NETBALL - Monitor Creative

Page created by Jesus Hodges
NETBALL - Monitor Creative

NETBALL - Monitor Creative
Welcome to NETBALL 2020, the vision and plan that
                                                  will drive world netball forward over the next four years.
                                                  Netball 2020 is built on three            Our strategic plan outlines
                                                  strategic pillars:                        9 high level goals and the Key                      Vision (our strategic direction)
                                                                                            Performance Indicators (KPIs)
                                                  • Governing with integrity                that will be used to assess our                     A socially responsible sports
                                                  • Thrilling world class events            progress towards these goals.                       movement, recognised universally
                                                  • Empowering through netball                                                                  for its positive impact on people
                                                                                            In the next four years you                          and communities around the world.
                                                  That is the blueprint for the work we     will see world netball that
                                                  at the International Netball Federation   is strong, confident, and
                                                  will be doing to lead world netball       inclusive, determined to grow
                                                  towards the next decade.                  and embrace change and                              Mission (our purpose)
                                                                                            diversity, and a sport that is
                                                  The three pillars stand on the firm       truly a force for good.                             INF promotes empowerment by
  ‘If there is one aspect of our ambition for     foundation of our last four year plan,
                                                                                                                                                working with our Members, from
                                                                                                                                                grass roots to elite, to provide
the future of netball that I want to highlight,   and at the end of those four years
                                                                                                                                                safe and supportive environments
                                                  netball has never looked better. We
    it’s our commitment to empowerment.           are rightfully proud of our record of
                                                                                                                                                to develop life skills and to
                                                                                                                                                sustain growth.
                                                  sound governance, and proud of
                                                                                            President of the International Netball Federation
                                                  our world class events – events that
   The power of sport, of women’s sport,          showcase our sport and our elite
       and of netball in particular,              athletes, thrilling audiences, winning                                                        Values (our culture and beliefs)
                                                  new friends and new supporters,
     to change lives is extraordinary.’           and providing girls with powerful                                                             We aspire to Excellence in everything
                                                  and positive role models.                                                                     we do.
                                                                                                                                                We hold the principles of Fairness
                                                  But if there is one aspect of our                                                             and Integrity at the heart of our sport.
                                                  ambition for the future of netball
                                                  that I want to highlight, it’s our                                                            We create opportunities to foster
                                                  commitment to empowerment.                                                                    lifelong Friendship through the
                                                  The power of sport, of women’s                                                                love of netball.
                                                  sport, and of netball in particular,
                                                  to change lives is extraordinary.
                                                  We will continue our work to
                                                  empower women and girls -
                                                  but more than that, we will
                                                  be changing the lives of
                                                  their communities.

                                                            Our Strategic Priorities for 2016-2020 are:
                                                     Governing with Integrity | Thrilling World Class Events
                                                                Empowering through Netball

NETBALL - Monitor Creative
Governing with Integrity
                                                                                    GOAL 1
INF’s fundamental purpose is to           INF remains committed to working
promote, improve and grow netball         with our Membership to promote
                                                                                    Maintain an exemplary
globally, in accordance with the          safeguarding and the welfare of all       Governance Framework
ideals and objects of the Olympic         of our participants including children,
                                                                                    that is the benchmark
and Commonwealth movements.               administrators, technical officials
                                          and coaches.                              for the sport of netball
INF believes in operating with high
standards of transparency and good        As an International Federation, our       KPI:
governance, drawing on a wide             aim is to set the example for our         • Governance framework and policies that are
range of best practice from within        Members in the establishment of             the ‘Best in Sector’ assessed through internal
the sports movement and outside.          good governance practices that              and external benchmarking utilising IOC and
                                          will stand up to the scrutiny of            other appropriate guidelines
The INF Board is accountable, to          all our stakeholders.
our Membership and our other
stakeholders, for ensuring that the       Within our governance systems we
sport of netball is governed and          will continue to create opportunities
regulated with honesty, truth,            for individuals to develop their
equity and reliability.                   leadership potential, so that they        GOAL 2
                                          serve the Federation in a responsible
INF has responsibility to preserve the    and resolute manner that embodies         Engaged and Proactive Members
integrity of netball and to maintain an   our values of excellence, integrity,      and Regional Federations
efficient administration to conduct,      fairness and transparency.
regulate and direct the sport.                                                      KPIs:
                                                                                    • Members and Regional Federations that are clear
                                                                                      on their role and responsibilities within the overall
                                                                                      Governance Framework for netball and are active
“Good governance must be underpinned                                                  and dynamic participants at Congress and
by a strong commitment to integrity,                                                  Regional AGMs and within their local associations
                                                                                    • Member Federations engaged in safeguarding
inclusiveness and accessibility. Today,                                               programmes
more than ever before, culture, values and
behaviours are vital to the performance
and profile of successful organisations.”
                                                                                    GOAL 3

                                                                                    Netball - a drug free sport
                               Kereyn Smith MNZM
                               Chief Executive Officer of the
                                                                                    • No Anti-Doping Rules Violations
                               New Zealand Olympic Committee
                                                                                    • Education programmes that promote drug-free
                               and INF Vice President 2007-2011
                                                                                       sport and celebrate the clean athlete

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“Netball is a thrilling and core highlight
                                                                                                                                GOAL 4
                     of the Commonwealth Games sports
                                                                                                                                Ensure a profitable and engaging
                             programme, with phenomenal                                                                         event portfolio delivered through
                   demand for tickets at Glasgow 2014.                                                                          capable event management
                    However, it’s not only a favourite for                                                                      KPIs:
                              fans, teams and broadcasters;                                                                     • Event income from INF events exceeds
                                                                                                                                   income for 2012-2016
                        it’s an International Federation with                                                                   • Increased sponsorship income
                            an inspiring and diverse outreach                                                                   • Increased player, Member, fan and
                                                                                                                                   spectator satisfaction
                     programme that aligns with the core                                                                        • Increase in worldwide viewership
                     values of the Commonwealth Sports                                                                          • Adherence to the standards defined in the

                            Movement as a whole - creating      Thrilling World Class Events                                       INF Event and Commercial Operation Manual
                                                                                                                                • Transfer of knowledge programme that inspires and
                    peaceful, sustainable and prosperous        INF has a portfolio of high quality international events           prepares our Members and Regional Federations
                                                                including the Netball World Cup, the Netball World                 to become successful future hosts
                                communities through sport.”     Youth Cup and the Fast5 Netball World Series.                   • Growth in regional competitions and national leagues
                                                                INF publishes a calendar of international events that           • Development of alternative forms of the netball game
                                                                includes Member test series and regional competitions.          • Inclusion of netball in the programmes of more
                                                                INF maintains a world ranking system for international             global and regional multisport games
                                                                teams and appoints the match officials for all ranking
                                                                matches from a pool of International Umpires.
                                                                                                                                GOAL 5
                                                                Netball is increasing its profile through its inclusion in
                                                                multisport games such as the ANOCA Youth Games and              Fair and transparent bid process
                                                                the South East Asian (SEA) Games. Netball is a core sport
                                                                in the Commonwealth Games and strives for addition to           KPIs:
                                                                the Olympic programme. INF aims to increase the global          • Continuous improvement of the bid process in line
                                                                reach of the sport and increase the profile and visibility of      with INF requirements and sector best practice
                                                                sports and role models that appeal to women and girls.          • Development of selection criteria that support
                                                                                                                                   the INF Vision and Mission
                                                                Event management and participation in world class
                                                                events provides empowerment opportunities for our
                                                                Members, their administrators, players, coaches and
                                                                officials. Alternative forms of the game such as Fast5,         GOAL 6
                                                                mixed netball, beach netball, walking netball and netball
                                                                for those with a disability ensure we have broad appeal.        World class standards in
                                                                We recognise the appeal of netball to men and boys and          officiating for International Events
                                                                we welcome their growing participation in our sport.
                                                                In the next four year period our events include:
                                                                                                                                • Establish a benchmark for ‘world class officiating’
                                                                Netball World Cup Liverpool 2019                                   and create a target for future years against which
David Grevemberg CBE                                            Qualifiers for the Netball World Cup 2018                          we will measure our performance
                                                                Netball World Youth Cup Gaborone 2017                           • Create a programme to improve the standard
Chief Executive of the
                                                                FAST5 Netball World series Melbourne 2016-18                       of umpiring in all of our regions
Commonwealth Games Federation
                                                                We will be seeking bids for the Netball World Cup 2023,
                                                                Netball World Youth Cup 2021, and FAST5 Netball
                                                                World Series 2019-21.
NETBALL - Monitor Creative
Empowering through Netball                                  GOAL 7                                              GOAL 8
Netball has the power to change lives and inspire           To achieve recognition from                         Effective, frequent and
communities. INF promotes the empowerment of women
                                                            our stakeholders, through our                       meaningful dialogue with all
and girls through its inspirational role models and award
winning development programmes. We partner with
                                                            communications and actions that                     our stakeholders, including INF
governments, national sporting organisations and the        netball, the INF and our Members                    Members, Regional Federations,
sport for development community. Our programmes             are seen as a force for good.                       sponsors, funders, media, key
improve the health and wellbeing of their participants.                                                         global organisations and opinion
                                                            KPI:                                                formers to ensure our activities
                                                            • Measure the percentage of respondents in an
                                                                                                                remain attractive and relevant
                                                               annual stakeholder survey who endorse the
                                                               key statements relating to our vision, mission
                                                                                                                to their developing needs.
                                                               and strategic priorities
                                                                                                                • Annual key stakeholder survey to assess
                                                                                                                   our relevance
                                                                                                                • Congress participation and satisfaction survey
                                                                                                                • Website/social media engagement metrics

                                                                                                                GOAL 9

“Not only has netball empowered                                                                                 A Netball World Development
me to play a sport I love, it has                                                                               Programme in place to grow
                                                                                                                membership and build capacity
given me the gift of seeing the                                                                                 through the regions, particularly in
world outside of Uganda and                                                                                     countries with little or no opportunity
getting an education I could                                                                                    for women and girls to develop
                                                                                                                outside the family home.
only have dreamed of. Through
my journey, I hope I can inspire                                                                                KPIs:
                                                                                                                • 100 Member Federations with a regional
others to harness the power of                                                                                    development manager in each region by 2020
netball in their lives to achieve                                                                                 with associated funding
                                                                                                                • Netball Development partners in place to assist
their dreams too.”                                                                                                in funding and delivery of our programme
                                                                                                                • INF accredited grassroots programmes available
                                                                                                                  for our Members in Governance, Coaching,
                                                                                                                  Officiating, Event Management and
         Peace Proscovia
                                                                                                                  Sports Administration
         Loughborough Lightning                                                                                 • Growth in Members’ grassroots events,
         and Ugandan National Netballer                                                                           local competitions and national leagues

NETBALL - Monitor Creative
Netball in Numbers                                                                                                                                                                         INF Members

                                                                           NETBALL DEMOGRAPHICS**
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Full Members (11) – Botswana, Ghana, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi,
                                                                           UNDER 18                  –        16%                                                                                    Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe

                                                                                                                                                                                                     Associate Members (7) – Burundi, Cameroon, Central African
                                                                            18-25                    –        12%

   90                                   20
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Republic, Ivory Coast, Liberia, Nigeria, Seychelles

                      %                                     %               26-35
                                                                                                              25%                                                     MILLION
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Other Netball Nations (8) – Angola, Egypt, Ethiopia, Gambia,
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Mauritius, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Tanzania

   FEMALE, WITH                         OF RESPONDENTS                      46-55                    –        16%                                                     PARTICIPANTS
   A GROWING MALE                       PLAY MIXED                                                                                                                    WORLDWIDE*
   PARTICIPATION                         NETBALL                             55+                     –        10%                                                                                    Full Members (13) – Argentina, Barbados, Bermuda, Canada,
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Cayman Islands, Grenada, Jamaica, St Kitts & Nevis, St Lucia,
                                                                                                                                                                                                     St Maarten, St Vincent & the Grenadines, Trinidad & Tobago, USA

                                                                                                                                                                                                     Associate Members (2) – Anguilla & Dominica

                                              Netball World Cup 7th – 16th August 2015                                                                                       7.5M+                   Other Netball Nations (18) – Antigua & Barbuda, Aruba,
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Bahamas, Bonaire, British Virgin Isles, Chile, Cuba, Curacao,
                                                                                                                                                                             AUDIENCE                Guyana, Haiti, Paraguay, Peru, Saba, St Eustatius, Uruguay,
                                                                                                                                                                                                     US Virgin Isles, Tortola, Turks & Caicos

                                                            A World record crowd
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Full Members (10) – Australia, Chinese Taipei, Hong Kong, India,

                                                                                                                                                                                                     Malaysia, Pakistan, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, The Maldives

                                                                                                                                                                                                     Associate Members (10) – Afghanistan, Abu Dhabi, Bahrain,
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Brunei, Dubai, Japan, Korea, Nepal, Philippines, Timor Leste
                                                                                                                                                                            AUS                      Other Netball Nations (6) – Iran, Indonesia, Mongolia,
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Myanmar, Saudi Arabia, Vietnam

                                                                                                                                                                     MERCHANDISE SOLD                Full Members (9) – England, Gibraltar, Israel, Malta, Northern
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Ireland, Republic of Ireland, Scotland, Switzerland, Wales

                                                                                                                                                                                                     Associate Members (3) – Denmark, France & Sweden

                                                                                                                                                                                                     Other Netball Nations (7) – Austria, Germany, Italy,
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Netherlands, Spain, Turkey, Ukraine

                     AUS                                    Netball World Cup 7th – 16th August 2015
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Full Members (7) – Cook Islands, Fiji, New Zealand,
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Tonga, Vanuatu
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Associate Members (1) – Solomon Islands
                                                            3,895,935 FACEBOOK REACH                                                                                 HOURS OF TV BROADCAST           Other Netball Nations (1) – Niue
                                                                                                                                                                     IN OVER 100 COUNTRIES

*Over 90% of respondents play traditional netball but they also play these other forms of netball: FAST5, Fastnet ‘nets’, wheelchair, deaf, mixed, beach, walking.
** Demographic from 2016 participation survey.
NETBALL - Monitor Creative
Twitter: @IntNetball
Facebook: @internationalnetballfed

                        INF Affiliations, Sponsors and Partners
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