Accenture: a four-point plan for media - Gavin Mann on how established players will survive and prosper - Digital TV Europe

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Accenture: a four-point plan for media - Gavin Mann on how established players will survive and prosper - Digital TV Europe
August/September 2018

       Accenture: a four-point plan for media
                Gavin Mann on how established players will survive and prosper

                                 ACCENTURE SPECIAL PROMOTION

pOFC DTVE AugSep18.indd 1                                                         31/08/2018 15:53
Accenture: a four-point plan for media - Gavin Mann on how established players will survive and prosper - Digital TV Europe
pXX CSG DTVE AugSep18.indd 1   29/08/2018 10:43
Accenture: a four-point plan for media - Gavin Mann on how established players will survive and prosper - Digital TV Europe
Digital TV Europe
          August/September 2018

          12. Broadcasting in the age of AI
          Artificial intelligence is already having a profound effect on the media and TV space, but what
          applications hold most promise and what challenges need to be overcome? Andy McDonald

          20. The age of Android
          From being an also-ran in the TV operating system space, Google’s Android TV now could be               20
          set to sweep all before it, following the introduction of the service provider-friendly Operator
          Tier. Stuart Thomson reports.

          28. Advances in advertising
          As consumers fragment across platforms, how can advertisers be sure of the value of their
          investment? Adrian Pennington reports.

          32. Accenture: a four-point plan for media
          Media and entertainment businesses face an unprecedented array of challenges as big tech
          companies move into content creation and distribution. To survive and prosper, established
          players need to guard their core business while forging a path to unlock new revenue streams
          through innovation, says Accenture’s Gavin Mann in this sponsored feature.

          36 Experience counts
          Keeping audiences engaged is key to any successful video service, but how are traditional
          content providers adapting to today’s content market? Anna Tobin reports.                               44

          44. IBC 2018: the preview
          This year’s IBC exhibition will take place at Amsterdam’s RAI from September 15-19. Digital TV
          Europe takes a look at some of this year’s technologies.

          2 This month 4 News digest 42 Viewpoint 50 Technology 54 People 56 Final analysis

          Visit us at

p01 Contents DTVE AugSep18v3am.indd 1                                                                              04/09/2018 20:12
Accenture: a four-point plan for media - Gavin Mann on how established players will survive and prosper - Digital TV Europe
This month > Editor’s note                                                                                                    Digital TV Europe
                                                                                                                                  August/September 2018

          Issue no 340
          Published By:
                                                          The data issue
          KNect365 TMT
          Maple House
          149 Tottenham Court Road
          London W1T 7AD
                                                          Big          data is the thread that runs through this issue of Digital TV
                                                                       Europe. The control of data, its use to deliver new consumer
                                                          experiences, and its role as fuel for the global ambitions of big tech organ-
          Tel: +44 (0) 20 7017 5000
                                                          isations, are key to the future of the media business.
          Fax: +44 (0) 20 7017 4953
                                                             In this issue of the magazine we look at four topics in which data plays
                                                          a starring role.
                                                             The first is the growing importance of artificial intelligence in media.
          Editor Stuart Thomson                           The application of AI is seen to have the potential to revolutionise the
          Tel: +44 (0) 20 7017 5314                       video distribution business, but what does the application of AI mean in
          Email:              practice? We look at the potential of AI to make TV more highly person-
                                                          alised than ever before through applications such as facial recognition, voice-control and the
                                                          analysis of emotions.
          Contributing Editor Andy McDonald                  Control of data is at the core of Google’s business of delivering services to consumers global-
          Tel: +44 (0) 20 7017 5293                       ly, including video services through the Google Play store. Google has long coveted a stronger
          Email:             position in the TV space, not only as a service enabler, but also as a technology provider through
                                                          its Android TV platform, and has made a number of attempts to persuade TV operators of
                                                          the advantages of its technology. Those operators have in the past been reluctant to team up
                                                          with Google because they fear, among other things, loss of control of their consumer data and
          Kate Bulkley, Kaltrina Bylykbashi, Andy Fry,
                                                          dilution of their brand. Over the last year or so, however, the introduction of the Android TV
          Adrian Pennington, Adam Thomas,
                                                          Operator Tier has transformed Google’s fortunes in the TV business. In this issue, we look at
          Anna Tobin
                                                          the advantages offered by this platform for service providers.
                                                             Data is of course most crucial to Google’s core advertising business. Commercial broadcast-
          Correspondents                                  ers have seen their advertising revenues come under threat from a variety of directions, includ-
          France: Julien Alliot; Germany: Dieter          ing the growing appeal of online content. In order to secure their future, they urgently need to
          Brockmeyer; Italy: Branislav Pekic              make more money from their online activity as well as from legacy broadcast operations. This
                                                          means accurate audience data. In this issue, we look at initiatives to provide better audience
                                                          measurement across digital platforms and some of the challenges faced by broadcasters in this
          Commercial Director Patricia Arescy             space.
          Tel: +44 (0) 20 7017 5320                          Data is also at the heart of delivering a personalised user experience to TV consumers that
          Email:             matches what they have come to expect from online platforms such as Netflix. In this issue of
                                                          Digital TV Europe, we also look at the ways in which TV operators are trying to deliver a user
                                                          experience that serves as a differentiator and provides something that can compete with OTT
          Art Director Matthew Humberstone
                                                             Finally in this issue, we take our customary annual look at some of the technologies that will
          Marketing Executive Abigail Dede
                                                          be on show at the forthcoming IBC in Amsterdam, as well as providing our usual round-up of
                                                          industry news and technology developments. l
          Printing Wyndeham Grange, West Sussex

          To subscribe to this magazine or our
           daily email newsletter please visit

          © 2018 Informa UK Ltd
          All rights reserved
                                                                                                                 Stuart Thomson, Editor
          Reproduction without permission is prohibited

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p02 Ed Note DTVE AugSep18v3am.indd 2                                                                                                                    04/09/2018 20:04
Accenture: a four-point plan for media - Gavin Mann on how established players will survive and prosper - Digital TV Europe
Q&A: Steve Oetegenn, Verimatrix
        Steve Oetegenn, President, talks about the benefits of cloud technology and a connected content distribution platform for content
        providers and operators.

        To what extent is the potential of the cloud to make content creation and             • Offers improved distribution efficiency by encrypting content just
        distribution more efficient still untapped?                                           once with decryption keys and playback policies distributed separately
        The cloud helps deliver a radically new economic model for the                        and securely via Verimatrix RightsConnex for final end-device playout.
        infrastructure itself, reducing upfront hardware and software investments.
        On the hardware side, operators can convert up front capital costs into               • Provides higher visibility into the process on a level not available
        more efficient operating costs. The software-as-a-service (SaaS) model                before through automated viewership reporting and QoE analytics
        exploits similar factors to cut costs by converting licenses to ongoing service       based on the functionality available from Verspective Analytics.
        agreements in which operators only pay for what they use.
           But the largest untapped efficiencies come from the fact that the                  • Eliminates revenue leaks from premium content and provides anti-
        infrastructure is virtualised so that functionality is dissociated from location,     piracy protection from a trusted Verimatrix security envelope around
        which opens up the ecosystem to new operational benefits not previously               the entire platform.
        possible. Third-party ecosystems can be connected or accessed very easily
        just by relocating content using pointers.                                             By efficiently and securely connecting a centralised content library to a
                                                                                            network of global video service operators, Viewthority ultimately creates
        To what extent are the interests of content providers and service                   a collaborative and transparent environment that opens up new markets,
        operators aligned in relation to the use of cloud technology to make their          new viewers, and new revenue streams.
        businesses more efficient?
        They both share a need to streamline and secure distribution of their               How central is data and analytics to the vision of a connected platform
        video assets. While content providers wish to broaden and accelerate the            and what benefits can this deliver to participants?
        monetisation of assets, they need new tools to ensure content security,             The ability to have unprecedented access to real-time data and analytics
        enforce distribution windows and downstream playback policies, and obtain           is a major advantage of integrating content distribution functionality
        usage reporting. Video service operators, on the other hand, desire easier and      into a single platform. Granular content usage, royalty reports and
        faster access to compelling content, combined with a reduction in cost and          consumption analytics data, delivered on a timely basis, not only increases
        distribution complexity from the point of origination to the viewers.               contract compliance efficiency, but also provides viewer insights, which
           By centralising the content and security workflows via a common cloud            enable content and services to become more compelling and engaging
        platform with a single point of integration, both content providers and             over time.
        video service operators gain significant distribution efficiencies through             As the content industry expands and fragments, it becomes harder
        reduced and streamlined workflow processes.                                         to conduct trade in the traditional way involving direct negotiation over
                                                                                            rights, bitrates and formats. This new approach, armed with timely and
        What might a connected content distribution platform look like in                   streamlined reporting, provides an automated platform where content
        practice and what additional benefits would it bring to content providers           discovery and negotiation, as well as secure transmission, all take place
        and operators?                                                                      digitally.
        Our new platform, called Viewthority, provides unparalleled connectivity
        between content providers and video service operators. This innovative              How can a connected platform deliver more efficient ways of managing
        approach, delivered as a platform-as-a-service (PaaS), streamlines end-to-          security and what commercial advantages could this provide to
        end workflows and automates video analytics and reporting. The platform             content owners and distributors alike?
        is designed to reduce the cost and complexity of the current content                While the cloud brings cost savings and new opportunities it also raises
        delivery processes, resulting in improved competitiveness and enabling              challenges, not least because of the radical changes in the workflows
        new business models.                                                                and in the apparent exposure to risk. The security threat surface expands
           Viewthority is an end-to-end platform built upon proven Verimatrix               given the transparency and ubiquitous connectivity of the cloud, while
        technologies that:                                                                  for the same reasons concerns over privacy multiply.
                                                                                               Advanced security is imperative for this type of distribution model.
           • Avoids duplicate workflows by using a common cloud platform based              Content providers and operators must inherently trust that the platform
           on the AWS infrastructure.                                                       is secure. Given the deep expertise Verimatrix brings as a revenue
                                                                                            security provider, content providers and video service operators can be
           • Centralises management and control of content licensing terms,                 confident that Viewthority is secured with the most advanced protection
           distribution windows, playback policies and business rules via a defined         techniques.
           rights management interface, which has been integrated with the
           MediaMorph Content Value Management Platform.                                    Visit Verimatrix at IBC, stand is 5.A59 or visit

p03 Verimatrix Q&A DTVE AugSep18.indd 1                                                                                                                              31/08/2018 10:23
Accenture: a four-point plan for media - Gavin Mann on how established players will survive and prosper - Digital TV Europe
News > digest                                                                                                                            Digital TV Europe
                                                                                                                                             August/September 2018

          News digest
          > 4 Corbyn calls for ‘British Digital Corporation’ > 5 Sky ups startup focus > 6 Ofcom
          report highlights structural decline > 8 RTL continues VOD and drama focus

           Corbyn calls for ‘British Digital Corporation’ to take on tech giants
           By Stuart Thomson >                     is making Facebook and others                                                    public interest in particular, he
                                                   so rich.”                                                                        also called for a one-off tax to
           UK Labour Party leader                     Corbyn said the organisation,                                                 be levied on global technology
           Jeremy Corbyn has used                  the idea of which was initially                                                  giants to fund public service
           his Alternative McTaggart               floated by James Harding, the                                                    media and journalism if a
           Lecture at the Edinburgh                former BBC director of home                                                      future government could not
           International Television Festival       news at the Hugh Cudlipp                                                         negotiate a longer-term funding
           to endorse the idea of creating         lecture earlier this year, could                                                 arrangement for media with the
           a publicly owned British                become the access point for                                                      web companies.
           Digital Corporation (BDC)               public knowledge, information                                                       “One solution to funding
           – a sister organisation to the          and content currently held               boards could also be expanded,          public interest media could
           BBC that could take on Netflix          in the BBC archives, the                 with elections by BBC staff             be by tapping up the digital
           and Amazon by delivering                British Library and the British          and local licence fee payers. All       monopolies that profit from
           entertainment and information           Museum.                                  boards should be representative         every search, share and like we
           to the public.                             “Imagine       an    expanded         of the country, with a minimum          make,” he said.
              “A BDC could use all of              iPlayer giving universal access          representation for women and               “A strong, self-confident
           our best minds, the latest              to licence fee payers for a              minority groups,” Corbyn said.          government could negotiate
           technology and our existing             product that could rival Netflix            The Labour leader said               with these tech giants to
           public assets not only to deliver       and Amazon. It would probably            that empowering BBC staff               create a fund, run entirely
           information and entertainment           sell pretty well overseas as well,”      would make the corporation’s            independently, to support
           to rival Netflix and Amazon             he said.                                 top      management        more         public interest media. Google
           but also to harness data for the           In his lecture, Corbyn also           accountable.                            and news publishers in France
           public good,” said Corbyn.              called for a freeing up of the              Corbyn also called for               and Belgium were able to agree
              “A BDC could develop new             BBC from government control              devolution of programme                 a settlement. If we can’t do
           technology for online decision          by having some executive BBC             making to regional and national         something similar here, but
           making      and     audience-led        Board members chosen by staff            level within the UK with the            on a more ambitious scale,
           commissioning of programmes             and non-executive directors by           help of new regional boards.            we’ll need to look at the option
           and even a public social media          licence fee payers.                         Speaking about media more            of a windfall tax on the digital
           platform with real privacy and             “To help decentralise the             broadly and about the need              monopolies to create a public
           public control over the data that       BBC, national and regional               to support journalism in the            interest media fund.”

                                                   in the Czech Republic and Slovakia,                                              DNA has filed a complaint with the
          Czech Republic                           and has carried Viasat World’s           Finland                                 country’s commercial court over
                                                   flagship factual channels since                                                  the terms of Yle’s call for tenders
          SAT> Viasat World on Skylink             2007, the first pay TV documenta-        DTT> DNA & Yle DVB-T2 row               for DVB-T2 distribution of its chan-
          Pay TV operator M7 Group is              ry channels on the platform. Epic        Finnish service provider, broadcast-    nels, which the service provider
          to add channel provider Viasat           Drama HD will be available in the        er and digital-terrestrial transmis-    says runs contrary to the terms of
          World’s recently launched Epic           Smart Basic pay TV tier on Skylink,      sion services provider DNA and the      the country’s procurement rules.
          Drama service to its Skylink DTH         alongside Viasat Explore, Viasat         country’s public broadcaster Yle        Yle had in February published and
          platform from September 1. Joining       History and Viasat Nature – the          have become embroiled in a legal        then suspended a tender for tran-
          the Czech and Slovak pay TV              carriage of which the deal also re-      dispute that Yle says could delay       sition to DVB-T2, before publishing
          service will significantly extend Epic   news. An Epic Drama SVOD service         the transition of the Finnish digi-     a new tender document in August.
          Drama’s reach in the two markets.        will also launch via Skylink at a date   tal-terrestrial network to DVB-T2,      However, DNA claims that the ten-
          Skylink is the biggest DTH platform      to be confirmed.                         enabling migration to an HD service.    der favours its competitor Digita.

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p04,06,08 DTVE News Digest AugSep18v4am.indd 4                                                                                                                       04/09/2018 20:06
Accenture: a four-point plan for media - Gavin Mann on how established players will survive and prosper - Digital TV Europe
Digital TV Europe                                                                                                                       News > digest
          August/September 2018

                                                                                           premium sports channels from
          Germany                                  Ireland                                 Polish national commercial broad-       Events
                                                                                           caster Polsat to its programming
          OTT> EntertainTV goes OTT                PROG> Virgin Media Sport                line-up, giving subscribers access      IBC 2018
          Deutsche Telekom is due to               Virgin Media in Ireland is due to       to UEFA Champions League and            Date: 13 - 18 September
          launch its EntertainTV service for       launch its new Virgin Media Sport       Europa League football ahead of         Venue: Rai, Amsterdam, The
          customers that use other internet        channel on September 18. The            the kick-off the 2018-19 Champions      Netherlands
          providers for the first time this        channel, dubbed by the pay TV           League season. The cable operator       W:
          autumn. The operator is launching        provider as ‘Ireland’s new home of      has added Polsat Sport Premium
          EntertainTV as an OTT package for        European football’ will broadcast       1 and 2 and four Polsat Sport Pre-      Content Innovation Awards
          iOS and Android, with details to be      Irish-produced coverage of the          mium pay-per-view services to its       Date: 14 October
          released in October. The telco said      UEFA Champions League and UEFA          channels line-up, making all Cham-      Venue: Carlton Hotel Grand
          that EntertainTV OTT users will          Europa League. Virgin Media Sport       pions League matches available live     Salon, Cannes, France
          be able to enjoy the same content        will be available to all Virgin Media   to its subscribers, starting with the   W:
          as its own customers. However,           TV customers at no extra cost and       play-offs. The Polsat Sports chan-
          timeshift, restart and replay func-      is due to air more than 400 live        nels will be available on the Horizon   MIPCOM
          tions will be reserved for customers     European matches this season.           Go mobile advanced TV service as        Date: 17 - 18 October
          of the ‘classic EntertainTV package’.                                            well as the main television screen.     Venue: Palais des Festivals,
          The news was announced at IFA,                                                   Robert Redeleanu, CEO of UPC            Cannes, France
          where Telekom also said it will          Poland                                  Poland, said that the deal would        W:
          integrate Amazon Prime content                                                   enable UPC’s customers to watch
          into EntertainTV, making it “excep-      PROG> UPC adds Polsat                   the Champions League and Europa         Sportel Monaco
          tionally easy” for users to search for   Liberty Global-owned Polish cable       League in high quality for the next     Date: 22 - 24 October
          Amazon series like The Grand Tour.       operator UPC Poland has added           three years.                            Venue: Grimaldi Forum, Monaco

           Sky ups startup focus in Berlin and Tel Aviv                                                                            Broadband World Forum
                                                                                                                                   Date: 23 - 25 October
           By Andy McDonald >                                                              new chapter for us and we can’t         Venue: Berlin Messe, Berlin,
                                                                                           wait to get started and uncover         Germany
           Sky plans to open a new office                                                  new, innovative startups across         W:
           in Berlin and invest US$4                                                       the regions and beyond.”
           million in an Israeli VC fund in                                                  Sky      Deutschland        CEO       TV Connect MENA
           an effort to scale up its startup                                               Carsten Schmidt added: “I look          Date: 29-30 October
           investments across Central and                                                  forward to us establishing more         Venue: Dubai Marina, Dubai, UAE
           Northern Europe and Israel.                                                     partnerships with early stage           W:
             The Berlin office will give Sky       Kevin Baxpehler and former              companies by setting up our             nect-mena/
           a local presence among the city’s       Partner at Google Ventures              Berlin based office this year.”
           growing startup scene and allow         Europe, Eze Vidra. Sky said the           Sky established its London            Africa Video Forum
           it to build relationships with          partnership will give it more           startup-focused team in 2012 and        Date: 13 - 15 November
           investors and entrepreneurs.            access to the county’s technology       opened its San Francisco office in      Venue: CTICC, Cape Town,
           Sky’s Berlin team will have a           market, which includes a strong         2014. Since then it has invested        South Africa
           remit to scout for companies            pool of talent in computer vision       in more than 20 companies     
           across Germany and the Nordics,         and machine learning.                   across the UK, US and France.           africa-video-forum
           extending the company’s existing          “Six years on from our first            Sky has invested in companies
           London and San Francisco-based          investment, we’re expanding our         including: Roku, which powers           OTTtv World Summit
           startup efforts.                        startup activity across Europe and      its Now TV streaming device;            Date: 28-29 November
             In Israel, Sky will invest in newly   Israel,” said Emma Lloyd, group         virtual reality firm Jaunt; over-       Venue: Inmarsat, London
           launched Tel Aviv-based venture         director of business development        the-top streaming platform     ot-
           capital fund Remagine Ventures,         and partnerships at Sky.                1Mainstream;       and      Drone       ttv-world-summit/
           which will focus specifically             “Spending time in both Berlin         Racing League. Sky says it
           on technology, entertainment,           and Tel Aviv has left us hugely         invests to accelerate innovation,       Mobile World Congress
           data and commerce startups.             impressed with the energy,              identify growth and achieve cost        Date: 25-28 February
           The fund is managed by former           dynamism and talent of both             efficiencies through the adoption       Venue: Barcelona, Spain
           ProSiebenSat1.Media investor            tech scenes. This is an exciting        of new operating models.                W:

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p04,06,08 DTVE News Digest AugSep18v4am.indd 5                                                                                                                    04/09/2018 20:06
Accenture: a four-point plan for media - Gavin Mann on how established players will survive and prosper - Digital TV Europe
News > digest                                                                                                                       Digital TV Europe
                                                                                                                                        August/September 2018

                                                                                       logue TV service, Antenna Akado, in     package free of charge to con-
           Global Wrap                           Portugal                              the south-eastern part of Moscow.       verged customers for one year. TV
                                                                                       Lyubov Klyonova, director of sales,     Total is Vodafone’s most complete
           Facebook has secured exclu-           PROG> Eleven’s Bundesliga             said that it was important to broad-    TV offering, with 120 channels and
           sive free-to-air rights for cer-      Eleven Sports has extended its        en the offering of analogue TV,         multiple on-demand services in-
           tain UEFA Champions League            Bundesliga rights deal in Portugal    which remains the main source of        cluding HBO España and AXN Now
           live matches across Span-             and will now broadcast live top-      information for some categories of      exclusively. The offer will be open
           ish-speaking territories in Latin     flight German football for three      citizens. She said that the Antenna     to subscribers to the operator’s
           America from 2018-2021. The           years from the 2018/19 season. The    service was used by the majority        Vodafone One converged service
           football deal grants Facebook         broadcaster previously announced      of residents in the south-eastern       who sign up between August 20
           the rights to broadcast 32 live       a two-year Portuguese agreement       district. The new channels on the       until September 30. Subscribers
           matches each season, for three        with Bundesliga in June, which        analogue tier include Discovery         also have the option of adding
           seasons, including the final and      was due to start from the 2019/20     Channel, Dom Kino, Russkiy Roman,       Vodafone’s Cine pack for one year
           UEFA Super Cup. India’s Via-          season. The new deal brings this      Trick, TNT-4, TNT-Music, Mul’t, O!,     at half price and its truncated
           com18 is due to launch its vid-       start-date forward and adds an        Doktor, and Sony Channel.               football package for €5 a month.
           eo-on-demand platform VOOT            extra year to the agreement.                                                  Vodafone is also gifting 25GB of
           in the UK in November and is                                                                                        additional data to contract mobile
           planning 18 original series for                                             Spain                                   and convergent customers for
           the service. Viacom18 Motion          Russia                                                                        September. The TV Total offering
           Pictures will produce multi-lin-                                            CAB> Vodafone TV Total                  means that Vodafone customers
           gual, multi-genre, web series         CAB> Akado adds channels              Cable and mobile telecoms opera-        can have the package along with
           for VOOT under the Tipping            Russian pay TV service provider       tor Vodafone España has stepped         Vodafone One with 4GB of mobile
           Point Films banner. Emerging          Akado has added a raft of new         up its fight against incumbent rival    data and 100Mbps fibre broadband
           markets SVOD service Iflix is         channels to the line-up of its ana-   Telefónica by offering its TV Total     for €52 a month.
           set to launch a 24-hour news
           service in all 28 of its markets
           from early September. Iflix           Ofcom: growing risks of structural decline in TV
           News will aggregate live news
           streams, clips, and linear feeds       By Andy McDonald >                   15% in 2017 to an average of
           from international, regional and                                            one hour 24 minutes, while
           local news authorities and re-         TV viewing in the UK has been        16-24s’ viewing fell by 12%
           gional partners for the offering       falling since 2010 but saw a         to an average of one hour 40
           include CNN, Al Jazeera, DW,           steeper decline in 2017, with        minutes. This meant that over
           CGTN and CCTV 4. According             the risks of structural decline      54s, who make up just 28% of
           to Kagan, S&P Global Market            in the industry appearing to be      the UK population, accounted
           Intelligence, Nigeria accounted        growing.                             for 51% of broadcast TV viewing
           for 29% of Africa’s multichan-            This was one of the findings      in 2017.                                the risks of structural decline
           nel subscribers and 22.4% of           of Ofcom’s Communications               At the same time, Ofcom              appear to be growing as viewing
           its TV households at the end           Market Report, a major study on      said that people now watch an           figures fall and online video
           of 2017. The country profile           how communications services          average of 88 minutes of non-           advertising grows,” said Ofcom.
           report estimates that Nigeria’s        are changing in the UK, which        broadcast content on TV each               “There was also a decline
           multichannel market had more           shines a light on how the take-      day. Its recent Media Nations           in pay TV revenues in 2017,
           than 27 million TV households          up of faster broadband and           report said that 16-34 year-olds        after many years of growth,
           and more than 6.9 million pay          connected TVs are changing           watched an average of two hours         indicating a challenging market
           TV subscribers at the end of           how people watch programmes.         39 minutes of non-broadcast             for pay TV operators such as Sky
           last year, up 9.1% compared               The report said that nine in 10   content a day – including 59            and Virgin Media, which face
           to 2016. Warner Bros. and DC           people still watched broadcast       minutes of YouTube – on PCs,            competition from subscription
           Entertainment will launch their        TV every week in 2017, for           phones and tablets.                     on-demand services like Netflix
           digital subscription service,          an average of three hours 23            “These changes in viewing            and Amazon Prime.”
           DC Universe, in the US on              minutes a day. However, this         behaviour      present     major           Ofcom said total broadcaster
           September 15. The service will         figure was down nine minutes         challenges to broadcasters.             revenue was down by 4%
           offer new original live-action         a day compared to the previous       Television advertising revenues         in 2017 to £13.6 billion (€15
           and animated series, older TV          year, with the steepest fall         fell by 7% in real terms in 2017,       billion), driven by a decline in ad
           series and films and a curated         among children and young             and while this may be largely           revenue and the proportion of
           selection of digital comic books.      adults. Children’s viewing fell      due to macro-economic factors,          the licence fee attributed to TV.

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p04,06,08 DTVE News Digest AugSep18v4am.indd 6                                                                                                                 04/09/2018 20:06
Accenture: a four-point plan for media - Gavin Mann on how established players will survive and prosper - Digital TV Europe
Q&A: Gernot Jaeger, Zattoo
        Gernot Jaeger, Chief Officer, B2B TV solutions at Zattoo, talks about Zattoo’s first US customer, Hotwire Communications.

        Zattoo has now entered the US market with the Florida-based operator           multiscreen service. In the initial phase, focus will be on mobile devices
        Hotwire Communications. What were Hotwire’s specific requirements?             with iOS, Android and Windows 10 operating systems, as well as on a
        We have been providing fully hosted & managed end-to-end TV solutions to       browser player for PC & Mac.
        telcos, cable operators and mobile network operators in Europe with great        The service will then be extended to include streaming devices like
        success. Our platform covers the entire TV service from ingest all the way     Android TV, Amazon Fire TV and Apple TV. Along with linear Live TV and
        to the applications including content protection for efficient monetization.   Video on Demand in SD, HD and UHD quality, the service offers state-of-
        With our scalable hosted platform - the Zattoo “TV Hub” - the operator does    the-art interactive functionality such as instant restart, time shift, replay
        not have to invest in hardware or software for its own TV service.             TV, network DVR.
           As one of the US leading fiber optics telecommunications providers,
        Hotwire Communications offers ISP services under their Fision brand to a       What other benefits does Hotwire get from using Zattoo’s platform?
        large and growing number of communities and customers along the US             Hotwire Communications already serves hundreds of communities and
        East Coast. Hotwire Communications was looking for a partner who gives         successfully follows an impressive growth strategy. As our platform is
        them freedom and flexibility to support the specific requirements arising      flexible for further growth, the growing number of communities can
        from their business model of serving a large number and wide variety of        benefit from the state of the art Video services in the future. In order to
        different communities.                                                         facilitate further growth from the central TV hub, caching servers can be
           Among all the solutions they looked at, Zattoo stood out with the           implemented close to the end user for efficient content distribution.
        experience and scale serving millions of TV customers in Europe, as well as
        with the support of a wide range of devices. A key deciding factor was the     What are the next steps for Zattoo as it moves to expand globally?
        rich feature set that our TV-as-a-Service platform supports out of the box.    The first deployment in the US with Hotwire Communications proves that
           For the market entry in the US, we have deployed a central “TV Hub”         Zattoo’s TV-as-a-Service platform can be easily ported to other regions by
        in the US. It is hosted in Hotwire Communications’ co-location facility in     using a regional TV hub. This approach will be replicated in other regions.
        Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The scalability of our proprietary technology and      Early this year we have opened a representative office in Singapore
        Hotwire Communications’ state-of-the-art video headend and datacenter          serving as a base for expansion into the Asia Pacific region. Opening
        facilities with excellent connectivity make the newly established TV Hub the   Singapore marks an important milestone in our strategy to serve
        ideal basis to serve additional operators in the Americas.                     network operators, OTT players and media companies around the globe
                                                                                       with our state-of-the-art, easy to deploy and cost-efficient TV-as-a-
        What did Zattoo provide for Hotwire and what makes this offering               Service model.
        For Hotwire Communications we have been developing a feature-rich              Visit Zattoo at IBC, Stand 14.G04

pXX Zattoo Q&A DTVE AugSep18.indd 1                                                                                                                           29/08/2018 17:05
Accenture: a four-point plan for media - Gavin Mann on how established players will survive and prosper - Digital TV Europe
News > digest                                                                                                                             Digital TV Europe
                                                                                                                                              August/September 2018

                                                                                                                                    time as part of a new deal with
          Sweden                                    Switzerland                            UK                                       Scottish broadcaster. The four-year
                                                                                                                                    partnership will also give Scottish
          IPTV> Kinnevik MTG shares                 IPTV> Swisscom on the up               PROG> BBC voice first                    Virgin TV customers access to fully
          Swedish conglomerate Kinnevik             Incumbent telco and IPTV operator      The BBC has launched its first voice     regionalised versions of STV in high
          has completed the distribution of         Swisscom grew its TV base by           experience for children, allowing        definition. Virgin Media will broad-
          its shares in media outfit Modern         3.7% year-on-year after adding         kids to play along with their favour-    cast STV in HD in all cabled STV re-
          Times Group to its shareholders,          54,000 TV connections in the first     ite characters via Amazon Echo           gions – Glasgow, Edinburgh and
          signalling its exit from ownership of     six months of the year, reaching       smart speakers. The BBC Kids Skill       Dundee – on channel slot 103 of the
          the media company. Kinnevik has           a record 1.5 million TV customers      has launched with three games fea-       electronic programme guide.
          distributed a total of 13,503,856         at the end of June. The Swiss          turing CBeebies characters – Little
          MTG Class B shares to its sharehold-      multi-play operator said that TV and   Monster’s Hide and Seek, Andy’s          OTT> BrewDog taps SVOD
          ers. This total includes 4,461,691        broadband connections continue         Adventure Dance Party and Go             Scottish craft brewery BrewDog, has
          MTG Class B shares that have been         to grow, with strong demand for        Jetter’s Glitchy Facts. Children and     launched The BrewDog Network, a
          recently reclassified from MTG Class      inOne bundled offerings continuing     adults can access the content by         curated SVOD service celebrating
          A shares. Kinnevik took the decision      in the second quarter. In the first    asking their smart speaker to “open      beer. The service will be available
          to distribute its shares in MTG earlier   half of the year roughly 550,000       CBeebies” and then selecting which       worldwide for US$4.99 (€4.30) per
          this year after the merger deal           customers opted for inOne, pushing     game they want to play.                  month, kicking off with 100 hours
          between mobile telecoms player            the total subscriber base for the                                               worth of content. The service is set
          Tele2 and cable operator Com Hem,         offering to 1.89 million customers     CAB> STV Player on Virgin                to launch 14 original series includ-
          when Kinnevik agreed to put into          at the end of June – meaning that      Virgin Media will launch Scottish        ing The BrewDog Show, Are You
          effect pro-competitive measures, if       inOne covers 43% of all mobile         commercial broadcaster STV’s             Smarter Than a Drunk Person, and
          required, to ensure approval of the       subscriptions and 48% of fixed-line    on-demand service, STV Player,           a game show hosted by actress and
          deal.                                     broadband connections.                 on its set-top boxes for the first       comedian Alison Becker.

           RTL continues VOD and drama focus, rules out Endemol deal
           By Andy McDonald and                                                               “We will further increase             a year earlier.
           Kaltrina Bylykbashi >                                                           investments in our video-                   For the first half of the year,
                                                                                           on-demand services, with a               group revenue was up 2.3%
           RTL announced strong Q2 and                                                     clear focus on local, exclusive          to a record €3.05 billion while
           H1 results as it focuses on its                                                 content, and gradually adopt             reported EBITDA was up by
           two main growth initiatives                                                     a hybrid model – combining               1.9% to €638 million.
           – building mass-audience                                                        a free, advertising-financed                RTL announced in June that
           VOD services and expanding                                                      service with a premium pay               it would significantly expand
           FremantleMedia’s         drama                                                  product,” said Habets.                   TV Now by offering additional
           output.                                                                            “First examples of our                local and exclusive content.
              Speaking after the company’s                                                 building strong local streaming          It said that paid subscriber
           quarterly results, CEO Bert              earnings announcement that             champions are the upcoming               numbers grew 43.5% year-on-
           Habets revealed to Reuters               FremantleMedia is seeking              massive expansion of TV Now              year at the end of Q2.
           that RTL has dropped out of              funding for “at least 35 scripted      in Germany and Videoland in                 In April RTL Nederland also
           the race to purchase Endemol             series ideas” and estimated            the Netherlands.”                        unveiled plans to merge its ad-
           Shine, commenting that “we               that     international    drama           For the second quarter, RTL           funded platform RTL XL and
           stepped out of the process.”             productions will generate more         Group’s revenue was up by                its subscription VOD service,
              “At Fremantle, we focus on            than 20% of FremantleMedia’s           3.6% year-on-year to €1.63               Videoland, into a single platform.
           expanding our scripted output            total revenue in 2019.                 billion, mainly driven by digital           Endemol Shine owners
           – and we are very successful                The German broadcaster              and FremantleMedia.                      Apollo Global and Twenty-
           in doing so,” he said. “We               continued       its     business          Reported EBITDA was                   First Century Fox put the Big
           aim to grow the business                 development and ‘Total Video’          up 4.7% to €379 million,                 Brother creator up for sale in
           going forward in the scripted            strategy in the first half of the      driven by RTL Nederland                  July for €2.5-4 billion. Press
           and unscripted domain by                 year. In a rapidly changing            and Groupe M6. Meanwhile,                reports from earlier this year
           small-and        medium-sized            video industry, it said growth         net profit attributable to RTL           suggested other interested
           acquisitions.”                           is mainly coming from non-             Group shareholders was €207              parties could include ITV,
              Habets stated in RTL’s                linear or streaming services.          million, up from €183 million            Liberty Global and Vivendi.

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p04,06,08 DTVE News Digest AugSep18v4am.indd 8                                                                                                                       04/09/2018 20:06
pXX Spacecom DYVE AugSep18.indd 1   29/08/2018 10:47
Q&A: Kris Warreyn, Alpha Networks
        Alpha Networks’ CEO Kris Warreyn talks about the Hubee acquisition, the smart TV market and the key challenges faced by service

        Why did Alpha Networks acquire Hubee earlier this year?                       What are the key challenges service providers face and how is this
        The acquisition of Hubee complements our value proposition and                shaping their technology choices?
        helps us to better address the new needs and challenges of network            One of their main challenges is probably how to cope with the OTT
        operators and media companies worldwide. Hubee components will                platforms such as Netflix and Amazon. They can either chose to
        be integrated within our portfolio of products to be showcased during         compete with them, or aggregate that content within their overall
        IBC. This acquisition is also strengthening our video expertise and is        offering. In the first instance, they will focus on specific content and
        complementing our monetisation solutions by adding the advertisement          user experience to differentiate themselves. In the second instance,
        driven component to our portfolio. Last but not least, this acquisition is    they will be able to aggregate the different content sources and
        increasing and diversifying our customer base.                                become the main hub for the viewers to access any content. The latter
                                                                                      can also be an advantage for the different OTT platform providers as it
        How far does this acquisition signal a change in strategy for Alpha           increases their potential subscriber base.
        Networks, and what market need does this reflect?                                If service providers choose to compete with OTT platforms, they will
        The acquisition accelerates our strategy and allows us to offer an            need technology partners with a strong UX expertise, flexible enough
        integrated TV platform, combining the strengths of Alpha Networks’            to anticipate new watching behaviours and capable of delivering new
        back-end tucano with the user experience skills and solutions of Hubee.       features fast.
        This new smart TV platform is broadening our addressable market to               If service providers choose to aggregate content from OTT platforms,
        broadcasters, channels and other content owners. Being an end-to-end          they will need a TV platform that is network and device agnostic, able
        platform, it is the perfect solution for operators who want to launch a       to integrate any type of content source or metadata, and display
        cost-effective and reliable video service fast.                               different content in a unified way.

        How significant is the opportunity in the smart TV market and what is         What other plans and priorities do you have for the near future?
        driving growth?                                                               We will integrate Hubee team and products into Alpha Networks so that
        In the pay TV and OTT market, traditional TV remains the dominant             we can deliver a unique value proposition to each of our customers.
        screen to access content, even though user engagement is increasingly         These solutions will integrate our core competences: combining content
        realised through other devices. The approach of service providers is          data and viewer behaviour information in a convergent platform,
        now becoming more comprehensive and oriented to market standards              allowing our customers to offer a personalised user experience to their
        such as Android TV. This change is accelerating the improvement of            different subscribers. And we will keep our focus on what gives us added
        user interfaces and user experience on these devices, and we see more         value: our innovative product roadmap, the quality of our services and
        and more viewers switching to connected TVs as they become more               our short time to market strategy.
        popular in the home. Operators can benefit of this trend as it lowers their
        expenditure.                                                                  Come and meet Alpha Networks at IBC on stand H5.B31

pXX Alpha Networks Q&A AugSep18.indd 1                                                                                                                  24/08/2018 17:25
pXX Alpha Networks DTVE AugSep18.indd 1   29/08/2018 10:46
Technology focus > AI                                                                                                            Digital TV Europe
                                                                                                                                     August/September 2018

          Broadcasting in the age of AI
          Artificial intelligence is already having a profound effect on the media and TV space,
          but what applications hold most promise and what challenges need to be overcome?
          Andy McDonald reports.

          Artificial               intelligence (AI) and
                                   machine       learning
          (ML) will have a profound impact on businesses
                                                              We talked to some of the leading technology
                                                            providers in this space and look at how AI and
                                                            ML is being deployed and look at the limitations
                                                                                                                across use cases like content creation, closed
                                                                                                                captioning, advanced metadata, and cognitive
                                                                                                                highlight clipping. As AI and machine-learning
          and working practices n the coming years, with    that must be overcome for the technology to         models continue to be refined, we’ll see more
          the TV and broadcasting space no exception.       continue to evolve.                                 companies turn to AI as a foundational
             The technology is already being used to                                                            technology for their daily operations.”
          analyse and understand video content in an                                                               IBM Watson Media’s core offering is Video
          automated and efficient way. While this can       Data crunching                                      Enrichment, which automatically identifies
          help speed up processes like searching for                                                            complex content within a video to generate
          content, putting together video clips, and        IBM has a series of products and services that      new, advanced metadata. This makes it easier
          distributing it to the right places, how far      are designed to understand and learn what is        for content owners to search their video
          this will encroach into the creative process of   contained inside a video. IBM Watson Media          libraries, deciding which content to match with
          making programming and content is still to be     brings IBM’s artificial intelligence offering to    advertisers, and reduces the time it takes to
          seen.                                             the media and entertainment industry and is         create highlights clips. The company recently
             AI can also help operators and broadcasters    designed to support content owners across the       partnered with Fox Sports to provide an AI-
          to gain a deeper understanding of their           content lifecycle.                                  powered highlight experience for the 2018
          audiences, which can bring a range of benefits       “Artificial intelligence is a game changer for   World Cup and earlier this year created an
          – from personalised recommendations               the broadcasting industry,” says David Kulczar,     interactive, AI-powered viewer experience for
          and targeted offers to emotional response         senior offering manager, IBM Watson Media.          the 2018 Grammy awards.
          measurement.                                      “In a few short years, we’ve seen innovation           IBM also recently launched Watson

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p12-14,16 AI DTVE AugSep18v3am.indd 12                                                                                                                     04/09/2018 18:13
Digital TV Europe                                                                                                        Technology focus > AI
          August/September 2018

          Captioning, a service that automatically           to sit through a few minutes of television         Paul Shen, who refers to the shift as ‘media 4.0’
          captions live video programming like weather       advertisements before the programme finally        – analogous with AI-led ‘industry 4.0’.
          reports and breaking news, as well as on-          starts because it started later than scheduled.”      TVU’s MediaMind suite of solutions delivers
          demand content. This can be trained with              Piksel’s vice-president of engineering Gerald   its media 4.0 vision, and includes AI engines
          location-specific data sets to make sure local     Chao believes that there are unexplored search     that recognise video content and automates its
          language nuances like landmarks, sports            and discovery experiences that deep metadata       creation and distribution to specific platforms
          teams and politicians are accurately captioned.    can enable, “such as via facial recognition,       and devices – like smartphones, TVs and social
             “IBM Watson Media’s biggest priority is         emotional context, and plot analysis, to           media. In this process, TVU indexes video
          enabling our customers to stay competitive         enhance how media would be discovered and          using metadata generated by MediaMind’s AI
          in an increasingly crowded and fragmented          consumed in the future”.                           engine, while TVU Producer creates content
          media landscape,” says Kulczar. “We provide           The company currently provides tech             for different platforms or audience groups.
          our partners with the tools they need to           solutions to big-name companies like Liberty          “Media 4.0 is about enabling the mass
          increase workflow efficiencies and enhance         Global, Sky, OSN and Channel 4, and its            production of content for individual audiences
          the viewer experience, all of which impact the     AI and ML tools help editors to do their jobs      through the automation of video production
          bottom line.”                                      more efficiently – for example by identifying      and distribution. This helps media companies
             UK-based Media Distillery uses AI to            duplicate records, erroneous data or metadata      looking to produce more content without
          analyse video for what it terms ‘deep content      inconsistencies. Its AI can also extract deep      increasing their expenditures,” says Shen.
          understanding’. Its technology is used by TV       metadata from assets that would traditionally      He claims that TVU Mediamind “creates a
          operators such as Telenet in Belgium and           require manual review and data entry.              new story-centric workflow, as opposed to
          helps them to optimise the user experience in         Chao believes there is “plenty of headroom”     a programme-centric one” and “opens the
          their replay environments. They can use Media      for AI and ML to be used to improve operational    floodgates for how programs are produced and
          Distillery to find out what is in their video      efficiencies – like business intelligence,         distributed”.
          content, who is on screen and when, what a         forecasting and cost modelling – and sees             Over in Tel Aviv, a company called Minute
          programme is about, or when a programme            the opportunity for ML to optimise decision        has developed a video optimisation technology
          started and ended.                                 planning.                                          that automatically generates highlights from
             “Our technology identifies a number of                                                             full-length videos. The company’s ‘smart video
          visual and audial aspects from video, such                                                            previews’ product generates what company
          as speech, faces and objects. By combining         Content creation and                               CEO Amit Golan describes as “the most
          these aspects, our technology even identifies
                                                             distribution                                       effective five to seven-second teasers of the
          the topic of the content,” says Media Distillery                                                      most interesting portion of a video,” which
          CEO, Roland Sars. “TV operators currently          Using AI to understand content is a powerful       replaces the traditionally static thumbnail that
          use our technology to solve the most pressing      use of the technology, but machine learning        usually acts as a placeholder for a video.
          consumer frustrations in relation to watching      also has the power to create and then distribute      “These highlights lead to increased click-
          television programs in a replay environment.       video to the end-viewer. “Currently, the video     through rates by an average of 300% and help
          These frustrations include missing out on          industry is experiencing its own sea change in
          the first couple of minutes of a programme         the way video content is produced, distributed     Media Distillery’s technology is used by
          because they were not recorded or having           and consumed,” says TVU Networks CEO               operators like Telenet in Belguim.

          Visit us at

p12-14,16 AI DTVE AugSep18v3am.indd 13                                                                                                                       04/09/2018 18:13
Technology focus > AI                                                                                                                  Digital TV Europe
                                                                                                                                           August/September 2018

          to drive consumer engagement for publishers,         Make.TV is also trying to help broadcasters and      applications.
          which leads to additional advertising dollars,”      production teams identify the right feeds for           “We predict AI will have a huge impact on
          claims Golan. He adds that during the World          their segments.                                      many various parts of the broadcast chain,
          Cup this summer the technology was used by              Make.TV CEO Andreas Jacobi says that              including: natural language processing for
          a partner to generate teasers and highlights in      in the near future he expects workflows to be        voice and speech; content understanding on
          real time and resulted in “an increase of 13% of     able to integrate face and object recognition,       audio, video and subtitle processing; advertising
          new users to the live stream”.                       enabling operators to automatically trigger          placement; discovery and recommendations;
              Wibbitz is an AI-powered video creation          graphics or switch between content – for             and personalisation,” says ThinkAnalyics
          platform that uses patented technology to            example to follow a specific cyclist or car in a     founder and CTO, Peter Docherty.
          analyse and summarise text-based information         race, or automatically transfer segments to a           “The key priorities are expanding the
          into video storyboards. The company’s tech           different server.                                    product portfolio with further enhancements
          selects relevant media, including videos,               In the longer-term, once AI and machine           to our viewer analytics and audience insight
          images, GIFs and soundtracks from its                learning algorithms are properly trained,            solutions. These are two areas that complement
          licensed media library to match the main idea        he says: “We imagine whole live streams              our strong content discovery heritage and help
          of the text, adding text styles, transitions, and    being automatically generated based on pre-          customers to become more agile and better
          branded elements to each scene of the video.         configured rules – the operator becomes the          drive their business forward.”
              “Once our technology takes care of the heavy     teacher, the AI/ML algorithm becomes the new            Payments expert Paywizard recently
          lifting in the video creation process, our users     operator.” Like Dayan he believes that AI will       launched an artificial intelligence-driven
          are able to add their own creative touch and get     still need the guidance of a trained team to be      subscriber intelligence platform. Paywizard
          their video out into the world in just a couple      able to work efficiently.                            Singula is designed to let pay TV operators
          of minutes,” says Wibbitz CEO Zohar Dayan.                                                                and OTT providers take a more data-driven
          Although AI often carries the negative stigma                                                             approach to customer engagement by using
          that it could one day replace humans altogether,     Know your audience                                   subscriber insights and AI to reduce churn,
          Dayan believes that the technology will be a                                                              grow average revenue per user and acquire
          complement rather than a replacement to              For the viewer, recommendations are                  new customers.
          content creators and storytellers.                   a prominent example of AI in action.                    “The notion is that you can harness data
              Founded in 2011 with offices in NYC, Tel Aviv,   Underpinning this are broader efforts to             to predict how likely a subscriber is to churn
          and Paris, the company supports video creation       understand viewer sentiment – something that         or how great their propensity to purchase a
          for more than 400 publishers and brands,             a host of companies are helping operators and        package is, but what makes Paywizard Singula
          helping them to increase audience engagement         content providers with.                              so unique and powerful is that it allows
                                                                                                                    operators to accurately identify the best action
                                                                                                                    to take next in real time – in other words,
                   “As AI and ML models continue to be                                                              determine what activity or interaction will work
                                                                                                                    to keep that customer happy, on-board and
            refined, we’ll see more companies turn to AI                                                            positive about their experience,” says Paywizard
             as a foundational technology for their daily                                                           CEO, Bhavesh Vaghela. “This action could be
                                                                                                                    to offer a timely promotion, an informative
                                           operations.”                                                             communication, or even the decision to do
                                                      David Kulczar, IBM Watson Media                               nothing, depending on the recommendations
                                                                                                                    provided within the Paywizard Singula
          and ad revenues across desktop, mobile, and             ThinkAnalytics has a background in                platform.”
          social media. Its partners include Reuters,          personalised recommendations and uses AI                The Paywizard Singula launch comes
          Forbes, Bloomberg, and The Weather Channel.          and machine learning to power services like          shortly after the company partnered with the
             “By partnering with Wibbitz, The Weather          this and natural language voice discovery.           EPCC data science unit at the University of
          Channel has been able to pair their hyper-           AI is at the heart of ThinkAnalytics’ big data       Edinburgh to develop advanced predictive
          localisation capabilities with our video creation    analytics platform for the TV space, which lets      models of consumer behaviour and automated
          technology, and redefine this experience on a        its clients analyse data in real time to help them   processes, a move that will help develop
          digital screen through digital media network         boost engagement or drive decisions about            Paywizard’s AI-driven capabilities. The initial
          LocalNow,” says Dayan.                               content buying, pricing, and promotions.             project will see a team of data scientists working
             Elsewhere, Make.TV is integrating AI into            ThinkAnalytics’ customer base includes            alongside Paywizard’s internal business
          its Live Video Cloud solution, which it will         the BBC, Liberty Global, Proximus, Cox,              intelligence team to deliver the new enhanced
          debut at IBC this year. The offering is designed     Rogers, Sky, and Swisscom. Earlier this year         functionalities, with Paywizard looking to
          to let broadcasters and publishers acquire,          it also partnered with Indian pay TV and             expand its internal team with University of
          curate, route and distribute local live video        OTT provider Tata Sky to power personalised          Edinburgh graduates.
          sources from and to any destination. However,        content recommendations across connected                With a focus purely on sentiment, New York-
          acquiring content is only the first step and         devices – initially on Tata Sky’s mobile and PC      based Canvs claims to be the industry standard

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p12-14,16 AI DTVE AugSep18v3am.indd 14                                                                                                                            04/09/2018 18:13
Q&A: Andy Shenkler, Deluxe
        Andy Shenkler, Chief Product Officer at Deluxe, talks about the challenges faced by media companies in managing the content supply
        chain and the benefits of using a cloud-based platform.

        What are the main challenges faced by media companies in managing                 more of our customers and partners continue to migrate their operations
        the content supply chain?                                                         to the cloud, we’re seeing a rapid increase in efficiency and reliability.
        The biggest challenge is standardised information: with the growing
        number of content creators, there is less consistency with how content,           What is the target market for this technology and what are its key
        and its related data, is represented or shared between entities. Even             differentiators?
        something as simple as a basic title hierarchy to describe a piece of content     Our goal was to create a platform that creators and distributors of all sizes
        can change materially between organisations. It can be challenging to             could use. It’s flexible and modular so that a customer can use one piece of
        have to support so many different “standards”. The goal is to create an           it and leave the rest, or take advantage of the full end-to-end ecosystem.
        orthogonal dataset (a structure that will allow everyone to describe their        But, the real power lies in the fact that every aspect of the platform is
        data in their own way) that will also allow for frictionless distribution and a   integrated, so the more aspects you leverage the easier it gets to use.
        consistent user experience across platforms.                                         There are a lot of companies leveraging the cloud, but Deluxe One is
          Why is this so critical? Because when content is organised it can be            unique in that it’s built on the back of the largest content supply chain in
        automated, ultimately leading to a faster time to market and the ability to       the world. Deluxe is the only provider with a true end-to-end capability
        monetise content in new ways, which becomes even more important as                from lens to living room, and now we’ve made that capability more
        broadcasters compete for audiences everywhere at an increasing speed.             accessible and scalable than ever before.
                                                                                             In contrast to a traditional MAM or DAM system, Deluxe One enables an
        What is Deluxe One and how can it aid content companies to meet their
                                                                                          entire ecosystem from creation to consumption. Leveraging deep system
                                                                                          logic on the backend, Deluxe One creates clean set of assets upstream with
        Deluxe One is a cloud-based platform that brings together our Hollywood-
                                                                                          robust metadata speeding up the creation of downstream deliverables by
        tested, end-to-end products and services - from content acquisition and
                                                                                          reducing redundancy and wasted resources.
        title and asset management, to localisation, distribution, and through to
        consumer experiences of OTT / linear playout.
                                                                                          What use case can you highlight to illustrate Deluxe One’s benefits?
            Deluxe One organises your content and connects it, unifying a
                                                                                          We’ve found that one of the most exciting things about Deluxe One is its
        traditionally fragmented content supply chain. A window into your
                                                                                          ability to allow for easy global expansion into new markets. When moving
        content, Deluxe One provides interconnectivity and transparency to
                                                                                          into a new territory with legal requirements, Deluxe One can take on the
        manage assets, process orders, orchestrate workflows, and connect to an
                                                                                          burden of distribution agreements and eliminate the need for a large
        ecosystem of content creators, distributors, and vendors.
                                                                                          operations team to sort through the various requirements.
        What are the main benefits of using a cloud-based platform in delivering             After syncing with their library, OTTs find that Deluxe One can manage
        a unified supply chain?                                                           all their assets and provide distribution services directly in-app, simplifying
        As new technologies continue to emerge, and with the pace of consumer             localization, packaging and delivery while providing title tracking to
        demand not slowing, the cloud allows us to constantly upgrade our tech            coordinate release windows across different markets and devices to
        and also scale up and down as capacity needs change. By shifting away             maximise monetisation.
        from on-premise infrastructure, we’re able to invest in the future of the            For MVPDs, Deluxe One can help reduce the time and costs associated
        industry versus just meeting today’s current demands.                             with content management. MVPDs work with hundreds of different
           The cloud not only helps decrease time to market, but also allows us           content owners and providers, seemingly countless files, and processing
        to offer our customers flexible and more predictable cost models. We’re           those files individually can be an expensive process. Deluxe One can ingest
        no longer held captive to long lead times of infrastructure acquisition or        assets from all your content providers and provide a view into everything
        capacity constraints. We’re able to rapidly scale up infrastructure in order to   at once through our title library, with automated processing, and provide
        support our clients’ peaks, as well as increase capacity for managing new         visibility into where everything is at any given time.
        and emerging large format files like UHD and 4K. What once took days or
        weeks to procure can now emerge in a matter of minutes. As more and               Come and visit Deluxe at IBC on stand H7.C49

pXX Deluxe Q&A AugSep18.indd 1                                                                                                                                     29/08/2018 10:16
You can also read