Mitigation Measures Continue This Fall - Georgia Tech News ...

Page created by Bruce Brooks
Mitigation Measures Continue This Fall - Georgia Tech News ...
Vol. 46, No. 17
                                                       August 16, 2021                                

Mitigation Measures Continue This Fall

   From improved ventilation, to fast
and free testing, to ongoing vaccine
clinics, Georgia Tech is continuing
to take a multipronged approach to
preventing and mitigating the risk
of the coronavirus as more students,
faculty, and staff return to campus this

   The best way to prevent Covid-19 is
to get vaccinated — and Georgia Tech
is continuing to offer free, convenient
Covid-19 vaccinations this semester.
Clinics will take place at McCamish
Pavilion Aug. 16-20, Aug. 23-25, and
Aug. 27, from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
                                                                                                                      Photo by Rob Felt

see   FALL, page 3                         A staff member with Facilities Management conducts routine cleaning on campus.

Tech Dining Opens New Operation on Campus
MORGAN MILLER                              provide the very best for our students.”    & Wales, is passionate about the
                                                                                       freshness of the food served at all
                                           The Team                                    campus locations and strives to provide
   The fall semester will bring an array     Greene knew that quality personnel        a quality of food that is higher than
of new dining options to choose from.      are critical to a quality product, so       normally expected on a college campus.
After more than 20 years of operation      his first step was to create a team of         “We have assembled outstanding
by outside contractors, Georgia Tech       top-notch culinary professionals. This      culinary talent for Georgia Tech,” said
has moved to self-managed dining           team includes formally trained chefs        Bruhn. “We want to give these team
services with the creation of a new        who direct menu planning and food           members every opportunity to work
department, Tech Dining.                   preparation. In response to input from      with the best ingredients so they can
   “After years of working with            students, the culinary team developed       demonstrate their skills. Whenever
contractors, we knew that bringing the     new menus focusing on high-quality          possible, we make things from scratch
operation in-house was the opportunity     entrees, authentic international flavors,   as opposed to simply assembling
to improve the dining program,” said       and expanded vegan and vegetarian           frozen or pre-packaged ingredients.”
Senior Director of Tech Dining Ryan        dishes.                                     Examples of this effort include the
Greene. “When we put Georgia Tech            Culinary Director Scott Bruhn,
talent and resources to work, we can       who received his training at Johnson        see   DINING, page 4
Mitigation Measures Continue This Fall - Georgia Tech News ...
PAGE 2 • August 16, 2021                                                                                                             • THE WHISTLE

                                                                   Nominations Now Open
                                                                   for 2022 Staff Council
                                                                   COURTNEY HILL                                                          and self-nominated) must meet
                                                                   STAFF COUNCIL
                                                                                                                                          the following criteria:
                                                                                                                                            • The staff member must
                                                                      Beginning today, the Georgia                                              hold a job title in the JCCS
         Preparing for Fall                                        Tech Staff Council is welcoming                                              category under which they
             Semester                                              nominations for employees
                                                                   interested in running for a
                                                                                                                                                are applying.
                                                                                                                                            • The staff member must
                                                                   three-year term as a regular                                                 have full-time or part-time
     As more faculty and staff make plans                          member or applying for a                                                     (20 hours/week) status.
       to be on campus this fall, several                          one-year term as a committee                                             • The staff member must
      resources are available to help you                          member.                                                                      have completed at least one
        be successful in your work and                                “Our annual elections are                                                 year of service (12 consec-
      navigate the ongoing challenges of                           key to furthering the Council’s                                              utive months) at Georgia
                the pandemic.                                      successes,” said Quinaé Ford,                                                Tech with a staff title as of
                                                                   2021 Staff Council chair. “To                                                August 16, 2020.
              Tech Moving Forward
                                                                   serve on Staff Council means                                             • The staff member may not
            (Institute updates, FAQs,                              you strongly believe in the                                                  hold a title(s) related to
      public health information, and more)                         mission and goals of Georgia                                                 the following: academic
                                       Tech and its leadership. The                                                 faculty; executive or
              tech-moving-forward                                  Council prides itself as a formal                                            senior leadership; affiliate
                                                                   connection for fellow staff                                                  (e.g., Alumni Association,
           Covid-19 Leave Reminders                             members to communicate with                                                  Foundation, etc.); research
                                                                   the Institute’s executive leader-                                            faculty; retiree; or student.
             Covid-19 Vaccinations                                 ship. Yearly elections give us                                               (Please note that anyone
                  on Campus                                        the opportunity to attract other                                             holding any of these                         staffers who will contribute to                                              titles may not nominate a
               Daily Self-Checklist
                                                                   our engagement and advocacy                                                  candidate to Staff Council                            for the staff population.”                                                   or vote in the election
                 daily-checklist                                      The Council is made up of 20                                              process.)
                                                                   regular members representing
             Work Life Resources                                   five classifications of employees,                                       Staff Council will accept
                  for Families                                     as specified by Georgia Tech’s Job                                     nominations for new members
           working-through-covid-19                                Classification and Compensation                                        and for committee member-
                                                                   System (JCCS).                                                         ship through August 27 at
            Working at Tech Toolkit                                   For the 2021 election, the                                
                                           following regular member                                               staff-council-elections. The
             working-tech-tool-kit                                 seats are available in the                                             election period will follow, from
                                                                   respective JCCS categories:                                            September 13-24.
               Campus Covid-19
              Surveillance Testing                                 Administrative and Professional                                          To learn more about the                         (4 seats); Skilled Trades (1                                           Georgia Tech Staff Council, visit
                                                                   seat); Scientific and Research (1                            
     PPE Ordering and Supply Distribution                          seat); Information Technology                                            View a recording of last week’s                             (2 seats); and Development (1                                          Staff Council information
                                                                   seat).                                                                 session at
                                                                      Candidates (both nominated                                          staff-council-aug-10.

                                      Editor: Kristen Bailey                                       Published biweekly throughout the year
                                      Copy Editor: Stacy Braukman                                  by Georgia Tech Institute Communications.
                                      Photographers: Allison Carter, Rob Felt, Christopher Moore
                                                                                                   Archives are posted at
                                                                                                   Georgia Tech is a unit of the University System of Georgia.
Mitigation Measures Continue This Fall - Georgia Tech News ...
PAGE 3 • August 16, 2021                                                                    • THE WHISTLE

FALL, from page 1
Clinics will also take place Sept. 7-10
and Sept. 13-17, from 9 a.m. to
3:30 p.m. Book a vaccination appoint-
ment at Vaccines
are highly effective at preventing
severe illness from Covid-19. If you
are unvaccinated and are exposed
to someone with Covid-19, you will
be subject to quarantine per current
Georgia Department of Public Health
  To date, Georgia Tech has adminis-
tered more than 32,000 doses to more
than 17,000 individuals.

   Asymptomatic surveillance testing
will also continue to be offered during
the fall semester for all students, faculty,
and staff. For those new to campus or
                                                                                                                            Photo by Rob Felt
who did not participate previously, this
                                               Covid-19 vaccines are still available on campus for all faculty, staff, and students,
saliva-based testing program takes just        as well as their family members ages 12 and older. Vaccine clinics will take place at
a few minutes per test and is available        McCamish Pavilion every day this week.
at multiple sites on campus. Georgia
Tech faculty who are top researchers in        tion of the highly contagious delta          settings. Facilities Management has
their field created this simple, effective     variant of the virus.                        upgraded air filters across campus to
testing program to reduce transmission            At Georgia Tech, everyone is encour-      MERV-13 filters and is ensuring that
of Covid-19 in the campus community.           aged to wear a mask or face covering         all systems are operating optimally.
The program has been an essential tool         while inside campus facilities. Vaccines     As an added precaution, outside air
in keeping cases down throughout the           and masks are highly effective at            ventilation rates have been increased
past year. Everyone on campus, regard-         stopping the spread of Covid-19.             where possible, and ultraviolet lights
less of vaccination status, is invited and                                                  have been incorporated in air handling
encouraged to test weekly. Learn more          PPE                                          units across campus. An expert team
about how it works and find a testing             Similar to recent semesters,              of Georgia Tech faculty and students
site at                  Infrastructure and Sustainability has        continue to monitor data captured
   No reservations are necessary —             supplied Housing with personal protec-       from air quality sensors, which have
simply visit on              tive equipment (PPE) kits to distribute      been installed in various classrooms
your smartphone when you arrive at             to students living on campus this fall.      across campus.
the test site. Results are delivered via       Each resident will receive a cloth face
email. Make weekly testing part of             covering, hand sanitizer, and other          Cleaning and Disinfecting
your routine — pick a day and time,            supplies in their room upon checkin.            Hand sanitizer stands are stationed
and even go with a friend. (If you             Additional PPE requests for students,        at every building entrance as well
experience Covid-19 symptoms, seek             faculty, or staff can be made at ehs.        as in restrooms and classrooms.
symptomatic testing instead.) Regular                 Disinfectant and wipes will continue
testing can help identify potential                                                         to be made available in classrooms
clusters before they become outbreaks.         Ventilation                                  and for workspaces. Custodial Services
                                                  Teams in Infrastructure and               also continues to clean and disinfect
Face Coverings                                 Sustainability have been hard at work        classrooms, common areas, and
  The Centers for Disease Control and          since the beginning of the pandemic to       restrooms daily. However, heavily
Prevention (CDC) recently issued new           help ensure a safe and healthy environ-      used restrooms located in buildings
interim guidance recommending the              ment for the campus community. We            that operate 24 hours a day (such
use of masks inside public buildings,          know that good ventilation and air           as Clough Undergraduate Learning
even by fully vaccinated individuals, as       circulation can significantly reduce         Commons) will continue to be cleaned
a precaution given the broad circula-          the risk of transmission in indoor           and disinfected four times a day.
PAGE 4 • August 16, 2021                                                                          • THE WHISTLE

                                                                                                             cart will also be on campus,
DINING, from page 1                                                                                          primarily at Tech Square
dining team grinding spices                                                                                  and the Instructional Center
on-site to improve freshness                                                                                 Lawn.
and quality, fresh fruit for                                                                                   The Blue Donkey cart
juicing, and the bakery at                                                                                   joins a fleet of food trucks
West Village running 24/7                                                                                    that will be on campus five
to produce baked goods,                                                                                      days a week. In addition to
sweets, and fresh buns and                                                                                   favorites like Chick-fil-A and
bagels on campus. Bruhn                                                                                      Gyro Chef Mediterranean,
also plans to add smokers,                                                                                   new vendors will be
a popcorn kettle, and                                                                                        offering lunch on a rotating
homemade donuts.                                                                                             schedule.
   Bringing the team in-house                                                                                  A new concept in the Tech
                                                                                       Photo by Rob Felt
has benefits for employees                                                                                   Tower, replacing Highland
                                 Faculty and staff members can dine at campus dining locations
as well as students, faculty,    and receive a discount when using Faculty/Staff Dining Funds.
                                                                                                             Bakery, is Whistle Bistro.
and staff. Food service                                                                                      The new restaurant offers
employees, previously paid       named after Tech legend           campus will also be                       both sit-down dining and
as contract employees, are       George P. Burdell. Both           changing. The Dining Hub,                 takeout entrees and will
now state employees with         Brittian and North Avenue         located in the Exhibition                 serve Boar’s Head deli
competitive wages and            dining halls will offer the       Hall, will house two                      sandwiches, brew specialty
benefits such as retirement      coffee, freshly ground, iced,     vendors: Panda Express and                coffee, and offer fresh baked
plans, health coverage,          cold brew, and brewed to          Twisted Taco. Local Atlanta               goods.
and tuition assistance.          order.                            favorites Cluck-N-Mooh and                  By paying careful attention
Opportunities for employee                                         Kaldi’s Coffee will also be               to detail and responding to
growth and development are       Dining Halls                      welcomed to campus.                       student feedback, the Tech
available as well.                  Brittian Dining Hall and          Kaldi’s will set up a full             Dining team has created an
                                 North Avenue Dining Hall          coffee shop in Clough                     assortment of high-quality
Changes to Dining Venues         both boast all-new food           Commons this fall, replacing              dining opportunities for
   Tech Dining will operate      stations. West Village, which     the current Starbucks.                    Georgia Tech’s students and
three all-you-care-to-eat        previously operated as a food     Kaldi’s takes special care                employees. “We’ve pulled
dining halls and more            court model, is now, like         in sourcing coffee. The                   together an amazing team
than nine retail dining          Brittan and North Avenue,         beans for the Georgia Tech                that has the talent and skill
locations across campus.         an all-you-care-to-eat dining     location will come from Los               necessary to make Tech
Both Brittain and North          hall with brand new station       Tablones in El Salvador. The              Dining one of the premier
Avenue dining halls are          concepts. Guests can enjoy        sustainable Los Tablones                  college dining operations in
featuring new concepts,          a variety of diverse menus,       farm is operated by Georgia               the nation,” said Greene.
and West Village has transi-     including Asian and Indian-       Tech graduates, members of
tioned from a food court         style cuisine at Ginger and       the Markwort family who                   Employee Meal Plans
to an all-you-care-to-eat        Spice, Mexican-inspired           have been farming coffee                    Faculty and staff members
model. All three dining halls    meals at Tech Taqueria, or        in El Salvador for over                   can use dining funds to
offer a convenience store,       Italian food at The Leaning       four generations. Cluck-N-                enjoy savings when they
WreckStop or WreckStop           Tower of Tech. Mindful            Mooh, a restaurant known                  dine on campus. Funds
Express, where patrons may       Bytes is the place for            for its burgers, wings, and               can be added via payroll
use cash or credit instead       those in search of vegan,         fries, with locations around              deduction or through a
of a meal card to purchase       vegetarian, and healthy           Atlanta, is developing special            BuzzCard deposit. Both
select grocery items, assorted   food. Ramblin’ Coffee and         menu items for their Georgia              options come with the same
beverages, and other             Sweets is a full-service coffee   Tech location.                            benefits and a declining
convenience items.               shop where baristas make             Rising Roll Gourmet Café               balance that can be used at
   Tech Dining has partnered     drinks to order and serve an      is returning for a second                 any campus dining location.
with PJ’s Coffee in New          extensive number of freshly       year on campus. In the                    For every $20 deposit,
Orleans to create a signature    made pastries, scooped ice        Sideways Café in the Price                employees receive a 20%
blend of coffee exclusively      cream, and assorted desserts.     Gilbert Memorial Library,                 bonus in their account.
available at Georgia Tech.                                         Blue Donkey is also back for                To learn more about meal
Called Burdell’s Brew, the       Retail Vendors                    a second year. In addition to             plans and Tech Dining, visit
rich, flavorful blend is           Retail dining across            the library location, a coffee  
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