Mónica Garcia - BERENDO MS (1805701) Implementation

Page created by Margaret Page
Mónica Garcia - BERENDO MS (1805701) Implementation
BERENDO MS (1805701) 2021-2022

                                 Los Angeles Unified School District

                                 School Plan for Student Achievement

                                       BERENDO MS (1805701)

                                     Interim Superintendent
                                         Megan K. Reilly

                                          Board Members
                                            Kelly Gonez
                                      Dr. George McKenna III
                                           Mónica Garcia
                                       Scott M. Schmerelson
                                           Nick Melvoin
                                          Jackie Goldberg
                                        Tanya Ortiz Franklin

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BERENDO MS (1805701) 2021-2022
 TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                    Section

 District and School Information                                          1
    School Identification                                                 1
    SPSA Review Tracker                                                   2
    Recommendations and Assurances                                        3
    Funding Allocated to this School                                      4
    District Mission Statement                                            5
    School Mission, Vision, and Profile Description                       7
 Comprehensive Needs Assessment                                           9
    School Accountability Report Card                                     9
    School Experience Survey                                              9
    School Quality Improvement Index Report Card                          9
    School Report Card                                                    9
    Smarter Balanced Assessment                                           9
 Comprehensive Needs Assessment / Self-Review Process                     9
 GOALS                                                                    10
    Academic Goal—100% Graduation and Beyond                              10
    Academic Goal—English Language Arts                                   11
    Academic Goal—Mathematics                                             12
    Academic Goal—English Learner Programs                                13
    Parent, Community, and Student Engagement                             14
    100% Attendance, Suspensions, School Safety, and Other Supports       15
 Resource Inequities and Evidence-Based Interventions                     16
 Title I Required Components for Implementation                           17
    Schoolwide Program (SWP) / ESSA1114                                   17
 Local District Monitoring                                                18
 Budget Summary                                                           19
 Attachments                                                              20

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BERENDO MS (1805701) 2021-2022                                                                                                                     Section 1
                                                             SCHOOL IDENTIFICATION
  School Name: BERENDO MS (1805701)                                                                                       Local District:   C

    CDS       County             District                        School
              1    9    6    4      7       3   3   6    0   6      1     4    0    2

 For additional information on our school programs contact the following:
 Principal:   YOM, ANTHONY S                                                                            E-mail address:   say0263@lausd.net

 SPSA Designee: NEGROE, ROGER                           Position: ASMT,NONCLSRM,PREP                    E-mail address:   rin8531@lausd.net

 School Address: 1157 S BERENDO ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90006                                               School Telephone Number: 2137395600

 I have reviewed the School Plan Achievement (SPSA) and Targeted Student Population (TSP) plan and recommend both for implementation.

   Typed name of Local District Superintendent or designee       E-Signature of Local District   Date
                                                                 Superintendent or designee

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BERENDO MS (1805701) 2021-2022                                                                                                     Section 2
                                                           SPSA Review Tracker
 Directions to SPSA Reviewers: Review the applicable sections of the School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) and mark the appropriate
 button. Type your name and date when completed.

 Local District Superintendent or                                       Revision Required    Approved
                                            Typed Name                                                                           Signed Date

 Local District EL Compliance           YADHIRA HERNANDEZ               Revision Required    Meets Federal Requirements   N/A    05/20/2021
                                            Typed Name                                                                           Signed Date

Local District PACE Administrator       THERESA ARREGUIN                Revision Required    Meets Federal Requirements   N/A    07/27/2021
                                            Typed Name                                                                           Signed Date

 Local District Title I Coordinator        OSCAR SALAS                  Revision Required    Meets Federal Requirements   N/A    08/02/2021
                                            Typed Name                                                                           Signed Date

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BERENDO MS (1805701) 2021-2022                                                                                                                                 Section 3
                                                          RECOMMENDATIONS AND ASSURANCES
 The School Site Council recommends this school plan and its proposed expenditures to the district governing board for approval and assures the board of the following:

 1. School Site Council has developed and approved, and will monitor the plan, to be known as the School Plan for Student Achievement for schools participating in
    programs funded through the consolidated application process.
 2. School plan was developed “with the review, certification, and advice of any applicable school advisory committees.”

 The School Site Council sought and considered all recommendations from the following groups or committees before adopting this plan. Signatures are requested for
 those advisory committees/groups providing input in the development of this plan.

                                                                                         Date(s) of                       Chairperson
                                           Committees                                 recommendation                      Typed Name
              English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC)                                  02/10/2021       Domingo Oxlaj
                  ELAC has delegated authority to SSC
                   Not applicable (if a school has less than 21 English learners,
                   ELAC is not required)

 3. The content of the plan is aligned with school goals for improving student achievement.
 4. The plan is reviewed annually and updated, including proposed categorical expenditures of funds allocated to the school through the consolidated application, by the
    School Site Council.
 5. Plans are reviewed and approved by the governing board of the local educational agency “whenever there are material changes that affect the academic programs
    for students covered by programs” funded through the consolidated application.
 6. The school minimizes the removal of identified children during regular school hours for supplemental Title I instruction (Targeted Assistance Schools only).

 This school plan was adopted by the School Site Council on the following date:                                           03/03/2021
 School plan approval appears in SSC Minutes.                                                                                Date


   Ron Escarsega                                                                                      03/12/2021
                 Typed name of SSC chairperson                               E-Signature of              Date
                                                                            SSC chairperson

   TRUJILLO, ROSA M                                                                                   03/12/2021
                 Typed name of school principal                             E-Signature of               Date
                                                                            School principal

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BERENDO MS (1805701) 2021-2022                                                                                                                     Section 4
                                            2021-2022 FUNDING ALLOCATED TO THIS SCHOOL

 The following categorical funds were allocated to this school through the Consolidated Application and Reporting System (“CARS”). Additional funds were
 allocated to this school through the Local Control Funding Formula. Funds (listed under “Other”) may be allocated to the school in accordance with District
 policy. If the school is operating as a Schoolwide Program (SWP), the following programs are consolidated in this plan:

                                                                    Federal Programs
 Elementary and Secondary Education Act:
                                                                                               Allocation:       Original          Second             Third

   Title I: Schoolwide Program (7S046)                                                         Amount: $          619,450                 0
  Purpose: To upgrade the entire educational program of the school.
  Title I: Coll&Career Coach [Cent Funds] (7T124)                                              Amount: $           61,957                 0
  Purpose: 7T124 IS REFERING HERE
  Title I: Parent Involvement Allocation (7E046)                                               Amount: $             7,150                0
  Purpose:      To promote family literacy, parenting skills, and parent involvement
   Title III: English Language Development (7T197)                                             Amount: $                 0                0
  Purpose: 7T197
  Title I: Comprehensive Sup & Improv (7T691)                                                  Amount: $                 0                0
  Purpose:    7T691
                                          Total amount of categorical funds allocated to this school: $                                             688,557

                                                                                 Total shown does not include the second and third allocation.
  Other Programs to be consolidated under Schoolwide Program
  NOTE: Allocations for Other Program do not transfer to Budget Summary Report                   Allocation

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BERENDO MS (1805701) 2021-2022                                                                                                                                     Section 5

                                                                   District Mission Statement
  The teachers, administrators, and staff of the Los Angeles Unified School District believe in the equal worth and dignity of all students and are committed to educate all
                                                                    students to their maximum potential.


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BERENDO MS (1805701) 2021-2022                                                                                                                                Section 7

                                         SCHOOL VISION, MISSION, AND PROFILE DESCRIPTION
                                                                          School Vision
Directions: State your school’s vision. (Describe what your school intends to become in the future.)
Beautiful Berendo will inspire and support students to be college and career ready, connected to community, and contributors globally.
                                                                         School Mission
Directions: State your school’s mission. (What is your school’s purpose, i.e., why does the school exist and what is it here to do?)
Beautiful Berendo will provide every student experiences to grow creatively, ethically and academically.

                                                                 School Profile Description
Directions: Provide a brief description of your school community (the boxes below expand as needed).
1. Describe your school’s geographical, demographic, educational and economic community base:
    The following websites contain useful data: http://www.census.gov/ , http://www.zip-codes.com/ , http://www.city-data.com/
Located west of downtown Los Angeles in the Pico-Union district in a heavily populated Latino/Korean immigrant area, approximately 95.57% of total students receives
free/reduced price meal program.
2. Indicate grade levels and, if applicable, school configuration (e.g., Continuation School, Sp. Ed. Center, etc.):
Berendo Middle School operates on 180-day traditional calendar with 10 minimum days per year. The school day operates on a 100-minute block schedule with students
attending periods 1, 3, and 5 on Mondays and Thursdays, 2, 4, and 6 Wednesdays and Fridays. Tuesdays are Professional Development days, so students attend all 6
periods for 45 minutes. Students have the option of attending beforeschool and/or afterschool tutoring.
3. Indicate student enrollment figures:
Berendo Middle School provides services for 804 students in grades 6-8 (6th grade- 27.3%, 7th grade 37.9% and 8th grade 34.8%). Hispanic/Latino students make up the
majority of the school’s population, 94.8%, Asians 1.1%, African American students comprise 3%, Filipino 0.4% and White 0.7%. 15.7% of the student population receives
special educational services. 15.7% of our students with mild to moderate disabilities participate in the General Education Program at least 80% of the school day. 5
Foster Youth students are enrolled at this school. English Learners (EL) includes 27.4% of total students. Gifted students include 7.9%.
4. Indicate poverty level (i.e., percentage of low-income students identified on the Title I ranking):
LAUSD 2021-2022 Title I Ranking is 95.57%

5. Identify language, racial and ethnic make-up of the student body:
As of March 2020, Hispanic/Latino students make up the majority of the school’s population, 93.5%, Asians 1.7%, African American students comprise 3.5%, White 1.0%,
American Indian/Alaska Native 1.0%, and two or more 0.1%. The language classification follows, EO 9.9%, IFEP 7.8%, LEP 27.4% and RFEP 54.9%.14.9% of the
student population receives special educational services. The majority of the students speak Spanish, and few students speak Bengali, Gujarati, Hindi, Korean, or other
non-English Language.
6. Provide a description of how the school will share individual student academic assessment results in a language the parents understand,
    including an interpretation of those results:

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BERENDO MS (1805701) 2021-2022                                                                                                                                     Section 7
Parents receive individual academic assessment results in their home language sent by the district. We also offer translation to general (through the translation unit) or
individual meetings so parents can understand the interpretation of different assessment results. Counselors, coaches, coordinators, teachers and parent representatives
are trained and available to meet and answer any questions or concerns parents may have regarding their children’s academic progress.

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BERENDO MS (1805701) 2021-2022                                                                                                                                      Section 8
7. Describe other important characteristics of the school (e.g., SLC, PLC):
Directions: Check the box(es) next to the program(s) in which your school participates.
    Title I Schoolwide Program (SWP)
    Title I Targeted Assistance School (TAS)
    Title III English Language Acquisition, Language Enhancement, and Academic Achievement
    Extended School-Based Management Model (ESBMM)
    Local Initiative School (LIS)
    Pilot School
    Public School Choice (PSC)
    Partnership for Los Angeles Schools (PLAS)
    L.A.’s Promise
    Professional Learning Community (PLC)
    Small Learning Community (SLC)
    Additional Targeted Support and Improvement (ATSI)
    Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI)
    Targeted Support and Improvement (TSI)

Other important characteristics of the school:
We continue offering a culture of high expectations (students are required to earn a grade of C or better in their content areas, including Physical Education and Electives)
that reward effort, caring, supportive, welcoming, and respect to all students and staff.

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BERENDO MS (1805701) 2021-2022                                                                                                                Section 9
                                                COMPREHENSIVE NEEDS ASSESSMENT
  A comprehensive needs assessment incorporates several components, including data analysis related to student achievement, professional
  development, school-family relationships, school culture/climate, attendance, suspensions/expulsions, and non-cognitive skills. Recommendations
  derived from the SPSA Evaluation, LAUSD School Review Process(es), and review and analysis of the data below comprise the LAUSD
  Comprehensive Needs Assessment for the SPSA.

  Directions:     Review and analyze the data below, along with the SPSA Evaluation results, and determine actions that will help improve teaching
                  and increase student achievement.

                         •   LAUSD School Review Process Recommendations (if applicable)
                         •   School Accountability Report Card
                         •   School Experience Survey
                         •   School Quality Improvement Index (SQII) Report Card
                         •   School Report Card
                         •   Smarter Balanced Assessment Criteria (SBAC) Examination

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BERENDO MS (1805701) 2021-2022                                                                                                                                  Section 9
    DIRECTIONS: Check the groups or committees that participated in the plan writing process. Who was involved in the self-review/needs assessment process
    (e.g., SSC, teachers, advisory committees, parents, students)? Describe the school’s process for identifying areas in need of improvement and determining
    actions, strategies, and interventions to be implemented, i.e., what happened during the process (analysis of data, review of intervention results, examination
    of strategies proven to be effective). When did the process occur (dates)?

              Who was involved?                                                               What happened?                                                  Date(s)

   School Site Council                              The School Site Council emphasizes that funding must be targeted toward instructional improvement      10/21/2020,
                                                    and aligned with the Single Plan for Student Achievement and monitors to meet or exceed annual         02/02/2021,
                                                    targets. The School Site Council, with input and advice from the advisory committee(s) as needed:      11/18/2020,
                                                    Reviews student performance data, analyzes current educational practices to update School Plan for     03/03/2021,
                                                    Student Achievement, establishes school goals and evaluates the effectiveness of the goals and         12/16/2020,
                                                    activities/strategies found in the plan. Two more meetings may be added for budget purposes. 2019-     01/27/2021
                                                    2020 SPSA Evaluation was discussed on October 21, 2020.
   English Learner Advisory Committee               he ELAC provides written recommendations to the SSC regarding programs and services for English        10/14/2020,
                                                    Learner (EL) students and the use of EIA-LEP funding to support their academic needs. The ELAC         02/10/2021,
                                                    reviews student and parent involvement data prior to submitting its written recommendations to the     11/04/2020,
                                                    SSC. The ELAC also advises on the development of the School Plan for Student Achievement and           03/10/2021,
                                                    the budget related to programs/services for ELs. 2019-2020 SPSA Evaluation was discussed on            12/09/2020,
                                                    October 14, 2020.                                                                                      01/20/2021
   Other: Academic and Administrative Leadership Academic and Administrative Leadership Team meets on Tuesdays after school to support at-risk             09/22/2020,
   Team                                          students and reinforce Tuesday Professional Development, Coordination of Departments, and                 12/01/2020,
                                                 School-wide Instructional Professional. AALT is responsible for the Professional Development Cycle:       10/06/2020,
                                                 AVID Connections, Content Differentiation, and Content: Student Work Analysis and Community and           12/08/2020,
                                                 Culture. AALT also provides recommendations on the development of the School Plan for Student             10/27/2020,
                                                 Achievement.                                                                                              12/15/2020,
                                                 2019-2020 SPSA Evaluation was discussed on October 27, 2020.                                              11/03/2020,

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BERENDO MS (1805701) 2021-2022
                                                      Los Angeles Unified School District                             Section 10.1
                                                2021-2022 School Plan for Student Achievement
                                                              100% GRADUATION AND BEYOND
LAUSD Goal: All students will graduate from high school. Indicate all data reviewed to address this Academic Goal:

    Whole Child Integrated Data System
    Student Grades
    IEP Goals Data
    DIBELS Math
    School Accountability Report Card (SARC)
    CA Dashboard
    Smarter Balanced Assessment Criteria (SBAC)
    Interim Comprehensive Assessment (ICA)
    Interim Assessment Blocks (IAB)
    School Experience Survey
    Publisher’s Assessments
    Reading Inventory (RI)

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BERENDO MS (1805701) 2021-2022                                                                                                       Section 10.2 - Academic : 100% Graduation
1. List key findings related to 100% Graduation based on objective, factual data drawn from the current school year (e.g., student outcome data, observations, surveys, focus
groups, etc.).CA Dashboard data must be included when available. *Required
Based on the 2019 SBAC ELA data, the school is yellow on the CA Dashboard. It shows that all students scored 65.5 points below standard on the ELA Smarter
Balanced Assessment, which was an increase of 6.7 points from the previous year. The equality report indicates that 2 subgroups (English Learners increased 4.1 points
and Students with Disabilities increased 12.9 points) are orange and 2 subgroups (Hispanic increased 6.9 points and Socioeconomically Disadvantaged increased 6.9
points) are yellow.
2. For areas in need of improvement, identify the root causes/underlying issues related to key findings. *Required

Regardless of the language classification (EL or SEL) of the students, more than half of our students are in need of support in mastering ELA standards. About 50% of
students in Berendo are RFEP students who reclassified no more than 4 years. In addition, we get an average of 60 Newcomers throughout the school year. Some issues
affecting ELA proficiency include a need for increased practice with Critical Reading and Writing strategies, exposure to engaging, rigorous expository texts across
content areas, exposure to narrative texts and author's strategies to convey their message, intervention instruction in fundamental literacy skills, more reading at home (at
least 30 minutes a night), practice with constructive conversation skills and academic language with the assistance of academic language scripts, practice with higher
level questioning and inquiry with the assistance of Costa's Levels of Thinking and Bloom's Taxonomy, as well as increase in collaboration and organization skills. Some
issues affecting Math proficiency include a need for intervention on a consistent basis and ongoing academic language support services across all grade levels to adapt
the increased demands of higher level questioning on California State Standards.
3. If the school met its measurable objective(s) or is on track to meet its measurable objective(s) in the current school year, what strategies contributed to the school’s
success? If this question does not apply, please type N/A in the box below. *Required


4. If the school did not meet its measurable objective(s) or is not on track to meet its measurable objective(s) in the current school year, describe what the school intends to do
differently (next Steps). If this question does not apply, please type N/A in the box below. *Required


5. If you are not addressing this goal, explain why. If you are addressing this goal, write N/A in the box below. *Required

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BERENDO MS (1805701) 2021-2022                                                                                                                                                                      Section 10.2 - Academic : 100% Graduation
California School Dashboard Indicators:
The activities outlined in 100% Graduation and Beyond Goal pages are to support the following indicators on the CA Dashboard.

Improving Performance in (select all that apply)

Academic Indicator ELA, Academic Indicator Math, EL Progress Indicator, Chronic Absenteeism, Suspensions, College/Career Indicator, Graduation

Based on the findings, select the student groups that will be the primary focus of progress monitoring. You must include student groups with red or orange indicators.

English Learners, Foster Youth, Homeless, Socioeconomically Disadvantaged, Student with Disabilities, African American, American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian,
Filipino, Hispanic or Latino, Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, White, Two or More Races, All Students

Schools must write at least one Measurable Implementation Objective

State the school's Measurable Implementation Objective(s) for 2021-2022. * Required if this Goal is addressed.

Schools must write at least one Measurable Improvement Objective
State the school's Measurable Improvement Objective(s) for 2021-2022. If the school is in "Red" or "Orange" status on the CA Dashboard, you must include at least one
Measurable Improvement Objective that addresses this status. * Required if this Goal is addressed.

*The School’s Measurable Objective(s) must be specific, measurable, attainable, results-based, and time-bound (SMART), focused on identified student learning needs, and prioritized (if more than one Measurable Objective is identified).

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BERENDO MS (1805701) 2021-2022                                                                                Section 10.3 - Academic : 100% Graduation
When addressing this Goal, include Integrated ELD in one or more Focus Areas.

Focus                                                                                                                        Academic : 100% Graduation
      Lesson Planning, Data Analysis, and Professional Development
                                                                                      Action Begin
                                                                                                     Identify the title of position/staff responsible
 Strategies, Actions and Tasks                                                        & End Date
                                                                                                     for monitoring the strategy

                                                                                                          Budget                             Funding
 Funding Source              SACS Function Budget Description                   Position No Vendor                     Total Cost FTE
                                                                                                          Item No                            %
                                                                                N/A         N/A
Focus                                                                                                                        Academic : 100% Graduation
      Effective Classroom Instruction
                                                                                      Action Begin
                                                                                                     Identify the title of position/staff responsible
 Strategies, Actions and Tasks                                                        & End Date
                                                                                                     for monitoring the strategy

                                                                                                          Budget                             Funding
 Funding Source              SACS Function Budget Description                   Position No Vendor                     Total Cost FTE
                                                                                                          Item No                            %
                                                                                N/A         N/A
Focus                                                                                                                        Academic : 100% Graduation
      Interventions During and After the School Day and Other Supports
                                                                                      Action Begin
                                                                                                     Identify the title of position/staff responsible
 Strategies, Actions and Tasks                                                        & End Date
                                                                                                     for monitoring the strategy

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BERENDO MS (1805701) 2021-2022                                                Section 10.3 - Academic : 100% Graduation
                                                                            Budget                     Funding
 Funding Source     SACS Function Budget Description   Position No Vendor             Total Cost FTE
                                                                            Item No                    %
                                                       N/A        N/A

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BERENDO MS (1805701) 2021-2022
                                                       Los Angeles Unified School District                                                                       Section 11.1
                                                 2021-2022 School Plan for Student Achievement
                                                      ACADEMIC GOAL — ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS
LAUSD Goal: All students will reach high standards, at a minimum attaining proficiency or better in reading and mathematics. Indicate all data reviewed to address this
Academic Goal:
    Whole Child Integrated Data System
    Student Grades
    IEP Goals Data
    DIBELS Math
    School Accountability Report Card (SARC)
    CA Dashboard
    Smarter Balanced Assessment Criteria (SBAC)
    Interim Comprehensive Assessment (ICA)
    Interim Assessment Blocks (IAB)
    School Experience Survey
    Publisher’s Assessments
    Reading Inventory (RI)

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BERENDO MS (1805701) 2021-2022                                                                                                  Section 11.2 - Academic : English Language Arts
1. List key findings related to English Language Arts based on objective, factual data drawn from the current school year (e.g., student outcome data, observations, surveys,
focus groups, etc.).CA Dashboard data must be included when available. *Required
Based on the 2019 SBAC ELA data, the school is yellow on the CA Dashboard. It shows that all students scored 65.5 points below standard on the ELA Smarter
Balanced Assessment, which was an increase of 6.7 points from the previous year. The equality report indicates that 2 subgroups (English Learners and Students with

Based on common formative assessments from the Clever platform three exams demonstrates student performance:
6th Grade Unit 1: 21% Unit 2: 9% Unit 3: 14%
7th Grade Unit 1: 15% Unit 2: 4% Unit 3: 10%
8th Grade Unit 1: 17% Unit 2 15% Unit 3: 3%

The average score for each grade level is below the “standard not met” category.
The three grade levels have decreased from the initial exam of assessment 1
6th grade is the only level to increase after assessment 2
8th grade has the lowest percent and is currently under the double digit
2. For areas in need of improvement, identify the root causes/underlying issues related to key findings. *Required

Regardless of the language classification (EL or SEL) of the students, more than half of our students are in need of support in mastering ELA standards. About 50% of
students in Berendo are RFEP students who reclassified no more than 4 years. Some issues affecting ELA proficiency include a need for increased practice with Critical
Reading and Writing strategies, exposure to engaging, rigorous informational and literary texts across content areas, intervention instruction in fundamental literacy skills,
more reading at home (at least 30 minutes a night), practice with constructive conversation skills and academic language with the assistance of academic language
scripts, practice with higher level questioning and inquiry with the assistance of Costa's Levels of Thinking and Bloom's Taxonomy, as well as increase in collaboration
and organization skills.

The ELA department at Berendo will continue to revise its pacing plan that includes 4 major units of study sequentially throughout the school year. The department
collectively identified both the power standards which students must master along with any supporting standards that might appear in the formative common assessments
and SBAC. At the end of each assessment window, the department will review the data following a pre-established protocol that disaggregates the data and identifies
best practices achieved during the data analysis. The department will then formulate three best research driven classroom strategies for implementation in all ELA
classes. Teachers will share student work samples analyzing their strengths and areas for improvement. Further common agreements will be made when prescribed to
advance student learning as well as preparation for the ongoing unit of study and subsequent assessments.
3. If the school met its measurable objective(s) or is on track to meet its measurable objective(s) in the current school year, what strategies contributed to the school’s
success? If this question does not apply, please type N/A in the box below. *Required

The school met its measurable objectives for all students and subgroups of Students with Disabilities, Hispanic students, and Socioeconomically Disadvantaged students.
Strategies that contributed to the school meeting its measurable objectives were school wide professional development focusing on the building interactive word walls
where essential academic vocabulary was posted on bulletin boards with content specific vocabulary. Student ownership was emphasized in creating the word wall,
which contributed to acquisition of recurring vocabulary words. The professional development cycle provided teachers with strategies to incorporate in content areas,
which emphasized critical reading strategies and resulted in teaching the strategy and meeting in departments to do a student work analysis.
4. If the school did not meet its measurable objective(s) or is not on track to meet its measurable objective(s) in the current school year, describe what the school intends to do
differently (next Steps). If this question does not apply, please type N/A in the box below. *Required

The school is on track to meet the 2020-2021 measurable objective for English Learner students. Even though our EL students did not meet our goal to increase by 7
points, they still demonstrated and increase of 4.1 points The next steps to increase the measurable objective is to provide English Learner students extra support during
the period seven Intervention period, which focuses on increasing vocabulary and acquisition of using and identifying high frequency words, engaging in discussions, and
increasing reading comprehension. English Learners will be offered tutoring before and after school to receive additional support.

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BERENDO MS (1805701) 2021-2022                                                                                                                                                              Section 11.2 - Academic : English Language Arts
5. If you are not addressing this goal, explain why. If you are addressing this goal, write N/A in the box below. *Required

California School Dashboard Indicators:
The activities outlined in ELA Goal pages are to support the following indicators on the CA Dashboard.

Improving Performance in (select all that apply)

Academic Indicator ELA

Based on the findings, select the student groups that will be the primary focus of progress monitoring. You must include student groups with red or orange indicators.

English Learners, Student with Disabilities, All Students

Schools must write at least one Measurable Implementation Objective

State the school's Measurable Implementation Objective(s) for 2021-2022. * Required if this Goal is addressed.

At the beginning of the school year, the ELA department will implement the Renaissance Star Reading Assessment as a benchmark, utilizing the data to program
students for direct intervention in Period 7. The department will continuously review data as part of data sets during its quarterly departmental data reviews. The
assessment will also be administered at the beginning of Second Semester to assess progress made in the intervention program and to inform decision making when
programming for Period 7 intervention.
Schools must write at least one Measurable Improvement Objective
State the school's Measurable Improvement Objective(s) for 2021-2022. If the school is in "Red" or "Orange" status on the CA Dashboard, you must include at least one
Measurable Improvement Objective that addresses this status. * Required if this Goal is addressed.
By the end of June 2022, schoolwide there will be an increase of 3 points, moving from 64.9 points below standards to 61.9 points below standards, maintaining the color
of orange, according to the California Five-by-Five Color Placement.
By the end of June 2022, the English Learner students will be an increase of 3 points, moving from 100 points below standards to 97 points below standards, maintaining
the color of orange, according to the California Five-by-Five Color Placement.
By the end of June 2022, the Students with Disabilities will be an increase of 3 points, moving from 122.1 points below standards to 119.1 points below standards,
maintaining the color of orange, according to the California Five-by-Five Color Placement.

*The School’s Measurable Objective(s) must be specific, measurable, attainable, results-based, and time-bound (SMART), focused on identified student learning needs, and prioritized (if more than one Measurable Objective is identified).

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Page 20 of 57
BERENDO MS (1805701) 2021-2022                                                                                                      Section 11.3 - Academic : English Language Arts
When addressing this Goal, include Integrated ELD in one or more Focus Areas.

Focus                                                                                                                                               Academic : English Language Arts
      Lesson Planning, Data Analysis, and Professional Development
                                                                                                                  Action Begin
                                                                                                                                 Identify the title of position/staff responsible
 Strategies, Actions and Tasks                                                                                    & End Date
                                                                                                                                 for monitoring the strategy
 Instructional Coach continues providing ongoing professional development, designed specifically towards            07/01/2021   Administrator and Instructional Coach review
 improving college eligibility and career readiness. Continue offering differentiated, evidence-based                            data of Standard Analysis Report from 5
 instructional support and professional development that address the unique learning needs of our diverse           06/30/2022   Assessment through out the school year provided
 learners, including at-risk students, and, as appropriate, provide interventions that respond to factors that may               by SchoolCity. Also students academic marks
 negatively impact student learning and achievement and impede their graduating from high school college-                        every 5 weeks including the final marks and
 prepared and career-ready. Use AVID Critical Reading Strategies school-wide that supports college readiness                     SBAC Data on CA Dashboard.
 in the areas of change to writing, inquiry, collaboration, organization, and reading (WICOR). In order to
 achieve AVID school wide, four critical areas in the Systems domain are recruitment of both staff and
 students, interview all potential students, recruit tutors and have them attend the 16 hour training, and have all
 AVID students take the pre-collegiate college exams. These actions will assist students in becoming prepared
 for post-secondary success.
 School will implement school wide incorporation of technology in instruction and learning both in class and      07/01/2021     Administrator and Instructional Coach review
 home. The school have received a Verizon grant that allows students to take use the device in class and at                      data of Standard Analysis Report from 5
 home with internet. The core content teachers will receive professional development on how to implement the      06/30/2022     Assessment through out the school year provided
 technology in their teaching practices and student learning. (Teacher X time for PD for 490 hours at $85/hour)                  by SchoolCity. Also students academic marks
                                                                                                                                 every 5 weeks including the final marks and
                                                                                                                                 SBAC Data on CA Dashboard.

                                                                                                                                      Budget                             Funding
 Funding Source              SACS Function Budget Description                                               Position No Vendor                     Total Cost FTE
                                                                                                                                      Item No                            %
 CE-ESSA T1 Schools          1000              13297 - INSTRL COACH SEC C1T (6 Hrs / 5 Days) 30445455 N/A                             13297        122,357     1.00      100
 CE-ESSA T1 Schools          1000              14693 - TCHR X (NON-TUTOR)                                   N/A          N/A          14693        59,422                100
Focus                                                                                                                                               Academic : English Language Arts
      Effective Classroom Instruction

                                                                                                                                                                           Page 21 of 57
BERENDO MS (1805701) 2021-2022                                                                                                           Section 11.3 - Academic : English Language Arts
                                                                                                                      Action Begin
                                                                                                                                      Identify the title of position/staff responsible
 Strategies, Actions and Tasks                                                                                        & End Date
                                                                                                                                      for monitoring the strategy
 Using Toshiba Contracts, teachers make duplications of reading materials for students to use the school wide 07/01/2021              Administrator and ELA Instructional Coach review
 strategies. All teachers use the following strategies/activities/instructional materials to enhance learning which                   data of Standard Analysis Report from 5
 incorporates teaching/learning methodologies in the following critical areas:                                      06/30/2022        Assessment through out the school year provided
  • AVID: Writing (Marking/Charting the text-writing in the margin), Inquiry, Collaboration, Organizational,                          by SchoolCity. Also students academic marks
 Reading to Learn (CUBS-close reading), Cornell Notes, Philosophical Chairs, Socratic Seminars, 3 Part                                every 5 weeks including the final marks and
 Source Integration, teacher created prompts supported by templates, Student Organizational Binder, and                               SBAC Data on CA Dashboard. In addition, peer
 planner. Students receive intensive support with tutorials and strong student/teacher relationships.                                 internal observation as well as formal observation
  • Habits of Mind: Persisting, Managing Impulsivity, Listening to Others with Understanding and Empathy,                             by administrators.
 Thinking Flexibly, Thinking about our Thinking, and Striving for Accuracy and Precision, Questioning and
 Posing Problems, Applying Past Knowledge to New Situations, Thinking and Communicating with Clarity and
 Precision, Gathering Data Through all Senses, Creating, Imagining and Innovating, Responding with
 Wonderment and Awe, Taking Responsible Risks, Finding Humor, Thinking Interdependently, and Learning
 Continuously. Students enhance their skills to work through real life situations that equip students to respond
 using awareness, thought, and intentional strategy in order to gain a positive outcome.
  • Project Based Learning: Big idea, Inquiry, Investigate and Support Arguments with Evidence, Sustained
 Effort Through in Depth Investigation, Integrate reading, writing, speaking, listening, and language into a long-
 term unit plan to understand the relevance of what is taught, and learn how to use the evidence for claims,
 draw meaning and evaluate other’s reasonings to possible answers to driving questions. Students learn to
 build knowledge and expertise through careful reading of complex text about the same topic of investigation
 In ELA Integrated ELD instruction, teachers ask questions to check for understanding, provide cause-and              07/01/2021      Administrator and ELA Instructional Coach review
 effect clue words and vocabulary definitions. Writing and Reading Across the Curriculum is the current focus                         data of Standard Analysis Report from 5
 school wide to ensure our students are able to meet the demands of Common Core and to improve                        06/30/2022      Assessment through out the school year provided
 performance on the SBAC assessments and to support integrated ELD instruction.                                                       by SchoolCity. Also students academic marks
                                                                                                                                      every 5 weeks including the final marks and
                                                                                                                                      SBAC Data on CA Dashboard. In addition, peer
                                                                                                                                      internal observation as well as formal observation
                                                                                                                                      by administrators.

                                                                                                                                           Budget                             Funding
 Funding Source              SACS Function Budget Description                                                  Position No Vendor                       Total Cost FTE
                                                                                                                                           Item No                            %
 CE-ESSA T1 Schools          2100               50003 - OTH NON INSTRL CONT                                    N/A          Toshiba        50003        9,972                 100
Focus                                                                                                                                                    Academic : English Language Arts
      Interventions During and After the School Day and Other Supports
                                                                                                                      Action Begin
                                                                                                                                      Identify the title of position/staff responsible
 Strategies, Actions and Tasks                                                                                        & End Date
                                                                                                                                      for monitoring the strategy
 Berendo continues offering courses that are to be academically challenging: involving challenging reading,           07/01/2021      Administrator and ELA Instructional Coach
 writing, problem solving and laboratory work (as appropriate). These courses show serious attention to                               reviews data of Standard Analysis Report from 5
 analytical content and developing students’ oral and listening skills, provide intense instructional practice with   06/30/2022      Assessment through out the school year provided
 literacy devices such as theme and external factor, sustained silent reading to strengthen literacy skills,                          by SchoolCity. Also students academic marks
 provide quick write opportunities to strengthen writing skills as well as content specific writing that                              every 5 weeks including the final marks and
 demonstrates proficiencies in developing evidence-based and reasoned claims in the classrooms.                                       SBAC Data on CA Dashboard.

                                                                                                                                                                                Page 22 of 57
BERENDO MS (1805701) 2021-2022                                              Section 11.3 - Academic : English Language Arts
                                                                              Budget                       Funding
 Funding Source     SACS Function Budget Description   Position No Vendor               Total Cost FTE
                                                                              Item No                      %
                                                       N/A        N/A

                                                                                                             Page 23 of 57
BERENDO MS (1805701) 2021-2022
                                                       Los Angeles Unified School District                                                                       Section 12.1
                                                 2021-2022 School Plan for Student Achievement
                                                              ACADEMIC GOAL — MATHEMATICS
LAUSD Goal: All students will reach high standards, at a minimum attaining proficiency or better in reading and mathematics. Indicate all data reviewed to address this
Academic Goal:
    Whole Child Integrated Data System
    Student Grades
    IEP Goals Data
    DIBELS Math
    School Accountability Report Card (SARC)
    CA Dashboard
    Smarter Balanced Assessment Criteria (SBAC)
    Interim Comprehensive Assessment (ICA)
    Interim Assessment Blocks (IAB)
    School Experience Survey
    Publisher’s Assessments
    Reading Inventory (RI)

                                                                                                                                                                Page 24 of 57
BERENDO MS (1805701) 2021-2022                                                                                                            Section 12.2 - Academic : Mathematics
1. List key findings related to Mathematics based on objective, factual data drawn from the current school year (e.g., student outcome data, observations, surveys, focus
groups, etc.).CA Dashboard data must be included when available. *Required
Based on the 2019 SBAC ELA data, the school is red on the CA Dashboard. It shows that all students scored 120.5 points below standard on the ELA Smarter Balanced
Assessment, which was a decline of 7.7 points from the previous year. The equality report indicates that 3 subgroups (English Learners declined 11 points, Hispanic
declined 8.1 points and Socioeconomically Disadvantaged declined 7.5 points) are red and 1 subgroup (Students with Disabilities increased 9.4 points) are orange.
2. For areas in need of improvement, identify the root causes/underlying issues related to key findings. *Required

The SBAC Math is language heavy/driven which may have resulted in more EL students not meeting the math standard. About 50% of students in Berendo are RFEP.
In addition, we get an average of 60 Newcomers throughout the school year. Some issues affecting Math proficiency include a need for intervention on a consistent basis
and ongoing academic language support services across all grade levels to adapt the increased demands of higher level questioning on California State Standards.
3. If the school met its measurable objective(s) or is on track to meet its measurable objective(s) in the current school year, what strategies contributed to the school’s
success? If this question does not apply, please type N/A in the box below. *Required

The school met its measurable objective for a subgroup of Students with Disabilities. The Math department continues to implement department created pacing plans that
includes 4 unit assessments (two each semester) in each grade level. Teachers focus on specific power standards along with the necessary supporting standards in order
to drive instruction and promote student success in the assessments as a result of their learning. Furthermore, teachers work as a team and discuss strategies that were
successful at helping students understand the math concepts taught as well as areas for further improvement. Teachers also use data from any teacher created
assessments in the Clever platform under School City along with other software programs that target student learning. Additionally, students are highly encouraged to
attend morning or afterschool tutoring.
4. If the school did not meet its measurable objective(s) or is not on track to meet its measurable objective(s) in the current school year, describe what the school intends to do
differently (next Steps). If this question does not apply, please type N/A in the box below. *Required

The school did not meet its measurable objectives for all students and subgroups of English Learners, Hispanic and Socioeconomically Disadvantaged students. The
teachers will continue to meet in grade levels to plan and focus on targeted mathematical standards. Through observations, the administrators, coaches, and teachers
will provide actionable feedback to enhance student learning and engagements in the class. Also analyzing and reviewing student work and common assessment data
would inform teachers to reteach and review the standards that students did not fully grasp.
5. If you are not addressing this goal, explain why. If you are addressing this goal, write N/A in the box below. *Required

                                                                                                                                                                     Page 25 of 57
BERENDO MS (1805701) 2021-2022                                                                                                                                                                             Section 12.2 - Academic : Mathematics
California School Dashboard Indicators:
The activities outlined in Mathematics Goal pages are to support the following indicators on the CA Dashboard.

Improving Performance in (select all that apply)

Academic Indicator Math

Based on the findings, select the student groups that will be the primary focus of progress monitoring. You must include student groups with red or orange indicators.

English Learners, Socioeconomically Disadvantaged, Student with Disabilities, Hispanic or Latino, All Students

Schools must write at least one Measurable Implementation Objective

State the school's Measurable Implementation Objective(s) for 2021-2022. * Required if this Goal is addressed.

At the beginning of the school year, the Math department will implement the Renaissance Star Reading Assessment as a benchmark, utilizing the data to program
students for direct intervention in Period 7. The department will continuously review data as part of data sets during its quarterly departmental data reviews. The
assessment will also be administered at the beginning of Second Semester to assess progress made in the intervention program and to inform decision making when
programming for Period 7 intervention.
Schools must write at least one Measurable Improvement Objective
State the school's Measurable Improvement Objective(s) for 2021-2022. If the school is in "Red" or "Orange" status on the CA Dashboard, you must include at least one
Measurable Improvement Objective that addresses this status. * Required if this Goal is addressed.
By the end of June 2022, schoolwide there will be an increase of 3 points, moving from 120.5 points below standards to 117.5 points below standards, and move from
red to orange according to the California Five-by-Five Color Placement.
By the end of June 2022, the English Learner students will be an increase of 3 points, moving from 152.4 points below standards to 149.4 points below standards, and
move from red to orange according to the California Five-by-Five Color Placement.
By the end of June 2022, the Hispanic students will be an increase of 3 points, moving from 118.5 points below standards to 115.5 points below standards, and move
from red to orange according to the California Five-by-Five Color Placement.
By the end of June 2022, the Socioeconomically Disadvantaged students will be an increase of 3 points, moving from 120.1 points below standards to 117.1 points
below standards, and move from red to orange according to the California Five-by-Five Color Placement.
By the end of June 2022, the Students with Disabilities will be an increase of 3 points, moving from 177.9 points below standards to 174.9 points below standards,
maintaining the color of orange, according to the California Five-by-Five Color Placement

*The School’s Measurable Objective(s) must be specific, measurable, attainable, results-based, and time-bound (SMART), focused on identified student learning needs, and prioritized (if more than one Measurable Objective is identified).

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Page 26 of 57
BERENDO MS (1805701) 2021-2022                                                                                                             Section 12.3 - Academic : Mathematics
When addressing this Goal, include Integrated ELD in one or more Focus Areas.

Focus                                                                                                                                                    Academic : Mathematics
      Lesson Planning, Data Analysis, and Professional Development
                                                                                                             Action Begin
                                                                                                                            Identify the title of position/staff responsible
 Strategies, Actions and Tasks                                                                               & End Date
                                                                                                                            for monitoring the strategy

                                                                                                                                 Budget                             Funding
 Funding Source              SACS Function Budget Description                                          Position No Vendor                     Total Cost FTE
                                                                                                                                 Item No                            %
                                                                                                       N/A         N/A
Focus                                                                                                                                                    Academic : Mathematics
      Effective Classroom Instruction
                                                                                                             Action Begin
                                                                                                                            Identify the title of position/staff responsible
 Strategies, Actions and Tasks                                                                               & End Date
                                                                                                                            for monitoring the strategy
 In Math Integrated ELD instruction, it is critical that mathematic lessons include language support and     07/01/2021     Administrator and Instructional Coach review
 vocabulary development due to math test being very test-based with more word problems and mathematic                       data of Standard Analysis Report from 5
 vocabulary. Writing and Reading Across the Curriculum is the current focus school wide to ensure our        06/30/2022     Assessment through out the school year provided
 students are able to meet the demands of Common Core and to improve performance on the SBAC                                by SchoolCity. Also students academic marks
 assessments and to support integrated ELD instruction.                                                                     every 5 weeks including the final marks and
                                                                                                                            SBAC Data on CA Dashboard.

                                                                                                                                 Budget                             Funding
 Funding Source              SACS Function Budget Description                                          Position No Vendor                     Total Cost FTE
                                                                                                                                 Item No                            %
                                                                                                       N/A         N/A
Focus                                                                                                                                                    Academic : Mathematics
      Interventions During and After the School Day and Other Supports

                                                                                                                                                                      Page 27 of 57
BERENDO MS (1805701) 2021-2022                                                                                                                     Section 12.3 - Academic : Mathematics
                                                                                                                     Action Begin
                                                                                                                                    Identify the title of position/staff responsible
 Strategies, Actions and Tasks                                                                                       & End Date
                                                                                                                                    for monitoring the strategy
 Berendo continues offering courses that are to be academically challenging: involving challenging reading,          07/01/2021     Administrator and Math Instructional Coach
 writing, problem solving and laboratory work (as appropriate). These courses show serious attention to                             review data of Standard Analysis Report from 5
 analytical content and developing students’ oral and listening skills, as well as content specific writing that     06/30/2022     Assessment through out the school year provided
 demonstrates proficiencies in developing evidence-based and reasoned claims in the classrooms.                                     by SchoolCity. Also students academic marks
                                                                                                                                    every 5 weeks including the final marks and
                                                                                                                                    SBAC Data on CA Dashboard.

                                                                                                                                         Budget                             Funding
 Funding Source              SACS Function Budget Description                                                  Position No Vendor                     Total Cost FTE
                                                                                                                                         Item No                            %
                                                                                                               N/A         N/A

                                                                                                                                                                              Page 28 of 57
BERENDO MS (1805701) 2021-2022
                                                      Los Angeles Unified School District                                                          Section 13.1
                                                2021-2022 School Plan for Student Achievement
                                                  ACADEMIC GOAL — ENGLISH LEARNER PROGRAMS
                                                   Designated English Language Development (ELD)
LAUSD Goal: All limited-English-proficient students will become proficient in English and reach high academic standards, at a minimum attaining
proficiency or better in reading/language arts and mathematics. Indicate all data reviewed to address this Academic Goal:
    Whole Child Integrated Data System
    Student Grades
    IEP Goals Data
    DIBELS Math
    School Accountability Report Card (SARC)
    CA Dashboard
    Smarter Balanced Assessment Criteria (SBAC)
    Interim Comprehensive Assessment (ICA)
    Interim Assessment Blocks (IAB)
    School Experience Survey
    Publisher’s Assessments
    Reading Inventory (RI)

                                                                                                                                                  Page 29 of 57
BERENDO MS (1805701) 2021-2022                                                                                                Section 13.2 - Academic : English Learner Programs
1. List key findings related to English Learner Programs based on objective, factual data drawn from the current school year (e.g., student outcome data, observations,
surveys, focus groups, etc.).CA Dashboard data must be included when available. *Required
Based on the 2019 CA Dashboard, 26.5 % of students are English Learners (ELs) and 52.1% of the ELs are making progress towards English language proficiency,
which is Medium Progress Levels on the CA Dashboard. Based on LAUSD Mydata, student performance on Summative ELPAC are the following: 9.6% Well Developed,
25.5% Moderately Developed, 30.4% Somewhat Developed, 34.8% Minimally Developed. According to CA Dashboard, Student English Acquisition Results are following:
ELs who Decreased at Least One ELPI Level- 11%, ELs who Maintained ELPI Levels- 38.8%. ELs who Maintainted ELPI Level 4- 1% and ELs who Progressed at Least
one ELPI Level- 51%. The current reclassification rate is 5.51%.
2. For areas in need of improvement, identify the root causes/underlying issues related to key findings. *Required

Based on the 2019-2020 enrollment, 28.8% of English Learner students are newcomers or have been in the U.S. less than 3 years. In addition, 30.5% of the English
Learner students are participating in the Special Education Program. Moreover, the ELPAC possess higher-level thinking/processing questions which go beyond the four
domains of listening, speaking, reading, and writing geared toward self-expression. Based on MyData and Focus the current enrollment of English Learners (ELs) is of
239, 35% of the school students. currently there are 40 Newcomers or 17% of the ELs students, 19 PLTELs or 8% of the ELs students, and 171 LTELs or 72% of the ELs
3. If the school met its measurable objective(s) or is on track to meet its measurable objective(s) in the current school year, what strategies contributed to the school’s
success? If this question does not apply, please type N/A in the box below. *Required

The school met its measurable objectives due to an integrated ELD focus across content areas. Strategies that contributed to the school meeting its measurable
objectives were school wide professional development focusing on the building interactive word walls where essential academic vocabulary was posted on bulletin boards
with content specific vocabulary. Student ownership was emphasized in creating the word wall, which contributed to acquisition of recurring vocabulary words. The
professional development cycle provided teachers with strategies to incorporate in content areas, which emphasized critical reading strategies and resulted in teaching
the strategy and meeting in departments to do a student work analysis.
4. If the school did not meet its measurable objective(s) or is not on track to meet its measurable objective(s) in the current school year, describe what the school intends to do
differently (next Steps). If this question does not apply, please type N/A in the box below. *Required


5. If you are not addressing this goal, explain why. If you are addressing this goal, write N/A in the box below. *Required

                                                                                                                                                                     Page 30 of 57
BERENDO MS (1805701) 2021-2022                                                                                                                                                        Section 13.2 - Academic : English Learner Programs
California School Dashboard Indicators:
The activities outlined in EL Programs Goal pages are to support the following indicators on the CA Dashboard.

Improving Performance in (select all that apply)

EL Progress Indicator

Based on the findings, select the student groups that will be the primary focus of progress monitoring. You must include student groups with red or orange indicators.

English Learners

Schools must write at least one Measurable Implementation Objective

State the school's Measurable Implementation Objective(s) for 2021-2022. * Required if this Goal is addressed.

At the beginning of the school year, EL teachers will implement the Renaissance Star Reading Assessment as a benchmark, utilizing the data to program students for
direct intervention in Period 7. The department will continuously review data as part of data sets during its quarterly departmental data reviews. The assessment will also
be administered at the beginning of Second Semester to assess progress made in the intervention program and to inform decision making when programming for Period
7 intervention.
Schools must write at least one Measurable Improvement Objective
State the school's Measurable Improvement Objective(s) for 2021-2022. If the school is in "Red" or "Orange" status on the CA Dashboard, you must include at least one
Measurable Improvement Objective that addresses this status. * Required if this Goal is addressed.
By June 2022, English Learner students making progress towards English language proficiency will increase 2.9%, moving from 52.1% to 55% and move from Medium
Progress Level to High Progress Levels.
By June 2022, reclassification rates of English Learners will meet or exceed 22%.

*The School’s Measurable Objective(s) must be specific, measurable, attainable, results-based, and time-bound (SMART), focused on identified student learning needs, and prioritized (if more than one Measurable Objective is identified).

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Page 31 of 57
BERENDO MS (1805701) 2021-2022                                                                                                    Section 13.3 - Academic : English Learner Programs
Must complete at least two Focus Areas, including Building Parent Capacity and Partnership to Support the Academic Goal.
When addressing this Goal, include Designated ELD in one or more Focus Areas.
Focus                                                                                                                                            Academic : English Learner Programs
      Lesson Planning, Data Analysis, and Professional Development
                                                                                                                   Action Begin
                                                                                                                                  Identify the title of position/staff responsible
 Strategies, Actions and Tasks                                                                                     & End Date
                                                                                                                                  for monitoring the strategy
 The Instructional Coach consults and plans with the Academic Leadership team to provide professional               07/01/2021    Administrator,Instructional Coach, and EL
 development to teachers on the needs of English Learners. The Coach provides PD and support to EL                                designee review data of Standard Analysis
 teachers on ELD Standards and the Master Plan, and the implementation of SIOP strategies for Designated            06/30/2022    Report from 5 Assessment through out the
 ELD. The Coach and EL designee meet individually with LTEL students to review reclassification criteria,                         school year provided by SchoolCity. Also
 individual assessment results, and set goals to make progress. The Coach provides demo lessons, work with                        students academic marks every 5 weeks
 individual teachers to differentiate instruction for ELs, particularly LTELs, and help teachers to integrate                     including the final marks and SBAC Data on CA
 scaffolding strategies into their lessons and how to incorporate language objectives and academic vocabulary                     Dashboard. In addition, data from RI, and ELPAC
 into daily lesson. ELD teachers attend district trainings that focus on instruction for long-term English Learners               is reviewed.

                                                                                                                                       Budget                             Funding
 Funding Source              SACS Function Budget Description                                               Position No Vendor                      Total Cost FTE
                                                                                                                                       Item No                            %
                                                                                                            N/A            N/A
Focus                                                                                                                                            Academic : English Learner Programs
      Effective Classroom Instruction
                                                                                                                   Action Begin
                                                                                                                                  Identify the title of position/staff responsible
 Strategies, Actions and Tasks                                                                                     & End Date
                                                                                                                                  for monitoring the strategy
 Teacher Assistant is assigned to ELD 1 class to provide one-on-one tutoring, assist with organizing               07/01/2021     Administrator,Instructional Coach, EL designee,
 instructional and other materials, provide instructional assistance with computer devices, assist with parent                    and classified classroom teacher review data of
 and family engagement involvement activities and act as translator under the direct supervision of a state        06/30/2022     Standard Analysis Report from 5 Assessment
 certified classroom teacher.                                                                                      New            through out the school year provided by
                                                                                                                                  SchoolCity. Also students academic marks every
                                                                                                                                  5 weeks including the final marks and SBAC Data
                                                                                                                                  on CA Dashboard. In addition, data from RI, and
                                                                                                                                  ELPAC is reviewed.

                                                                                                                                       Budget                             Funding
 Funding Source              SACS Function Budget Description                                               Position No Vendor                      Total Cost FTE
                                                                                                                                       Item No                            %
 CE-ESSA T1 Schools          1000               107763 - TCHR AST 0955/2 (6 Hrs / 5 Days)                   N2079185 N/A               107763       19,690      1.00      100
Focus                                                                                                                                            Academic : English Learner Programs
      Interventions During and After the School Day and Other Supports
                                                                                                                                                                            Page 32 of 57
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