Ncpr WSLU-North Country Public Radio-UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE WINTER 2018

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Ncpr WSLU-North Country Public Radio-UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE WINTER 2018
UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE                                                              WINTER 2018

                 ncpr                                          WSLU—North Country Public Radio—
                                                               celebrates 50 years on the air

              winter18-slumag-cover-with-spine-output.indd 1                                          12/20/17 12:21 PM
Ncpr WSLU-North Country Public Radio-UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE WINTER 2018
Winter ’18
                                                                                                           2   Message from the President
                                                                                                           4   Letter from the Editor
                                                                                                           8   On Campus
                                                                                                          15   Sports
                                                                                                         22    North Country Public Radio Turns 50
Going with the Flow
                                                                                                         32    Philanthropy in Action
Saints men’s and women’s Nordic ski teams prepare for their season at
Higley Flow State Park, Colton, New York. Last March, seven skiers from
                                                                                                         36    The Pub Cookie: Inside or Out?
our Nordic and Alpine ski teams were awarded National Collegiate All-     On the cover:                  38    Class Notes
Academic Ski Team honors by the United States Collegiate Ski Coaches      Shelly Pike ’96, operations    76    In Memory
Association (USCSCA).                                                     manager, at the NCPR studio.   80    From the Archives

                                                                                                                                    Winter 2018   |1
Ncpr WSLU-North Country Public Radio-UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE WINTER 2018

                                             Freedom of Speech
                                             at St. Lawrence University
                                             WILLIAM L. FOX ’75                          philosophical framework and               should be allowed to suppress speech      with an unfair tilt. They would          Holmes once argued in his
                                                                                         distinctions about rights and             that is potentially offensive,            argue the necessity to correct this      compelling ideas about “clear and
                                             (Remarks at the Board of Trustees           principles are often lacking in           particularly to minority groups. By       imbalance; that we should not            present danger.”
                                             meeting, Oct. 21, 2017)                     clarity or tolerance for ambiguity.       comparison, only 12 percent of their      tolerate speech that risks insidious        College presidents today must
                                                                                         The paradox that incivility and free      grandparents would be comfortable         harm to minority groups                  think about an analogous question
                                             Issues of the day in higher education       speech must co-exist together, that       with such government regulation of        historically kept silent. Th is is the   of institutional “security” as the
                                             abound, overlap, and impinge on             free speech may have no                   speech. In 2016, a Gallup study           origin of “speech codes” that have       boundaries of “clear and present
                                             our future: external economic forces,       prerequisite of politeness, a             discovered that 78 percent of             become a whipping post that taints       danger.” As a private institution, we
                                             curricular relevancy, social capital’s      realization that sometimes causes         traditional-age students believe          all of academe. We do not have           have every right, for instance, of
                                             acceleration, diversity and inclusion,      excruciating personal pain, is            colleges should expose them to all        such restrictive policies at             refusing space and voice to outside
                                             campus safety, athletic activity,           extremely difficult in an institution     kinds of differing perspectives. And      St. Lawrence. I am not hearing           groups to demonstrate on our
                                             financial aid resources and student         so deeply committed to building a         yet, 69 percent went on to say that       from individual advocates who            campus, especially if we have
                                             debt levels. All of these topics            positive community.                       they favored limitations on campus        favor doing so, though I assume          determined likely harm to capital
                                             receive frequent public attention.             My abiding hope is that our            speech that slurred or offended others.   some at St. Lawrence may entertain       assets and violence to people. We
                                             None are easy to understand,                students grasp a significant              More than half of these young people      this option.                             extend those rights of protest and
                                             manage, or explain. None are                probability of their lives: that it’s     in the survey also contended that the                                              demonstration on campus, however,

                                             perhaps more complicated and                highly unlikely that they will ever       charged atmosphere on campus                    question i am sometimes            to our own community members,
                                             difficult than the topic of free            again live in a place and                 prevents some people from speaking              asked hypothetically is about      but with an expectation of non-
                                             speech, a principle in our American         community like this one, and that         up and speaking out, a hesitancy                the special circumstances of       violence and the hope of peaceable
                                             society that has an important and           somehow this campus and its               born of fear that they would risk          outside speakers and, in particular,    civility. We would probably be
           I ask myself some questions in    peculiar place in the academy.              liberal arts experience become their      social standing or a hostile backlash.     would there ever be reason to           somewhat damaged without the
                                                I wish to share a condensed version      guiding-star for getting it right in         I ask myself some questions in the     “disinvite” someone from speaking?       latter, but we would survive.
             the context of national data:   of my “midterm notes” on freedom of         community life; that this lasting         context of national data: have our         I would be opposed in near-absolute        In many ways the shape of the First
                                             speech at St. Lawrence. I do so, not        impression of a good community            St. Lawrence students concluded            terms to taking action that would       Amendment at St. Lawrence appears
         have our St. Lawrence students      because we are now facing a critical        will travel with them in their            that civility, which ought to be           prohibit a high-risk provocative        very healthy, in our curriculum, our
                                             test of the issue or that we should         careers and future homes.                 everyone’s preference, also requires       speaker from our campus, though         University governance, and in our
           concluded that civility, which    anticipate one anytime soon as our             I am coming to terms with anchor       some added institutional guard or          as a private institution we have the    campus culture, but I would not say
                                             turn to witness a dramatic clash of         beliefs of my life that are no longer     protection from controversial ideas?       right to decide the question in ways    we are out of the woods in our effort
        ought to be everyone’s preference,   resistant mutual polarities, though if      self-evident to others. The liberal       So far, I don’t believe there is such a    that are not always the same for        to avoid traps, such as the false
                                             such disruptive moments can occur at        arts philosophy itself has been           demand on our campus. Are people           public universities.                    dichotomy between freedom of
                 also requires some added    sister liberal arts colleges, we have no    questioned and even rejected by           on campus adept enough at                     The First Amendment is a             speech and the priority values of
                                             grounds to claim an exemption.              some smart people. The dismissive         weighing and distinguishing the            boulder-like touchstone, but I said     inclusion. In fact, it feels like we’ve
        institutional guard or protection    There are, naturally, currents of           word “irrelevant” was popular in the      competing tensions that exist              if presented with a choice of           just entered the woods both as a
                                             discussion on campus about freedom         ’60s and ’70s, but I never imagined it     between equality and freedom?              accommodating a challenging,            society and as a liberal arts university.
                 from controversial ideas?   of speech, more frequently and              might one day include habits of           There is a mix of views about this at      disturbing speaker or not, I was in       The admonition that Justice
                                             intensively than in prior years. This is    learning that make life so                St. Lawrence.                              the “near-absolute” camp. The First     Holmes made at the end of his life
                                             a sign of the times and requires all of     intrinsically happy. Nevertheless, we        On other campuses, an argument          Amendment protects speech; it does      was the imperative call to a
                                             us to think together about its nature       can’t take for granted that the liberal   has gone forward that rights of free       not protect violence as a surrogate     principle of free thought, whereby
                                             and how perceptions of free speech          arts are unassailable.                    speech are at odds with equality,          of speech. I recognize that hate        he also came down unusually hard
                                             are bending.                                   Similarly, the First Amendment is      and that equality ought to get the         speech takes the question to the        in his attachment to a particular
                                                Freedom of speech is a difficult         also receiving not only fresh measures    edge in the end. The logical               brink of an activity resembling         form of freedom: yes, the freedom
                                             issue for at least three reasons: the       of scrutiny, but also skepticism; its     extension of this line is that because     violence. And while there is no         of thought and expression, but
                                             times are divisive and controversial;       future may not be in doubt, but it        the “marketplace of ideas,” to use         bright line of discernment or           without exclusions—“not free
                                             emotions that are often raw usually         may change. A 2015 Pew Research           the term coined by Oliver Wendell          unequivocal defi nition, there are      thought for those who agree with
                                             sweep the head away from the heart          Center finding was that 40 percent of     Holmes, falsely assumes fairness of        guiding principles, though I also       us but freedom for the thought we
                                             like a flash flood; and the                 millennials think the government          trade, the marketplace is flawed           believe there is a line somewhere, as   hate.”—WLF

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Ncpr WSLU-North Country Public Radio-UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE WINTER 2018

                                                                   We Should’ve Known
                                                                   I love the phrase, “you don’t know      built the gardens seeded atop the       in Bangladesh that a Bangladeshi
                                                                   what you don’t know.” It has always     Gate A entrance of Boston’s Fenway      investor wanted to finance.”
        VOLUME LXVII                        NUMBER 1
                                                                   been my go-to mantra whenever I         Park. (see Fall 2017, pgs. 36-37)          Prior to the company’s launch,
                                                                   need to alleviate the guilt of having      Winterer and Shea are the            Winterer and Shea each acquired
                                                                   missed something important in an        founders of Recover Green Roofs, a      years of experience in industries
                   VICE PRESIDENT FOR                              article. Of course, the University      company of green roof professionals,    focused on responsible leadership
                                                                   Communications team works very          landscape designers, horticultural      and business practices, innovative
                     Thomas R. Pynchon
                                                                   hard to know what we need to            specialists, and craftsmen who          technologies, and sustainable
                     EDITOR-IN-CHIEF                               know in order to inform and             transform low-use sites into            engineering and construction
                       Deborah Dudley
                                                                   connect alumni and provide              working green spaces throughout         practices. By 2009, their combined
           DIRECTOR OF MEDIA RELATIONS                             important news and information to       the Northeast.                          talents were formidable.
                          Ryan Deuel                               all of our readers. But, sometimes         They met at St. Lawrence in 2000        “Brendan called me after I
                    ASSISTANT EDITOR                               we miss things. And, when those         through the Outdoor Club, building      graduated from business school and
             Meg Bernier Keniston ’07, M’09                        things are revealed, they often seem    giant sleds for the annual Snow Bowl    asked me to help him start a green
                   CREATIVE DIRECTOR
                                                                   so obvious. We should’ve known.         Extravaganza and became friends         roof business in Boston,” says
                           Ed Lemire                                  I honestly appreciate when           while living in the Outing Club         Winterer. “Eight years later, we’ve
                                                                   readers contact us to let us know       theme cottage. They continued to be     made the Emerald City greener and
                       ART DIRECTOR
                        Jeff Macharyas
                                                                   what we don’t know. Like                roommates after graduation before       have ten full-time and ten part-time
                                                                   everything else in St. Lawrence,        Winterer departed for graduate          employees!”
                                                                   what we missed in the last issue has    school in Nashville.                       Since starting Recover, Winterer
                         Tara Freeman
                                                                   everything to do with Laurentian           “While I was in school, Brendan      and Shea have been transforming the
               ASSOCIATE ART DIRECTOR                              connections. In this case, the          used to bounce ideas off of me,” says   urban landscape one building at a
                         Susan LaVean                              connection between Fenway Farms         Winterer. “He helped me put             time and their team has been
                 CLASS NOTES MANAGER                               and two St. Lawrence alumni,            together a business model for           involved in the design, build, or
                        Anna Barnard                               Mark Winterer ’02 and Brendan           composting toilets                      maintenance of more than 100 green
                                                                   Shea ’04, who designed and                                                      roofs and walls throughout the
                                                                                                                                                   Northeast. The company works with

                                                                                                                                                                                           Photo by Pete Ellis
                                                                                                                                                   commercial, residential, and
    St. Lawrence University Magazine (ISSN 0745-3582) is
    published by St. Lawrence University four times per
                                                                                                                                                   institutional clients from elementary
    year: Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter. Winter 2018,                                                                                            schools to universities and hospitals
    volume LXVII, number 1. Periodical postage paid at
                                                                                                                                                   to private residential developments
    Canton, NY 13617 and additional mailing offices.
                                                                                                                                                   helping each of them capitalize on                            Brendan Shea ’04 and Mark Winterer ’02
    POSTMASTER: Send address changes to St. Lawrence                                                                                               the engineering, energy savings and
    University Magazine, 23 Romoda Dr., Canton, NY 13617.
                                                                                                                                                   harvests of green installations.                              Connect-Boston program article           story of two Laurentians who met
    All opinions expressed in signed articles are those of the                                                                                     Opened in 2015, Fenway Farms is a                             and kept asking ourselves, “What’s       in Canton, New York, building
    author and do not necessarily reflect those of the editors
    and/or St. Lawrence University. Editorial offices: Office
                                                                                                                                                   good example: Managed by Green                                the connection?”                         giant sleds as students and who
    of University Communications, St. Lawrence University,                                                                                         City Growers, the garden is a                                    I was a fan of the garden shot        went on to build an innovative
    23 Romoda Drive, Canton, NY 13617, 315-229-5585,
                                                                                                                                                   7,000-square-foot rooftop farm                                because it showed how students           business that is out in front
                                                                                                                                                   providing 4,000 lbs. of organic                               were getting a behind-the-scenes         of urban gardening, green
    St. Lawrence University does not discriminate against                                                                                          produce to Fenway Park’s EMC                                  look at Fenway operations and the        architecture, and engineering
    students, faculty, staff or other beneficiaries on the basis
    of race, color, gender, religion, age, disability, marital                                                                                     Club restaurant.                                              innovative business model of having      and sustainability.
    status, sexual orientation, or national or ethnic origin in                                                                                       I had to laugh when Winterer                               a rooftop garden and farm-to-table          When I hung up the phone after
    admission to, or access to, or treatment, or employment
    in its programs and activities. AA/EEO. For further
                                                                                                                                                   called about the photo of the                                 supply in such an iconic facility.       hearing Mark and Brendan’s story, I
    information, contact Community & Employee Relations,                                                                                           gardens. The magazine staff had                               What we missed was that the real         couldn’t help but think, there is
                                                                                                                                                   been back and forth about whether                             story was the behind-the-scenes of       always a Laurentian connection. ■
                                             PRINTED IN USA                                                                                        or not to use it for the SLU                                  the behind the scenes. It was the                  DEBORAH DUDLEY, EDITOR

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Ncpr WSLU-North Country Public Radio-UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE WINTER 2018
LAURENTIAN REVIEWS                                                                                                                                                                                                                           NEWS & NOTES

    In Winter’s Kitchen
                                                                                                                                       Eight Students Attend Model African Union
    Growing Roots and Breaking Bread in the Northern Heartland
    By Beth Dooley ’75 , Milkweed Editions, Minneapolis, Minnesota

                                              Since the appearance of Barbara             staples of the winter pantry north of        For the second year, St. Lawrence University students participated in the New York Six Model African Union conference
                                              Kingsolver’s Animal, Vegetable, Miracle     the Mason-Dixon line: apples,                hosted by Hamilton College. The event brought together African students as well as African-studies students and faculty from
                                              in 2006, books and articles on local        potatoes, carrots, cranberries, and          the New York Six which includes: Colgate, Hamilton, Hobart and William Smith, Skidmore, Union, and St. Lawrence.
                                              eating—a popular culinary trend             chestnuts, for example. These foods
                                              known as “locavorism”—have                  become leaping-off points for webs
                                              appeared with such regularity that          of stories and memories about
                                              they’ve spawned their own subgenre.         settling down to make a life in the          Laurentians Peak at 88,000 Vertical Feet
                                              Part memoir, part gastronomy, and part      Northern Heartland.
                                              ecological appeal, locavore memoirs            I spent some time in the Midwest for      On Sept. 26, 2017, more than 300 miles and 88,000
                                              focus on the farmers, chefs, and            graduate school—kind of—if Ann               vertical feet were hiked, more than 15 gallons of trail
                                              artisanal food providers in the writer’s    Arbor counts. I know that many               mix were consumed, and all of the Adirondack High
                                              locale. They celebrate these people,        Midwesterners will say, “Uh, no,” but I      Peaks had Laurentians at the top of them. Get a
                                              drawing connections between the             must have at least been on the edge of       glimpse through this video by Will Millerchip ’21 at
                                              kitchen table, the local soil, and the      the region, because I learned the gentle (case sensitive.)
                                              concept of home as something physical,      jokes and backhanded compliments
                                              which a person actually ingests.            aimed at Midwestern cuisine: bland,
                                                 I’m also a dedicated locavore., and      bombed with pasta and cream-of-
                                              as someone who lives, writes, and eats      mushroom soup, and always in the
                                              in the North Country, I often felt a        form of a casserole. Here, too, Beth
                                              tinge of envy when I read such books        Dooley defies expectations. She attends
                                              by my fellow food writers. Many of          to the region’s traditional foods, but she
                                              them are set in places where local          also mines deep into research on the
                                              eating seems easy—California, or            forgotten culinary traditions that avoid
                                              Texas, or, in the case of Kingsolver,       cliché, and so intrigue us, as she does in
          Each chapter is an homage to        Virginia. One sign that you’ve lived in    “Wild Rice” and “Apples.” Dooley
                                              a cold climate for too long is an           wants us to see that the foods of the
        some of the humbler—and, yes,         unwillingness to be impressed with          winter pantry are not at all uninviting;
                                              someone’s crop of January lettuce. In       with her sense of history, practical
        hardier and uglier—vegetables         the North, cabbage is our lettuce and       knowhow, and encouragement, they
                                              beets our tomatoes. We know that            become compelling possibilities
         that comprise the staples of the     optimism and creativity only add
                                              more savor to a delicious dish.
                                                                                          wherever one lives.
                                                                                             Food and memory are, of course,
                                                                                                                                       St. Lawrence Receives
              winter pantry north of the                                                                                               Funding Award for Energy Plan
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Power of Pink Raises
                                                This kind of philosophy is what           deeply intertwined. Even those
                                              makes Beth Dooley’s In Winter’s             Laurentians who live in year-round
              Mason-Dixon line: apples,
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Awareness and Funds
                                              Kitchen (Milkweed, 2015)                    warmth will see, in Dooley’s pages,          The University has been awarded $112,500 from the New
                                              remarkable. Dooley, a cookbook              (she herself is a Laurentian), a             York State Energy Research and Development Authority
           potatoes, carrots, cranberries,    writer and James Beard Award                familiar glimpse of their North              (NYSERDA) with an additional $4,000 to support a
                                              nominee, lives, writes, and eats in         Country home in her descriptions of          student internship to fund the University’s first-ever energy     The Saints Athletic Department and the Student Athlete
             and chestnuts, for example.      Minneapolis, and she makes an               the snowy fields, the cold, brilliantly      master plan. The project will be managed by Ryan Kmetz,           Advisory Committee partnered once again with teams
                                              evocative, well-researched, and             clear November skies, and the                assistant director of sustainability and energy management.       across the Liberty League to raise money for the battle
                                              emotionally engaging case for eating        glowing windows and set tables,              It will allow St. Lawrence’s Office of Sustainability to          against breast cancer during the Power of Pink weekend
                                              locally, even in the northern climes.       awaiting the arrival of guests. ■            provide a dynamic foundation for continuous reassessment          Oct. 7. Saints Volleyball (dark pink) and Rochester
                                              Her structuring device is clever: each                                                   and review of utility infrastructure life-cycle strategies in     Institute of Technology (light pink) joined in the effort
                                              chapter is an homage to some of the         BY PAUL GRAHAM ’99                           concert with comprehensive academic and facility planning         during the weekend competition. St. Lawrence’s Power of
                                              humbler—and, yes, hardier and              Professor and chair of English and author     objectives. It will also complement the University’s facilities   Pink events have raised more than $37,000 over the past
                                              uglier—vegetables that comprise the        of In Memory of Bread: A Memoir               master plan.                                                      eight years.

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Ncpr WSLU-North Country Public Radio-UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE WINTER 2018
ON CAMPUS                                                                                                                                                                                                                             ON CAMPUS

    Orienteering in the North Country                                                                                       Laurentians in Residence Fall 2017
    Nature Up North and the                skills. Participants—students,           includes an “encounter feature”
    St. Lawrence GIS Program               faculty, staff, and families from the    designed to encourage people to post    In any given academic year,
    launched a new orienteering course,    community—were invited to tour           pictures and narratives about           St. Lawrence University will host
    a competitive international sport      the course at their own pace.            experiences and observations they’ve    thousands of visitors. Prospective
    that combines racing with                 Enrollees begin at the                had in the natural world.               students, visiting athletic teams,
    navigation skills.                     Wachtmeister Field Station and             “By collectively putting all of the   guest artists, lecturers, local
      An orienteering race is a timed      explored the interesting and diverse     encounters together into our master     community members and most
    event, where individuals use           geologic features surrounding the Kip    database we are starting to build a     importantly, alumni. It is a proud
    specially crafted maps with            Trail. Depending on the individual, it   reference library of what species we    day for St. Lawrence to see each
    topographic details of the area they   may be enjoyed as a race or as a         see at different times year,” says      graduating class cross the stage, but
    will navigate. Racers select their     pleasant walk in the woods.              Barthelmess “and this database allows   it is equally thrilling for the campus
    route and navigate through diverse        Orienteering is just one of many      us to monitor change over time.”        to have Laurentians come back.
    and often unfamiliar terrain with      opportunities to engage with nature         Beyond taking the orienteering          The Laurentians in Residence
    only the aid of a map and compass,     through Nature Up North, a               course, students, faculty, staff, and   program is a collaboration between
    visiting designated control points     community-based organization at          community members are also              Career Services, University                From left: Meg Goldthwaite P’19, Jennifer Johnson Eddy ’82, Andy Cring ’92, P’21,
    described on the map.                  St. Lawrence University.                 invited to participate in Nature Up     Advancement, and the Student               David Scott ’75, Lauren McFarlane ’84
       Made possible with the support of     “At Nature Up North we really try      North’s other community programs        Alumni Association, with support
    an Innovation Grant, this new          to expose people to a wide variety       such as their Citizen Science           from the Alumni Executive Council.         came to campus to interview                  shared her leadership skills in
    course serves St. Lawrence and the     of interacting with nature and           programming. By helping                 The program brings alumni and parent       St. Lawrence students, who filled four       branding and communications for
    larger community by giving             recognize that people see the natural    Barthelmess and her team identify       leaders to campus for classroom            of the 10 positions.                         this major media player. Previously,
    participants an opportunity to         world through a range of different       and collect data about North            presentations, an interactive panel          “We wanted well-rounded students           Goldthwaite was chief marketing
    explore the campus property and        lenses,” says Erika Barthelmess,         Country plants, birds and animals,      discussion, and networking and             with a strong background in finance          officer at Conservation International,
    develop basic navigation skills. It    professor of biology and Nature          individuals are contributing to         mentoring opportunities.                   and analytics, coupled with great            an organization dedicated to
    debuted on Nov. 3 with a brief         Up North project director.               important scientific research that is      In October, the program                 communication skills and a strong            protecting nature.
    overview of orienteering and              The website,, is    going on across the country. ■          welcomed leaders from industry and         desire to succeed,” Cring said. “When           Lauren McFarlane ’84 is the
    provided basic map and compass         a Virtual Nature Center, which                          BY DEBORAH DUDLEY        public service. Once again, the            we started to define the type of             founder and president of Act First
                                                                                                                            panelists shared their expertise with      students we wanted for these roles, I        Safety and Dental Practice Safety,
                                                                                                                            the students offering them insight         knew we had to include St. Lawrence          which she launched in 2005 after
                                                                                                                            into the twists and turns of their         in our list of campus visits.”               leaving a successful career in
                                                                                                                            careers as well as the wider circle of        Jennifer Eddy ’82 is the founder          magazine advertising sales.
                                                                                                                            Laurentian connections.                    and chairman of the board for Root           McFarlane shared her strategies for
                                                                                                                               As vice president of global financial   NS, Inc., a nonprofit aimed at               staying ahead of the curve and
                                                                                                                            planning and analysis at eBay, Andy        providing at-risk youths a path out          developing new ways to help keep
                                                                                                                            Cring ’92, P’21, is responsible for        of poverty through life and work-            workers safe while addressing the
                                                                                                                            driving continuous improvement in          readiness skills, case management,           needs of employers.
                                                                                                                            the analysis of business results,          health and nutritional education and            David Scott ’75 shared insights on
                                                                                                                            developing short and long-term             the social capital to ensure that all        a 40-year multifaceted international
                                                                                                                            financial estimates and consulting on      students leave Root prepared for             legal and business career, including
                                                                                                                            eBay’s capital allocation strategy.        success in the workplace.                    consulting for startup and large
                                                                                                                            Andy graduated from St. Lawrence              Parents of current students are           companies in the biotechnology field.
                                                                                                                            with bachelor’s degree in economics        integral to the Laurentian family and        Students learned how Scott’s degree
                                                                                                                            and knows first-hand how a liberal         are critical to the Laurentians in           in government and work for The Hill
                                                                                                                            arts degree gave him an advantage in       Residence program. Chief Marketing           News translated into a rich career in
                                                                                                                            the world of finance. Cring was            Officer for National Professional            the legal and business world after his
                                                                                                                            instrumental in creating an eBay           Resources, Inc., Meg Goldthwaite             undergraduate years. ■
                                                                                                                            internship in finance and analysis and     P’19 joined this semester’s panel and                         BY DEBORAH DUDLEY

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ON CAMPUS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ON CAMPUS

     Students Finish in Fed Challenge Top 12                                                                                             Thirty Years of Alexander String Quartet
     BY RYAN DEUEL                                                                                                                       BY KELSEY MATTISON ’18                                         classes, or the rigor of ballet when      living in the Arts Annex, a campus
                                                                                                                                                                                                        they visit the dance studio to work       theme house composed of residents
      St. Lawrence University’s Fed                                                                                                      The Alexander String Quartet                                   with students.                            with a shared interest in the
      Challenge team, for its second time,                                                                                               returned, in October, once again for                              The members of the Alexander           performing arts. According to Arts
      advanced to the semifinal round of the                                                                                             campus performances and their                                  String Quartet, who received              Annex alumnus Luke Matys ’15 of
      competition held in November 2017 at                                                                                               annual artist residency—a more                                 honorary degrees from St. Lawrence        New Bedford, Massachusetts, the
      the Federal Reserve Bank of New                                                                                                    than 30-year tradition at                                      in 2000, also value coming to the         residents developed a small, but
      York. This year, 43 teams competed in                                                                                              St. Lawrence University—inspiring                              North Country since it is very            significant tradition inspired by the
      the preliminary rounds, and only 12                                                                                                the community in different ways.                               different from performing in more         Alexander String Quartet’s annual
      teams advanced to the semi-finals.                                                                                                 The San Francisco-based quartet                                populated cities such as New York or      visits. The event is called the Fancy
         The College Fed Challenge is a                                                                                                  formed in New York City in the                                 San Francisco. “We value the              Party, and it has been taking place
      competition hosted by the Federal                                                                                                  early 1980s and is described by The                            discussions that takes place in our       since 2011.
      Reserve Bank and is designed to                                                                                                    Los Angeles Times as, “a group deep                            classroom performances, and we               “Basically, we get all dressed up, go
      bring real-world economics into the                                                                                                in its element, firm in its stride.”                           learn quite a bit from talking with       to the Quartet performance, and then
      classroom. Teams are judged on                                                                                                        The quartet’s residency at                                  students and professors,” says Lifsitz.   have a classy cocktail party afterwards
      their analysis of economic                                                                                                         St. Lawrence includes performing for                              Visiting artists of all disciplines    at the house with our friends,” says
      conditions and their policy                                                                                                        audiences and attending classes for                            are a regular part of the St. Lawrence    Annex resident Ethan Collins ’18,
      recommendations. Leading up to                                                                                                     more intimate concerts and                                     experience for all students, faculty      from Avon, New York. Abby Leathers
      the competition, New York Fed staff                                                                                                discussions involving the music and                            and staff, and community members.         ’19, from Rochester, Vermont, says
      also host orientations and a half-day                                                                                              careers in the arts. As Julia                                  For the residents of the Arts Annex,      she looks forward to the Fancy Party
      boot camp for students.                                                                                                            Pomainville, the University’s arts                             however, the Alexander String             every year. “I love that we get to hang
         Out of the 12 students enrolled in                                                                                              programming coordinator explains,                              Quartet is an essential part of their     out like we normally do, but there is
      Professor of Economics Cynthia                                                                                                     “the musicians are experts at catering                         semester, and an evening they have        an artistic and cultural aspect added
      Bansak’s Fed Challenge course, five                                                                                                to the classroom, and their presence                           adopted as their own.                     to it. It makes it feel like more than
      went on to compete in New York                                                                                                     is valuable to both the students and                              The Quartet has inspired students      just a party.” ■
      City: Zane Belden ’18 of Queensbury,                                                                                               the professors.
      New York; Michael Zunkeler ’18 of                                                                                                     “We tell them what the classes are
      Baltimore, Maryland; James Schibli                                                                                                 looking for because their skill really
     ’18 of Ridgefield, Connecticut; John                                                                                                is making connections,” says
      (Jack) Martin ’18 of Syracuse, New                                                                                                 Pomainville. “If they can touch just
      York; and, Garnet Remillard ’20 also                                                                                               one life every time they visit, then it
      of Syracuse.                             From left: Zane Belden ’18, Michael Zunkeler ’18, James Schibli ’18, John (Jack) Martin   is valuable for the University to
        “This is not about the competition,    ’18, and Garnet Remillard ’20                                                             bring them.”
      about who wins,” says Cynthia                                                                                                         “It is special to be able to work in
      Bansak, professor of economics. “We      also served as a senior official of the       15-minute policy proposal, advising         music, as well as other disciplines,”
      have looked at course evaluations        Federal Reserve Board of Governors,           the Federal Reserve on current              says Fred Lifsitz, the Quartet’s
      over the years, and there is no          helped prepare the students in                economic conditions and where we            second violinist. Lifsitz and the
      question students believe that this      partnership with several St. Lawrence         believe the target federal funds rate       others feel that they learn a lot
      kind of cooperative learning is more     alumni working in finance. Students           should be,” Zane says. “After               about subjects they are not as versed
      effective than traditional classroom     were able to practice their                   presenting, we participated in a            in, like the work of Jane Austen or
      learning. And we continue to hear        presentations with six different              15-minute question and answer               other authors, when they spend
      from former students that this           alumni groups at six financial                session based on our proposal.”             time in special topics literature

                                                                                                                                                                                      Photo by Pete Ellis
      course had significant long-term         institutions and receive feedback on            This was only the second time they
      impacts on their careers.”               their oral presentation skills and their      have made it to the semi-final              From left: Zakarias Grafilo, violin;
         Lynn Smith Fox, spouse of             understanding of monetary policy.             rounds since St. Lawrence began             Frederick Lifsitz, violin; Paul Yarbrough,
      President William L. Fox ’75, who          “We spend time creating a                   competing in the Fed Challenge. ■           viola; Sandy Wilson, cello.

10   |   St. Lawrence University Magazine                                                                                                                                                                                                        Winter 2018   | 11
Ncpr WSLU-North Country Public Radio-UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE WINTER 2018

                                                                                                                                          To-morrow, and to-morrow, and
                                                                                                                                          to-morrow: 25 Years of Shakespeare
                                                                                                                                          BY DEBORAH DUDLEY                            workshops that explored all facets of         an audience’s perspective,” says
                                                                                                                                                                                       Shakespearean theater in a                    Hilary Caldwell, one of the actors
                                                                                                                                          This season’s American Shakespeare           contemporary context. The ASC                 who plays numerous roles in each
                                                                                                                                          Center’s 2017-18 Wicked Folly Tour           artists worked with students in               production. Caldwell points out
                                                                                                                                          presented “The Taming of the Shrew,”         Visiting Assistant Professor Sara             that this is consistent with the
                                                                                                                                          “MacBeth,” and “Sense and                    Schaff ’s playwriting course to               demands in Shakespeare’s time
                                                                                                                                          Sensibility” in the Peterson-Kermani         examine the staging clues embedded            when actors took on multiple roles
                                                                                                                                          Performance Hall. For 25 consecutive         in the author’s texts and with                in each production.
                                                                                                                                          years, the American Shakespeare              Assistant Professor Ann Hubert’s                 “There are still fans from over the
                                                                                                                                          Center (ASC) has made St. Lawrence           Shakespeare class, delving into               border who travel down to see the
     The Peace Begins with Me, taught by Elizabeth Margaret Vilas Professor of History Donna Alvah, takes in the exhibition.              University an annual destination for         rhetoric and word play. The troupe            productions each year,”
                                                                                                                                          its traveling ensemble performances,         also hosted open workshops                    says Coppola, who explains that in
                                                                                                                                          workshops, and residency.                    examining the research,                       the past, their visit to the North
                                                                                                                                             “We have visited places for 10 or         development, and construction that            Country included performances in

“I am large, I contain multitudes”                                                                                                        15 years running, but 25 consecutive
                                                                                                                                          years” says Thomas J. Coppola,
                                                                                                                                          touring troupe manager and director
                                                                                                                                                                                       goes into costuming Shakespeare’s
                                                                                                                                                                                       plays during the Elizabethan period
                                                                                                                                                                                       as well as a session learning about
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Canada. The ASC has been touring
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     since 1988 and was previously
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     known as the Shenandoah
     BY POONAM SIDHU ’18                           critic, Edward Said. She also focused         Pennsylvania, after viewing the          of the ASC traveling shows, “that is         the special effects for the Early             Shakespeare Express before changing
                                                   on the media’s problematic                    different works of art that speckled     really remarkable. It shows how              Modern stage using basic tools with           its name in 2001.
     Saima Akhtar prefaced her Oct. 23rd           representations of the Middle East and        the gallery. “The definition of          St. Lawrence has a unique                    limited technology.                              Coppola believes that
     lecture on “Multitudes: An Art                Islam and what’s at stake now. Akhtar         ‘American’ is constantly changing.       appreciation for what Shakespeare               “It’s so important for students to         Shakespeare is meant to be heard
     Exhibition in the Age of the                  presented art as a way to counter the         We have to be willing to adapt to it.”   brings to a learning environment.”           see all of us building these worlds           and seen in order to be understood
     #muslimban” with the following                predominantly negative stereotypes               Other students mentioned how art         The troupe’s four-day residency           together, operating in multi-faceted          and enjoyed. With 25 years of
     statement: “The whole idea is to              about Muslims in the U.S., and when           can be employed to send a certain        schedule this year, combined                 positions and taking on roles                 immersion, it is clear that
     deconstruct the images that we see            asked what she wanted St. Lawrence            message to the people. “I didn’t         performances with student-centered           regardless of gender that challenge           St. Lawrence University agrees. ■
     around us and critically digest them.”        students to take away from the                think art could be used for
        “I am large, I contain multitudes,”        exhibition, Akhtar responded that she         resistance,” says Losångela Batista      From left: Students Marisol Ramirez ’18 and Devin Guilfoyle ’18 work with ASC’s Ally Farzetta during a costume workshop.
     is a quote from Walt Whitman and              wanted people to realize how “we are          ’18 from Dorchester, Massachusetts.
     was the inspiration for the title of the      all connected through the human               “I’m more interested to look at art
     exhibition, according to Akhtar, who          experience.” She wants students to            now as a political statement.”
     co-curated the show at the Richard            know that there are more similarities            According to the exhibition
     F. Brush Art Gallery with Mona                than differences between people who           organizers, “Multitudes” seeks to
     Damluji. Akhtar told the audience at          may not all necessarily come from the         draw attention to the complex
     the curator’s talk that identity is a         same walks of life.                           nature of ethnic, religious, and
     multidimensional and layered                     The exhibition brings together             racial identities and introduce
     concept that is complicated. She              seven artists and an artists’                 themes of solidarity and intersection
     explained the purpose of the title            collaborative from diverse Muslim             within Muslim, black, brown,
     “Multitudes” is to challenge the              and non-Muslim backgrounds, whose             gender-based, refugee and
     notion that identity is something             work challenges and transcends                immigrant communities as well
     that can be understood through a              narrow representations of people from         as highlight the impossibility of
     single picture or narrative.                  Muslim-majority countries.                    defi ning any region, culture, or
        Akhtar’s presentation highlighted             “I hope students from other                identity through a singular
     the negative consequences associated          backgrounds see that Muslim-                  understanding. Visit the gallery
     with Orientalism, a termed coined by          Americans have the same aspirations           archives to learn more about
     the late Palestinian-American                 as any other Americans,” commented            the artists in this exhibit at
     academic, political activist, and literary    Sahar Delawar ’19, from Scranton,    ■

12   |   St. Lawrence University Magazine
Ncpr WSLU-North Country Public Radio-UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE WINTER 2018

                                                                                                                                                                    Leading the Herd
                                                                                                                                                                    Celia Diller ’20 confers with Otto

     St. Lawrence Designated                                                                                            Leadership in
                                                                                                                                                                    (a.k.a. Single Malt) before the Nov.
                                                                                                                                                                    18-19 competition at the Elsa
                                                                                                                                                                    Gunnison Appleton Riding Hall.

     as Bicycle Friendly University                                                                                     Studying Abroad
                                                                                                                                                                    The St. Lawrence riding team has
                                                                                                                                                                    amassed 227 points through thesix
                                                                                                                                                                    fall shows, and has a 35-point lead
                          The League of American Bicyclists recognized                                                  Nearly three-quarters of St. Lawrence       in Region II competition. If the
                          St. Lawrence University with a bronze-level designation                                       University students study abroad during     Saints hold on to the lead through
                          as a Bicycle Friendly University (BFU).                                                       their undergraduate experience, with        the two spring shows (Feb. 24-25,
                             St. Lawrence has joined a group of colleges and                                            nearly two-thirds of students studying      2018), the team will claim its
                          universities across the United States that are working to                                     abroad for a semester or longer.            eighth consecutive Region II title.
                          transform their campuses and the communities around                                           According to the 2017 Institute of
                          them. There are now 182 Bicycle Friendly Universities in                                      International Education’s annual Open
                          45 states and Washington, D.C.                                                                Doors report, St. Lawrence was listed as
                             St. Lawrence first launched its Green Bikes Program                                        No. 15 in the “Leading Institutions by
                          in 2004, making bicycles available for loan to students,                                      Institutional Type-Baccalaureate”
     faculty and staff during the spring, summer and fall. The Green Bikes                                              category, with 382 students studying
     Program is an initiative to make bikes readily available to the campus                                             abroad in the 2015-16 academic year. IIE
     community while encouraging healthy and sustainable modes of                                                       estimates that number translates into
     transportation. It provides a carbon-neutral way to get around campus, town,                                       74.3 percent of the student body
     and to explore the many bike-friendly trails in St. Lawrence County.                                               studying abroad during any portion of
        In addition, a 2013 Innovation Grant funded the installation of two bike                                        their enrollment at St. Lawrence. It also
     “Fix-It & Go” stations for community use: one located outside of the Owen                                          represents a jump from ranking at No.
     D. Young Library and the other located outside of Launders Science Library                                         27 just five years ago. The top study
     in Madill Hall. ■                                                                                                  abroad destinations for St. Lawrence
     To learn more about sustainability eff orts at St. Lawrence, visit the Green Pages                                 students in 2016-17 were London, New
     at                                                                                           Zealand, Kenya and a tie between
                                                                                                                        Austria, Denmark, and New York City. ■

                                                                                                                        Jobs, Grad School
                                                                                                                        Placement Increasing
                                                                                                                        According to a recent Career Services
                                                                                                                        survey, members of the Class of 2016
                                                                                                                        had a total career outcome rate of 97.1
                                                                                                                        percent, an increase of 0.2 percent over
                                                                                                                        last year’s survey. Of those, more than
                                                                                                                        78 percent were pursuing a career and
                                                                                                                        nearly 19 percent were attending
                                                                                                                        graduate school. The return rate on this
                                                                                                                        year’s survey was nearly 77 percent, and
                                                                                                                        the number reporting that they are
                                                                                                                        satisfied or very satisfied with their
                                                                                                                        employment remained strong at 94
                                                                                          Photo by James Chandler ’15

                                                                                                                        percent. According to the National

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Photo by Jason Hunter
                                                                                                                        Association of Colleges and Employers,
                                                                                                                        the nationwide career outcome rate for
                                                                                                                        all 2016 graduates was 81 percent, and
                                                                                                                        for institutions comparable to
                                                                                                                        St. Lawrence was 91 percent. ■

14   |   St. Lawrence University Magazine                                                                                                                               Winter 2018   | 15
Ncpr WSLU-North Country Public Radio-UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE WINTER 2018
SPORTS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             SPORTS

Legends of Appleton                                                                                                                  Global Architectural Firm Selected for Appleton Study
BY BETH SPADACCINI ’11                        tradition at St. Lawrence through             for four consecutive Stanley Cup         BY RYAN DEUEL                             intramural sports while also            necessary funding to complete the
                                              their play, commitment, and impact            wins in the early 1980s. He was                                                    improving the spectator experience      renovations, the project is estimated
Men’s hockey alumni Brian                     on the programs and on the hockey             inducted into the Hockey Hall of         One of the premier architectural          both in the arena and through           to take approximately 18 months, but
McFarlane ’55 (left) and Bill                 world in the U.S. and Canada.                 Fame in 1995.                            companies for designing sports            online livestream.                      would not cause any disruption to the
Torrey ’57 were honored as the                   McFarlane still holds the men’s               “I often say, the best single         venues in North America has been             Chief Facilities Officer Dan         teams’ game schedules in Appleton.
inaugural Legends of Appleton on              program scoring record with 101               decision I ever made in my life was      selected by St. Lawrence University       Seaman said that the architects will       “When you have a company that
Oct. 21. They were presented with             career goals and was a long-time              to come here,” McFarlane said in an      to conduct a comprehensive study          work to preserve the interior’s “old    has designed some of the top
commemorative scarlet jackets                 host of CBC’s “Hockey Night in                interview with The Watertown Daily       for enhancing Appleton Arena.             barn look” while making significant     facilities at the professional and
during a presidential reception               Canada.” He was awarded the Foster            Times. “It’s nice when a St. Lawrence       In 2017, St. Lawrence received a       improvements to the entranceways,       highest collegiate levels,” Durocher
prior to the Saints’ game against             Hewitt Memorial Award, which was              guy makes the NHL, but that’s not        private planning gift to begin a study    press box, overhead lighting and live   said, “I am confident that we will
UMass Lowell.                                 presented at the Hockey Hall of               the purpose; really, it’s to give them   for renewing and enhancing                streaming capabilities.                 come away with preserving the best
  The University launched the                 Fame in 1995.                                 an education and a foundation to get     Appleton Arena, home to the Saints’          “Preserving the heritage of          of Appleton Arena with
Legends of Appleton program in the              Torrey, known around the NHL                out in the real world. They certainly    NCAA Division I men’s and                 Appleton was a number-one priority      enhancements that will provide us
fall of 2017 to celebrate individuals         as “The Architect,” was the general           did that in our cases—and dozens         women’s hockey teams. In                  for the campus, and HOK is very         with something truly special.”
who helped strengthen the hockey              manager of the New York Islanders             and hundreds of others.” ■               November, the campus finalized a          excited about working with us to           Micheal Day, vice president and
                                                                                                                                     contract with HOK, a global design        preserve the old character of the       senior project manager at HOK,
From left: Bill Torrey ’57, Brian McFarlane ’55, Randy Sexton ’82, Ray Shero ’84, Scott Lasky ’05, and Tom O’Connor ’75.             firm that has designed stadiums for       arena,” Seaman said. “Having a firm     added, “We’re looking forward to
                                                                                                                                     professional and collegiate teams,        with so many people that have           working with St. Lawrence
                                                                                                                                     including the recently opened Little      worked on professional and              University on this milestone project.
                                                                                                                                     Caesars Arena, home of the Detroit        collegiate stadiums, they can bring a   Appleton Arena is a special place
                                                                                                                                     Red Wings.                                lot of ideas to the table and always    with a rich heritage. We look
                                                                                                                                        “To have the opportunity to work       seem a step ahead of the game.”         forward to preserving the character
                                                                                                                                     with the caliber of company like             HOK plans to wrap up its design      and charm of the venue while
                                                                                                                                     HOK puts us at the ‘top of our            study by April 2018, Seaman said.       modernizing the fan and athlete
                                                                                                                                     game,’” says Athletic Director Bob        Once the University secures the         experience.” ■
                                                                                                                                     Durocher M’94, P’13. “Their
                                                                                                                                     experience, wisdom, and professional
                                                                                                                                     attitude is second to none.”
                                                                                                                                        HOK will conduct a
                                                                                                                                     comprehensive study of Appleton
                                                                                                                                     and deliver its findings to the
                                                                                                                                     University’s Steering, Planning, and
                                                                                                                                     Oversight Committee as well as its
                                                                                                                                     Campus User Group. The company
                                                                                                                                     has already made a visit to campus
                                                                                                                                     and presented preliminary concepts
                                                                                                                                     to the two groups.
                                                                                                                                        Originally opened in 1951,
                                                                                                                                     Appleton Arena is regarded as one of
                                                                                                                                     the University’s significant “heritage”
                                                                                                                                     facilities. A gift from alumnus Tom
                                                                                                                                     Dolan ’74 and the Dolan
                                                                                                                                     Family Foundation made the study
                                                                                                                                     possible in order to benefit student-
                                                                                                                                     athletes in the hockey programs as
                                                                                                                                     well as other intercollegiate and

                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Winter 2018   | 17
SPORTS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       SPORTS

     Pride of Place: Laurentian Track and Field
     BY LAUREN WEEKS ’18                        saying, ‘Wow, look at this place; I      how important it is to get people on       coordination for the event.              Canton community and local                 “Being selected to host the
                                                wish I knew this place existed when      our campus to experience                      “We received tremendous support       colleges and high schools in the area.   championships in 2015 speaks
     St. Lawrence University Head               I was looking at colleges,’” says Head   St. Lawrence in person.”                   from so many areas of campus,            “The North Country rallied to be as      volumes to the experience that
     Women’s Track and Field Coach Kate         Men’s Track and Field Coach John            Due to the greatest number of           including the President’s Office,        receptive and hospitable as possible     student-athletes, coaches, officials,
     Curran M’11 has attended every             Newman ’94, who believes that            participants, the outdoor track and        facilities and grounds, dining and       and made lots of accommodations to       and spectators enjoyed in 2003,”
     NCAA Division III championship in          hosting a championship event puts        field championship is the largest          conference services, residence life,     handle the large number of visitors.”    says Curran.
     cross country as well as indoor and        the University’s name in front of a      championship the NCAA sponsors             IT, safety and security, and of course     Both coaches are proud that the          “Th is event really put
     outdoor track and field since she          lot of people from around the world      at a single site. The influx of visitors   almost every member of the athletic      campus offers their teams the            St. Lawrence and our program on
     began coaching at St. Lawrence 10          who might be unfamiliar with             to the area creates a greater need for     department,” Newman says, also           advantages of its facilities, grounds    the map as a top-level hosting site,”
     years ago. Without fail, she says, she     St. Lawrence. “That really galvanized    logistical planning and                    expressing his gratitude toward the      and regional terrain every season.       adds Newman. ■
     has been asked by coaches, student-
     athletes, officials, and administrators,
     “When is St. Lawrence going to host
     the NCAA Outdoor Track and Field
     Division III Championships again?”
        “This is the true testament of the
     tremendous experience that
     St. Lawrence provides visitors to our
     campus,” says Curran, who is eager
     to host again.
        In 2003, and again in 2015,
     St. Lawrence University earned bids
     to host the championships, providing
     student-athletes, coaches, visitors, and
     alumni unforgettable experiences in
     this remote corner of the country.
        “Hosting the NCAA track and
     field championships are a
     tremendous honor,” says Curran.
     “Hosting events of this magnitude
     were opportunities to show off our
     outstanding facilities, which
     included our athletic venues as well
     as our campus and community.” To
     date, St. Lawrence is the only school
     (of any division) in the state of New
     York to host the championships.
        “I overheard a conversation
     between two athletes who were

     Divya Biswal ’15, from Ottawa,
     Ontario, was the fourth individual
     in St. Lawrence women’s track and
     field history to earn an individual
     championship with a 2014 win in
     the triple jump.

18   |   St. Lawrence University Magazine                                                                                                                                                                           Winter 2018   | 19
Gunnison Memorial Chapel
North Country
    Public Radio

Making Waves for 50 Years
                                            50TH ANNIVERSARY OF
                                            NORTH COUNTRY PUBLIC RADIO,
                                            AND IT ALL STARTED WITH A
                                            LOCAL DONATION.
                                            “We begin our history in the mid-         and transmitter tower location.
                                             60s,” says Ellen Rocco, NCPR                On March 7, 1968, their
                                             station manager. Rocco notes that        persistence paid off, when the station
                                             many mistakenly tie the station’s        went live from Payson Hall. WSLU
                                             history to early radio at St. Lawrence   was on the air for the first time.
                                             University, when a 50-watt                  With a staff of two professionals
                                             experimental station was set up by       (Hutto and Murphy) and a small
                                             St. Lawrence Professor of Physics        cadre of students, WSLU aired a
                                             Ward C. Priest and Stanley Barber, a     few hours of programming each day,
                                             local mechanic in an old pig barn        consisting of locally hosted music
                                             near campus in 1921. However, it         programs, talks with St. Lawrence
                                             was with President Lyndon B.             University professors, and brief
                                             Johnson signing of the Public            recordings of international news
                                             Broadcasting Act (in November            broadcast from Europe and Asia.
                                             1967), along with a gift from a local    The University’s license and
                                             businessman, that North Country          commitment to radio was secured
                                             Public Radio’s history begins.           and, in 1971, WSLU became a
                                               As John B. Johnson Jr., Chairman       charter member of National Public
                                             of the Board of the Johnson              Radio (NPR), increased its
                                             Newspapers Corporation explains,         broadcast day to 18 hours, and
                                             the family’s foray into FM radio in      began receiving support from the
                                             the 50s and early 60s was proving to     Corporation for Public Broadcasting
                                             be a losing venture. His late father,    (CPB). (See full summary of
                                             John B. Johnson, was at the helm of      station’s history at
                                             the family company which owned              It was also in 1971, just after her
                                             local radio and television stations as   graduation from St. Lawrence
                                             well as The Watertown Daily Times.       University, that Jackie Sauter ’71

     Ellen Rocco
                                             In 1965, after shutting down their       joined the staff after seeing an ad in
                                             FM radio operations, the elder Mr.       the paper for part-time office work.
                                             Johnson, who was a St. Lawrence            “At that point, I hadn’t even heard

     Station Manager                         trustee at the time, donated the FM
                                             transmitter to the University. With
                                             this gift, WSLU was conceived, but
                                                                                      of the station,” Sauter says, “I
                                                                                      intended to stay only the year, but
                                                                                      one thing led to another.” Before
                                             not yet born.                            long, Sauter became an on-air
                                                Lawrence Reiner, an instructor of     announcer and eventually began
                                             radio and television at St. Lawrence,    producing innovative programming,
                                             labored for two more years, heading      such as “Women’s Voices,” which
                                             the effort to establish a University     was distributed nationally via NPR.
                                             radio station. With the engineering      That was one of the first of many
                                             assistance of Francis Murphy and         locally produced segments to reach a
                                             Richard Hutto, a consultant from         national audience from this young
                                             Florida and later WSLU’s first           North Country station.
                                             station manager, Reiner persisted          “The early mission was to bring
                                             against myriad problems, including       high-quality programs to the
                                             local television signal interference     residents of the North Country,

24   |   St. Lawrence University Magazine                                                                 Winter 2018   | 25
pretty simple,” says Rocco. The bulk       work expanded the coverage beyond
                                of the format was classical music and      St. Lawrence County and fulfilled
                                some non-commercial news coverage          requests for service that the station
                                like NPR’s All Things Considered.          had been receiving from
                                   In 1975, another announcer,             communities in the Adirondacks
                                Martha Foley ’74, now the station’s        and around the North Country.
                                news director, joined the station. By        “It is a big neighborhood,” says
                                the early ’80s, when she returned to       Foley, “but we have a lot of common
                                the station after a stint as editor at a   concerns and strengths and
                                local newspaper, Foley’s talent for        weaknesses. You can look at a map
                                storytelling and audio editing was         and see this big shoulder of New
                                an immediate game-changer and the          York State. It’s huge.”
                                station began expanding content to            In 1984, WSLU officially became
                                include original regional news and         North Country Public Radio when the
                                documentaries.                             first remote transmitter was built in
                                  “Those of us who got into the local      Saranac Lake. This was followed by 32
                                station news business that early were      more in the following decades and by
                                kind of inventing the wheel all over       the early ’90s, the station had added a
                                the country,” says Foley. “It was          technological mission— to reach the
                                really exciting and really fun. We         entire “Adirondack North Country,” a
                                just didn’t know a whole lot, but we       geographic term popularized by Rocco
                                were willing to try anything.”             in her numerous grant proposals to
                                   With the addition of Rocco in           expand coverage.
                                1980 as development director, the            “If you looked at a FCC coverage
                                trio of Sauter, Foley and Rocco            map back in those days, one of the
                                represented the station leadership or      big gap areas was Northern New
                                what Rocco calls the station’s             York including the Adirondack
                               “founding mothers.”                         mountains, so we almost always got
                                  “We all came out of the ’60s, and        help. And if we didn’t, we figured
                                we were community-oriented,” says          out a way” says Rocco. “Bob really
                                Rocco. “We wanted to have an               worked miracles. He is the real hero
                                impact and add to the community            in that story.”
                                we were living in, and we saw our            “We realized, we could do this

                                                                                                                     Martha Foley ’74
                                work as serving the public.”               technically,” adds Foley “but you
                                    “It might sound trite,” Foley says,    have to follow the facilities with
                               “but we try to knit the whole region        actual expressions of interest in that
                                together in some way and discover
                                the common ground and bring that
                                                                           community. Even with our limited
                                                                           resources we try to be attentive to
                                                                           the whole geography.”
                                                                                                                     News Director
                                                                              With a listening community
                                TRANSMITTING A                             geographically defined, a more
                                REGIONAL IDENTITY                          cohesive Adirondack North Country
                                Shortly after Rocco joined the             identity emerged. “We felt that a
                                station, Bob Sauter was hired. As a        regional take on the news was
                                modern broadcast engineer, Bob’s           critical and we showed how the

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stories of peoples’ lives in Newcomb     us to what is going on in the rest of
                                            or Old Forge or Morley are all           the country. But more than that, we
                                            connected,” says Rocco.                  knew that there are great stories
                                               In the ’80s and into the ’90s, the    across the region, really important
                                            standard operating wisdom across the     stories that can connect the North
                                            NPR system was to create seamless        Country to the whole nation.”
                                            programming by taking the highest           As Foley said earlier, knitting the
                                            caliber programming from national        North Country together is exactly
                                            sources. However, Sauter, Foley and      what NCPR did during the ice storm
                                            Rocco went against the grain.            of 1998, when staffers slept at the
                                               The trio made a very conscious        station and kept filling generators in
                                            decision: They believed the best way     order to continue broadcasting
                                            to serve the region was to provide       information to the region, telling
                                            news and information and made            listeners to turn off their battery-
                                            sure that part of that service focused   powered radios to save power and
                                            on the region.                           turn them on at the top of the hour
                                              “We began to seriously invest in a     for updates. For a while, NCPR was
                                            news department,” Rocco continues,       the only news organization able to
                                            bucking the trend of using               cover the storm in-depth and get
                                            predominantly purchased                  critical emergency information out
                                            programming. “It is the reason we        to isolated communities.
                                            have such a high standing in the            In fact, NCPR news staff have
                                            system as a great news department.       been integral in the national
                                            We have been doing it longer than        coverage of recent stories ranging
                                            most stations,” adds Rocco. “We got      from the high-profile Dannemora
                                            really good at it. Now, first and        prison escape and the Lac-Mégantic
                                            foremost, we see ourselves as a          train disaster in Quebec, to
                                            news organization.”                      Northern New York communities
                                               Over the past 35 years, Sauter,       navigating the inclusion of refugee
                                            Foley and Rocco have built a team        populations, issues of homelessness,
                                            of nationally recognized and award-      and heroin addiction, to reporting

     Jackie Sauter ’71
                                            winning journalists that includes        on the changing political landscapes
                                            Brian Mann, David Sommerstein,           of the nation related to green energy
                                            Todd Moe, and the more recent            projects, medical marijuana, prisons,

     Director of Broadcast                  additions of Zach Hirsch, Laura
                                            Rosenthal and Amy Feiereisel, who
                                                                                     farming, immigration and more.
                                                                                        Mann, who has been NCPR’s

     and Digital Content                    round out the station’s multiple
                                            generations of reporting and
                                                                                     Adirondack Bureau Chief for 18 years,
                                                                                     has been consistently enlisted by
                                                                                     NPR to report on national stories,
                                              “Part of our job is to enrich the      including most recently covering the
                                            experience of the people who live        aftermath of Hurricane Harvey in
                                            here,” says Rocco. “Obviously            Houston as wells as the tragedy of last
                                            bringing interesting people, great       October’s mass shooting in Las Vegas.
                                            thinkers, great musicians, artists on       Last fall, Mann officially
                                            air enriches the region and connects     expanded his role to include serving

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