THE EMBODIMENT SERIES - January 19 - February 18, 2021 THE EMBODIMENT SERIES - Rose Theodora

Page created by Jeffrey Hansen
THE EMBODIMENT SERIES - January 19 - February 18, 2021 THE EMBODIMENT SERIES - Rose Theodora


                    +   Sat Devbir Singh

      January 19 – February 18, 2021
                                   THE EMBODIMENT SERIES | 2021
THE EMBODIMENT SERIES - January 19 - February 18, 2021 THE EMBODIMENT SERIES - Rose Theodora
                                                       F O
                                                       E L B A T
   1   A Q U A R I U S

       Overview, A Capricorn State of Mind

   2   C H E C K L I S T

       Everything you need

   3   I M P O R T A N T

       Planetary Alignments
                               D A T E S

   4   A Q U A R I U S     M A N D A L A

       Working with Capricorn Symbolism

   5   C Y R S T A L

       Magical Support

   6   C O L O R S

       More magical support

7–36    J O U R N A L     P R O M P T S

        Alignment and Attunement for each day

  37    C O M P L E T I O N

        Accountability and celebration!

   +    L I V E   Q   +    A

        We will announce an impromptu date
        during Capricorn Season to do a live Q +
        A. with you–to answer any questions you
        have and to support you in your Capricorn
        journey. TBA via email.

                      +   Sat Devbir Singh          THE EMBODIMENT SERIES | 2021
THE EMBODIMENT SERIES - January 19 - February 18, 2021 THE EMBODIMENT SERIES - Rose Theodora
                                                                                    W E I V R E V O
                A FIXED, AIR SIGN.
              Governed by the planets SATURN structure, form,
             aging, death, rebirth, security, vocation (career) time,
               investment, Personal Power, Authority, and Status.
              AND URANUS: liberation, the future, innovation.

Aquarius, the sign succeeding Capricorn, opposite Leo where one must rise
above the personal journey of self-fulfilling creative expression, and cash in on
all of the labor-intensive work of Capricorn; where the soul is called to
understand itself through the collective–to show up and to participate.
Through the Aquarian lens, we are complementary to Leo, we are utilizing our
creative potential and directing our consciousness towards group progress and
evolution. The Aquarian archetype is the Humanitarian, who' s dreams are
aimed at improving and benefiting humanity.

In Capricorn, we focused on Achievement and our role in the world–Where do
we go from there? In Capricorn, you' ve reached the apex, the highest point in
the physical Earth journey where you now enter the realm of the collective
conscious, the universal web of spiritual interconnectedness, the divine
Ambrosia–the water sustenance that flows from the water bearers vessel–the
Aquarian waters of light and life.

In Aquarius, we have outgrown our personal ambitions and now seek greater
spiritual fulfillment amongst our brothers and sisters in participation. In
Capricorn, the sign opposite Cancer, we focused on familial patterns, in
Aquarius, we are no longer bound by the familiar neurological ties that keep
us prisoners to Karma; instead, we are bound by the web of the universe–we
recognize ourselves us not a mere individual but as an active participant in
the collective.

Through the Aquarian journey, we have two choices: one, to rebel from the
ancestral patterns of routine, the classical forms of tradition yet still
clinging–but to individualism, refusing universal love, divine participation,
and potential spiritual death from how potentially impactful our lives can be
in support of others. Or, two, embrace the sacred service to the greater whole–
the use of achievement, to wish without an end (material reward), to release
the inner will of traditional dreams and superficial images (repeating and
contributing to the collective cyclical ancestral patterns) and to imprint upon
the collective unconscious the vast memories of the race, while remaining
secure and serene in the divine patterns of perfection which is the immortal
heritage and beauty of humanity. Aquarius, like the 11th, following Capricorn,
asks, now that you' ve become clear about your status/rank/identity/role in this
world, how will you use your power to benefit the collective? How will you
dare to dream bigger than material goals? How can be a bearer of universal
light and your dreams, seeds of light? How can you open your consciousness to
the ever-flowing mystic waters of the universe?

                                       +     Sat Devbir Singh                THE EMBODIMENT SERIES | 2021
THE EMBODIMENT SERIES - January 19 - February 18, 2021 THE EMBODIMENT SERIES - Rose Theodora
P U - T E S

✔   W A T C H E D     I N T R O   V I D E O

    Capricorn explanation with Rose

✔   W A T C H E D     K R I Y A   S E T

    Yoga and breathing set with Sat Devbir

✔   J O U R N A L     P R O M P T S

    Answered initial ?'s and ready to journal daily

✔   I M P O R T A N T      D A T E S   N O T E D

    Planetary Alignments

✔   C R Y S T A L

    Magical support

✔   C O L O R S

    Passive support

✔   J O U R N A L     P R O M P T S    R E A D Y

    Alignment and attunement

✔   C O M P L E T I O N

    Accountability and connection

                  +   Sat Devbir Singh                THE EMBODIMENT SERIES | 2021
THE EMBODIMENT SERIES - January 19 - February 18, 2021 THE EMBODIMENT SERIES - Rose Theodora

                                        Mars as the activator and Uranus as
                                        the liberator gift you an opportunity
                                        to break out of your comfort zone, but
                                        not without discomfort and openness.


                                        1/30 – 2/21
                                        All Mercury Retrogrades begin in an air sign this
                                        year. This particular Mercury Rx in Aquarius is
                                        asking you to push past the confines of your own
                                        ideas, and to think out of the box.

Journal prompts each day.
                                        This aspect occurs once aprox. every 17 years and
                                        encourages you to deal with areas of your life that
                                        are not working; instead of pushing forward to
                                        welcome the feeling of restriction as a form of
                                        discipleship and self mastery.

                            +   Sat Devbir Singh            THE EMBODIMENT SERIES | 2021
THE EMBODIMENT SERIES - January 19 - February 18, 2021 THE EMBODIMENT SERIES - Rose Theodora

Journal prompts each day.

       Saturn's role (as Aquarius' ancient ruling planet) in astrology is to bring
       meaning and structure to our lives. The planet Saturn reminds us about
       matter and time restrictions - it asks that we cultivate commitment,
       responsibility, and boundaries. Saturn highlights our need for limitations
       and self-control, meaning that this planet creates dedication to
       responsibility, devotion to self-mastery, and discipline towards our goals.
       We recommend printing this and or contemplating the deeper symbolism of

                                      +      Sat Devbir Singh                        THE EMBODIMENT SERIES | 2021
THE EMBODIMENT SERIES - January 19 - February 18, 2021 THE EMBODIMENT SERIES - Rose Theodora
Uranus stimulates change by stimulating the electrical currents through
the nadis in the etheric body and represents the Rebellion of the
Generation or Soul Group. Saturn crystallizes and provides structures for
the experience; Uranus breaks up existing structures so that we do not
become fossilized in habit. Galvanizing whatever he touches, Uranus stirs
things up. It rocks the boat, liberates that which is stagnant, and frees that
which is limited and outworn.

                                +     Sat Devbir Singh                           THE EMBODIMENT SERIES | 2021
 Crystals are high-frequency living minerals; they carry
     ancient knowledge and are apart of the mineral
 kingdom. Holding your crystal, laying it over your body,
 meditating with your crystal–align you to its frequency.
  Sat Devbir has chosen Amethyst as the crystal to work
              with during AquarianSeason.

       To purchase a hand-selected for you Smokey Quartz
       EMAIL: Sat Devbir at

 "Beautiful soft violet light opens the crown chakra and opens us to the
 sense of unity. Helps us to drop into the consciousness of oneness. Use
when resting in Shavasana, meditate in your left hand. Amethyst has the
 ability to transmute resistance, additive tendencies (meditating with it
in your left hand allows you to transform negative thought patterns and
  assist you in connecting more easily to your higher self and truth)."
                                –Sat Devbir

                      +    Sat Devbir Singh                    THE EMBODIMENT SERIES | 2021
         Our actions and decisions today will shape
           the way we will be living in the future.

Aquarius, as the natural humanitarian and original thinker
of the zodiac–isn't afraid of vibrant colors; in fact,
Aquarius' unique spirit gravitates to the beautiful hues of
color, deeply saturated neons that stimulate the mind,
metallics that sparkle like the Sun, Moon, and starlight
reminding us that we are apart of this universe. The Color
Azurite blue connects us to our creative intellectual gifts
of integrity and the pulse of the collective heart.

                      +    Sat Devbir Singh          THE EMBODIMENT SERIES | 2021
         Our actions and decisions today will shape
           the way we will be living in the future.

           We invite you to track
          your thirty-day journey
         by journaling through the
     Aquarian lens, one entry per day –
       paying special attention to the
          important dates as themes
      (noteworthy planetary alignments
Note: The journal entries are focused on an Aquarian consciousness. They are not considering your natal
             planets intentionally so that you focus on the purity of The Aquarius Season.

                               +      Sat Devbir Singh                             THE EMBODIMENT SERIES | 2021
DAY 01.

THE EVENT                                                                           “QUOTE FOR AQUARIAN
                                                                                    SEASON. "Be yourself;
                                                                                    everyone else is already
              3:40 PM EST The Sun enters
1/19                                                                                taken." –Oscar Wilde
              the sign Aquarius.

How are you, Unique? What is different about you, what stands out? What parts of you have you ostracized
naturally due to societal pressures of fitting in? If you could do something radically YOU today, what would it
be? Aquarius season is about knowing why you're different and how your ideas are uniquely yours so that you
can participate in the collective as both an individual and yet as part of humanity.

When each of us is aligned with our beautiful make-up, we can show up fully, without comparison, without
jealousy, supportive of others, and confident in who we are. Through the sign of Aquarius, as a part of the last
quadrant of the zodiacal wheel of life, we have a higher calling–to know ourselves, to recognize that differences
are just the infinite expressions of the universe–each doing our part in the collective web of experience.

                                  +    Sat Devbir Singh                              THE EMBODIMENT SERIES | 2021
DAY 02.

             Mars conjoins Uranus and a 1st
             Quarter Moon.

Today is passionately charged. How do you normally react when you feel restricted? How can you take
constructive steps that lead towards greater ease, growth, freedom, and liberation?

                                +    Sat Devbir Singh                           THE EMBODIMENT SERIES | 2021
DAY 03.

             The Moon newly in Taurus.

How can you be both radical and moderate? Where can you honor security and comfort yet welcome radical
change? What does that look like for you?

                                +   Sat Devbir Singh                          THE EMBODIMENT SERIES | 2021
DAY 04.

              The Moon challenges Mercury
              and gains support from Pluto.

Today is supporting you to overcome your strong physical need for comfort. Notice how your thoughts may
differ from your need for security today. How can you compromise? What new ideas are you receiving related to
your future? Think big, how do you want to show up for Humanity?
"Love is here to serve you." – Sat Devbir Singh

                                  +    Sat Devbir Singh                         THE EMBODIMENT SERIES | 2021
DAY 05.

              Mars square Jupiter. The Sun
              shines a light on Saturn.

An abundance of energy constructively applied to your new future vision, but forethought is a necessity. How
are your dreams related to the collective? What motivated you to take actionable steps towards your high-
minded goals, and what might some consequences be? Write three possibilities from your neutral mind (i.e., not
negative or positive):




                                 +    Sat Devbir Singh                            THE EMBODIMENT SERIES | 2021
DAY 06.

             The Moon in Gemini conjoins the
             Collective Node of Destiny.

How can curiosity surrounding communication support you to become more masterful right now? How can you
listen differently?

                               +    Sat Devbir Singh                         THE EMBODIMENT SERIES | 2021
DAY 07.

             The Moon in Gemini aligns
             beautifully with Mercury in

How are you tapping into the current of universal love? How is how you communicate circulating love?

                                +    Sat Devbir Singh                           THE EMBODIMENT SERIES | 2021
DAY 08.

              The Sun is challanged by Uranus.

How can you constructively do something radical today? How can you be more open to change and flexible to
the changing circumstances currently present? Is there a way to physically take more risks–to uniquely express
yourself through your style?

                                 +     Sat Devbir Singh                            THE EMBODIMENT SERIES | 2021
DAY 09.

             The Sun beautifully dances in

How do you feel? Really, what do you need to feel safe and secure in your emotional body today? Showing up
confidently and standing strong in your identity stems from a centered emotional core.

                                +    Sat Devbir Singh                           THE EMBODIMENT SERIES | 2021
DAY 10.

             FULL MOON IN LEO + Venus
             joins Pluto.

Trust in your prayers, open your heart–trust in the divine. Love has no fear; love has no defeat, love is a
strength, love is a frequency." – Sat Devbir Singh.
This Full Moon whispers a prayer, May you have openness to hear, talk, ask questions, and listen to the answers
you receive intuitively, but also the capacity to select the information that reaches your heart. How can you step
more into the above today? The Full Moon opposite our Aquarius season is a check-in halfway point for staying
in the heart, letting go of the ego's needs to witness, and the loneliness that can stem from not fully being
yourself. Today we encourage you to step more into your power but through the heart center.

What flows through you...and how can you step more into your authentic essence? This is a beautiful + powerful
new moon to work with –know that you've got major planetary support to step more into your heart.

                                  +     Sat Devbir Singh                             THE EMBODIMENT SERIES | 2021
DAY 11.

            The Sun shines a light on Jupiter.

Bountiful, beautiful, blissful! Today is supercharged. Notice how a universal magnetic pulse moves through you.
What are you most positive about today? How are you thinking big?

                                 +    Sat Devbir Singh                            THE EMBODIMENT SERIES | 2021
DAY 12.

             MERCURY RETROGRADE in
             Aquarius until February 20.

Aquarius, as a fixed air sign, implies that this period is about turning within to reevaluate, reconstruct, rethink,
and revisit your ideas around what the collective means, around how technology and information is utilized,
and how acts of humanitarianism can be even more expanded upon.

What is coming up for you mentally today? This will denote where your Mercury Retrograde work resides for
this three-week transit.

                                   +    Sat Devbir Singh                              THE EMBODIMENT SERIES | 2021
DAY 13.

            The Moon in Virgo.

How can you organize your day to leave space for bigger ideas?

L1. Let's explore together1. How are you wanting to organize your day today?

2. Do you notice where you are too hard on yourself and self-critical? Why?
How can you gift yourself a different perspective?

3. Today gifts you an intuitive understanding of what is necessary. Write a note that your higher self would say
to you right now.

                                  +    Sat Devbir Singh                            THE EMBODIMENT SERIES | 2021
DAY 14.

            Venus now enters Aquarius.

There is no room for ordinary self-expression today. What is unique about you? List five things.






                                  +    Sat Devbir Singh                            THE EMBODIMENT SERIES | 2021
DAY 15.

            The Sun squares Mars.

Today challanges you to take methodical and sensual steps that support who you are, not work against your
ideals. How can you honor the intense energy today through your favorite work out?

                                +     Sat Devbir Singh                          THE EMBODIMENT SERIES | 2021
DAY 16.

            The Moon in Libra aligning
            harmoniously to Mercury
            Retrograde in Aquarius.

How can relationships support you? How do you show up for others? What is most important to you in a
relationship dynamic, i.e., friends + 1:1 relationships.

                                +    Sat Devbir Singh                          THE EMBODIMENT SERIES | 2021
DAY 17.

            Last Quarter Moon in Scorpio.

How does transformation work for you? From a mundane to a transcendent state. How can you clear the

                               +    Sat Devbir Singh                          THE EMBODIMENT SERIES | 2021
DAY 18.

             Moon in Scorpio in a challenging
             aspect to Mercury Retrograde.

There is no fear in the current of love. What makes you feel most aligned to this current?

                                  +    Sat Devbir Singh                             THE EMBODIMENT SERIES | 2021
DAY 19.

            Moon in Sagittarius aligns
            harmoniously to Mercury
            Retrograde. Venus meets Saturn.

Expansive universal ideals. What does the word humanity mean to you? How are you adding to the collective
destiny of your brothers and sisters? How do you recognize interconnectedness?

                                +    Sat Devbir Singh                          THE EMBODIMENT SERIES | 2021
DAY 20.

             The Moon creatively aspects
             Mercury Retrograde

Expansive ideas generated from a gregarious place. What is the largest vision that you can possible envision for
the world? What do you see your role being? Who are you in the big vision?

                                  +    Sat Devbir Singh                             THE EMBODIMENT SERIES | 2021
DAY 21.

             The Moon in Capricorn aligns harmoniously to Uranus in
             Taurus, + Mercury in its Retrograde journey meets the Sun to
             form a Cazimi.

What do the phrases: Grounded Ideals and Quality Stability mean to you?

If you were to look at yourself from the outside, what do you see?

                                  +    Sat Devbir Singh                   THE EMBODIMENT SERIES | 2021
DAY 22.

            Saturn sextile Chiron.

Creatively healing sovereignty. How can you prioritize your ideas today?

                                 +    Sat Devbir Singh                     THE EMBODIMENT SERIES | 2021
DAY 23.

            An Aquarius Stellium. The Nodes of
            Destiny challenge + Mercury Retrograde.

Today and Tomorrow, we're going to dive deep into Aquarius. How would you define radical? What current
social system would you want to change, how, and why? What new social systems would you put into place?

What new information has changed your perspective today?

                                +    Sat Devbir Singh                          THE EMBODIMENT SERIES | 2021
DAY 24.

            NEW MOON IN AQUARIUS. Venus
            conjoins Jupiter aligning to the Collective
            North node of destiny.

This is a BEAUTIFUL AUSPICIOUS NEW MOON. Full of friendly cheer and high ideals. How are you using
your voice to bring light into the world? What do conscious communication and universal love mean to you?

NEW MOON VISION of a new world, a new fully authentic, special, YOU. Share your vision with two
strangers today. Home is where ever we are, so truly there is no such thing as strangers.

                                +    Sat Devbir Singh                          THE EMBODIMENT SERIES | 2021
DAY 25.

            The Moon in Pisces.

How are you poetically digesting the New Moon yesterday? What unimagined realms are awakening within
you? Write down a dream that you'd like to have tonight. Describe in great detail.

                               +    Sat Devbir Singh                         THE EMBODIMENT SERIES | 2021
DAY 26.

             The Moon conjoins Neptune.

Write down your dreams from last night. If you don't remember, write down an experience that you'd like to
have today, the most beautiful scenario you can imagine. How do either make you feel?

                                 +    Sat Devbir Singh                           THE EMBODIMENT SERIES | 2021
DAY 27.

             Mercury Retrograde conjoins
             Jupiter. Valentines Day!!

You're becoming clearer about where you want to invest your mental energy. Do you notice? Where are you
mentally most invested right now?
How can you love what makes you different?

                                +    Sat Devbir Singh                          THE EMBODIMENT SERIES | 2021
DAY 28.

             The Moon joins Chiron.

How can you constructively heal and honor your feelings related to now accepting your self, to judging your
anger and pain? How can you become more empowered and brace to step into your essence?

                                 +    Sat Devbir Singh                            THE EMBODIMENT SERIES | 2021
DAY 29.

              The Moon harmoniously aligns
              with the Sun and becomes
              challenged by Pluto.

Often, when we step into our power–something, someone is there to reflect our inner shadow and almost seems
to interfere or block our progress and freedom. How do you recognize this situation or the other as a part of you?

                                  +    Sat Devbir Singh                             THE EMBODIMENT SERIES | 2021
DAY 30.


The Fixed (stuck or fixated) squares (challanges) are signature aspects of 2021. The next aspect between these two
planets–the architects we call them will be on June 14 and December 24. But for now, today, how can you ride
the wave of change in favor of liberation? When did you last trust the changes, no matter how uncertain the
outcome–in your life? What did you learn about yourself? Hint: 14 years ago ;)

                                  +    Sat Devbir Singh                             THE EMBODIMENT SERIES | 2021
DAY 31.

            The last day of Aquarius Season!

COMPLETION. The Anaretic degree is a tipping point in Astrology. What does this oracle mean to you?
29º Aquarius: Butterfly emerging from a chrysalis.Immortality of the real self. Graduation into a new realm of
being. Confident projection of self; lack of self-confidence.

                                 +    Sat Devbir Singh                             THE EMBODIMENT SERIES | 2021
Aquarius is the sign most synonymous with originality. How do
 you feel you've embraced your authentic self-expression this
  month? We'd love to know how this season impacted you.

   The privilege of a lifetime is being
    who you are. – Joseph Campbell

                    +   Sat Devbir Singh       THE EMBODIMENT SERIES | 2021
    +   Sat Devbir Singh

                    THE EMBODIMENT SERIES | 2021
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