EKHAYA - ISSUE 7 Research . Rethink . Relearn - Times Higher Education

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EKHAYA - ISSUE 7 Research . Rethink . Relearn - Times Higher Education

  Research . Rethink . Relearn

EKHAYA - ISSUE 7 Research . Rethink . Relearn - Times Higher Education

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                                              OUR COVER
                                              Rodwin Malinga, 21, and Erik Prinz, 22, are fourth-year students at
    Homegrown research crosses borders        Wits completing Bachelor of Arts in Digital Art degrees, majoring in
                                              Game Design. Malinga and Prinz created this cover of Curios.ty, the
5   Featured researchers                      Ekhaya issue, using Minecraft, a "sandbox" game. This refers to a
                                              video game system with defined rules that the players can interact
6   Places we once called home                with but with which they have complete freedom. There are no goals
                                              that are necessary to progress in the game and players are free
8   Homes of the future                       to create, modify or destroy their environment. Malinga describes
                                              himself as an artist proficient in a plethora of different media forms
12 An eye on assistive tech at home           – “I enjoy creating art out of anything and everything I can find ...
                                              games such as Minecraft are an excellent way of letting players get
14 Home in the Arts                           involved in the creation of art,” he says. Prinz is passionate about
                                              playing and making games and creating memorable work. He says,
16 Owner or Roamer?                           “I’ve always created games and narrative experiences for my friends
17 Feel at home at the office                 ... I’d construct some of these experiences with Minecraft. Thus I
                                              have quite a bit of experience with the game.”
18 This land is my land
22 Address: Unknown
26 Home truths and storied streets
28 Coming home to South Africa
30 At home in your skin
32 How African homes impact health
                                                      RODWIN MALINGA               ERIK PRINZ

EKHAYA - ISSUE 7 Research . Rethink . Relearn - Times Higher Education
   	Kirsten Doermann
     decolonises houses
36 Backyard not backward
38 Kalahari communes

40 Q&A
42 Home is where the heart is
44	Migrant moms keep the
    home fires burning
45	You and Big Brother,
    @Home online

   The mouth of a shark

   	Pushing privacy buttons

   The first homes at Wits      12


EKHAYA - ISSUE 7 Research . Rethink . Relearn - Times Higher Education

                                                      CROSSES BORDERS
    For some people, Ekhaya (home) may evoke feelings of belonging and security,
    representing a physical space inhabited by people with whom they identify. To
    others, the word may induce quite the opposite reaction – Ekhaya may be a
    physical or psychological space that people reject. Issue 7 of Curios.ty, themed
    Ekhaya, features research across Wits that explores the concept of home.

        grew up in Katlehong in the East Rand. My home for my                is my intellectual home, but the confines of time and space
        formative years, I will always identify it as a place where          matter less as I engage remotely with peers across borders in
        I belong. At the same time, I still have vivid memories of           real time.
        violence that my hometown was subjected to in the ‘80s                  Issue 7 of Curios.ty includes stories about homes of the
    and early ‘90s and the memorials of those buried in the fight            future, assistive tech in the home, what our prehistoric homes
    for freedom. Sadly, although there has been some progress in             can teach us, and even what we can learn from birds who build
    uplifting this community, not much has changed in my home,               multigenerational treehouse nests. Discover how housing
    25 years after democracy.                                                quality has changed in sub-Saharan Africa, and how housing
       As South Africans went to the polls this month, some                  is being decolonised in Yeoville with the transformation of
    politicians continue to use divisive issues relating to land and         Edwardian-era bungalows into African urban compounds.
    migration to score political points. This issue of Curios.ty             Explore how we share spaces via backyarding and with the
    features research-based stories on land ownership and                    homeless, and have your questions on ecobricks answered.
    reclamation, migration, and xenophobia, amongst others.                  How is Ekhaya represented in the arts and how does it feel to
    As an internal migrant from south-eastern to northern                    not feel at home in your own skin?
    Johannesburg, I relate to the story on internal migration.                  Ekhaya is as subjective as it is tangible. I invite you to
       At the same time, I must admit that I feel just as at home            journey with us through this issue. Share your views via
    in a physics laboratory at Wits – as I do in Russia, the US, or          wits.news@wits.ac.za.
    at CERN in Geneva where I undertake my research. While the
    concept of home may ground me physically to a particular                 Professor Zeblon Vilakazi
    space and time, the advent of the Fourth Industrial Revolution           Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Research and
    is changing the world as we know it. The world of physics                Postgraduate Affairs

Curios.ty is a print and digital magazine that     Shirona Patel                                        Buhle Zuma
aims to make the research at Wits University       Head: Communications                                 Senior Communications Officer
accessible to multiple publics. It tells the
stories of pioneering research at Wits through     Dr Robin Drennan                                     LAYOUT AND DESIGN
                                                   Director: Research Development                       Nadette Voogd
the voices of talented researchers, academics,
and students. First published in 2017,             Reshma Lakha-Singh                                   COVER
Curios.ty is published three times per year.       Public Relations and Events Manager and Curios.ty    Design by Rodwin Malinga and Erik Printz, Wits fourth-
                                                   Project Manager                                      year Digital Arts students majoring in Game Design.
Each issue is thematic and explores research
across faculties and disciplines at the            Refilwe Mabula                                       PRODUCED BY
University that relate to that theme. This issue   Communications Officer                               Wits Communications and the Wits Research Office
is themed Ekhaya (home). The word ‘home’           Deborah Minors                                       Fifth Floor, Solomon Mahlangu House, Jorissen
evokes responses spanning the physical             Senior Communications Officer and Curios.ty          Street, Braamfontein Campus East
space you inhabit, where you feel you belong,      Sub-Editor
where you’re from and what you identify                                                                 TEL:               +27(0)11 7171025
                                                   Schalk Mouton                                        EMAIL:             curiosity@wits.ac.za
with, including the physical/psychological         Senior Communications Officer and Curios.ty Editor   WEB:               www.wits.ac.za/curiosity
space you may return to – or reject. This issue
features research-based stories about the          Lauren Mulligan                                      All material in this publication is copyright and all rights
                                                   Multimedia Communications Officer and Curios.ty      are reserved. Reproduction of any part of the publication
places humans first called home, through to        Creative Director                                    is permitted only with the express written permission of
homes of the future, in the arts, in politics,                                                          the Head of Communications of the University of the
property, and being at home in one’s own           Erna Van Wyk                                         Witwatersrand, Johannesburg. The views expressed in this
                                                   Senior Multimedia Communications Officer and         publication are not necessarily the views of the University
skin, or homeless. ‘Home’ is as subjective as it   Curios.ty Digital Director                           or its management or governance structures. ©2018
is tangible and Ekhaya explores it all.

EKHAYA - ISSUE 7 Research . Rethink . Relearn - Times Higher Education

                                                                                                  A number of Wits experts are
                                                                                                  featured in this edition of Curios.ty.
                                                                                                  View the profiles of all the researchers
                                                                                                  and contributors at:

KOLA AKINSOMI                               rapidly diversifying and expanding
                                            communities. Through examinations
Dr Kola Akinsomi is an Associate            starting in South Africa and extending
Professor in the School of Construction     across Africa and elsewhere, it will
Economics and Management
                                            identify and explain emerging forms of
at Wits. He holds a PhD in Real
                                            political subjectivity, political authority,
Estate Finance from the National
                                            and governance regimes in spaces
University of Singapore. His research
                                            characterised by continued mobility.
interests include real estate portfolio
management, real estate capital
markets, real estate investment trusts,     DUDUZILE NDLOVU
and emerging real estate markets and        Dr Duduzile Ndlovu is a postdoctoral           KOLA AKINSOMI             GERALD CHUNGU

housing economics. He is the recipient      research fellow in the African Centre
of the Young Researcher Rating Award        for Migration and Society. She is
by the National Research Foundation         interested in how people make
of South Africa, awarded to researchers     meaning of precarity – such as
under 40 based on their research            migrants’ making their lives under
impact and potential.                       constant threat of xenophobic violence
                                            in Johannesburg. Her PhD focused
GERALD CHUNGU                               on Zimbabwean migrants’ use of art
                                            to navigate precarious lives, speak
Dr Gerald Chungu is an architect and
                                            about and memorialise past state-
urban designer lecturing in the School                                                     BARRY DWOLATZKY           LOREN LANDAU

of Architecture and Planning at Wits        perpetrated violence in Zimbabwe
University. He holds a PhD in Urbanism      and xenophobia in South Africa. She
from the University of Venice in Italy, a   is exploring art-based research as a
Master’s in Engineering (Urban Design)      strategy to access indigenous ways of
from Tongji University in Shanghai,         knowing and developing indigenous
China and a Bachelor of Architecture        research methodologies.
degree from Copperbelt University
in Zambia. In addition to academia,         FREDEROS OKUMU
his experience includes practicing          Dr Fredros Okumu is an Associate
architecture in Zambia and China. He is     Professor in the Wits School of Public
currently involved in teaching Advanced     Health and Director of Science at the
Architectural Design and Sustainable        Ifakara Health Institute in Tanzania.
and Energy Efficient Cities courses.        He holds a PhD in Infectious Tropical          DUDUZILE NDLOVU           FREDEROS OKUMU

                                            Diseases from the London School
BARRY DWOLATZKY                             of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine,
Barry Dwolatzky is an Emeritus              a Master’s in Applied Parasitology
Professor in the Wits School of             (University of Nairobi, Kenya) and a
Electrical and Information Engineering      Master’s in Geo-information Science,
and Director of the Joburg Centre for       Earth Observation and Environmental
Software Engineering (JCSE), which he       Modelling (Lund University, Sweden).
established in May 2005. He founded         He is currently pursuing a Master’s of
the Tshimologong Digital Innovation         Business Administration in International
Precinct, a Wits University tech hub in     Health Management at the Swiss
Braamfontein, which was launched in         Tropical and Public Health Institute.
                                                                                           MARGOT RUBIN              JO VEAREY
2016. His research interests include
software engineering and digital            MARGOT RUBIN
transformation within the context of
                                            Dr Margot Rubin is a Senior Researcher
the 4th Industrial Revolution. In 2013,
he was named IT Personality of the
                                            in the African Research Chair in               JO VEAREY
                                            Spatial Analysis and City Planning             Jo Vearey is an Associate Professor and
Year by the Institute of IT Professionals
                                            at Wits. Her research since 2002               Director of the African Centre for Migration
of South Africa.
                                            has focused on policy, housing and             & Society at Wits. Driven by a social
                                            urban development issues. Her                  justice agenda, her research supports the
LOREN LANDAU                                PhD in Urban Planning and Politics             development of improved responses to
Loren Landau is Professor and South         interrogated the role of the legal             migration and health. With an Investigator
African Research Chair on Mobility          system in urban governance. She is             Award from the Wellcome Trust, Vearey
and the Politics of Difference at           currently engaged in work around               initiated the Migration and Health Project
Wits and former director of the             mega housing projects and issues of            Southern Africa in 2016. She is involved in
African Centre for Migration and            gender and the city and has an interest        multiple international partnerships and is
Society. His current research explores      in inner city regeneration, inclusionary       Vice-Chair of the global Migration, Health,
comparative perspectives on how             housing policy and transit-oriented            and Development Research Initiative. She
mobility is reshaping the politics of       development.                                   holds a PhD in Public Health from Wits.

EKHAYA - ISSUE 7 Research . Rethink . Relearn - Times Higher Education
Archaeologists and anthropologists peer into
original homes of the past to see what made us
who we are today.

           here was a time when the laughter of Stone Age children       into what our earliest homes looked like. These glimpses give
           filled the Sibudu Cave. About 64 000 years ago, a child       archaeologists not only a better understanding of how our ancestors
           was part of a hunter-gatherer family that took temporary      lived, but also how we evolved into the species we are today.
           shelter in this cave, which lies close to the KwaZulu-Natal
town of KwaDukuza.                                                       NO FIXED ABODE
   When this child died, it didn’t leave its bones in the cave for       From the deep past, scientists are uncovering the stuff that
discovery by archaeologists of the future – the only thing left          makes us human – from forward planning, to the very beginnings
behind was a milk tooth. In modern times, the mythological ‘tooth        of art. One of these discoveries is that our ancestors were not
fairy’ whisks away children’s teeth, but we don’t know what the          homebodies. We were wanderers who kept our stays short.
rituals were back then.                                                     At Blombos Cave in the southern Cape, Wits Professor
   Wits archaeologist Professor Lyn Wadley is thankful that this         Christopher Henshilwood and his team have been sifting through
tooth – and those of other children – ended up on the cave floor,        the leftovers of these brief visits that go back over 100 000 years.
because they reveal just how much humans have changed since                 “We think that Blombos, at some stages, was occupied for just
we gave up our hunter-gatherer ways.                                     one night. We are seeing what looks like a ghost of a visit. You find
                                                                         a few shellfish, a tiny little fire and almost nothing else. And then
TEETH-BRICKS FOR TOOTH FAIRIES                                           there is nothing after that,” says Henshilwood.
“The interesting thing about the teeth is that we know this is a
home-base, because there were children there, and that is quite          THE WORLD’S FIRST HASHTAG
nice,” says Wadley. “But the [research] papers also suggest that         Some of the discoveries at Blombos have advanced our insight
the teeth were perhaps a little bit larger than the teeth of children    into early human cognitive development.
today. So maybe the people were a little more robust.” These             Last year, Henshilwood and his team revealed a silcrete (hardened
children perhaps had access to better diets than we have today.          mineral crust) flake to the world that had six crosshatched lines on
   “A lot of people have pointed out that moving to the diet that        it – much like a hashtag. A human, using an ochre crayon, 73 000
farming people had was not necessarily improving the health of           years ago, had drawn these lines.
people. There are higher carbohydrates compared to protein, and             It took two years of scientific testing to come to the conclusion
with it comes poorer tooth quality and poorer bone quality,” says        that this is the earliest example of a drawing, says Henshilwood.
Wadley. “Part of the reason why hunter-gatherers had a better diet          Even this long ago, at Blombos Cave and Klipdrift Shelter,
was not because of what they were eating, but the fact that groups       another of the sites excavated by Henshilwood’s team, you can
were smaller and this meant that people had better access to             see that people bring to the site what they need to carry out
quality plant foods.”                                                    a particular task. “These people are capable of planning, they
   Cave sites like Sibudu are providing scientists with a peek           have templates or recipes in their heads, for what they need

EKHAYA - ISSUE 7 Research . Rethink . Relearn - Times Higher Education
Klipdrift Cave and Klipdrift Shelter, located in the De Hoop Nature
                                                                       Reserve, southern Cape, South Africa, have elicited findings from
                                                                       roughly 65 000 years ago to 59 400 years ago, including a homi-
                                                                       nin molar, floral remains, and more than 95 pieces of eggshell
                                                                       engraved with diverse, abstract patterns.

                                                                      old people. So if you break down the demographics, you might
                                                                      only end up with 10 able-bodied male hunters,” says Wadley. “If
“One of these discoveries is                                          you want to manage a dangerous animal hunt, you are going to

that our ancestors were not                                           have to bring in the women too, even if they are just beaters.”
                                                                        What archaeologists are rarely seeing is evidence of other

homebodies. We were wanderers                                         homes away from the caves and rock shelters. These rudimentary
                                                                      shelters would have been where our ancestors slept for a couple

who kept our stays short”                                             of nights before moving on.

                                                                      HOME SECURITY
                                                                      Wits anthropologist Professor Robert Thornton says that three
in the cave,” says Henshilwood. “This is one of the markers of        basic needs would have driven early humans into utilising and
behavioural modernity.”                                               making shelters. “Our earliest habitats were primarily designed to
   When that artist made that drawing on that piece of silcrete, he   keep our food safe, secondarily to keep the goggas [insects] and
or she would have been one of only about 10 000 humans living         other stuff away, and finally for climate control. But before that, it
in the whole of Africa.                                               was important to keep your view open,” he says.
   There are other artefacts left at these temporary homes that          “People imagined that early man lived in caves, or they had to
point to our ancestors being highly intelligent problem-solvers.      have four walls around them, but that is one of the worst things
At Border Cave on the Swaziland border, Wadley and Dr Lucinda         you can do, because you cannot see the rest of your environment.
Backwell found traces of poison on a thin wooden stick that dates     You want to be in the open, you want to see 360 degrees,
back at least 20 000 years. The poison is thought to have been        particularly when there are big cats around.”
used on arrows.                                                          But it is in the caves where the treasures lie. It is here that the
                                                                      artefacts are best preserved, and where they accumulate in layers
HOMEMAKERS AND HUNTER-GATHERERS                                       of earth that sometimes stretch back hundreds of thousands of
Wadley believes that snares were also used by the people who          years.
periodically made Sibudu their home. But it is the presence of           At Blombos, Henshilwood hopes he might one day find the
buffalo bones in the cave that points to team work, which would       rest of that silcrete flake that would reveal more of that earliest
have probably included women.                                         drawing.
  “If you look at your typical hunter-gatherer group – let us say        But there are more artefacts to be found in places we once
there are 60 people – more than half of those are going to be         called home that will give us insight into a time when humans first
children who wouldn't take part in the hunt. Then you have some       began to act and think like we do. C

EKHAYA - ISSUE 7 Research . Rethink . Relearn - Times Higher Education
At home here in Africa, the population is exploding just as housing is
shrinking and tech is advancing. Our homes in the future may be
hyper-connected pods that transform our habitat, communities and
politics as well as the way we live.


EKHAYA - ISSUE 7 Research . Rethink . Relearn - Times Higher Education
               n trash collection day, a waste-picker parks her        MORE PEOPLE, SMALLER SPACES
               self-drive trolley and gathers recyclable garbage.      The Africa we will inhabit in future is going to be far different
               Inside the nearby house, electricity supplied by the    from today. This continent will experience a dramatic population
               micro grid fires up a dishwasher, while overhead a      explosion, expected to double by 2050. Of that, 60% of Africans
drone competes for airspace amongst the hadedas – Joburg’s             will call cities their home.
ubiquitous, vocal bird – as it scans the ‘hood for security threats.      Johannesburg by 2040, according to a report released by the
  This could be a typical higher income Joburg suburb in the           Johannesburg Roads Agency, is predicted to increase to between
future, when lumbering state service providers like Eskom have         six and eight million people – over double its size today.
bitten the dust and local power producers, waste collectors, and          This rapid urbanisation is likely to leave its mark on the homes
water suppliers have replaced them.                                    of our descendants. This will also be a world where large sections
  It is also a world where that phrase the ‘Internet of Things’        of the population, like today, will most likely be living in informal
has become a reality, thanks to lightning fast cyber connectivity      settlements.
embedded in physical devices, everyday appliances, and perhaps
even in human beings.
                                                                               The Utopian Village, designed in 2018 by first-year students in
  Professor Barry Dwolatzky of the Joburg Centre for Software              the School of Architecture and Planning at Wits, was inspired by a
Engineering at Wits believes this is a future that Joburgers might       decolonised design curriculum that contextualises the Global South
experience in decades to come.                                             and informs teaching design through an African lens. The Utopian
                                                                              Village responds to local South African culture, context, human
                                                                           migration, new emerging social organisation, and the demands of
                                                                               global environmental change and sustainability. These are the
                                                                          dwellings of the future. Lecturers: Mike Dawson; Ariane Janse Van
                                                                        Rensburg; Sechaba Maape; Kshama Rajagopalan; and Anita Szentesi.

EKHAYA - ISSUE 7 Research . Rethink . Relearn - Times Higher Education
In this age of densification, homes are likely to be downsized
and even shared.
                                                                            “This rapid urbanisation
   “If you look at it, we are a young country and if you look at the
trends of young people, they change jobs quite frequently, they
                                                                            is likely to leave its mark
often live far from where they work, and it is expensive to travel,”
says Dr Gerald Chungu of the Wits School of Architecture and
                                                                            on the homes of our
Planning. “This means that they are going to be more willing to
live in smaller spaces or to share spaces. This is already a common
                                                                            descendants. This will also
trend and from reading this we can see the direction towards
smaller housing.”                                                           be a world where large
   Transporting these workers to their jobs – even in the future,
believes Chungu – could be that bane of the present day transport           sections of the population,
system: the mini bus taxi. Though, by then, they might be better
policed.                                                                    like today, will most likely
ADVANCING INCLUSIVITY                                                       be living in informal
In this future, it might still be state policy to provide housing
for the poor. This policy might borrow on what is already being             settlements.”
worked on now.
   “Instead of the idea of delivering tiny RDP [Reconstruction and
Development Programme] houses, we have seen a shift in housing              The home of the future is also likely to supplement its own power
policy in the last two decades towards settlement upgrading,”            through super-efficient solar panels on roofs, and even in walls.
explains Professor Anne Fitchett, Acting Dean of the Faculty of             It is likely that not just the wealthy will take advantage of tech.
Engineering and the Built Environment at Wits.                           Fitchett says that experiments involving solar paint are underway.
   “It is speaking of a more inclusive approach. It is not just about    This paint will absorb sunlight and convert it into electricity.
putting a roof over someone's head but creating a broader living         Recycled waste could also find another use in the future.
environment, with access to jobs, access to schools and hospitals.”         “At the moment there is also a lot of work going into the
                                                                         development of different types of concrete. There is one where
TECH PAD ADDRESS                                                         they are using recycled polystyrene as an additive into cement,
Finding enough space for its residents will be a challenge for the       which makes it a very good insulator,” says Fitchett.
future Joburg, but technology is likely to be the saviour.                  But this move to decentralise might even have an influence on
   “In terms of smart cities, the use of digital technology to help      the politics of these communities. This has already happened in
to manage everything that happens in the city will become                the US.
widespread and very profoundly different. And I am sure that the
construction of dwellings will be built around the capabilities of       MICRO DEMOCRACIES IN OUR ‘HOODS
these digital technologies,” says Dwolatzky, who caught a glimpse        “Once you break things down into small parcels you start to think
of future housing possibilities when he visited the Massachusetts        in a more decentralised way, rather than at a national level,” says
Institute of Technology (MIT) media laboratory in the US.                Dwolatzky. “In the US, local communities are becoming more and
   “There is a South African architect there who is working on a         more the centre of local democracy and people are losing interest
project where he is designing a pod-like house. It is a very efficient   in national politics, because local gives them everything they
use of space, with very embedded technology. It is almost like you       need. And it is encouraged by micro grids, water recycling and
live in a pod, but you don't feel like you are living in a pod. So I     producing things locally.”
have seen one future, but whether it is going to be our future, I           Already just over the horizon is new communication technology
don't know.”                                                             set to change the way we live.
   What is likely to influence this future are the differing needs          This is 5th Generation cellular mobile communications, which
of the Global North and Global South, believe Dwolatzky and              will be faster than anything we have today, and should be
Chungu. While Africa is set to experience a population explosion,        implemented in the next few years.
Europe is going through the initial stages of a population collapse.        “There is a pro and a con,” says Dwolatzky “The pro is that you
   “In Africa, the biggest challenge might be the use of energy,         can draw much more data and make better decisions about things
where houses are designed to better use energy, dealing with             like the use of energy in the home. The disadvantage is that it
things like waste and recycling. If we are not careful, cities will      opens the way for a lot more surveillance.”
become choked in waste,” says Dwolatzky.                                    Besides ultra-fast cyber connectivity, other technologies have
                                                                         already made their appearance and are set to leave their mark on
DECENTRALISED MICRO TECH SERVICES                                        the future. One of these is 3D printing.
The state might not provide these services in future, as it does            “These new modes of manufacturing lead to the possibility of
today.                                                                   mass producing stuff that could be tailor-made for every single
   “We are going to move away from the big grids on to the               person’s needs,” says Dwolatzky.
smaller micro grids – the current thinking is that you build a huge         Although the future may be a scary place, technology in our
power station, which then powers millions of consumers,” he              homes and on our streets will most likely save the day. And yes,
explains.                                                                your bot will be there to hold your hand. C
   In future, however, these are services that could be provided
at a micro-level, for example, a couple of houses linked to a solar                   Minecraft design by Rodwin Malinga and Erik Prinz, Wits
energy source or a recycler dealing with a street’s rubbish.                                               fourth-year Game Design students.

Eye-gaze devices as assistive tech have the potential to empower people
with disabilities by improving their independence at home.


                      its biomedical engineer Adam Pantanowitz          devices, which allow for the control of the environment by
                      discovered he had a neuromuscular                 detecting where gaze is focussed. In a similar project, Wits
                      condition as a teenager. Since then, the          students Kimoon Kim and Chelsey Chewins worked with
                      Lecturer in the School of Electrical and          Pantanowitz to create an eye-tracking system to interface more
                      Information Engineering has researched the        naturally with a computer. This project enables you to control
potential of technology to empower people with disabilities. In         your computer using a mouse that you control with your eyes.
particular, he has explored the untapped potential of the brain           “BrainConnect works through light stimulus of the visual
through brain-computer interfaces (BCIs).                               cortex. Similar eye-gaze devices already serve as assistive tech
                                                                        to empower motor-impaired people or paraplegics,” he says.
In February 2019, in an experiment believed to be a world first,        FRUGAL INNOVATION IN AFRICA
Pantanowitz and colleagues incorporated the human brain as              He cites futurists who predict greater human-tech integration
a computer network. Dubbed ‘BrainConnect’, the proof-of-                by 2030. The Fourth Industrial Revolution [4IR] is a feature of
concept innovation is under review for publication in the journal       21st Century society – human beings are now deeply connected
Communications in Information Systems.                                  to tech through smart phones and other close-contact devices.
   The researchers connected two computers through the human
                                                                        Research in South Africa and Africa, similar to this engineering
brain and successfully transmitted words like ‘hello’ and ‘apple’,
                                                                        innovation at Wits University, has the potential to advance 4IR.
passively, without the user being aware that a message is present.
                                                                           “Africa’s challenges need unique solutions. The brain research
   “We don’t know of anywhere else where the brain has been
                                                                        is being conducted under what’s known as a ‘frugal innovation’,
used to connect two disconnected computers so this presents an
                                                                        where low-cost equipment and innovative approaches keep
interesting theoretical system with a human literally being ‘in the
                                                                        costs down,” says Pantanowitz.
loop’,” says Pantanowitz, co-author of the paper with Wits alumni

                                                                        ROBOTIC HANDS AND BRAINTERNET
Rushil Daya and Michael Dukes.

MORSE CODE VIA LIGHT SIGNALS                                            Another of his similarly frugal innovations was a basic robotic
                                                                        hand, the prototype of which cost just R1 800 in South Africa,
BrainConnect links light, signal transmission, the visual cortex
                                                                        compared to a budget of close to a million Euros for a similarly
of the human brain, and two computers. It works by attaching
                                                                        functioning device in Europe. Pantanowitz and Wits students
a device to a person’s head, which links the two computers.
                                                                        Graham Peyton and Rudolf Hoehler created a device with similar
The person passively stares at a flashing light whilst a word,
for example, ‘apple’, is encoded in the light signal. The               intentions to the European model, using the same technology of
flashing light stimulates the visual cortex in the brain and an         gazing at light to turn the device off and on.
electroencephalogram [EEG – a measurement that detects                     Pantanowitz previously also pioneered 'Brainternet', where
electrical activity in the brain] wirelessly transmits information to   he connected the human brain to the internet in real time and
a second computer, which decodes the signals to appear on the           streamed brainwaves onto the internet. He says that for people
second computer. “You can think of it like Morse code via light         with epilepsy, for example, Brainternet could potentially predict
signals,” says Pantanowitz. BrainConnect can decipher up to             the next seizure. “If they get into a particularly bad space, they
17 symbols at a rate of four seconds per symbol. The more               could alert their friends and family without them being able to
relaxed the person is, the greater the possibility of invoking a        do so physically.”
response through this ‘steady state visually evoked potential’.            Pantanowitz says, “There is potential for us in Africa to
                                                                        advance brain-computer interfaces and other assistive
VISIONARY ASSISTIVE TECH                                                technologies, which could empower people with disabilities to
Although BrainConnect is fledgling research, Pantanowitz says           control their environments with greater ease, and their homes
this brain-computer interface may have applications in eye-gaze         are one context in which this can be life-changing.” C

Wits biomedical engineer Adam Pantanowitz believes tech like
            Brainternet can empower people with disabilities.

home: /həʊm/ noun
1. The place where one lives permanently, especially as a member of a family or household.
Arts: the theory and physical expression of creativity found in human societies.

Home – when you’re thousands of kilometres away from it – is maybe what you
carry in memories. It’s also what you might choose to forget.

            or Dr Duduzile Ndlovu of the African Centre for             are not always clearly recognisable, to avoid a backlash from the
            Migration and Society (ACMS) at Wits, the way memory,       government. There is no narrative to make sense of the event
            identity and a sense of belonging keep changing –           or to justify the experience as necessary in people’s lives. This
            especially for migrants – makes art one of the most         means the narrative of Gukurahundi is open to being reframed in
            powerful ways to make meaning of dislocations,              different contexts,” she says.
disorientations and journeys. It is also a way to process versions of      For many Zimbabweans living in South Africa, being away from
truths and to find power in personal creative expression.               home has opened up a space of freedom to speak out. And art
   She argues that art, like indigenous wisdom, is a part of            has given them the tools to frame and reframe their stories for
knowledge production that has depth and reveals clues to lived          different contexts and different audiences.
experience, even if it may remain outside of academic convention.          “The idea of home is therefore a complex one. It is not
She believes art deserves increased academic inquiry to avoid           necessarily the place of safety we think it should be,” she says.
becoming a blind spot that prevents transformation in academia.            Distance from home allows people to “constantly re-story their
   Zimbabwe-born Ndlovu has lived in South Africa for 13 years.         lives”, creating versions of themselves to fit different spaces at
Through her research and poetry, she has explored the use of            different times.
poetry, story, music and performance art in how she and other              “With art, we don’t need to be after absolute truths. We’re
Zimbabweans living in Johannesburg remember the Gukurahundi.            about asking questions about versions of the truth. Questions like
This was a series of massacres of Ndebele civilians by the Zimbabwe     ‘whose voice gets heard?’, how official versions of the truth don’t
National Army between 1983 and 1987. Conservative estimates put         turn out to stand up over time,” she says. “There is also a sense
the number of people killed in that period at around 20 000.            of hope in art; it creates a space that allows people to be, to be
                                                                        social, and even to take enjoyment in expressing and sharing.”
HOSTAGE TO HOSTILITY AT HOME                                               These days, Ndlovu finds herself singing songs from her
“In Zimbabwe, Gukurahundi remains silenced from the public              childhood to her children, who are growing up as South Africans.
domain, although people continue to speak (about it) in ways that       These songs connect her to Zimbabwe, she says. The words are

reminders of what’s been passed to her, a kind of birthright in
lyrics, but they are reminders, too, that for her there is no “going
                                                                            “Distance from home allows
   It doesn’t leave her in an in-between space, though. Ndlovu              people to “constantly re-story
stresses that it’s not a case of being split or not feeling at home in
either place. Rather, that she’s still wholly and fully herself, existing   their lives”, creating versions
in two different contexts.
   Meghna Singh, a Research Associate at the ACMS and PhD
candidate at the University of Cape Town, relates to the contexts
                                                                            of themselves to fit different
that Ndlovu speaks of as liminal spaces. They’re the “no man’s
lands” that Singh explores in her artistic video productions and
                                                                            spaces at different times. ”
   Since Singh moved to South Africa from India in 2013, her
works have included a short film called Arrested Motion. For nine           and how they are abandoned when capitalism moves onto the
months, she followed a group of Indian seafarers stuck in Cape              next thing. It’s part of creating connection and empathy,” she says.
Town as the supply ship they were working on was detained en                   Singh brings this visual methodology to her current research
route to Dubai from Nigeria.                                                and art project called Container, in collaboration with her
   “These men literally didn’t know when they would be allowed              filmmaker partner, Simon Woods. The virtual reality and
to set sail again and they were caught up in a world of complex             installation art piece has received National Geographic Explorer
channelling of capital between shipping corporations,” she says.            funding and is expected be completed in October when world
                                                                            anti-slavery month is commemorated.
PRISON HOMES                                                                   Container makes visible the history of the slave trade and
Singh used the technique of observation film with no dialogue,              focuses on the São José Paquete Africa, a Portuguese slave ship
and soundscapes, to create an immersive experience for her                  that sank with 212 slaves on board en route to Brazil from Lisbon
audience. Her art showed the passage of time and its effects                in 1794, near today’s Clifton beach.
on the bodies confined to a place that became both home and
prison.                                                                     FORCED REMOVALS
   She did something similar in Rusted Diamond when, on and off             The project hooks back to the present day, showing how more
for three years, she spent time with a group of Ghanaian men who            than 200 years later, people are still reduced to commodities,
were left to pump water daily from a rusted wreck they lived in,            often forced from their homes to become modern-day slaves.
which was once a deep-sea diamond mining vessel in Namibia.                 They often moved in metal shipping containers across oceans,
   She also turned this film into an installation that included             stuck here for weeks with the memory of home as a place of safety
flooding three rooms at The Castle in Cape Town and asking                  and sanctuary – or just the known – disrupted forever.
people to enter, mostly on their own, to temporarily be immersed              These are the contexts and lived experiences from which Singh
in these other worlds of precariousness.                                    and Ndlovu want people never to turn away. C
   “I am hoping that I am creating experiences for my audience to
                                                                                                    Top left: Rusting Diamond by Meghna Singh
think about how people on the fringes are caught up in capitalism,
                                                                                    Below: Screen shots from Arrested Motion by Meghna Singh

Sales                Rentals

                    OWNER OR ROAMER?
                             Is buying a house still the solid investment once
                                  thought or is it time to turn nomadic?

                                                          BRENDAN PEACOCK

             ust when South African property prices looked like they     first-time buyers is now 37, which means most of these buyers will
             would rebound from the effects of the global economic       have paid off a property just before retirement age. They have
             crisis in 2008, a protracted period of slow domestic        built capital and they can decide what to do with it – which is very
             economic growth set in, slowing down house price            often to downsize and have some of the capital returned to them
             inflation.                                                  at the point of sale.”
   According to property analytics company, Lightstone, year-on-            The alternative is renting long-term. “If you don’t invest,
year house price inflation hit a high of 6.5% in 2014, the highest       whatever excess you have after the rental cost each month needs
in the last decade, and has since slipped back to its lowest level       to be put into retirement savings, but we know that most people
in the last decade at 3.3%. This means that anyone who owns              tend not to be so diligent about saving. It is still wise to invest in
property is seeing the value of that property contracting in real        property because that capital value will come back to us.”
terms, as inflation averages over 5%.                                       Akinsomi says there are few investments that are as low-risk as
   The forecast for 2019 is more of the same: subdued growth.            property. “Property makes a good inflation hedge over the long
However, coming off a low base, we may see a positive                    term. The current trough is actually the perfect time to buy – it is a
turnaround in the second half of the year.                               buyer’s market right now.”
   The main impacts on house price inflation are made by consumer
price inflation; income levels not keeping track of the rising costs     GIG ECONOMY OPPORTUNITIES
of living; and interest rates. The result of slower economic growth      A potential problem that may arise in the lower-value end is a shift
has been an expansion of the number of South Africans moving             towards the gig economy, which means fewer young people have
into the lower end of the property sector, as first-time buyers, while   long-term employment that lends itself to being seen as a good
homeowners in higher-value segments opt to downscale.                    credit risk for lenders. The solution, says Akinsomi, will probably
   While this has held up prices in the more affordable segments of      involve both the private and public sectors.
the residential property market, low economic growth will slowly            “The government can intervene to partner with developers,
see those segments losing steam too.                                     either by supplying state-owned land for development, or by
                                                                         applying tax incentives to make the lower tier of property values
LONG-VIEW INVESTMENTS                                                    more accessible. Such inducements could stimulate demand, as
If residential property seems like a poor investment alongside           could innovation from banks in developing mortgage-backed
other asset classes, Dr Kola Akinsomi, Associate Professor of Real       securities to bring to market as investable assets for the public.”
Estate Finance and Investments in the Wits School of Construction           Prisca Simbanegavi, a Lecturer in CEM, says there are risks
Economics and Management (CEM), says the investment case for             for property buyers – in the form of utility costs and municipal
property should not be measured by short-term returns.                   inefficiencies – that can raise the levels of mortgage defaults, as
    “Compared with 2008, when the prime interest rate for those          these can put pressure on affordability, but she doesn’t expect
getting mortgages from banks was 16%, the cost of borrowing is           to see house prices going down for long. Residential markets are
now 6% lower. Yes, property price growth in real terms is negative       usually resilient to short-term changes in demand.
right now, but property is relatively illiquid with high transaction        “Supply will remain under pressure. It’s always better to buy
costs, so it’s not a short-term asset. Buyers need to look at it as a    than to rent when rentals exceed mortgage repayments. While
saving mechanism,” Akinsomi says.                                        freedom of movement comes as a benefit of renting in the short
    “If you buy property today and pay down the principal amount         term, the benefits of ownership outweigh those of renting. You’d
over the term of a typical 20-year mortgage term, at the end             rather have paid more into your bond than to deal with escalating
of that term, the property belongs to you. The average age of            rental costs.” C


If home is your castle, can the office be your palace?

                         hile ‘office, sweet           “Extroverts tend to function better in          workplace integrates access to other services
                         office’ might not have      noisy environments whereas introverts             for their employees, for example, when an
                         quite the same ring         tend to concentrate much better in quiet          office complex also offers a gym, dry cleaner,
                         to it as ‘home, sweet       environments.”                                    or even has an adjacent shopping centre.
                         home’, the need to                                                               Initiatives that further encourage workers
ensure wellbeing at work is nevertheless             WORK MOVES AND ‘COFFICES’                         to feel some kind of personal connection to
critical.                                             ‘Agile working spaces’ are one way to cater      their office space, such as decorating a desk,
   In fact, Professor Andrew Thatcher, an            to more varied needs: “People, during a           have also shown positive results.
organisational and industrial psychologist at        work day, are not always doing the same              “The minimalism trend in the early 2000s
Wits explains that the focus now, more than          task; instead, they move between tasks.           to limit clutter and have clear desks was
ever, is on ensuring that workplaces are not         At times they need to collaborate, at other       an unmitigated disaster … In most office
just productive – but also actually good for         times they need privacy; they might also          environments, some personalisation allows
one’s health.                                        need some downtime just to get a coffee.”         people to connect to their work. When they
   In particular, innovation around office              With activity-based workspaces,                connect to their work, they are more likely
design is at the core of ensuring workplaces         companies create diverse office areas and         to be more productive and feel better about
can serve as a healthy ‘home away from               people move between them as needed.               being there.”
home’.                                                  Thatcher has conducted research on                Policies that allow people certain days
   While the kind of work you do and your            the benefits of these spaces in some well-        when they can work from home rather than
relationship with your boss are crucial factors,     known South African companies. He found           at the office actually have contradictory
the three most critical factors in constructing      that initially employees were very resistant      results. Research showed that in order to
favourable work conditions are fresh airflow,        to the change – becoming territorial over         cope with the disruptions of the home
noise levels, and the quality of light.              spaces. However, once they move beyond            environment, workers push themselves
   “The most important factor to [sustain]           this reaction, the advantages are striking:       harder and for longer hours.
mental health from a built environment               “People end up moving around a lot more,             “Organisations love that – but it is not
perspective is actually fresh air,” says             which is good for their health … They also        necessarily healthy and good for a person. It
Thatcher.                                            are able to choose where [in the office           may lead to issues of burnout.”
   “Generally, a good and healthy                    spaces] they can be most productive.”                One of the key challenges about modern
environment is one where you have                       The rise of mobile office spaces and           work life is how it tends to leak into the
adequate lighting for the type of work that          the use of sites like coffee shops as instant     home space so significantly. “There are real
you are doing … Natural light is generally           offices, can also be useful as it allows people   psychological dangers when you think it is
the best for most tasks.”                            to move around until they find the most           okay to answer a work call at dinner … You
   Daylight ensures you remain connected             appropriate space for them.                       are extending your disembodied self into
to the outside world – rather than become                                                              another realm.”
immersed in a workplace bubble. “If you are          HOLISTIC OFFICE HEALTH                               As such, Thatcher supports initiatives
working entirely with artificial light, it creates   Another innovation in workplace health            like those in France where it is illegal for
a psychological disconnect.”                         is the shift towards establishing so-called       companies to force employees to respond
   In terms of noise levels, suitability is          green buildings or well-building institutes.      to work messages or emails after working
determined according to the type of tasks.           These are workspaces designed to ensure           hours.
However, research has also shown a link              productivity as well as promote holistic             “It is great – it is turning around to an
between personality types and productive             wellbeing.                                        organisation and saying that you do not own
noise levels.                                           Great success has been shown when a            this person’s life.” C

 The national general elections in 2019 served as a platform for land
 redress to be discussed, promised and instilled in the collective
 consciousness of South Africans. But was this the silver bullet to address
 the gross inequality in a country so many call home?


              here is a side route into the Sandton CBD that can be       anyone who lives on millionaires’ row will be swapping places
              used to avoid the arterial chaos in Joburg traffic. It is   with their staff (although, constitutionally, it could happen) but,
              a hilly but quiet avenue, interrupted only by birdsong      even if it did, what would it mean in a globalising world that
              and three traffic circles. The homes on either side of      encourages mobility to the extent that some humans are planning
              the road are anomalous, even by this city’s standards       on moving to Mars?
of wealth. Sprawling mansions with ornate double gates that
open remotely like filigree wings. Large European SUVs appear             A ROOF OVER OUR PSYCHE
from long driveways to join the commute.                                  Clinical psychiatrist and Wits alumnus, Dr Jonathan Moch says
   Interestingly, there are just a few people visible along this          when thinking about land, it is important to understand why
road. Dog-walking, grass-manicuring, rose-tending people who              ownership is so important to human beings: “It goes back to our
might have travelled in to the area for their work. It must be quite      deepest evolutionary drive, the need for security. It is a basic
unnerving to service properties like these in the time that the           core psychological requirement (according to Abraham Maslow’s
“land issue” in South Africa emerged – 22 years (two centuries for        hierarchy of needs). It explains the formation of armed tribes,
some) since the imbalance in land ownership began.                        fortified villages, border controls, refugee crises, and building
                                                                          walls to stop the Mexicans from getting into the USA. And even
THE LAY OF THE LAND                                                       at the home level, high walls, electric fencing, armed responses,
The national general elections in 2019 were a platform for land           entrenched property rights, all speak to this need.”
discussions. Academics and experts say it may not mean that                  Moch says that land ownership, historically, is a major and

contentious issue – one that is likely to continue indefinitely. “Not   power, says Moch. “Economically, land ownership is an essential
only in South Africa, but every habitable place on the planet from      financial collateral that can secure a loan for a business, providing
the beginning of recorded history, has battled with land, literally.    essential capital – and a vital psychological wealth effect. Owners
Apartheid has many forms, especially around land division. Race,        of land such as farms have enormous power over indigent workers
of course, in South Africa, but also religious affiliation (referring   who live on that land, which goes back to the Dukes of Old
to the conflict in Northern Ireland), economic status (such as          England. This is why there is enormous tension, especially on rural
gated communities), class and creed (which exists in India). Thus,      farms in SA. Now, amazingly, Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos et al want
land ownership is a great divider. The Bible is dotted with many        people to inhabit Mars. This land story never ends. In fact, never a
examples of land issues ending in fatal wars, such as the one that      dull moment when it comes to the human obsession for land use,
continues to this day in the Middle East.”                              the protection and possession of it.”
  For South Africans though, the issue is closer to home – so to
speak – because of our recent past when people were not allowed         RETHINKING RENTALS FOR REDRESS
to buy land, and those who were, had to move too far from any           Dr Margot Rubin, Senior Researcher in the Wits School of
location deemed decent, because the Group Areas Act of 1950             Architecture and Planning, says there are as many reasons for
divided people geographically by their race. This, while others         people wanting to own land.
built their mansions on the road previously mentioned. Who                “The legacy of people not being able to own land has had a
wouldn’t feel piqued once it is put into context?                       huge impact on the psyche of the nation. People were simply
  Obviously, land ownership also comes down to money and                disallowed from owning land. It was a key way in which the

apartheid state constructed and created secondary citizens. This        particularly for people where the need for mobility to find work is
was a discussion in 1992 [when apartheid was abolished in SA],          a priority.”
so there is very little doubt that the redress of property ownership      However, this type of reasoning may not be enough for
needs to happen.”                                                       South Africans, says Loren Landau, Professor and South African
   Rubin says the method and the reasoning behind land                  Research Chair on Migration and the Politics of Difference at the
redistribution is imperative, although if it isn’t done correctly, it   African Centre for Migration and Society at Wits. He says that
is unlikely to be the solution for our economic disparities. She        the emotional reasoning for land will need to be addressed:
says ownership as well as secure tenure of land, such as rental         “Some kind of substantive land redistribution may be essential
agreements, which provide access to the city and its opportunities,     to satisfying people’s legitimate demands for justice.” Yet, he
are the starting block to economic freedom.                             too believes that property ownership may be not the only way to
   Rubin says that a more balanced view on what property means          ensure greater economic inclusion and upward mobility for the
as a vehicle for growth should be taken. “It is a question of access.   poor majority.
What provides the best access to opportunities in cities? More            “I don’t believe there is an innate human desire to own land
than access to land, as a country we need to ensure that everyone       or property. For thousands of years, people have experimented
has a chance at economic growth, and this could mean ownership,         with multiple models of land use and ownership. Some include
or good quality accommodation under secure tenure [rental               no ownership, some collective ownership or management, some
agreement] in a backyard where someone is not being exploited,          privatised, commodified land. My sense is that two things are at
that enables them to earn a living in an urban environment.”            work now – both highly symbolic and rooted in particular South
   “At the same time, we need to ensure that we change our              African histories.”
property owner profile, so people who have it are able to                 Landau says the symbolism in the land redistribution issue is
collateralise it, to do other things with that money and have social    that it has “become a sign of transformation quite apart from
mobility. It is about enabling people in a way that is beneficial for   any material or social benefit it might provide. Also, we live in
them to achieve their best potential as a human being,” she says.       a commodified, capitalist system where many people associate
   “We need to reconsider the question of rental and see it as          private land ownership with status. Access to land use is
an important feasible housing option, which allows for mobility,        something we all need, but in different ways. While greater equity

in access to land and other resources is central to economic and                   it needs to be addressed for reasons of both social justice and
social transformation in South Africa, simply offering people land                 political stability,” he says.
is unlikely to achieve anyone’s long-term objectives.” This is where                  Worryingly, even this first step does not seem to have been
politics comes in to play.                                                         taken by South Africans whose emotions run high once the debate
                                                                                   begins. Southall wrote recently “there is disagreement about
A POLITICAL PHILOSOPY OF LAND                                                      ways, means, and the urgency of land reform”.
The redistribution of land issue took centre stage in the 2019                        “The land debate is here, and it is not going to be wished away
elections by playing on the nation’s economic woes, emotions                       quietly. Even if you go through a careful modulated practice of
and sentimental needs for redress – suddenly urgent 25 years into                  land reform, not the rhetoric we are getting now, this will continue
democracy. “It’s time”, says Roger Southall, Emeritus Professor of                 past our lifetimes. There will be voices saying it is not happening
Sociology at Wits. “This is such a wound of the past, I don’t think                fast enough, and then there is the issue of compensation.”
we will easily overcome it.”                                                          One of the reasons, Southall said, is that it is not as simple as
   Southall wrote recently that while society should be wary about                 transforming the civil service, for instance, where you can measure
electioneering, the issue of land ownership is also not only about                 demographic representivity. “With land, you can’t simply look at
getting votes. “Politicians say things, whether or not it is entirely              proportions, because different land has different value.” It speaks
wise to say them, to get votes. Yet the land debate is about much                  to the example of the leafy suburban mansions and the poor
more than party politicking. In many ways, it goes to the heart of                 workforce. “What about commercial agriculture, food production
South Africa’s post-colonial politics. It speaks to fundamental racial             and security? You have to be as much a philosopher as a land
chasms. This points to the very real danger that the different terms               specialist.”
on which the land issue is debated simply don’t address each                          Ultimately, says Southall, the land debate must progress, fairly
other.”                                                                            and rationally: “The address of the land issue requires a meeting
   As a country debating land redistribution, those who are                        of minds … humility and willingness to listen to competing
opposed to the idea must first be aware of the “grossly                            perspectives should be at a premium.” And for each person to
disproportionate amount of land owned by whites which has                          understand that home and country are as much a part of us as we
arisen out of the injustices of the colonial past, and agree that                  are of it. C

                                                                                        HOW COULD SOUTH AFRICA DEAL
                                                                                        WITH THE LAND DEBATE?
                                                                                        Wits Professor of Sociology Roger Southall says a precarious
                                                                                        balance of three approaches should be considered. “One is
                                                                                        not more important than the other, but one might have greater
                                                                                        political impact than the other.”

                                                                                        • The instrumental approach, which argues its case upon
                                                                                           both ideological and constitutional grounds. There is the
                                                                                           argument that the ANC’s move to land appropriation without
                                                                                           compensation represents a fundamental undermining of
                                                                                           property rights, to the extent that it might even threaten the
                                                                                           ownership rights of ordinary house-owners in urban areas. This
                                                                                           might derail President Cyril Ramaphosa’s highly touted goal
                                                                                           of attracting $100b in investment over the next five years.
                                                                                           While the Constitution already allows for the expropriation of
                                                                                           property by the state for public interest purposes, for instance
                                                                                           on farmland, appropriation without compensation would mean
                                                                                           farmers would disengage on their properties, which is a major
                                                                                           threat to both jobs and economic growth.
                                                                                        • The functionalist approach, which shows a desperate hunger
                                                                                           for land among impoverished black poor people. “This needs
                                                                                           to be addressed on the grounds of need and political stability.
                                                                                           Economically, the argument is that, while the role of commercial
                                                                                           agriculture as the principal producer of the nation’s food supply
                                                                                           and of significant exports needs to be recognised, there are
                                                                                           many areas where farming could be successfully undertaken
                                                                                           by black farmers, given the right support.” Southall says this
                                                                                           has been proven by history, and could redress how white
                                                                                           commercial agriculture “was systematically advantaged by
                                                                                           the state under white rule, and how prosperous black peasant
                                                                                           communities, whose competitiveness constituted a threat to
                                                                                           white farmers, were dispossessed.”
                                                                                          he symbolic approach “appeals to the heart as much as to the
                                                                                         head,” says Southall. “It harps on the point that land belongs
                                                                                         to Africans. It was stolen by the colonialists and should be
                                                                                         given back. The symbolic approach is overwhelmingly about
                                                                         Gallo Images

                                                                                         African dignity. As such, it often involves notions of reparations.
                                                                                         It tends to brush aside all the difficult policy issues about how
                                                                                         land transfer should be managed, let alone the injustices which
                                                                                         may be heaped upon white landowners who had nothing to
                                                                                         do with the original theft of African land.”

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