NASA's Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer: Little Mission, Big Science - Presented by: Dr. Rick Elphic and Brian Day

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NASA's Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer: Little Mission, Big Science - Presented by: Dr. Rick Elphic and Brian Day

NASA's Lunar Atmosphere and
 Dust Environment Explorer:
 Little Mission, Big Science

Presented by: Dr. Rick Elphic and Brian Day

               May 31, 2011
NASA's Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer: Little Mission, Big Science - Presented by: Dr. Rick Elphic and Brian Day
Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment
Explorer: Little Mission, Big Science

May 31, 2011
NSTA Webinar

                                            Rick Elphic,
                                  LADEE Project Scientist

                            NASA Ames Research Center
                                Moffett Field, California
NASA's Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer: Little Mission, Big Science - Presented by: Dr. Rick Elphic and Brian Day
Outline of Talk
   1. Science Background for LADEE
   2. LADEE Payload: 3 science instruments, 1 tech demo
   3. LADEE Spacecraft
   4. LADEE Launch Vehicle
   5. LADEE Mission Profile
   6. Schedule & Cost

 LADEE: Big Science                                       3
NASA's Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer: Little Mission, Big Science - Presented by: Dr. Rick Elphic and Brian Day
Science Background
NASA's Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer: Little Mission, Big Science - Presented by: Dr. Rick Elphic and Brian Day
LADEE: Science Focus
Lunar Exosphere: A nearby
  example of a common
  type of atmosphere, the
  Surface Boundary
Dust: Does evidence point
  to electrostatic lofting?

In 2008, the door opened to
   investigate these
   questions: NASA Hq
   directed Ames Research
   Center to do the LADEE

 LADEE: Big Science           5
NASA's Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer: Little Mission, Big Science - Presented by: Dr. Rick Elphic and Brian Day
LADEE Science Background
                      •   2003 NRC Decadal Survey: “New
                          Frontiers in the Solar System: An
                          Integrated Exploration Strategy”
                      •   LEAG Roadmap Objective Sci-A-3:
                          Characterize the environment and
                          processes …in the lunar exosphere
                      •   National Research Council (NRC)
                          report, “Scientific Context for the
                          Exploration of the Moon” (SCEM)
                      •   2011 NRC Decadal Survey: “Vision and
                          Voyages for Planetary Science in the
                          Decade 2013-2022”
                           – Execute LADEE mission

 LADEE: Big Science                                              6
NASA's Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer: Little Mission, Big Science - Presented by: Dr. Rick Elphic and Brian Day
Exospheres and Dust
Surface Boundary Exospheres (SBEs) may be the most
common type of atmosphere in the solar system…                                 Large Asteroids
                                                                               & KBOs


                          Europa &              Evidence of dust motion on
                          other Icy
                                                 asteroids and the Moon....

            Io            Rhea

                                                    LADEE CDR

 May 17-20, Big
                                        ITAR RESTRICTED MATERIAL WARNING              Eros
 LADEE:                                                                    7                       7
NASA's Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer: Little Mission, Big Science - Presented by: Dr. Rick Elphic and Brian Day
Lunar Exosphere – Measurements

Surface measurements: Ar and He                           Earth-based measurements: Na and K

   LACE        Ar Measurements

                                  We know that Ar,
                                     , Na and K
                                  exist in the

                                              LADEE CDR
                                  ITAR RESTRICTED MATERIAL WARNING
   May 17-20, Big
   LADEE:     2011Science                                             8                    8
NASA's Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer: Little Mission, Big Science - Presented by: Dr. Rick Elphic and Brian Day
SELENE/Kaguya Observations of Na
                         • UPI-TVIS instrument
                         • Viewed Na column
                           away from Moon
                         • Distribution
                           consistent with hot
                           source (2000 – 6000 K)

 LADEE: Big Science         9                    9
NASA's Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer: Little Mission, Big Science - Presented by: Dr. Rick Elphic and Brian Day
SELENE/Kaguya Observations of Na
                         • UPI-TVIS instrument
                         • Viewed Na column
                           away from Moon
                         • Distribution
                           consistent with hot
                           source (2000 – 6000 K)
                         • Density varies over 3-
                           month timescale
                         • Density appears to
                           decrease between 1st
                           quarter and 3rd quarter

 LADEE: Big Science         10                   10
The Moon has a Sodium Tail!

                          • The Moon’s Na
                            exosphere doesn’t
                            stay put – it blows
                          • At New Moon, the Na
                            atoms going
                            antisunward are
                            gravity-focused by
                          • All-sky images from
                            Earth reveal this anti-
                            solar tail.

 LADEE: Big Science           11                      11
The Moon has a Sodium Tail!

                                     • The Moon’s Na
                                       exosphere doesn’t
                                       stay put – it blows
                                     • At New Moon, the Na
                                       atoms going
                                       antisunward are
               Off-band subtracted     gravity-focused by
                                     • All-sky images from
                                       Earth reveal this anti-
                                       solar tail.

 LADEE: Big Science                      12                  12
Lunar Exosphere – Solar Wind Input

(Wieser et al, 2009)

Chandrayaan Neutral Particles: >1 eV neutral hydrogen is lost.

 LADEE: Big Science                                     13       13
“Disappearing” Surficial H2O and OH

• Chandrayaan-1 M3, EPOXI and Cassini VIMS 3-μm observations.
• Presence of H2O and OH in/on surface grains:
     o Signature deepest at high latitudes and off-noon local times.
     o Where do OH, H2O go? Into exosphere? Polar cold traps?
   Pieters et al Science 2009               Clark et al Science 2009

LADEE: Big Science   LADEE ITAR RESTRICTED MATERIAL                    14
LCROSS Impact Results

                      Water Vapor and Water Ice in
                      Model Fit: 7.4% ± 5% by mass

                      Add other species:
                       CH4, CO2, SO2

Lunar Dust: Electrostatic Levitation?
                      Lunar Ejecta and Meteorites experiment (LEAM)


                                                               Berg et al., 1976

 • Apollo surface experiment LEAM detected dust activity correlated
   with the lunar terminators
 LADEE: Big Science                                                                16
Lunar Dust: Electrostatic Levitation?
• Surveyor 7 images of lunar horizon glow (“LHG”)
• Prevailing theory:
Lunar Dust – in Orbit?
                                           McCoy and Criswell, 1974
 Gene Cernan sketches from Apollo
 Command Module
 Apollo CM Trajectory


• Eyewitness accounts of “streamers”
  from Apollo command module
• Too bright to be meteoritic ejecta
• Exosphere and/or high altitude (50 km)
  dust is one possibility
• Key goal if LADEE is to help resolve
  this open question

  LADEE: Big Science    LADEE ITAR RESTRICTED MATERIAL                18   18
LADEE Project Level Science Objectives

 • LADEE Objective 1:
   Determine the composition of the lunar atmosphere
   and investigate the processes that control its
   distribution and variability, including sources, sinks,
   and surface interactions.

 • LADEE Objective 2:
   Characterize the lunar exospheric dust environment
   and measure any spatial and temporal variability and
   impacts on the lunar atmosphere.

 July   Big–Science
             23, 2010   LADEE ITAR RESTRICTED MATERIAL   19   19
Let’s pause for questions
    from the audience
LADEE Payload
LADEE Payload: 3 science, 1 tech demo
 Neutral Mass Spectrometer (NMS)                                      UV-Vis Spectrometer (UVS)                             Dust and
 MSL/SAM Heritage                                                     LCROSS heritage                                      exosphere
                                          SMD - directed instrument
                                                                           SMD - directed instrument
In situ measurement                                                                                                      A. Colaprete
of exospheric                                                                                                             NASA ARC

P. Mahaffy

   150 Dalton range/unit mass resolution

Lunar Dust EXperiment (LDEX)                                          Lunar Laser Com Demo (LLCD)
HEOS 2, Galileo, Ulysses and Cassini Heritage                         Technology demonstration
                      SMD - Competed instrument                       High Data Rate       SOMD - directed instrument
                                                       M. Horányi     Optical Comm
                                                                      D. Boroson

                                                                      51-622 Mbps

     LADEE: Big Science                                                                                                          22
LADEE Neutral Mass Spectrometer
                                           Measurement Concept:
                                           • High-sensitivity quadrupole mass spectrometer,
                                           mass range 1 - 150 Dalton and unit mass resolution.
                                           • At 50-km or lower can detect helium, argon and
                                           other species.
                                           • Ultra high vacuum (UHV) materials and processing
                                           used in the fabrication of NMS yield a substantial
                                           improvement over background instrument noise
                                           from Apollo era instruments, corresponding
                                           increase in sensitivity of the measurement.
                                           • The sensitivity is necessary to adequately
                                           measure the low density atmosphere of the moon.
NMS Team:
                                           Performance Data:
• Instrument PI: Dr. Paul Mahaffy/GSFC     • Closed Source species: He, Ar, non-reactive neutrals
• Instrument Manager: Dr. Todd King/GSFC   • Open Source species: neutrals and ions
• Instrument SE: Jim Kellog/GSFC           • Mass Range: 2 - 150 Da
                                           • Mass Resolution: unit mass resolution over entire range
                                           • Sensitivity: 10-2 (counts per second) / (particles per cc)
Participating Organizations:               • Mass: 11.3 kg
• NASA/GSFC                                • Volume: 23,940 cm3
• U. Michigan/Space Physics Research Lab   • Envelope: 43.2 cm x 24.5 cm x 37.0 cm
                                           • Power: 34.4 W average
• Battel Engineering                       • CDH interface: 422 differential
• AMU Engineering                          • Data Rate: 3.5 kbs
• Nolan Engineering                        • Data Volume: 8.5e6 bits per orbit
                                              (assuming 40% duty cycle over a 113 min circular orbit)
     LADEE: Big Science                                                                               23
Mass spectrum from CoNTour NMS

 LADEE: Big Science              24
UV/Vis Spectrometer (UVS)
                                           Measurement Concept:
                                           • UVS includes UV-VIS Spectrometer, telescope,
                                           solar diffuser, & bifurcated optical fiber
                                           • UVS observations consists of limb and
                                           occultation measurements
                                           • Limb observations measure the lunar
                                           atmosphere, & also measure limb dust by
                                           measuring back- or forward-scattered sunlight
                                           • Solar occultation observations measure lunar
                                           atmospheric dust extinction from 0 to 50 km

Team:                                      Performance Data:
• PI/PM: Dr. Tony Colaprete / ARC          • In Limb mode measures atmospheric species
• Instrument SEs: Leonid Osetinsky / ARC   including: K, Na, Al, Si, Ca, Li, OH, H2O
                                           • By combining long integration times, UVS
   and Ryan Vaughan / ARC
                                           measures each specie to < current upper limits
                                           • In limb mode measures dust (via scatter) at
Participating Organizations:               concentrations as low as 10-4 per cc for r=100 nm
• NASA/ARC                                 size particles.
• Aurora Design & Technology               • In occultation mode measures dust (via
• Visioneering, LLC                        extinction) at concentrations as low as 10-4 per cc
                                           for r=100 nm size particles down 300 meters alt.
                                           • 3.98 kg
          LADEE: Big Science               • 14 W (average operation)                        25
July 20 – 23, 2010
Anticipated SNR Exospheric Species

 LADEE: Big Science                  26
Lunar Dust Experiment (LDEX)
                                          Measurement Concept:
                                          • LDEX is an impact ionization dust detector
                                          • Measures the mass of individual dust
                                          grains with m ≥ 1.7x10-16 kg (radius rg ≥ 0.3
                                          micron) for impact speeds ≈ 1.7km/s
                                          • Also measures the collective current due to
                                          grains below the threshold for individual
                                          detection, enabling the search for dust
                                          grains with rg ≈ 0.1 micron over the
 PI: Mihaly Horanyi
                                          Performance Data/Key Science
 PM: Mark Lankton                         • Characterizes the dust exosphere by
                                          mapping size and spatial distribution of
 IS: Zoltan Sternovsky                    dust grains
 SE: David Gathright                      • Measures relative contribution of dust
 Participating Organization:              sources: interplanetary vs. lunar origin.
   Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space   • Mass: 3.45kg (with reserves)
      Physics, University of Colorado     • Power: 6.11W peak, 5W ops (with
                                          • Data: 1kb/s
    LADEE: Big Science                                               Payload: 27      27
How LDEX works…



LADEE: Big Science               28
LDEX Dust Accelerator data

 LADEE: Big Science          29
LLCD Technology Demo
                                                       •       Demonstrate laser communication between the
                                                               Earth and the LADEE spacecraft in lunar orbit.
                                                               NASA’s first step in developing high
                                                               performance laser communications systems for
                                                               future operational missions.
                                                       •       Demonstrate major functions
                                                           – High bandwidth space to ground link using an optical
                                                           – Robust pointing, acquisition, tracking
        LLCD has three primary parts:                      – Duplex communication day/night, full/new moon,
        • Lunar Lasercom Space Terminal (LLST)               high/low elevation, good/bad atmospherics
        • Lunar Lasercom Ground Terminal (LLGT)            – Time-of-flight measurements, as a by-product of the
        • Lunar Lasercom Operations Center (LLOC)            duplex communication, that could be built into a
                                                             high-accuracy ranging system

    LLCD Team:                                         Performance Data:
    •     Mission Manager: Hsiao Smith/GSFC            • Space Terminal:
    •     Principal Investigator: Don Boroson/MIT/LL       –    10 cm, 0.5W, 1.55um
    •     Co-Investigator: Mike Krainak/GSFC               –    40-622 Mbps xmt, 10-20 Mbps rcv
                                                           –    Duplex operation, fully gimbaled
    •     Mission Systems Engineer: Brendan
                                                       • Ground Terminal
                                                           –    Downlink Receiver
    •     Financial Manager: Debbie Dodson/GSFC                   » 4@40cm; 40-622 Mbps
    Participating Organization:                                   » Superconducting Nanowire Detector Arrays
    •     NASA/GSFC                                        –    Uplink Transmitter
    •     MIT/Lincoln Laboratory (LL)                             » 4@15cm, 10W; 10-20 Mbps
                                                       • Mass: 32.8 kg (with reserves), Power: 136.5W
          LADEE: Big Science                                                                                   30
July 20 – 23, 2010                                                                          Payload: 30
LADEE Spacecraft
LADEE Common Bus Design History
                                          MCR: 3-module, 2-
                                          stage prop system
                                          with SRM & bi-
                         1                prop, 4
                                          Launch solo on
 Award/Kickoff: 3-module,                 MinV
 2-stage prop, 2 instruments,
 Launch w/GRAIL
                                          PDR:   see major
                                            PDR: see major changes
                                          changes    since
                                            since KDP-B on subsequent
                                          KDP-B on
                                          subsequent slide.
                                             Summary: Modular feature
                                             of S/C bus has been
                                             adaptable to change, but at
                                      3      cost of constraining mass
                                          Summary:        Modular
                                             margin available for PDR
                                          feature    of S/C bus
                                             trade space.
                                          has been adaptable
                                          to change.

SRR/MDR: 4-module, single-stage
bi-prop system, 4 instruments, MinV

    LADEE: Big Science                                             32
LADEE: Ames Common Bus Spacecraft
                      Radiator Assembly
                                           LDEX   UVS
                        Bus Module

                       Payload Module


                      Extension Modules

                      Propulsion Module

 LADEE: Big Science                                        33
Let’s pause for questions
    from the audience
Launch Vehicle
Launch Vehicle: LADEE and Minotaur V


                      Stage 5

 LADEE: Big Science                    36
LADEE Launch Vehicle: A Sporty Ride!
                      (Minotaur IV)

 LADEE: Big Science                    37
LADEE Launch from Wallops Flight Facility

 LADEE: Big Science                    38
Mission Profile
LADEE Post-launch: Phasing Loops
               Nominal Launch Vehicle
               Insertion      60 Re

                                                   60 Re
                      50 Re

       43 Re

               6.3            8.0    10.4   5.25
               days           days   days   days

                 Total Time of Flight: 30

 LADEE: Big Science                                        40
LADEE Lunar Orbit Acquisition
     Maneuver               Timing         Delta-V       Duration
   LOI-1              Periselene + 2 min   267 m/s   197 s (3 min 17 s)
   LOI-2              LOI-1 + 2 Days       296 m/s   198 s (3 min 17 s)
   LOI-3              LOI-1 + 4 Days       239 m/s   146 s (2 min 26 s)

 LADEE: Big Science                                                       41
Commissioning Phase

• Get science

• Perform LLCD

   LADEE: Big Science   42
Nominal Science Operations

 LADEE: Big Science          43
End of Mission! (Gravity always wins…)
                      Spacecraft and Orbit Maintenance:
                      • Planning key spacecraft activities
                      to maximize time in orbit and
                      science return

                      Science Campaign:
                      • Planning for high value science
                      opportunities at extremely low lunar

                      • Impact into far side terrain (avoid
                      legacy sites like Apollo, Luna,
                      Surveyor etc.)

 LADEE: Big Science                                       44
Schedule, Budget

• Launch slated for May, 2013

• Overall mission cost: $236M
     • Payload: $37.4M
     • Spacecraft: $74.6M
     • Launch Vehicle: $63.4M
     • Rest includes:
           • Project mgmt, SE, S&MA, Science, PL
           • Mission Ops, Ground systems, I&T, EPO

 LADEE: Big Science                                  45
LADEE: Mission of Many “Firsts”
   LADEE :
      • First mission with Ames “common
        bus” architecture
      • First flight of Minotaur V (modified
        Peacekeeper ICBM w/add’l upper
      • First deep space launch from
        Wallops Flight Facility
      • Laser communications technology
      • Ames does s/c development,
        integration & test, mission operations
      • GSFC is payload integrator, science
      • WFF is launch integrator

 LADEE: Big Science                              46
Let’s pause for questions
    from the audience
LADEE Lunar Education
Resources bringing lunar exploration into your classroom
            Brian Day – NASA Lunar Science Institute
Lunar Sample Educational Disk
Six samples of lunar material (three
soils and three rocks) encapsulated in a
six‐inch diameter clear lucite disk are
available for you to borrow and bring
into your classroom. The disk is
accompanied by written and graphic
descriptions of each sample in the disk.
Mr. Louis Parker
JSC Exhibits Manager
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
Mail Code AP
2101 NASA Parkway
Houston, Texas 77058‐3696
Telephone: 281‐483‐8622
FAX: 281‐483‐4876
With Moon Zoo, students and members of the public can assist lunar scientists in
analyzing the high‐resolution images returned by the LROC instrument aboard the
Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter. They perform crater counts, search for boulders, and
other interesting landforms.
•Solar radiation and particles play key roles in the production of the lunar atmosphere.
•Your students can track the development of solar storms using data from student
 observations, observatories, and spacecraft.
•Your students can help interpret data from NASA’s STEREO
  (Solar TErrestrial RElations Observatory) spacecraft.
Impact Cratering: A major force in shaping the surface of the Moon
and a potentially important source for the lunar atmosphere.

Cratering the Moon
NASA can simulate cratering impacts at the
Ames Vertical Gun Range. Allows study of:
•Different impactor shapes, masses and
•Different impact velocities and angles
•Different target compositions and structures
In the Cratering the Moon activity, students
design their own lunar impact simulator.
They conduct a study to determine what role
the angle of incidence of an impact plays in
determining how effective an impactor is in
excavating material from beneath the Moon’s
Fresno Co. Juvenile Justice Campus

                            Student‐designed lunar impact simulator

•3 teams totaling 60 students creating designs around LCROSS Impact the Moon Challenge.
•Demonstrates continues utilization of resources.
•Successfully engaging a particularly challenging student audience.
NASA Meteoroid Environment Office               •It will be valuable to have as many
Lunar Impact Monitoring Program                   observations as possible of lunar
                                                  impacts during the LADEE mission.
Association of Lunar and Planetary Observers    •This will facilitate studies examining
(ALPO) Lunar Meteoritic Impact Search Section    possible correlations between changes
                                                 observed by LADEE and recorded
•Help lunar scientists determine the             impact events.
 rate of meteoroid impacts on the Moon.
•Meteoroid impacts are an important
 source for the lunar exosphere and dust.
•Can be done with a telescope as small as
 8 inches of aperture.
Meteor Counting

 •The vast majority of meteoroids impacting the Moon are too small to be
                            observable from Earth.
   •Small meteoroids encountering the Earth’s atmosphere can result in
                         readily-observable meteors.
•Conducting counts of meteors during the LADEE mission will allow us to
     make inferences as to what is happening on the Moon at that time.
  •Much more simple requirements: a dark sky, your eyes, and log sheet.
                   (a reclining lawn chair is very nice too!)
            •International Meteor Organization (
         •American Meteor Society (

              Image credit:NASA/ISAS/Shinsuke Abe and Hajime Yano
International Observe the Moon Night (InOMN)

        •World-wide celebration of the Moon and lunar science.
        •Events held at NASA centers, museums, and schools.
 •InOMN 2010 featured over 500 events in more than 50 countries.
            •InOMN 2011 will occur on Saturday, October 8.
             •NASA programming streamed to local events.
•Visit to find an event near you
               or to learn how to conduct your own event.
Additional Reading from NASA Science News

   NASA Mission to Study the Moon's Fragile Atmosphere: Overview of the
                    lunar atmosphere and the LADEE mission.

   Moon Storms: How results from from the Apollo missions provides evidence
                              of levitated lunar dust.

      Moon Fountains: Describes the "fountain model" of levitating moondust.

   Don't Breathe the Moondust: Examines the potential toxicity of lunar dust.

     Crackling Planets: The electrostatic hazards of lunar and Martian dust.

En Route to Mars, the Moon: How learning to cope with lunar dust may help us in
                           future explorations of Mars.
Selected Online Resources
NASA Lunar Science Institute -
Exploring the Moon -
Lunar and Planetary Institute -
My Moon -
Explore! -
Solar System Exploration at JPL -
Year of the Solar System -
Lunar Samples Program -
Moon Zoo -
Tracking a Solar Storm -
Solar Stormwatch -
LCROSS Cratering the Moon - http://quest/challenges/lcross/
Lunar Impact Monitoring -
Association of Lunar and Planetary Observers (ALPO) -
International Meteor Organization -
American Meteor Society -
International Observe the Moon Night -
Thank you to the sponsor of
       tonight's Web Seminar:

This web seminar contains information about programs, products, and services
offered by third parties, as well as links to third-party websites. The presence of
a listing or such information does not constitute an endorsement by NSTA of a
   particular company or organization, or its programs, products, or services.
National Science Teachers Association
    Dr. Francis Q. Eberle, Executive Director
  Zipporah Miller, Associate Executive Director
           Conferences and Programs
Al Byers, Assistant Executive Director e-Learning

             NSTA Web Seminars
             Paul Tingler, Director
      Jeff Layman, Technical Coordinator

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