usual field of study to contribute towards a well-
• Business School (Accounting, Management,                   rounded education.
  Marketing, Information Systems, International
                                                             This gives students a greater understanding of New
                                                             Zealand and its place in the world, as well as the
• Creative Arts and Industries (Architecture, Dance,         opportunity to mix with other students and benefit from
  Design*, Fine Arts, Music, Urban Planning)                 cross-disciplinary research opportunities.
• Education and Social Work (Early Childhood, Primary
  and Secondary Teaching, Social Work, Health, Sport
  and Physical Education)
• Engineering (Biomedical, Civil, Chemical and Materials,
  Computer Systems, Electrical and Electronic,
  Engineering Science, Mechanical, Mechatronics)
• Law (Commercial, Environmental, International,
• Medical and Health Sciences (Nursing, Medicine,
  Pharmacy, Optometry)
• Science (Biological, Chemical, Computer, Earth,
*Subject to standard regulatory approval

The academic year
The University academic year is made up of semesters:
• Semester 1: late February–late June
• Semester 2: mid-July–mid-November
• Late Year term: early December–early March
• Summer School: early January–late February
Some degree programmes have both Semester 1 and
Semester 2 intakes (see pages 16–17).

Degree structure
Points and courses
A degree programme usually consists of 120 points of full-
time study per academic year. A three-year degree involves
360 points, a four-year degree 480 points, etc.
Most full-time students study eight papers of 10–30
points each per academic year. Generally, students taking
courses with higher points values per paper will study
fewer papers overall.

Majors, minors and specialisations
Choose a specialisation, a single or double major, or a
major and a minor. This is the focus of a large proportion
of a degree programme as the subject is taken to the
most advanced undergraduate stage.

Campus information
Once you successfully complete your Certificate in          Student Leadership Programme
Foundation Studies and fully enrol at the University of     Get involved in a leadership programme, from one-off
Auckland, you qualify for the following student services    interactive talks to two-day intensive workshops.
and opportunities:
                                                            Volunteer Hub
                                                            Try volunteering for any of a wide range of organisations
iSPACE is a lounge on campus dedicated to international     and community projects, and receive official recognition
student activities, and it is a great place to meet         for your efforts on your university transcript.
other students. The lounge also hosts social activities,
workshops and other student events.
                                                            For more information on the University of Auckland, visit:
AskAuckland                                                 •
Find the answers to all your questions on the               •
University of Auckland via the online student portal.
Clubs and societies
Join one of the more than 200 clubs on campus. Check
them out at the Clubs Expo, held during Orientation week.

360 International exchange programme
Undergraduate students can apply to spend one or two
semesters abroad at one of more than 110 partner
universities in 24 different countries.

English language for university study
Take English Language Enrichment (ELE) classes at any
time to improve your academic English.

Request a UniGuide (a current student from your faculty)
to help you navigate around campus and answer your
questions during the first few weeks of semester.

Student stories

     How dreams are realised
     "Because of the differences in the schooling systems of New
     Zealand and Bahrain I needed to do a Foundation Studies course
     to ensure I was prepared to pursue my tertiary education in this
     country," says Bahraini student Mohamed Alansari.
     "I completed a Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics and Education,
     followed by an honours degree in Education (with first-class
     honours), a Master of Arts in Education (also with first-class
     honours), and I've now completed a PhD specialisation in the social
     psychology of education.
     "I am a research fellow at the Faculty of Education and Social
     Work at the University of Auckland. As part of my role I give
     lectures on educational and social psychology, research methods
     and improving outcomes for university students.
     "I'm a big dreamer. I see myself in the future taking on a
     challenging leadership role that allows me to have a greater
     impact on how we teach students and cater to their needs at all
     educational levels."

                                                        Learning the business of
                                                        Xinpei (Harriet) Zhou came to New Zealand from China when
                                                        she was 17.
                                                        "I decided to do the University of Auckland Certificate in
                                                        Foundation Studies because it provided English study together
                                                        with subjects I had never learned at school in China, like
                                                        Accounting and Economics. It made me better prepared for the
                                                        University of Auckland where I did a Bachelor of Commerce with a
                                                        double major in Marketing and International Business.
                                                        "The teachers at ACG Pathways were very friendly and one of
                                                        them ignited my passion for business studies. The course is good
                                                        because it gives students the opportunity to try different subjects
                                                        and adapt to New Zealand culture."
                                                        Now a successful marketing professional, Harriet runs her own
                                                        company specialising in helping New Zealand and Australian
                                                        brands excel in China. In 2016, she received the Valuable
                                                        Contribution award from the New Zealand Chinese Association
                                                        for her work promoting Chinese culture in Nelson.

Welfare and accommodation
We care about our students
The wellbeing of students is our top priority. We know that to study successfully and achieve good results students must
be comfortable in their study and living environments. We abide by the government’s Pastoral Care of International
Students Code of Practice in everything we do.
We provide:
• Orientation day for all students
• A low ratio of students to each programme dean, allowing for dedicated support
• Student Support Advisors, available to help with questions, support or advice
• Activities and trips, as part of the curriculum for some subjects
• Regular homestay checks by homestay staff (students may also give feedback confidentially)

While studying in New Zealand, international students may choose to live with their parent(s) or a designated caregiver.
To get the most out of experiencing New Zealand life though, students are encouraged to live with a family in homestay

Homestay accommodation includes a room for the student with a bed, desk, adequate heating and internet access.
Meals include breakfast and dinner Monday–Friday, and breakfast, lunch and dinner on Saturdays/Sundays/public and
school holidays. Laundry is also included.
Homestay Plus families accommodate up to two international students at a time. A separate bathroom is available for
the student(s).
• A 24/7 call centre number is provided for help in case of emergency
• All accommodation arrangements are thoroughly checked – each homestay family is interviewed and the home
  inspected to our satisfaction before we arrange a student placement
• All homestay providers sign a contract agreeing to specific rules and standards and undergo a vetting procedure by
  New Zealand Police
• All students under the age of 18 are visited in their accommodation a minimum of three times per year by homestay
• All payments are made to the homestay provider via the New Education Group Student Fees Trust

Homestay fees
Homestay fees are weekly rates*. Additional days are charged at one-seventh the weekly rate. Note that for homestay
placements in Auckland Central** the weekly fee increases by NZ$30.
• Auckland students under 18 years				                                                  NZ$305 per week (Homestay Plus NZ$340)+
• Auckland students 18 years and over				                                               NZ$290 per week (Homestay Plus NZ$325)+
*Weekly rate includes accommodation, laundry and meals (breakfast and dinner Monday–Friday; breakfast, lunch and dinner on Saturdays, Sundays, public
holidays and school holidays when student does not return home)
**Auckland Central includes: City Centre, Mt Eden, Epsom, Freemans Bay, Grafton, Greenlance, Grey Lynn, Herne Bay, Kingsland, Newmarket, Newton, Parnell,
Pt Chevalier, Ponsonby, Remuera, St Marys Bay, Sandringham
+Includes a weekly charge for compliance services

Additional fees (if applicable)
• Accommodation Placement Fee*				                                                      NZ$300
• Under 18 Accommodation Guarantee and Services Fee**                                   NZ$600 per year (or NZ$150 per term)
• Change of Homestay Fee+					                                                          NZ$100 per change
• Holiday retainer rate~						                                                          NZ$100 per week
• Airport greeting and transfer service				                                             NZ$110
*Fee charged only where ACG arranges student accommodation
**Fee charged where a student under 18 lives with a homestay provider arranged by parent(s), student, or their representative, allowing for accommodation to be
checked once per term to ensure Code of Practice requirements are being met
+Fee applies only when a student requests a change of homestay for reasons deemed unacceptable, and/or for a student who frequently changes homestays (fee
charged at discretion of Registrar)
~Weekly rate when student is away on holiday and requests room/belongings be held by homestay host (rate charged after fifth day)

Student apartment
Students over 18 years of age may wish to book student apartment accommodation. Note that this is the responsibility of
the student/parent(s)/agent to arrange. ACG Pathways can supply a list of providers in Auckland.
• Auckland single room (minimum booking: 4 weeks)		                                     NZ$240–490 per week approx.
• Security bond* (depends on apartment) 			                                             from NZ$400 to 4 weeks’ rent approx.
*Partially or fully refunded when a student leaves the accommodation provided it is left in an acceptable condition

Entry requirements for
the University of Auckland
For Certificate in Foundation Studies students applying for entry to the University of Auckland in 2019/2020
Note that students who enter the University of Auckland with English proficiency below IELTS 6.5 overall with no band below 6.0 (or English minimum
grade B+) are required to pass an Academic English course during their first year of study.

                                       Minimum entry
                                       marks from best         Minimum English            Semester                                                           Duration
  Faculty        Programme                                                                                        Additional requirements
                                        4–5 academic         language proficiency          intake                                                             (years)
Faculty       Bachelor of Arts         220                   English B grade minimum,    Semesters                                                           3
of Arts       (BA)                                           or IELTS 6.0 overall with   One and Two
                                                             no band below 5.5
Cross-        Bachelor of Global       270                   IELTS 6.5 overall,          Semesters                                                           3
faculty       Studies (BGlobalSt)                            minimum 6.0 in each         One and Two
Business      Bachelor of              230                   English B grade minimum,    Semesters                                                           3
School        Commerce (BCom)                                or IELTS 6.0 overall with   One and Two
                                                             no band below 5.5

              Bachelor of              230                   English B grade minimum,    Semesters                                                           3
              Property (BProp)                               or IELTS 6.0 overall with   One and Two
                                                             no band below 5.5
Creative      Bachelor of              320 (in 5 subjects)   English B grade minimum,    Semester One    By selection only (subject to qualitative           3
Arts and      Architectural                                  or IELTS 6.0 overall with                   evaluation of portfolio of creative work and
Industries    Studies (BAS)            280 (in 4 subjects)   no band below 5.5                           written statement)1
              Bachelor of Dance        220                   English B grade minimum,    Semester One    By selection only (subject to qualitative           3
              Studies (BDanceSt)                             or IELTS 6.0 overall with                   evaluation of CV, written statement and
                                                             no band below 5.5                           audition/interview)1

              Bachelor of Design       230                   English B grade minimum,    Semester One                                                        3
              (BDes)**                                       or IELTS 6.0 overall with
                                                             no band below 5.5
              Bachelor of Fine         220                   English B grade minimum,    Semester One    By selection only (subject to qualitative           4
              Arts (BFA)                                     or IELTS 6.0 overall with                   evaluation of portfolio of creative works and
                                                             no band below 5.5                           written statement)1
              Bachelor of Music        220                   English B grade minimum,    Semester One    By selection only (subject to qualitative           3
              (BMus) – Creative                              or IELTS 6.0 overall with                   evaluation of audition/composition portfolio –
              Practice in Classical,                         no band below 5.5                           see requirements on UoA website)1
              Composition, Jazz,
              or Popular Music
              Bachelor of Music        220                   English B grade minimum,    Semester One                                                        3
              (BMus) – Music                                 or IELTS 6.0 overall with
              Studies                                        no band below 5.5

              Bachelor of Urban        320 (in 5 subjects)   English B grade minimum,    Semester One    By selection only (subject to qualitative           4
              Planning (Honours)                             or IELTS 6.0 overall with                   evaluation of written statement)1
              (BUrbPlan (Hons))        280 (in 4 subjects)   no band below 5.5
Faculty of    Bachelor of              230                   IELTS 7.0 overall, with a   Semester One    By selection only (subject to satisfactory          3
Education     Education                                      minimum of 7.0 in                           interview, police check, safety checks and
and Social    (Teaching)                                     each band                                   referees’ reports - may also need to sit literacy
Work          (BEd (Tchg))                                                                               and numeracy assessment)1
              Bachelor of              230                   English B grade             Semesters                                                           3
              Sport, Health &                                minimum, or IELTS 6.0       One and Two
              Physical Education                             overall with no band
              (BSportHPE)                                    below 5.5
              Bachelor of Social       230                   IELTS 7.0 overall,          Semester        By selection only (subject to satisfactory          4
              Work (BSW)                                     minimum 7.0 in              One             police check, safety checks and referees’
                                                             each band                                   reports; interview may be required)1
Faculty of    Bachelor of              320 (in 5 subjects)   IELTS 6.5 overall,          Semester        Calculus and Physics                                4
Engineering   Engineering                                    minimum 6.0 in each         One;
              (Honours)                280 (in 4 subjects)   band                        Semester Two
              (BE (Hons))                                                                by selection
                                                                                         (subject to
Faculty of    Bachelor of Laws         Students must         Must meet minimum           Semesters       Students selected into Part II on basis of          4
Law           Part I (LLB              have place in         English language            One and Two     Part I results
              (Part I))                another bachelor's    requirements for other
                                       degree; entry         bachelor’s degree
                                       based on entry
                                       requirements for
                                       that degree

Minimum entry
                                           marks from best         Minimum English            Semester                                                   Duration
  Faculty           Programme                                                                                      Additional requirements
                                            4–5 academic         language proficiency          intake                                                     (years)
Faculty of     Bachelor of Health          270                   IELTS 6.5 overall, with a   Semester         One science subject2                       3
Medical        Sciences (BHSc)                                   minimum of 6.0 in each      One only (for
and Health                                                       band                        pathway to
Sciences                                                                                     MBChB),
                                                                                             otherwise also
                                                                                             Semester Two
               Bachelor of Medicine        No direct entry                                   Semester One     No direct entry; applicants selected       63
               and Bachelor of Surgery                                                                        on basis of first-year results in BSc
               (MBChB)                                                                                        (Biomedical Science), or BHSc, UMAT
                                                                                                              score and interview.1
               Bachelor of Nursing         270                   IELTS 6.5 overall, with a   Semester One     One of Biology, Chemistry or Physics;      3
               (BNurs)                                           minimum of 6.0 in each                       limited numbers of places available –
                                                                 band                                         selection by interview1

               Bachelor of Optometry       No direct entry                                   Semester One     No direct entry; applicants selected       54
               (BOptom)                                                                                       on basis of first-year results in BSc
                                                                                                              (Biomedical Science), plus interview1

               Bachelor of Pharmacy        No direct entry                                   Semester One     No direct entry; applicants selected       45
               (BPharm)                                                                                       on basis of first-year results in
                                                                                                              BSc (Biomedical Science) or BHSc
                                                                                                              programmes, plus interview1

               Bachelor of Medical         No direct entry                                   Semester One     No direct entry; applicants selected       4
               Imaging (Hons)                                                                                 on basis of first-year results in BSc
               (BMedImagH)**                                                                                  (Biomedical Science) programme, plus
Faculty of     Bachelor of Science         270                   English B grade minimum,    Semester One     One science subject2                       3
Science        (BSc) – Biomedical                                or IELTS 6.0 overall with
               Science                                           no band below 5.5

               Bachelor of Science         260                   English B grade minimum,    Semester One;    One science subject2                       3
               (BSc) – Food Science &                            or IELTS 6.0 overall with   Semester Two
               Nutrition                                         no band below 5.5           subject to
               Bachelor of Science         260                   English B grade minimum,    Semester One;    Biology                                    3
               (BSc) – Exercise Sciences                         or IELTS 6.0 overall with   Semester Two
                                                                 no band below 5.5           subject to
               Bachelor of Science         230                   English B grade minimum     Semester One;    One science subject2                       3
               (BSc) – other majors                              or IELTS 6.0 overall with   Semester Two     Psychology major subject to availability
                                                                 no band below 5.5           subject to       of places
               Bachelor of Advanced        320 (in 5 subjects)   IELTS 6.5 overall,          Semesters                                                   4
               Science (Honours)                                 minimum 6.0 in each         One and Two
               (BAdvSci(Hons)) – all       280 (in 4 subjects)   band

Conjoint       Conjoint degrees            270                   Must meet minimum           Semester One     See additional requirements for each       4+6
degree         without Engineering                               English language                             degree programme
programmes                                                       requirements for both

               Conjoint degrees            360 (in 5 subjects)   Must meet minimum           Semester One     See additional requirements for each       5+6
               with Engineering or                               English language                             degree programme
               Advanced Science            320 (in 4 subjects)   requirements for both

*Marks required from University of Auckland Certificate in Foundation Studies
**Subject to standard regulatory approval
1. Faculties with programmes specifying ‘selection’ conditions have additional entry requirements with entry subject to faculty approval – minimum entry marks
   alone are not sufficient for entry
2. A minimum of one of the following science subjects is required to be passed: Biology, Calculus, Chemistry, Geography, Physics, Statistics
3. One year BSc (Biomedical Science) or BHSc, plus five additional years in the MBChB programme, if admission is gained
4. One year BSc (Biomedical Science), plus four additional years in the BOptom programme, if admission is gained
5. One year BSc or BHSc, plus three additional years in the BPharm programme, if admission is gained
6. Duration of conjoint programmes varies
The above information is correct as at October 2018 and is subject to change.

How to apply
        Step 1 - Application
        Student submits:
        • Completed application form
        • Copy of most recent school report, or
          other qualification(s)
        • Copy of passport
        • Documentation confirming English
          language proficiency

        ACG Admissions:
        • Receive application
        • Review application
        • Email Offers of Place and Schedule
          of Fees

        Step 2 - Enrolment
        • Pays all fees (registration, tuition,
          accommodation, insurance and
          transfer fees)
        • Sends completed Enrolment
          Acceptance form
        • Sends subjects request (if applicable)

        ACG Admissions:
        • Issue receipt and confirmation letter
        • Issue Code of Practice-compliant
          accommodation confirmation
          (for students under 18 for visa

        Step 3 - Completion
        • Applies for student visa
        • Informs ACG of flight details

        ACG Admissions:
        • Arrange accommodation and send
          details (if requested)
        • Organise airport greeting and
          transfer to accommodation (if

Code of Practice for the Pastoral Care of
     International Students
     ACG Education and its schools is a signatory to the Education
     (Pastoral Care of International Students) Code of Practice 2016
     (the Code). Published by the New Zealand Ministry of Education and
     administered by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA),
     the Code is designed to ensure international students are well
     informed, safe and properly cared for. You can read about the Code
     and ACG Education’s obligations to you at:

     All enquiries and applications to:
     ACG Pathways Campus
     345 Queen St
     PO Box 6199, Wellesley St
     Auckland 1141
     New Zealand
     T +64-9-307 5399

     Every effort was made to present accurate information in this publication
     at the time of printing (October 2018). ACG Education reserves the right
     to change information without notice where this is considered necessary
     or desirable.

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