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                        NOVEMBER 2021 | ISSUE 108

         Brighter Days to Come

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                    NOVEMBER 2021 | ISSUE 108

         LIFE after the Police                             WORK after the Police                             LEISURE after the Police

    Welcome to the 108th edition
 of NARPO News. This issue sees
 the round up of the long-awaited
 Conference 2021, which could finally go
 ahead this September. It was wonderful

 to see everyone back once again.
    This issue’s cover image also
 showcases the winner of our very first

 NARPO Photography Competition
 2021, Keith Stoneman.
    With Christmas on the way, we build
 up to the festive season with a range of
 markets to visit, along with a few festive
 recipes which mean you can spend less
 time in the kitchen this Christmas and
 more time with loved ones.


                                                       04 President’s Review                            38 The National Memorial
     Opinions expressed by authors and services
 offered by advertisers are not specifically           07 Readers Letters                                     Arboretum
 endorsed by the Association.
     The Editor reserves the right to refuse or        10 News                                          40 What’s Cooking
 withdraw advertisements at his discretion and
 does not accept liability for clerical or printer’s   17 2021 NARPO Photography                        42 Pensions News
 errors, although every care is taken to avoid
 mistakes. Advertisements in NARPOnews are                  Competition Results                         44 Christmas Markets
 accepted by the National Association of Retired
 Police Officers only on the understanding that the
                                                       18 You wouldn’t Believe It                       47 Financial Worries in
 advertisers warrant that the advertisements do        20 Conference 2021                                     Retirement
 not contravene the Trade Description Act 1968,
 the Sex Discrimination Act 1975 and the Business      26 Annual Accounts 2020                          48 Your Legal Rights
 Advertisements (Disclosure) Order of 1997
 and conform to the British Code of Advertising        28 Members of the NEC                            51 Police History Society
     Articles contributed by the editorial staff may   31 Westminster Round-up                          52 Holiday Lettings 2021
 not be reproduced without permission in writing
 from The Editor.                                      32 Benefits Update                               57 Computer Know How
     NARPO News is published by The National
 Association of Retired Police Officers (NARPO).       34 Pensions                                      59 Time Out
     NARPO News is delivered to you as part
 of a package of NARPO membership benefits,
                                                       36 Supporting Local Schools                      60 Book’em!
 including goods and services we offer when you                                                         62 Electric Cars
 join and continue to be a Member. How we do
 this, and process your personal information, is
 contained in our Privacy Policy, which is available
 at You can also request a hard
 copy from NARPO HQ.
     For further information about NARPO, its
                                                       Mailing info
 services, branches and approved advertisers,             It is important that you notify NARPO HQ of any changes to your
 please visit our website at             address as soon as possible. Please quote your membership number
     To facilitate a prompt reply when contacting      which is printed above your name on the envelope in which NARPO
 the office by email, please quote your                News is delivered. Please telephone 01924 362 166
 membership number.
                                                                       NARPO House, 38 Bond Street, Wak­efield, West Yorkshire WF1 2QP
 Designed & Produced by © Wilson Design House 2021.                                             Tel: 01924 362166      Email:       Website:


                                                    Allow me to introduce myself. I am Richard Critchley
                                                    and am the recently elected President and Chairman
                                                    of NARPO.

    President’s Review
        This is such a great honour to be           means that we all still have access to his     President, with a new team is a great
    elected by my colleagues and peers to           extensive knowledge, wisdom, and wise          opportunity for us to map out and plan
    such a position and thus to be able to          counselling.                                   for the future. We have already started
    represent you, our members. I am proud              I am also very sorry that, at the same     to conduct a review of how the NEC and
    and privileged for this is the highest          time, Steve Edwards (Chief Executive           the office work together and interact. This
    honour and the climax of my (extended)          Officer), has left us. His knowledge,          intended to make clearer our strategic
    career in Policing. Of course, you might        dedication, and labours on behalf of           aims and to make the management
    say that I would say that wouldn’t I? But,      our members over many years was                of the organisation clearer and more
    believe me, I do mean it.                       outstanding and it will be a very difficult    cohesive, thereby improving the service
        I served thirty-three years with West       challenge indeed for whoever follows           we can give.
    Yorkshire Police in various parts of the        him. We are grateful to Alan Lees                  My own objectives for the next couple
    Force and in several roles. Although this       (Deputy CEO) who has temporarily               of years are clear. Firstly, to improve
    meant that I worked under three different       stepped into the breach until a new CEO        the way we conduct our business
    Force names, it was always the same             is appointed and has stepped up to mark        and to meet and create better lines of
    Force. Just the name kept changing.             well ensuring that the work of NARPO           communication between the centre,
        At retirement, I immediately joined         continues, unabated.                           Branches, and members so we can all go
    NARPO although I had previously                     Finally, we also have to say farewell      forward together in unity.
    assisted the West Yorkshire Branches by         to Carly Scott, our Business and                   Next, to improve the welfare support
    entertaining their meetings at my office        Communications Manager who is leaving          we give to our members. Clearly this is
    and ended up acting as their Honorary           for family reasons. Although she has           not something that we can deliver from
    Secretary. Shortly after that I was ‘elected’   not been with us long, she has had a           the centre, but we need to give more help
    as Secretary of my Branch, a position I         real and lasting impact on NARPO’s             to Branches to give them the support and
    have held for the past eighteen years.          business. One example which members            knowledge to be able to deliver an even
        After retirement I worked eleven years      will have noticed is the improvement to        better service, locally.
    for Roland Smith Insurance which later          the look and content of NARPO News.                And then to raise the knowledge
    became part of Police Mutual and, when          This is an unfinished project and is           and awareness of NARPO to a much
    finally giving up paid work, stood for and      ongoing work but a great start.                wider audience outside our organisation,
    was elected to the National Executive               To all of those leaving, I wish them all   especially amongst serving officers who,
    Committee, representing the North East          the very best for the future.                  we anticipate will be our future members.
    Region.                                             Turning to NARPO business.                 To be a body that can and will influence
        Let me now take the opportunity to          As I mentioned earlier, Covid has had a        opinion whilst all the time working to
    pay tribute to our past President, Brian        serious impact on our activities and on        improve the lives of our members, taking
    Burdus, who stood down at Conference            our members. As we come out of the lock        into account your views and opinions.
    after four years in the role. His time at the   downs and life is returning to a degree of         Let me be quite clear. NARPO
    helm has been a very mixed affair, due          normality, Branches are now awakening          is a wonderful and very effective
    to circumstances. For the last eighteen         from their enforced slumbers and are           organisation. Great strides have been
    months, Covid has had a detrimental             returning to ‘normal service’.                 made in recent years in the areas I have
    effect on all our activities. Whilst the            NARPO was able to hold its Annual          already covered, but there is more we
    core business of NARPO has been                 Conference in Llandudno during                 can do. There is always more that can be
    undertaken using modern technology, it          September. It was well attended, despite       done, and I will strive to ensure that this
    lacks the personal touch and interaction        some lingering concerns about contagion        is my priority.
    that to a people organisation is so             but the arrangements were excellent.               That work has already begun and I
    important.                                      It was, of course, two years since our         now look forward to the future with great
        On the other hand, he had the unique        last Conference and there was much             enthusiasm, optimism and confidence,
    honour of being President throughout our        catching up to do and it was so good to        proud to lead such a fine organisation of
    Centenary Year celebrations, culminating        see members able to socialise. There is        exceptional people.
    with entertaining Princess Ann, the             a full feature on the Conference in the
    Princess Royal, to dinner at the Tower          centre pages together with other updates
    of London. We are fortunate and I am            of our work throughout the magazine.
    grateful that Brian is staying on as a              Although I was the previous Vice-          Richard Critchley
    member of the National Executive which          Chairman, taking up the mantle of              President

                                                                                                                                                                                          UP TO


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Readers Letters
No Waiting                                      The Shooting of Arthur Rowlands by
                                                Robert Boynton
                                                    I read with immense interest and great   (remember those!). To see his work
                                                sadness your article on the shooting of      was phenomenal, in fact, watching him
                                                Arthur Rowlands by Robert Boynton, the       and not knowing, one would never have
                                                subsequent man hunt and the heroic           believed he was totally blind, but he did it
                                                actions of Arthur’s colleagues. I was in     all without complaining and with a wicked
                                                my mid teens at the time and the day         sense of humour, so much so that he
                                                after it happened, I cycled to Dyfi bridge   joked about his disability and took it in
                                                from my home in Aberdyfi, a distance of      great spirit, whenever anyone pulled his
                                                approximately 10 miles, out of curiosity     leg about him being able to see. He was
                                                and utter disbelief, that something so       that good at what he did.
                                                appalling could happen so close to home          We spent many hours over the years
                                                to such a well respected Police Officer.     talking about various subjects, but mainly
                                                    This dreadful incident and the           rugby and football. His knowledge and
                                                media reports undoubtedly influenced         memory of both sports was exceptional.
                                                my decision to join the Police Force.            About this time my wife was involved
                                                Almost two years later, I became a           in Scouting as a cub scout leader and
                                                Birmingham City Police Cadet (101); I        decided to ask Arthur if he would come and
                                                wasn’t tall enough for the local force! I    give a talk. He readily agreed and I picked
                                                trained at Ryton on Dunsmore and was         him and his guide dog up and conveyed
                                                eventually posted to Erdington (D203),       them to the ‘scout hut’. The children
                                                where I spent my early service. In 1970 I    listened intently and were absolutely
                                                transferred to the Gwynedd constabulary      enthralled by what he had to say and
                                                - now North Wales Police - height            spoke about it for weeks afterwards. He
                                                restrictions had been reduced! - and         was also deeply involved in charity work.
                                                I was posted to Caernarfon. Not long             Arthur was an incredible individual
    I have recently acquired a ‘Police No       afterward I met Arthur for the first time.   who must have suffered horrendously,
Waiting’ cone in blue and white. Can                However, it was some time later          but was extremely positive and truly
anyone advise on the history of these           that I got to know him really well when      modest about what he achieved in his
cones and when the change took place            we worked together at the Divisional         lifetime, despite his awful disability. It was
to the yellow cones?                            Headquarters in Caernarfon. Arthur           a real privilege to have known him.
                                                worked in communications, mainly on the
Ms Della M Cannings - Exeter Branch             switchboard and operating the teleprinter    Phil Jones - Gwynedd Branch

An Academic Achievement
    Patrick Johnson is a valued friend of       through the Open University.                 Degree course despite having recently
mine, who has just Graduated from the               Despite his age 76 years, and not        celebrated his 80th Birthday.
Open University with a BA in business           enjoying the best of health, he enrolled         I feel confident you will agree this is
studies. He served as I did, in the West        for the Course commencing in 2017.           no mean achievement and worthy of
Yorkshire Police, retiring in 1989. Patrick         He completed the course in July of       recognition, probably even inspiration
nursed his extremely ill wife for nine          this year, which could not have been         to other retired officers contemplating
years until her death in 2017. No mean          easy as many officers much younger           improving their academic standing.
feat as she was completely crippled in          and earlier in retirement would probably         I suggested to Patrick, he should send
the last 4 years of her life by her illness.    agree. Patrick is well known in Police       details of his achievement to your good
(cortico-basel degeneration)                    circles having been the Federation           self but he, with characteristic modesty
    Patrick, who lives alone in an apartment    representative in the West Yorkshire         said no, stressing he enrolled to ease
at Cleveland, a retirement village, having      Force and is the holder of the B.E.M. for    the grief of losing his wife rather than any
a lot of free time on his hands, despite his    Services to the Police.                      other reason. Knowing that to be true
many interests in a local choir, secretary of       As I stated in the opening Para of       I feel it should nevertheless, be aired
the Village Forum and treasurer of a local      this letter, Patrick has received his        in NARPO circles as it will be of real
street committee, all unpaid posts, decided     certificate of Graduation but, having        interest to his many former colleagues.
to apply for the 4 year study course in         been encouraged by his Tutor at the
Business Studies and Social Sciences            O.U. is preparing to tackle a Master's       Roy Smith - Huddersfield Branch


    Replacement Prints by John Edwards                                                         The Biggest
                                                                                               Manhunts in
       In 1988, via the magazine ‘police’,       signed John R Edwards, JEDD, which
    I purchased several limited prints of        has faded considerably, although never        Welsh History
    work by John Edwards (JEDD). Since           having been in a position at the mercy of
    that time, they have occupied a place        strong sunlight or similar.                      I read with interest the article by Hugh
    of prominence on the wall of my lounge           I would be interested in purchasing a     Colley regarding one of the biggest
    evoking the occasional smile and touch       good quality replacement of this limited      manhunts in Welsh history.
    of nostalgia for a time when policing        edition print and any originals of JEDD’s        However, it should be noted that
    wasn’t as frenetic as today.                 work which I understand were auctioned        besides Thomas Owen Davies -
       With one exception, the colours of        off and the proceeds went to charity.         Constable, Mid-Wales Constabulary
    the prints have remained as fresh and            Any such purchases would go to ‘a         and Arthur Rees Rowlands - Constable,
    bright as at the time of purchase. The       good home’.                                   Gwynedd Constabulary, both receiving
    exception is the limited edition print                                                     the George medal, there were others
    (141/50) ‘TIME GENTLEMAN PLEASE’             C Bartholomew - Glamorgan Branch              who were also highly decorated in
                                                                                               recognition of their brave conduct.
                                                                                                  The following officers where awarded
                                                                                               the George Medal: Robert Carswell -
                                                                                               Constable, Liverpool City Police and
                                                                                               Robert William Roberts - Constable,
    Electric Vehicle Charging Points                                                           Shropshire Constabulary.
                                                                                                  John Francis Bennet - Constable,
                                                                                               Mid-Wales Constabulary and Geoffrey
        Thank you very much for your letter      members all the best for the year ahead       Seymour Evans - Sergeant, Mid Wales
    dated 15th September 2021. I thoroughly      and hope that you will be able to return to   Constabulary where also awarded the
    enjoyed the pre-Conference Dinner            Llandudno in the future.                      British Empire Medal for Gallantry (Civil
    and the hospitality shown by Mr Burdus                                                     Division)
    and Mr Critchley to us, as well as Sir       Cllr Harry T M Saville - Mayor of
    Orde’s fascinating insights into a range     Llandudno                                     Tom Holt - Merseyside
    of current affairs. I also had a brief
    discussion with one of your delegates
    from County Durham regarding the lack
    of Electric Vehicle charging points in and
    around Llandudno and have since raised       Hearing Star Excellent Service
    this point with both Llandudno Town and
    Conwy County Borough Councils.                  Having been a user of hearing aids for     the 10 years (no real surprise there, goes
        Thank you for your incredibly            over 10 years, I would like to comment        with age).
    generous donation to my Mayoral Charity      on the excellent service from Hearing            I therefore opted for two new Livio
    Fund. I plan to use the fund to support      Star.                                         aids, when they arrived Kevin fitted them
    the Great Orme branch of the National           My previous aids were provided             and explained how everything worked
    Coastwatch Institution, the Llandudno        and fitted by Kevin Howlett who is very       including the remote control.
    Elderly Peoples Welfare Society and          professional and nothing was too much            Well to say I was happy would be
    Blind Veterans, who run a rehabilitation     trouble for him.                              an understatement, they are amazing,
    centre in Llandudno. I must also thank          I recently read in Narpo News that         especially the bluetoooth element. As
    you for bringing your annual conference      Kevin recommended Starkey Livio 2400          well as aiding my hearing they opened
    to Llandudno. Overnight stays in local       aids for Narpo members. So as my aids         up a new world of streaming, I can hear
    hotels are vital to Llandudno’s local        had given good service for 10 years I         phone calls, radio and music directly
    economy, which has suffered throughout       thought I would contact Hearing Star          through my aids. At the same time if
    the COVID-19 pandemic and every              again.                                        somebody speaks to me I can hear them.
    individual overnight stay helps to support      As expected Kevin clearly explained           I cannot thank Kevin and Marie
    local businesses and local jobs. Finally,    how the hearing aid technology had            at Hearing Star enough, I thoroughly
    thank you very much for the vase, which      vastly improved during that time.             recommend their organisation for
    will be a cherished reminder of a very          Kevin through his very detailed            opening up a whole world for my hearing.
    pleasant evening.                            assessment of my hearing, found that
        I’d like to wish NARPO and all of its    my hearing had in fact deteriorated over      Alan Davies - Dorset Branch


Services to                                    NARPO Business Smiler Stamp
Memory-jogging                                 Sheet Issued in 2009
    If NARPO News were to get an award             Whilst researching some
it would be for services to memory-            information concerning the
jogging. Jim Finn jogged mine.                 NARPO Stamp First Day
    About 1970, my colleague and I             Cover commissioned to
stopped a car being driven along the           celebrate the Millennium
Old Kent Road in excess of 30mph. The          in 2000, I discovered
occupants were two men who did not             that NARPO had also
inspire veracity. During the dialogue, I       commissioned a Business
noticed the butt of a sawn-off shot gun        Smiler Stamp Sheet to
protruding from under the driver’s seat.       celebrate the 90th Anniversary
Both occupants were arrested. Further          of NARPO in 2009.
enquiries revealed that this weapon                As a keen stamp collector
had been used during a wages-snatch            and NARPO member, I was
in Woolwich a fortnight earlier. Further       unaware of this issue, as I
arrests were made by Woolwich CID.             did not become a member of
I seem to recall the speeding offence          NARPO until 2011.
became camouflaged. Now; did I hear                I understand that 3,000 of
the Governor say, “Your Commendation’s         these sheets were issued, the
in the post.” No; I never heard another        majority being purchased by
word and neither did my colleague, Dave        NARPO members.
Randall. True heroes don’t need halos.             I commissioned a Stamp
                                               First Day Cover on behalf
Roy Buchanan - London Branch                   of Staffordshire NARPO
                                               to celebrate the 100th
                                               Anniversary of NARPO in
                                               2019. You may recall I wrote
                                               an article in NARPO News
Suspicious Emails                              concerning the auctioning of
                                                                                             sheets that they no longer require, if they
                                               4 of these First Day Covers
                                               signed by famous cricketers to raise          would consider selling it to me.
    In the latest NARPO magazine I was                                                          The original selling price was £20, but
                                               money for the National Police Memorial
particularly interested in the article on                                                    I would be prepared to pay a reasonable
                                               in Staffordshire.
page 16 entitled ‘Do you want to lose                                                        price to acquire one.
                                                   As I do not possess a Business Smiler
your life savings?                                                                              Email:
                                               Sheet I would be interested in purchasing
    A similar article in the NARPO maga-
                                               one to add to my stamp collection.
zine some weeks ago drew my attention                                                        Mark Judson - Staffordshire Branch
                                                   I am therefore asking that if any
to the reporting of e-mails to ‘report@
                                               member, or their family have one of these’, and since that time I
have been sending occasional suspected
scams to them. Initially I got an instant
reply which was basically a ‘thank-you’
and an update about how many such              Hearing Star
reports had been received.
    I was encouraged by getting a                   As a NARPO member, I would like to       when it rings particularly when outdoors
response like that because at least            express my satisfaction with the service      thanks to Bluetooth, and then to have
it seemed that the report was being            provided by Kevin and his colleagues at       a telephone conversation in a noisy
received and possibly some sort of action      Hearing Star, in respect of the supply and    environment, that previously would have
taken to what is really a heinous fraud for    fitting of my hearing aids. The information   been impossible.
some unfortunate people.                       they provided prior to making my                  The follow up service at Hearing Star
    More recently my reports have not          decision was clear and the upfront prices     is also excellent and it is reassuring to
received such a response which has             left me in no doubt what I was getting for    know that any problems can be solved
caused me to double check that I have          my money. The home appointments were          with a friendly telephone call.
got the right address to send it to.           relaxing and informative with everything          I would therefore have no hesitation
    Anyway I will keep on sending reports      explained in a clear manner and I did not     in recommending Hearing Star to
that I suspect could be scams. I just          feel inhibited to ask ‘silly’ questions!      anyone requiring information and advice
hope they don’t think I am some sort of             I previously used hearing aids           regarding their hearing difficulties
‘nutter’, or to be kind to them perhaps they   provided by the NHS and I find that my        without the high pressure, pushy
are getting so many reports from the public    new hearing aids are more discreet,           sales techniques employed by some
generally that they are unable to respond.     user friendly, and easy to maintain in        organisations.
                                               comparison. One of the main pluses
Trevor Emans - Hampshire Branch                for me is the ability to hear my iPhone       Jeff Sawyer - Durham Branch


              Stories from across the NARPO branch network and our partners

     FA 50-Year Service                                                                                 Life Membership

                                                                                                            Above shows the following Dorset
                                                                                                        Branch members receiving their Life
                                                                                                        Membership certificates at their AGM
                                                                                                        in July. From left to right: George
                                                                                                        Legg (Treasurer), David Seabright
                                                                                                        (Circulations), Norman Robertson
                                                                                                        (Secretary), presentation made by Mick
                                                                                                        Wallis (Chairman)

                        Pictured right is Bill with a fellow recipient of the award.

        Suffolk NARPO member, Bill Tinkler,            played local football for St Edmunds
     has been honoured by the Football                 FC and Priors FC in Bury St Edmunds
     Association with their ‘FA 50-Year                and became a qualified referee in the
     Service’ award for his involvement in local       late 1970s. He was still registered as a
     football for over 50 years. The award             match official until very recently. Those
     was presented to him by the Chairman of           who played in any match in which Bill
     the St. George's Park National Football           officiated will know that he was not a
     Centre, former Chairman of the Football           referee to get on the wrong side of!
     League and former Chairman of Ipswich             Many a miscreant was subjected to the
     Town FC, David Sheepshanks.                       brandishing of a red card.
        Before transferring to Suffolk from                In June 1998 he was appointed as
     Teesside Constabulary (now Cleveland              Secretary of the then Bury & District
     Constabulary), Bill played for Powlett            Football League, which subsequently
     United in the Darlington and District             became the St Edmundsbury Football
     Sunday League and also for the Teesside           League where he carried out duties as               Above shows the Branch Chaplain,
     Constabulary in the Northern Police               secretary, player registrations, fixtures,       Allen Knott receiving his Life Membership
     League.                                           press officer and webmaster until the            certificate from the Chairman, Mick Wallis
        On arrival in Suffolk, Bill soon became        league dissolved in the summer of 2019.          at a coffee morning held in August.
     involved with the Bury St Edmunds                      Until a few years ago Bill still refereed      The Chairman, Mick Wallis,
     Division and Suffolk Constabulary teams           in the two Bury St. Edmunds Leagues              announced at this year’s AGM that he
     and became manager of the Force team              (Saturday and Sunday) and occasionally           intended to stand down in March 2022
     where, under his guidance, the team had           for the Suffolk & Ipswich League as well         and he decided that he wanted to convey
     many successes in the Armed Services              as Suffolk FA assignments, eventually            his thanks to all those involved for their
     Cadastrian League and various police              having to cut back due to illness in his         years of service to the Branch.
     leagues and cups.                                 family. He was also a Suffolk FA Council
        Outside the police service, Bill               and committee member.                            Norman Robertson - Dorset Branch


Tokyo 2020
    I went out to Tokyo in July to work      to inform me that
for Eurosport at the summer Olympics.        due to the on going
This was obviously deferred from last        pandemic restrictions,
year and I was keen to get out there and     we would not be
experience the country. I had previously     able to meet up. This
made contact with our IPA contact in         was disappointing,
Japan, Ryoji Suzuki, who ultimately had      however he arranged
                                              for a quantity of beer
                                              and a baseball cap
                                              to be delivered to my
                                              hotel room.
                                                   In my job role I
                                              was able to travel
                                              freely about the
                                              capitol and greater
                                              area wherever
                                              sport venues or
                                              relevant premises
                                              were and as such
                                              immersed myself in                            welcome. There was definitely something
                                              the Japanese daily lifestyle and culture.     missing from the sporting event they
                                              It is a magnificent country and due to        had waited so long to host and it was
                                              the amount of islands that are joined         them. Stadiums were empty and shops
                                              together, the infrastructure of bridges and   and restaurants were either closed or on
                                              tunnels is amazing. I was lucky enough        restricted openings.
                                              to be able to visit some temples, Mt Fuji        I returned on the 11th August as did
                                              and take a ride on a Bullet train. Even the   nearly everyone working on the event
                                              train inspector bowed as he entered and       saying arigato (thank you) and being
                                              left each carriage.                           grateful I had the chance to visit this
                                                   I found the Japanese to be a             fantastic country.
                                              delightful, respectful and disciplined
                                              people only too willing to help and           Andy Amos - Ret Herts and IPA

Do you want to lose your life savings? No? Then read this
    Fraudsters steal personal information       These mean villains will often already      9,000 reports of Royal Mail scams alone
and bank details from victims by sending     have a lot of information about you            between January 1 and March 31. These
out thousands of text messages every         including credit and bank card numbers,        crooks are very clever, very plausible and
day. They purport to be from your bank,      the expiry date and the CVV security           many very sensible cautious people are
a delivery company such as Deliveroo,        number. These are used to make                 tricked by them. Do not be one of them.
Hermes or Royal Mail, or from bodies         small online purchases, which may go           Never call back on the numbers or email
such as the NHS, or HM Revenue &             unnoticed for days, or even weeks.             addresses they give you. Treat all such
Customs (HMRC).                                 In another scam, you receive a              calls with suspicion and never part with
    The text messages always sound           phone call, often from an 0800 number,         your hard-earned savings.
plausible, particularly if you have          pretending to be from your bank saying             Report any suspicious emails
just made an online payment, or are          there has been some fraudulent activity        to Suspicious
expecting a package. A typical example       on your account. It all sounds very            text messages should be sent to 7726,
is “Royal Mail: Your package has a £2.99     plausible.                                     which spells SPAM on your keyboard,
unpaid postage fee. To pay this, visit ….”      But it doesn’t end there. Later, an         and is free of charge. If you suspect that
    Alternatively, you may receive one       accomplice will call you, the victim, a few    you may have given any personal or
from a bank asking you to click on a link    days later, pretending to be from your         financial details, you should inform your
to confirm a payment. Be on your guard,      bank or even the police and ask you to         bank immediately and then report it to:
the warning signs are there. The web         authorise a transfer to a “safe” account.
address does not resemble the actual         Don’t do it.                                   or call 0300 123 2040.
address of the company.                         City of London Police received at least


     North West Branches Back Refugee Appeal
        Back in September, Archie Arbuckle,         the Afghan children. They
     Crewe & District Branch Secretary was          also requested donations
     contacted by Branch Member William             of toiletries and hygiene
     (Billy) Wilson who works at Manchester         goods and monetary
     Airport on Security and Passport Control.      donations. One of the
        Billy informed Archie that he and his       Crewe Branch Members
     colleagues had been responsible for the        who won £25 in the
     safe arrival and security of the refugees      branch lottery immediately
     arriving from Afghanistan. He told Archie      donated his winnings
     that some were arriving with very little       to the branch appeal
     personal articles except for their clothing,   which Archie used to buy
     and the children were obviously very tired     toiletries. This was quickly
     and poorly clothed.                            followed by other winners
        The public have been amazing in             in the Branch Lottery
     making fantastic donations of clothing and     who also handed over
     they had ample to supply the refugees          their winnings. Branch
     with once they had been transported to         members rallied to the
     temporary accommodation, where they            call and made monetary
     were well looked after by charity groups       donations to Archie.
     and local government departments.                  As word got around,
        Apparently however, what they               NARPO Northwich and
     desperately needed was toiletries,             NARPO Macclesfield                              The appeal also attracted the attention
     toothpaste, toothbrushes and all the           joined in the appeal with Mark Watson,       of both UK Border Force and the Home
     goods necessary to maintain good               Macclesfield Branch Secretary, collecting    Office Higher Officer, Border Force
     hygiene. Even first aid goods like             and delivering some of the goods and         North, and Chief Immigration Officer,
     plasters, creams, salves etc. They also        toys as many of the refugees are housed      Manchester Ops Team. They both wrote
     needed toys and kids bicycles, as well         near to him. Ged Ilott, the Northwich        to Archie to thank him personally, for the
     prams and other baby goods for the             Secretary, also delivered goods and          ‘’amazing’’ contribution.
     children.                                      money raised by his Branch Members.             Speaking to us Archie said ‘’I am pretty
        On Billy’s behalf Archie put a call             To date Crewe and Northwich              proud of what we have done in the name
     out to members to ask if they had any          members have raised a total of £700          of NARPO’’.
     such children’s toys etc. that he and his      between them for the initiative. Donations      Well done Crewe, Northwich and
     colleagues could gladly take off their         of toys, games and books were also           Macclesfield and of course Archie.
     hands and transport to Manchester for          greatly received and distributed.

     Long Standing NARPO Member
        Stan Morgan was born in Cardiff in          from Croydon the next day when severe
     1921 and was the youngest of eleven            weather forced the plane to return to
     children (3 boys and 8 girls). After a         Croydon - an experience Stan never
     happy childhood surrounded by sisters,         forgot. He served for 30 years in Cardiff
     he enlisted in the R.A.F. He served            mainly in the Traffic Department from
     throughout the war and in 1946 was             where he retired in 1975 as a sergeant.
     based in Munich. Whilst home for a             The day he retired he joined NARPO
     short leave, he met a Cardiff policeman        and he has been a member for 45 years.
     and decided to apply to join. By the time      He was married to Dorothy for over 60
     he arrived back in Hamburg, there was          years before she passed away in 2015.
     a letter waiting inviting him to take an       Stan was presented with a bottle of his
     education test and interview at Cardiff two    favourite tipple (Jack Daniels Honey) by
     days later. A friendly adjutant arranged a     branch vice chairman Howard Davies.
     place for him on a flight to Croydon the
     next day and he made it back to Cardiff in     Alan Greaves - Cardiff branch                   Pictured from the left: John who is
     time. He was on a flight back to Munich                                                     Stan’s son and a NARPO member, Stan
                                                                                                   Morgan and vice chairman Howard.

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 Jeff Sawyer

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 To ensure members safety through lock downs and beyond, we’ll continue with all of our safe practises. We’ll also continue to
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     Remembering Roy Massey
          As the years tick on newer members         and highly respected by the community
     and serving officers may not realise            he served. For the last few years of his
     many of their former colleagues and             service, he and a colleague served as
     our members started their careers of            court officers dealing with prisoners and,
     service in the Armed Forces. In this issue      in the days when it was carried out by
     and in the month of Remembrance, we             police, transporting remand prisoners
     look back over the life of Huddersfield         between the courts and prison or
     member Roy Massey who started his               detention centres.
     career of service in the RAF in WWII.               He retired from the police in 1977
          Huddersfield branch member                 after 30 years service (one year counting
     Richard Fitzroy (Roy) Massey passed             from his war service) and spent a further
     away just three weeks before his 100th          six years as process server with the
     birthday, which would have been on 4th          Huddersfield County Court.
     May 2021.                                           He and Audrey retired to a property
          Prior to joining the police, he joined     in Tenerife. Sadly, Audrey passed away
     the Royal Air Force during WWll as              in 1987 suffering from Motor Neurone
     leading aircraftman in the RAF 84th             Disease.
     Squadron serving in Sumatra in 1942                  Later, he was fortunate to be
     but when the Dutch capitulated, he and          introduced to Margaret (Peggy) Webber
     his squadron were forced to surrender           through friends in Tenerife and the story
     to the Japanese and spent three and a           has a happy ending in that they had
     half years as a prisoner of war, firstly in a   been together for 30 years at the time
     camp in Batavia for a number of months          of his death. Roy could not speak highly
     before being shipped to Singapore in            enough of the love and care which Peggy
     a cargo hold in conditions which Roy            gave to him, particularly as his eyesight
     described as awful.                             failed him and he became frailer.
          They were taken to barracks where              Roy and Peggy have been back to
     he contracted diphtheria and was one            the Far East on numerous occasions
     of many too ill to travel and stayed in         including visits to many sites from his
     the notorious Changi Camp where they            war years and to the war memorial in
     were made to clear away jungle to make          Singapore. In 2005 he was invited to
     way for airfield runways. Here, they were       the Ambassador’s House. In 2013
     poorly fed and contracted dysentery,            he was on the red carpet in Leicester
     foot rot and malaria. Beatings, torture         Square attending the premier of the film
     and threats of being shot were regular          ‘Railway Man.’
     occurrences and one of his friends from             In 2014 he was one of the
     Leeds died there.                               ‘Unforgotten Heroes’ who were presented
          When news of the Allied victory,           to the Queen at Buckingham Palace
     brought about by the atomic bomb on             along with ten other survivors. Force
     Nagasaki reached the camp via radio,            sweetheart Vera Lynn was also there.
     the Japanese fled and shortly afterwards            For the past 5 years Roy and a fellow
     army and medical officers parachuted in.        POW of the same age and also living
     Otherwise, Roy is convinced that they           in Poole, have attended the annual
     would all have been murdered.                   commemorative service in Westminster
          Many of his POW colleagues were too        but were prevented from doing so in
     ill to travel but Roy managed to get the        2020 owing to the Covid restrictions.
     first boat out. After spending some time        However, Roy wanted to still
     in rehabilitation, he caught a train home       commemorate his comrades on
     alone to be reunited with his parents and       the anniversary of Imperial Japan
     then girlfriend Audrey, who was later to        surrendering in 1940 and a small
     become his wife. They had exchanged             service was held in Poole Park attended
     just one card each whilst he had been           by members of the Poole British Legion
     away.                                           together with a number of members
          After two years of recovering from         of the public who stopped to watch
     his ordeal, Roy joined the Huddersfield         the event.
     Borough Police in 1947 and served as                Our condolences are extended to
     constable in the town and what was              Peggy and the respective families.
     then known as the southern section for
     many years where he was well known              Terry Jepson - Huddersfield Branch


Recollections of Debbie Anne Heeley-Hirst
    Recollections of Debbie Anne Heeley - Hirst
(Keighley and District Branch) representing NARPO
at the Remembrance Sunday Parade at the
Cenotaph, London on Sunday 14th November 2021.
    My grandfather Thomas Heeley was born on
13th July 1908 in Grimethorpe, South Yorkshire.
He served in the 9th Coast Regiment of the Royal
Artillery. He was captured and then imprisoned
in Changi in Singapore and then taken to Burma
to work on the railway. After the railway was built,
he and many others were hospitalised in Nathong
Patong in Thailand. When the Japanese realised
they were not going to win the war they took a 1000
men from the hospital to build them an escape road.
This was called Mergui Road. My grandfather and
many of the men died building this road and many
were buried there. He died on the 28th July, two
weeks before the end of the war in 1945. He was
buried at 12 Kilo Camp on the Mergui Road.
    He is now buried in Kanchanuburi Cemetery
war-cemetery/. We have been out to see his
                                                        tell you how proud I am to wear them - especially as
grave and the railway and what a sobering and
                                                        his granddaughter whom he never knew. I know that
heartbreaking experience that was.
                                                        the tears will be flowing down my face as I honour
     My grandfather was honoured with a number of
                                                        his ultimate sacrifice as he died for his country.
military medals which were in the possession of my
                                                            I cannot express enough my gratitude to those at
cousin David whom I subsequently made contact
                                                        NARPO and the British Legion for selecting me to
with (in Bahrain!). After a lengthy and emotional
                                                        take part in the Remembrance Day Parade on 14th
journey, I now have my grandfathers medals and the
                                                        November 2021 and I will do my utmost to make
first place I took them to when I returned home was
                                                        everyone proud on this most emotional of days.
to my fathers grave. He would have been so proud,
as I remember how much he had missed his father.
     The medals are presently being remounted so
                                                           The top left photo is my grandparents, Thomas
that I can wear them with pride and in my father's
                                                        and Eliza Heeley in 1929.
honour on the Remembrance Sunday Parade at
                                                           The top right is the Cenotaph in Kanchanburi
the Cenotaph, where my husband Lloyd and I have
                                                        Cemetery with the wreath we took out to put on in
been selected to represent the National Association
                                                        remembrance of all the loved ones that were lost.
of Retired Police Officers (NARPO). That will be the
                                                           The bottom photo is the graves in the cemetery,
first time they have ever been worn by a member of
                                                        my grandfathers grave has the red poppy on.
his family since his death and I cannot even begin to

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                           2021 NARPO
       Photography Competition
            Winner and runners up revealed in the first NARPO
                      Photography Competition

                                                                                      Brighter Days to Come - Keith Stoneman

   The first NARPO Photography Competition was successfully held this year,
with worthy winners announced at the long-awaited Conference 2021.
   The overall competition winner was Keith Stoneman for ‘Brighter Days to
Come’, who received a prize of £500 of Camera World vouchers.
   Deserving runners up were John Ruggiero for ‘Duckling in the Daisies’,
winning £100 of Camera World vouchers and Martyn Hubberd for ‘Beach huts at
Saltburn-by-the-Sea, North Yorkshire’, who won £50 of Camera World vouchers.

Duckling in the Daisies - John Ruggiero                                        Beach huts at Saltburn-by-the-Sea,
                                                                               North Yorkshire - Martyn Hubberd


       You wouldn’t Believe It
                                                 Anecdotes from down the years

     Canteen Duties Turmoil                                      a white apron but had no other police apparel/
                                                                 equipment apart from his truncheon in his hand.
          In the early 60’s I was a young constable in the          The meals were a bit late that night, but that was
     Birmingham City Police stationed at Victoria Road           forgiven in the circumstances. His actions highlight
     Police Station, Aston.                                      one way that comradeship in the police service
          At that time it was the practice that ‘on nights’      develops.
     one officer would be deployed to canteen duties
     and as such would have to prepare meals for the
     rest of the ‘shift’ (1 Inspector, 2 Sargent’s and
     approximately 10 Constables).
                                                                 The Bodyguard
          On one night Jock Cameron was so posted,                   Way back in 1963, I was a young Detective
     whilst the rest of the shift was on the streets trying to   Constable in Liverpool City Police. One evening,
     sort out various and diverse problems.                      I found myself in the role of bodyguard to Frank
          That night a serious public order problem was          Sinatra Junior, the son of “Ol’ Blue-eyes” himself.
     occurring at an area known as Aston Cross. This                 Young Frank, then aged 19, had been following
     was a distance of approximately 1/2 mile from the           in his fathers’ footsteps trying to establish himself
     Police Station. Also in close proximity to the area         on the cabaret stage in America. One night, whilst
     was Ansells Brewery and HP Sauce (interesting               appearing at a theatre in Lake Tahoe, he was
     smells at times).                                           kidnapped by two men, bundled into the boot of a
                                                                 car and driven off. The kidnappers were aged 23
                                                                 years and had planned the offence for some time,
                                                                 following young Frank through several cities until the
                                                                 opportunity presented itself.
                                                                     They got away and demanded a hefty ransom,
                                                                 which was quickly paid and young Frank was
                                                                 released. Some cynics declared that it was all
                                                                 a publicity stunt to help his career, but such
                                                                 suggestion was totally denied.
                                                                     To help young Franks’ rehabilitation, it was
                                                                 decided to send him on a European tour and his
                                                                 first stop was Liverpool, England, where he was
                                                                 booked for a one-night-stand at the Empire Theatre
                                                                 and because of the back-story of the kidnap, it
                                                                 was decided at some level that there should be a
                                                                 discreet Police presence.
                                                                     At short notice, I was ordered to attend the
                                                                 Empire Theatre and make myself known. I
                                                                 met young Frank and took up a position in the
                                                                 wings, where I was subjected to numerous press
                                                                 photographs, which showed my unidentifiable profile
                                                                 lurking behind drapes.
                                                                     I can recall that the theatre was quite full and that
                                                                 young Frank was well-received. He looked like his
                                                                 Dad, he sang like his Dad and obviously used the
                                                                 well-known songs. It was a good show.
                                                                     Some time later, young Frank and I returned to
                                                                 the hotel in a taxi. En route, he declared that it was
                                                                 shameful that a Police Detective had been taken
                                                                 from important investigations of crime to look after
           The trouble involved a large number of men            him. I didn’t try to dissuade him, but pointed out that
     fighting in the street, having just turned out from         I should have been off duty that evening.
     local pubs. On our arrival they stopped fighting
     each other and decided to turn on us. However the
     officers working that night were used to such turmoil
     and started dealing with the problem.                       He lived to the age of 72 and you
           My enduring memory of that night is that of
     Jock Cameron, having heard that his mates were              probably guessed - the signed
     in trouble, had left his canteen duties and was seen
     running down the road to help. He was still wearing
                                                                 photos were lost in the post.

    Well, that made things much worse until I               individual supporters.
explained that my wife would be delighted to hear               After a short while the Sergeant again consulted
of my evening and that she and I were keen Sinatra          his watch and, in a loud voice, said, “Right, now!
fans and had numerous LP’s of “Ol’ Blue Eyes”.              It’s bang on midnight. The Constable and I would
Frank was delighted, took down my details and               like to take this opportunity to wish everyone here a
promised to send me signed photos etc.                      very happy and prosperous New Year. Shooouuld
    On arrival at the Adelphi Hotel, we were crossing       ….”, at which time the ‘congregation’ joined in with
the floor of the large foyer when the Duty Manager          a chorus of Auld Lang Syne, joining hands in the
called out from the desk behind. “Oh Mister Sinatra,        traditional manner with the Sergeant and myself
your Dad is on the phone here now”.                         included.
    Without pausing a step, young Frank called back,            By quarter past twelve we were back on the
“I’m tired. Tell him I’ll ring in the morning” and off we   Beat, with no hard feelings, fortified by the traditional
went to his suite. I checked all the doors, windows,        Happy New Year glass of whisky. On reflection
cupboards etc. shook his hand and wished him a              I thought ‘Well that’s Bobbying!! THEY DIDN’T
good tour.                                                  TEACH THAT AT THE TRAINING SCHOOL!!
    I don’t know where else he toured but eventually
went back to the States and resumed his cabaret
    He lived to the age of 72 and you probably              A worthy conviction
guessed - the signed photos were lost in the post.
                                                                During the Prison Officers Industrial dispute,
                                                            convicted felons were accommodated in Police cells
                                                            and looked after by Officers working overtime shifts.
A New Year with a                                           During one such shift I got into conversation with a
                                                            London based villain and the following conversation
difference                                                  took place:-
                                                            Me: “How long are you in for”
    During the early sixties I was a Probationer
                                                            Reply: “15 years”
stationed on a Beat which covered a post war council
                                                            Me: “Christ, that’s a long sentence, what offence?
housing estate, modern terraced or semi-detached
                                                            Reply: “Possession of a shotgun cartridge”
buildings. The estate was policed as a cycle beat.
                                                            Me: “You don’t get 15 years for possession of a
On New Year’s Evening 1963, I was policing it on
                                                            shotgun cartridge”
night shift at just about 11.45pm and noticed that
                                                            Reply: “You do when it’s shoved up a sawn off and
the light attached to the outside of one of my Police
                                                            you’re stood in the middle of a bank”,
boxes was illuminated. That obviously indicated that
                                                            I cried with laughter.
I should use the ‘phone inside the box to get in touch
with the Force Control Room, which I did.
    I was informed that there was a disturbance
taking place in a house about a quarter of a mile
    On my way to the house I was met by the Shift
Sergeant, quite a character with a chest full of
military medal ribbons. I told him where I was going
and he said that he would accompany me.
    We arrived at the house by about 11.55pm. And it
was quite clear that there was a disturbance taking
place. I parked my bike up alongside the fence of
the house and started to walk towards the front
door. The Sergeant stopped me and I couldn’t quite
understand why because there was no let-up in the
noise. It was obvious that what was happening was
not just a friendly exchange of opinions.
    After a few minutes the Sergeant looked at his
watch and said that we should knock on the door
now, which I did. The door was opened and we
immediately walked in. There were lots of people
in the room and there was still a lot of shouting
going on and two males were laying into each
quite positively with the females screaming either
encouragement or abuse.
    Our entry into the room had the desired effect,
although there was still a certain amount of ‘name-
calling’ going on between the combatants and their

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