Pharmacy Laboratory Medicine Biomedical Science - University courses - Moama ...

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Pharmacy Laboratory Medicine Biomedical Science - University courses - Moama ...
                         Laboratory Medicine
                          Biomedical Science

University courses
MARCH 2021

Weekly Career News CCW
Pharmacy Laboratory Medicine Biomedical Science - University courses - Moama ...
introduction                                                                                        Indicative ATARs

This document has been developed to assist domestic students and their families in researching
                                                                                                    Please use entry requirements and
pharmacy, medical laboratory science and biomedicine courses in Victoria, Tasmania, Canberra, and
                                                                                                    indicative ATARs listed in this
Southern New South Wales.
                                                                                                    document as a guide only and
                                                                                                    check university websites for
           Indicative ATAR = the lowest selection rank (ATAR plus adjustment factors such as
           academic and equity adjustments) for the 2021 January intake.                            Disclaimer

           English prerequisite: EAL = English as an Additional Language. ‘Any other English’       Universities featured in this guide
           includes English, English Language and Literature.                                       reserve the right to change course
                                                                                                    information, admissions and entry
           Additional selection requirements – applicants may need a current Working with           requirements at any time and
           Children Check, National Police Check, up to date immunisations, First Aid etc.          without notice.

           Undergraduate: this is your first course at university. For example - Bachelor degree.   For up-to-date information, check
                                                                                                    the university websites when
           Graduate: this is study you do once you have graduated from a Bachelor degree. For       assessing course information.
           example – Honours, Graduate Diploma, Master degree.

Written by Sandie McKoy, March 2021
Catholic College Wodonga,

Note: Monash University has requested to not be included in this brochure.
Pharmacy Laboratory Medicine Biomedical Science - University courses - Moama ...
Course summary
University                       Course                                                 Campus                Indicative ATAR
La Trobe University              Bachelor of Pharmacy (Honours)                         Bendigo               83.75

RMIT University                  Bachelor of Pharmacy (Honours)                         Bundoora              78.10

University of Tasmania           Bachelor of Pharmacy with Applied Honours              Hobart                70.00

University of Canberra           Bachelor of Pharmacy                                   Canberra – Bruce      80.00

University                       Course                                                 Campus                Indicative ATAR
RMIT University                  Bachelor of Biomedical Science (Laboratory Medicine)   Bundoora              75.55

University of Tasmania           Bachelor of Laboratory Medicine                        Launceston            75.00

Charles Sturt University         Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Science (Pathology)     Wagga Wagga           65.00
                                                                                        Online                65.00

University                       Course                                                 Campus                Indicative ATAR
Australian Catholic University   Bachelor of Biomedical Science                         Melbourne             58.65

Deakin University                Bachelor of Biomedical Science                         Melbourne Burwood     80.15
                                                                                        Geelong Waurn Ponds   72.40

La Trobe University              Bachelor of Biomedical Science                         Albury-Wodonga        62.05
                                                                                        Bendigo               60.85
                                 Bachelor of Biomedical Science (Medicine)              Albury-Wodonga        80.00
                                                                                        Bendigo               80.00
                                 Bachelor of Biomedicine                                Melbourne Bundoora    65.00

RMIT University                  Bachelor of Biomedical Science                         Bundoora              70.10
                                 Bachelor of Biomedical Science / Bachelor of Science   City / Bundoora       74.80

The University of Melbourne      Bachelor of Biomedicine                                Parkville             92.00
                                 Bachelor of Biomedicine (Chancellor’s Scholar)         Parkville             99.90

Swinburne University             Bachelor of Health Sciences (Professional)             Hawthorn              80.00
                                 Bachelor of Health Sciences                            Hawthorn              60.00

Victoria University              Bachelor of Biomedicine                                Footscray Park        92.15
                                                                                        St Albans             Not published
                                 Bachelor of Biomedical Science                         St Albans             Not applicable
                                 Bachelor of Biomedical and Exercise Science            Footscray Park &      72.60
                                                                                        St Albans

Federation University            Bachelor of Biomedical Science                         Ballarat – Mt Helen   60.00
                                                                                        Berwick               (guaranteed
                                                                                        Gippsland             ATAR)
Pharmacy Laboratory Medicine Biomedical Science - University courses - Moama ...

                                                                                                                Examples of specialist areas in
                                                                                                                           pharmacy include:

                                                                                                                  Aboriginal and Torres Strait
                                                                                                                      Islander Health Services
                                                                                                                 General Practice Pharmacist
                                                                                                               Pharmacist Diabetes Educator
                                                                                                              Medication Management Review
                                                                                                                   Defence Force Pharmacist

                                                                                                                     Pharmaceutical Society of

         UNIVERSITY                                    For the remaining two years, you'll focus        Professional Accreditation
                                                       on specific pharmacy subjects such as
                                                       legislation and practice, therapeutics,          After graduation you'll be eligible to                                                                                      complete a one-year supervised
                                                       complementary medicine and the quality
                                                       use of medicines.                                internship and take the Australian
Bachelor of Pharmacy (Honours)
                                                                                                        Pharmacy Board exams to qualify as a
                                                       You'll also examine public health issues in      professional pharmacist.
This degree develops your understanding
                                                       rural and remote Australia, and graduate
of how medicines impact, improve and
                                                       with an Honours level degree.                    After this internship you'll also be able to
change people's lives. You'll gain
                                                                                                        register and practice as a pharmacist in
knowledge of our healthcare system and
                                                       La Trobe University students have won            hospitals, community health or even for
how pharmacists support patient care.
                                                       the Victorian Pharmacy Student of the            large-scale organisations such as the
                                                       Year competition six times in the last           Australian Defence Force.
Based in Bendigo, you'll have access to
                                                       seven years.
our on-campus training pharmacy, where
you'll practise patient communication                                                                   Admission and pathway
skills and learn how to work as the link               Clinical Placement                               programs
between medical practitioners and the
public.                                                During your degree, you'll participate in a      Includes information on the Aspire Early
                                                       range of community and hospital                  Admission Program, Achieve Plus
In the first two years of your course you'll           placements where you'll develop practical        program and the Regional Benefits
study science fundamentals along with                  pharmacy skills.                                 Program,
introductory pharmacy practice subjects.

Course                                     Prerequisites                                                Campus                     Indicative ATAR
Bachelor of Pharmacy (Honours)             Minimum study scores of: 30 in English (EAL) or 25 in any    Bendigo                    83.75
                                           other English; 25 in Chemistry; and 25 in any Mathematics.
Pharmacy Laboratory Medicine Biomedical Science - University courses - Moama ...
RMIT UNIVERSITY                                           You’ll develop a sound scientific base in         Clinical placement
                                                          studies that include biochemistry,                                           biostatistics, human biology, genetics,           Clinical placement is a key focus
                                                          microbiology, immunology and cell                 throughout this program. Teaching labs
                                                          biology.                                          are equipped with the latest pharmacy
Bachelor of Pharmacy (Honours)
                                                          In-depth knowledge of pharmacology,
This four-year program is your first step to
                                                          pharmacy practice, pharmaceutics and              You’ll begin to develop the skills of a
becoming a pharmacist. It prepares you
                                                          therapeutics is gained along with an              pharmacy practitioner in the purpose-built
for the one-year internship program that
                                                          understanding of drug development,                model pharmacy, together with practical
you need to successfully complete in
                                                          clinical trials, regulatory affairs and           work experience in hospital, community
order to gain Australia-wide registration.
                                                          pharmacovigilance.                                and specialist work-integrated learning
As an RMIT pharmacy student you’ll
                                                          The program is taught by experienced
benefit from a supportive academic
community with diverse research
                                                          professionals skilled in cutting-edge             Professional Accreditation
                                                          research and sessional staff with current
                                                          industry experience.                              Once you've successfully completed the
You’ll be able to gain real-world                                                                           program and the internship, you can
experience through work placements in                                                                       practise in any area of pharmacy in
both hospital and community                                                                                 Australia, including community or hospital
pharmacies.                                                                                                 pharmacy.

Course                                         Prerequisites                                                Campus                   Indicative ATAR
Bachelor of Pharmacy (Honours)                 Minimum study scores of: 30 in English (EAL) or 25 in any    Bundoora                 78.10
                                               other English; 25 in Chemistry; and 25 in any Mathematics.

UNIVERSITY OF                                              experience placements, which help you             Professional Accreditation
TASMANIA                                                   gain the skills and attitudes required to
                                                           become a registered pharmacist in                 After graduating with a Bachelor of                                            Australia.                                        Pharmacy, you can go on to complete a
                                                                                                             12-month intern training program to
Bachelor of Pharmacy with Applied                          Why study pharmacy at UTAS?                       become eligible for registration as a
Honours                                                                                                      pharmacist with the Australian Health
                                                                                                             Practitioner Regulation Agency.
                                                           Our staff have pioneered hospital and
Pharmacists play a central part in primary                 community-based clinical teaching of
health care teams. Working alongside                       pharmacy students in Australia and are            Scholarship
doctors, nurses and other healthcare                       national leaders in translational research,
professionals, they're essential in helping                particularly incorporating the use of             A $6000 relocation bursary may available
people manage their health.                                information technology.                           to students relocating to UTAS,
The pharmacy degree at the University of                   The Bachelor of Pharmacy at the
Tasmania is a professionally accredited                    University of Tasmania is world-class,            Early admissions program
program, providing you with specialist                     providing some of the broadest work
skills and expertise in the basic and                      experience opportunities and leading to           Schools Recommendation Program,
clinical pharmaceutical sciences.                          some of the highest graduate job        
                                                           outcomes in Australia.
This is complemented by hands-on
experience through professional

Course                                         Prerequisites                                                Campus                 Indicative ATAR
Bachelor of Pharmacy with Applied              Unit 3-4 Chemistry and Mathematics (any). Recommended:       Hobart                 70.00
Honours                                        Mathematical Methods, Biology.
Pharmacy Laboratory Medicine Biomedical Science - University courses - Moama ...
UNIVERSITY OF                                        Career opportunities                             Clinical experience
                                                     A registered UC Bachelor of Pharmacy             Placements will include a range of
                                                     graduate is an important component of            practice settings in public hospitals and                                  any healthcare team as they can assess a         community pharmacies in the ACT and
                                                     variety of medical ailments and possess          region, around Australia, or in our own
Bachelor of Pharmacy                                 the knowledge to recommend a range of            Faculty of Health student-led clinics.
                                                     drugs and medicines to help resolve or
This four-year undergraduate degree                  manage multiple medical issues.                  Professional Accreditation
incorporates lectures, practicals, tutorials,
and Pharmacy-specific work experience                Also, as the global aging population             Accredited by the Australia Pharmacy
placements.                                          continues to grow, the demand for                Council (APC) this course offers
                                                     qualified pharmacy graduates capable of          graduates the opportunity to move into a
Students will acquire foundation                     offering additional services such asthma         variety of career options or continue with
knowledge and skills in basic and life               care, blood pressure monitoring, and             additional academic study.
sciences and learn how to apply this to              more is expected to increase.
the clinical reasoning, treatment and
evaluation skills required by a pharmacist.                                                           Early admissions program
                                                     In addition, each UC Bachelor of
The curriculum is evidence based and                 Pharmacy graduate leaves UC with a
research led.                                                                                         Schools Recommendation Schemes,
                                                     comprehensive list of industry and
                                                     stakeholder contacts and should have no
The University of Canberra provides a                problem moving into positions in the
contemporary pharmacy program with                   following areas: as a practicing
smaller class sizes to facilitate individual         pharmacist, working in a community or a
learning and relevant professional                   hospital pharmacy, or as a regulator
experiences. Academics provide                       within the government and broader
supportive academic leadership informed              pharmaceutical industry.
by their currency of clinical practice.

Course                                          Assumed knowledge                               Campus                       Indicative ATAR
Bachelor of Pharmacy                            Mathematical Methods, Chemistry, Health and     Canberra                     80.00
                                                Human Development, Biology, Physics.
Pharmacy Laboratory Medicine Biomedical Science - University courses - Moama ...
Medical laboratory SCIENCE

RMIT UNIVERSITY                                                                                               years to give you work-ready skills and
RMIT UNIVERSITY                                            transplantation science, anatomical
                                                                                                              experience in a diagnostic pathway.
                                                           pathology, medical microbiology and
                                                           clinical biochemistry.                                                                                               You may have the opportunity to travel
                                                           You’ll have flexibility in choosing your           overseas and undertake 10 to 13 weeks
Bachelor of Biomedical Science                             major disciplines and will also complete a         of professional practice in an approved
(Laboratory Medicine)                                      major clinical placement, providing you            laboratory. Destination countries include
                                                           with work-ready skills and practical               the UK, the US, Ireland, Singapore, Korea
Medical laboratory scientists play a critical              experience.                                        and Sweden.
role in the diagnosis and treatment of
disease, working as part of a team with                    In your final year, you’ll have the                Professional accreditation
doctors, pathologists, scientists,                         opportunity to study a discipline-focused
technicians and laboratory assistants.                     laboratory medicine project to develop             This is the only Victorian degree
                                                           your research skills. Graduates are                accredited by the Australian Institute of
The Bachelor of Biomedical Science                         qualified as medical scientists and play a         Medical Scientists (AIMS) and the only
(Laboratory Medicine) is a four-year                       vital role in the healthcare system.               Australian degree accredited by the
program with a clinical placement
                                                                                                              Institute of Biomedical Science (IBMS) in
providing you with work-ready skills and
                                                           Clinical experience                                the UK.
experience in diagnostic pathology.

                                                           You'll undertake two semesters of                  You’ll be eligible for membership of the
RMIT is the only Victorian university to
                                                           supervised professional practice clinical          New Zealand Institute of Medical
offer all of the following majors including
                                                           placement across your third and fourth             Laboratory Science and the American
haematology, transfusions and
                                                                                                              Society for Clinical Laboratory Science.

Course                                          Prerequisites                                                 Campus                   Indicative ATAR
Bachelor of Biomedical Science                  Minimum study scores of 30 in English (EAL) or 25 in any      Bundoora                 75.55
(Laboratory Medicine)                           other English; 20 in either Chemistry or Biology; and 20 in
                                                Physics or any Mathematics.
UNIVERSITY OF                                       With this knowledge, you'll be ready to              Clinical experience
UNIVERSITY OF                                       work in diagnostic pathology or medical
TASMANIA                                            research laboratories, and start making              During the final semester of this course,
                                                    your own contributions to the medical                you will participate in a Professional                                     science field.                                       Experience Placement (PEP).

Bachelor of Laboratory Medicine                     On graduation you will be ready to                   This clinical placement is undertaken off
                                                    undertake an exciting career at the                  campus in an accredited diagnostic
The Bachelor of Laboratory Medicine is              forefront of laboratory medicine.                    pathology laboratory, where you will
the perfect degree for anyone looking to                                                                 develop practical laboratory skills and
work in specialised medical or pathology            The opportunities are broad, including               contribute to patient healthcare via
laboratories.                                       roles with diagnostic pathology labs –               diagnostic techniques within the
                                                    both public and private facilities, or within        laboratory.
The three and half year course consists of          the medical research field.
six semesters of on-campus study, plus a                                                                 Professional accreditation
seventh semester of clinical placement in           This degree can also be used to launch a
an accredited lab in Australia.                     career in medical research, veterinary
                                                                                                         This course is accredited by the
                                                    laboratories, diagnostic and
                                                                                                         Australian Institute of Medical Scientists
This program is structured to build your            pharmaceutical companies or health
knowledge in chemistry, anatomy,                    management.
physiology, histology, immunology, cell
                                                                                                         Early admissions program
and molecular biology, biochemistry,
haematology, clinical biochemistry and
                                                                                                         Schools Recommendation Program,
medical microbiology.

Course                                        Prerequisites                                            Campus                     Indicative ATAR
Bachelor of Laboratory Medicine               Unit 3-4: satisfactory completion of Chemistry           Launceston                 75.90

 CHARLES STURT                                      Career outcomes                                      Push the research boundaries

 UNIVERSITY                                                                                              Move into a research role with further
                                                    Pursue medical science on the
                                                    frontline                                            study in medical research programs or a                                                                                          postgraduate degree.
                                                    Work in private and public sector
 Bachelor of Medical Laboratory                     hospitals to help clinicians prevent,                Professional accreditation
 Science (Pathology)                                diagnose and treat a range of diseases.
                                                    Choose to work in microbiology,                      When you graduate you’ll be qualified for
 Are you a doer and a thinker who wants
                                                    haematology, immunology, clinical                    accreditation and eligible for membership
 to have an impact? Someone who’s
                                                    biochemistry, histology, genetics or                 with the Australian Institute of Medical
 ready to make the world a safer place,
                                                    molecular diagnostics.                               Scientists (AIMS).
 help develop cures or improve
 humankind’s quality of life?
                                                    Work wonders in the lab                              Through AIMS’ links to the Institute of
                                                                                                         Biomedical Sciences, UK, and the New
 With the Bachelor of Medical Laboratory
                                                    Take up a role in a health laboratory,               Zealand Institute of Medical Laboratory
 Science (Pathology) from Charles Sturt
                                                    where you’ll perform a range of medical              Science, you'll be ready to take the next
 University you can be an essential part of
                                                    tests.                                               step and join a worldwide network of
 the healthcare process.
                                                                                                         health professionals.
                                                    Modern techniques in medical laboratory
 In this course you’ll investigate current
                                                    science are increasingly focused on the
 conditions as a medical scientist or                                                                    Admission and pathway
                                                    molecular pathology – the DNA – so you
 discover new possibilities through
                                                    can help personalise medicine – meaning              programs
 research. Work at the forefront of
                                                    people get the treatment that suits their
 healthcare, and explore dynamic fields                                                                  Includes early entry programs and
                                                    body, not the disease!
 including molecular diagnostics, genetics                                                               pathway courses. Visit
 and immunology.                                                                               

 Course                                          Assumed knowledge                                  Campus                        Indicative ATAR
 Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Science          Advanced Mathematics and Chemistry                 Wagga Wagga                   65
 (Pathology)                                                                                        Online                        65

AUSTRALIAN CATHOLIC                                  Students undertake specified units in              Majors and minors
                                                     years 1 and 2 of the degree, year 3 of the
UNIVERSITY                                           program provides some flexibility in terms         Major available – Physiological
                                                     of industry-based placements and                   Pharmacology                                       elective units.
                                                                                                        Minors available – Physiology, Nutrition,
Bachelor of Biomedical Science
                                                     Clinical experience                                Chemistry and Pharmacology.

The Bachelor of Biomedical Science is a
                                                     Students will complete 185 hours of                Combined degrees
professional degree in a discipline at the
                                                     professional experience, including 80
forefront of research into human health,
                                                     hours of community engagement and                  Applicants can apply to combine the
disease and drug development.
                                                     105 hours of industry immersion.                   Bachelor of Biomedicine with one of the
Graduates demonstrate a well-developed                                                                  following degrees:
                                                     Students will volunteer at selected public
understanding of the biomedical science
                                                     sector or non-profit organisations                 §    Bachelor of Applied Public Health
sub-disciplines to enable them to
                                                     supporting disadvantaged individuals and           §    Bachelor of Business Administration
undertake values driven problem solving.
                                                     families experiencing socially-determined          §    Bachelor of Laws
                                                     health issues.
Application of their knowledge,
understanding and skills to local and                                                                   Admission programs
global issues must attend to both First
Peoples and Western perspectives, and                                                                   Includes information about the following
these aspects are embedded within                                                                       early entry programs - Community
specified biomedical science units in all                                                               Achievers Program and ACU Guarantee,

Course                                       Prerequisites                                           Campus                    Indicative ATAR
Bachelor of Biomedical Science               Minimum study scores of: 30 in English (EAL) or 25 in   Melbourne                 58.65
                                             any other English; and 25 in any Mathematics.
DEAKIN UNIVERSITY                                         Majors available                                     Career opportunities                                         Students can choose a major from the                 Graduates can confidently enter a range
                                                          following study areas:                               of health-related areas including:
Bachelor of Biomedical Science
                                                          §     Environmental Health                           §     medical research
                                                          §     Infection and Immunity                         §     genetic engineering
Expertise in biology and the science
                                                          §     Medial Biotechnology                           §     the pharmaceutical industry
behind disease puts you in a position to
                                                          §     Medical Genomics                               §     pharmaceutical/medical sales
make a real difference in people’s lives.
                                                          §     Molecular Life Sciences                        §     laboratory technology.
Explore early diagnosis, the development
                                                          §     Pharmaceutical Science
of products that treat disease or play a
                                                                                                               You can also advance to honours or
role in policy that improves public health.
                                                          Industry experience                                  postgraduate studies, either in more
                                                                                                               specialised areas of biomedical science,
Through your specialisation and work
                                                          You will obtain crucial industry experience          or in other disciplines including medicine.
placement you will learn more about the
biomedical science topics that matter to                  through 80 to 160 hours of work
you, get more out of your qualification                   placement. You’ll also have the                      Entry pathways
and enhance your employability once you                   opportunity to undertake a discipline-
graduate.                                                 specific industry placement as part of               Visit
                                                          your course.
Everything you learn through this course
is supported by practical and authentic

Course                                        Prerequisites                                             Campus                        Indicative ATAR
Bachelor of Biomedical Science                Minimum study score of 25 in English (EAL) or 20 in       Melbourne                     80.15
                                              any other English.                                        Geelong Waurn Ponds           72.40

          UNIVERSITY                                      Bachelor of Biomedicine                              Bachelor of Biomedical
                                                                                                               Science (Medicine)
                                                          A degree in biomedicine provides diverse
                                                          career opportunities in areas including              The Bachelor of Biomedical Science
                                                          biotechnology, medical research and the              (Medical) provides a pathway into the
 Course options
                                                          pharmaceutical industry, while also                  graduate entry Doctor of Medicine offered
                                                          providing a pathway to graduate entry                by the University of Melbourne in
 Bachelor of Biomedical                                   allied health courses, such as                       Shepparton for regional students
 Science                                                  physiotherapy and speech pathology,                  intending to practice medicine in a
                                                          and medicine or dentistry.                           regional location.
 A biomedical science degree will teach
 you about the human body, its structure                  Applicants can apply to combine the                  Admission and pathway
 and its functions.                                       Bachelor of Biomedicine with one of the
                                                          following degrees:
 You will learn the practical skills needed
                                                                                                               Includes information on the following
 to explore the underlying molecular basis                §     Bachelor of Commerce
                                                                                                               programs - the Aspire Early Admissions,
 of acute and chronic illnesses,                          §     Bachelor of Law
                                                                                                               Regional Benefits Program, and Achieve
 understand how to apply biomedical                       §     Bachelor of Biomedicine/Master of
 research and learn how to convey                               Clinical Audiology (course package)
 scientific and biomedical science

Course                                 Prerequisites                                                     Campus                       Indicative ATAR
Bachelor of Biomedical Science         Minimum study score of 25 in English (EAL) or 20 in any           Albury-Wodonga               62.05
                                       other English                                                     Bendigo                      60.85

Bachelor of Biomedicine                Minimum study score of 25 in English (EAL) or 20 in any           Melbourne                    65.00
                                       other English

Bachelor of Biomedical Science         Minimum study score of 30 in English (EAL) or 25 in any           Albury-Wodonga               80.00 (minimum
(Medicine)                             other English. Plus additional selection criteria.                Bendigo                      ATAR)
     UNIVERSITY                                                                                            Career opportunities
RMIT                                                    In year three, you have a choice of
                                                        studying molecular biology, biochemistry,
                                                        cell biology, anatomy, advanced                    This degree can lead you to work in
                                                        physiology, pathology or microbiology.             leading fields like genetic engineering,
                                                                                                           cancer research, neuroscience, DNA
Bachelor of Biomedical Science                                                                             profile and stem cell research.
                                                        Industry experience
In this flexible program, you'll develop a                                                                 Graduates can work in:
                                                        During third year you'll gain experience in
broad understanding of human anatomy,
                                                        a university research laboratory or a
physiology and pathology from cellular to                                                                  §    research in universities, hospitals
                                                        professional organisation.
systems level.                                                                                                  and biomedical research institutes
                                                                                                           §    medical and pharmaceutical
                                                        With associated coursework, this runs for
Biomedical science forms the basis of our                                                                       research
                                                        120 hours. You’ll work in research and
understanding of how human and animal                                                                      §    public and private diagnostic centres
                                                        analytical laboratories in universities,
bodies function, and the responses of the                                                                  §    therapeutic research laboratories
                                                        hospitals and industry.
body to various diseases, exercise, diet,                                                                  §    applied health areas like health
internal disturbances and environmental                                                                         promotion and administration.
influences.                                             Combined degree
                                                                                                           The program is an ideal preparation for
You'll be able to choose electives to suit              Students can apply to combine this                 graduate entry into health sciences
your interests. In year two, depending on               degree with the Bachelor of Science                programs such as medicine,
your area of specialisation, you may                    (Biotechnology).                                   physiotherapy, and dentistry.
choose electives in microbiology or

 Course                                      Prerequisites                                              Campus                     Indicative ATAR
 Bachelor of Biomedical Science              Minimum study scores of 30 in English (EAL) or 25 in any   Bundoora                   70.10
                                             other English; 20 in Chemistry; and 20 in Physics or any

 Bachelor of Biomedical Science /            Minimum study scores of 30 in English (EAL) or 25 in any   City / Bundoora            74.80
 Bachelor of Science (Biotechnology)         other English; 20 in Chemistry; and 20 in Mathematical
                                             Methods or Specialist Mathematics.
    UNIVERSITY OF                                      Biomedicine precinct                               Majors
                                                       The biomedicine precinct is the largest in         Students can apply to major in one of the                                     the southern hemisphere. More than 40              following study areas:
                                                       hospitals, research, teaching and
                                                       biotechnology organisations surround the           §     Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Bachelor of Biomedicine
                                                       School of Biomedical Sciences – making             §     Bioengineering Systems
                                                       it a highly sought-after base for global           §     Biotechnology
Are you interested in discovering the next
                                                       biomedical leaders.                                §     Cell and Developmental Biology
generation of treatments to help improve
                                                                                                          §     Genetics
the health of your community?
                                                       Other                                              §     Human Nutrition
                                                                                                          §     Human Structure and Function
Does the science behind what creates,
                                                       The School of Biomedical Sciences is               §     Immunology
sustains and threatens people’s lives
                                                       home to the largest room scale Virtual             §     Infection and Immunity
intrigue you? Can you see yourself
                                                       Reality teaching space in Australia – the          §     Microbiology
studying and working in the largest
                                                       Virtual Reality Learning Studio.                   §     Neuroscience
biomedical precinct in the southern
                                                                                                          §     Pathology
                                                       You can complete some of your study                §     Pharmacology
                                                       abroad through the Exchange or Study               §     Physiology
Whether you want to pursue a career in
                                                       Abroad programs and spend a full                   §     Psychology
medicine, professional health, biomedical
research or another pursuit – a Bachelor               semester at a partner university or
of Biomedicine can take you there.                     choose a single subject as a summer or
                                                       winter intensive.

Course                                 Prerequisites                                                     Campus                  Minimum ATAR
Bachelor of Biomedicine                Minimum study scores of: 30 in English (EAL) or 25 in any other   Parkville               92.00
                                       English; 25 in Chemistry; and 25 in Mathematical Methods or
                                       Specialist Mathematics.

Bachelor of Biomedicine                As above                                                          Parkville               99.90
(Chancellor’s Scholar)

SWINBURNE                                               Co-majors                                        Course option 2                                    Students have the option of studying a           Bachelor of Health Sciences
                                                        second major or a co-major from a range          (Professional)
                                                        of options such as:
Course option 1
                                                                                                         Students can choose to major in
                                                        Biotechnology                                    Biomedical Science.
Bachelor of Health Sciences                             Clinical Technologies
                                                        Data Analytics                                   The Bachelor of Health Science
Students can choose to major in                         Health Promotion                                 (Professional) includes a mandatory 12-
Biomedical Science.                                     Neuroscience                                     month paid professional work placement.
                                                        Nutrition                                        You'll benefit from Swinburne’s unique
In the Biomedical Science major,                        Psychology                                       industry partnerships, gain invaluable full-
students will explore biology, medicine,                                                                 time work experience and earn credit
disease, chemistry and physiology to
form a comprehensive understanding
                                                        Combined degree options                          towards your degree.

of the health of humans. You will learn
                                                        Students can apply to combine the                Early entry
skills to investigate and understand
                                                        Bachelor of Health Science with one of
human biology, and gain the ability to
                                                        the following Bachelor degree options:           For information on the Swinburne Early
critically analyse and interpret biomedical
and scientific data.                                                                                     Entry program, visit
                                                        Bachelor of Arts
                                                        Bachelor of Science
Biomedical students have access to
                                                        Bachelor of Business
laboratories and testing facilities equipped
                                                        Bachelor of Media and Communication
with the latest technology. Swinburne is
the only university in Australia with MRI
and MEG labs on campus.

Course                                 Prerequisites                                                     Campus                Guaranteed ATAR
Bachelor of Health Science             Minimum study score of 30 in English (EAL) or 25 in any other     Hawthorn              60

Bachelor of Health Science             Minimum study score of 30 in English (EAL) or 25 in any other     Hawthorn              80
(Professional)                         English
VICTORIA UNIVERSITY                                    You’ll undertake a research project that              Course option 3
                                                       can provide a platform to begin a
                                                       research degree.                                      Bachelor of Biomedical and Exercise
                                                       Course option 2
Course option 1                                                                                              Victoria University's Bachelor of Science
                                                       Bachelor of Biomedical Science                        in Biomedical and Exercise Science is a
Bachelor of Biomedicine                                                                                      dual disciplinary degree.
                                                       The Bachelor of Biomedical Science
This course prepares you for entry into                degree provides you with an in-depth                  It integrates biomedical science and
postgraduate medicine and other                        knowledge of how the human body                       exercise science into a compelling new
postgraduate courses such as                           functions, focusing on physiology,                    area of study in the environments of
physiotherapy, pharmacy and dietetics.                 anatomy and cell biology, preparing you               physical activity, sport, and health
                                                       for an exciting future in the health sector.          research
                                                       Majors                                                Victoria University is equipped with new
The following minors are offered in the                                                                      medical research facilities at Sunshine
Bachelor of Biomedicine: Health and                    The following majors are offered in the               Hospital, and exercise and sport science
Nutrition, Integrative Physiology,                     Bachelor of Biomedical Science: Human                 facilities at our Footscray Park campus.
Immunopharmacology, and The                            Physiology and Molecular Cell Biology.
Entrepreneurial Mindset.

Course                                    Prerequisites                                                    Campus                   Indicative ATAR
Bachelor of Biomedicine                   Minimum study scores of: 30 in English (EAL) or 25 in any        Footscray Park           92.15
                                          other English; and 25 in two of the following – Biology,         St Albans                Not published
                                          Chemistry, Physics or any Mathematics.

Bachelor of Biomedical Science            Minimum study scores of: 25 in English (EAL) or 20 in any        St Albans                Not applicable
                                          other English; and 20 in one of the following – Biology,
                                          Chemistry, Health & Human Development, Physical Education
                                          or any Mathematics.

Bachelor of Biomedical and                Minimum study scores of: 25 in English (EAL) or 20 in any        Footscray Park /         72.60
Exercise Science                          other English; and 20 in two of the following – Biology,         St Albans
                                          Chemistry, Health & Human Development, Physical Education
                                          or any Mathematics.

FEDERATION UNIVERSITY                                     Industry experience                                 physiotherapy, dentistry, pharmacy and
                                                                                                              other allied health programs, as well as
                                                          Domestic students may apply for the                 veterinary science.
                                                          Industry Placement Program which offers
Bachelor of Biomedical Science                            up to 26 weeks of industry-based                    High Achievers Scholarship
                                                          experience. IPP students receive a
Biomedicine is an exciting area that plays                scholarship payment of up to $15,000.               Earn an ATAR of 80+ and you will be
a major role in helping people lead                                                                           eligible for a FedUni High Achievers
healthier lives. It's an industry that is                 Careers                                             Scholarship,
constantly evolving.
                                                          When you graduate, you’ll be prepared               Guaranteed entry
You'll learn about anatomy,                               for a career in biomedical research or one
pathophysiology, genetic sciences and                     of many positions in a range of health-             Applicants who achieve an ATAR of 60+
can go on to work in areas like genome                    related industries such as laboratory               and meet entry requirements will be
biology, genetic mapping, stem cell                       technology, medical sales, research and             guaranteed a place in this course.
research and biological pharmaceuticals.                  pharmaceuticals.
Studies range from lifespan nutrition, to
food microbiology, metabolism to applied                  This degree has been used as a pathway
biochemistry.                                             to postgraduate studies in medicine,

Course                                    Prerequisites                                                Campus                       Guaranteed ATAR
Bachelor of Biomedical Science            Minimum study scores of 20 in any English and 20 in any      Ballarat – Mt Helen          60.00
                                          mathematics or any science.                                  Berwick
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