NC Mountain State Fair returns

NC Mountain State Fair returns

                                                                                                                                    Sept. 15–Oct. 15

Volume 87, Issue 4          Web Edition             SERVING BREVARD COLLEGE SINCE 1935                                           September 15, 2021

                                                                                                                                          Courtesy of Anna Ervin

Scenic view of the fair at dusk, captured by The Clarion’s own Anna Ervin.

NC Mountain State Fair returns
By Anna Ervin
Layout & Design                                     rides all day for $25 and Sept. 18 gives away a         The most popular competitions (and the ones
  The North Carolina Mountain State Fair is         free lottery ticket with every adult entry ticket.   with the highest awards) are cooking, gospel
back at 1301 Fanning Bridge Rd, Fletcher, NC,       Tickets can be purchased online and in person.       singing, livestock, clogging, a pageant and ice
with a bunch of rides, events and animals to          The rides with the longest rides were some         cream eating, along with other crafts based
see and experience, running from Sept. 10 to        of the more seemingly thrilling ones, like the       competitions, too.
Sept. 19.                                           Cyclops and the Pirate. If you are looking for          The North Carolina Mountain State Fair
  Adult admission is $10, but different days        a more peaceful ride with a shorter line, the        opened its doors in 1994. After last year’s fair
allow for different entry bonuses. Sept. 15, five   Skyline takes you over the entire fairground.        was cancelled due to COVID-19, this year was
Laura Lynn brand canned foods can be brought          At the back end of the grounds, there are a few    it’s twenty-seventh year running. The North
for free entry, Sept. 16 has unlimited rides for    animals to pet, but most animals are displayed,      Carolina Mountain State Fair has worked
$20 from 4 p.m to 11 p.m., Sept. 17 has unlimited   ranging from pigs to goats to long horned cows,
                                                    and many more.                                        See ‘Mountain State Fair’ on Page 2
NC Mountain State Fair returns
Page 2                                                          Campus News                                                              The Clarion   |   September 15, 2021

Mountain State Fair first opened in 1994 BC post office
                                                                                                                          gets a facelift
                                                                                                                          By Caroline Hoy
                                                                                                                          Layout & Design
                                                                                                                             Brevard College’s post office is a very
                                                                                                                          traveled destination. Recently, the post office
                                                                                                                          received a major makeover.
                                                                                                                             The most notable change about the post
                                                                                                                          office is that it changed entrances. To go to
                                                                                                                          the post office before, students would come
                                                                                                                          by entering and exiting over by the bookstore,
                                                                                                                          but now, students can enter through Tornado
                                                                                                                          Alley. It is one of the few offices in Tornado
                                                                                                                          Alley that did not change its location.
                                                                                                                             The post office got a little smarter this year.
                                                                                                                          The installation of new smart lockers has been
                                                                                                                          put to the right of the door to the post office.
                                                                                                                          During the summer, 49 lockers were installed.
                                                                                                                          The smart lockers are currently grey colored,
                                                                                                                          but soon they will receive a fresh wrap. The
                                                                                                                          lockers are also supposed to get a Brevard
                                                                                                                          College logo to them.
                                                                                                 Courtesy of Anna Ervin      Students receive an email from parcel
Lit path of the prize counter, dart game and rides in the distance.                                                       pending that will inform them when a box is
                                                               Continued from page 1                                      waiting for them in a locker. Attached to the
                                                                                                                          email is a barcode that can be scanned to open
              the Clarion                                      tirelessly through hurricanes, national tragedies
                                                               and pandemics to remain open and safe for the              the locker that contains that student's mail.
                                                               community to enjoy.                                           The new lockers help with less person to
                         Senior Staff                             Wandering through the fair, there is not much           person contact. The lockers are restocked
 Editor in Chief .  .  .  Eleanor Flannery                     adherence to COVID-19 guidelines; some have                through the day which decreases person
 Managing Editor .  .                                          chosen to wear masks in close proximity and                to person even more. The lockers can be
 Copy Editor .  .  .  .  .                                     some have chosen not to. Social distancing is              accessed everyday which means packages
 Campus News .  .  .                                           hard to complete on the rides.                             can now be picked up on weekends.
 Opinion  .  .  .  .  .  .  . Bree Self                           More information can be found on www.                      The new lockers do not fully take away the
 Arts & Life .  .  .  .  .                                                                      experience of telling the workstudy student
 Sports  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  Madison Avery                                                                               running the office the student’s name to
 Layout & Design .  .  Anna Ervin                                                                                         receive their packages. The post office tries to
  . . . . . . . . . . . Caroline Hoy                                                                                      use the lockers as much as they can, but there
  . . . . . . . . . . . Eleanor Flannery                                                                                  are not enough lockers to quite get everything.
 Faculty Advisor  .  .  . John B. Padgett                                                                                 It is unknown about more lockers coming in
                       Staff Writers                                                                                      the future.
 Hope Hamilton
 Zoey Jaynes                                                                                                                 One of the factors that led to deciding to
 Logan Priddy                                                                                                             make the change was the increased volume of
                                                                                                                          packages due to textbooks now coming from
  The Clarion is a student-run college newspaper produced                                                                 eCampus. Also, the new changes go well with
  by student journalists enrolled at Brevard College.                                                                     less person to person contact with COVID-19.
  Unsigned editorials represent the collective opinion of                                                                    Although the old lockers were unique, it is
  the staff of The Clarion. Other opinions expressed in
  this newspaper are those of respective authors and do                                                                   nice to see the Brevard College post office
  not necessarily reflect the opinions of the faculty, staff                                                              stepping into the twenty-first century.
  or administration of Brevard College.
       All correspondence should be mailed to:
     The Clarion, Brevard College, One Brevard
      College Drive, Brevard, NC 28712, or send
            E-mail to
  Letters Policy: The Clarion welcomes letters
 to the editor. We reserve the right to edit letters
 for length or content. We do not publish letters
 whose authorship cannot be verified.
                                                                                                 Courtesy of Anna Ervin

                                                               Cowboy lemonade from the fair concessions.
NC Mountain State Fair returns
September 15, 2021   |   The Clarion               Campus News                                                                          Page 3

This week’s                                                                                    Brevard College
                                                                                               to showcase
campus activities
  Students are welcomed and encouraged             The Roommate game - Monday, Sept. 20,
                                                                                               music faculty
                                                                                                 Brevard College will resume its annual
                                                                                               Music Faculty Showcase on Sunday
to participate in any and all events held by     from 8:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. in Dunham Hall.   afternoon in the Porter Center Concert Hall.
Brevard College’s Campus Activity Board          (Winners will receive a $25 giftcard to any   In keeping with recent tradition, the concert
(CAB). Here is what is happening for the rest    local restaurant!)                            falls during Family Weekend at the College,
of this week, and upcoming:                        Comedy night: Azeem - Tuesday, Sept. 28,    and it serves as a kick-off to the performing
  Bingo night - Wednesday, Sept. 15, from 8:00   from 8:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. in Dunham Hall.   arts season. Performers will include guitarist
p.m. to 10:00 p.m. (Prizes include gift cards,     Students can see future CAB events posted   Lou Mowad, pianist/organist Vance Reese,
dorm-room supplies, BC swag and more!)           around campus, and by checking the BC Radar   voice faculty members Brittnee Siemon,
  Spike ball tournament - Thursday, Sept. 16,    app. Hope to see you there!                   David Gresham and Kathryn Gresham,
from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. on the Residential                                                 flutist Dilshad Posnock, percussionist
                                                                      —Eleanor Flannery        Nathan Tingler and violist Jenny Kozoroz.
                                                                                                 Performing for the first time at this year’s
                                                                                               recital will be composer-pianist Kenneth
                                                                                               Eggert, singer-songwriter Sarah Siskind
                                                                                               and singer-pianist duo Sandy and Richard
                                                                                               Riccardi. “There is truly something for
                                                                                               everyone on this program,” says Fine Arts
                                                                                               Division Chair Kathryn Gresham. “We are
                                                                                               thrilled to be welcoming audience members
                                                                                               to the Porter Center again.”
                                                                                                 In keeping with Brevard College
                                                                                               COVID-19 protocols, all performers
                                                                                               will be fully vaccinated, and all audience
                                                                                               members must wear a mask inside the Porter
                                                                                               Center. Audience members are encouraged
                                                                                               to socially distance, and each venue is
                                                                                               seating at 75% capacity. The Music Faculty
                                                                                               Showcase is free and open to the public.
                                                                                                 Event details:
                                                                                                 Brevard College Music Faculty Showcase
                                                                                                 Sunday, Sept. 19, 2021, 3:00 pm
                                                                                                 Scott Concert Hall, Porter Center for
                                                                                               Performing Arts
                                                                                                 Free admission, masks required.
NC Mountain State Fair returns
Page 4                                            Campus News                                                   The Clarion   |    September 15, 2021

                                                                                                                                  Photo From Brevard College

 Brevard College Class of 2022

 Annual senior pinning ceremony this Friday
   Brevard College’s annual senior pinning       ceremony will begin at 6:00 p.m. You should      this year, dinner will not be served, so BC
 ceremony is this Friday, Sept. 17, at 6:00      arrive a few minutes early to get your pin and   encourages anyone asked to attend.
 p.m. in the Porter Center Amphitheatre. Per     connect with your pinner.”                          The student speaker for this year's ceremony
 Dean for Students Deb D’Anna’s email, “If         This year, there will be ample seating, so     is senior Drake Bruner and the faculty speaker
 you have not already done so, please reach      tell anyone you want to be there about the       is Megan Keiser.
 out to the person you have chosen as a pinner   event. In the past, limited numbers of guests       Congratulations, seniors!
 to ensure they will be in attendance. The       were permitted to witness the ceremony, but                             —Eleanor Flannery
NC Mountain State Fair returns
September 15, 2021   |   The Clarion                     Arts & Life                                                                                        Page 5

Interview with student Weekly
speaker for senior     horoscopes
pinning ceremony
                                                                                                                  By Anna Ervin
                                                                                                                  Layout & Design

                                                                                                                     Aries, you’re hyperfocusing on one goal
                                                                                                                  and it is making you greedy. Other aspects of
By Zoey Jaynes                                                                                                    yourself are suffering, so take some time to
Staff Writer
                                                                                                                  explore other things that make you content.
  The senior pinning ceremony is happening          speak on courage, perseverance, and the desire                   Taurus, this is a week of connection, love,
this Saturday, Sept. 18 . Registration will begin   to achieve. All of which are represented each                 and respect. You’ve worked hard to get where
at 5:30 p.m. and the event begins at 6 p.m..        time a pin is laid upon a chest”                              you are, so be proud of that achievement.
  Drake Bruner, a senior this year, has the honor     The Clarion: “How do you feel about being                   Good things are coming, within yourself and
of being the student speaker at the upcoming        a senior?”                                                    with others.
ceremony. Recently, Bruner was interviewed            Bruner: “I'm really excited about being                        Gemini, you’ve had a lot of discipline
about the occasion.                                 a senior and having done what I've done at                    recently, so this is a week to celebrate. Go
  The Clarion: “What is the senior pinning          Brevard. It's sad that it's all coming to an end              out with friends, buy something new, just do
ceremony?”                                          but Brevard has made me confident and ready                   something you enjoy. You’ve earned it.
  Bruner: “Senior pinning is a ceremony             for the next step. This step will hopefully be                   Cancer, you are mentally wearing yourself
that congratulates and reflects on students         earning a masters in landscape architecture                   down. Take some time to recharge. You can’t
personal growth, development and hard work          at NC State. I urge others to go above and                    put your best effort into the world if you are
accomplished at Brevard College. Seniors            beyond here at Brevard and take every learning                constantly drained. It’s okay to say no.
get to choose who pins them. It could be a          opportunity they can. As a senior I can say that                 Leo, there is emotional pain coming. You
meaningful faculty/staff member, a family           the only thing I would've regretted would've                  feel hurt and betrayed; there is nothing to do
member or a peer. The pinning signifies the         been not taking any leadership positions.                     but feel that pain. Get it all out. You’re going
academic achievement of earning your degree.”       Luckily, I don't have those regrets. Being a                  to heal from this.
  The Clarion: “What will your speech cover?”       senior is something to be proud of. The label                    Virgo, you’re being biased towards a
  Bruner: “During my speech I am going to           alone gives someone an idea of how much                       situation that you may have inserted yourself
share with my peers how I've personally grown       work you've put into one of your goals. I'll miss             into. Broaden your horizons, and try to look
and developed during my time at Brevard             Brevard but I know that I'll always be a part of              at things objectively.
College. I'm doing this in hopes that they can      the community as an alumnus.”                                    Libra, be open towards trying new things.
relate and reflect on their own growth. I will                                                                    You’ve gotten really good at one thing and
                                                                                                                  it's made you comfortable. Enjoy what you
                                                                                                                  have, but the world is bigger than just one
                                                                                                                  thing for you.
                                                                                                                     Scorpio, now is a time for adventure! The
                                                                                                                  world is regaining its color for you. Your
                                                                                                                  stagnance is coming to an end, so get ready
                                                                                                                  for a new era.
                                                                                                                     Sagittarius, you’re understandably tired.
                                                                                                                  You’ve acquired good things, so now you may
                                                                                                                  want to quit. Keep going just a little longer
                                                                                                                  because better things are on the way.
                                                                                                                     Capricorn, good things are on the way if
                                                                                                                  you continue to make intelligent choices. You
                                                                                                                  may be doubting your choices, but you’re on
                                                                                                                  the right path.
                                                                                                                     Aquarius, stop worrying about the opinions
                                                                                                                  of others. Stop making your decisions based
                                                                                                                  on the happiness of others. You have good
                                                                                                                  things coming your way, as long as you don’t
                                                                                                                  let yourself get in the way.
                                                                                                                     Pisces, exercise some self control. You’re
                                                                                                                  using your shame as a crown, which is fine,
                                                                                                                  but imagine the success you could have when
                                                                                                                  you don’t have to be ashamed about what
                                                                                 Photo courtesy of Drake Bruner   you’re doing.
Senior, Drake Bruner
NC Mountain State Fair returns
Page 6                                                      Arts & Life                                                  The Clarion   |   September 15, 2021

Britney Spears’ father
stepping down as conservator
“I just want my life back. It’s been 13 years and it’s enough.”
 By Anna Ervin
 Layout & Design
    Britney Spears’ father filed to end the            Jamie Spears has been accused of mismanaging        conservatorship to be halted and for Jamie
 conservatorship that has ruled her life for 13      his daughter's money and affairs and using the        Spears to be removed. Many believed Britney’s
 years; Jamie Spears filed this petition on Sept.    conservatorship for his own gain by Britney’s         Instagram posts were cries for help and started a
 7 in Los Angeles Superior Court.                    attorney, Mathew Rosengart. He filed for an           hashtag called Free Britney, as well as appearing
    The overseer of this case, Judge Brenda Penny,   emergency hearing for the removal of Jamie            outside of her court hearings to protest. Miley
 will have to approve. However, this petition        Spears in June, but Rosengart was denied by           Cyrus and Justin Timberlake have also joined
 states, “If Ms. Spears wants to terminate the       the judge who said it could be heard in the due       this outcry, especially after her speeches to the
 conservatorship and believes that she can handle    court of Sept.                                        court in June and July.
 her own life, Mr. Spears believes that she should     Penny’s allowing Britney Spears to hire her            Britney said in her June 23 speech that helped
 get that chance.”                                   own attorney shows the court’s trust in her to        spark this movement, “I just want my life back.
     A petition for Jamie Spears removal was         make major decisions pertaining to her future.        It's been 13 years and it's enough. It's been a long
 filed July 26, but this is to be heard in court     Sept. 7’s filing notes also say that she has “shown   time since I've owned my money. And it's my
 Sept. 29. Spears has repeatedly said there is no    a level of independence.” Judge Penny has not         wish and my dream for all of this to end without
 justification for his removal. This has made him    shown an interest in ending the conservatorship       being tested.”
 a target of anger for those who believe Britney     before, but now is presented with a clearer case.        If any further progress is made with ending
 Spears should have the right to her children,         Fans have also pushed for Spears’                   the conservatorship, it will be known Sept. 29.
 medical choices, finances and life back.

                                                                                                                                                  Photo from Metro UK
 Britney Spears and her father, Jamie Spears.
NC Mountain State Fair returns
September 15, 2021   |   The Clarion                         Opinion                                                                               Page 7


The 2021 Met Gala,
‘In America: A Lexicon
of Fashion’
By Margaret Correll
Contributor, Alumnus ‘21

  The Metropolitan Museum of Art hosts their
annual Costume Institute Benefit, everyone
waiting with baited breath to see the intricate
designs and dressings of some of their favorite
celebrities. Monday, Sept. 13, 2021 was no
exception to this feeling, after the delay of
the 2020 Met Gala due to the COVID-19
  This year’s theme, “In America: A Lexicon of
Fashion,” has been long-awaited and definitely
caused a stir among fashion enthusiasts who
tried to figure out what outfits could be on
display. Being a lover of fashion, myself, I felt
that there were many different avenues that
could be taken to create a striking look but also
stick to the theme.
  Needless to say, not many who attended the
Gala wore what was expected. It was more
basic than anything else.
  When thinking of American fashion, a lot can
come to one’s mind; different eras, colors and
textures. You can think of typical American
fashion like denim, cowboys, or the Y2K
era. Or you can use something more stylized
like the 1920s-flapper dress or the usage of a
specific American person as your inspiration.
  Almost no one went with the theme, or if
they did, it was subdued to the point of being
unrecognizable. This, in my opinion, is a big
letdown and ruins the extravagance of the rest                                                                                   Photo from Vogue Scandinavia
of the evening.
                                                    Billie Eilish wearing a peach Oscar de la Renta gown inspired by Old Hollywood.
  There were some duds that were just not
expected, like reigning queen of the event,           There were a few beautifully executed          the theme and made the entire event quite
Rihanna. Showing up with her significant other      looks that were perfectly on theme and           boring. At this point, since the event is so
A$AP Rocky, her outfit was lackluster and a         looked amazing. Billie Eilish had no problem     widely publicized, the outfits must be top
bit sad. After years of showing up with insane      following the theme in an Oscar de la Renta      tier. Not to mention all of the men who attend
looks that get better and better as the theme       gown inspired by Old Hollywood starlets like     wearing a plain, black suit and tie.
changes, this year felt like a step down from       Marilyn Monroe. Iman wore an unbelievable          It is boring, and to get fashion kudos, you
what she had done before.                           Dolce&Gabanna x Harris Reed dress, complete      need to do better. Follow the theme and give us
  Maybe it is not my place to understand            with a large headpiece and matching skirt.       something to look at. The next Met Gala will
because I am not a designer, but just from the        Even with these great outfits, it is still     be on May 2, 2022, and the outfits need to look
looks of it, I felt like it could do better.        upsetting seeing so many who did not follow      better than this one.
NC Mountain State Fair returns
Page 8                                                      Opinion                                  The Clarion   |   September 15, 2021

                                                                                                                          Photo from

Hospital in New York
Lewis County General Hospital in New York.

places pause on births
  COVID-19 has made a huge impact on many          without staff. Cayer has put a temporary pause
different things, but this category is unheard     on this program until further notice.
of. Lewis County General Hospital in New             The vaccination rate in the Lewis County
York paused all deliveries of babies due to the    Health System is 73 percent in healthcare
lack of maternity employees. These employees       workers. 464 employees have received that
refused to get the vaccine which led up to their   vaccination, while 165 employees have yet
resignation.                                       to receive it. Cayer states that he believes
  Former New York Governor, Andrew                 the healthcare world has been put on strict
Cuomo, made a statement saying that all            deadlines and there is not a lot of time to
healthcare workers must have at least one dose     complete everything that is required.
of the vaccine by Sept. 27. There has been           They cannot wait until the last minute to get
a significant number of healthcare workers         everyone vaccinated. They need to start now.
that resigned because of these requirements.
Chief Executive Gerald Cayer stated at a press                                —Madison Avery
conference that they will not be canceling or
removing the maternity department, but he
feels it is unsafe to keep it running right now
NC Mountain State Fair returns
September 15, 2021   |   The Clarion                             Sports                                                                           Page 9

BC Football

Apprentice prevails in
overtime thriller, 34-27
By Joseph Marvin                                    penalties cost both teams, with Brevard’s 14           third down, finding Corpus wide open in the
Digital Media Director and Assistant SID            infractions costing 144 yards and Apprentice’s         middle of the end zone for the go-ahead score
   BREVARD, N.C. – A spirited comeback              nine penalties surrendering 71 yards of field          that proved the game-winner. On Brevard’s
attempt by the Brevard College football team        position.                                              overtime possession, Dalton Cole was stood
(0-2), including 10 unanswered points in the          Apprentice won the toss and deferred, giving         up on fourth-and-three by a host of Apprentice
final 4:09 of regulation, came up just short as     the Tornados the ball first. A holding call put        defenders, giving the Builders the overtime
the Apprentice School Builders (1-0) scored         the hosts back 10 yards before the Builders'           road win.
a touchdown and stopped the BC offense in           defense forced a punt. After getting the ball at         The Tornados return to action next Saturday,
overtime to claim a 34-27 victory on Saturday       midfield, Apprentice put together a four-play,         September 18 for a 12 p.m. kickoff at NC
at Ives-Lemel Family Field.                         54-yard scoring drive highlighted by a Leland          Wesleyan College in Rocky Mount, North
   Senior defensive lineman Jerome Bass             Girdy 42-yard touchdown reception that gave            Carolina – BC’s first USA South Conference
sparked the comeback attempt with a 63-yard         the visitors the early 7-0 lead.                       contest of the Fall 2021 season.
interception return for a touchdown, capping          Brevard turned right around and put an eight-          To follow the latest news and updates
off an impressive day for the Red Springs,          play, 75-yard drive together that was capped off       surrounding Brevard College Athletics,
North Carolina native who racked up nine            with Norris’ 19-yard touchdown drive. BC’s             follow the Tornados on Twitter/Instagram @
tackles and three tackles-for-loss. Senior kicker   defense then forced a fumble as Naylor stripped        BCTornados, subscribe to 'Brevard College
Stamati Damalos enjoyed a career day with           Tatum while Canady recovered the loose ball,           Tornados' on YouTube and SoundCloud, and
a career-long 45-yard field goal make while         setting up the Tornado offense inside the red          follow 'Brevard College Tornado Athletics' on
capping off the Tornado comeback effort with        zone. Carr found Orr on a swing pass to give           Facebook. In addition, follow 'brevardcollege'
a 41-yard field goal with 32 seconds left in        Brevard the lead, 14-7.                                on Flickr for photos from BC events.
regulation that tied the score at 27 points.          BC’s defense forced an Apprentice punt just
   Brevard’s spirited come-from-behind effort       before the end of the first quarter, but a six-play,
was stifled in overtime, as Apprentice’s Ricardo    38-yard drive was stalled when a Carr pass was
Corups hauled in a 20-yard touchdown pass           picked by Hunter and returned 90 yards, tying
from Mason Tatum before stopping the Tornado        the contest up at 14. Damalos’ career-long
offense on four consecutive plays to secure         45-yard field goal make handed the Tornados
the win.                                            a three-point lead at the intermission, 17-14.
   Tyler Harrison totaled a team-best 11 tackles,     Apprentice opened the second half with an
while veteran linebackers Toby Naylor and           eight-play, 35-yard drive that ended with a 46-
Steffon Canady added eight and seven tackles,       yard field goal from Jeremiah Morgan that tied
respectively. Naylor forced an Apprentice           the contest at 17. Morgan again connected with
fumble on a sack, while Steffon Canady              2:14 left in the third quarter, drilling a 47-yarder
recovered a fumble and had a team-best four         that put the Builders back on top, 20-17.
quarterback hurries. Junior defensive back            After the fourth-consecutive Tornado drive
Joc Pledger recovered a fumble and had five         was stalled, Apprentice strung together a
tackles.                                            pivotal eight-play, 37-yard drive ended in
   Sophomore quarterback Eli Carr went 20-          Tatum connecting with Ricardo Corpus for
for-33 passing while throwing for 187 yards         a nine-yard touchdown strike, extending the
and a pair of early touchdown passes. Brandon       Builders’ lead to a 10–point, 27-17 advantage.
Norris had a team-high 64 yards receiving with        With time winding down on the ensuing
a touchdown, while Zachary Orr hauled in his        Apprentice possession, Bass picked off a Tatum
first career touchdown reception – a 13-yard        pass and dashed 60-plus yards to pay-dirt,
connection with Carr.                               bringing the hosts within three points, 27-24.
   Both sides had long interception returns for       BC’s defense came up big, forcing a three-
touchdowns, with Apprentice’s Xavien Hunter         and-out on Apprentice’s next possession. Carr
taking a pick 90 yards in the second quarter to     and the offense drove down to the Apprentice
the end zone. The Builders were 7-of-17 on          24-yard-line before Damalos split the uprights
third down compared to BC’s 3-of-14 mark.           with a game-tying 41-yard field goal to bring
Apprentice slightly outgained BC, 226-197 in        the contest to a 27-27 stalemate, forcing
total offense, while the Tornado defense forced     overtime.
three turnovers to Apprentice’s one. However,         Tatum came through for the Builders on
NC Mountain State Fair returns
Page 10                                                        sports                                           The Clarion    |   September 15, 2021

Tornados continue successful start to
fall mountain bike season in Bristol
By Phil de Montmollin                                 BC’s dominant day continued with a podium      5) Tyler Miranda, Brevard
Assistant Athletic Director for Communications     sweep in Men’s A Dual Slalom with Owen            7) Philip Ford, Brevard
                                                   Clark, Tyler Clark and Cole Punchard finishing
  BRISTOL, Tenn. – Following an exceptional        first through third with Simon Donnaway           Women’s A Cross Country
return to intercollegiate racing as host of the    placing fourth to complete the 1-2-3-4 Tornado    1) Erica Leonard, Brevard
Brevard College/Ride Kanuga Mountain               sweep. Brevard sophomore Cameron Mader            8) Hannah Dickson, Brevard
Bike Race Weekend, the BC Cycling team             placed ninth as the Tornados took 50 percent      10) Nina Machnowski, Brevard
continued its early season success with a strong   of the top-10 in the category. The race win for
weekend of results at the ACCC/SECCC dual          Owen Clark in the Dual Slalom marked the          Men’s B Cross Country
conference race weekend hosted by King             first win as a collegiate for the freshman from   2) Cameron Mader, Brevard
University on Saturday and Sunday in Bristol,      King City, Ontario.                               3) Dylan Richardson, Brevard
Tennessee.                                            In Men’s B Dual Slalom, Ford made his          6) Watt Hackney, Brevard
  At the weekend event in Tennessee that did       way to the podium with a third-place finish to    7) Caleb McCaskill, Brevard
not include races in the Downhill categories,      go along with a fourth-place result by senior     8) Kyle McDonald, Brevard
Brevard earned a total of four race wins, 15       Finn Cullen.
podiums and 34 top-ten finishes. Through this         Sunday’s Men’s A Cross Country saw a           Women’s B Cross Country
season’s first two race weekends, the Tornados     third-place podium finish for Orschel to go       2) Madison Altman, Brevard
have accumulated a whopping 13 race wins, 36       along with top-ten’s by Owen Clark (4th), Tyler
podium finishes and 92 top-ten results.            Miranda (5th) and Ford (7th). In Men’s B Cross    Men’s C Cross Country
  Sophomore Erica Leonard earned two race          Country, the Tornados earned two podiums as       4) Matthew Zuniga
wins and three total podiums at the event to       Mader and Dylan Richardson placed 2-3 to
lead the Tornados. Leonard won Saturday’s          go along with a 6-7-8 finish by Watt Hackney,     Men’s A Short Track Cross Country
Women’s A Dual Slalom and Sunday’s                 McCaskill and McDonald.                           1) Tyler Orschel, Brevard
Women’s A Cross Country to go along with              BC sophomore Daniel Zuniga earned              2) Tyler Clark, Brevard
a second-place finish in the Women’s A Short       two podiums with a second-place finish in         5) Cole Punchard, Brevard
Track Cross Country race held Saturday.            Saturday’s Men’s C Short Track, a third-place     6) Owen Clark, Brevard
Through the first two races this season, the       podium in Dual Slalom, and a fourth-place         10) Philip Ford, Brevard
native of Barrie, Ontario has totaled four race    result in Sunday’s Men’s C Cross Country to
wins and six podium finishes. Last week at         help add even further to the Tornados’ success.   Women’s A Short Track Cross Country
the Brevard College/Ride Kanuga Mountain           McDonald (5th) and McCaskill (6th) added two      2) Erica Leonard, Brevard
Bike Race Weekend , Leonard earned wins in         more top-ten’s in Men’s C Dual Slalom.            6) Hannah Dickson, Brevard
Women’s A Downhill and Women’s A Dual                 After a weekend off, next up for the Brevard
Slalom as well as a third-place podium finish      College Cycling team is another SECCC race        Women’s B Short Track Cross Country
in Women’s A Short Track Cross Country.            weekend on September 25-26 at Lindsey             2) Madison Altman, Brevard
  Also on the women’s side in Bristol, senior      Wilson College in Kentucky.
Madison Altman earned two podiums with                The ten-time national champion Brevard         Men’s C Short Track Cross Country
second-place finishes in both Women’s B Cross      College Cycling program features varsity          2) Matthew Zuniga, Brevard
Country and Women’s B Short Track Cross            programs in the disciplines of Mountain Bike,
Country. Senior Hannah Dickson (8th) and           Cyclocross, Road, and Gravel Racing. For the      Men’s A Dual Slalom
sophomore Nina Machnowski (10th) added             latest news and updates surrounding Brevard       1) Owen Clark, Brevard
two more top-ten finishes for the Tornados         College Cycling, follow @brevardcycling on        2) Tyler Clark, Brevard
in Women’s A Cross Country. Dickson also           Instagram and 'Brevard College Cycling' on        3) Cole Punchard, Brevard
placed sixth in Women’s A Short Track Cross        Facebook.                                         4) Simon Donnaway, Brevard
Country.                                              To follow the latest news and updates          9) Cameron Mader, Brevard
  On the men’s side, the Tornados proved to        surrounding Brevard College Athletics, follow
be the dominant team in Saturday’s Men’s           the Tornados on Twitter and Instagram @           Women’s A Dual Slalom
A Short Track Cross Country with a 1-2             bctornados, subscribe to 'Brevard College         1) Erica Leonard
finish along with five top-ten’s. Senior Tyler     Tornados' on YouTube, follow 'Brevard College
Orschel edged fellow senior Tyler Clark to         Tornados' on SoundCloud, and 'Brevard             Men’s B Dual Slalom
take the race win and add two more podiums         College Athletics' on Facebook. In addition,      2) Philip Ford, Brevard
to the storied collegiate careers of the two       follow 'brevardcollege' on Flickr for photos      4) Finn Cullen, Brevard
Canadian national team members. Freshmen           from Brevard College events.
Cole Punchard and Owen Clark, who also                 Brevard College Podium & Top-10 Finishers     Men’s C Dual Slalom
both raced for Team Canada at this year’s UCI      - SECCC Conference Race Hosted by King            3) Matthew Zuniga, Brevard
Mountain Bike World Championships, finished        Unversity                                         5) Kyle McDonald, Brevard
5-6. BC Freshman Philip Ford finished 10th            Men’s A Cross Country                          6) Caleb McCaskill, Brevard
in the Men’s A Short Track race that featured         3) Tyler Orschel, Brevard
41 total riders.                                      4) Owen Clark, Brevard
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