ORIENTATION for New Students

Page created by Phillip Rodgers
ORIENTATION for New Students
for New Students
All links for remote sessions can be found on our Orientation moodle course.
          Please note that the moodle course will open on Monday, August 16, 2021.
              Any session recordings will be made available on the moodle course.
            An * (asterisk) indicates that the session is for Adas and transfer students.

Departmental Placement Exams                                          The presentation will address the
To assist students in considering what level of                       following questions: What is the calling-
courses they should enter, please visit the Registrar's               in/calling-out continuum? What do you
website for information about placement exams.                        say to call someone in? When should it
Some exams have due dates prior to individual advis-                  be used? When is calling someone out
ing appointments. The links to placement exams,                       the right thing to do? Can we set logical
auditions and portfolio reviews can be found on the                   boundaries for dissent without losing
Registrar’s Office website.                                           cohesion? If so many of us are aware of
                                                                      the problems of call-out culture, why
Monday, August 23-                                                    haven’t we changed it? Can we stop the
                                                                      busy urgency of our lives to pay closer
Thursday, August 26                                                   attention to our effects on other people?
                                                                      Can we create this culture shift?
By Appt    Individual Advising Appointments
8:30 a.m.– via Zoom (Required for first-years)
5 p.m.     Advisers will meet for one half hour
                                                          Tuesday, August 24
           with each advisee. Students will be            6– 9 p.m.   Calling In as a Smith Leadership
           contacted by their liberal arts adviser                    Practice With Professor Loretta Ross
           the week prior to schedule their                           Part II
           appointment within this time frame.                        This two-part virtual training is required
                                                                      for new students. Students must register
             During this half hour, you—the                           ahead of time to attend via Zoom or
             advisee—should be prepared to dis-                       watch the recording by the start of the
             cuss course ideas and interests, and                     semester. The link to register for the
             your adviser will help you link your                     event will be available on Moodle.
             developing academic preferences with
             choices for classes. They may also offer                 Participants will learn about calling-
             other avenues for you to explore your                    in practices to counter the call-out
             interests this fall and in the coming                    culture. The presentation will address
             academic year.                                           the following questions: What is the
                                                                      calling-in/calling-out continuum? What
Monday, August 23                                                     do you say to call someone in? When
                                                                      should it be used? When is calling
6– 9 p.m.    Calling In as a Smith Leadership                         someone out the right thing to do? Can
             Practice With Professor Loretta Ross                     we set logical boundaries for dissent
             Part I                                                   without losing cohesion? If so many of
             This two-part virtual training is required               us are aware of the problems of call-out
             for new students. Students must register                 culture, why haven’t we changed it? Can
             ahead of time to attend via Zoom or                      we stop the busy urgency of our lives
             watch the recording by the start of the                  to pay closer attention to our effects on
             semester. The link to register for the                   other people? Can we create this cul-
             event will be available on Moodle.                       ture shift?

             Participants will learn about calling-in
             practices to counter the call-out culture.
Friday, August 27                                          Family Orientation
8– 11 a.m. Central Check-In and Move In for                2:30–    Seeyle Tent
           new students                                    6 p.m.   See family orientation schedule for
           Indoor Track and Tennis Facility                         details and locations. (No students.)
           (ITT)                                                    The Family Orientation Schedule will
           All students must visit central check-in                 be available on the For New Students
           before arriving at their houses to move                  website in late August.
           in. In addition to receiving your room
           keys, course registration materials and
           college ID card, you will have the oppor-     2:30–  Class Dean’s Welcome for
           tunity to connect with various campus         4 p.m. transfers, Ada’s, visiting and
           departments and services.                            exchange students*
                                                                (students only)
11:30 a.m.– Lunch for all new students and                      Graham Hall, Hillyer Hall
1 p.m.      families                                            Class Deans Andrea Rossi-Reder and
            Davis Lawn                                          Susanna Howe will share important
            New students and families are invited               academic information. The meeting will
            to join us! Lunch will be served buffet             conclude with the official Ada Com-
            style, so feel free to come at any point            stock Scholars class photo. Attendance is
            during this time.                                   mandatory.

             Lunch for incoming Adas with                           Class Dean’s Welcome for first-year
             Ada coordinator*                                       students (students only)
             Chase House                                            John M. Greene Hall (JMG)
             Join Ada Coordinator Sam Wentworth                     Jane Stangl, dean of the first-year class,
             for lunch.                                             welcomes the Class of 2025 into the
                                                                    Smith College academic community.
1 p.m.       President’s Welcome                                    This meeting is critical to your aca-
             Seeyle Tent                                            demic success at Smith! Attendance is
             All entering students and their families               mandatory.
             are invited to the president’s first com-
             munity address of the academic year.        4–5 p.m.
                                                           ASSETS (parents and students
             Speakers and guests include:                  welcome)
             • Kathleen McCartney, President of            Chapin Tent
                 the College                               Jane Stangl, dean of the first-year
             • Baishakhi Taylor, Vice President            class, and Laura Rauscher, director of
                 for Campus Life and Dean of               disability services will help students
                 the College                               understand the services available to
             • Paige Graham, Lecturer, Music               them for physical and learning disabili-
                 Department                                ties as well as ADHD, mental health and
             • Jonathan Hirsh, Senior Lecturer,            other conditions. Parents will discover
                 Music Department                          ways to enhance their children’s suc-
             • Grant Moss, Accompanist and                 cess in the Smith learning environ-
                 Senior Lecturer, Music Department         ment. This session will cover academic
             • Emma Tierney ’22, Student Govern-           requirements, social expectations,
                 ment Association President                Smith’s academic support services and
                                                           residential program, disability services
1:30–        Welcome Reception                             and accommodations at Smith, require-
2:30 p.m.    Seelye Lawn                                   ments for disability documentation, and
             New students and their families are           students’ rights and responsibilities.
             invited to an informal mixer to meet          Optional for those interested.
             members of the faculty, administration,
             staff, returning students and each other.
             Light refreshments will be served until
             2:15 p.m. when you will want to start
             heading to your separate sessions.
Campus Tours by your Head of New             10–        Coffee and Pastry in the Ada
            Student (HONS)                               10:30 a.m. Lounge*
            Meet your HONS in front of your house                   Hopkins Lounge
            if you want to walk around and talk                     Check out the Ada lounge and meet your
            about the campus.                                       coordinator, Sam Wentworth, for coffee
                                                                    and pastry. We will walk to JMG together
5:30–       Dinner for residential board-paying                     for the party bus tour after.
7 p.m.      students and families
            Chase/Duckett, Cushing/Emerson,              10:30 a.m.– Party Bus: Tour of the Valley*
            Cutter/Ziskind, King/Scales, Lamont,         12:30 p.m. John M. Greene Hall (JMG)
            and Tyler house dining rooms                             Join your fellow Ada and transfer stu-
            New students and families are invited                    dents to see what the Pioneer Valley has
            to join us! Dinner will be served in to-go               to offer. Current Ada scholars will show
            containers. Your student will be invited                 you all the special spots on campus that
            to enter the dining hall and pack your                   will make you feel at home, from res-
            meal for you. You are welcome to picnic                  taurants to swimming areas and all the
            outdoors on campus.                                      necessities in between.

7:30 p.m.   Parents and Families Depart                  noon–       Lunch for residential board-paying
                                                         1:30 p.m.   students
8–9 p.m     Nuts and Bolts of Living on Campus                       Open dining rooms
            All first-years should attend.                           Please refer to the end of this program
            House living room                                        for a list of open dining rooms.
            Gather with your fellow housemates for
            this multifaceted information session.       12:30–      Picnic Lunch for Ada Comstock
            House reps will cover:                       1:30 p.m.   Scholars*
            • Campus life resources–Heads of                         Capen Lawn
                New Students (HONS)                                  Get to know your entering Ada class-
            • Academic resources and policies–                       mates and have lunch in the beautiful
                Student Academic Advisers (SAA)                      Capen gardens.
            • Residential policies and procedures–
                Head Resident (HR)                       1:30–       Campus Tour for transfers*
            • House Life: House Community                2:30 p.m.   Clark Hall porch
                Adviser (HCA) and House                              A chance for transfer students to become
                President (HP)                                       familiar with campus and with each other.

Saturday, August 28                                      5:30–
                                                         7 p.m.
                                                                     Dinner for residential board-paying
                                                                     Open dining rooms
7:30–       Breakfast for residential board-                         Please refer to the end of this program
8 a.m.      paying students                                          for a list of open dining rooms.
            Open dining rooms
            Please refer to the end of this program
                                                         7–9 p.m.    Drag Bingo
            for a list of open dining rooms.
                                                                     Davis Ballroom
                                                                     Not your grandmother’s bingo! Drag
   8:30 a.m.–5 p.m.                                                  Bingo is a louder, rowdier and spicier
   Orientation Groups                                                version of an old favorite. New students
   Program locations will be made available to you                   are invited to join in the chance to win
   before you arrive on campus. Check the time                       prizes and meet new friends!
   for your group as they may vary for beginning
   or end times.                                                     Trivia Night
                                                                     Weinstein Auditorium, Wright Hall
9:30–      Meet and Greet for transfers*                             All new students are invited to put their
10:15 a.m. Seelye Hall, Room 201                                     stores of meaningless information to
           Meet your fellow transfer students and                    the test for Trivia Night. Join in an eve-
           walk to JMG for a tour of the valley.                     ning of informal team competition, the
                                                                     chance to win prizes, meet new friends
                                                                     and have a great time!
Sunday, August 29                                         7–9 p.m.     Smith To Do
                                                                       Seeyle Tent
                                                                       Looking to get a little crafty? The Office
7:30–       Breakfast for residential board-
                                                                       of Student Engagement Programming
8 a.m.      paying students
                                                                       Team will be on hand with supplies
            Open dining rooms
                                                                       and snacks to help you get creative and
            Please refer to the end of this program
                                                                       personalize your new Smith space.
            for a list of open dining rooms.

   8:30 a.m.–noon                                         Monday, August 30
   Orientation Groups
   Program locations will be made available               7:30–        Breakfast for residential board
   to you before you arrive on campus. Check              9 a.m.       paying students
   the time for your group as they may vary for                        Open dining rooms
   beginning or end times.                                             Please refer to the end of this program
                                                                       for a list of open dining rooms.
10 a.m.–    Ada and Transfer Info Session
noon        With Karen Sise and Student Panel*            9–           Meet Your Student Academic
            Seelye Hall, Room 201                         9:45 a.m.    Adviser (SAA)
            Required for all Ada and transfer students.                House Living Rooms
            Join us for a transfer and Ada infor-                      Your student academic advisers will
            mation session followed by a panel of                      be invaluable in providing help for
            current Ada students to answer any                         navigating your registration process as
            lingering questions.                                       you chart your academic path. This is
                                                                       required for all first-year students.
noon–       Lunch for residential board-paying
1:30 p.m.   students                                      10–        How to Be an Effective Advisee
            Open dining rooms                             10:45 a.m. John M. Greene Hall (JMG)
            Please refer to the end of this program                  The faculty director of liberal arts advis-
            for a list of open dining rooms.                         ing (Professor Sarah Moore) will help
                                                                     you to learn about our academic advis-
                                                                     ing system, providing perspectives on
1:30–       Playfair for all new students
                                                                     how to best work with your faculty lib-
3 p.m.      Chapin Lawn
                                                                     eral arts adviser in exploring the many
            It’s time to play! Come together on the
                                                                     learning opportunities at Smith.
            lawn for some fun and festivities.
                                                                     Required for all new students.
3:30–       Living in a Diverse Community
                                                          10:45–     Provost Michael Thurston will offer
5:30 p.m.   John M. Greene Hall (JMG)
                                                          10:55 a.m. greetings to the Class of 2025
            Smith is a global community. You are
                                                                     John M. Greene Hall (JMG)
            joining a community of people from a
            variety of backgrounds. This is a chance
                                                           Smith Reads
            to hear from Floyd Cheung, vice presi-
                                                           John M. Greene Hall (JMG)
            dent for equity and inclusion, Professor
                                                           Mohsin Hamid, author of Exit West, will
            Loretta Ross from the Department for
                                                           speak to our incoming students
            the Study of Women and Gender, and a
                                                           about his book, collections and work
            panel of current students who will share
                                                           as an author. Students will have an
            their experiences and advice for joining
                                                           opportunity to question Hamid before
            this community of Smithies. There will
                                                           his presentation and Ambreen Hai, pro-
            also be an opportunity to reflect on your
                                                           fessor and chair, Department of English
            own experiences and make some new
                                                           Language and Literature, will interview
            connections! Attendance is mandatory for
                                                           him. The author’s works have been trans-
            all students.
                                                           lated into 40 languages, featured on best-
                                                           seller lists and adapted for the cinema.
5:30–       Dinner for residential board-paying

7 p.m.      students
            Open dining rooms
            Please refer to the end of this program
            for a list of open dining rooms.
1:30 p.m.
            Lunch for residential board-paying
                                                         Tuesday, August 31
            Open dining rooms
                                                         7:30–       Breakfast for residential board-
            Please refer to the end of this program
                                                         9:30 a.m.   paying students
            for a list of open dining rooms.
                                                                     Open dining rooms
                                                                     Please refer to the end of this program
1:30–       Group Advising Meeting
                                                                     for a list of open dining rooms.
2:30 p.m.   Various locations shared by advisers
            Faculty liberal arts advisers will meet
                                                         9:30–       Online Registration Opens
            with their cohort of liberal arts advi-
                                                         noon        Students will register for courses
            sees in groups. Location will be shared
                                                                     through Workday. Seelye 212 is
            in your individual advising meetings.
                                                                     reserved for students who need
                                                                     computer access.
2:45–       Conversations With Faculty
4 p.m.      Zoom links for departments and
                                                         10–noon     Adas Library Tour*
            programs will be on Moodle
                                                                     Welcome to your exclusive sneak peek
            Individual academic departments and
                                                                     of the libraries. Meet Cat Hannula,
            programs will hold synchronous Zoom
                                                                     first-year's experience and engagement
            sessions for entering students. These
                                                                     librarian, at the Nielson Seelye lawn en-
            sessions give students and faculty mem-
                                                                     trance for a tour of the libraries: Neilson
            bers a chance to discuss the particulars
                                                                     Library, Josten Performing Arts Library
            of their programs and departments.
                                                                     and Hillyer Art Library.
4:15–       Getting Help Helps
                                                         noon–       Lunch for residential board-paying
5:30 p.m.   John M. Greene
                                                         1:00 p.m.   students
            We all need help sometimes. Wellness
                                                                     Open dining rooms
            Services and the Office of Disability Ser-
                                                                     Please refer to the end of this program
            vices staff will discuss campus resources
                                                                     for a list of open dining rooms.
            and options for support. Required for all
            new students.
                                                         1–2 p.m.    Pathways­—Facilitated Activity
                                                                     House living rooms
5:30–       Dinner for residential board-paying
                                                                     There are many possible pathways you
7 p.m.      students
                                                                     can create in your learning at and
            Open dining rooms
                                                                     beyond Smith. Students will meet in
            Please refer to the end of this program
                                                                     their houses with their student academ-
            for a list of open dining rooms.
                                                                     ic advisers for a session facilitated by
                                                                     the faculty director of liberal arts advis-
            ASSETS Pizza Party
                                                                     ing to start to design the many pathways
            Campus Center 103/104
                                                                     you might want to start exploring.
            Meet and greet opportunity for students
            with all types of disabilities such as
                                                                     Ada Drop-In*
            mobility, chronic health, mental health
                                                                     Hopkins Lounge
            or other conditions. Get to know other
                                                                     Bring your lunch and ask any questions.
            students and meet upper-class students
            and alums. We are a supportive commu-
                                                         2–3 p.m.    Summer Reading Discussions
            nity who invite you to share your ideas
                                                                     House living rooms
            and interests and who want to offer sup-
                                                                     Adas: Hopkins lounge*
            port and suggestions, and do everything
                                                                     Join a faculty facilitator and your fellow
            we can to help you feel welcome, share
                                                                     students for a conversation about Exit
            ideas, interests, offer support, sugges-
                                                                     West, our summer reading. Required for
            tions and do everything we can to get
                                                                     all new students.
            you connected and make sure your time
            at Smith is the best.
                                                         3:30–       Concentrations and centers
                                                         4:30 p.m.   Seelye Tent
8–10 p.m.   Movie Night
                                                                     The centers at Smith are unique re-
            Seelye Tent
                                                                     sources to support your learning, offer-
            Join us for popcorn and a movie.
                                                                     ing both curricular and co-curricular
programming. Concentrations present                    in taking the next steps in your learn-
            an opportunity to integrate coursework                 ing at Smith, inside and outside of the
            with practical experiences and indepen-                classroom.
            dent work, often using the resources
            of Smith’s centers. Come learn how to      11:30 a.m– Lunch for residential board-paying
            explore these opportunities.               1 p.m.     students
                                                                  Open dining rooms
5:30–       Transfer and Ada Q&A with STEM                        Please refer to the end of this program
7 p.m.      faculty*                                              for a list of open dining rooms.
            Sabin-Reed 220
            Come prepared to ask questions and to      1–2 p.m.    Resource Fair
            meet faculty from various departments.                 Seelye tent
            Topics to be discussed include: navigat-               Need academic help or help with writ-
            ing STEM majors, shopping appropriate                  ing or public speaking? Have a question
            first courses, and finding positions in                about dining that you've been too busy
            research labs. A light meal will be pro-               to ask? Join us for an informal look at
            vided.                                                 offices, departments and programs that
                                                                   are here to support and enhance your
5:30–       Dinner for residential board-paying                    Smith experience.
7 p.m.      students
            Open dining rooms                          3–4 p.m.    Getting Help Helps
            Please refer to the end of this program                Weinstein Auditorium, Wright Hall
            for a list of open dining rooms.                       We all need help sometimes. Wellness
                                                                   Services and the Office of Disability Ser-
7–          Playfair for Returners (Returning                      vices staff will discuss campus resources
8:30 p.m.   students to include sophomores                         and options for support.
            and Adas)                                              Recommended for all returning students.
            Chapin lawn
            It’s time to play! Come together on the    5–          Convocation
            lawn for some fun and festivities.         5:30 p.m.   Seeyle Lawn
                                                                   Students, faculty and staff gather for
                                                                   this long-standing Smith tradition to
Wednesday, September 1                                             signal the start of the academic year.

7:30–       Breakfast for residential board-           5–          Convocation Dinner
9:30 a.m.   paying students                            7:30 p.m.   Chapin Lawn
            Open dining rooms                                      Join together for Food Truck themed
            Please refer to the end of this program                dinner on the lawn.
            for a list of open dining rooms.
                                                       5:30–       Convocation Carnival
9:30–      Open House                                  8:30 p.m.   Chapin Lawn
10:30 a.m. A list of open offices will be provided                 Join the Office of Student Engagement,
           on the Smith social network.                            SGA, Dining Services, the Dean of the
           Offices will be waiting to welcome                      College and Division of Student Affairs
           new students. Take some time to                         as we kick-off the beginning of another
           get acquainted with Smith’s friendly                    wonderful academic year! The evening
           community and beautiful campus.                         will be filled with games, music and of
                                                                   course lots of food as we celebrate our
10–        Returners’ Reboot for sophomores                        community together.
11:15 a.m. and Adas
           Seeyle tent
           Welcome back! The sophomore and
           Ada class deans, Susannah Howe and
           Andrea Rossi-Reder, and the faculty
           director of advising, Sarah Moore, will
           help you to connect and reconnect with
           your peers while you support each other
Open Dining Rooms
Students may dine in any open dining room by using their OneCard IDs. Check for meal times and
menus at: smith.edu/diningservices. Unless noted otherwise, meal times are: breakfast, 7:30–9:30
a.m.; lunch, 11 a.m.–1 p.m.; dinner, 5–7 p.m.

Friday, August 27                                                        Tuesday, August 31
Chase/Duckett               lunch, dinner*                               Chase/Duckett               grab and go site**
Cushing/Emerson             lunch, dinner                                Cushing/Emerson             grab and go breakfast,
Cutter/Ziskind              breakfast, lunch, dinner                                                 dinner***
Dawes                       lunch, dinner                                Cutter/Ziskind              breakfast, lunch dinner
King/Scales                 breakfast, lunch, dinner                     Dawes                       breakfast, lunch, dinner
Lamont                      lunch, dinner                                King/Scales                 breakfast, lunch, dinner
Tyler                       lunch, dinner                                Lamont                      lunch, dinner
                                                                         Tyler                       breakfast, lunch dinner
Saturday, August 28
                                                                         Wednesday, September 1: Convocation
Chase/Duckett               grab and go site**
Cushing/Emerson             brunch, dinner***                            Chase/Duckett               grab and go site**
Cutter/Ziskind              brunch, dinner                               Cutter/Ziskind              breakfast, lunch
Dawes                       continental breakfast                        Dawes                       breakfast, lunch
                            brunch, dinner
                                                                         Emerson                     grab and go breakfast
King/Scales                 continental breakfast
                            brunch, dinner                               King/Scales                 breakfast, lunch
Lamont                      lunch, dinner                                Lamont                      lunch
Tyler                       continental breakfast                        Tyler                       breakfast, lunch
                            brunch, dinner
                                                                         Convocation Dinner on Chapin Lawn
Sunday, August 29
                                                                         Thursday, September 2: First Day of Classes
Chase/Duckett               grab and go site**
                                                                         Chapin                      grab and go breakfast, lunch
Cushing/Emerson             brunch, dinner***
                                                                         Chase/Duckett               grab and go site**
Cutter/Ziskind              brunch, dinner
                                                                         Comstock                    dinner
Dawes                       continental breakfast
                            brunch, dinner                               Cushing/Emerson             grab and go breakfast
King/Scales                 continental breakfast
                            brunch, dinner                               Cutter/Ziskind              breakfast, lunch dinner
Lamont                      lunch, dinner                                Dawes                       breakfast, lunch dinner
Tyler                       continental breakfast                        King/Scales                 breakfast, lunch, dinner
                            brunch, dinner                               Lamont                      lunch, dinner
                                                                         Tyler                       breakfast, lunch dinner
Monday, August 30
Chase/Duckett               grab and go site**                           *grab and go dinner
Cushing/Emerson             grab and go breakfast,
                            dinner***                                    **Chase open 7:15 a.m.–7 p.m., Monday–Friday
                                                                         7:30 a.m.–7 p.m., Saturday–Sunday
Cutter/Ziskind              breakfast, lunch dinner
                                                                         Meals and snacks all day
Dawes                       breakfast, lunch, dinner                     Kosher opens Friday 8/27 lunch and will be open for
King/Scales                 breakfast, lunch, dinner                     lunch and dinner, Monday–Friday
Lamont                      lunch, dinner                                ***Emerson open for grab and go breakfast and
Tyler                       breakfast, lunch dinner                      buffet dinner/ Cushing open for buffet dinner only

Notice of Nondiscrimination
Smith College is committed to maintaining a diverse community in an atmosphere of mutual respect and appreciation of differences. Smith
College does not discriminate in its educational and employment policies on the bases of race, color, creed, religion, national/ethnic origin,
sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, genetic information, age, disability, or service in the military or other uniformed
services. Smith’s admission policies and practices are guided by the same principle, concerning applicants to the undergraduate program
who identify as women, and all applicants to the graduate programs. For more information, please contact the adviser for equity complaints,
College Hall 302, 413-585-2141, or visit smith.edu/diversity.
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