Mónica Garcia - Panorama High School

Page created by Joseph Vasquez
Mónica Garcia - Panorama High School
PANORAMA SH (1861001) 2022-2023 FSEP Approval Date : 8/24/2022 11:40:15 AM

                                                   Los Angeles Unified School District

                                                  School Plan for Student Achievement

                                                        PANORAMA SH (1861001)

                                                          Alberto M. Carvalho

                                                            Board Members
                                                              Kelly Gonez
                                                        Dr. George McKenna III
                                                             Mónica Garcia
                                                         Scott M. Schmerelson
                                                             Nick Melvoin
                                                            Jackie Goldberg
                                                          Tanya Ortiz Franklin

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PANORAMA SH (1861001) 2022-2023 FSEP Approval Date : 8/24/2022 11:40:15 AM
 TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                           Section

 District and School Information                                                 1
    School Identification                                                        1
    SPSA Review Tracker                                                          2
    Recommendations and Assurances                                               3
    Funding Allocated to this School                                             4
    District Mission Statement                                                   5
    School Mission, Vision, and Profile Description                              7
 School Review Process Recommendation                                            9
 Comprehensive Needs Assessment                                                  10
     School Accountability Report Card                                           10
     School Experience Survey                                                    10
     School Quality Improvement Index Report Card                                10
     School Report Card                                                          10
     Smarter Balanced Assessment                                                 10
 Comprehensive Needs Assessment / Self-Review Process                            10
 GOALS                                                                           11
     Academic Goal—100% Graduation and Beyond                                    11
     Academic Goal—English Language Arts                                         12
     Academic Goal—Mathematics                                                   13
     Academic Goal—English Learner Programs                                      14
     Parent, Community, and Student Engagement                                   15
     100% Attendance, Suspensions, School Safety, and Other Supports             16
 Resource Inequities and Evidence-Based Interventions                            17
 Title I Required Components for Implementation                                  18
     Schoolwide Program (SWP) / ESSA1114                                         18
 Local District Monitoring                                                       19
 Budget Summary                                                                  20
 Attachments                                                                     21

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PANORAMA SH (1861001) 2022-2023 FSEP Approval Date : 8/24/2022 11:40:15 AM                                                                                 Section 1
                                                             SCHOOL IDENTIFICATION
  School Name: PANORAMA SH (1861001)                                                                                        Local District:   NE

    CDS       County             District                        School
              1    9    6    4      7       3   3   0    1   1      2     0    5    2

 For additional information on our school programs contact the following:
 Principal:   NARDULLI, GIUSEPPE                                                                          E-mail address:   jnardull@lausd.net

 SPSA Designee: PATTERSON, KELLY                        Position: ADVSR, CTEGORCL PGM                     E-mail address:   kelly.patterson@lausd.net

 School Address: 8015 VAN NUYS BL, PANORAMA CITY, CA 91402                                                School Telephone Number: 8189094500

 I have reviewed the School Plan Achievement (SPSA) and Targeted Student Population (TSP) plan and recommend both for implementation.

                       KYLA HINSON                                                               05/09/2022

   Typed name of Local District Superintendent or designee       E-Signature of Local District     Date
                                                                 Superintendent or designee

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PANORAMA SH (1861001) 2022-2023 FSEP Approval Date : 8/24/2022 11:40:15 AM                                                         Section 2
                                                            SPSA Review Tracker
 Directions to SPSA Reviewers: Review the applicable sections of the School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) and mark the appropriate
 button. Type your name and date when completed.

 Local District Superintendent or           KYLA HINSON                  Revision Required   Approved                            05/09/2022
                                             Typed Name                                                                          Signed Date

 Local District EL Compliance               CYNTHIA DIAZ                 Revision Required   Meets Federal Requirements   N/A    06/22/2022
                                             Typed Name                                                                          Signed Date

 Local District PACE Administrator     PATRIZIA PUCCIO THOMAS            Revision Required   Meets Federal Requirements   N/A    06/09/2022
                                             Typed Name                                                                          Signed Date

 Local District Title I Coordinator        DANIELLA SIMON                Revision Required   Meets Federal Requirements   N/A    06/27/2022
                                             Typed Name                                                                          Signed Date

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PANORAMA SH (1861001) 2022-2023 FSEP Approval Date : 8/24/2022 11:40:15 AM                                                                                     Section 3
                                                          RECOMMENDATIONS AND ASSURANCES
 The School Site Council recommends this school plan and its proposed expenditures to the district governing board for approval and assures the board of the following:

 1. School Site Council has developed and approved, and will monitor the plan, to be known as the School Plan for Student Achievement for schools participating in
    programs funded through the consolidated application process.
 2. School plan was developed “with the review, certification, and advice of any applicable school advisory committees.”

 The School Site Council sought and considered all recommendations from the following groups or committees before adopting this plan. Signatures are requested for
 those advisory committees/groups providing input in the development of this plan.

                                                                                         Date(s) of                       Chairperson
                                           Committees                                 recommendation                      Typed Name
              English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC)                                  02/24/2022       Salome Madrid
                   ELAC has delegated authority to SSC
                   Not applicable (if a school has less than 21 English learners,
                   ELAC is not required)

 3. The content of the plan is aligned with school goals for improving student achievement.
 4. The plan is reviewed annually and updated, including proposed categorical expenditures of funds allocated to the school through the consolidated application, by the
    School Site Council.
 5. Plans are reviewed and approved by the governing board of the local educational agency “whenever there are material changes that affect the academic programs
    for students covered by programs” funded through the consolidated application.
 6. The school minimizes the removal of identified children during regular school hours for supplemental Title I instruction (Targeted Assistance Schools only).

  This school plan was adopted by the School Site Council on the following date:                                          03/03/2022
  School plan approval appears in SSC Minutes.                                                                               Date


   Elmer Garcia                                                                                       03/07/2022
                  Typed name of SSC chairperson                              E-Signature of              Date
                                                                            SSC chairperson

   NARDULLI, GIUSEPPE                                                                                 03/07/2022
                  Typed name of school principal                            E-Signature of               Date
                                                                            School principal

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PANORAMA SH (1861001) 2022-2023 FSEP Approval Date : 8/24/2022 11:40:15 AM                                                                         Section 4
                                           2022-2023 FUNDING ALLOCATED TO THIS SCHOOL

 The following categorical funds were allocated to this school through the Consolidated Application and Reporting System (“CARS”). Additional funds were
 allocated to this school through the Local Control Funding Formula. Funds (listed under “Other”) may be allocated to the school in accordance with District
 policy. If the school is operating as a Schoolwide Program (SWP), the following programs are consolidated in this plan:

                                                                   Federal Programs
 Elementary and Secondary Education Act:
                                                                                               Allocation:       Original          Second             Third

   Title I: Targeted Asst Schs (70S46)                                                         Amount: $
   Purpose: 70S46
   Title I: Schoolwide Program (7S046)                                                         Amount: $        1,172,292                 0
   Purpose: To upgrade the entire educational program of the school.
   Title I: Parent Involvement Allocation (7E046)                                              Amount: $           15,408                 0
   Purpose:    To promote family literacy, parenting skills, and parent involvement
   Title I: Comprehensive Sup & Improv (7T691)                                                 Amount: $          515,865                 0
   Purpose: 7T691
   Title I: Coll&Career Coach [Cent Funds] (7T124)                                             Amount: $                 0                0
   Purpose: 7T124 IS REFERING HERE
   Title III: English Language Development (7T197)                                             Amount: $                 0                0
   Purpose:   7T197
                                         Total amount of categorical funds allocated to this school: $                                            1,703,565

                                                                                Total shown does not include the second and third allocation.
   Other Programs to be consolidated under Schoolwide Program
   NOTE: Allocations for Other Program do not transfer to Budget Summary Report                  Allocation

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PANORAMA SH (1861001) 2022-2023 FSEP Approval Date : 8/24/2022 11:40:15 AM                                                                                         Section 5

                                                                   District Mission Statement
  The teachers, administrators, and staff of the Los Angeles Unified School District believe in the equal worth and dignity of all students and are committed to educate all
                                                                    students to their maximum potential.


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PANORAMA SH (1861001) 2022-2023 FSEP Approval Date : 8/24/2022 11:40:15 AM                                                                                    Section 7

                                         SCHOOL VISION, MISSION, AND PROFILE DESCRIPTION
                                                                          School Vision
Directions: State your school’s vision. (Describe what your school intends to become in the future.)
Every student at Panorama High School will be career-ready and/or have a post-secondary option.
                                                                         School Mission
Directions: State your school’s mission. (What is your school’s purpose, i.e., why does the school exist and what is it here to do?)
Panorama High School will provide a supportive, grade-level appropriate and personalized environment for our diverse population to receive a standards-
based education.

                                                                 School Profile Description
Directions: Provide a brief description of your school community (the boxes below expand as needed).
1. Describe your school’s geographical, demographic, educational and economic community base:
    The following websites contain useful data: http://www.census.gov/ , http://www.zip-codes.com/ , http://www.city-data.com/
Panorama High School is located in Panorama City in the eastern part of the San Fernando Valley, a suburb of Los Angeles, California. Panorama City was the first
planned community in the San Fernando Valley developed by steel magnate Henry J. Kaiser and land developer Fritz B. Burnsafter World War II to provide homes for
returning GIs. They bought the Panorama Ranch dairy farm in order to build 3,000 single-family dwellings and low-rise apartment buildings. Residents found jobs at the
former General Motors Plant, Schlitz Brewery (now Anheuser Busch), the Carnation Product Testing Plant, and Kaiser Hospital. With the closing of the General Motors
and Carnation Plants, along with major Department stores, there was an influx of smaller businesses and high-density apartment buildings, which created change in the
area. From the original plan for a population of 30,000 residents, the area has grown to a population of more than 69,817 with an ethnic breakdown of 70% Hispanic; 12%
Asian (half being Filipino); 11% White; 4% African American; 3% other ethnicities. The socio-economic structure of the area also changed from mostly middle class to
lower middle class with a median family income of approximately $44,468 a year. However, the community has the highest number of households that make $20,000 or
less as compared to the county of Los Angeles. Panorama High School’s Boundaries are within the LAPD gang injunction designated area.
2. Indicate grade levels and, if applicable, school configuration (e.g., Continuation School, Sp. Ed. Center, etc.):
Panorama High School is a comprehensive high school with grades 9 through 12.

3. Indicate student enrollment figures:
Panorama High School’s student enrollment is approximately 1,365.

4. Indicate poverty level (i.e., percentage of low-income students identified on the Title I ranking):
As of October 2021, 98.6% of the student population qualified for the Free and Reduced Meal Program. Our Title 1 Ranking is 98.6%.

5. Identify language, racial and ethnic make-up of the student body:
Approximately 91.37% of the students are Latino with the other 8.63% made up of African-American, Asian, Filipino, Pacific Islander, American Indian and White. 80% of
the families identify Spanish as their home language and less than 20% of families identifying a variety of other languages including Filipino, and English.

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PANORAMA SH (1861001) 2022-2023 FSEP Approval Date : 8/24/2022 11:40:15 AM                                                                                     Section 7
6. Provide a description of how the school will share individual student academic assessment results in a language the parents understand,
    including an interpretation of those results:
Panorama High School encourages positive, effective involvement of the parents and the community. Throughout the school year, Panorama High School informs parents
about the academic content standards and assessments including ELPAC, SBAC and quarterly assessment results. Teachers provide course syllabi and grading policies
for each subject. Panorama has School Volunteer Program and parent recruitment at certain school activities like Back-to-School Night and Open House. In addition,
Panorama offers workshops covering health care, college information, state and local test results, and discipline concerns. Each month parents will collaborate together
with the staff on ELAC and SSC committees to educate all participants on how to communicate and work together effectively to improve student achievement. Panorama
High School will use a variety of means to relay information to parents, i.e. Panorama’s website, Panorama Newsletter, Panorama Social Media Outlets, information
nights, Blackboard Connect, Parent Portal and report cards.

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PANORAMA SH (1861001) 2022-2023 FSEP Approval Date : 8/24/2022 11:40:15 AM                                                                                      Section 8
7. Describe other important characteristics of the school (e.g., SLC, PLC):
Directions: Check the box(es) next to the program(s) in which your school participates.
    Title I Schoolwide Program (SWP)
    Title I Targeted Assistance School (TAS)
    Title III English Language Acquisition, Language Enhancement, and Academic Achievement
    Extended School-Based Management Model (ESBMM)
    Local Initiative School (LIS)
    Pilot School
    Public School Choice (PSC)
    Partnership for Los Angeles Schools (PLAS)
    L.A.’s Promise
    Professional Learning Community (PLC)
    Small Learning Community (SLC)
    Additional Targeted Support and Improvement (ATSI)
    Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI)
    Targeted Support and Improvement (TSI)

Other important characteristics of the school:
During the 2012-2013 and 2013-2014, Panorama was in the Intensive Support Intervention Care. Based on our improvement of graduation rate and attendance rate,
suspension rate we were able to join the regular school district north. Our four-year cohort graduation rate has increased from an 82.7% in the 2016-2017 school year to
83.4% 2017-2018 school year. Our faculty is united behind one system of instruction: the Gradual Release Model. Due to our school performance on the English
Language Arts and Mathematics State Assessment, and College and Career Readiness, Panorama High School has identified a Comprehensive Support and
Improvement school for 2019-2020. Due to Panorama's academic performance in the college readiness indicator on the CA Dashboard, we maintained progress and did
improve by the .1 requirement, therefore, qualifying for CSI year two. Panorama prepares to enter year 3 as a CSI high school due to the pandemic circumstances and
transitioning to distance learning mid-spring semester in 2020 which impacted CA Dashboard indicators. Panorama High School has 96.98% of students that qualify for
Title 1 and we have school-wide free or reduced lunch.

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PANORAMA SH (1861001) 2022-2023 FSEP Approval Date : 8/24/2022 11:40:15 AM                                                                                     Section 9
                                              LAUSD School Review Process Recommendations
Directions: If applicable, indicate the school's review process(es).

 School Improvement Grant (SIG)
 WASC Recommendations                               WASC Accreditation Results:        6      years

The following key School Review Process Recommendations will be considered by the school and addressed in the SPSA as the school writes its School
Plan for Student Achievement:
The following key School Review Process Recommendations will be considered by the school and addressed in the SPSA as the school writes its Single Plan for
Student Achievement:
Panorama High School participated in four days of validation review by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC). As part of the review, all the classes
were visited and the following is an excerpt of their findings in the area of Instruction and Support:

1. The majority of members in the departments and the PLCs have common syllabi, curricular maps, assessments, and grading criteria.
2. All teachers have embraced the instructional philosophy of the Gradual Release Model.
3. All teachers, in varying degrees, plan for student engagement and collaboration within each lesson.
4. Teachers and students have high expectations in achieving academic standards, college and career readiness standards, and school-wide outcomes.

1. Students are recognized for their academic and interpersonal achievements through SLCs.
2. Structured and extensive academic and social/emotional support services are provided to students to foster academic and personal growth.
3. There is significant parent and community involvement.
4. Create a caring and supportive school environment for our students and parents that promote college and career readiness.

In March 2019, Panorama High School participated in a one-day review visit by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC). As part of the review,
classes were visited and the following are their recommendations:

1. Continue to build upon the success of the Gradual Release Model leading to increase rigor for all students.
2. Continue to use formative and informal assessment at the classroom level as part of an ongoing commitment to expanding the Gradual Release Model.
3. Continue to explore ways to use technology resources as a tool within the Gradual Release Model to expand 21st-century skills and literacy.

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PANORAMA SH (1861001) 2022-2023 FSEP Approval Date : 8/24/2022 11:40:15 AM                                                                   Section 10
                                                COMPREHENSIVE NEEDS ASSESSMENT
  A comprehensive needs assessment incorporates several components, including data analysis related to student achievement, professional
  development, school-family relationships, school culture/climate, attendance, suspensions/expulsions, and non-cognitive skills. Recommendations
  derived from the SPSA Evaluation, LAUSD School Review Process(es), and review and analysis of the data below comprise the LAUSD
  Comprehensive Needs Assessment for the SPSA.

  Directions:     Review and analyze the data below, along with the SPSA Evaluation results, and determine actions that will help improve teaching
                  and increase student achievement.

                         •   LAUSD School Review Process Recommendations (if applicable)
                         •   School Accountability Report Card
                         •   School Experience Survey
                         •   School Quality Improvement Index (SQII) Report Card
                         •   School Report Card
                         •   Smarter Balanced Assessment Criteria (SBAC) Examination

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PANORAMA SH (1861001) 2022-2023 FSEP Approval Date : 8/24/2022 11:40:15 AM                                                                                      Section 10
     DIRECTIONS: Check the groups or committees that participated in the plan writing process. Who was involved in the self-review/needs assessment process
     (e.g., SSC, teachers, advisory committees, parents, students)? Describe the school’s process for identifying areas in need of improvement and determining
     actions, strategies, and interventions to be implemented, i.e., what happened during the process (analysis of data, review of intervention results, examination
     of strategies proven to be effective). When did the process occur (dates)?

               Who was involved?                                                               What happened?                                                  Date(s)

   School Site Council                               Based on the analysis of data and review of the needs assessment presented to SSC. The                 10/28/2021,
                                                     members suggest continuing the implementation of the enrichment programs we have in place and in       12/09/2021,
                                                     addition the importance of a school nurse, additional professional development for teachers, and       01/27/2022,
                                                     intervention programs. The committee also expressed the importance of coordinators and                 03/03/2022
                                                     technology for our students. On 3/3/22, the SSC reviewed and approved the proposed SPSA and
                                                     Title 1 budgets for 2022-2023.
   English Learner Advisory Committee                Based on the analysis of data and review of strategies used in ELD courses and ELD integrated core     10/28/2021,
                                                     classes, ELAC members identified an increase in students achieving academic progress. ELAC             12/09/2021,
                                                     members recommended a Newcomer intervention program after school during the week. In addition,         01/27/2022,
                                                     professional development for teachers on engagement strategies to facilitate learning in the           02/24/2022
                                                     classroom and to implement during targeted intervention programs to increase performance on the
                                                     ELPAC and increase the reclassification rate. On 2/24/2022 ELAC made recommendations to SSC
                                                     regarding the SPSA and Title 1 Budgets for 2022-2023.
   Other: Local School Leadership Team               Based on the analysis of data and review Achieve 3000 data and Math IAB, school wide marks      10/28/2021,
                                                     analysis, instructional rounds, members identified effective strategies for student engagement. 12/02/2021,
                                                     Addiional, the need for professional development in the use of engagement strategies, Master    01/20/2022
                                                     Learning Grading and the use or Achieve 3000. Additionally, members recommend the development
                                                     of more personnel and/or systems to support the social emotional development of all students,
                                                     including our target student population.
   Other: Instructional Leadership Team              Based on the analysis of the Python Paragraphs, a writing structure adopted school-wide,               08/19/2021,
                                                     departments identified the need to continue implementing the writing structure of Achieve 3000. The    09/09/2021,
                                                     program has continued to be utilized by our English and other departments. The ILT expressed the       10/21/2021,
                                                     need for intervention programs and PD opportunities.                                                   11/04/2021,

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PANORAMA SH (1861001) 2022-2023 FSEP Approval Date : 8/24/2022 11:40:15 AM
                                                      Los Angeles Unified School District                             Section 11.1
                                                2022-2023 School Plan for Student Achievement
                                                              100% GRADUATION AND BEYOND
LAUSD Goal: All students will graduate from high school. Indicate all data reviewed to address this Academic Goal:

    Whole Child Integrated Data System
    Student Grades
    IEP Goals Data
    DIBELS Math
    School Accountability Report Card (SARC)
    CA Dashboard
    Smarter Balanced Assessment Criteria (SBAC)
    Interim Comprehensive Assessment (ICA)
    Interim Assessment Blocks (IAB)
    School Experience Survey
    Publisher’s Assessments
    Reading Inventory (RI)

    Other: Focus Dashboard

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PANORAMA SH (1861001) 2022-2023 FSEP Approval Date : 8/24/2022 11:40:15 AM                                                                                                                          Section 11.2 - Academic : 100% Graduation
1. List key findings related to 100% Graduation based on objective, factual data drawn from the current school year (e.g., student outcome data, observations, surveys, focus
groups, etc.).CA Dashboard data must be included when available. *Required
The key findings related to 100% Graduation are that 54% of all students at Panorama High School are on track for graduation achieving a C or better in all classes. In
regards to the class of 2022, 50.4% of all seniors graduated with a C or better in all A-G requirements.
2. For areas in need of improvement, identify the root causes/underlying issues related to key findings. *Required

The root underlying issues related to lack of academic achievement are as follows: a need for more opportunities for students to use the language in a rigorous
curriculum, the need for teachers to continue to provide students with opportunities to use language in their lessons, and consistently by utilizing our school-wide adopted
student engagement strategies and increasing awareness.
3. If the school met its measurable objective(s) or is on track to meet its measurable objective(s) in the current school year, what strategies contributed to the school’s
success? If this question does not apply, please type N/A in the box below. *Required


4. If the school did not meet its measurable objective(s) or is not on track to meet its measurable objective(s) in the current school year, describe what the school intends to do
differently (next Steps). If this question does not apply, please type N/A in the box below. *Required

By June 2022, 100% of 12th-grade students will participate in the Credit Recovery program as measured by attendance logs and grade reports.

State the School's Measurable Implementation Objective(s) for 2022-2023 *Required if this Goal is addressed.

   By June 2023, Credit Recovery will be implemented every Saturday using the STAR program, credit recovery or tutoring and will be attended by at least 50% of credit
   deficient students, as measured by attendance logs.
*The School’s Measurable Objective(s) must be specific, measurable, attainable, results-based, and time-bound (SMART), focused on identified student learning needs, and prioritized (if more than one Measurable Objective is identified).

State the School's Measurable Improvement Objective(s) for 2022-2023 *Required if this Goal is addressed.

  By June 2023, all students will make progress toward meeting A-G requirements to increase graduation by 3% from 2022 as measured by the LAUSD Focus Dashboard.
  By June 2023, students graduating with a C or higher in A-G requirements will increase by 3% compared to June 2022 as measured by the LAUSD Focus Dashboard.

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PANORAMA SH (1861001) 2022-2023 FSEP Approval Date : 8/24/2022 11:40:15 AM                                                               Section 11.3 - Academic : 100% Graduation
When addressing this Goal, include Integrated ELD in one or more Focus Areas.

Focus                                                                                                                                                     Academic : 100% Graduation
      Lesson Planning, Data Analysis, and Professional Development
                                                                                                         Action Begin
                                                                                                                           Identify the title of position/staff responsible
 Strategies, Actions and Tasks                                                             Status        & End Date
                                                                                                                           for monitoring the strategy
 Categorical Program Advisor with differential:                                                               07/01/2022   Administrators conduct class visits on daily basis
 Facilitates professional development for ELA, math, science or social science on          Continuing                      and include feedback to teacher
 content standards, college career readiness standards, and school-wide learner            Strategy           06/30/2023
 outcomes, A-G requirements, SBAC preparation/strategies, and to support                                                   Conferences after peer and administrative
 effective instructional program.                                                                                          observations to clarify or discuss concerns

 Instructional Rounds provide opportunities for teachers to reflect on instructional                                       Director walks with administrators on a regular
 practices and student learning. The overall purpose of instructional rounds is to                                         basis to various classrooms
 strengthen instructional delivery to attain content proficiency. Teachers develop a
 personalized relationship that facilitates peer observations and feedback on the
 effectiveness of the instructional delivery. Collaboratively teachers share in data
 analysis, self-reflection, and instructional practices. To promote the vision of the
 school, developing proficient, 21st Century learners, PD focuses on effective
 implementation of Kagan Structures of student engagement and school-wide
 instructional strategies of Costa’s Levels of Inquiry. These strategies lead to an
 increase of higher order thinking skills and opportunities for student generated
 academic language through reading, writing, listening, and speaking.
 Categorical Program Advisor Differential:                                                                    07/01/2022   Administrators conduct class visits on daily basis
 Program-related duties outside the regular work day.                                      Continuing                      and include feedback to teacher
                                                                                           Strategy           06/30/2023
 In partnership with Panorama Community of Schools, schools instructional                                                  Conferences after peer and administrative
 leadership teams meet to articulate and develop consistent school-wide                                                    observations to clarify or discuss concerns
 instructional strategies to implement and fortify a skill set that builds on as they go
 through elementary school grades, middle school grades and high school in order                                           Director walks with administrators on a regular
 to graduate students college and career ready.                                                                            basis to various classrooms

                                                                                                                                      Budget                             Funding
 Funding Source               SACS Function Budget Description                                          Position No Vendor                        Total Cost FTE
                                                                                                                                      Item No                            %
 CE-ESSA T1 Schools           1000               117361 - CAT PRG AD C1T 27/11 (6 Hrs / 5 Days)         30412843 N/A                  117361      129,608      1.00      100
 CE-ESSA T1 Schools           2100               11681 - CRD DIF CAT PRG ADV                            N/A          N/A              11681       1,576                  100
Focus                                                                                                                                                     Academic : 100% Graduation
      Effective Classroom Instruction

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PANORAMA SH (1861001) 2022-2023 FSEP Approval Date : 8/24/2022 11:40:15 AM                                                         Section 11.3 - Academic : 100% Graduation
                                                                                                   Action Begin
                                                                                                                     Identify the title of position/staff responsible
 Strategies, Actions and Tasks                                                      Status         & End Date
                                                                                                                     for monitoring the strategy
 AVID Ed AIde III Tutors to provide additional support in AVID elective courses with                    07/01/2022   Administrators conduct class visits on daily basis
 college applications, financial aide and Tutorial Request Forms.                    Continuing                      and include feedback to teacher
                                                                                    Strategy            06/30/2023

 Non capitalized equipment for students to engage in standards-based lessons                            07/01/2022   Administrators conduct class visits on daily basis
 that support the student use of technology and demonstration of proficiency in     Continuing                       and include feedback to teacher
 English Language Arts, English Language Development, mathematics, and other        Strategy            06/30/2023
 A-G required courses. Mac desktops will be available for teachers to assist them
 in making the curriculum accessible.

                                                                                                                                Budget                             Funding
 Funding Source             SACS Function Budget Description                                      Position No Vendor                        Total Cost FTE
                                                                                                                                Item No                            %
 CE-ESSA T1 Schools         1000              24520 - ED ADE 3 AVID C1T/05 (6 Hrs / 5 Days)       30440718 N/A                  24520       49,226       1.00      100
 CE-ESSA T1 Schools         1000              24520 - ED ADE 3 AVID C1T/05 (6 Hrs / 5 Days)       30440720 N/A                  24520       49,226       1.00      100
 CE-ESSA T1          1000                     40124 - NON-CAP EQUIP CLSRM                         N/A          N/A              40124       99,692                 100
 Comprehensive Sup &
 Improv (7T691)
Focus                                                                                                                                              Academic : 100% Graduation
      Interventions During and After the School Day and Other Supports
                                                                                                   Action Begin
                                                                                                                     Identify the title of position/staff responsible
 Strategies, Actions and Tasks                                                      Status         & End Date
                                                                                                                     for monitoring the strategy
 SECONDARY COUNSELORS                                                                                   07/01/2022   Administrators conduct class visits on daily basis
  Monitor targeted subgroups who are not on track to meet proficiency in A-G        Continuing                       and include feedback to teacher.
 required courses. Counselor will meet student and parent identified to refer       Strategy            06/30/2023
 appropriate credit recovery.

 School psychologists to provide services to students, staff, and parents and/or                        07/01/2022   Administrators conduct class visits on daily basis
 guardians to offer the following outside the regular assignment                    Continuing                       and include feedback to teacher.
 -Support academic, social emotional and behavior functioning for all students.     Strategy            06/30/2023
 -Observe students in the classroom and other school settings to determine their
 academic and social-emotional functioning.
 -Provide formal and informal assessments of students’ abilities, including
 psychological and social-emotional skills, academic achievement, and
 communication development
 -Provide DIS Counseling and Educationally Related Intensive Counseling
 Services (ERICS) to students as warranted on their Individualized Education
 Program (IEP).

                                                                                                                                                                     Page 17 of 56
PANORAMA SH (1861001) 2022-2023 FSEP Approval Date : 8/24/2022 11:40:15 AM                                                           Section 11.3 - Academic : 100% Graduation
                                                                                                       Action Begin
                                                                                                                       Identify the title of position/staff responsible
 Strategies, Actions and Tasks                                                         Status          & End Date
                                                                                                                       for monitoring the strategy
 School Mental Health Psychiatric Social Worker (PSW) are highly trained clinical                         07/01/2022   Administrators conduct class visits on daily basis
 social workers to provide the following services outside the regular assignment:      Continuing                      and include feedback to teacher.
 early intervention, and crisis response supports for students, families and staff     Strategy           06/30/2023
 impacted by behavioral and emotional challenges. In collaboration with school
 administrators and staff,
 PSW continue to assess mental and behavioral health needs of the school to
 develop and implement a tailored service plan aligned to school goals and
 • Provide individual, group and family therapy
 • Deliver crisis response and intervention services
 • Conduct student risk assessments and provide appropriate safety planning
 • Collaborate with teachers to support core instructional services to address
 comprehensive needs of the Whole Child
 • Engage parents, families and communities to decrease barriers to learning and
 increase social emotional competence
 Tutor Teacher X Time:                                                                                    07/01/2022   Administrators conduct class visits on daily basis
 Core subjects intensive support classes, Language Skills Intervention, Targeted       Continuing                      and include feedback to teachers.
 Reading Intervention and Targeted Math Intervention, college study skill set          Strategy           06/30/2023
 classes provided after school, on Saturdays, and off-track for all targeted
 subgroups grade 9-12. outside the regular assignment Students will utilize the
 variety of preparation materials including computer software programs such as
 Achieve 3000, Lumos Learning, skill builder practice tests and supplemental
 440 hours x $90.18/hr = $39,680.
 IT Support Technicians have the important responsibility of installing computing                         07/01/2022   Administrators conduct visits on dweekly basis
 systems, diagnosing basic technology related problems, and troubleshooting            New Strategy                    and include feedback to technicians.
 hardware and software issues at local sites.                                                             06/30/2023

 Curricular Trips                                                                                         07/01/2022   Principal
 Opportunities for students to visit college campuses to encourage college             New Strategy
 attendance after graduation. Learn more information about enrollment, financial                          06/30/2023
 aid, and other services provided by colleges.

 POTENTIAL FUNDING VARIANCE:                                                                              07/01/2022   Principal
 3% Potential Funding Variance (PFV) for any budgeted positions to fund the cost       New Strategy
 of the position's salary increases, salary step advancement, differential, increase                      06/30/2023
 in fringe benefits, and health and welfare, if any.

                                                                                                                                   Budget                            Funding
 Funding Source              SACS Function Budget Description                                         Position No Vendor                      Total Cost FTE
                                                                                                                                   Item No                           %
 CE-ESSA T1 Schools          3110              110142 - COUNS SEC C1T 25/10 (6 Hrs / 5 Days)          30464159 N/A                 110142     119,924      1.00      100
 CE-ESSA T1 Schools          3110              110142 - COUNS SEC C1T 25/10 (6 Hrs / 5 Days)          30452083 N/A                 110142     119,924      1.00      100

                                                                                                                                                                        Page 18 of 56
PANORAMA SH (1861001) 2022-2023 FSEP Approval Date : 8/24/2022 11:40:15 AM                                 Section 11.3 - Academic : 100% Graduation
                                                                                                         Budget                     Funding
 Funding Source       SACS Function Budget Description                              Position No Vendor             Total Cost FTE
                                                                                                         Item No                    %
 CE-ESSA T1 Schools   1000          40239 - POTENTIAL FNDING VAR                    N/A        N/A       40239     33,106           100
 CE-ESSA T1 Schools   2100          25691 - ITSUPPORT TECH C1T/5 (6 Hrs / 5 Days)   30482156 N/A         25691     66,252    1.00   100
 CE-ESSA T1 Schools   1000          10376 - TUTOR TCHR X TIME                       N/A        N/A       10376     39,680    0.00   100
 CE-ESSA T1          1000           50174 - CURRICULAR TRIPS                        N/A        N/A       50174     12,300    0.00   100
 Comprehensive Sup &
 Improv (7T691)

                                                                                                                                      Page 19 of 56
PANORAMA SH (1861001) 2022-2023 FSEP Approval Date : 8/24/2022 11:40:15 AM
                                                       Los Angeles Unified School District                                                                       Section 12.1
                                                 2022-2023 School Plan for Student Achievement
                                                      ACADEMIC GOAL — ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS
LAUSD Goal: All students will reach high standards, at a minimum attaining proficiency or better in reading and mathematics. Indicate all data reviewed to address this
Academic Goal:
    Whole Child Integrated Data System
    Student Grades
    IEP Goals Data
    DIBELS Math
    School Accountability Report Card (SARC)
    CA Dashboard
    Smarter Balanced Assessment Criteria (SBAC)
    Interim Comprehensive Assessment (ICA)
    Interim Assessment Blocks (IAB)
    School Experience Survey
    Publisher’s Assessments
    Reading Inventory (RI)
    Other: CAASP

                                                                                                                                                                Page 20 of 56
PANORAMA SH (1861001) 2022-2023 FSEP Approval Date : 8/24/2022 11:40:15 AM                                                                                                                  Section 12.2 - Academic : English Language Arts
1. List key findings related to English Language Arts based on objective, factual data drawn from the current school year (e.g., student outcome data, observations, surveys,
focus groups, etc.).CA Dashboard data must be included when available. *Required
The key findings related to English Language Arts based on the CAASPP data, the ELA percent of achievement level on the summative assessment was 48.20% met or
exceeded. The California Dashboard will be updated when the 2021-2022 summative assessment is taken, other schools and district-wide assessments have provided
insight into achievement and growth. The Star Renaissance Reading Assessment from the academic year 2021-2022 has demonstrated that 11th-grade students have
made growth towards their Lexile levels by an average of 100L since they started the school year while 9th grade has made an average growth of 25L since the beginning
of the year. The School’s integration of semester-wide implementation of the CAASPP IABs have demonstrated that our 11th-grade students' achievement in the
“Performance task (Measures writing)” is at 57% Above standard, 27% near standard, and 16% below standard. While the rest of the grade 9-10 are identified per the
IAB’s as 24% Above Standard, 46% near standard, and 30% below standard when it comes to writing. Achieve3000 demonstrates consistent growth in all grades, 9th
grade had an average growth of 13L, 10th Grade had average growth of 4L, 11th grade had an average growth of 25L, and 12th grade had an average growth of 15L.
2. For areas in need of improvement, identify the root causes/underlying issues related to key findings. *Required

The root causes or underlying issues related to our key findings for all students in English Language Arts, including English Learners, Hispanic, Socioeconomically
disadvantaged subgroups are the following:
All grade levels have demonstrated growth in reading and expanding on Language; however, there is still room for growth. Some root causes and underlying issues might
be attendance, pandemic-related loss of instruction, and consistency of implementation.
3. If the school met its measurable objective(s) or is on track to meet its measurable objective(s) in the current school year, what strategies contributed to the school’s
success? If this question does not apply, please type N/A in the box below. *Required


4. If the school did not meet its measurable objective(s) or is not on track to meet its measurable objective(s) in the current school year, describe what the school intends to do
differently (next Steps). If this question does not apply, please type N/A in the box below. *Required

Based on the results and data from the (ELPAC, Whole Child, Focus), the key findings related to English language arts are as followed:
Moving forward, the following actions are intended in order to see school academic progress; Teachers will participate in PD for clarity of lesson, engagement strategies,
and cross-curricular planning throughout the school year. PD will continue to include delivery of tiered intervention services and resources, demonstrations of lessons for
effective use of evidence-based practices, and use of technology. Department meetings for teachers to continue to analyze data, develop common assessments, share
practices and strengthen the delivery of instruction through the use of technology and cross-curricular planning,

State the School's Measurable Implementation Objective(s) for 2022-2023 *Required if this Goal is addressed.

   By June 2023, 90% of teachers will participate in and implement the strategies from at least 2 PDs on Integrated ELD as measured by PD calendar, agendas, sign-ins,
   and classroom observations. PD topics include SDAIE strategies, Kagan student engagement structures and Achieve 3000 training.
*The School’s Measurable Objective(s) must be specific, measurable, attainable, results-based, and time-bound (SMART), focused on identified student learning needs, and prioritized (if more than one Measurable Objective is identified).

State the School's Measurable Improvement Objective(s) for 2022-2023 *Required if this Goal is addressed.

  By June 2023, the percentage of students in grade 11 that score "meets" or "exceeds" on the Spring 2023 ELA SBAC Assessment will increase to 25% from the 2021-
  2022 SBAC as measured by the CA Dashboard and the other LAUSD data in ELA.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Page 21 of 56
PANORAMA SH (1861001) 2022-2023 FSEP Approval Date : 8/24/2022 11:40:15 AM                                                            Section 12.3 - Academic : English Language Arts
When addressing this Goal, include Integrated ELD in one or more Focus Areas.

Focus                                                                                                                                                 Academic : English Language Arts
      Lesson Planning, Data Analysis, and Professional Development
                                                                                                            Action Begin
                                                                                                                              Identify the title of position/staff responsible
 Strategies, Actions and Tasks                                                              Status          & End Date
                                                                                                                              for monitoring the strategy
 In partnership with Panorama Community of Schools, schools instructional                                        07/01/2022   Administrators conduct class visits on a daily
 leadership teams meet to articulate and develop consistent school-wide                     Continuing                        basis and include feedback to Instructional
 instructional strategies to implement and fortify literacy skills that builds on as they   Strategy             06/30/2023   Leadership Team.
 go through elementary school grades, middle school grades and high school in
 order to prepare all students and support their progress towards college and
 career readiness.
 Instructional Coach for English Language Arts to implement literacy standards                                   07/01/2022   Administrators conduct class visits on daily basis
 school-wide professional development is allotted to departments to collaborate             Continuing                        and include feedback to teacher.
 and develop units of study that incorporate Content Standards, literacy standards,         Strategy             06/30/2023
 ELD during ELA to help ELs meet the set goal and School-wide Learner
 Instructional Coach Differential to facilitate professional development for ELA,                                07/01/2022   Administrators conduct class visits on daily basis
 math, science or social science on Content Standards, College Career Readiness             Continuing                        and include feedback to teacher.
 Standards, and school-wide learner outcomes, A-G graduation requirements,                  Strategy             06/30/2023
 SBAC preparation/strategies, effectiveuse of Gradual Release Model, and the
 Teacher and Learning Framework; and to support effective instructional program.
 POTENTIAL FUNDING VARIANCE:                                                                                     07/01/2022   Principal
 3% Potential Funding Variance (PFV) for any budgeted positions to fund the cost            New Strategy
 of the position's salary increases, salary step advancement, differential, increase                             06/30/2023
 in fringe benefits, and health and welfare, if any.

                                                                                                                                          Budget                               Funding
 Funding Source               SACS Function Budget Description                                             Position No Vendor                        Total Cost FTE
                                                                                                                                          Item No                              %
 CE-ESSA T1                                      13297 - INSTRL COACH SEC C1T (6 Hrs / 5 Days) 30452080 N/A                               13297      129,082      1.00         100
 Comprehensive Sup &
 Improv (7T691)
 CE-ESSA T1          1000                        40239 - POTENTIAL FNDING VAR                              N/A          N/A               40239      3,873                     100
 Comprehensive Sup &
 Improv (7T691)
 CE-ESSA T1          1000                        10246 - DIFF INSTL COACH SEC                              N/A          N/A               10246      1,893        0.00         100
 Comprehensive Sup &
 Improv (7T691)
Focus                                                                                                                                                 Academic : English Language Arts
      Effective Classroom Instruction

                                                                                                                                                                                Page 22 of 56
PANORAMA SH (1861001) 2022-2023 FSEP Approval Date : 8/24/2022 11:40:15 AM                                                        Section 12.3 - Academic : English Language Arts
                                                                                                        Action Begin
                                                                                                                          Identify the title of position/staff responsible
 Strategies, Actions and Tasks                                                          Status          & End Date
                                                                                                                          for monitoring the strategy
 Class Size Reduction Teachers (CSR) with benefitted absences, to increase the                               07/01/2022   Administrators conduct class visits on daily basis
 opportunities to personalize instruction, and increase student engagement in ninth     Continuing                        and include feedback to teacher
 and tenth grade ELA courses.                                                           Strategy             06/30/2023

 SUPPLEMENTAL INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS                                                                        07/01/2022   Administrators conduct class visits on daily basis
 Instructional Materials such as graphic novels, supplemental publisher workbooks,      New Strategy                      and include feedback to teacher
 manipulatives, instructional DVDs, science labs and materials to use in the                                 06/30/2023
 classroom to deliver instruction and targeted interventions. Providing teachers and
 students supplemental material in order to reinforce the curriculum being taught.
 A coordinator to support teachers in utilizing and supporting , Adobe Software,
 Kami, IXL, Achieve 3000, Clever thus increasing the ability of our students to
 access the curriculum.

                                                                                                                                     Budget                             Funding
 Funding Source              SACS Function Budget Description                                          Position No Vendor                        Total Cost FTE
                                                                                                                                     Item No                            %
 CE-ESSA T1 Schools          1000               13641 - CSR TCHR SEC ELA 1TK (6 Hrs / 5 Days)          30487407 N/A                  13641       124,412      1.00      100
 CE-ESSA T1 Schools          1000               10562 - DDSUB CSR T BEN ABSC (6 Hrs)                   N/A          N/A              10562       1,485                  100
 CE-ESSA T1          1000                       40269 - SUPPLMTL INSTRL MAT                            N/A          N/A              40269       44,544       0.00      100
 Comprehensive Sup &
 Improv (7T691)
 CE-ESSA T1 Schools          1000               40269 - SUPPLMTL INSTRL MAT                            N/A          N/A              40269       4,580        0.00      100
Focus                                                                                                                                             Academic : English Language Arts
      Interventions During and After the School Day and Other Supports
                                                                                                        Action Begin
                                                                                                                          Identify the title of position/staff responsible
 Strategies, Actions and Tasks                                                          Status          & End Date
                                                                                                                          for monitoring the strategy
 Software License Maintenance - Achieve 3000 develops and strengthens                                        07/01/2022   Administrators conduct class visits on a regular
 students' reading comprehension skills. Achieve 3000 offers reading lessons            Continuing                        basis with feedback by end of day.
 across different content areas and makes the reading activity accessible to            Strategy             06/30/2023
 English learners according to their individual lexile level. Tier intervention for
 literacy is offered in all content course, ELA, Social Studies, Science classes that
 include the use of supplemental reading at a students individual reading level
 through the use of Achieve3000 site licenses.


                                                                                                                                                                             Page 23 of 56
PANORAMA SH (1861001) 2022-2023 FSEP Approval Date : 8/24/2022 11:40:15 AM                        Section 12.3 - Academic : English Language Arts
                                                                                                    Budget                       Funding
 Funding Source       SACS Function Budget Description                       Position No Vendor               Total Cost FTE
                                                                                                    Item No                      %
 CE-ESSA T1 Schools   1000          50243 - SOFTWARE LICNS MAINT             N/A        N/A         50243     9,946              100

                                                                                                                                   Page 24 of 56
PANORAMA SH (1861001) 2022-2023 FSEP Approval Date : 8/24/2022 11:40:15 AM
                                                       Los Angeles Unified School District                                                                       Section 13.1
                                                 2022-2023 School Plan for Student Achievement
                                                              ACADEMIC GOAL — MATHEMATICS
LAUSD Goal: All students will reach high standards, at a minimum attaining proficiency or better in reading and mathematics. Indicate all data reviewed to address this
Academic Goal:
    Whole Child Integrated Data System
    Student Grades
    IEP Goals Data
    DIBELS Math
    School Accountability Report Card (SARC)
    CA Dashboard
    Smarter Balanced Assessment Criteria (SBAC)
    Interim Comprehensive Assessment (ICA)
    Interim Assessment Blocks (IAB)
    School Experience Survey
    Publisher’s Assessments
    Reading Inventory (RI)

                                                                                                                                                                Page 25 of 56
PANORAMA SH (1861001) 2022-2023 FSEP Approval Date : 8/24/2022 11:40:15 AM                                                                                                                                 Section 13.2 - Academic : Mathematics
1. List key findings related to Mathematics based on objective, factual data drawn from the current school year (e.g., student outcome data, observations, surveys, focus
groups, etc.).CA Dashboard data must be included when available. *Required
Per the 2020-2021 California CAASPP website, math’s achievement last year in the summative SBAC assessment was 54.55% standard not met, 25.91% standard
nearly met, 12.73% standard met, 6.82 above standard. The School’s integration of semester-wide implementation of the CAASPP IABs has demonstrated that students'
achievement in the IAB - Solve equation and inequalities linear and exponential were the following. Above standard: 9%, Near Standard 24%, and below standard 67%.
The Star Renaissance Math Assessment from the academic year 2021-2022 has demonstrated that 11th-grade students have made growth towards their levels. 11th
grade in their Star unified scale was 1047 and this spring they were 1061, and 12th grade was at 1090 to 1111.
2. For areas in need of improvement, identify the root causes/underlying issues related to key findings. *Required

The root causes or underlying lack of progress for all students in Mathematics, including our Mathematics, students with disabilities, Hispanic and Socioeconomically
Disadvantaged subgroups are the following: lack of basic skill development in Math, lack of consistency in classroom practice, class size attendance, lack of motivation,
lack of collaborative learning models, and intervention services and lack of parent involvement.
3. If the school met its measurable objective(s) or is on track to meet its measurable objective(s) in the current school year, what strategies contributed to the school’s
success? If this question does not apply, please type N/A in the box below. *Required


4. If the school did not meet its measurable objective(s) or is not on track to meet its measurable objective(s) in the current school year, describe what the school intends to do
differently (next Steps). If this question does not apply, please type N/A in the box below. *Required

Our next steps to assist our students succeed in meet our academic objectives include:
A writing task every month (Python Paragraph). Students are given an open-ended question in order to calculate their findings and to express their reasoning. Practice
task using CASPP materials (IAB). Testing will allow the Math department to view data and identify any strengths or weaknesses that students display in order to focus
strategies to strengthen skills. We have aligned (pacing guide) our curriculum so that as a department we are all teaching the same standards around the same time. We
also have implemented backwards planning to guide our professional development. Teachers are attending professional development meetings in order to find strategies
that they can implement within their classroom environment. Strategies such as Kagan and Implementation of Mastery Learning and Grading.

State the School's Measurable Implementation Objective(s) for 2022-2023 *Required if this Goal is addressed.

   By June 2023, 100% of math teachers will use the Python Paragraph writing task every month for students to practice responding to an open-ended question in order to
   calculate their findings and to express their reasoning, as measured by the IAB and ICA practice and the SBAC performance task along with the implementation of the
   Callahan program. The strategy of teachers implementing the Python Paragraph writing will be monitored by classroom observations, student samples submitted on
   School-wide Schoology Page, and teacher logs.
*The School’s Measurable Objective(s) must be specific, measurable, attainable, results-based, and time-bound (SMART), focused on identified student learning needs, and prioritized (if more than one Measurable Objective is identified).

State the School's Measurable Improvement Objective(s) for 2022-2023 *Required if this Goal is addressed.

  By June 2023, students will increase by 10 points from the standard score in Mathematics compared to the 2021-2022 school year as measured by the Math SBAC
  performance task.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Page 26 of 56
PANORAMA SH (1861001) 2022-2023 FSEP Approval Date : 8/24/2022 11:40:15 AM                                                                  Section 13.3 - Academic : Mathematics
When addressing this Goal, include Integrated ELD in one or more Focus Areas.

Focus                                                                                                                                                    Academic : Mathematics
      Lesson Planning, Data Analysis, and Professional Development
                                                                                                     Action Begin
                                                                                                                       Identify the title of position/staff responsible
 Strategies, Actions and Tasks                                                         Status        & End Date
                                                                                                                       for monitoring the strategy
 Professional Development that facilitates the implementation of integrated of                            07/01/2022   Administrators conduct class visits on a regular
 content standards within the math curriculum with the use of specific AVID            Continuing                      basis with feedback by end of day.
 strategies that allow English learners access to grade level text. The use of         Strategy           06/30/2023
 Achieve 3000 and Kagan Structures of Engagement will scaffold prompts and
 word problems for students to be able to better comprehend and learn different
 math concepts. iELD will provide instructional strategies and guiding questions for
 our EL population. Provide opportunities for teachers to share best practices,
 analyze specific data and strengthen the delivery of instruction through the
 effective implementation of the Gradual Release.

                                                                                                                                  Budget                            Funding
 Funding Source              SACS Function Budget Description                                       Position No Vendor                         Total Cost FTE
                                                                                                                                  Item No                           %
                                                                                                    N/A          N/A
Focus                                                                                                                                                    Academic : Mathematics
      Effective Classroom Instruction
                                                                                                     Action Begin
                                                                                                                       Identify the title of position/staff responsible
 Strategies, Actions and Tasks                                                         Status        & End Date
                                                                                                                       for monitoring the strategy
 Class Size Reduction Teachers (CSR) with benefitted absences, to increase the                            07/01/2022   Administrators conduct class visits on a regular
 opportunities to personalize instruction, and increase student engagement in ninth    Continuing                      basis with feedback by end of day.
 and tenth grade Math courses.                                                         Strategy           06/30/2023

                                                                                                                                  Budget                            Funding
 Funding Source              SACS Function Budget Description                                       Position No Vendor                         Total Cost FTE
                                                                                                                                  Item No                           %
 CE-ESSA T1 Schools          1000              13644 - CSR TCHR SEC MTH 1TK (6 Hrs / 5 Days) 30487310 N/A                         13644        124,412     1.00     100
 CE-ESSA T1 Schools          1000              10562 - DDSUB CSR T BEN ABSC (6 Hrs)                 N/A          N/A              10562        1,485                100
Focus                                                                                                                                                    Academic : Mathematics
      Interventions During and After the School Day and Other Supports

                                                                                                                                                                          Page 27 of 56
PANORAMA SH (1861001) 2022-2023 FSEP Approval Date : 8/24/2022 11:40:15 AM                                                                Section 13.3 - Academic : Mathematics
                                                                                                   Action Begin
                                                                                                                     Identify the title of position/staff responsible
 Strategies, Actions and Tasks                                                       Status        & End Date
                                                                                                                     for monitoring the strategy
 CONTRACTED INSTRUCTIONAL SERVICES for students to engage in a variety                                  07/01/2022   Administrators conduct class visits on a regular
 of preparation materials in math content such as Callahan modules for students to   Continuing                      basis with feedback by end of day.
 practice the necessary steps required to input a calculation in content area to     Strategy           06/30/2023
 solve trigonometric expressions, finding area and volume of geometric shapes,
 scientific notations etc.
 Contracted Instructional Services = $25,000
 Sub-Agreements = $95,000
 Total = $120,000

                                                                                                                                Budget                            Funding
 Funding Source             SACS Function Budget Description                                      Position No Vendor                         Total Cost FTE
                                                                                                                                Item No                           %
 CE-ESSA T1          1000                     50002 - CONTR INSTRL SVC                            N/A          N/A              50002        25,000               100
 Comprehensive Sup &
 Improv (7T691)
 CE-ESSA T1          1000                     50255 - CNTRCTSUBARGMNTS>25K                        N/A          N/A              50255        95,000      0.00     100
 Comprehensive Sup &
 Improv (7T691)

                                                                                                                                                                        Page 28 of 56
PANORAMA SH (1861001) 2022-2023 FSEP Approval Date : 8/24/2022 11:40:15 AM
                                                      Los Angeles Unified School District                                                          Section 14.1
                                                2022-2023 School Plan for Student Achievement
                                                  ACADEMIC GOAL — ENGLISH LEARNER PROGRAMS
                                                   Designated English Language Development (ELD)
LAUSD Goal: All limited-English-proficient students will become proficient in English and reach high academic standards, at a minimum attaining
proficiency or better in reading/language arts and mathematics. Indicate all data reviewed to address this Academic Goal:
    Whole Child Integrated Data System
    Student Grades
    IEP Goals Data
    DIBELS Math
    School Accountability Report Card (SARC)
    CA Dashboard
    Smarter Balanced Assessment Criteria (SBAC)
    Interim Comprehensive Assessment (ICA)
    Interim Assessment Blocks (IAB)
    School Experience Survey
    Publisher’s Assessments
    Reading Inventory (RI)

                                                                                                                                                  Page 29 of 56
PANORAMA SH (1861001) 2022-2023 FSEP Approval Date : 8/24/2022 11:40:15 AM                                                                                                            Section 14.2 - Academic : English Learner Programs
1. List key findings related to English Learner Programs based on objective, factual data drawn from the current school year (e.g., student outcome data, observations,
surveys, focus groups, etc.).CA Dashboard data must be included when available. *Required
The key findings are as follows:
91% of our students scored below basic in the Reading Inventory assessment. English learners having difficulty in analyzing complex text. English Learners are
having difficulty in determining the academic language of the discipline.
23%% are English Learners
2. For areas in need of improvement, identify the root causes/underlying issues related to key findings. *Required

The root causes or underlying issues related to our key findings for all students in English Learners are the following:
Embed opportunities for students to use academic language in their lessons. Students need the opportunity to use and develop the language in reading, writing, listening,
and speaking. This use of language needs to be structured and used consistently and be developed in grade level content courses. Panorama High School needs to
continue to work with teachers in implementing engagement strategies and how to develop language lessons that incorporate content vocabulary reflected in students'
3. If the school met its measurable objective(s) or is on track to meet its measurable objective(s) in the current school year, what strategies contributed to the school’s
success? If this question does not apply, please type N/A in the box below. *Required


4. If the school did not meet its measurable objective(s) or is not on track to meet its measurable objective(s) in the current school year, describe what the school intends to do
differently (next Steps). If this question does not apply, please type N/A in the box below. *Required

Based the key findings as related to English Language Proficiency Assessment for California English learners did not meet the measurable objective for the 2022-2023
school year due to the shutdown caused by the pandemic. Moving forward, the following actions are intended to continue adaptable to distance learning in order to reflect
academic progress: Supplemental material and implementation of software in the classroom such as Rosetta Stone, Achieve 3000; enrichment opportunities for English
learners to develop and practice the language beyond the regular school day and/or Saturdays; opportunities to connect language development to curriculum field trips;
and targeted intervention to prepare all English learners for required EL state and district assessments.

State the School's Measurable Implementation Objective(s) for 2022-2023 *Required

   During the 2022-2023 school year, 80% of EL students will attend one-to-one data chats with TSP Advisor twice a year to review Reading Inventory results, ELPAC data,
   and final grades after each quarter. During these chats, they will create an action plan for reclassification as evidenced by reclassification plans.
*The School’s Measurable Objective(s) must be specific, measurable, attainable, results-based, and time-bound (SMART), focused on identified student learning needs, and prioritized (if more than one Measurable Objective is identified).

State the School's Measurable Improvement Objective(s) for 2022-2023 *Required

  By the end of the 2022-23 school year, the percentage of English Learners who reclassify will be at 10% an increase of 5% from the previous school year 2021-2022.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Page 30 of 56
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