Nephrotic syndrome associated with primary atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome - SciELO

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Nephrotic syndrome associated with primary atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome - SciELO
Nephrotic syndrome associated with primary atypical hemolytic
                                          uremic syndrome
                                          Síndrome nefrótica associada à síndrome hemolítico-urêmica atípica

                                          Abstract                                        Resumo
Diana Carolina Bello-Marquez       1
                                          Primary atypical hemolytic-uremic syn-          A síndrome hemolítico-urêmica atípica
John Fredy Nieto-Rios1,2                  drome is a rare disease characterized by        primária é uma doença rara, caracterizada
Lina Maria Serna-Higuita1,3               non-immune microangiopathic hemolytic           por anemia hemolítica microangiopática
Alfonso Jose Gonzalez-Vergara4            anemia, thrombocytopenia, and renal             não-imune, trombocitopenia e disfunção
                                          dysfunction; it is related to alterations in    renal; está relacionado a alterações na
 Universidad de Antioquia, Medellin,      the regulation of the alternative pathway       regulação da via alternativa do comple-
Colombia.                                 of complement due to genetic mutations.         mento devido a mutações genéticas. A
 Hospital PabloTobon Uribe, Medellin,     The association with nephrotic syndrome         associação com a síndrome nefrótica é in-
Antioquia, Colombia.
                                          is unusual. We present here a pediatric         comum. Apresentamos aqui um paciente
 University of Tübingen, Institute of
Clinical Epidemiology and Applied         patient diagnosed with primary atypical         pediátrico com diagnóstico de síndrome
Biometrics, Tubingen, Germany.            hemolytic-uremic syndrome associated            hemolítico-urêmica atípica primária asso-
 University Corporation Antonio           with nephrotic syndrome who responded           ciada à síndrome nefrótica que respondeu
Jose de Sucre, Sincelejo, Sucre,          to eculizumab treatment.                        ao tratamento com eculizumab.
                                          Keywords: Atypical Hemolytic Uremic             Descritores: Síndrome Hemolítico-Urêmi-
                                          Syndrome; Nephrotic Syndrome; Acute             ca Atípica; Síndrome Nefrótica; Lesão
                                          Renal Injury; Hypertension; Complement          Renal Aguda; Hipertensão; Proteínas do
                                          System Proteins.                                Sistema Complemento.

                                          Introduction                                    edema and oliguria; he had an episode of
                                                                                          viral rhinopharyngitis 7 days before, wi-
                                              Primary atypical hemolytic uremic syn-
                                                                                          thout fever, skin lesions, or other symptoms.
                                          drome (aHUS) is a rare disease caused by
                                                                                          Upon physical examination, he was found
                                          mutations that promote uncontrolled acti-
                                                                                          to have anasarca with a weight of 19 kg,
                                          vation of the alternative complement pa-
                                                                                          height of 115 cm, blood pressure of 140/75
                                          thway. It is associated with certain triggers
                                                                                          mmHg, respiratory rate of 22 resp/min,
                                          leading to thrombotic microangiopathy
                                                                                          and afebrile. Laboratory tests documented
                                          (TMA) with multi-systemic compromise
                                                                                          severe anemia with hemoglobin of 6.6 g/
                                          especially renal features1, but it is rarely
                                                                                          dL, thrombocytopenia (platelets 60,200 x
                                          associated with nephrotic syndrome. It is
                                                                                          mm3), proteinuria (55 mg/m2/hour), and
                                          important to provide specific early treat-
                                                                                          acute renal injury (creatinine 1.7 mg/dL). In
                                          ment in these patients to reduce the asso-
                                                                                          addition, there was evidence of hypoalbu-
                                          ciated high morbidity and mortality. We
                                                                                          minemia (albumin: 1.8 mg/dL), hyperlipide-
                                          present here a case of a pediatric patient
                                                                                          mia, elevated Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH:
                                          with aHUS-associated nephrotic syndro-
                                                                                          2,082 U/L), reticulocytosis, and schistocytes
                                          me who was treated with eculizumab and
                                                                                          in peripheral blood. He was negative for
Submitted on: 03/05/2020.                 showed adequate response to treatment.
                                                                                          direct Coombs test and had decreased hap-
Approved on: 06/24/2020.
                                                                                          toglobin. Serology extension studies were
                                          Clinical Case
                                                                                          negative for Human immunodeficiency
Correspondence to:                           This was a 4-year-old child who was          virus, hepatitis B virus, hepatitis C virus,
Lina Maria Serna-Higuita.
E-mail:        previously healthy and who had consulted        and syphilis; C3 complement was 115 mg/
                                          for 12 hours of evolution of generalized        dL and C4 complement was 38 mg/dL.

Nephrotic syndrome and microangiopathies

    He was negative for antinuclear antibodies (ANAs),                        mg/m2/hour, albumin: 4.3 g/dL). Subsequently, a genetic
    anti-neutrophilic cytoplasmic autoantibodies (ANCAs),                     study was carried out (CENTOGENE laboratory) and
    and anti-cardiolipin antibodies. Renal ultrasound                         reported a mutation of the CFI gene heterozygous variant
    showed a loss of bilateral echogenicity.                                  c.1270A> C p. (Ile424Leu) and the ADAMTS 13 hetero-
         The diagnosis of aHUS with associated nephrotic                      zygous variant c.559G> C p. (Asp187His). In addition, a
    syndrome was established. While the indication for recei-                 MLPA test showed heterozygous deletion of the CFHR3
    ving eculizumab was fulfilled, he was vaccinated against                  and CFHR1 genes.
    meningococcus. He began support management with red                           Chest radiographs showed findings compatible with
    blood cells and received prophylactic oral penicillin. After              pulmonary edema and cardiomegaly eight months after
    48 hours, he presented clinical deterioration with a decre-               the patient was hospitalized due to respiratory distress
    ase in hemoglobin values to 4.4 mg/dL, increased throm-                   and arterial hypertension. The echocardiogram showed
    bocytopenia, progression of acute renal injury to KDIGO                   an ejection fraction of 40% consistent with acute heart
    3, a generalized tonic-clonic seizure, and worsening of ar-               failure. The LDH increased to 600 U/L with anemia
    terial hypertension (154/92 mmHg). He was transferred                     (Hb: 9.6 g/dL) and thrombocytopenia (platelets 132,000
    to the intensive care unit where 20 mL/kg/day of plasma                   mm3) without deterioration of renal function; infectious
    infusion was administered over 2 days. Peritoneal dialysis                causes were ruled out. It was decided to increase the
    was initiated with transfusion support. Disintegrin and                   dose of Eculizumab to 600 mg every 14 days achieving
    metalloprotease levels with ThromboSpondin type 1 mo-                     control of the disease. After two years of follow-up, he
    tif (ADAMTS 13) values were normal (78%), and Shiga                       continues in treatment with Eculizumab with normal re-
    toxin in the fecal matter was negative. Six days after ad-                nal function and in remission of the nephrotic syndrome
    mission, 600 mg Eculizumab was started weekly for 3                       (proteinuria 2.5 mg/m2/h, creatinine 0.6 mg/dL, choleste-
    weeks, and then every 14 days. This allowed the disease                   rol 150 mg/dL, triglycerides 94 mg/dL, and albumin 4.3
    to be controlled without new TMA events. Renal replace-                   mg/dL) (Figure 1 and 2). There are no signs of heart fai-
    ment therapy was suspended 8 days after being initiated,                  lure, anemia, or thrombocytopenia (Figure 1). However,
    and resolution of the nephrotic syndrome was obtained                     he still persists with arterial hypertension, which is mana-
    8 weeks later without the use of steroids (proteinuria 3                  ged with enalapril and hydrochlorothiazide.

                Figure 1. Laboratory values during follow-up.
                *Started treatment with Eculizumab, **Increase in dose of Eculizumab

2   Braz. J. Nephrol. (J. Bras. Nefrol.) 2020. Ahead of print
Nephrotic syndrome and microangiopathies

                                                                       The main limitation is a high relapse rate, and it may
                                                                       be technically difficult to perform in a pediatric
                                                                           B) Plasma infusion at a dose of 10-20 mL/kg/day
                                                                       for 5-15 days and then five times a week for two we-
                                                                       eks, then three times a week for two weeks, and finally,
                                                                       maintenance every 2-4 weeks. The usefulness of this the-
                                                                       rapy is based on the contribution of non-mutated com-
                                                                       plement factors3; however, it does not modify the course
Figure 2. Proteinuria values (mg/m2/hour) during follow-up.            of the disease. Thus, it is considered as an alternative
*Started treatment with Eculizumab, **Increase in dose of Eculizumab   only when plasma exchange therapy is not available.
                                                                           C) Eculizumab is a humanized anti-C5 monoclonal
Discussion                                                             antibody that prevents the formation of the membrane at-
    We report a case of a patient with simultaneous                    tack complex by binding to human C5 with high affinity
diagnoses of nephrotic syndrome and aHUS with an                       and preventing its cleavage by complement conversion
adequate response to eculizumab therapy and no need                    into C5a and C5b (inhibition of terminal complement ac-
to administer steroids; renal, hematological, cardio-                  tivity). 7, 8. This medication induces both hematological
vascular, and central nervous system remission were                    and renal remission especially if it is started early (less
achieved.                                                              than 7 days). It is considered a first line of treatment in
    aHUS is a rare disease that belongs to the TMA                     children since 20118.
spectrum1 and is characterized by a triad of micro-                        D) Support measures include the use of renal
angiopathic hemolytic anemia with direct negative                      replacement therapies, blood products, control of
Coombs, thrombocytopenia, and acute renal injury. It                   hypertension, and maintenance of acid-base balance,
is secondary to uncontrolled activation of the alterna-                and electrolytes.
te pathway of the complement cascade due to genetic                        Nephrotic syndrome is a condition characterized
defects, which can be identified in more than 50% of                   by edema, hyperlipidemia, hypoalbuminemia, and
cases2-4. Its differential diagnosis includes thrombotic               proteinuria in the nephrotic range (>40 mg/m2/h) 9, 10.
thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) due to deficiency in                    Complications associated with nephrotic syndrome
ADAMTS13 enzyme activity; hemolytic uremic syn-                        include infections, cerebral venous thrombosis, pul-
drome associated with Shiga-toxin-producing bacte-                     monary embolism, renal vein thrombosis, and acute
ria (typical SHU), and secondary TMA1, 3, 5, 6.                        renal injury. However, the presence of nephrotic syn-
    aHUS usually occurs abruptly and affects kidneys                   drome is rare in the debut of a patient with aHUS 5, 11
and/or multiple organs such as the brain, lungs, heart,                as in the case reported here.
gastrointestinal tract, etc. Renal involvement is evi-                     The literature contains 71 reported cases of patients
denced by azotemia, arterial hypertension, hematuria,                  with an initial diagnosis of glomerulopathies who subse-
and/or proteinuria; it is very rarely associated with                  quently developed HUS. They can be grouped into three
nephrotic syndrome2. In terms of therapy, the follo-                   different histological patterns according to the under-
wing options are currently available for the treatment                 lying pathology: nephrotic syndrome (17 patients), C3
of aHUS:                                                               glomerulonephritis/membranoproliferative glomerulone-
    A) Plasma exchange at a dose of 1.5 plasma vo-                     phritis (GNMP) (16 patients), and glomerulonephritis
lumes per session with frozen fresh plasma. This was                   associated with vasculitis or mediated by immune com-
the treatment of choice until 2011 and it removes                      plexes (32 patients). Of this series, two patients received
mutated complement factors and auto-antibodies to                      treatment with eculizumab, the remainder received ste-
provide normal complement factors and promote                          roids, cyclophosphamide, cyclosporine, plasmapheresis,
hematologic remission. Such treatment has no sig-                      and rituximab. Of the total number of patients, eleven
nificant improvement in renal function and has hi-                     presented with chronic end-stage renal disease (ESRD),
gh morbidity and mortality at one-year follow-up.                      two persisted with proteinuria, and two died2.

                                                                                      Braz. J. Nephrol. (J. Bras. Nefrol.) 2020. Ahead of print   3
Nephrotic syndrome and microangiopathies

        From the pathophysiological point of view, pro-           Previous data have shown that 25% of patients with a
    teinuria in the nephrotic range favors the appearance         mutation in CFI carried abnormalities in other com-
    of thrombotic events due to an increase in throm-             plement genes that can increase the complete pene-
    bomodulin, release of von Willebrand factor, incre-           trance of the disease18.
    ase in platelet aggregation, and vascular endothelial            In conclusion, we report a pediatric patient who
    growth factor deficit. In the contrary, aHUS induces          simultaneously presented an aHUS and nephrotic
    greater proteinuria due to podocyte ischemia and              syndrome with hematological, renal, neurological,
    their fusion as well as podocyte lysis due to activation      and cardiovascular compromise; he was treated wi-
    of the membrane attack complex (C5-9); therefore,             th Eculizumab with complete remission of systemic
    the presence of aHUS plus nephrotic proteinuria be-           compromise without the need for use of steroids or
    comes a vicious circle with progressive deterioration         other immunosuppressant drugs. To date (February
    of renal function2, 12. It is not yet clear the role that     26, 2020), he remains on treatment without relapse.
    glomerulopathies play in the development of prima-            He is under strict medical surveillance.
    ry aHUS; however, there is increasing evidence of the
    important relationship of these two entities especially       Author’s Contribution
    those mediated by complement such as GNMP or C3
                                                                      Diana Carolina Bello-Marquez, John Fredy Nieto-
                                                                  Rios, Lina Maria Serna-Higuita, Alfonso Jose Gonzalez-
        The most frequent mutations in the pediatric po-
                                                                  Vergara contributed substantially to the conception or
    pulation with aHUS are those of the CFH, CFI, and
                                                                  design of the study; collection, analysis, or interpreta-
    MCP genes. These are known from patients with CFH
                                                                  tion of data; writing or critical review of the manuscript;
    mutations who have more severe manifestations, worse
                                                                  and final approval of the version to be published.
    prognosis, and greater risk of death or ESRD; 30% of
    these occurr during the first episode3, but this risk can
    increase up to 60% during the first year of evolution.
                                                                  Conflict      of Interest

    Regarding CFI, although a rapid evolution to ESRD has             The authors John Fredy Nieto-Ríos and Diana
    been documented, more than 50% recover. In contrast,          Carolina Bello-Marquez declare that they have given
    those with MCP mutations have a greater tendency to           talks about thrombotic microangiopathies sponsored
    relapse, but few end up with ESRD14.                          by Alexion Pharma. All other authors declare that
        The genetic study of this patient documented the          they have no conflicts of interest.
    presence of mutations in the CFI, CFH, and ADMATS
    genes13. The first one corresponds to the CFI, which is a     References
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