Neonates Born to Mothers With COVID-19: Data From the Spanish Society of Neonatology Registry - SENEO

Page created by Ian Stevens
Neonates Born to Mothers With
                                      COVID-19: Data From the Spanish
                                      Society of Neonatology Registry
                                      Manuel Sánchez-Luna, MD, PhD,a Belén Fernández Colomer, MD, PhD,b Concepción de Alba Romero, MD, PhD,c
                                      Ana Alarcón Allen, MD, PhD,d Ana Baña Souto, MD, PhD,e Fátima Camba Longueira, MD,f María Cernada Badía, MD,g
                                      Zenaida Galve Pradell, MD,h María González López, MD, PhD,i M. Cruz López Herrera, MD, PhD,j Carmen Ribes Bautista, MD, PhD,f
                                      Laura Sánchez García, MD,k Elena Zamora Flores, MD,a on behalf of the SENEO COVID-19 Registry Study Group

OBJECTIVES: To describe neonatal and maternal characteristics of the largest prospective cohort                                                  abstract
of newborns from mothers with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), the data of which were
prospectively collected from the nationwide registry of the Spanish Society of Neonatology.
       Between March 8, 2020, and May 26, 2020, the data of 503 neonates born to 497
mothers diagnosed with COVID-19 during pregnancy or at the time of delivery were collected
by 79 hospitals throughout Spain.
RESULTS: Maternalsymptoms were similar to that of the general population, with 5% of severe
forms. In 45.8% of asymptomatic women at the time of delivery, severe acute respiratory
syndrome coronavirus 2 infection was detected because of recommendations established in
Spain to perform COVID-19 screening in all women admitted to the hospital for labor. The rate
of preterm deliveries was 15.7% and of cesarean deliveries, 33%. The most common
diagnostic test was detection of viral RNA by polymerase chain reaction of nasopharyngeal
swabs at a median age of 3 hours after delivery (1–12 hours). Almost one-half of neonates
were left skin-to-skin after delivery, and delayed clamping of umbilical cords was performed
in 43% of neonates. Also, 62.3% of asymptomatic neonates were managed with rooming-in.
Maternal milk was received by 76.5% of neonates, 204 of them as exclusive breastfeeding.
           The current study indicates that there is no need for separation of mothers from
neonates, allowing delayed cord clamping and skin-to-skin contact along with maintenance of
breastfeeding in a high percentage of newborns from mothers with COVID-19.

 Department of Neonatology, Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón and Complutense University of           WHAT’S KNOWN ON THIS SUBJECT: The characteristics of
Madrid, Madrid, Spain; bNeonatology Service, Department of Pediatrics, Hospital Central Universitario de            neonates born to mothers with coronavirus disease 2019
Asturias, Oviedo, Spain; cNeonatology Service, Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre, Madrid, Spain; dDepartment     have been reported in small studies, according to which
of Neonatology, Hospital Sant Joan de Déu Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain; eNeonatology Service, Department of          vertical transmission seems to be rare, and neonatal
Pediatrics, Hospital Clínico Universitario de Santiago, Santiago de Compostela, Spain; fDepartment of               outcomes appear to be favorable. However, consistent data
Neonatology, Hospital Universitari Vall d’Hebron and Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain;           from nationwide registries are lacking.
 Division of Neonatology, Hospital Universitari i Politècnic La Fe, Valencia, Spain; hDepartment of Neonatology,
Hospital Universitario Miguel Servet, Zaragoza, Spain; iDepartment of Neonatology, Hospital Regional                WHAT THIS STUDY ADDS: On the basis of data from 503
Universitario de Málaga, Málaga, Spain; jNeonatology Service, Hospital Universitario de Cruces, Barakaldo, Spain;   neonates born to 497 coronavirus disease 2019–positive
and kDepartment of Neonatology, Hospital Universitario La Paz, Madrid, Spain                                        mothers, there is no need for separation of mothers from
                                                                                                                    neonates, allowing delayed cord clamping and skin-to-skin
Drs Sánchez-Luna and Fernández Colomer conceptualized and designed the study, analyzed and
                                                                                                                    contact along with maintenance of breastfeeding in a high
interpreted the data, and reviewed and revised the manuscript; Dr de Alba Romero conceptualized
                                                                                                                    percentage of newborns.
the study, collected and analyzed the data, and drafted the initial manuscript; Drs Alarcón Allen,
Baña Souto, Camba Longueira, Cernada Badía, and Galve Planell contributed to the study design,
collected the data, coordinated and supervised data collection, and critically reviewed the                           To cite: Sánchez-Luna M, Fernández Colomer B, de Alba
manuscript for intellectual content; (Continued)                                                                      Romero C, et al. Neonates Born to Mothers With COVID-19:
                                                                                                                      Data From the Spanish Society of Neonatology Registry.
                                                                                                                      Pediatrics. 2021;147(2):e2020015065

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PEDIATRICS Volume 147, number 2, February 2021:e2020015065                                                                                                          ARTICLE
A novel viral respiratory disease              testing and the fact that all infants              committee members reviewed the
caused by severe acute respiratory             tested negative by days 6 to 7. In 2               literature and designed the items that
syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-              reported cases of neonates infected                should be entered into the database,
2) is responsible for a global                 with SARS-CoV-2 and elevated                       which was accessible from the SENEO
pandemic of the coronavirus disease            immunoglobulin M (IgM) antibody                    Web site to all neonatology services
2019 (COVID-19).1 Despite                      levels in blood samples drawn after                in Spain. Staff neonatologists at each
information on COVID-19 in                     birth,14,15 the serological suggestion             service were responsible for entering
children,2–5 limited data are available        of vertical transmission did not prove             data on different variables of the
on COVID-19–positive pregnant                  in utero transmission in the absence               clinical characteristics of mothers
women and their neonates.6–10                  of virological evidence in infants’                (maternal age; previous morbidity;
Evidence that SARS-CoV-2 undergoes             specimens.16,17 In a case of probable              pathologic conditions during
vertical transmission from infected            congenital SARS-CoV-2 infection in                 gestation; live births; mode of
pregnant women to their fetuses is             a neonate born to a woman with                     delivery; signs and symptoms of
still a controversial issue. Schwartz          active infection, the presence of SARS-            COVID-19 infection; intensity of
et al10 propose that the occurrence of         CoV-2 RNA was detected in breast                   symptoms, categorized as mild
intrauterine transplacental SARS-              milk, and maternal familial                        [upper respiratory tract infection],
CoV-2 among infected mother-infant             neutropenia may have contributed to                moderate [pneumonia], and severe
dyads be based on identification of             antenatal acquisition of SARS-CoV-2                [need of ICU admission]; diagnostic
SARS-CoV-2 in chorionic villous cells          infection.18 However, neonates should              tests, and treatment) and neonates
by using immunohistochemistry or               be tested for SARS-CoV-2 RNA in cord               (gestational age, prematurity, birth
nucleic acid methods. Patanè et al11           blood, placental specimens, and                    weight, length and head
reported 2 neonates born from                  nasopharyngeal swabs without                       circumference, Apgar test,
mothers with COVID-19, with                    waiting the 24 hours indicated by the              resuscitation maneuvers, delayed
polymerase chain reaction (PCR)                current American Academy of                        clamping [.1 minute, categorized as
positivity of nasopharyngeal swabs, in         Pediatrics guidelines.19 Also,                     yes or no], skin-to-skin contact, type
which the fetal side of the placenta           obtaining 2 consecutive SARS-CoV-2                 and mode of feeding, diagnostic tests,
showed chronic intervillositis with            tests results (swabs) for the neonate              and outcome). The most common RT-
macrophages by                                 may allow caregivers to discontinue                PCR tests used in the laboratories of
immunohistochemistry and SARS-                 droplet and contact precautions,                   the largest participating hospitals
CoV-2 spike antigen in villous                 although in some units, the infant will            included Allplex 2019nCoV Assay
syncytiotrophoblasts by in-situ                still be considered a contact of                   (Seegene, Seoul, South Korea),
hybridization for SARS-CoV-2. In the           exposure for 14 days.18                            TaqMan 2019-nCoV Assay Kit v1
case reported by Vivanti et al,12                                                                 (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham,
reverse transcriptase polymerase               Previous reports of pregnant women                 MA), TaqPath COVID-19 Combo Kit
chain reaction (RT-PCR) on the                 diagnosed with COVID-19 and their                  (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA),
placenta was positive for E and S              neonates were relatively small                     and SARS-COV-2 Realtime PCR kit
genes of SARS-CoV-2, and placental             studies.20–23 We have analyzed the                 (Vircell, Granada, Spain).
histologic examination revealed                largest series of 503 neonates born to
                                               497 COVID-19–positive pregnant                     The study was approved by the
diffuse perivillous fibrin deposition,                                                             Clinical Research Ethics Committee of
with infarction and acute and chronic          women, the data of which were
                                               prospectively collected in                         the Principality of Asturias. Written
intervillositis, as well as an intense                                                            informed consent was obtained from
cytoplasmic positivity of perivillous          a nationwide registry of the Spanish
                                               Society of Neonatology.                            the neonates’ parents. The diagnosis
trophoblastic cells performing                                                                    and management of newborns with or
immunostaining, with antibody                                                                     at risk for COVID-19 were in
against SARS-CoV-2 N protein.                                                                     accordance with clinical guidelines of
                                                                                                  the SENEO.24 The patients included in
In the study by Zeng et al,13 3 of 33          The Spanish Society of Neonatology                 the registry between March 8, 2020,
(9%) infants were diagnosed with               (Sociedad Española de Neonatología)                and May 26, 2020 form the basis of
neonatal early-onset infection with            (SENEO) developed a nationwide,                    this report. Descriptive statistics are
SARS-CoV-2 on the basis of positive            prospective online case registration               presented.
quantitative RT-PCR results of the             system, with the aim of collecting
nasopharyngeal and anal swabs in 2             real-time data of neonates born to
consecutive tests at days 2 and 4 of           mothers diagnosed with COVID-19                    RESULTS
age, but postpartum infections cannot          during pregnancy or in the immediate               During the study period, the data of
be excluded because of the delay in            postpartum period. SENEO executive                 503 neonates born to COVID-19-

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2                                                                                                                            SÁNCHEZ-LUNA et al
positive mothers (n = 497) were                   was made by using serological                     newborn died in the delivery ward
collected by 79 hospitals throughout              testing, there were 19 women with                 despite resuscitation maneuvers. The
Spain. According to official data of the           positive IgM and immunoglobulin G                 premature and very premature birth
National Epidemiologic Surveillance               (IgG) antibodies (PCR not performed               rates were 15.7% and 5.2%,
Network from the Spanish Ministry of              in 7 and PCR results negative in 12)              respectively. One-half of newborns
Health, data extracted on May 29,                 and 10 with negative IgM and                      were left skin-to-skin after delivery
2020, at 11 AM included a total of                positive IgG (PCR not performed in 3              (62% of infants born at term did not
250 273 cases of COVID-19 notified                 and PCR results negative in 7)                    require resuscitation), and delayed
up to May 10, 2020, with 18 975                   (Table 2). Of the 252 symptomatic                 clamping of umbilical cords was
deaths, 86 488 hospital admissions,               pregnant women, symptoms                          performed in 42.9% of neonates.
and 4735 admissions to the ICU.25 A               developed before delivery in 246 and              PCR-positive mothers used facemasks
total of 0.2% of cases were diagnosed             in the postpartum period in the                   when having skin-to-skin contact.
in infants aged ,2 years.                         remaining 6. In 63 of the 136                     Figure 1 shows the distribution of
                                                  pregnant women diagnosed with                     neonates according to the presence of
Clinical Features of Mothers With                 COVID-19 infection more than a week               symptoms and the need for
Perinatal COVID-19 Infection                      before delivery, PCR testing of the               admission to the NICU or the neonatal
Maternal characteristics are shown in             nasopharyngeal swab on hospital                   intermediate care unit, depending on
Table 1. The median age of the 497                admission to give birth revealed that             isolation beds available at each
pregnant women was 33 years, and                  viral RNA persisted detectable in 33              hospital. Of the 502 neonates, 98
.70% had no previous pathologic                   women, whereas 30 women were                      (19.5%) were admitted to the NICU
conditions or diseases during                     PCR-negative. In 26 of the 33 women               because of clinical symptoms
pregnancy. Most women acquired                    who remained PCR-positive,                        (including preterm infants). In the
COVID-19 infection during the third               .14 days had elapsed since the onset              remaining 404 asymptomatic
trimester of pregnancy and usually                of symptoms (60 days in 1 case of                 neonates, 264 (52.6%) were managed
presented mild symptoms (eg, fever,               a pregnant woman with viral                       with rooming-in and breastfeeding in
cough, and malaise). Almost one-half              pneumonia).                                       90% of cases, whereas 41 infants
of women (49.3%) were                             A total of 164 women (33%) had                    were maintained with a healthy
asymptomatic at the time of delivery,             a cesarean delivery, one-half of them             caregiver different from the mother.
and COVID-19 infection was detected               on an emergency basis and 76%                     The median length of hospital stay for
because of recommendations                        because of obstetric factors. Maternal            asymptomatic neonates was 48 hours
established in our country to make                COVID-19 infection was the                        (interquartile range [IQR] [25th–75th
COVID-19 screening available to all               indication of cesarean delivery in 39             percentile] 48–56 hours). The
women admitted to the hospital for                patients (23.8%), 81.5% of whom had               remaining 99 neonates were admitted
labor. The percentage of                          moderate or severe COVID-19.                      to the NICU or the neonatal
asymptomatic women revealed an                                                                      intermediate care unit in relation to
                                                  Other data collected included                     maternal COVID-19 infection because
increase from 21.8% in March to
                                                  lymphopenia in 20.5% of the patients,             of severity of maternal clinical
56.6% in April and up to 65.5%
                                                  increased liver enzymes in ,20%, and              symptoms (20.2%) or hospital
in May.
                                                  elevated serum C-reactive protein levels          organization difficulties for rooming-
The most common diagnostic method                 in 58.4%. Anti–COVID-19 treatment                 in maintenance (79.8%). In this
was quantitative real-time PCR or                 included hydroxychloroquine in 113                group, the median length of hospital
dual fluorescence PCR in                           women, antiviral agents in 122, and               stay was 2.5 days (IQR 2.5–7).
nasopharyngeal swabs. Other                       antimicrobial agents in 150.                      Overall, 78.1% of neonates were fed
samples (eg, placenta, amniotic fluid,             Hydroxychloroquine was administered               with breast milk (alone or combined
etc) for PCR testing were collected in            as the only specific treatment in 50               with formula). Exclusive
a few cases, and results were                     women, whereas in the remaining                   breastfeeding was recorded in 272
negative. In 29 women, the diagnosis              women, it was given in combination                (54.2%) neonates.
was made by using serological testing             with antiviral agents and/or
(particularly in women admitted to                antimicrobial agents. Doses and                   The diagnostic test most commonly
the hospital in May); and in 3 women,             duration of treatments were not                   used was detection of viral RNA by
by highly suggestive clinical                     recorded.                                         PCR of nasopharyngeal swabs at
symptoms and history of direct                                                                      a median age of 3 hours after delivery
contact with an individual with                   Clinical Features of Neonates                     (1–12 hours) (Table 2). Other
a confirmed case of COVID-19. In the               The clinical characteristics of                   samples, such as feces, urine,
29 women in whom the diagnosis                    neonates are shown in Table 2. One                peripheral blood, or bronchoalveolar

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PEDIATRICS Volume 147, number 2, February 2021                                                                                           3
TABLE 1 Clinical Characteristics of Pregnant Women With Confirmed COVID-19                              lavage fluid, were collected in a small
    Characteristics                                                          All Women (N = 497)       percentage of newborns and, in all
    Age, y, median (IQR)                                                         33.0 (29–37)
                                                                                                       cases, had negative test results for
       #35, n (%)                                                                 326 (65.6)           SARS-CoV-2. In the first PCR tests, 14
       .35, n (%)                                                                 171 (34.4)           of the 469 nasopharyngeal swabs
    Previous morbidity, n (%)a                                                    139 (28.0)           were positive for COVID-19 (positive
       Obesity                                                                      36 (7.2)           rate 3.0%). However, in the second
       Infertility                                                                  17 (3.4)
       Hypothyroidism                                                               13 (2.6)
                                                                                                       PCR testing in these 14 cases,
       Autoimmune disease                                                           13 (2.6)           conducted 24 to 48 hours later, 12
       Respiratory disease                                                          13 (2.6)           samples gave negative results (a third
       Coagulation disorder                                                         11 (2.2)           PCR testing in nasopharyngeal swabs
       Heart disease                                                                 7 (1.4)           conducted in some of these cases also
       Hypertension                                                                  4 (0.8)
       Diabetes mellitus                                                             3 (0.6)
                                                                                                       gave negative results). In all of these
    Gestational pathology, n (%)a                                                  99 (19.9)           cases, the newborns were
       Diabetes                                                                     23 (4.6)           asymptomatic. One of the remaining 2
       Preeclampsia                                                                 20 (40)            cases were in an infant born at term
       Hypothyroidism                                                               10 (2.0)           by cesarean delivery, without skin-to-
       Cholestasis                                                                   8 (1.6)
       Chorioamnionitis                                                              4 (0.8)
                                                                                                       skin contact and admitted separated
    Fetal maturation with corticosteroids , 35 wk, n (%)                        25 of 41 (61.0)        from his mother (mild symptoms)
    Live births, n (%)                                                                                 immediately after delivery. The infant
       Singleton                                                                  491 (98.8)           remained asymptomatic; the first PCR
       Twins                                                                       6 (1.2)             test was performed at 10 hours of
    Mode of delivery, n (%)
       Vaginal                                                                    262 (52.7)
                                                                                                       age, and the second PCR performed at
       Cesarean delivery                                                          164 (33.0)           8 days during outpatient follow-up
          Urgent                                                                  86 (52.4)            gave negative results. The second
          Obstetrical indication                                                  125 (76.2)           case was also in a neonate born at
          Concern about COVID-19 infection                                        39 (23.8)            term by vaginal delivery; the mother
    COVID-19 infection during gestation, n (%)
       Second trimester                                                            8 (1.6)
                                                                                                       and the infant were both asymptomatic,
       Third trimester                                                            489 (98.4)           and the first PCR testing was performed
    Clinical manifestations, n (%)a                                                                    at 36 hours when rooming-in with the
       Cough                                                                      166 (33.4)           mother and breastfeeding. A second PCR
       Fever                                                                      159 (31.9)           test was not performed, and the patient
       General malaise or fatigue                                                 58 (11.6)
       Dyspnea                                                                    58 (11.6)
                                                                                                       was discharged at 60 hours of birth. The
       Myalgias                                                                   54 (10.9)            telephone follow-up confirmed that the
       Anosmia and/or ageusia                                                     51 (10.3)            clinical course was uneventful.
       Odynophagia                                                                 30 (6.0)
       Headache                                                                    25 (5.0)            Four other patients had a negative
       Diarrhea                                                                    19 (3.8)            PCR result at birth and a positive
    Intensity of symptoms, n (%)                                                  252 (50.7)           result in a second PCR test at 24–48
       Mild                                                                       159 (32.0)           hours. In 1 case, the infant was
       Moderate                                                                   72 (14.5)
       Severe (ICU admission)                                                      21 (4.2)
                                                                                                       rooming-in, and the second sample
    Asymptomatic, n (%)                                                           245 (49.3)           was taken when he had been with his
    Diagnostic tests, n (%)                                                                            mother for .24 hours. The remaining
       Positive PCR test results                                                                       3 cases were in neonates admitted to
          Nasopharyngeal swabs                                                    464 (93.4)           the neonatal unit from birth (1
          Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid                                              1 (0.2)
       Positive serological test results
                                                                                                       because of prematurity and 2 because
          IgM antibodies                                                            19 (3.8)           of maternal COVID-19). Except for the
          IgG antibodies                                                            10 (2.0)           premature child who presented with
       Highly suggestive clinical features                                           3 (0.6)           transient respiratory distress, all
    Other virological test results                                                                     were asymptomatic.
       Placenta, n = 13                                                            Negative
       Amniotic fluid, n = 10                                                       Negative            Of the 305 neonates who were not
       Feces, n = 4                                                          1 positive, 3 negative    admitted to the hospital, 297 (97.4%)
       Breast milk, n = 3                                                          Negative
       Sputum, n = 2                                                         1 positive, 1 negative
                                                                                                       were managed by telephone calls
                                                                                                       and/or at the outpatient clinics of the
                                                                                                       hospital, and 248 (83.5%) were in

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4                                                                                                                                 SÁNCHEZ-LUNA et al
TABLE 1 Continued                                                                                         delivery room. This was a case of
    Characteristics                                                                All Women (N = 497)    severe maternal SARS-CoV-2
       Vaginal exudate, n = 2                                                            Negative
                                                                                                          infection, in which the mother also
    Other laboratory tests, n (%)                                                                         died in the delivery room. On the
       Lymphocytopenia                                                                  102 (20.5)        other hand, the clinical course of
       Aspartate aminotransferase level .50 IU/L                                     45 of 278 (16.1)     neonates was generally favorable, and
       Alanine aminotransferase level .50 IU/L                                       41 of 295 (13.9)
                                                                                                          ,40% of newborns required hospital
       C-reactive protein level .2 mg/dL                                             170 of 291 (58.4)
    Treatment, n (%)a                                                                                     admission, with the lack of hospital
       None                                                                             294 (59.1)        infrastructure for safe practice of
       Hydroxychloroquine                                                               133 (22.7)        rooming-in as the reason for
       Antimicrobials                                                                   107 (21.5)        admission in most of the cases,
       Antivirals                                                                       66 (13.3)
                                                                                                          particularly during the first weeks of
       Low molecular-wt heparin                                                         54 (10.9)
       Interferon b-1b                                                                    4 (0.8)         the COVID-19 pandemic. In these
       Tocilizumab                                                                        1 (0.2)         cases, however, the length of hospital
       Oxygen therapy                                                                   52 (10.5)         stay was ,3 days.
       Respiratory support                                                               23 (4.6)
a   Concomitant presence of various characteristics in some women.                                        Testing for SARS-CoV-2 in
                                                                                                          nasopharyngeal swabs within the
                                                                                                          first 3 hours of life (1–12 hours) was
good health. Data of the remaining 57                        In other studies of SARS-CoV-2               performed in almost all neonates,
infants were not available.                                  infection in late pregnancy, all women       with a second PCR test in only 28.6%
                                                             had cesarean deliveries.23,26 In             of patients (most neonates admitted
                                                             a systematic review of 108 pregnancies       to the hospital). A total of 14
DISCUSSION                                                   with COVID-19, collected from 18             asymptomatic neonates tested
                                                             articles, cesarean delivery accounted        positive for SARS-CoV-2 by PCR
This study reports data collected
                                                             for 91% of all deliveries.27 Also, data of   performed in nasopharyngeal
from a nationwide, prospective
                                                             most reports describing women                samples taken 3 hours after birth.
registry of COVID-19 in pregnant
                                                             presenting in the third trimester with       However, 12 of these 14 neonates
women and their neonates, with the
                                                             fever, coughing, lymphocytopenia, and        were negative for COVID-19 in
support of the Spanish Society of
                                                             elevated C-reactive protein levels are in    a second testing of nasopharyngeal
Neonatology. The large number of
                                                             agreement with the present                   swabs 24 to 48 hours later (some of
cases analyzed with obstetrical and
                                                             findings.11,24                                them with a third negative result). In
neonatal data is a salient feature of
                                                                                                          the remaining 2 cases, in 1 infant, the
the study.                                                   The 15.7% prematurity rate is higher
                                                                                                          first PCR test was performed at
                                                             than usual in our country, last
Clinical manifestations of COVID-19                                                                       10 hours of life, and the second test
                                                             estimated to be 7.54% in 2018,
in pregnant women appear to be                                                                            was performed at the 8-day follow-up
                                                             although a clear relationship with
similar to those in the general                                                                           visit, with negative results. In the
                                                             maternal COVID-19 cannot be
population (80% of patients being                                                                         other infant, the first PCR was
                                                             established. However, 31 of the 39
asymptomatic or showing mild                                                                              performed at 36 hours of life while
                                                             cases of cesarean delivery performed
symptoms). In the present series,                                                                         rooming-in and breastfeeding, and
                                                             because of SARS-CoV-2 infection were
49% of pregnant women were                                                                                a second PCR test was not performed,
                                                             premature deliveries, and most of the
asymptomatic at the time of delivery,                                                                     but the infant and his mother were
                                                             cases were registered in large tertiary
which reinforces the need to screen                                                                       asymptomatic, and follow-up was
                                                             care hospitals in which the
pregnant women before delivery and                                                                        uneventful. The literature also
                                                             prematurity rate is greater than the
implement strict infection control                                                                        contains case reports of neonates
                                                             national average. High rates of
measures, to quarantine infected                                                                          who were considered to be infected
                                                             preterm delivery (47%) in COVID-19
mothers, and to maintain close                                                                            on 1 positive test result for COVID-19.
                                                             pregnant women have been also
monitoring of neonates at risk for                                                                        Yu et al29 reported 7 pregnant
                                                             reported in a review of 21 relevant
COVID-19.13                                                                                               women with COVID-19, and the
                                                             studies, all of which were case reports
                                                                                                          nucleic acid test result for the throat
                                                             or case series.28
The 33% rate of cesarean deliveries                                                                       swab of 1 neonate was positive at
was probably influenced by severe                             Delivery was uneventful and neonatal         36 hours after birth; however, 2
cases of COVID-19, which would                               resuscitation measures were required         consecutive negative nucleic acid test
decrease to 25% if these cases would                         in a small percentage of newborns,           results were obtained 2 weeks later.
have been excluded.                                          and only one newborn died in the             Wang et al30 published the case

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PEDIATRICS Volume 147, number 2, February 2021                                                                                                  5
TABLE 2 Clinical Characteristics of Neonates Born to Mothers With COVID-19                                         On the other hand, in some published
    Characteristics                                                                     All Neonates (N = 503) a   case reports of vertical transmission,
    Anthropometric data, mean (SD)
                                                                                                                   researchers report persistently
       Birth wt, g                                                                            3097 (667)           positive PCR results,32 with 1 patient
       Length, cm                                                                               49 (3.7)           with PCR-positive results up to
       Head circumference, cm                                                                  34.0 (2.4)          14 days of life33 and another up to
    Gestational age, wk, mean (SD)                                                             38.2 (2.7)          18 days of life.12 Other studies in
    Prematurity, wk, n (%)
       ,37                                                                                     79 (15.7)
                                                                                                                   amniotic fluid, cord blood, or placental
       #32                                                                                      26 (5.2)           immunochemistry or RT-PCR
    Apgar score, median (IQR)                                                                                      analysis10–12 were not performed.
       At 1 min                                                                                9 (9–9)
       At 5 min                                                                               10 (10–10)           However, positive test results shortly
    Neonatal resuscitation maneuvers, n (%)                                                                        after birth should be cautiously
       Nasopharyngeal suctioning                                                               17   (3.4)          interpreted given the paucity of
       Intermitent positive pressure with mask                                                 44   (8.7)          studies at this time, the absence of
       Endotracheal intubation, cardiac massage                                                13   (2.6)
    Immediate skin-to-skin contact, n (%)                                                     260   (51.8)
                                                                                                                   knowledge of the mechanism(s) for
    Delayed cord clamping, n (%)                                                              216   (43.0)         perinatal acquisition of the infection
    Type of feeding, n (%)                                                                                         in the majority of cases reported, the
       Mother’s milk                                                                          245 (48.8)           lack of data regarding the sensitivity
       Donated maternal milk                                                                   54 (10.7)           of nasopharyngeal testing for SARS-
       Mixed                                                                                   93 (18.5)
       Adapted formula                                                                        110 (21.9)
                                                                                                                   CoV-2 in neonates, no available data
    Mode of feeding, n (%)                                                                                         on specificity and sensitivity of RT-
       Breastfeeding                                                                          272   (54.2)         PCR testing in neonates for COVID-19,
       Bottle-feeding                                                                         179   (35.6)         and little understanding of the
       Nasogastric catheter                                                                    39   (7.8)          patterns of test positivity for the
       Various modes                                                                           12   (2.4)
    PCR diagnostic test, n (%)
                                                                                                                   coronavirus in nasopharyngeal and
       Samples                                                                                                     oropharyngeal specimens in neonates.
          Nasopharyngeal swab                                                                 469 (93.2)
          Fecesb                                                                               15 (3.0)
                                                                                                                   The current study reveals that
          Bronchoalveolar lavage fluidb                                                         5 (1.0)             delayed cord clamping, skin-to-skin
          Peripheral bloodb                                                                    3 (0.6)             contact, and breastfeeding were
          Urineb                                                                               1 (0.2)             achievable in approximately one-half
       Results of nasopharyngeal swab PCR test, n (%)                                                              of the cases, which is clinically
          First test
             Positive                                                                       14 of 469 (3.0)
                                                                                                                   important because they impact health
             Negative                                                                      455 of 469 (97.0)       and early child development. The
          Second test, performed in 157 neonates                                                                   World Health Organization34
             Positive, previous negative                                                    4 of 144 (2.7)         recommends that infants born to
             Negative, previous positive                                                    13 of 14 (2.8)         mothers with suspected, probable, or
    Age, h, median (IQR)
       At first PCR in nasopharyngeal swabs                                                     4 (1–12)
                                                                                                                   confirmed COVID-19 infection should
       At second PCR in nasopharyngeal swabs                                                  48 (30–48)           be fed according to standard infant-
    Admission to the NICU or intermediate care unit                                           197 (39.2)           feeding guidelines while applying
IQR is in 25th to 75th percentile.                                                                                 necessary precautions for infection
a One neonate died in the delivery room (negative PCR result in the pharyngeal swab).
                                                                                                                   prevention control. The results of this
b Negative results.
                                                                                                                   review do not discourage delayed
                                                                                                                   cord clamping when the newborn’s
report of a neonate born by cesarean                         significant variability in the results of              clinical condition would allow it. The
delivery with pharyngeal swab                                neonatal testing for the virus, including             determination of whether to separate
positive for SARS-CoV-2 36 hours                             neonates with only 1 positive test                    a mother with known or suspected
after birth, but nucleic acid tests for                      result (from 1 hour after birth to day                COVID-19 and her infant should be
SARS-CoV-2 on cord blood and                                 35), neonates with initial positive                   made on a case-by-case basis,
placenta specimens that we retained                          results and negative results in a second              according to virological results in the
during the operation gave negative                           testing between day 4 and day 20 after                mother and the infant as well as
results. In a retrospective cohort                           birth, and initial negative results                   recommendations of the
study of 19 neonates with positive                           (between 1 and 4 hours after birth)                   epidemiological surveillance team of
test results for COVID-19 from 10                            and positive results in a second testing              the hospital.24 Skin-to-skin contact and
hospitals throughout Iran, there was                         between 3 and 8 days after birth.31                   breastfeeding can be recommended,

              Downloaded from at Biblioteca Virtual de la Madrid Consejería de Sanidad on February 12, 2021
6                                                                                                                                 SÁNCHEZ-LUNA et al
and breastfeeding were recorded in
                                                                                                       a high percentage of neonates, with no
                                                                                                       adverse events. Most neonates did not
                                                                                                       require hospitalization and were
                                                                                                       managed on an outpatient basis. No
                                                                                                       case of readmission due to COVID-19
                                                                                                       has been registered. The present
                                                                                                       results are in line with the fact that, as
                                                                                                       of today, most mothers are found not
                                                                                                       to be contagious at the time of delivery.

                                                                                                       Members of the SENEO COVID-19
                                                                                                       Registry Study Group, on behalf of the
                                                                                                       SENEO Executive Committee, are as
                                                                                                       follows: Manuel Sánchez-Luna and
                                                                                                       Ester Sanz López, Hospital General
                                                                                                       Universitario Gregorio Marañón
                                                                                                       (Madrid); Isabel Izquierdo Macián,
                                                                                                       Hospital Universitari i Politècnic La
                                                                                                       Fe (Valencia); Segundo Rite Gracia,
                                                                                                       Hospital Materno Infantil Miguel
FIGURE 1                                                                                               Servet (Zaragoza); Martín Iriondo
Distribution of neonates according to symptoms and the need for hospital admission (NICU or            Sanz, Hospital Sant Joan de Déu
neonatal intermediate care unit, depending on isolation beds available at each hospital). a Includes   Barcelona (Esplugues de Llobregat,
prematurity. b Neonates were asymptomatic.                                                             Barcelona); Alejandro Pérez
                                                                                                       Muñuzuri, Hospital Clínico
but it is critical to screen pregnant               reflect viral load and may be used to               Universitario de Santiago (Santiago
women, implement prevention and                     justify the low rate of neonatal                   de Compostela); Tomás Sánchez
control measures, and closely monitor               infection. A potential variability of              Tamayo, Hospital Regional
newborns at risk for COVID-19.                      results may be considered because                  Universitario de Málaga (Málaga);
                                                    specific information regarding                      Belén Fernández Colomer, Hospital
This study has several strengths.                   performance details of the laboratory              Central Universitario de Asturias
First, this is the first nationwide                  techniques used at each participating              (Oviedo); José Luis Leante
study, to date, with a major focus on               hospital were not recorded.                        Castellanos, Hospital General
the epidemiological characteristics of                                                                 Universitario Santa Lucía
COVID-19 during pregnancy. Second,                                                                     (Cartagena); and Ana Remesal
the large number of women with                      CONCLUSIONS                                        Escalero, Hospital Universitario de
confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection and                   Maternal symptoms of COVID-19 in                   Salamanca (Salamanca). Investigators
their neonates presents                             pregnancy are similar to those of the              include the following: José Luis
comprehensive data of pregnant                      general population, with a low                     Fernández Trisac, Hospital Maternal
women with COVID-19 in one of the                   percentage of severe forms. SARS-CoV-              HM Belén and Soledad Martínez
European countries that have                        2 infection was detected in almost one-            Regueira, Hospital Universitario A
experienced especially high infection               half of asymptomatic women because                 Coruña (A Coruña); Ana Muñoz
rates. This study also has a number of              of recommendations established in                  Serrano, Hospital La Mancha Centro
limitations, particularly problems                  Spain to perform COVID-19 screening                (Alcázar de San Juan, Ciudad Real);
with pregnancy and neonatal                         in all women admitted for labor.                   Caridad Tapia Collado, Hospital
registries restricted to a core data set            Universal PCR testing before labor                 General Universitario de Alicante
to simplify participation, promote                  should be recommended. The rate of                 (Alicante); Concepción Surribas
complete reporting, and avoid                       preterm deliveries was almost                      Murillo, Hospital Quirónsalud Clideba
information bias. In this respect, data             threefold higher than that usually                 (Badajoz); Marta Nicolás López,
on the threshold cycle values for PCR-              recorded in our country. Skin-to-skin              Hospital Universitari Germans Trias i
positive patients were not recorded,                contact after delivery, delayed cord               Pujol (Badalona, Barcelona); Lourdes
which would be more illustrative to                 clamping, rooming-in with the mother,              Román Echevarría, Hospital

            Downloaded from at Biblioteca Virtual de la Madrid Consejería de Sanidad on February 12, 2021
PEDIATRICS Volume 147, number 2, February 2021                                                                                                  7
Universitario de Cruces (Barakaldo,            María Dolores Ruiz González, Hospital              Barcelona); Miguel Angel Cortajarena
Bizkaia); Victoria Aldecoa Bilbao,             Universitario Reina Sofía; (Córdoba);              Altuna, Hospital Universitario de
Hospital Clínic, Roser Porta Ribera,           Elisa M. Cueto Calvo, Hospital Virgen              Donostia (San Sebastián); Dolores
Hospital Dexeus, Aida García, Hospital         de la Luz (Cuenca); Luis Miguel Cardo              Sabina Romero Ramírez, Hospital
Quirónsalud, Martín Iriondo Sanz,              Fernández, Hospital de Dénia (Dénia,               Universitario Nuestra Señora de la
Hospital Sant Joan de Déu Barcelona            Alicante); Consuelo Vázquez Gomís,                 Candelaria (Santa Cruz de Tenerife);
(Esplugues de Llobregat), Gemma                Hospital General Universitario de                  María Jesús Cabero Pérez, Hospital
Ginovart Galiana, Hospital de la Santa         Elche (Elche, Alicante); José Luaces               Universitario Marqués de Valdecilla
Creu i Sant Pau, and Fátima Camba              González, Hospital Universitario de                (Santander); Miryam Hortelano López,
Longueira, Hospital Universitari Vall          Ferrol (Ferrol, A Coruña); Teresa                  Complejo Asistencial de Segovia
d’Hebron (Barcelona); Mónica de las            Hernández Crespo, Hospital                         (Segovia); Francisco Jimenez Parilla,
Heras Martín, Hospital Universitario           Universitario de Cabueñes (Gijón);                 Hospital Universitario Virgen del
de Basurto (Bilbao); Elena María               Sara Borrás Padrosa, Hospital                      Rocío (Sevilla); María Luisa Serrano
Márquez Isidro, Hospital San Pedro             Universitari de Girona Josep Trueta                Madrid, Hospital Santa Bárbara
de Alcántara (Cáceres); Cristel                (Girona); Antonio Jérez Calero,                    (Soria); María del Mar Albujar Font,
Perdigón Martinelli, Hospital General          Hospital Universitario San Cecilio                 Hospital Universitari Joan XXIII
Universitari de Castelló (Castelló);           (Granada); Sílvia Zambudio Sert,                   (Tarragona); Julia Cobas Pazos,
Jesús Cecilio López Menchero Oliva,            Hospital de Igualada (Igualada,                    Hospital Virgen de la Salud (Toledo);
Hospital General Universitario de              Barcelona); Maria Teresa de Benito                 María Cernada Badía, Hospital
Ciudad Real (Ciudad Real); Patricia            Guerra, Hospital de Jérez (Jérez de la             Universitari i Politècnic La Fe
Castilla Ruiz, Hospital General de             Frontera, Cádiz); Sandra Terroba                   (Valencia); Vanesa Matias del Pozo,
Villalba (Collado-Villalba), José              Seara, Complejo Asistencial                        Hospital Clínico Universitario de
Beceiro Mosquera, Hospital                     Universitario de León (León); Yolanda              Valladolid, and Carla Escribano García,
Universitario Príncipe de Asturias             Ruiz del Prado, Hospital San Pedro                 Hospital Universitario Rio Ortega
(Alcalá de Henares), Remedios                  (Logroño); Enrique Salguero García,                (Valladolid); Ana Concheiro Guisán,
Sánchez-Tembleque Díaz-Pache,                  Hospital Materno-Infantil de Málaga                Hospital Universitario Álvaro
Hospital Universitario del Henares             (Málaga); Rosario Diaz Martín,                     Cunqueiro (Vigo); Ana Peñas Valiente,
(Coslada), Arantxa Vidal Esteban,              Hospital de Mataró (Mataró,                        Hospital Virgen del Castillo (Yecla,
Hospital Universitario de                      Barcelona); Elena Márquez Isidro,                  Murcia); Víctor Manuel Marugán,
Fuenlabrada, Irene Cuadrado Pérez,             Hospital de Mérida (Mérida, Badajoz);              Complejo Asistencial de Zamora
Hospital Uiversitario de Getafe, Clara         María Caunedo Jiménez, Hospital                    (Zamora); and Zenaida Galve Pradell,
Alonso Díaz, Hospital Universitario 12         Universitario Central de Asturias                  Hospital Universitario Miguel Servet
de Octubre, Iciar Olabarrieta Arnal,           (Oviedo); Andrea Vega Benito Sánchez,              (Zaragoza).
Hospital Universitario Severo Ochoa,           Clínica Rotger, Maria Victoria Jiménez             The authors thank Marta Pulido, MD,
Mónica Riaza Gómez, Hospital                   Cabanillas, Hospital Universitari Son              PhD, for editing the article and
Universitario HM Montepríncipe,                Espases, and Ana Filgueira Posse,                  providing editorial assistance.
Raquel González Sánchez, Hospital              Hospital Universitari Son Llàtzer
Quirónsalud San José, Laura Sánchez            (Palma de Mallorca); Miriam
García, Hospital Universitario La Paz,         Gutierrez-Jimeno, Clínica Universitaria
Elena Zamora Flores, Hospital                  de Navarra, and Raquel Manso Ruiz de
General Universitario Gregorio                 la Cuesta, Complejo Hospitalario de                 COVID-19: coronavirus disease 2019
Marañón, Enrique Criado Veja,                  Navarra (Pamplona); Rebeca Martín                   IgG: immunoglobulin G
Hospital Clínico San Carlos, Cristina          Fernández, Hospital Virgen del Puerto               IgM: immunoglobulin M
Menéndez, Hospital Universitario               (Plasencia); Neus Rius Gorsillo,                    IQR: interquartile range
Infanta Leonor, Marta García San               Hospital Sant Joan de Reus (Reus,                   PCR: polymerase chain reaction
Miguel, Hospital Universitaro HM               Tarragona); María Pilar Abollo López,               RT-PCR: reverse transcriptase
Nuevo Belén, Ana Vidal Esteban,                Hospital de la Serranía de Málaga                            polymerase chain
Hospital Universitario de Móstoles,            (Ronda, Málaga); Mónica Domingo                              reaction
Teresa Cuesta Rubio, Hospital Infanta          Puiggròs, Hospital Universitari Parc                SARS-CoV-2: severe acute respira-
Cristina, María de la Serna Martínez,          Taulí (Sabadell, Barcelona); Ana                                 tory syndrome
Hospital Infanta Sofía, Carmen Muñoz           Remesal Escalero, Hospital                                       coronavirus 2
Labián, Hospital Universitario Puerta          Universitario de Salamanca                          SENEO: Spanish Society of Neo-
de Hierro-Majadahonda, and Tamara              (Salamanca); Laura Castells Viella,                         natology (Sociedad Espa-
Angulo Sacristán, Hospital                     Hospital Universitari General de                            ñola de Neonatología)
Universitario de Torrejón (Madrid);            Catalunya (Sant Cugat del Vallés,

         Downloaded from at Biblioteca Virtual de la Madrid Consejería de Sanidad on February 12, 2021
8                                                                                                                            SÁNCHEZ-LUNA et al
Drs González López, López Herrera, Ribas Bautista, Sánchez García, and Zamora Flores contributed to logistic aspects of the study related to the registry database,
collected the data, and critically reviewed the manuscript for intellectual content; and all authors approved the final manuscript as submitted and agree to be
accountable for all aspects of the work.
Deidentified individual participant data will be available on request to the corresponding author.
Accepted for publication Oct 13, 2020
Address correspondence to Manuel Sánchez-Luna, MD, MPH, Department of Neonatology, Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, Calle de O’Donnell 48, E-
28009 Madrid, Spain. E-mail:
PEDIATRICS (ISSN Numbers: Print, 0031-4005; Online, 1098-4275).
Copyright © 2021 by the American Academy of Pediatrics
FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE: The authors have indicated they have no financial relationships relevant to this article to disclose.
FUNDING: No external funding.
POTENTIAL CONFLICT OF INTEREST: The authors have indicated they have no potential conflicts of interest to disclose.
COMPANION PAPER: A companion to this article can be found online at

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10                                                                                                                             SÁNCHEZ-LUNA et al
Neonates Born to Mothers With COVID-19: Data From the Spanish Society of
                            Neonatology Registry
Manuel Sánchez-Luna, Belén Fernández Colomer, Concepción de Alba Romero, Ana
 Alarcón Allen, Ana Baña Souto, Fátima Camba Longueira, María Cernada Badía,
 Zenaida Galve Pradell, María González López, M. Cruz López Herrera, Carmen
 Ribes Bautista, Laura Sánchez García, Elena Zamora Flores and on behalf of the
                    SENEO COVID-19 Registry Study Group
                             Pediatrics 2021;147;
  DOI: 10.1542/peds.2020-015065 originally published online January 21, 2021;

 Updated Information &                including high resolution figures, can be found at:
 References                           This article cites 27 articles, 2 of which you can access for free at:
 Subspecialty Collections             This article, along with others on similar topics, appears in the
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Downloaded from at Biblioteca Virtual de la Madrid Consejería de Sanidad on February 12, 2021
Neonates Born to Mothers With COVID-19: Data From the Spanish Society of
                            Neonatology Registry
Manuel Sánchez-Luna, Belén Fernández Colomer, Concepción de Alba Romero, Ana
 Alarcón Allen, Ana Baña Souto, Fátima Camba Longueira, María Cernada Badía,
 Zenaida Galve Pradell, María González López, M. Cruz López Herrera, Carmen
 Ribes Bautista, Laura Sánchez García, Elena Zamora Flores and on behalf of the
                    SENEO COVID-19 Registry Study Group
                             Pediatrics 2021;147;
  DOI: 10.1542/peds.2020-015065 originally published online January 21, 2021;

   The online version of this article, along with updated information and services, is
                           located on the World Wide Web at:

  Pediatrics is the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics. A monthly publication, it
  has been published continuously since 1948. Pediatrics is owned, published, and trademarked by
  the American Academy of Pediatrics, 345 Park Avenue, Itasca, Illinois, 60143. Copyright © 2021
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