Page created by Stanley Watkins

                   For Community                                                             Y LEADERSHIP STAFF
                  Welcome to the Y. We are an inclusive organization of men, women, and      CEO
                  children joined together by a shared commitment to nurture the             George Crooker
                  potential of kids, promote healthy living, and foster a sense of social
                                                                                             FITNESS DIRECTOR
Our Cause Defines Us                                                                         Derrick Almond
When we all work together, we know lasting personal and social change comes about. 
At the Y, strengthening community is our cause. Every day, we work side-by-side with
our neighbors to ensure, regardless of age, income or background, everyone has the           FAMILY SERVICES DIRECTOR
opportunity to learn, grow, and thrive.                                                      Kelley Bigger
Our Focus is Community                                                             

The Y is a non-profit like no other. That is because in 10,000 neighborhoods across the      MEMBER ENGAGEMENT DIRECTOR
nation, we have the presence and partnerships to not just promise, but deliver, positive     Stephanie Campbell
    The Y is Community Centered.
                                                                                             FINANCE DIRECTOR
    The Y brings people together. We connect people of all ages and backgrounds to          Becky Davis
     bridge the gaps in community needs.                                           
    The Y nurtures potential. We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to
     learn, grow, and thrive.                                                                AQUATIC DIRECTOR
                                                                                             Emily James
    The Y has local presence and global reach. We mobilize local communities to effect
     lasting, meaningful change.

                                                                                             HEALTH & WELLNESS DIRECTOR
    Our Impact is Felt Every Day                                                             Kristen Underwood
    Our mission is to put Christian principles into practice through programs that build
    a healthy spirit, mind, and body for all. Our impact is felt when an individual makes    Hours of Operation
    a healthy choice, when a mentor inspires a child, and when a community comes             Mon-Thurs       5:00am - 9:00pm
    together for the common good.                                                            Friday          5:00am - 8:00pm
                                                                                             Saturday        7:00am - 3:00pm
                                                                                             Sunday          2:00pm - 5:00pm

Why the Stanly County Family YMCA?
                                                                                             Facility Closings
    The Y is OPEN TO ALL. We offer financial assistance through our OPEN DOORS              Easter Sunday
     SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM for those who cannot afford Y memberships and/or                    4th of July
     programs.                                                                               Thanksgiving
    When you join the Stanly County Family YMCA, you become part of a healthy               Christmas Day
                                                                                             Modified Days
    In addition to the variety of programs and services we offer, such as aquatics, child   New Year’s Eve 5:00am-Noon
     care, fitness and sports, you become active in your community by volunteering or        New Year’s Day 11:00am-3:00pm
     participating in any number of outreach activities.                                     Black Friday    8:00am-6:00pm
                                                                                             Memorial Day    5:00am-Noon
    The Stanly County Family YMCA is the largest AFTERSCHOOL provider in Stanly
                                                                                             Labor Day       5:00am-Noon
     County.                                                                                 Christmas Eve 5:00am-Noon
    Both pools have certified and trained lifeguards on duty to ensure a safe, fun
    Our wellness staff is certified, trained, and waiting to serve you.
    There are no contracts for membership.
    Members can receive a personalized exercise program.

For these reasons and many more - it all begins with becoming a member of the Stanly
County Family YMCA!
                                     Membership Payment                                Open Doors Scholarships
                                     Bank Draft - An easy way to pay as you go!        The Stanly County Family YMCA believes all
                                     Your bank account is debited once per month.      people should have the opportunity to
                                     People wishing to start or stop their drafts      participate in Y programs and services;
      Y MEMBERSHIP                   can do so by completing forms at the              therefore, financial assistance is available
                                     membership desk. Bank draft memberships           subsequent to appropriate review. Financial
                                     remain in effect until the Y has received a       documentation is required. ODS reviews are
The Stanly County Family YMCA is     written request from the member to                normally processed within a two-week period
proud to be a smoke-free facility.   terminate the membership agreement.               and applicants are contacted by phone or
                                     Notifications must be received five days prior    letter.
    MEMBERSHIP RATES                 to the scheduled draft.
     The Joining Fee is $25.                                                           Key Card Entry
                                     Drafts returned to the Y as “Stop Payment”
                                                                                       Each member receives a barcoded key card.
      YOUTH (Ages 3-10)              or “Account Closed” will result in immediate
                                                                                       This card will allow the member access into
   $15.75 monthly bank draft         termination. Drafts returned for any other
                                                                                       the facility. All members must use their key
        $187 annually                reason must be paid within two weeks of
                                                                                       card for entries into the Y.
        No Joining Fee              notification or membership will be terminated.
                                     Bank draft memberships are perpetual with         ALWAYS WELCOME IN EVERY
       TEEN (Ages 11-17)             no expiration date. Members can choose to
     $22 monthly bank draft          draft on the 1st or 15th of the month.
         $264 annually                                                                 Nationwide Membership enables Y members
                                     Annual Payment - Dues may be paid in full
                                                                                       to visit any participating YMCA in the United
 YOUNG ADULT (Ages 18-24)            upon joining and yearly thereafter. Payment
   $39 monthly bank draft            is accepted via cash, check, MasterCard, Visa,    States. This is valid for active, full facility Y
       $468 annually                 Discover, and American Express.                   members. Nationwide member visitors must
                                                                                       use their home Y at least 50% of the time.
                                     Regardless of termination date, annual
                                     memberships are non-refundable.
     $48 monthly bank draft                                                            Guest Policy
         $576 annually               SilverSneakers                                    Each adult member and *teen (age 16+) will
      FAMILY/HOUSEHOLD               The Stanly County                                 receive one guest pass each month. All
 (2 adults + dependent children)     Family YMCA proudly                               guests must complete a guest waiver and
     $79 monthly bank draft          offers the Healthways                             present a picture ID. *Guests are allowed
         $948 annually               SilverSneakers Fitness                            entry up to three times in a year. The guest
                                     Program. This program                             must accompany the Y member at all times
   SENIOR ADULT (Ages 65+)           enables people 65 and older, or Medicare          when in the facility. *Teen guests must be age
    $45 monthly bank draft           eligible individuals, to take control of their    16+ with photo ID.
        $540 annually                health and well-being.
 SENIOR FAMILY/HOUSEHOLD             Eligible participants of the award-winning
                                     fitness program may qualify for a free Y
                                                                                       Mobile App
         (Ages 65+)
    $70 monthly bank draft           membership through their insurance provider.      Download the FREE mobile app onto your
        $840annually                                                                   Smartphone to view updated schedules,
                                     Individuals wishing to join SilverSneakers
                                                                                       programs, facility updates and check-in. Go
                                     must first contact their health insurance
The Joining Fee is a one-time fee                                                      to your app store and search for DAXKO.
                                     provider to confirm their health plan qualifies
paid at the time you sign your                                                         This will be the app to upload.
membership application. These        for a free Y membership.
funds are used to keep equipment     Silver & Fit
and facilities in good repair and                                                      The YMCA conducts regular sex offender
                                     We are proud to also                              screenings on all members, participants, and
updated for members’ enjoyment,
safety, and comfort. Should a        partner with American                             guests. If a sex offender match occurs, the
membership lapse for more than       Specialty Health to                               YMCA reserves the right to cancel
30 days, one is subject to paying    offer the Silver & Fit program to those           membership, end program participation, and
a joining fee upon returning as a    qualifying Medicare eligible participants. This   remove visitation access.
member.                              program is designed to empower individuals
                                     to live healthier and longer lives.
Membership rates are subject to      Please contact the membership desk to see if
change by the YMCA Board of          your insurance plan is covered under the
                                     Silver & Fit program.

Age Restrictions                                 Changing Information                                       FACILITY
All children under the age of 11 (5th grade      Please keep the front desk advised of your
and under) must be accompanied by a parent       current home address, telephone numbers,            Cardio Fitness Center (ages
or responsible adult 18 years of age or older    and email address. Email newsletters are             11 and older)*
or be in a Y supervised program.                 sent out weekly to our members to                   Strength Center (ages 11 and
An adult must stay with children at all times.   communicate Y activities for the week.               older)*
Adults may be asked to provide proof of age      Lockers                                                  *Teen members 11-15 must
(driver’s license).                                                                                       attend equipment orientation
                                                All items should be locked securely in a                  with a parent.
Member Code of Conduct                          locker; however the Y cannot be responsible
                                                                                                     The RAPTOR Room (ages 16+)
                                                for valuables even if they are locked in a
We expect everyone using the Y to behave in
                                                locker.                                              Gym with two courts
a mature and responsible way and to respect
the rights and dignity of others. Our Code of Full lockers and half lockers are available for        Six-Lane Cool Water Pool
Conduct does not permit language or actions rent in the Men’s and Women’s Fitness Locker             Warm Water Pool
that can hurt or frighten another person or     Rooms.
that fall below a generally accepted standard Cost: Full - $8/month; Half - $4/month                 Childwatch Programs:
of conduct. Members should report any           Day lockers are available in all locker rooms.            Minnie’s Place
infraction to a Y director immediately.         Members should bring a lock from home and                 High 5
The Y reserves the right to suspend or revoke remove it upon leaving the facility. Any locks         Chapel
a membership for good cause as determined left on the lockers overnight will be removed
by the executive director or the board of       without notice. The Y is not responsible for         Three Conference Rooms
directors. The length of suspension will be     items lost during lock removal.                      Group Ex Studio
determined by the same authority.               Merchandise for Sale                                 Cycling Studio (Virtual Cycle)
The actions listed below are not an all-
inclusive list of behaviors considered
                                                The Membership Desk carries a variety of             Yoga Studio
                                                fitness equipment to enhance your exercise
inappropriate in our facility or program:                                                            Indoor Track
                                                program. You can purchase swim goggles,
 Using or possession alcohol or illegal        swim caps, water belts, track lap counters,           Racquetball Court
     chemicals on Y property, in Y vehicles, or and water bottles.                                   Male and Female Saunas
     at Y sponsored programs.                   In addition, the Membership Desk sells t-            Male and Female Steam rooms
 Carrying or concealing a weapon or any        shirts, sweatshirts, and other Y apparel.
     device or object that may be used as a                                                          Locker Rooms for Youth,
                                                Prices vary - please see Membership Desk for
     weapon.                                                                                          Families, and Special Needs
 Harassment or intimidation by words,          Merchandise is first come, first serve.
     gestures, body language, swearing, name Additional supplies will be added as needed.            2 Adult Only Locker Rooms
     calling or shouting.
                                                 Program Registration                                Y Pavilion for Afterschool and
   Inappropriate, immodest, or sexually                                                              Summer Camp
                                                 No class or program registration will be taken
    revealing attire.                            over the phone. All fees are due at time of          FACILITY EMERGENCY
   Theft or behavior that results in            registration. Members may register in                       DRILLS
    destruction or loss of property.             advance for programs, classes, or sessions.      Emergency drills may be
   Loitering within or on the grounds of the    Refund Policy                                    conducted during operational
    Y.                                                                                            hours. During fire drills, everyone
                                                 The Y does not provide makeups, credits, or
                                                                                                  will be asked to evacuate the
   Touching others inappropriately.             refunds for missed classes. The Y reserves
                                                                                                  building. For other drills,
                                                 the right to cancel any program. Refunds
Dress Code Policy                                                                                 members may be asked to exit the
                                                 and/or credit will be issued for enrollment in
   No midriff tops.                                                                              area where the emergency drill is
                                                 a substitute class in the event a program is
                                                                                                  occurring if that is part of the
   No underwear/excessive skin showing.         cancelled. Otherwise, it is Y policy not to
                                                                                                  actual emergency plan. Your
                                                 refund programs or memberships.
   No shirts with vulgar, violent, drug or                                                       participation during these drills
    gang-related language or pictures.           Valuables/Personal Property                      helps us evaluate and improve our
   No bandanas covering face or gang            The Stanly County Family YMCA is NOT             emergency plans. Preparation for
                                                 responsible for lost or stolen valuables. We     emergencies is key to providing a
                                                 recommend you do not bring valuables with        safe environment for our members
   Shirts and shoes must be worn while          you to the Y.                                    and staff. Thank you for your
    you’re in the building except when you’re                                                     cooperation and understanding.
                                                 Lock boxes are available at the Membership
    in the pool areas.
                                                 Desk to use free of charge.
                                       Y AFTERSCHOOL                                      three days before attending. Cost per day is
OPEN DOORS                                                                                $20 for Y members and $30 for non-
                                       Register your child for our Afterschool
SCHOLARSHIPS FOR                       Enrichment Program, operated by the Y in
                                                                                          members. Those currently attending
                                                                                          afterschool full-time do not need to register.
AFTERSCHOOL AND                        partnership with the Stanly County School
                                       System. This program provides quality care         Y SUMMER DAY CAMP
SUMMER CAMP                            for your K-8th grader each afternoon until         The Y Summer Day Camp has been voted the
                                       6:00pm. The program is offered at Aquadale,        #1 Day Camp in Stanly County for the past
Open Doors Scholarships are            Badin, Endy, Locust, Oakboro Stem, Richfield.      five years. Camp is a great way for your child
available for Y membership and the     Student from Stanfield are transported to
                                                                                          to stay active this summer. Register your
Y Afterschool Program, Summer          Locust School. Students from Central and
Camp, and most Y programs.             East are transported to the Y Pavilion for         child for a summer
                                       afterschool.                                       they won’t forget!
Scholarships are supported by the Y                                                       Each week is filled
                                       The Afterschool Program offers snacks,
Strong Communities Fund, United                                                           with themed
                                       homework time, tutoring, arts and crafts,
Way of Stanly County, and various      group games, fitness activities, character         activities, camp
grants.                                development, devotions, special events,            songs, archery,
                                       individual activities, service opportunities for   gardening, arts &
To apply for a scholarship, complete   the school and Y, and so much more.                crafts, swimming,
the Open Doors Scholarship                                                                sports, team
application, gather requested          2019-2020 School Year Fees
                                                                                          building, outdoors, character development,
documentation, write a short letter    Afterschool Fees for Badin, Endy &
                                                                                          choice activities, devotions, surprise guests,
explaining your circumstances, and     Locust
                                                                                          field trips, crazy competitions, and chill
return to the Membership Desk at       Full –Time        $225/month              name just a few. In order to help
the Y.                                 Part-Time         $150/month
                                                                                          campers keep their skills sharp and develop a
                                       Afterschool Fees for Aquadale, Oakboro
A sliding scale is used to determine                                                      love of reading, a literacy program is included
                                       STEM, Richfield and Stanfield
scholarship amount.                                                                       in as part of the day also. Day camp exposes
                                       Full –Time        $200/month                       children to outdoor activities while
                                       Part-Time         $130/month
The Open Doors Scholarship                                                                developing social skills, good sportsmanship,
                                       Afterschool Fees for Pavilion Site:
Program is made possible through                                                          confidence, self-reliance and strong Christian
the generous support of members        YMCA Members                                       character. There are also plenty of
and donors to the Strong               Full-Time         $200/month
                                                                                          opportunities for families to become involved
Communities Annual Giving              Part-Time         $130/month
                                                                                          in camp through programs, meals and at-
Campaign, grants, and special          Non-Members
                                       Full-Time         $250/month                       home activities. A nutritious breakfast and
events.                                                                                   afternoon snack is provided FREE to all
                                       Part-Time         $180/month
                                       Families with two or more children attending       campers.
                                       Y Afterschool full-time will receive a $23    Parents must provide a copy of their child’s
      Y STRONG                         sibling discount on the monthly fee for each  immunization records before the child can
                                       additional child.
    COMMUNITIES                                                                      attend camp; these records must be turned in
                                       Full-Time: Any student attending four to      with the registration form.
        FUND                           five days of Afterschool each week. CREDITS Location: Y Pavilion in Albemarle
      Meeting our                      FOR ABSENCES CANNOT BE GIVEN. Full days Time: 6:45am-6:00pm Mon-Fri
                                       (vacation days, professional days, and        Beginning 6/15 until school begins
    Community Needs
                                       holidays) are included in your monthly fees.  Full-time and part-time options
                                       Part-Time: Any student attending              Ages: Rising Kindergarten-Rising 6th
                                       afterschool 1-3 days each week. In order to grader
                                       staff appropriately, families must commit to
                                       certain days of the week. Vacation days,      Location: Norwood First Presbyterian
                                       professional days and holidays are an         Church
                                       additional cost of $15/day.                   Time: 9:00am-1:00pm
                                                                                     Seven weekly sessions
                                       School’s Out: Let the kids stay at the Y on   Ages: Rising Kindergarten-6th grade
                                       those days out of school. We are open at the
                                       Y Pavilion on most teacher work days,
                                       vacation days and holidays with drop-off and
                                       pick-up available at West Stanly Senior
                                       Center in Locust. School’s Out opens at
                                       6:45am until 6:00pm. Please register at least
                     FAMILY SERVICES
Y CHILD WATCH                                    Y FAMILY TIME                                      Y VOLUNTEERS
We have two different child care areas:          Birthday Parties                                   At the Y, your time and talent go a
Minnie’s Place - 6 weeks to preschool.           Let us host your child’s next birthday party at    long way. Every hour you spend as
High 5 - K - 5th grade.                          the Y. We have six different parties from          Y volunteer translates into caring
As a special service to members, the Y           which to choose. All parties are led by            attention a child needs to develop
provides quality care for your child while you experienced staff who love to host events.           values like sportsmanship,
participate in a Y class, activity, or meeting.  We can plan the entire party and provide           compassion and respect for self
Members receive TWO free hours of child care food, or you can bring your own food if                and others. Volunteerism
daily while in the Y facility. Child Care is not desired. Contact Emily James at least a            promotes and provides the
available for those wishing to leave the         month before to schedule yours.                    following:
facility unless it is exercise related. Advanced                                                       Positive behavior in children of
reservations must be made in order to be sure Father/Daughter Dance                                     all ages.
that Child Watch Areas are adequately            An evening for fathers, grandfathers, uncles,
                                                                                                       Support for families.
staffed. We ask you to sign-in your child(ren) or any significant male figure to bring their           Healthier lives.
upon arrival and let staff know where you will princess to the ball! This traditional night of
                                                                                                       Safer, more viable communities.
be in the facility. Parents must provide their dancing, refreshments, pictures and fun
own diapers and wipes. Also, please send         always make Valentine’s Day extra special for         A caring community dedicated
snacks labeled with your child’s name.           the little girl in your life.                          to meeting the needs of those
                                                 Date: February 8                                       in need.
To best serve your children, the Y asks you to
                                                 Cost: $18                                          As a Y volunteer, you can coach a
make a reservation in advance of your use of
                                                 All Ages                                           team of young athletes, serve as a
the Child Watch Areas. For morning and early
afternoon hours, advanced reservations must Y Day in the Park/Healthy Kids Day                      role model for children, help out in
be made by 7:00pm the evening before.                                                               the office or at a special event,
                                                 Get the kids and the whole family involved in
Afternoon and early evening hours,                                                                  raise money or be part of a group
                                                 this Y day that teaches the whole family to be
reservations must be made by 3:00pm that                                                            or committee working on a special
                                                 healthy in a fun way. Inflatables, face
afternoon. If no reservations are made for a painting, community service for children,              Y project. No matter how you help,
day, Child Watch Areas will not open.                                                               you’ll make a difference as you
                                                 special guests, and much more. A fun day for
                                                                                                    work with others to create a feeling
                                                 the entire family!
Minnie’s Place Hours:                                                                               of connection throughout our
                                                 Date: April
Monday - Friday                                  Cost: Free
8:30am - 1:00pm                                  All Ages
                                                                                                    To solve the problems closest to
Reopen at 4:00pm -
                                                                                                    home - or better yet, prevent them
7:30pm                                           Annual Children’s Christmas Shop                   - the Y needs more people like you.
Saturday                                         Date: Sat. December 5, 9:30am - 12:30pm
8:15am - 11:30am                                 Bring the kids (and yourself) to the Y for a       Volunteer Opportunities
Sunday                                           morning of shopping. There is always a great          Board Members
CLOSED                                           variety of vendors selling handmade items
Hours are subject to                             and other wonderful gifts. Santa and Mrs.             Committee Members
change if heavy or low                           Claus come to be sure that everyone’s                 Fund-Raisers
usage is identified on a continual basis.        Christmas list is correct. Free gift wrapping is      Interns
                                                 included! Everything is sold for $5 or less!
High 5 Hours:                                                                                          Youth Sport Coaches
Monday - Friday
8:30am - 1:00pm (only open during these                                                                Family Service Volunteers
hours when Stanly County Schools are                                                                   Sunday Lunch Volunteers
closed)                                                                                                Afterschool Tutors
4:00pm - 7:30pm
Saturday                                                                                               Arts and Humanities
8:15am - 11:30am                                                                                        Volunteers
Sunday                                                                                                 Healthy Kids Day Volunteers
                                                                                                       Strong Communities 8K

                                                                                                    Let us know if you would like to
                                                                                                    volunteer your time and talent.
The Y offers swim lessons to           AQUATICS
                                                                                        SWIM STARTERS: (Parent & Child)
ensure every child/adult has the
opportunity to learn to swim.          Pool Hours:                                      Water Discovery: Level A
Living in an area with so many                                                          Ages: 6 months - 18 month
                                       Mon-Thurs:      5:30am - 8:30pm
water sources, it is imperative that                                                    Introduces infants and toddlers to the aquatic
children be comfortable in the         Friday:         5:30am - 7:30pm                  environment
water, as well as, have the ability    Saturday:       7:30am –2:30pm                   Water Exploration: Level B
to save themselves in a water          Sunday:         2:00pm - 4:30pm                  Ages: 18 months-3 year
emergency. We work hard to teach
valuable skills in a fun and safe                                                       Focuses on exploring body positions, blowing
environment.                                                                            bubbles, and fundamental safety & aquatic
                                       For the safety of our members and classes,       skills
Members can register one week          pools are closed during thunderstorms and/or
prior to potential members. No         lightening.
registrations by phone and                                                              SWIM BASICS:
payment is due upon registration.      Pool Schedules                                   Recommended skills for all to have around
The Y reserves the right to cancel     Schedules are available at the Membership        water.
any class with insufficient            Desk, the mobile app and on the website.         Ages: 3-5 years, 6-12 years, and Adults
enrollment.                                                                             Water Acclimation: Level 1 Increases
                                       Cool Pool (82-83 degrees)
Session Dates:                                                                          comfort with underwater exploration &
                                       This pool is 25 yards and is kept at 82-83       Introduces basic self-rescue skills performed
Jan 6-Feb 1                            degrees year-round. Pool is closed during
Registration: Dec 9, 2019
                                                                                        with assistance.
                                       swim meets and one lap lane will be open
                                                                                        Water Movement: Level 2 Encourages
                                       during Second Grade Learn to Swim.
Feb 17-March 14                                                                         forward movement in water and basic self-
Registration: January 20, 2020         Warm Pool (87-89 degrees)                        rescue skills performed independently.
                                       This pool is 25 yards and is kept at 87-89       Water Stamina: Level 3= Develops stamina to
March 30– May 2                        degrees year-round. Pool #2 is NOT               swim length of pool and tread water while
Registration: March 1, 2020            recommended as a lap pool. NO diving of any      introducing front crawl and back crawl
                                       kind is permitted in this pool.
May 18- June 13                                                                         SWIM STROKES:
Registration: April 20, 2020           Swimsuit Policy
                                       Only swimmers wearing appropriate swim           Skills to support a healthy lifestyle.
July 6– August 1                       attire may swim in pools. Denims, cutoffs, or    Stroke Introduction: Level 4 Introduces all
Registration: June 8, 2020             any other type of shorts are not permitted. No   four strokes, while building stamina to swim
                                       bikinis allowed for girls 10 years and up.       50yards at a time. Brings water safety to a
June 17– June 27 (Daily)                                                                new level with treading water longer and
Registration: June 1, 2020             Policies Regarding Children Using                learning resting strokes.
July 8-July 18 (Daily)                                                                  Stroke Development: Level 5 Refines stroke
                                       Infants and small children who are not potty-    technique and introduces sidestroke for water
Registration: June 20, 2020
                                       trained must wear a swim diaper.                 safety.
July 29-August 8 (Daily)               Children under the age of 7 must have a parent
                                                                                        Stroke Mechanics: Level 6 Encourages a
Registration: July 1, 2020             in the water with them at all times.             competitive track and healthy lifestyle.
                                       Children ages 7-10 must have a parent in the     Teaches participants how to use swimming as
August 17-September 12                 pool area with them unless they are in a Y       a form of exercise.
Registration: July 13, 2020            program.                                         Adult Learn-to-Swim: (Ages 12-100)
September 28-October 24                Children ages 7 and older wearing a flotation    Beginning lessons designed to teach the basics
Registration: September 1, 2020        device or children whose swimming ability is     of swimming.
                                       questionable will be restricted to the shallow
                                       water unless a parent is in the water with       SWIMMING 101: Teen/Adult class that
November 9-December 12
                                       them.                                            focuses on stroke development, stroke
Registration: October 12, 2020
                                                                                        variation and endurance.

Cost: $15 Y Family Members             Swim Starters/Swim
$35 Youth Members                      Basics
$70 Non-Members                        The Stanly County Family
                                       YMCA is proud to offer swim
PRIVATE SWIM LESSONS                   classes for all ages.
Private lessons are available by
appointment. $35 members/$45

Y SWIM                                         Y WATER FITNESS                                 Y SPORTS
TEAM                                            Studies show water helps prevent injury by
                                                                                               Y Youth Sports focuses on
If your child                                   cushioning and protecting bones and
                                                                                               providing a safe, fun, and
wants to                                        muscles during exercise. Your body weighs
                                                                                               educational experience for young
participate in                                  only 10 percent of its actual weight in
                                                                                               athletes, ages 3-5, as well as the
swimming                                        water which makes pool exercise a stress
                                                                                               coaches and parents. We invite
during more than weekly swim lessons, and       free workout. The water’s resistance forces
                                                                                               parents to participate in the league
your family wants to share an activity that is muscles   to work harder, making a workout
                                                                                               by fulfilling constructive roles,
rewarding for all, the Sailfish Aquatics swim  more  efficient in less time. Water exercise
                                                                                               making our leagues a family affair.
team is the place for you!                     strengthens and improves body tone, keeps
                                                                                               Not only do we teach athletic skills,
                                               the cardiovascular and respiratory systems
Children can join the swim team, provided                                                      we also teach good sportsmanship
                                               in good shape, and improves flexibility and
they can swim the length of the pool on                                                        that leads to good life skills.
                                               coordination. Water Fitness classes are
their front and back. Swimmers are grouped included in your membership.                        Practices are held during the week,
by ability so the beginning and advanced                                                       with most games on Saturdays.
swimmers can see improved fitness and          Class Descriptions                              Each season ends with a
technique suitable for their needs.                                                            celebration including pictures and
Given the frequency of training and the year                                                   medals.
-long team schedule, swimmers develop
strong friendships with their teammates.                                                       SOCCER
Parent participation through sharing time                                                      Ages 3-12
and talents makes this a fun family activity
                                                                                               Spring/Fall Leagues:
that fosters friendships between swim
                                                                                               Registration: Feb/July & Aug
families. Parents can be seen chatting in the
                                                                                               Season: March-April/Sept-Oct
hallway or on the bleachers by the pool as
                                                                                               Cost: $25 Family Members, $40
they wait for practice to end. We all enjoy
                                                                                               Youth Members, $65 Non-members
swim meets where we cheer for not only our
children, but also other swimmers we have      JOINTS IN MOTION: Instructors will guide        T-BALL
grown to care for as they achieve their        participants through a low impact warm          Ages 3-5
personal goals in swimming.                    water workout. Exercises are aimed at           Spring/Fall Leagues
                                               improving joint range of motion, reduce joint   Registration: Feb/July-Aug
We strive to develop positive character                                                        Season: Mar-April/Sept-Oct
traits such as perseverance, responsibility,   stiffness and pain. Great class for
                                               beginners, participants with back pain,         Cost: $30 Family Members, $45
and sportsmanship. The level of                                                                Youth Members, $70 Non-members
commitment required in this activity often     arthritis or recovering from surgery.
translates into improved time management       ABC (AQUATIC BODY CONDITIONING) 45
and positive school performance from these minute cardiovascular workout performed in
student athletes. If you are interested in     the shallow end of the pool. Designed for all   Ages 3years-5th grade
joining the team, contact Coach Williams at levels.                                            Registration: November -Dec
                                                                                               Season: January –February                           AquaFIT: A shallow water workout in the
                                                                                               Cost: $35 Members, $50 Youth
                                               warm pool. Class will incorporate a variety
                                                                                               Members, $70 Non-members
American Red Cross Lifeguard                   of equipment designed to increase your
Training and YMCA Lifeguard                    heart rate and tone muscles.
                                                                                               SUMMER SPORTS CLINICS are fun
Participants must be at least 16 years of      WATER WAKE UP: 45 minutes of intense            interactive camps in which kids can
age and pass a preliminary swim test to        aerobic exercise in the deep water using        improve their skills. Each month,
participate in class. Course includes CPR-     flotation belts.                                participants will focus on a specific
AED and first aid training. Certification is   AQUA FLEX AND TONE: A warm water class          sport.
granted after successful completion of all     involving broad movements of the arms,
practical and written skills. Attendance and legs, and torso.                                  PICKLEBALL LEAGUES
participation in all classes is required for                                                   Open to ages 13 and older.
certification. Course fee is due upon                                                          Cost per Season: $12 Y Member,
registration.                                                                                  $45 Non-member
                                                                                               *Continuous 8-week leagues
Date: Spring and Winter Classes TBD
                                                                                               throughout the year.
Cost: $200
Y SPECIALTY                            Y GROUP FITNESS                                 FLEX-N-STRETCH: 30 minute class
                                                                                       devoted entirely to a total body stretch.
                                       Staff Contact: Derrick Almond or Kristen
PROGRAMS                               Underwood
                                                                                       Participants are encouraged to warm up
                                                                                       prior to attending the class. Designed for
HOT CHOCOLATE 8K                       Group exercise classes are free to members.     all levels. N
                                       Adequate hydration is highly recommended        LINE DANCING: A 1 hour fun-filled
Support the Y’s Strong Communities     for all classes. If you forget your water       workout. Various line dances will be
Campaign and enjoy some hot            bottle, you can use the water fountains         highlighted during the class. Participants
chocolate after running this 8K.       located throughout the building. For bike       will benefit from a low impact format
Date: Saturday, January 4              classes, seat pads or bike shorts are highly    designed to be easy on the joints. L
                                       recommended. Bike seats are available in
                                       class. We encourage all participants to be      LITE-N-EASY: Low impact aerobics class
BADIN LAKE TRIATHLON                   on time to their favorite class. This ensures   designed for the beginner exerciser or
750 Yard open water swim in Badin      you are properly warmed for the class as        members interested in a complete but less
Lake, 14 mile bike ride and 3.1 mile   well as respectful towards the instructor       intense exercise experience. L
run                                    and other members.                              POWER SCULPT: Group strength training
Date: Saturday, June 6, at Alcoa       We have morning, afternoon, and evening         class designed to challenge all major muscle
Boat Landing, Badin NC                 classes offered Monday - Friday and a           groups in one hour. Choreographed to
                                       Saturday Yoga class. Please pick up a copy      music, participants use barbells, hand
Cost: Rolling. Register online at                                                      weights, and resistance tubing to help           of the Group Exercise Schedule at the
                                       Membership Desk or download our Mobile          create muscle overload. L
BadinLakeTri. Registration opens
January 1.                             App. There are a lot of programs offered        RESTORATIVE YOGA: A quiet practice that
                                       here at the YMCA– sometimes aerobic             will guide you through postures that will
                                       classes have to be moved from their normal      help improve joint flexibility and range of
STRONG COMMUNITIES 5K                                                                  motion. N
                                       location or even cancelled. Any changes will
Date: Saturday, August 15              be announced in advance. If you like a class,   RAPTOR CLASS: High intensity, functional
Cost: Rolling. Register online at      make sure you participate and bring friends.    training that is modified to each, Vac & Dash, or at       If numbers are low in a class you might lose    participant’s ability. These classes will
the Y. Registration opens May 1.       your favorite class.                            incorporate the basics of squats, deadlifts,
                                       We have the following classes available:        presses, athletic conditioning, etc. that will
STANLY KIDS TRIATHLON                  N= No Impact L=Low Impact                       change nearly every workout. HI
Date: Saturday, April 18               H=High Impact M=Moderate                        TRX/HIT CIRCUITS ( Total Body Resistance
Time: 3:00PM                                                                           eXercise) Total body worout incorporating
Cost: TBA. Registration opens          BODY SCULPTING: Participants will use
                                                                                       the use of suspension straps, your body
January.                               hand weights and resistance tubing to
                                                                                       weight and other equipment. 45 min class
                                       engage all major muscle groups. Class N
                                                                                       of cardio and strength training M
                                       BUNNS-N-GUNNS: 30 minutes of strength
                                                                                       VINYASA YOGA: 60 minute class that
                                       training for arms and glutes. N
                                                                                       incorporates a dynamic Vinyasa yoga flow.
                                       CIRCUIT TONING: 45 min of supervised            Gain strength, improve flexibility and
                                       total body strength training class using        decompress with this yoga. N
                                       selectorized equipment. N
                                                                                       YOGA: YOGA means union of spirit, mind,
                                       CYCLE-X: Join a group instructor for a          and body. Yoga utilizes breathing
                                       virtual cycling experience using stationary     techniques to calm the mind, and poses to
                                       bikes. Class will also incorporate the use of   build strength, flexibility, balance, and
                                       hand weights to engage all major muscle         concentration. N
                                       groups. N
                                                                                       STRONG by ZUMBA: High intensity interval
                                       CYCLE: Combination of 45 minutes of cardio      training class using more traditional fitness
                                       activity on stationary bikes N                  moves for a more athletic, conditioning style
                                       EXTREME PERSONAL TRAINING (XPT):                workout. You use your own body weight as
                                       Personal training in a group exercise format.   a resistance to achieve muscle definition. HI
                                       A group exercise instructor will take           GROUP POWER: Blast your muscles with
                                       participants through a 30 minute strength       this high-rep weight training workout that
                                       training program with a cardiovascular          uses adjustable barbells, weight plates and
                                       twist. XPT is a great workout for those         body weight exercises. HI
                                       with limited time to exercise. This class is
                                                                                       YOGA FUSION: Yoga Fusion is a
                                       NOT recommended to anybody new to
                                                                                       combination of yoga fused with Pilates,
                                       strength training. HI
                                                                                       Barre, Fitness, etc. N

                  HEALTH & WELLNESS
Y HEALTH & FITNESS                              PERSONAL TRAINING                              GYM
 FITNESS FACILITY                               Whether your goal is to lose weight, get       Courts A and B
(Strength & Cardio Center)                      strong, or improve your health, we have        Schedules available at the
                                                personal trainers that can help.               Membership Desk, online and on
The fitness center (located on the 1st floor)
is available to all members 11 years of age     Certified personal                             the mobile app.
and older. Exercise equipment consists of       trainers will meet
an assortment of free weights, Hammer           one on one with                                WALKING TRACK
strength plate loaded equipment, Cybex &        you, perform a
                                                                                               The indoor walking track is open
LifeFitness selectorized strength machines,     fitness assessment,
                                                                                               to all members. It is located on
Precor treadmills, Octane recumbent cross       help with developing
                                                                                               the 3rd floor, above the Youth
trainers, Cybex & LifeFitness upright bikes     goals and establish
                                                                                               Gym. Track rules and directional
and Matrix steppers. Trained staff are          a workout regimen
                                                                                               traffic signs are posted for
available to offer assistance in the fitness    suitable for your
center by appointment. New member               needs.
orientation appointments can be made at         Cost: $30 per hour. Initial evaluation is      RACQUETBALL COURT
the fitness desk.                               FREE.
Youth Orientations are available by                                                               All racquetball players must
                                                For more information, contact:
appointment at the Fitness Desk. All youth,                                                        wear protective eyewear at
                                                Derrick Almond or Kristen Underwood.               all times.
11-15 must complete an orientation with
parent supervision before being allowed to                                                        Players are required to
                                                LIVESTRONG® AT THE YMCA
use the equipment.                                                                                 reserve a court NO MORE
                                              Cancer survivors know the tremendous toll            THAN 24 HOURS/ONE DAY
HELMS FITNESS CENTER                          the disease and treatment has on one’s               in advance of the game to
                                              spirit, mind, and body. Many search for              be played. Reservations
The HFC is located on the 3rd floor of the
                                              ways to reclaim their health.                        may be made in person or
YMCA. This facility is used for Medical
Fitness as well as other YMCA programs.       This FREE 12-week program focuses on the             by calling the Y at 704-982
                                              survivor as an individual - not the disease!         -1916.
Circuit Toning Class
W: 9:00-10:00a
                                              Participants focus on exercises to build            If the court is occupied by
                                              muscle strength, increase flexibility,               walk-in players, those who
LIVESTRONG at the Y                           endurance and self-esteem while reducing             have a reservation have top
TR: 11:30-1:00p                               stress.                                              priority for use. If any Y
                                              Cost: FREE                                           program is using the court,
Check at the front desk to get a schedule for
available hours to members.                   Requirements: Physician Referral                     the program has top
                                              Class Time: Tuesday and Thursdays,                   priority.
                                              11:30am - 1:00pm.                                   Youth are allowed to use
MEDICAL FITNESS PROGRAM                         Contact Kristen Underwood for session times.       the racquetball court with
                                                                                                   parental supervision
The Y offers a one month Medical Fitness
                                                                                                   Monday-Friday from 3pm-
Program as a bridge/transition from other       PICKLEBALL                                         5pm and 7pm-9pm, and on
hospital based programs. Whether you are
                                                Pickleball is a combination of tennis,             the weekends. Parents are
coming from outpatient rehab, cardiac/
                                                badminton, ping pong and racquetball, and          required to remain with the
pulmonary rehab, diabetes education, or a
                                                also one the fastest growing sports in             youth during use of the
general referral from your physician, we can
                                                America. It may be a silly name, but it’s a        court.
help you.
                                                serious sport! Good for all ages…come see         Equipment (racquetball or
Participants receive a one-on-one
                                                what the excitement is all about! Nets,            wallyball) must be checked
evaluation and consultation and an
                                                paddles and balls are provided during the          out at the Membership Desk
individualized exercise program. Assistance
                                                designated program time. Schedules                 and returned immediately
is available as needed and is scheduled with
                                                available at the Membership Desk and on            following the game.
                                                the mobile app. Seasonal leagues available.
Cost: $30/month.                                Check the Membership Desk for further             Any damage to equipment,
Requirements: Physician referral.               information.                                       courts, or violation of rules
                                                                                                   will result in immediate
Contact Kristen Underwood for more               *There will be seasonal and pop-up leagues        suspension of racquetball
information.                                    throughout the year.                               court privileges.
Annual Support Campaign                                                                Second Grade Learn to Swim provides a 10
                                      The Y is about making people better
Give for a Better Us.                 regardless of ability to pay or physical
                                                                                       class Learn to Swim program to second
                                                                                       graders across the county. The participating
We have an extraordinary              limitations. Through the generous support of
                                                                                       elementary schools come to the Y during their
opportunity to ensure a brighter      donors to the Strong Communities Annual
                                                                                       school day and learn to swim. Through this
future for our community. Your gift   Support Campaign, the Y gives back on
                                                                                       program, the Y hopes to reduce the risk of
to the Stanly County Family YMCA      average $310,000 in scholarships and
                                                                                       drowning in children across Stanly County.
will have a lasting impact in the     services each year to meet the needs of the
                                                                community.             SUNDAY LUNCH
community by helping us to reach
more people through life-changing                                THE BACKPACK          PROGRAM
programs and services.                                           PROGRAM             The Y makes a
                                                                                     difference with a
For a better you.                                               The Backpack
                                                                                     simple plate of food
For a better community.                                        Program supplies
                                                                                     through the Sunday
For a better country.                                          deserving children
                                                                                     Lunch Program.
                                                               with backpacks filled
YOUTH DEVELOPMENT                                             with healthy food
                                                                                     Throughout the year,
                                                                                     the Y coordinates and serves hot meals on
1 in 4 children in North              each Friday. Children benefiting from this
                                                                                     Sundays and holidays at the Community Table
Carolina lives in poverty             program leave school with food options
                                                                                     in Albemarle.
                                      throughout the weekend.
without access to
opportunities to reach                DARKNESS TO LIGHT                                WAYS TO SUPPORT
their full potential.                 Through a partnership with United Way of
                                                                                       Become a Friend of the Y
                                      Stanly County, the Butterfly House, Stanly
All kids deserve the opportunity to   County Health Department, Albemarle Police,      A simple addition of $10 per month to your
discover who they are and what        and the Stanly County Schools the Y will raise   bank draft can help provide food to a youth in
they can achieve, under the           awareness of the prevalence and                  need, educate 12 adults on child sexual abuse
guidance of caring adults who         consequences of child sexual abuse by            prevention, support a cancer survivor with
believe in their potential.           educating adults about the steps they can        three months of membership, help a neighbor
                                                                                       in need, teach second graders to swim, or feed
HEALTHY LIVING                        take to prevent, recognize, and react
                                      responsibly to the reality of child sexual       the hungry on Sunday. Contact Kassie Taylor
23% of NC adults are not              abuse.                                           to make a pledge to support the Y with a gift.
physically active and even            LIVESTRONG®                                      Christmas Cradle
more are obese and at risk            AT THE YMCA                                      Help make Christmas extra special for families
for chronic disease.                  LIVESTRONG at the                                in need. Lists of needed items available at the
We help people and families build     YMCA provides                                    Membership Desk.
and maintain healthy habits for       support and guidance,                            Date: December
spirit, mind, and body in their       free of charge, to
everyday lives. From diabetes         cancer survivors as                              PASSION WITH A PURPOSE
prevention to active older adult      they build bridges and
programs, the Y helps individuals     roads to a new                                   2019 ANNUAL WEEK OF GIVING
live healthier.                       destination of normalcy.                        Sure you work-out here and take classes, but
                                                                                      did you know we are not just a gym? First and
SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY                 OPEN DOORS SCHOLARSHIP                          foremost the Y is a cause; a charitable
                                      PROGRAM                                         organization committed to the well-being of
1 in 5 individuals in North
                                      Because we are community-based and believe individuals and families from all backgrounds,
Carolina struggles to make            everyone should have the opportunity to         income levels and walks of life. It’s our
ends meet.                            benefit from our programs and services, we      mission to provide access to all who walk
With our doors open to all, we        offer the Open Doors Scholarship Program.       through our doors-and we rely on the
bring people from all backgrounds     This program offers a fee scale to fit the      generosity of donors to help us make that
together and support those who        financial situation of individuals and families happen. That’s what the Strong Communities
need us most. Our members,            in our community. We want ALL people to be Annual Campaign is all about.
volunteers, supporters, and staff     involved with the programs and services of the Date: March 11th-15th, 2019
demonstrate the power of what we      Y that nurture spirit, mind, and body -
can achieve by giving back            especially during difficult times when they are
together.                             needed most.
The Y.™ For a better us.
427 North First Street • Albemarle NC 28001
704-982-1916 •
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