NBTA Combined Council Day 2019 - #CCD2019 May 3, 2019 Moncton Coliseum

Page created by Terry Patton
NBTA Combined Council Day 2019 - #CCD2019 May 3, 2019 Moncton Coliseum
NBTA Combined
Council Day 2019

     May 3, 2019
  Moncton Coliseum

NBTA Combined Council Day 2019 - #CCD2019 May 3, 2019 Moncton Coliseum
NBTA Combined Council Day
2019 Program

 Online       |    Starting April 3 rd at 4:00 pm

To register, please visit the NBTA website at www.nbta.ca on April 3rd at 4:00 pm, click on the Council Day button, and follow the
registration link.

You will need your NBTA member number to register. If you have forgotten your number - there is a member number retrieval
system on the site. Once you enter your member number, all of your personal information (name, school, address, etc.) will be
entered automatically.

Effective May 2009, Council Day registration costs became a benefit of membership.
Effective September 2010, Substitute Teachers became Casual Members of NBTA.

Fees for Non-Members (including substitutes who are Local Permits) — School-based:
$40; Non-School-based: $75.

Student Interns — Although non-members, all student interns are provided complimentary on-line registration.

Refund Policy — Due to the fact that many of our costs are incurred in advance, there will be no refund of registration fees.

 Delta Beausejour              |    Thursday, May 2 nd

Council Business Meetings and Scavenger Hunt
On Thursday evening, come to the Delta for 6:00 pm to participate in a scavenger hunt... with prizes to be won! Sign up with
Adam Trider in the hotel lobby.

The business meetings of all three Councils take place at 7:00 pm at the Delta, followed by a complimentary reception. All teachers
are welcome!

Conference Social
All NBTA members and guests are invited to attend our social from 9:00 pm
to midnight to hear the band Shameless. It will also be a great chance to
unwind and catch up with friends and colleagues.

Shameless: Shameless is Atlantic Canada’s best known-party band!
Shameless always brings an exciting energy to every show. The set list
includes music from all genres: Rock N Roll, Country, and even some Maritime
favourites. Shameless guarantees a good time and has been voted Halifax’s
best cover band for five years in a row! www.shamelessmusic.com

NBTA Combined Council Day 2019 - #CCD2019 May 3, 2019 Moncton Coliseum
NBTA Combined Council
Day 2019 Program

 Moncton Coliseum               |     Friday, May 3 rd

Scanning and Barcode
Scanning/Barcode and Exhibits will open at 8:00 am, so please make plans to allow for parking. Don’t forget your
Name Tag/Barcode. If you lose your barcode before you leave home, just print off another one from the website.
We also have smartphone scanning available. If you arrive in Moncton without it, it might take a little longer to get you
into the Conference.

Conference Trade Show
We encourage all conference delegates to visit the extensive Conference Trade Show. Many booths will have materials for sale.
Booths will be open at 8:00 am.

Many great prizes are available upon your registration, but we are saving the best ones for last! A random draw from registrations
received by 11:00 am on Thursday, April 25th will be held and selected winners will be notified by email. Winners must respond
to email and must be present to receive their prize. Prizes must be picked up between 10:40 am and 2:00 pm at the Moncton
Coliseum prize table in the Agrena Concourse.

 1. Layer your clothing: The temperature in the Coliseum can be unpredictable so we encourage conference-goers to dress
    with this in mind.

 2. Cell Phones: Please be courteous and turn cell phones off or to vibrate during sessions.

 3. Plan to carpool and arrive early to reduce traffic. The Berry Mills exit often gets clogged with traffic. There is a map at the
    end of this program showing alternate routes to the Coliseum.

 4. Continuous sessions will be taking place throughout the day in Agrena B, C, and the Main Coliseum Bowl. There is no
    scheduled nutrition or lunch break, but rather teachers have registered individually for sessions, self-selecting times
    for breaks, lunch, and visiting the exhibitor’s displays. Lunch at the Coliseum will be available continuously from various
    locations between 11:30 am and 1:45 pm, including food trucks. We believe that this continuous programming will prevent
    bottlenecks, as well as encourage a constant flow. Our goal is to provide educators with the optimal choice of quality
    professional learning opportunities under one roof on one day. We sincerely hope that the majority of our members will
    come early, lunch, and learn with us and stay late as the learning opportunities are simply too good to miss a minute!

 5. Host Hotel: Delta Beausejour https://www.marriott.com/events/start.mi?id=1547821828313&key=GRP
    The last day to book with this link is April 5th, so book now!

Councils’ Teacher Recognition Awards
The Councils believe that all teachers do a wonderful job; however, there are always those
teachers in each school who are considered to be exceptional by their colleagues. The Councils
wish to acknowledge these extraordinary teachers with their annual Teacher Recognition Awards.
Nominations close April 1, 2019. If you wish to make a nomination please go to www.nbta.ca and
click on the Council Day button and then the NBTA Awards button. Teacher Recognition Awards
will be presented during the NBTA Council AGMs.

NBTA Combined Council
Day 2019 Program

                                                               Thursday, May 2
                                                                  Delta Beausejour
             6:00 pm                              Scavenger Hunt                                                Delta Beausejour Lobby
             7:00 pm                              Council Business Meetings                                             Delta Beausejour
             9:00 pm                              Conference Social                                                     Delta Beausejour
                                                  Featuring Shameless

                                                                 Friday, May 3
                                                                 Moncton Coliseum
             8:00 am                              Registration and Exhibits Open
             8:30 - 8:55 am                       Opening Remarks and                                                     Main Coliseum
                                                  Welcoming Ceremony
             8:55 - 9:45 am                       Keynote Session K-01 — Eddy Robinson                                    Main Coliseum
                                                  Rewriting Your Story
             9:45 am                              ENERGIZER with Joe Grondin                                              Main Coliseum
             9:50 - 10:40 am                      Keynote Session K-02 — Ron Suskind                                      Main Coliseum
                                                  Life, Animated: A Tale of Autism
                                                  and Hidden Potential
             10:55 - 11:55 am                     Session 3-01 — Jane Bluestein                                           Main Coliseum
                                                  The Perfection Deception
Choose One

             11:00 am - 12:00 noon                Session 3-02 — Jeremy Bennett                                                Agrena B
                                                  Beat Stress and Anxiety NOW!
             11:10 am - 12:10 pm                  Session 3-03 — Ron Suskind                                                   Agrena C
                                                  Moderated Conversation
             12:30 - 1:30 pm                      Session 4-01 — Jeremy Bennett                                           Main Coliseum
                                                  Calm Your Mind: Transform Your Life
Choose One

             12:40 - 1:40 pm                      Session 4-02 — Jane Bluestein                                                Agrena B
                                                  Creating Emotionally Safe Schools
             12:50 - 1:50 pm                      Session 4-03 — Alan Sears                                                    Agrena C
                                                  Rescuing Reason: The Democratic Mission
                                                  of Schooling in New Brunswick
             2:00 - 3:00 pm                       Keynote Session K-05 — Big Daddy Tazz                                   Main Coliseum
                                                  Stand Up Against Stigma
             3:00 - 3:10 pm                       Prize Draw                                                              Main Coliseum

                                                            May 3rd Alternate Locations

             8:40 am - 3:00 pm                    Session AL-01 — Michael Ungar                                   Northrop Frye School
             Registration will be at              “Diagnosing” Resilience Across Cultures
             Northrop Frye School: 8:00 am        and Contexts: Seeing the Positive in Young
             Lunch: 11:30 am - 1:00 pm            People Even When There are Serious Problems
             1:30 - 3:00 pm                       Session AL-02 — Elder Noel Milliea                           Riverview Middle School
             Doors open 1:00 pm                   Perceptions

                                                               Saturday, May 4
             9:00 am - 12:00 pm                   NBTA Middle Level Council Institute — Maura Garey               Northrop Frye School
                                                  You Mean I have to be a Counsellor Too?

                                  *Lunch at the Coliseum will be available continuously between 11:30 am and 1:45 pm.
NBTA Combined Council Day
2019 Program

                                                                         Keynote Session K-01 • Main
    Eddy Robinson                                                        Coliseum
                                                                         Rewriting Your Story
    Mr. Robinson has worked and advocated for many Indigenous
                                                                         8:55 am - 9:45 am
    communities locally, provincially and nationally for the past 25
    years. He will address the much needed alliance of Indigenous
    and non-Indigenous people throughout North America in order to
    begin the process of creating social change before even stepping
    on the path of Reconciliation.

                                                                         Keynote Session K-02
    Ron Suskind                                                          Main Coliseum
                                                                         Life, Animated: A Tale of Autism and
    Ron Suskind is a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, best-selling
                                                                         Hidden Potential
    author, teacher essayist, and speaker. He is the author of six
                                                                         9:50 am - 10:40 am
    bestselling books, the most recent of which examines his own
    family’s two-decade struggle to help Owen, Suskind’s son, emerge
                                                                         Session 3-03 • Agrena C
    from the shadows of autism through a unique and wildly creative
                                                                         Moderated Conversation
    form of therapy. The documentary film about Owen’s story,
                                                                         11:10 am - 12:10 pm
    Life Animated, was just released.

                                                                         Session 3-01 • Main Coliseum
    Jane Bluestein                                                       The Perfection Deception
                                                                         10:55 am - 11:55 am
    Jane Bluestein, Ph.D., is a keynote speaker and seminar leader
    who has worked with educators worldwide. An award-winning
                                                                         Session 4-02 • Agrena B
    author, Dr. Bluestein’s latest book is The Perfection Deception:
                                                                         Creating Emotionally Safe Schools
    Why Trying to Be Perfect is Sabotaging Your Relationships,
                                                                         12:40 pm - 1:40 pm
    Making You Sick, and Holding Your Happiness Hostage. Formerly
    a classroom teacher, crisis intervention counselor, and teacher
    training program coordinator, she is committed to changing
    schools one heart at a time.

                                                                         Session 3-02 • Agrena B
    Jeremy Bennett                                                       Beat Stress and Anxiety NOW!
                                                                         11:00 am - 12:00 pm
    Jeremy Bennett, a graduate from St. Francis Xavier University,
    has been featured on many national and international television
                                                                         Session 4-01 • Main Coliseum
    networks. Having been diagnosed at a young age with a severe
                                                                         Calm Your Mind: Transform Your Life
    form of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, anxiety, and clinical
                                                                         12:30 pm - 1:30 pm
    depression, Jeremy knows first-hand the effects of mental illness.
    Because of his contribution in the field of mental health he was
    awarded Personality of the Year by The World Organization of
    Natural Medicine in 2013.

                   Registration opens April 3rd at 4:00 pm
NBTA Combined Council Day
2019 Program

                                                                                          Session 4-03 • Agrena C
                   Alan Sears                                                             Rescuing Reason: The Democratic
                                                                                          Mission of Schooling in New Brunswick
                   Dr. Alan Sears is a Professor of Social Studies Education in the
                                                                                          12:50 pm - 1:50 pm
                   Faculty of Education at the University of New Brunswick (UNB).
                   He has been a social studies teacher for more than 40 years
                   working at all levels from primary to graduate school. In the
                   Faculty of Education at UNB, Alan teaches undergraduate courses
                   in teaching methods, social studies education, and international
                   education; and graduate courses in research methods and
                   educational policy.

                                                                                          Keynote Session K-05 • Main Coliseum
                   Big Daddy Tazz                                                         Stand Up Against Stigma
                                                                                          2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
                   After 30 years of denying he had the mental illnesses that were
                   controlling his life, Tazz realized that being manic-depressive,
                   attention deficit, and having mild dyslexia could either destroy
                   or enhance his life… it was his choice. Tazz speaks candidly about
                   his struggles and ultimately his triumphs, over not only being
                   diagnosed with mental illness, but facing the terrifying stigma that
                   surrounds it.

                                                                                          Session AL-01 • Northrop Frye School
                   Michael Ungar (Full Day)                                               “Diagnosing” Resilience Across Cultures
                                                                                          and Contexts: Seeing the Positive in
                   Dr. Michael Ungar is among the best known writers and researchers
                                                                                          Young People Even When there are
                   on the topic of resilience in the world. His work has changed the
                                                                                          Serious Problems
                   way resilience is understood, shifting the focus from individual
                                                                                          8:40 am - 3:00 pm
                   traits to the interactions between people and their families,
                                                                                          Registration 8:00 am
                   schools, workplaces, and communities. Dr. Ungar’s immense
                                                                                          Lunch 11:30 am - 1:00 pm
                   influence comes from his ability to adapt ideas from his research
                   and clinical practice into best-selling works.

                                                                                          Session AL-02
  Elder Noel Milliea (Afternoon)                                                          Riverview Middle School
Noel Milliea is a Mi’kmaq Elder from the Elsipogtog First Nation Reserve. He has
                                                                                          1:30 pm - 3:00 pm
been working with the Parole Board of Canada for the past 22 years in the area of
                                                                                          Doors 1:00 pm
aboriginal initiatives and aboriginal offender reintegration. For the past 18 years,
he has been teaching a full-semester course for 4th year B.E.D. students titled
“Indigenous Education” at the University of Prince Edward Island. Elder Noel Milliea
has also developed and delivered numerous courses based on cultural diversity and
awareness, and has also presented as a keynote speaker at numerous national and
international justice and education conferences.

               Lunch at the Coliseum available between 11:30 am and 1:45 pm
NBTA Combined Council Day
2019 Program

Keynote Session Descriptions
  Keynote Session K-01                    8:55 - 9:45 am
Eddy Robinson • Rewriting Your Story                                                                                Main Coliseum
8:55 am - 9:45 am

Eddy Robinson, Anishinaabe/Muskegowuk Cree did not enjoy a childhood of privilege. It was not until his adult years that he
really begun to understand the legacy of his father’s experience at the Chapleau Indian Residential School and the Shingwauk
Indian Residential School. Mr. Robinson engages Truth and Reconciliation through a personal narrative of his journey reflecting
on his professional experience and the learnings.

  Keynote Session K-02                    9:50 - 10:40 am
Ron Suskind • Life, Animated: A Tale of Autism and Hidden Potential                                                 Main Coliseum

Ron’s sixth book, Life, Animated: A Story of Sidekicks, Heroes and Autism, examines his family’s twenty-year journey with
their youngest son, Owen. Having lost his speech at the age of three, Owen used animated Disney movies to make sense of
himself and the world. By memorizing these iconic movies and parroting their dialogue, he learned how to communicate and
express himself, prompting his family members to create elaborate stage sets to re-enact these films and “speak Disney” along
with him. Owen emerged into adulthood with a unique skillset; along the way, he created a method to help other parents and
medical experts reach kids with autism. This deeply personal, but universally resonant, presentation, in which Ron shares stories
of Owen’s unique journey from quiet solitude to animated communication, showcases an adventure of the human heart —
culminating in a memorable father/son appearance on Comedy Central’s annual autism fundraiser, Night of Too Many Stars. The
Suskind motto, “your passion is your pathway,” now guides educators, therapists and parents in tapping the deep potential in all
of us.

  Keynote Session K-05 (Closing Keynote)                              2:00 - 3:00 pm
Big Daddy Tazz • Stand Up Against Stigma                                                                            Main Coliseum

After 30 years of denying he had the mental illnesses that were controlling his life, Tazz realized that being manic-depressive,
attention deficit, and having mild dyslexia could either destroy or enhance his life… it was his choice. Today, audiences are happy
to join him on his rapid cycle ride down the never-ending road to recovery that has led him from comedy venues across North
America to the Psych ward at the Calgary Foothills Hospital.

NBTA Combined Council Day
2019 Program

(choose one)
             Session Descriptions
  Session 3-01               10:55 - 11:55 am
Jane Bluestein • The Perfection Deception                                                                              Main Coliseum

Perfectionism may sound like a good thing, but it’s entirely different from the more realistic and achievable healthy pursuit of
excellence. Working diligently toward improvement, learning, and growth is also far less destructive (and exhausting) than trying
to pull off looking perfect, knowing everything, and never making mistakes!

Chasing after a flawless appearance or performance, trying to keep a perfect house, or making excessive demands on others
takes its toll on our authenticity and ability to connect with others—not to mention our physical and mental well-being. Yet in
a culture that constantly reflects our imperfections and flaws, and makes perfection seem desirable (and possible), it’s easy
to get sucked into an airbrushed and Photoshopped version of reality. Let’s look at ways to recognize these patterns, identify
their source, and see how they are hurting us in many aspects of our lives. Of course, we’ll also look at what we can do to break
perfectionistic habits and beliefs, and loosen the hold perfectionism has on our lives.

A presentation for anyone who has ever struggled with the unrealistic demands of perfectionistic belief systems, an inner critic
that yells “not good enough,” “failure,” or fraud,” or expectations of family members, friends, or co-workers that tends to alienate
the very people we need in our lives. (Also valuable for anyone who lives with or cares about someone who shows signs of this

  Session 3-02                11:00 am - 12:00 noon
Jeremy Bennett • Beat Stress and Anxiety NOW!                                                                               Agrena B

Jeremy was selected to represent Canada during Mental Illness Awareness Week in 2011, and he was appointed World Youth
Ambassador by The World Organization of Natural Medicine in 2012. He was also awarded, Personality of the Year by The World
Organization of Natural Medicine in 2013. In 2010, he published his first book, The Power of the Mind: How I Beat OCD. In this
book, he exposed his life living with a severe form of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and what he did to overcome a struggle
most believed he could not. In 2014, he released his second book, The Solution: Learn How to Truly Beat Stress & Anxiety. Both
publications were released worldwide.

  Session 3-03                11:10 am - 12:10 pm
Ron Suskind • Moderated Conversation                                                                                        Agrena C

In this session participants will have a chance to explore the themes shared in his keynote, Life Animated: A Tale of Autism and
Hidden Potential, in more depth. Bring your questions!

NBTA Combined Council Day
2019 Program

(choose one)
             Session Descriptions
  Session 4-01               12:30 - 1:30 pm
Jeremy Bennett • Calm Your Mind: Transform Your Life                                                                 Main Coliseum

There is a reason why Jeremy was appointed World Youth Ambassador & awarded Personality of the Year by The World
Organization of Natural Medicine in 2012 and 2013. There is a reason why Jeremy’s live events sell out year after year. There is a
reason why his online presence reaches millions of people around the world.

We have all had to sit in on a boring lecture at one time or another that may be informative but didn’t quite capture our attention.
Jeremy has spent years creating a presentation that not only changes lives but also entertains at the same time. Using thought
provoking pictures displayed on a large screen to captivate every attendee his presentation has his audience laughing,
pondering, and most importantly impacted.

  Session 4-02               12:40 - 1:40 pm
Jane Bluestein • Creating Emotionally Safe Schools                                                                         Agrena B

Emotional safety is critical to learning and achievement, and a key component of an atmosphere that discourages passivity,
aggression or acting out for revenge or self-protection. This program examines the effect of threat and stress on the brain, and
its impact on learning and student behavior. We’ll look at the kinds of behaviors kids (and adults) often use to create safety and
how these behaviors sometimes interfere with learning and achievement.

We’ll also examine how various policies and practices can impact the emotional climate of a classroom or school, and address
relationship and safety issues with regard to instruction, motivation and discipline. The program also offers dozens of practical
and effective alternatives to build a positive school culture and maximize achievement, commitment and cooperation.

  Session 4-03               12:50 - 1:50 pm
Alan Sears • Rescuing Reason: The Democratic Mission of Schooling in New Brunswick                                         Agrena C

Public schooling has become more and more focused on very narrow conceptions of literacy and numeracy while seeming to
forget its larger civic responsibilities. The times are changing though, with the recognition of fostering global competencies
that include “the capacity to examine local, global and intercultural issues, to understand and appreciate the perspectives and
world views of others, to engage in open, appropriate and effective interactions with people from different cultures, and to act
for collective well-being and sustainable development.” This talk will explore how New Brunswick teachers can take up the
challenge of fashioning citizens who can engage in these complex and constructive ways.

NBTA Combined Council Day
2019 Program
Alternate Location Session Descriptions
  Session AL-01 (Full Day)                  8:40 am - 3:00 pm
Michael Ungar • “Diagnosing” Resilience Across Cultures and Contexts:                                       Northrop Frye School
		              Seeing the Positive in Young People Even When there are Serious Problems

Registration at Northrop Frye: 8:00 am
Lunch break (lunch not provided): 11:30 am - 1:00 pm

Sustaining our resilience as professional helpers can be a challenge during times of change. Based on Dr. Ungar’s research
around the world and his clinical practice, this presentation will explore how those who help others can avoid burnout and
maintain their own career and life resilience when stressors pile up at home and on the job. Twelve factors that make us more
resilient as adults will be discussed, along with practical tools participants can use to find the resources they need to cope
successfully in culturally and contextually relevant ways. Using the concepts of navigation and negotiation that are key to
understanding resilience in complex, changing environments, audience members will have an opportunity to reflect on their own
resilience in life, as well as times at work and at home where they had the resources they needed to succeed. Finally, Dr. Ungar
will talk about vicarious resilience, the positive impact we experience as helpers when we nurture resilience in others.

  Session AL-02 (Afternoon)                    1:30 - 3:00 pm
Elder Noel Milliea • Perceptions
                                                                                                         Riverview Middle School
Doors open: 1:00 pm

Noel Milliea is a Mi’kmaq Elder from the Elsipogtog First Nation and has also developed and delivered numerous courses based
on cultural diversity and awareness. Noel has developed a healing model of the medicine wheel and has been delivering this
course to mainstream society as tool to guide oneself on a journey of healing.

NBTA Middle Level Council Institute
  Saturday Workshop (May 4th, Morning)                              9:00 am - 12:00 noon
  Maura Garey • You Mean I Have to be a Counsellor Too?                                                  Northrop Frye School

  Feel under-prepared to recognize and deal with mental health difficulties in today’s classroom?
  This FREE workshop may be right for you! Leave with hands-on skills that you may use in a variety of situations.

  Topics covered include:
   • Direct training on effective communication skills such as summarizing,
      paraphrasing, and inferring body language;
   • Anxiety-reducing exercises;
   • Emotional regulation;
   • Recognize suicidal ideation, and who to turn to for help;
   • Identify the observable signs of vulnerability and risk in adolescents.

  Target Audience: Middle and High School teachers, but all are welcome.

  To register, please go to www.nbta.ca, click on the “Key This Week”, and then select the button shown above.
  Download the fillable form, and send to mary.mcdade@nbed.nb.ca.

  Register early: Maximum of 20 participants

NBTA Combined Council Day
2019 Program

How to Get There
                                                    Mountain Road


                                    Ayer              Purdy

               Berry Mills
                AVOID IF
                                                                    Killam Drive

During previous NBTA Combined Council Days, many teachers coming to Moncton tried to reach the Coliseum via
the nearest exit, Berry Mills Road. Unfortunately, many vehicles ended up on the same road causing needless

There are many exits into Moncton, including the Mountain Road exit, only a few kilometers past the Berry Mills
Road. There are also three ways to approach the facility parking lot: Killam Drive from the west or east, and via
Millennium Drive.

 • Arriving early will lessen traffic congestion.

 • We are trying to make the conference as green as possible. Carpooling is more eco-friendly, less expensive and
   can reduce the number of vehicles trying to access the venue.

 • Local RCMP and radio stations have been informed of the event in order to help reduce traffic congestion.

  Host Hotel: Delta Beausejour


Book now!

NBTA Combined Council Day
2019 Program

           Platinum Sponsor

            Gold Sponsor

                                Education and Early
                              Childhood Development

            Silver Sponsors

           Bronze Sponsors

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