MONTANA MULE DEER - Boone and Crockett Club

Page created by Jeffery Oconnor
MONTANA MULE DEER - Boone and Crockett Club
                                                                                B&C OFFICIAL MEASURER
                                                                                Photos Courtesy of Author

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                         ve                         MULE DEER

                                n t u r e awa
                                                    Montana’s diverse landscapes provide
                                                    sportsmen opportunities unrivaled in
                                                    the Lower 48. Old-growth rainforests in
                                                    the northwest corner give way to arid
                                                    ponderosa pine parks, and eventually
                                                    the mountains draw into the northern
                                                    plains. This is what draws me away each
                                                    fall from my mountain home to eastern
                                                    Montana with its breaks and coulees that
                                                    hide mule deer. A casual drive down any
                                                    dusty road will reveal how strong the
                                                    herd is, but finding a mature buck will
                                                    require leaving the truck and putting
                                                    tracks in the soft dirt.

       I have found eastern Montana mule deer hunting is
       a game of strategy. It begins with immersing yourself
       in a place where ancient hunters pursued the same quarry.

54 FA I R CH A S E | SU M M E R 202 1
MONTANA MULE DEER - Boone and Crockett Club
The openness of the land
is deceptive. Deep draws
abound and split the hills.

        I’ve made many such treks to the other side of my home
state. The most memorable of these trips was bringing my
father and uncle together. I had planned this trip for some
time, wanting to repay each of them for the love of all things
outdoors they had instilled in me. My uncle had taken care of
my aunt for many years and had not left her to take a hunting
trip. It had been 13 years since he had carried a
gun and 20 since he harvested his last buck. He
and my father had not hunted together for 38
years. They grew up in the era when you took
your rifle to school and hunted after school let
out, sometimes a bit earlier than that. It had
been too long, and a reunion was due.
        I attempted to prepare them for the trip
by explaining that we would not have a prob-
lem finding deer and that they shouldn’t shoot
the first one. We had only crested the first
hill when my uncle spotted a 3x3 buck, excit-
edly exclaiming, “That’s the one.” Helping
him move into position, we peeked over to
see that the smaller buck had mingled with
a small group led by a dark-antlered 4x4. He
smoothly shouldered his rifle and made an
excellent shot.
        My father was not to be outdone by his
older brother so quickly followed up a short
time later with his own buck, an older 3x4
which is a trait very common in this area I
hunted. Once he was steadied with a tripod,
we saw the buck bed down while a few small-
er bucks sparred and fed. The wind had

TOP: Everett's uncle with his 4x4 mule deer.
BOTTOM: After 38 years Everett (left) was able to
get his uncle (center) and father (right) together
for a Montana mule deer hunt.

                                                                 FAIR CHASE | SUM M E R 2 02 1 55
MONTANA MULE DEER - Boone and Crockett Club
picked up and bitterly cut at     when it began to be replayed.      Service sections. Some of
                                          his bare hands. I tried to        They commented on each oth-        them are rather large with
                                          coach him to wait for the old-    er’s hunt as though it was one     easy to find access points, but
                                          er buck to stand back up and      from decades ago. The satis-       the gems will lie in smaller
                                          not be “distracted” by these      faction I felt came from know-     pieces that are tucked away
                                          young guys. The minutes grew      ing that this was a day not        and require a hike to open up.
                                          until finally he stood allowing   easily forgotten.                  Region 7 boasts the largest
                                          my dad to place a bullet be-              Those looking to pur-      number of acres enrolled in
                                          hind his shoulder. I helped       sue mule deer bucks in Mon-        the Block Management Pro-
                                          both dress and load the bucks     tana will find the journey         gram. Private landowners
      Everett's dad exercised patience    into the truck. The memory        filled with challenges that can    allow public hunting, and
      waiting for this buck to stand up   of their double was still being   be overcome with diligent          there are some very produc-
      to get a clear shot.                formed between us all                      planning and re-          tive Block Management Areas
                                                                                     search. Residents         to find bucks. Those that ac-
                                                                                     enjoy over-the-count-     cept reservations will fill up
                                                                                      er licenses with no      quickly, often on the day they
                                                                                      need to draw a per-      begin taking them. Putting
                                                                                      mit. Nonresidents        time into meeting ranchers
                                                                                      will need to draw ei-    and offering to help with fenc-
                                                                                      ther the deer combi-     ing can still find you invita-
                                                                                       nation or big game      tions to hunt.
                                                                                       combination license.           Venturing into eastern
                                                                                       Recent years have       Montana during the early
                                                                                       seen more appli-        winter will likely come with
                                                                                       cants than available    rain, and that means gumbo.
                                                                                        licenses and having    The region is famous for cre-
                                                                                        preference points      ating slick conditions that
                                                                                        has been necessary     take first-timers by surprise
                                                                                         to draw.              and get them stuck. A heavy
                                                                                                Narrowing      frost melting off is enough to
                                                                                         down the vastness     cause a truck with four-wheel
                                                                                         of Montana’s plains   drive some frustration. It
                                                                                          will require some    should be taken seriously and
                                                                                          effort. There are    road conditions monitored.
                                                                                          abundant Bureau             The openness of the
                                                                                          of Land Manage-      land is deceptive. Deep draws
                                                                                          ment and Forest      abound and split the hills.

      Narrowing down the vastness of
      Montana’s plains will require some effort.

56 FA I R CH A S E | SU M M E R 202 1
MONTANA MULE DEER - Boone and Crockett Club
Large creek beds, most often              However, sometimes
dry, act as highways that          everything that needs to go
mule deer travel between           right does, and you are re-
feeding and bedding areas.         warded for your persistence.
Sagebrush and prairie grass        This past year more people
is broken up by hardwoods          were recreating outside, in-
lining these creeks. Utilizing     cluding hunters. With the
these depressions in the oth-      increased pressure, bucks
erwise flat terrain can help       were particularly difficult to
you cut the distance unseen.       locate. But as is true in every-
Once close enough, a hunter        day life and hunting, every-
can ease himself or rifle over     thing can change in a moment.
the edge with minimal pro-         The last hill I inspected held
file. Longer distances are very    around a dozen deer with
common, and hunters of             what would be my personal
varying degrees of proficien-      best mule deer buck. And with
cy will find a shot within their   most hunts we all take, they
effective range.                   are over too soon.
        I have found eastern              Mule deer in Montana
Montana mule deer hunting          have had some rough winters
is a game of strategy. It begins   in recent memory, but they
with immersing yourself in a       seem to be rebounding very
place where ancient hunters        nicely. I am encouraged to see
pursued the same quarry.           the age-class of bucks in-
High bluffs can be steep to        creasing and hunters taking
summit but offer you the best      higher quality bucks. Mon-
chance at glassing up deer.        tana is managed as an oppor-
Spotting them is easy, but         tunity state and mule deer
planning your advance is the       can be hunted in the rut. This
real challenge in hunting mule     certainly impacts the densi-
deer. Often the many eyes          ty of bucks, but I continue to
from surrounding does or the       have increasing success on
one deer that surprises you on     the caliber of deer every fall.
your stalk in will leave you       I look forward to the long
looking at the south end of a      drive and the hope of finding
northbound buck.                   one more. n

                                                                      Everett with his own mule deer taken on one of his many adventures in
  diy checklist:                                                      Eastern Montana.

       Montana Resident Deer License: $16
           Non-resident: $614
       Lodging: 10x10 Kodiak Canvas tent
       Mystery Ranch Metcalf Backpack
       Browning X-bolt .300 WinMag with Vortex
          Viper HST Scope
       Nosler E-Tip 180gr bullet
       Vortex Viper 10x42 Binoculars
                                                                                          If you have any DIY hunts you would
       Vortex Viper Spotting Scope                                                        like to see featured in the column, please
                                                                                          email Justin Spring or Karlie Slayer for details.
       Sitka Technical Clothing
       Alaska Guide Creations Bear Cub Binocular                                          Justin Spring -
                                                                                          Karlie Slayer -
       Cabela’s Meindl Perfekt Boots

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MONTANA MULE DEER - Boone and Crockett Club MONTANA MULE DEER - Boone and Crockett Club MONTANA MULE DEER - Boone and Crockett Club
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