Page created by Leonard Lang
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                                                              Saturday, March 13, 2021   Vol. 26 No. 21                       Covering Montréal & Surrounding Areas

                                                                        MONTREAL’S BEST

    Montreal zeppole season is upon us and we have found the best zeppoles in Montreal for you to try.
                Enjoy the top seven Itailan bakeries we found for your pleasure. Mangia!!!

                   Get with the Times!

For Sale or for Rent
         7190-7200 Frederick-Banting
            St Laurent (Technoparc)
    Building 40,480 s.f. new hvac and roof!
    Open space, offices & meeting rooms!
              Excellent condition!
    Call me to evaluate and
     advise for the sale of
         your property!

                  Lauren Marks Vesely
                   Courtier immobilier
                   Real Estate Broker
2             March 13, 2021 •
Experience a NEW culinary
vacation for your palate at Tropikal
Tropikal Restobar is the new kid on the
block when it comes to the Montreal
restaurant scene. At a time when the

                                                   Tropikal bowl
                                                   - Ackee, avo-
                                                   cado, lentils,
                                                   pumpkin, Ja-
                                                   maican callaloo,
           By Stuart Nulman                        sweet plantain,
                                                   channa. (Vegan)
COVID-19 pandemic has shut down many
of the city’s restaurants both permanently
and temporarily, and those still standing of-
fering just take out and/or delivery service,
Tropikal had the courage to open its doors
to Montreal foodies last week, while the
city is still in the grips of the pandemic, and
they could only offer their new customers         (which was created by Mr. Dougan, and has        Tropikal is available for take out and de-
the take out or delivery options.                 become a Montreal staple); the plantain livery through the following apps: Uber
  “Me and my partners were discussing this        donuts; the boneless chicken roti and the Eats, Door Dash, Skip the Dishes and CHK
concern for a while, and we decided that in       shrimp roti.                                   PLZ.
these times, if a new restaurant quickly             As well, once the plans are finalized and            Tropikal Restobar
adapts to this situation it will do exponen-      it’s safe for customers to dine in the restau-      3426 Notre-Dame Street West,
tially better,” said Kevin Selman, who is the     rant, a rum cocktail bar will be added to                  Montreal, H4C 1P2
owner of SPAR Training Montreal, and is           cap off that perfect culinary vacation expe- 514 419-2229
part of Tropikal’s ownership triumvirate          rience that’s waiting for you at Tropikal.          Instagram @tropikal_restobar

along with entrepreneur Jamal Gittens and
renowned chef and restaurant owner Jae-
Anthony Dougan, who will also be a con-
testant on CTV’s Master Chef Canada this
  “We saw the numbers made sense, where
we could reduce labour costs, not have a
significant overhead and still have a financial
impact,” he added.
  And thanks to the overwhelming support
from the community, and a lot of hands-on
involvement,Tropikal’s first week of opera-
tions garnered a great deal of positive feed-
back. “It was a blessing for us.There were a
lot of people out there who were ready
and willing to try this place,” said Mr. Sel-
     Located at 3426 Notre-Dame Street
West in the heart of St.Henri’s restaurant
row area,Tropikal offers a menu created by
Mr. Dougan that is a fusion of Caribbean,
West African and Afro-Latin cuisine.
   “We believe that food is a great way to
someone‘s soul, and Jae is not only a re-
spected business owner in his own right, he
is a great chef, which makes for a great
combination, said Mr. Selman. “Tropikal of-
fers a powerhouse mouth-watering menu
that will take your palate on a trip, where a
lot of different vibes come together. So                  Strawberry ricotta zeppole from La Conca d’Oro
come and eat our food and feel like you’re               2550 Jean Talon St E, Montreal, Quebec H2A 1T9
on vacation.”
   And Mr. Selman highly recommends the
following items on Tropikal’s menu for
                                                               (514) 728-2756
those who have not yet taken such a culi-                   Also order:,
nary adventure: the jerk chicken poutine
      • March 13, 2021                                                                                            3
New convertible venue opens
         this summer - Jardinmtl
       From the team that created
       Royalmount Drive-In Event
     Theatre events – safely redefined
The team that brought you the Royal-                 The venue was purposefully named the        going to bring to an even higher level of
mount Drive In Event Theatre is bringing         “Jardin” as the experience features a lush      comfort and luxury this summer. It’s much
Montrealers another new venue to once            garden oasis, meticulously styled and de-       closer to what we’re known for – creating
again bring the city a place to safely gather,   signed with versatility in mind, by expert      memorable, show-stopping events in Mon-
celebrate and host events of all kinds. And      designers at MEF.                               treal and around the world. Now that
this time there will be no cars involved!            The site can flex to accommodate the        we’ve gone through one summer and fall
This new, convertible open air venue will        guidelines and rules of the provincial and      knowing how people want to celebrate and
once again be located in the heart of Mon-       municipal governments, which will change        entertain themselves and gather in this new
treal and will be named Jardin Royalmount.       as the seasons progress, sometimes weekly
There has been no resting on their laurels       or even daily, as we’ve often seen in this      reality, we know exactly how to deliver that
for Adam Bultz of C3 Events and Lorne            past year.                                      experience in a safe way that will adhere to
Levitt of Total Events, who, with a combined        Completely customizable, the venue can       all government protocols.” said Levitt and
35 years of experience between them, have        safely hold weddings, private events, corpo-    Bultz, both leaders in the Montreal event
been conceiving of this space since they         rate events and meetings, product launches,     community and experts in design and logis-
saw the deep need for a proper venue to          concerts, movie nights and charity galas        tics.
host Montrealers last summer and fall.           through late fall 2021, with a return in sum-       The project is once again supported by
    Located in Midtown, at the corner of         mer 2022. Large parking lots are located        Carbonleo Real Estate Inc., the visionaries
Royden and Royalmount, a block from the          across the street and full cocktail and         behind the new Midtown Royalmount
site of last year’s drive-in theatre, Jardin     catering services are available.                community, featuring an eco-innovative,
Royalmount is 10 minutes from Laval, the            As anyone who attended one of the 110        immersive lifestyle, accessible to all.
West Island, and downtown Montreal. The          events last summer can attest, the Jardin          Jardin Royalmount, Montreal’s best sum-
brand new event theatre is Montreal’s only       Royalmount experience will be top of the        mer and fall option opens in June 2021.
19,000 square foot event garden and the-         line, safe and comfortable,with COVID
atre with an adjacent 8,000 square foot          agents onsite to ensure all protocols are       Booking is available now at:
covered pavilion, featuring walls that open      met. Staff at the Drive-in Event Theatre .
to the elements and 21-foot vaulted ceil-        were the best in the business, well-trained
ings. Jardin Royalmount is large enough to       and able to keep guests both safe and well-     
host hundreds of people in a safe and so-        informed of all the site’s features.                          @jardinmtl
cially distant way in both its indoor and           “Events Safely Redefined really describes              Facebook: Jardin Mtl
outdoor configurations.                          what we built last summer and what we’re                 #outsideisthenewinside
4                                                                                               March 13, 2021 •
• March 13, 2021   5
Canada's Group of Seven
3551 boul. St. Charles,
 Suite #547, Kirkland,
  Quebec, H9H 3C4
                                                                                 artists to be featured in                                                              exhibitions in Germany
                                                                                and the Netherlands 2021
                                                                              Beginning this Thursday, March 11,                                                             works by the artists of the celebrated
                                                                              Group of Seven—Lawren Harris, J. E.                                                               H. MacDonald,A.Y. Jackson,Arthur Lis-
                                                                              mer, F. H. Varley, Franklin Carmichael
                                                                              and Franz Johnston—as well as Emily
                                                                              Carr and Tom Thomson, among oth-
                                                                              ers—will be on view at the Schirn
                                                                              Kunsthalle in Frankfurt, Germany, as
                                                                              part of the exhibition Magnetic North:
                                                                              Imagining Canada in Painting 1910–
     Distribution                                                             1940. The exhibition, which brings to-
                                                                              gether 87 paintings and five films from
Hudson, St. Lazare, Sennevil e, Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, Baie d’Urfe, Bea-       several Canadian collections and insti-
consfield, Kirkland, Pte. Claire, D.D.O., Pier efonds, Roxboro, Dorval, La-   tutions, will subsequently be hosted by
   chine, NDG, Vil e St-Laurent, Châteauguay, Cote St-Luc, Snowdon,           the Kunsthal in Rotterdam, the
 Hampstead, Mtl-West, Westmount, Laval, Verdun, Lasalle, Montreal, St.        Netherlands in fall 2021.
            Leonard, Anjou, Ahuntsic, Lit le Italy, Nuns’ Island                  Magnetic North: Imagining Canada
                                                                              in Painting 1910–1940 is co-organized
             Advertising                                                      by the Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt, the
                                                                              Art Gallery of Ontario, and the Na-
                                                    tional Gallery of Canada. This exhibi-
                                                                              tion is provided within the context of
ADVERTISING DEADLINE                                                          Canada's Guest of Honour presence
                                                                              at the Frankfurt Book Fair in 2021. A
    (Wednesday at 5 p.m.)                                                     richly illustrated catalogue is also avail-
                                                                              able in English, French (available in
    514-951-3328                                                              Canada only), and German. With the             Lisa Jackson and Mobilize, 2015, a        Canadian creativity on display during
                                                                              support of the Department of Cana-             short film by artist Caroline Monnet.     our year-long campaign that features
    Managing Editor:                                                          dian Heritage, Canada's presence as              In her one-hour film, Jackson tells—    our arts and culture across Germany
                                                                              the guest of honour will be featured           through interviews, archival films and    as part of Canada's role as Guest of
                        Tom West                                              at the 2021 Frankfurt Book Fair, which         photos dating back more than a cen-       Honour Country at the 2021 Frank-
                                                                              runs from October 20 to 24, 2021.              tury—the history of the Gwa'sala—         furt Book Fair. We invite you to join
                                                                                 National Gallery of Canada Director         'Nakwaxda'xw First Nation, relocated      us!"
                                                                              & CEO, Dr. Sasha Suda, PhD, Art His-           from their traditional territories on        Dr. Philipp Demandt, director of the
                                                                              tory, said that "the presentation of the       the coast of British Columbia by the      Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt, declared:
                                                                              exhibition Magnetic North at the               Canadian government in 1964.              "We thank our partners in Canada for
                                                                              Schirn Kunsthalle in Frankfurt and at             Addressing Indigenous identity and     the trust and enthusiasm they have
                                                                              Kunsthal in Rotterdam will provide in-         representation, and "reframing Cana-      shown for our idea to show the mas-
                                                                              credible exposure for the finest mas-          dian history through a contemporary       terpieces of Canadian modernism in
          Contributors:                                                       terpieces from some of Canada's key            lens," Monnet takes the viewer on a       Germany for the first time. We are
                                                                              museums and cultural institutions.This         journey from the Far North to the         very pleased to be jointly presenting
                                                                              is a historic moment, as these prodi-          urban south, "capturing the perpetual     these magnificent paintings to our vis-
         • Marco Giovanetti                                                   gious works will be brought together           negotiation between the traditional       itors at the Schirn Kunsthalle Frank-
                                                                              for the very first time in Europe. Visi-       and the modern by a people moving         furt and to be expanding reception of
          • Sergio Martinez                                                   tors will discover the remarkable tal-         ever forward." The 3-minute film is       international modernism. For us, it is
           • Bonnie Wurst                                                     ent of these artists, who created an           made out of NFB archival footage.         particularly important to also shed
           • Stuart Nulman                                                    unprecedented pictorial style for the             "The opportunity to share the cap-     light on the current critical explo-
                                                                              representation of Canadian landscapes          tivating works of The Group of Seven      ration of the popular Group of Seven.
         • Deborah Rankin                                                     in the first decades of the 20th cen-          and their contemporaries with new         On this note, we are extremely grate-
       • Martha Shannon                                                       tury. These significant artists have           audiences is exciting," said Stephan      ful to the artists Caroline Monnet and
                                                                              marked the history of art in Canada            Jost, the Michael and Sonja Koerner       Lisa Jackson for their key contribu-
                                                                              and their works are ambassadors par            Director, and CEO of the AGO. "In         tions to this exhibition."
                                                                              excellence for our country."                   paintings of sublime mountains and          The works are drawn primarily from
            SUBSCRIPTION                                                         The year 2020 marked the 100th an-          unspoiled nature, these artists created   the collections of the National Gallery
General subscriptions in Canada: 1                                            niversary of the group's first exhibition      a romantic fiction of uninhabited         of Canada and the Art Gallery of On-
year $150, 2 years $275 Subscrip-                                             in Canada. Visitors will be able to ad-        wilderness. This exhibition boldly in-    tario, with 23 and 38 paintings respec-
tion to the U.S. and outside North                                            mire an impressive selection of paint-         fuses these works with contemporary       tively. The other works in the
     America:1 year $250 US                                                   ings made between 1910 and 1940, a             relevance, offering visitors the oppor-   exhibition are from the Art Museum
                                                                              period of nation building and rapid in-        tunity to see these modern paintings      at the University of Toronto, Library
All contents of this publication
are sole property of The Mon-                                                 dustrial expansion.These paintings and         through the eyes of contemporary In-      and Archives Canada, the McMichael
treal Times Newspaper. Opin-
ions expressed in this
                                                                              sketches embody the dream of an in-            digenous artists."                        Canadian Art Collection, the Ottawa
publication are not necessarily                                               dependent dominion, a dream very                  The Honourable Steven Guilbeault,      Art Gallery, the Montreal Museum of
intended to reflect those of the
publisher. Any reproduction in                                                much at odds, then and now, with               Minister of Canadian Heritage, said:      Fine Arts, Museum London, the Na-
whole or in part and in print or
in electronic form without ex-                                                Canada's colonial history.                     "We are excited to share these leg-       tional Film Board of Canada, the Judith
press permission is strictly for-                                             The exhibition will also comprise five         endary Canadian works with our Eu-        and Norman Alix Art Gallery, the
bidden.      Permission        to
reproduce selected editorial                                                  films, including two by contemporary           ropean friends in Germany and the         Robert McLaughlin Gallery, the Van-
may be granted by contacting                                                  Indigenous artists: How a People Live,         Netherlands. This amazing exhibition      couver Art Gallery, and Victoria Uni-
the publisher in writing.
                                                                              2013, a documentary by filmmaker               is just the tip of the iceberg of the     versity.
6                                                                                                                                                              March 13, 2021 •
Best Montreal Zeppoles
             Seeing that March 19th (known as Saint           If you don't know what a zeppole is we are about
         Joseph's Day to most Italians) is just around the    to change your life.
         corner and the traditional dessert for that day is      We asked our readers in early February their
         zeppole, we at the Montreal Times thought we         recommendations and low and be hold we were
         would go on a quest to find the best Montreal        bombarded. Unfortunately, we might have gained
         zeppoles. The zeppole only comes out once a          a few pounds but we took one for the team.
         year, usually the beginning of February to Easter.      Here is our list of best Montreal zeppoles:

 La Conca d'Oro
   It was little overwhelming when we walked into this delec-
table smelling bakery. We wanted to buy everything we saw. I
had to refrain and only look at the zeppoles. I was there on a
mission.The showcase was full of zeppoles and we tried them
all. Nutella ricotta, pistachio ricotta, strawberry ricotta, ric-
cotta and last but not least custard. The pastry was airy and
baked to perfection.The fillings were delicious and so creamy.
All of them equally mouth watering, delightful and so satisfying.
   La Conca d'Oro bakery have been a Montreal staple since
1963. Husband and wife team Sergio Lanniciello, head chef
and Diana Battista purchase the bakery in 2002 and moved it
across the street to a new location. Diana along with daughter
Alexia Lanniciello will make sure you are served with a beau-
tiful smile and walk out with all the goodies you need. Hurry
though because the zeppole are only there for a few more
  2550 Rue Jean Talon East, Montreal, Quebec H2A 1T9
           (514) 728-2756 /

 Pasticceria Alati-Caserta
Pasticceria Alati-Caserta have been making Italian desserts
and goodies since 1968. This Italian bakery is a staple and a
must when visiting Little Italy in Montreal.At the moment they
have two types of zeppoles, baked and fried with fillings of
custard or ricotta The fried zeppole was outstanding, the core
overflowing with ricotta or custard filling. I found the baked
zeppole had the perfect balance of pastry and filling. Both pure
On March 16th - 21st they will showcase a number of differ-
ent flavours of Zeppole:
• Chocolate ricotta
• Limoncello ricotta
• Pistachio ricotta
• Tiramisu cream
• Gianduia cream (choco-hazelnut)
• Nocciola (hazelnut)
• Ricotta
• Custard
        277 Rue Dante, Montréal, Québec H2S 1K3
              (514) 271-3013 /

   • March 13, 2021                                                                     7
               San Marco
    Be prepared to be transported to Italy as you enter this jewel
    of an Italian Bakery. Patisserie San Marco has been serving
    Montrealers since 1962 in the same location. The secret
    recipes have been handed down two generations. We tried
    two different zeppoles, custard and the other other ricotta.
    Patisserie San Marco zeppoles are fried balls of pate choux
    dough tweaked with a family secret and then infused with the
    perfect amount of their creamy delightful filling, topped with
    powdered sugar.
         1581 Jean Talon St E, Montreal, Quebec H2E 1S9
                (514) 727-5401 /

        N.D.G. Bakery /
    Boulangerie & Pâtisserie
      Charcuterie N.D.G
      N.D.G Bakery needs no introduction. Everything made
      is with love.Their zeppole is traditional fried dough with
      filling inserted. FRESH is one word that can describe
      this Italian bakery. We tried ricotta filled and ricotta
      whipped cream filled.We tried one of each to see which
      one was better however, I ended up trying four with
      still no answer. Sooooooo good!
         5801 Upper Lachine Rd. NDG, Quebec, H4A 2B6
                           (514) 418-4215

8                                                March 13, 2021 •
• March 13, 2021   9
10   March 13, 2021 •
This family run business has been selling Italian traditional pas-
tries since 1978. We tried three Zeppoles - ricotta, custard
and ricotta with Nutella. Fresh, fresh fresh. The zeppoles are
creamy and the dough fried to perfection. The smell as you
walk in the door is pure heaven with super friendly service.
        1699, rue Thierry, LaSalle, Quebec, H8N 1H6
     (514) 363-2760 /

 Patisserie Dolce Sappore
  Patisserie Dolce Sappore with three locations in Laval,
  Montreal and Mascouche offer clients a variety of Zep-
  pole flavours this holiday season! Their original ricotta
  is a must have but their lobster tail and pistachio
  flavours will definitely blow your mind ! Want a hint of
  Nutella? They got it. A light drizzle on top of their ri-
  cotta classic is the perfect sweet combination. Their
  dough is fluffy, not too oily and always fresh!
     RIVIÈRE-DES-PRAIRIES - 10494 Perras boulevard
                Montreal, Quebec H1C 2H7
        (514) 678-1571
         VIMONT - 2000 René-Laennec boulevard
                   Laval, Quebec H7M 4J8
                        (450) 629-5115
          MASCOUCHE - 2500 Av de L'Esplanade
                Mascouche, Quebec J7K 0T4
                        (450) 474-0477

    L'atelier Sucre
         et Sel
L'atelier Sucre et Sel zeppole is a sort of hybrid where Italy
meets France. Head chefs Bianca Di Cinolamo from Montreal
and chef Dylan Nocera from France have created a baked zep-
pole instead of the traditional frying method.The zeppole are
then cut in half like a bagel and filled with ricotta, chocolate
or Vanilla and pistachio spread. The filling is so creamy, light
and a fusion of flavours from France and Italy. They truly have
made a hip new zeppole.
               4501 Boul Des Grandes Prairies,
              Saint-Léonard, Quebec H1R 1A5
              (514) 442-5150 / (514) 559-0400
   • March 13, 2021                           11
12   March 13, 2021 •
COVID Alert app updated to
    serve Canadians better
Millions of Canadians are doing their part     When these users turn off COVID Alert,        for 15 days, after which they are automati-
to help prevent the spread of COVID-19         their phone will not exchange random          cally deleted.
by downloading and using the COVID Alert       codes to or from other app users' phones,        The COVID-19 Exposure Notification
app. Thousands of people have uploaded         nor will it send notifications of exposure.   App Advisory Council was established to
their one-time key following a positive di-    To ensure that Canadians have the latest      ensure the app meets the highest standards
agnosis to help protect others by notifying    features and that the app is working at its   in public health outcomes, privacy and
them that they may have been exposed. As       best, we recommend regularly updating         technology. Council members reflect
more Canadians use the app, we continue        your operating system and checking the        Canada's regional and cultural diversity, and
to collect feedback on how it can be im-       COVID Alert app to ensure you are aware       cover a wide range of expertise, including
proved to meet user needs. Use of the app      of any exposure notifications.                health, privacy, data governance, science and
is one of the ways you can help protect           The Government of Canada continually       innovation.Their advice informs the imple-
each other and limit the spread of COVID-      reviews and improves COVID Alert. Up-         mentation and rollout of the app.
19.                                            dates are based on public health guidance,       BlackBerry and the Canadian Centre for
  Today, the Honourable Patty Hajdu, Min-      provincial and territorial needs, user re-    Cyber Security completed a security as-
ister of Health, and the Honourable Joyce      search, and changes to the underlying         sessment of the app before it was launched.
Murray, Minister of Digital Government, an-    framework by Apple and Google.                All data provided to the app is securely
nounced that COVID Alert has been up-                         Quick Facts                    stored and protected.
dated with two new features. The first app     As of December 7, there have been more           COVID Alert is a collaboration between
update allows users to clear the screen        than 5.6 million downloads of the app.        Health Canada, Innovation, Science and
that indicates exposure to COVID-19.              COVID Alert is available for Canadians     Economic Development Canada, the Cana-
After receiving a negative COVID-19 test       as a free download from the App Store or      dian Digital Service, and the Ontario Digital
result, the screen can be cleared enabling     the Google Play Store.                        Service. It builds upon an exposure notifi-
the app to alert the user of a new expo-          Since the app first launched, more than    cation solution developed by Shopify vol-
sure. Users should follow public health        8000 people have voluntarily input their      unteers in coordination with the non-profit
guidance, and only clear the screen that in-   one-time key to notify others around them     Linux Foundation Public Health.
dicates exposure following a negative test     after testing positive for COVID-19.            As part of our commitment to open and
result or after they receive instructions          When users download the app, their        transparent government, the Canadian Dig-
provided by their public health authority.     phones send out randomly generated            ital Service is making its work on the app's
The second feature allows users to turn        codes via Bluetooth to other smartphone       development and testing available on
COVID Alert on and off without disabling       users who have the app and are within ap-     Github.
Bluetooth. This change was made after lis-     proximately two metres. If they test posi-       The Canada COVID-19 App is another
tening to feedback from health care work-      tive for the virus, users can choose to       digital tool that supports Canadians. It al-
ers, who need flexibility to turn off COVID    upload their random codes to a central        lows users to track their symptoms while
Alert while they are at work wearing their     server located in Canada. Once uploaded,      receiving the latest updates and accessing
personal protective equipment (PPE).           the random codes are stored on the server     trusted resources.
     • March 13, 2021                                                                                        13
Book Reviews -

           Dear Bob… Bob Hope’s Wartime
     Correspondence with the G.I.s of World War II
         by Martha Bolton with Linda Hope
    It all began for Bob Hope in a low-key                                                       books Hope wrote during the war, and
manner back in the spring of 1941.                                                               many of the Allied military and government
   Hope, who got his start in show business                                                      figures whose decisions contributed to
through vaudeville and Broadway, was on                                                          their victory in 1945.
his way to becoming one of the most pop-                                                            But when you read these letters of grat-
ular comedians of all time. At the time, he                                                      itude from the soldiers, they give a sense
was starring in motion pictures for three                                                        of poignancy and pride of the risks they
years, with upcoming releases such as                                                            took fighting for their country, and how
“Caught in the Draft” and “The Road to                                                           major an impact seeing a Bob Hope live
Zanzibar” ready to conquer the box office.                                                       show had towards their morale on the
Also, his highly rated Pepsodent Show on                                                         front lines, or towards their personal heal-
NBC Radio made him a familiar voice with                                                         ing lying in a field hospital bed. One glaring
millions of American listeners every week.                                                       example of the latter was a letter dated
   So thanks to his radio show producer Al                                                       February 1945 by army Private O.M. Teate,
Capstaff, Hope got a request to do a future                                                      who was temporarily blinded from a
Pepsodent Show broadcast live on location                                                        grenade explosion and was recovering in a
from March Field, a U.S. army base in River-                                                     military hospital in Louisiana. When one
side, California. Hope agreed, and on May                                                        Tuesday night at 9 p.m., he heard the theme
6, 1941, he did his first show in front of an                                                    song to Hope’s show on the radio in his
audience made up of chiefly servicemen                                                           hospital ward, it gave him the boost that he
who packed the base’s gymnasium during a                                                         needed towards his healing as a result from
hot 94 degree day to be entertained in per-                                                      the multitude of laughter he got during that
son from the entertainer who was heard                                                           30-minute broadcast.
in their families’ homes every week on                                                           “I only hope that you can understand my
radio.                                                                                           appreciation for making me feeling like
    What could have been a one-shot deal                                                         smiling and helping me to realize that there
in the spring of 1941 snowballed into              Bob Hope fanked by soliders in WW II          is still some joy in life, no matter what the
something magnificent for the men and            G.I. thank you letters he received between      circumstances maybe,” writes Private Teate
women who served in every branch of the          1941 and 1945 form the basis of a terrific      near the end of his letter.
U.S. Armed Forces after the U.S. entered         tribute to service in book form called Dear        Dear Bob … is a wonderful, moving tes-
into the fighting of the conflict that was       Bob…                                            timony to selfless service to one’s country
World War II, following the attack on Pearl          This book was put together by two           at its very best, especially in a time of crisis.
Harbor.                                          women who have a close connection to            Bob Hope and company may have provided
    For the next four years, between regu-       Bob Hope: Linda Hope, his daughter and          a lot of laughs and good times when he
larly-scheduled movie and radio commit-          Martha Bolton, who worked as his staff          travelled wherever the soldiers were, no
ments, Hope and his small troupe of              writer for 15 years.They had the enormous       matter how dangerous it was, but he knew
entertainers that included singer Frances        task of sifting through the extensive collec-   it was for a gallant purpose. That sense of
Langford, comedian Jerry Colonna, writer         tion of those letters (which are now kept       purpose was well explained during one
Barney Dean, tap dancer Patti Thomas and         in the Library of Congress) to see which        closing tribute that Hope delivered at the
guitarist/one-man band man Tony Romano,                                                          conclusion of one of his broadcasts:
packed up their old kit bags and travelled a                                                     “We know them as the finest fighting ma-
total of 30,000 miles in practically every                                                       chine and the finest audience in the world.
corner of the globe to perform in 150 live                                                       So on this closing show (of the season),
shows that took place in army bases, air-                                                        we’d just like to wave a temporary goodbye
fields and makeshift theatres in remote lo-                                                      and mumble a few words to the effect that
cations, for the sole purpose of providing                                                       if a few fellows, who’ll soon be closing an
entertainment, morale boosting and a kind                                                        even bigger show in Berlin and Tokyo, have
of therapeutic healing “for the boys (and                                                        gotten a few laughs out of these Tuesday
girls)” who bravely served their country in                                                      nights, we’re completely and utterly grate-
their quest to defeat Nazi Germany and                                                           ful. And what’s more, we’ll keep on dishing
the imperial Japanese empire. And on top                                                         it out as long as they can take it.”
of that, Hope and his crew visited the                                                           Thanks for the memories indeed, Mr. Hope.
wounded in every field hospital that was lo-                                                     It all began for Bob Hope in a low-key man-
cated in every base where they performed,                                                        ner back in the spring of 1941.
giving the wounded troops a much needed                     By Stuart Nulman                        Hope, who got his start in show business
boost, which always began with his enthu-                                                        through vaudeville and Broadway, was on
siastic customary greeting of “Don’t get up,                                                     his way to becoming one of the most pop-
fellas!”.                                                                   ular comedians of all time. At the time, he
   And the main way for these servicemen         ones would be included in the book. Their       was starring in motion pictures for three
and servicewomen to express their grati-         hard work has paid off, as the selected let-    years, with upcoming releases such as
tude to Bob Hope for making the arduous          ters represent the many issues and con-         “Caught in the Draft” and “The Road to
journey to their respective bases in the Eu-     cerns that these soldiers opened up to          Zanzibar” ready to conquer the box office.
ropean and Pacific theatres of the war was       Hope, such as the sometimes primitive           Also, his highly rated Pepsodent Show on
through the mail. These thank you letters        conditions of bases in the South Pacific, the   NBC Radio made him a familiar voice with
were filled with immense gratitude, funny        food offered at the mess hall, missing the      millions of American listeners every week.
anecdotes and how much Hope’s live               family every Christmas, missing mom on          So thanks to his radio show producer Al
shows were a much needed slice of home           Mother’s Day, surviving harrowing battles,      Capstaff, Hope got a request to do a future
and meant so much as they were fighting a        recuperating from all kinds of wounds and       Pepsodent Show broadcast live on location
deadly conflict. In fact, by 1944, Hope was      requests for certain entertainers and star-     from March Field, a U.S. army base in River-
receiving an average of 38,000 letters from      lets in future shows.                           side, California. Hope agreed, and on May
soldiers every week!                               This book reads like a scrapbook, and is      6, 1941, he did his first show in front of an
   It’s been exactly 80 years since that first   generously sprinkled with letters (and          audience made up of chiefly servicemen
show at March Field that turned Bob Hope         replies from Hope), rare onstage and back-      who packed the base’s gymnasium during a
into the “G.I.’s best friend” and led to a       stage photos from many of the USO shows,        hot 94 degree day to be entertained in per-
commitment that saw him tirelessly enter-        artifacts, one-liners uttered in Hope’s         son from the entertainer who was heard
tain troops in Korea, Vietnam, the Persian       trademark self-deprecating style, and ex-       in their families’ homes every week on
Gulf and even during the height of the Cold      cerpts from speeches from show closings,        radio.
War. And those hundreds of thousands of          newspaper articles, two of the best selling                                   continued on Page 15

14                                                                                                 March 13, 2021 •
continued from Page 14
                                                soldiers every week!                              fighting for their country, and how major an
                                                   It’s been exactly 80 years since that first    impact seeing a Bob Hope live show had to-
What could have been a one-shot deal in         show at March Field that turned Bob Hope          wards their morale on the front lines, or to-
the spring of 1941 snowballed into some-        into the “G.I.’s best friend” and led to a com-   wards their personal healing lying in a field
thing magnificent for the men and women         mitment that saw him tirelessly entertain         hospital bed. One glaring example of the lat-
who served in every branch of the U.S.          troops in Korea, Vietnam, the Persian Gulf        ter was a letter dated February 1945 by
Armed Forces after the U.S. entered into        and even during the height of the Cold War.       army Private O.M.Teate, who was temporar-
the fighting of the conflict that was World     And those hundreds of thousands of G.I.           ily blinded from a grenade explosion and
War II, following the attack on Pearl Harbor.   thank you letters he received between 1941        was recovering in a military hospital in
For the next four years, between regularly-     and 1945 form the basis of a terrific tribute     Louisiana.When one Tuesday night at 9 p.m.,
scheduled movie and radio commitments,          to service in book form called Dear Bob…          he heard the theme song to Hope’s show
hope and his small troupe of entertainers            This book was put together by two            on the radio in his hospital ward, it gave him
that included singer Frances Langford, co-      women who have a close connection to Bob          the boost that he needed towards his heal-
median Jerry Colonna, writer Barney Dean,       Hope: Linda Hope, his daughter and Martha         ing as a result from the multitude of laughter
tap dancer Patti Thomas and guitarist/one-      Bolton, who worked as his staff writer for        he got during that 30-minute broadcast.
man band man Tony Romano, packed up             15 years.They had the enormous task of sift-         “I only hope that you can understand my
their old kit bags and travelled a total of     ing through the extensive collection of           appreciation for making me feeling like smil-
30,000 miles in practically every corner of     those letters (which are now kept in the Li-      ing and helping me to realize that there is
the globe to perform in 150 live shows that     brary of Congress) to see which ones would        still some joy in life, no matter what the cir-
took place in army bases, airfields and         be included in the book.Their hard work has       cumstances maybe,” writes Private Teate
makeshift theatres in remote locations, for     paid off, as the selected letters represent the   near the end of his letter.
the sole purpose of providing entertain-        many issues and concerns that these sol-             Dear Bob … is a wonderful, moving testi-
ment, morale boosting and a kind of thera-      diers opened up to Hope, such as the some-        mony to selfless service to one’s country at
peutic healing “for the boys (and girls)” who   times primitive conditions of bases in the        its very best, especially in a time of crisis.
bravely served their country in their quest     South Pacific, the food offered at the mess       Bob Hope and company may have provided
to defeat Nazi Germany and the imperial         hall, missing the family every Christmas,         a lot of laughs and good times when he trav-
Japanese empire. And on top of that, Hope       missing mom on Mother’s Day, surviving            elled wherever the soldiers were, no matter
and his crew visited the wounded in every       harrowing battles, recuperating from all          how dangerous it was, but he knew it was
field hospital that was located in every base   kinds of wounds and requests for certain          for a gallant purpose.That sense of purpose
where they performed, giving the wounded        entertainers and starlets in future shows.        was well explained during one closing trib-
troops a much needed boost, which always           This book reads like a scrapbook, and is       ute that Hope delivered at the conclusion
began with his enthusiastic customary greet-    generously sprinkled with letters (and            of one of his broadcasts:
ing of “Don’t get up, fellas!”.                 replies from Hope), rare onstage and back-        “We know them as the finest fighting ma-
   And the main way for these servicemen        stage photos from many of the USO shows,          chine and the finest audience in the world.
and servicewomen to express their grati-        artifacts, one-liners uttered in Hope’s trade-    So on this closing show (of the season), we’d
tude to Bob Hope for making the arduous         mark self-deprecating style, and excerpts         just like to wave a temporary goodbye and
journey to their respective bases in the Eu-    from speeches from show closings, newspa-         mumble a few words to the effect that if a
ropean and Pacific theatres of the war was      per articles, two of the best selling books       few fellows, who’ll soon be closing an even
through the mail. These thank you letters       Hope wrote during the war, and many of the        bigger show in Berlin and Tokyo, have gotten
were filled with immense gratitude, funny       Allied military and government figures            a few laughs out of these Tuesday nights,
anecdotes and how much Hope’s live shows        whose decisions contributed to their vic-         we’re completely and utterly grateful. And
were a much needed slice of home and            tory in 1945.                                     what’s more, we’ll keep on dishing it out as
meant so much as they were fighting a             But when you read these letters of grati-       long as they can take it.”
deadly conflict. In fact, by 1944, Hope was     tude from the soldiers, they give a sense of           Thanks for the memories indeed, Mr.
receiving an average of 38,000 letters from     poignancy and pride of the risks they took        Hope.


     • March 13, 2021                                                                                               15
Movie Reviews -

                                (To)] Samuel: (Gabriel Byrne) and Charlotte (Jessica Paré) in Ireland
              (Bottom left): Samuel (Gabriel Byrne) and his friend Brendan (Joel Bissonnette), and Death right behind
            (Bottom right): The former womanizing professor is now seduced by alcohol and immersed in hallucinations

           Fails to seduce
Leonard Cohen, iconic creator of poetry          gage in long chats. His hallucinations also      While the music by Cohen and some of
and music, his seductive voice and person-       take a toll on his teaching duties' perform- the surrealistic scenes provide a few inter-
ality certainly charmed many women dur-          ance, combined with the effects of his al- esting moments, this movie fails to convey
ing his life. He may also be a powerful          coholism.                                      a convincing portrait of this rather former
creative source for artists in other areas. It                                                  "ladies' man." In fact, what we see through
is the case of Montreal native, now an L.A.                                                     the story is its sad decline, but not in the
resident, Matthew Bissonnette, who di-                                                          poetic or nostalgic tone that we could find
rected and wrote this film presented as "in-                                                    in Cohen's lyrics. Instead, the spectator
spired" by works by Cohen. The question                                                         never experiences a more comprehensive
is whether being inspired by a great artist                                                     look into the main character since it is pre-
necessarily translates into great cinematic                                                     sented through an erratic and irregular nar-
work.                                                                                           rative. Byrne's superficial portrayal of
   A Canadian-Irish coproduction, "Death                                                        Samuel, then, leaves the spectator with a
of a Ladies' Man", features Gabriel Byrne as                                                    fragmented picture of the man: neither the
Samuel O'Shea, a 64-year-old literature                                                         lover, the somehow disillusioned professor,
professor. He is now facing the imminence                                                       nor the father come out persuasively. No,
of death since he has been diagnosed with                     By Sergio Martinez                definitely, and despite Cohen's ubiquitous
a brain tumor. He is also a heavy drinker,                                 music, "Death of a Ladies' Man" is not se-
and one day finds his second wife in bed                                                        ductive enough. This is Bissonnette’s latest
with another guy. His children from his first      He then decides to take some time in his approach to Cohen’s inspirational work,
marriage don't seem to care much about           family shack in Ireland. In the local town, he after “Looking for Leonard” made in 2002,
him. On top of all that, he has started to       meets Charlotte (Jessica Paré), with whom which was yet a more forgettable movie.
have hallucinations. One of the most per-        he starts a torrid romance.Things seem to To be released on March 12 on
sistent is the appearance of his father Ben      go well until his daughter Josée (Karelle Apple/iTunes and other platforms. In cine-
(Brian Gleeson)—who had died when he             Tremblay) shows up and breaks the fantasy mas on March 19.
was a child—and with whom he would en-           in which Samuel is immersed.                                          Running Time: 101 min
16                                                                                              March 13, 2021 •
Guinness greetings on the skin
Toting a beer into
the shower may not
be on everyone’s
                                  FREE Guinness Soap
        By Martha Shannon
             March 16th, 17th, 18th
agenda, but perhaps                      Drop by
it should be. Not to
drink necessarily, but           Earth to Body Boutique
to cleanse and nour-
ish the skin.
  We love our Guin-
ness soap, called
Irish Stout Oatmeal
   Not only is it great
as a body and face
soap, but it also
serves well as a
shampoo for the
hair. Beer and espe-
cially Guinness, con-
tains          natural
anti-oxidants*, mak-
ing the hair softer         as usual and then         skin of acne. The      be a wonderful addi-        If you come visit     Boutique Earth to
and more volumi-            rinse with warm           brewer’s yeast in      tion to our popular      us at the shop this      Body’, 89 Lucerne,
nous. When we               water and beer.           Guinness will attack   Clay Neem facial         March 16, 17, 18 we      Pointe Claire, QC H9R
make our beer soap,             Since beer con-       the acneic bacteria    mask. Once again, if     shall give you a free
it is necessary to          tains B vitamins,         on the skin and re-    you do not wish to       Guinness soap with       2V1) Email info@nat-
allow the beer to           hops, saccharides         duce the oily secre-   invest in the actual     your purchase. To We are open
become flat before          and yeast, it acts as a   tion    from     the   beer, try our Guin-      celebrate the day!       again: Store: Tues,
mixing. Same idea, if       natural moisturizer.      sebaceous glands.      ness soap!                                        Wed, Thurs: 10-4 For
you wish to rinse           After cleansing with           Beer not only     *a substance such as         We stand behind
your hair with the                                                                                                             curbside…Call store
                            the Guinness soap,        clears the complex-    vitamin C or E that      our products. We give    during store hours
pure Guinness, it           some people do not        ion, it also treats    removes potentially      great customer serv-
should sit for an           need to moisturize,       dryness          and   damaging oxidizing       ice. Visit us at         514-428-0444 Out-
hour or so before           or at least need less.    smooths the skin       agents in a living or- Subscribe    side hours call : 514-
using. You can wash
                            Beer helps clear the      texture. Beer would    ganism.                  to our newsletter. ‘La   694-0705

      • March 13, 2021                                                                                                  17
New support for organizations
    hosting free tax clinics
The Canada Revenue Agency recognizes             that plan to apply for the grant need to      tax returns have been filed through virtual
the value of free tax clinics that help Cana-    track their tax clinic expenses and the       tax clinics.
dians do their taxes so they can get the         number of tax returns that their volunteers   • Volunteer tax programs help people with
benefit and credits they are entitled to.We      complete.The CRA will start accepting ap-     modest incomes and a simple tax situation
also know the costs of running these clinics     plications in May 2021. This pilot project    who are looking for support during tax
can be a challenge for organizations who         will run for three years. To learn more       season.
want to participate.                             about the CVITP grant program, visit          • Trained volunteers prepare income tax
   To support these organizations, the Ho-             and benefit returns free of charge. For vir-
nourable Diane Lebouthillier, Minister of                       Quick Facts                    tual clinics, this can be done by videocon-
National Revenue, is pleased to announce         • During the 2019-2020 program year,          ference, by phone or through a document
that the CRA will invest more than $10           more than 18,970 volunteers and 3,810         drop-off arrangement.
million over three years in a new grant pro-     community organizations filed over            • The CRA is working with partner organ-
gram to help organizations offset some of        467,500 tax returns for individuals across    izations to make sure these virtual clinics
their costs. The program will also be avail-     Canada and helped over 407,410 individu-      are safe and secure and that private infor-
able to organizations in Quebec that host        als. Since May 2020, an additional 180,000    mation is protected.
clinics through the Income Tax Assistance
– Volunteer Program in collaboration with
Revenu Quebec.
   Currently, community organizations that
run tax clinics must cover the costs, which
increase as the clinics help more and more
Canadians complete their income tax and
benefit returns. Expenses include such
things as office stationery, printers, docu-
ment shredders and many other incidental
expenses to support their dedicated volun-
teers. Recognizing the challenges of
COVID-19, related costs including personal
protective equipment, sanitation supplies,
and plexiglass dividers will also be covered
under the grant program.The CRA expects
that the grant program will make the work
for these free tax clinics a little easier and
encourage more organizations to sign up.
This will let them help more taxpayers to
file their tax returns.                                     
   Starting in February 2021, organizations
18                                                                                            March 13, 2021 •
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