Neuropsychiatric presentations of pediatrics brain tumors: cases series - Praveen Khairkar, Anand Kakani, Amit Agrawal

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Romanian Neurosurgery | Volume XXX | Number 4 | 2016 | October - December


Neuropsychiatric presentations of pediatrics
brain tumors: cases series

Praveen Khairkar, Anand Kakani, Amit Agrawal

DOI: 10.1515/romneu-2016-0078
Romanian Neurosurgery (2016) XXX 4: 493 – 497 | 493

                                                                        DOI: 10.1515/romneu-2016-0078

          Neuropsychiatric presentations of pediatrics brain
          tumors: cases series

          Praveen Khairkar, Anand Kakani1, Amit Agrawal2
          Department of Psychiatry, Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences, Sevagram, INDIA
           Department of Neurosurgery, Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences, Sawangi (M), Wardha,
           Department of Neurosurgery, Narayana Medical College Hospital, Chinthareddypalem, Nellore,
          Andhra Pradesh, INDIA

          Abstract: Brain tumors constitute the second most common tumors in the pediatric age
          group after the leukemias. Symptoms and signs depend on growth rate of tumor, its
          location in the central nervous system, the extent of peri-tumoral vasogenic edema and
          the age of the child. Most common neuropsychiatric problems reported in children with
          brain tumor(s) include adjustment problems, anxiety disorder, neurocognitive deficits
          and depressive disorder as reported by very few case reports and isolated observational
          data. To the best of our knowledge no similar data or reports are as yet published from
          India on the similar lines. We wish to report case series of neuropsychiatric presentations
          in different types of brain tumors observed at our rural tertiary care multi-speciality
          Key words: Neuropsychiatric manifestations, brain tumors, pediatric

Introduction                                         gliomas, schwannomas and pituitary tumors
   Neoplastic brain tumors may be broadly            are common in adults; however these tumors
divided into two types, namely those                 are rare in children. In children more than
neoplasms that are primary to the brain and          50% of the brain tumours are infratentorial
those that represent metastases from systemic        and embryonal in origin and the common
cancers such as bone or lungs. Brain tumors          tumours are low grade gliomas and primitive
constitute the second most common tumors in          neuroectodermal tumours. (2-3) Gliomas
the pediatric age group after the leukemias. (1)     represent 45 – 50% of all the pediatric primary
Pediatric brain tumors are not similar to adult      brain tumors and are by far the commonest of
tumors in many ways. Childhood brain                 them. (4-5) Symptoms and signs depend on
tumors demonstrate greater histological              growth rate of tumor, its location in the central
variation. In addition, meningioma, malignant        nervous system (CNS), the extent of peri-
494 | Khairkar et al - Neuropsychiatric presentations of pediatrics brain tumor

tumoral vasogenic edema and the age of the            was having cognitive deficit in speech,
child. The overall symptomatology may be              language and memory domains. He had
divided into following domains: headache;             undergone surgical treatment in the form of
non-focal symptoms, focal signs and                   ventriculo-peritoneal shunting and removal of
symptoms and specific syndromes such as               large tumor which was found to be
intellectual deterioration or seizures. (6) The       meningioma.
treatment of these pediatric brain tumors             Case 2
involve only surgery (eg, children with a                 A 5 years old girl presented to psychiatric
pilocytic astrocytoma) or have surgery,               outpatient services with dizziness and
radiation, and intensive chemotherapy (eg,            hypersomnalance along with excessive eating
children with medulloblastoma). (7,8) The             and weight gain. Her BMI was 29.2 and was
overall 5 year survival rate of pediatric cancers     grossly reluctant to go to school (school
increased from 62.9% in 1970’s to 81.5% in            phobia). She was brought to emergency
2001. (9) Most common neuropsychiatric                department when she sustained two episodes
problems reported in children with brain              of consecutive days morning omitting and one
tumor(s) include adjustment problems,                 episode of loss of consciousness precipitated
anxiety disorder, neurocognitive deficits and         by lip-smacking movements, automatism and
depressive disorder as reported by very few           hallucinatory behavior. She was found to have
case reports and isolated observational data.         2 cm of non-enhancing mass at temporal lobe
To the best of our knowledge no similar data          with increased signal intensity on T2 weighted
or reports are as yet published from India. We        image. On mental status examination, she was
report cases series of brain tumor with               found to have moderate depressive disorder
differential neuropsychiatric presentations as        borderline intelligence and binge type eating
seen and illustrated while treating them.             disorder.
                                                      Case 3
Case Vignettes
                                                          8 years old female child was incidentally
Case 1                                                brought to pediatrics department with
    9 years old male child presented with             complaints and difficulty in walking, eye to
insidious onset of dull aching continuous,            hand co-ordination, nystagmus, coarse
headache fronto-temporal region, gait                 tremors, and speech difficulty, reading and
disturbance (magnet in type) and two episodes         arithmetic     problems.     On      physical
of generalized tonic-clonic seizures lasted for       examination, cerebellar signs were grossly
15-30 seconds associated with urinary                 present. MRI brain showed 3 x 4 cm midline
incontinence. His T2 weighted MRI showed 6            cerebral tumor protruding into 4th ventricle
x 7 cm homogenous mass at right fronto-               suggestive of “medulloblastoma”. Her IQ was
parietal region with gadolinium enhancement.          78. She was referred to neurosurgery for
On mental state examination child was                 further treatment.
irritable, sad and pre-occupied with pain and
Romanian Neurosurgery (2016) XXX 4: 493 – 497 | 495

Case 4                                             craniotomy and histopathology showed Grade
    13 years old Male child was brought by his     III Astrocytoma.
parents with presentation of rapid cycling         Case 6
affective disorder (RCAD) since last 6-7               12 years old female presented to ENT
moths. His symptoms of excessive eating,           department with complaining of left sided
excessive sleepiness (18-20 hrs), irritable and    headache, tingling numbness sensations on
labile mood with inability to concentrate on       left half of face, elementary auditory
studies, excessive demands for different           hallucinations, 3-4 episodes of sensory motor
eatables and withdrawal behavior, becoming         seizures without secondary generalizations.
aggressive when confronted by family               Her MRI brain showed left parietal 32 x 36 mm
members to restrict his food, sleep or to focus    heterogenous density non-enhancing mass.
on study. He would remain better                   The diagnosis of organic schizophreniform
spontaneously for 1-2 wks and again continue       psychosis secondary to brain tumor was
to have similar semiology of symptoms in the       considered. She underwent craniotomy and
cyclic pattern. He could not go to school          her histopathology showed that it was indolent
during his symptomatic phase. On                   gangliocytoma containing both neural and
examination, he was found to have bitemporal       glial elements.
hemianopia. His MRI brain showed calcified 2
                                                   Case 7
x 2 cm two discrete nodules, one at
                                                      A 9 year old male child was diagnosed as
hypothalamus and other at left anterior
                                                   acute lymphoblastic leukemia. He underwent
cingulated gyrus. His RCAD was effectively
                                                   3 cycles of recommended chemotherapy
treated with sodium valporate 600 mg per day,
                                                   predominantly intravenous and intrathecal
with Olanzepine 5 mg per day and was
                                                   methotrexate. Further he received about 1800
subsequently referred to the department of
                                                   cGy cranial irradiation as part of CNS
                                                   prophylaxis. Thereafter he had been observed
Case 5                                             to be in complete remission for about a year.
    A 6 years old male child was brought to        However, he was referred from school to
emergency pediatrics department with               psychiatric services for newly developed
complaints of Acute Onset of Paroxysmal            problems in reading and arithmetic skills,
episodes of 4-5 convulsive seizures began from     paroxysms of panic attacks, nightmares and
the right half of the extremity and involved       wish to die which were quite prominent and
whole body, followed by post-ictal confusion       were unlike to his premorbid self.
and state of flaccidity. His MRI showed left
                                                   Case 8
temporo-parietal 65 x 57 mm low intensity
                                                      A 5 year old male child presented to
non-enhancing homogenous mass. On mental
                                                   pediatrician with 3-4 month history of
status examination he was found to have
                                                   morning vomiting, gait disturbance and
fearfulness, forgetfulness, insomnia and
                                                   excruciating headache at occipital region with
perceptuo-cognitive deficit. He underwent
496 | Khairkar et al - Neuropsychiatric presentations of pediatrics brain tumor

crying spells and insomnia. His headache had          tumors in adult are not practically possible or
not responded to NSAID’s prescribed by local          documented. Mania may uncommonly occur
physician. His MRI brain showed 4 x 7 cm,             with       tumors        of     mesencephalon,
homogenous, hyperintensity, non-enhancing             hypothalamus, cingulate gyrus or frontal lobe;
mass in cerebellar region involving vermis            similarly psychosis may occur with tumors
suggestive of cerebellar astrocytoma. He              most commonly of the temporal lobe followed
underwent successful extensive surgical               by frontal lobe and corpus callosum. (11, 13)
resection. His histology showed pilocytic                 Unlike in adults with brain tumors in
tumor with biphasic pattern with varying              whom the wide spectrum of neuropsychiatric
proportions of bipolar cells with Rosenthal           presentations are being reported; the focus in
fibers and loose multipolar cells with                pediatric age group has been largely on issues
microcysts. On day 2 post-operatively he              of adjustment, emotional and mood disorder
developed delirium, hyperactive type                  and cognitive impairment. (11,14) However,
secondary to infection/hypoxemia/anemia. He           in our case series we observed evolution and
remained hospitalized in intensive care unit          persistence of sleep disorders, psychosis,
for next two weeks and recovered completely.          delirium, eating disorder, rapid cycling
                                                      affective disorder and panic attacks in addition
Discussion                                            to previously documented presentations.
    Brain tumour is probably one of the most          Finally, neuropsychiatric presentations in
terrifying diagnoses, a child and his or her          children with brain tumor commonly changes
loved ones will ever hear. The degree of              over the course of illness and depends on
psychological emotional expressiveness in             medical, psychological and social factors: the
children with brain tumor (s) and its possible        disease itself (i.e., site, symptoms, clinical
effect on prognosis have been the subject of          course, side effects of chemotherapeutic agents
interest of a large body of literature. Few           or radiations); prior levels of adjustment; the
descriptive case reports noted shorter survival       threat that cancer poses to attaining age
both in adolescent and adult patients with            appropriate developmental tasks and goals;
depressed, resigning attitude compared with           cultural, religious and spiritual attitude;
patients who were able to express more                presence of emotionally supportive persons or
negative emotions, such as anger. 10 Frontal          caregivers; the potential for psychological and
lobe tumors in children is often accompanied          physical rehabilitation; and finally child’s
by apathy, dullness and somnolence. (11)              temperament and coping style as well as prior
Tumors of thalamus and hypothalamus may               experience with loss.
also cause intellectual deterioration along with
additional symptoms like hypersomnolence,             Correspondence
                                                      Dr. Amit Agrawal
weight gain or diabetes insipidus. (11, 12)
                                                      Professor of Neurosurgery
Development of dementia or personality
                                                      Department of Neurosurgery
changes which is often seen in frontal lobe
Romanian Neurosurgery (2016) XXX 4: 493 – 497 | 497

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