Modified measles with an atypical presentation - 2 019 Volume 43 Alexandra M Uren, Bhakti R Vasant, Deborah Judd, David FM Looke, Andrew J ...

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Modified measles with an atypical presentation
Alexandra M Uren, Bhakti R Vasant, Deborah Judd, David FM Looke,
Andrew J Henderson and Kari AJ Jarvinen
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Short report

Modified measles with an atypical presentation
Alexandra M Uren, Bhakti R Vasant, Deborah Judd, David FM Looke, Andrew J Henderson
and Kari AJ Jarvinen


We report symptomatic confirmed modified measles infection in a person with one documented
MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccination and travel to Indonesia. No secondary cases were iden-
tified, consistent with other case reports of modified measles infection. The infectivity of modified
measles for contact tracing requirements requires further elucidation.

Keywords: modified measles, atypical measles, measles, infectivity, contact tracing, MMR, commu-
nicable disease

Background                                                            have suggested lower infectivity, which could
                                                                      have implications for public health risk and con-
In 2014 the World Health Organization                                 tact tracing requirements.6,7,8,9
announced that measles was eliminated from
Australia, although cases are continually                             We describe modified measles infection in a
imported from countries where measles is still                        person with incomplete vaccination following
prevalent.1 With large numbers of Australians                         overseas travel.
travelling overseas, including destinations
where measles is endemic, incompletely vac-                           Case presentation
cinated or unvaccinated individuals may be
exposed to measles. To reduce risk of infection,                      A 25-year-old female presented to an Emergency
all individuals born during or after 1966 who                         Department (7 March 2017) with a 3-day his-
have not acquired natural immunity or received                        tory of fever and diarrhoea. She had recently
two doses of MMR are recommended to be vac-                           returned (3 March) from a 10-day holiday in
cinated prior to travel.2                                             Indonesia. On initial examination she was
                                                                      febrile at 38.8°C with a patchy localised rash
Measles typically causes a predictable clinical                       over her right wrist and ankle. No cough, coryza
syndrome that consists of fever, cough, coryza,                       or conjunctivitis was noted. She reported com-
conjunctivitis and Koplik spots, followed by                          plete immunisation but had only one recorded
a maculopapular rash starting at the hairline,                        MMR vaccine given at age six (along with a
spreading to the rest of the body and associated                      complete record of other vaccinations received
with high-grade fever (>38°C).3 The infection is                      in Australia). The case was admitted to hospital
communicable from one day before prodromal                            with no contact precautions and discharged
symptom onset until four days after rash onset.4                      shortly thereafter. Pathology investigations for
Risk factors for serious complications (men-                          Dengue virus, Cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr
ingitis, sepsis) include immunosuppression,                           virus, Leptospirosis, Q fever, Zika virus, Malaria
malnutrition including vitamin A deficiency,                          and Human Immunodeficiency virus were all
age less than five years or over 20 years and                         non-reactive.
pregnancy.5 Since vaccination, measles incidence
and complications have decreased substantially.2                      On review by an Infectious Diseases Physician
Previously described cases of modified measles                        two weeks post-discharge (22 March), measles     Commun Dis Intell (2018) 2019;43( Epub 17/06/2019     1 of 4
Table 1. Summary of measles serology

                                          Acute Serology                                       Convalescent Serology

 Measles IgM                              Negative                                             Low positive

 Measles IgG                              Low positive                                         Positive

and rubella serology on acute and convalescent                         vaccination and atypical presentation, particu-
samples was requested to rule out other infectious                     larly if there is history of travel to an endemic
causes for the rash. Acute phase serology revealed                     region or contact with a traveller with measles.
low positive measles immunoglobin G (IgG)
and negative immunoglobin M (IgM), whilst                              This case report adds further evidence for lower
convalescent serology revealed strongly posi-                          infectivity of modified measles with no second-
tive measles IgG and low positive IgM (Table 1).                       ary cases and highlights the potential require-
Retrospective measles polymerase chain reac-                           ment for updated contact tracing recommenda-
tion (PCR) testing was added and detected on a                         tions in this scenario. Other case reports have
nasopharyngeal swab from initial presentation.                         shown that individuals with modified measles
On later discussion with laboratory staff, it was                      and history of prior vaccination have more
noted that the PCR cycle time to positivity was                        robust levels of plaque reduction neutralisation
considered high.                                                       (PRN) titre, reflecting an immunity booster
                                                                       response.6 These case studies also identified no
Contact tracing was initiated, although as more                        secondary cases.6,7 In measles outbreak reports in
than 144 hours had elapsed since contact with the                      healthcare workers with two documented MMR
infectious case, post-exposure prophylaxis was                         vaccines, no onward transmission of measles has
not recommended.4 Contact tracing involved                             been reported.8,9 Measles infection may occur
information provision for a range of settings                          in a small proportion of individuals with two
including a GP practice, pathology companies,                          documented MMR vaccinations as a result of
hospital wards, shopping centres and other pub-                        primary vaccine failure or waning immunity.10,11
lic areas. A total of six household contacts were                      Measles virus PCR cycle time to positivity could
identified in addition to those in group settings.                     be considered an indicator of modified vs clas-
                                                                       sic infection, with evidence of higher cycles of
Discussion and conclusions                                             threshold (i.e. lower viral load) corresponding
                                                                       to modified measles infection,12 however time
Serology testing on the acute sample suggested                         to positivity can be affected by sampling issues
the case had some immunity to measles follow-                          or time to sampling which makes interpretation
ing a single dose of MMR administered in 1998.                         difficult. Further studies are required to inves-
Measles was confirmed by convalescent sero-                            tigate the infectivity of modified measles versus
logical testing and nasopharyngeal PCR after                           classic measles, particularly if modified measles
other tests for febrile illness were unremarkable.                     does not result in secondary cases. This could
Due to delayed diagnosis, contact tracing was                          indicate that highly resource-intensive contact
limited to information and recommendation                              tracing may not be required. In the meantime,
for serological testing. No secondary cases of                         isolation and contact tracing (as outlined by the
measles were identified within three months of                         Measles National Guidelines for Public Health
the case’s illness.                                                    Units)4 should be recommended in all cases of
                                                                       modified measles.
Our findings suggest that clinicians need to
consider measles in individuals with incomplete                        Learning points

                                                                       Modified measles may present atypically.

2 of 4               Commun Dis Intell (2018) 2019;43( Epub 17/06/2019
Non-immune or incompletely vaccinated travel-                          Authors details
lers returning from measles endemic countries
should be considered at risk of measles infection.                     Dr Alexandra M Uren, Public Health Registrar1
                                                                       Dr Bhakti R Vasant, Public Health Physician1
Serology requires interpretation on a case-by-                         Deborah Judd, Public Health Nurse1
case basis, considering patient’s clinical, vacci-                     Associate Professor David FM Looke,
nation and travel history.                                             Infectious Disease Physician2,3

Patients born after 1966 with only one (and                            Dr Andrew J Henderson, Infectious Disease
rarely two) documented MMR vaccine can still                           Physician2,4
be at risk of measles infection.                                       Dr Kari AJ Jarvinen, Public Health Physician1

Further studies are required to assess the infec-                      1. Metro South Public Health Unit, Division
tivity of modified measles.                                               of Medicine, Princess Alexandra Hospital,
                                                                          Metro South Health, QLD Australia
If modified measles is found to have low infec-
tivity, contact tracing guidelines could be devel-                     2. Infection Management Services, Princess
oped that are not as resource-intensive, in line                           Alexandra Hospital, QLD Australia
with the reduced risk to public health.
                                                                       3. University of Queensland, Department of
Modified measles infection may be an emerging                             Medicine, QLD Australia
public health issue as the Australian population
shifts towards vaccine-dependent immunity.                             4. University of Queensland, Centre for Clinical
                                                                          Research, QLD Australia
                                                                       Corresponding author
We thank Jamie McMahon, Glen Hewitson,
Amanda De Jong, Doris Genge and Neelima                                Dr Alexandra Uren
Nair for molecular diagnostic work at Forensic
and Scientific Services; Penny Hutchison for ini-                      Public Health Registrar
tial public health management; Alun Richards                           Health Protection Branch
and Heidi Carroll for public health advice; and                        Department of Health, QLD, Australia
Kate McCarthy for microbiology advice.

Competing interests                                                    e.

None declared.                                                         References

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